Requirements IN R.L.E. (PNP General Hospital) : College of Nursing
Requirements IN R.L.E. (PNP General Hospital) : College of Nursing
Requirements IN R.L.E. (PNP General Hospital) : College of Nursing
College of Nursing
Group 17-A
Drug Study
Generic Name Brand Name Classification Therapeutic Actions Indications: Contraindications Adverse Effects Nursing
Hyoscine-N- Buscopan Antispasmodic; Acts by interfering Buscopan Tablets Buscopan Tablets CNS: dizziness, Drug
butylbromide Anticholinergic with the are indicated for should not be anaphylactic compatibility
transmission of the relief of spasm administered to reactions, should be
nerve impulses by of the genito- patients with anaphylactic shock, monitored closely
acetylcholine in the urinary tract or myasthenia gravis, increased ICP, to patients requiring
parasympathetic gastro- intestinal megacolon and disorientation, adjunctive therapy.
nervous system. tract and for the narrow angle restlessness, Avoid driving
and operating
symptomatic relief glaucoma. In irritability,
machinery after
of addition, they dizziness,
Irritable Bowel should not be given drowsiness, administration.
Syndrome to patients with a headache, Avoid strict heat.
known confusion, Raise side rails as
hypersensitivity to hallucination, a precaution
hyoscine-N- delirium, impaired because some
butylbromide or memory patients become
any other CV: hypotension, temporarily excited
component of tachycardia, or disoriented and
the product. palpitations, some develop
flushing amnesia or
GI: Dry mouth, become drowsy
constipation, Reorient patient,
nausea, epigastric as needed,
distress Tolerance my
DERM: flushing, developed when
dyshidrosis therapy is
GU: Urinary prolonged.
retention, urinary Atropine-like
hesitancy toxicity may cause
Resp: dyspnea, dose related
bronchial plugging, adverse reactions.
depressed Individual tolerance
respiration may varies greatly.
EENT: mydriasis, Overdose may
dilated pupils, cause curare-like
blurred vision, effects such as
photopobia, respiratory
increased paralysis. Keep
intraocular emergency
pressure, equipment
difficulty of available.