Sbi Challan
Sbi Challan
Sbi Challan
Challan for remittance of application fee Challan for remittance of application fee Challan for remittance of application fee
for Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited for Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited for Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Recruitment of Supervisor Trainees - 2010 Recruitment of Supervisor Trainees - 2010 Recruitment of Supervisor Trainees - 2010
“Power Jyothi Account No. 31325460299 “Power Jyothi Account No. 31325460299 “Power Jyothi Account No. 31325460299
at SBI Mukundarayapuram (Code 7013) at SBI Mukundarayapuram (Code 7013) at SBI Mukundarayapuram (Code 7013)
Applicant’s Name (to be filled by the applicant) Applicant’s Name (to be filled by the applicant) Applicant’s Name (to be filled by the applicant)
Processing Fee: Rs. 300/- Processing Fee: Rs. 300/- Processing Fee: Rs. 300/-
Bank Charges : Rs. 25/- Bank Charges : Rs. 25/- Bank Charges : Rs. 25/-
Total : Rs. 325/- Total : Rs. 325/- Total : Rs. 325/-
(Rs. Three Hundred Twenty Five only) (Rs. Three Hundred Twenty Five only) (Rs. Three Hundred Twenty Five only)
Signature of the Signature of the authorised Signature of the Signature of the authorised Signature of the Signature of the authorised
Remitter Official with branch seal Remitter Official with branch seal Remitter Official with branch seal
* Branch should collect Rs.25 extra (total Rs.300 + Rs.25 = * Branch should collect Rs.25 extra (total Rs.300 + Rs.25 = * Branch should collect Rs.25 extra (total Rs.300 + Rs.25 =
325 from the remitter as bank charges and to be credited to 325 from the remitter as bank charges and to be credited to 325 from the remitter as bank charges and to be credited to
the branch commission account. the branch commission account. the branch commission account.
Branch should write the branch name, Br.Code, Journal No. Branch should write the branch name, Br.Code, Journal No. Branch should write the branch name, Br.Code, Journal No.
& Date of remittance invariably and hand over both the & Date of remittance invariably and hand over both the & Date of remittance invariably and hand over both the
BHEL’s copy and applicant’s copy to the remitter, duly BHEL’s copy and applicant’s copy to the remitter, duly BHEL’s copy and applicant’s copy to the remitter, duly
signed. signed. signed.
Last date for online submission of application 20/09/2010 Last date for online submission of application 20/09/2010 Last date for online submission of application 20/09/2010