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We define some words to shorten the puley. Thi
makes it easier (0 read and understand. Defined
Words are printed in boldface italies. You can pick
them out easily,
Bodily Injury ~ means bodily injury 10 a person
dled? uisease or death which results for i
Car ~ means a land motor vehicle with four or more
‘wheels, which is designed for use mainly on public
roads. It does not include:
1. any vehicle while Toeated for use as a
‘welling of other premises, or
2, a ttuck-tractor designed to pull a trailer or
Car Business ~ means a business or job where the
purpose is to test, road test, sell, lease, repair, ser
Vice, transport, store or park land motor vehicles or
Insured ~ means the person, persons or organiza.
tion defined as insureds in the specific coverage. If
the information you have provided State Farm is
incorrect or incomplete, oF changes during the pol
iy period, State Farm may decrease or increase the
premium dunng the poliey period as set out in the
provision titled Premium of the Conditions section
Df this policy
Loss ~ defined in Sections IV and V.
Newly Acquired Car — means a replacement car or
aan additional car.
Replacement Car ~ means a ear newly owned
Fylor newly laned to you or our spouse that
oplaces your ear. ‘Ths policy wil only pro
‘ide coverage forthe replacement ear i You ot
‘your spouse
1. ask us to insure it within 30 days after
itsdelivery to you oe your spouse: and
pay us any added amount due.
Addiipnal Car aeons nae car newly
Gained by. oF newly teased 10 ow oF your
Spouse. ‘This policy will only provide coverage
Thrthe additional car it
|. itis private passenger ear and we
Insure al" otker: private. passenger
itis other than a private passenger ear
and weinsuealfcars
owned by of leased to you oF your spouse on
the date of ls delivery to you oF your spouse
This policy provides coverage for the adic
tional ear only until the earlier of:
1.12.01 AM, Standard Tne at the a
ress shown on the declarations page
Gir ihe Stat day ater the deliver) of
the ear to you or your spouse: oF
the effective date and time of a policy
iRSoed by us or-any ‘other company
that describes the ear on its declara
tons page
You or your spouse may apply for a policy that
will provide coverage beyond the 30th day for
the additional ear. Such policy will be issued
only if both the applicant and the vehicle are
eligible for coverage atthe time of application.
It a newly acquired car is not otherwise afforded
‘comprehensive or collision coverage by this or any
‘other policy. this policy will provide the compre:
hensive or collision coverage not otherwise pro-
vided for the newly acquired car. If such coverage
is provided by this paragraph, it will apply only
tuntil 12:01 A. M, Standard Time at the address
shown on the declarations page on the sixth day
After the delivery of the ear to you or your spouse.
‘Any comprehensive or collision coverage provided
by this paragraph ts subject to a deductible of $500.
Non-Owned Car ~ means a ear not owned by, reg:
istered to oF leased t0
1. you, your spouse:
2. any relative unless at the time of the acci
dent or Loss
a. the ear currently is or has within the
Tast 30 days been insured for liability
jeoverage: and
985the driver is an insured who does not
‘own of lease the ear;
3. any other person residing in the same
household as you, ‘your spouse of any
4. an employer of you, your spouse or any
Nononned cards inch, ear which has
en operated or rented by’ of nthe possession ol
an insured during any pan of each ofthe tant 1 or
more consceutve days Ifthe insured fan vared
Under ome or: mee oer car poles tsaed by ee
the 21° day timit is increased by an additional 21
days foreach such adttonal policy.
A nonowned ear must bea ear inthe lawful pos-
Satin of the person operating
Occupying ~ mens in on emerng of aiping
Person — means a human being
Private Passenger Car~ means a car:
1. with four wheels:
2. of the private passenger or station wagon
3. designed solely to carry persons and their
Relative ~ as used in Sections 1, 1, TV and V means
«person related Wo you oF your spouse by bloud,
marriage or adoption who fesides. primarily with
oe Iino Your" unarried and emancipated
itd away at school
‘As used in Section TIL, relative means a person re
lated to you ot your spouse by blood, tharriage oF
adoption who resides primarily with you or your
spouse. It includes your unmarried aid unemanct-
pated child away at schoo!
Spouse — as used in Sections I. Il, IV and V means
your husband or wile who resides primarily with
As used in Section I, spouse means your husbas
Temporary Substiate Car ~ means a car not owned
red to of leased t9 you or Jour spouse it
Wreplaces your ear ora shat time Ms eee hs to
be wih the consent ofthe owner, Tour ea hast be
gar of une du ris eakdown, ropa src.
lamage or fs. A temporary tubsthelé car is 8
considered a non-owned car.
Utility Vehicle ~ means a motor vehicle with
1. apickup, panel or van body: and
2. a Gross Vehicle Weight of 10,000 pounds
fr less
You or Your ~ means the named insured or named
insureds shown on the declarations pagel
Your Car ~ means the car or the vehicle described
‘on the declarations page.
We,the Sate Farm Matul AutomobiteInurance
Company, agree to insure you accovding: 10 the
terme ofthis policy based” *
1. on sour agreement 1 pay the required
premium for the coverages you chose! and
in reliance on your statements in these
You agree, by acceptance of this policy that
1. the statements in these declarations are
Sour staements and are true and
‘we insure you on the basis your statements
se tuct and
this policy contains all of the agreements
between you and us or any of oufagents
Unless otherwise stated in the exceptions space on
the declarations page. your statements are
J. Ownership. You are the sole owner of your
2, Insurance and License History, Neither
you nor any member of your household
‘within the past three years has hi
vehicle insurance canceled by an in
b. a livense to drive or vehicle registra
tion suspended, revoked or fefused,
3. Use. Your car is used for pleasure and