The Important Role of Newspaper and Magazines in Our Lives

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The important role of newspaper and magazines in our lives

The more society is developed the more means of communication are

required. Among means of communication, newspaper and magazines
play an important role in our lives.

Firstly, newspapers and magazines supply us with a variety of news

every day. They keep us informed of the political situation of the world.
By reading newspapers and magazines we can know what is happening
in our country as well as in the world at large.

Secondly, newspaper and magazines contribute a great deal to the

development of our knowledge. Through valuable and subtle critical and
commentary articles on culture, social civilization, new life style we
learn a lot of interesting things. Thanks to newspapers and magazines,
our mind and point of view are consolidated and enriched. When
reading them we can train our reasoning power.

Thirdly, through newspapers and magazines reading, we can find out

what we need to know: a job in the situations vacant column, an object
we want to buy in the advertising page, a missing relative in the finding
missing relative column and condolence news in the agony column.

Fourthly, the Police Newspapers and Magazines help us take

precautious against social evils such as theft, murder, robbery, rape,
gambling and smuggling.

Fifthly, we can improve our English language by reading newspapers

and magazines written in English. This enables us to broaden our
knowledge of English in every aspect.

In conclusion, well-grounded and best-selling newspapers and

magazines are worth reading. They are the mouthpiece of the nation
andThe importance of newspaper
Talk about the importance of newspaper

The newspaper, today, plays a vital role in human affairs. Its importance
has not been diminished by the appearance of the radio or the
television. Men no longer have travel to get information. The newspaper
has become the main source of information. The newspaper has become
the main source of information about local and foreign affairs. Though
the radio and television convey important news and messages quicker
than the newspaper, they seldom give the details of an incident. The
newspaper, on the other hand, gives not only more detail about a
particular incident but it also contains more new items. This is greatly
important today when political changes occur with rapidity unknown
before. Besides, the newspaper is easier to carry and it could be read at
any time during the day. Further, the permanence of the printed word
helps one to refresh one’s memory of certain facts and incidents
reported in the past.

The importance of newspaper has been increased greatly by the spread

of education. Education sharpens one’s curiosity about events in distant
lands and also makes one conscious of the necessity to maintain one’s
reading habits. In both respects the newspaper appeals most, especially
if one finds little time to read books.

The newspaper should, however, be read with caution, for its capacity to
do harm is great. Most people believe everything that is reported by the
newspaper. As a result, the newspaper exerts a profound influence on
the minds of reader. Therefore, when some news is reported wrongly
either by mistake or design, it may cause a lot of harm. One the other
hand, if the policy of the newspaper is to promote the welfare of the
people, it could do a lot of good. For example, it could exercise its
influence to persuade the government of a country to do many things for
the benefit of the people. In a country like Malaysia, where there are
many races of people, the newspaper could also use its influence to
promote good-will and harmony among the people. It is therefore
important to know the policy of the newspaper that one reads.

In general, however, the newspaper tries to report as accurately as

possible, for there are various magazines and periodicals competing
with the newspaper to provide accurate information on world
developments, and it is the newspaper that links us with the outside
the unseen advisers of the common people.
Importance of reading nwspapr:

As the name suggests newspapers are a source of news and information.

In several respects they are also a medium of communication among the
peoples of the world.

Today there are hundreds of newspapers all over the world.

Everywhere there is a keen desire to learn more and more about the
affairs of the world. This is partly the result of the spread of education
which sharpens one’s curiosity to learn about distant lands.

As a source of news, the newspaper is almost indispensable to those

whose thirst for knowledge is insatiable. They contain news on events in
distant corners of the earth. Information about such events arrives
almost immediately. As a result, people everywhere are informed about
the most important event in the world very quickly and almost at the
same time. For example, if a war breaks out in one part of the world
today, the people in the other parts will certainly come to know about it
tomorrow. As a result, all the countries of the world are able to do
something quickly to help those who have suffered because of the war
or to persuade the countries at war to cease fighting.

Newspaper also play an important part in keeping the people of the

world informed about the troubles that might arise in the future, if
nothing is done to prevent them from happening. For example, if a
dispute arises between the two countries for any reason, the
newspapers can keep the people of the world informed about what
might happen if nothing is done to persuade the two countries to
resolve their differences peacefully.
In this way many wars have been avoided because of the intervention of
some countries in the disputes of many countries which were given
prominence in newspapers.

When all this is considered, we feel that there is some silent

communication among countries through the medium of newspapers
for the common benefit of the countries of the world.

Further, constant reading of newspapers improves one’s outlook on life

and makes one a more reasonable person. The importance of the
newspaper is therefore obvious
Walter Cronkite, the former CBS News anchor, known affectionately as ‘Uncle
Walter’, stated a couple decades ago that his news show only skimmed the
headlines, and for the public to get a more complete view of the world they needed
to read their morning newspaper.  His idea was sound when he first said it, and it
is just as accurate today.  Newspapers should play an integral part of a citizen’s
daily life.  But with the internet and  changes in how America spends its free time,
newspapers are suffering in readership.

It seems every month that layoffs in newsrooms of some large paper are reported

taking place in this country.  Classified ad sales have plummeted up to $100 million
in the past three years, while some of those same metropolitan newspapers have
lost 10% of their circulation in that same time period.  For folks like me who enjoy
newspapers and understand the role they play in our democracy, these numbers
are unsettling.

One of the reasons that I fear the decline in newspapers is because of the role they
play in keeping our government accountable to the public.  When the Pentagon
Papers became page one, above the fold material in the New York Times in 1971,
the citizenry became better informed about the role of our government in defense
and foreign affairs in Southeast Asia.  President Nixon was apoplectic in the White
House (his tapes prove this) over newspapers printing this material.  But the NYT
and other papers understood their role in our democracy, and fought in court for
the right to report this story, finally winning in the United States Supreme Court,
on behalf of the nation.

Newspapers alone had the ability to showcase the depth of the story with
countless column inches, while TV and radio were left to short stories and broad
brushstrokes.   Today the public is still best served by newspapers digging for the
truth.  CBS’s Bob Schieffer recently paid special comments to Washington Post
reporter, Dana Priest, for her dogged determination as an intrepid reporter
by bringing the Walter Reed Army medical story to the nation’s consciousness.  It
was again the case that the amount of time required to investigate a story of such
magnitude, and the space needed to adequately report it, could only be found in a

I understand that to a large segment of the public this post means nothing.  And yet
it should. 

I have long thought that every child should have a newspaper at home to look at
and understand.  Kids should be able to get their hands smudged from the ink, and
smell the result of the printing press.  I think it essential to have our kids better
educated about the faces and issues that make up our world.  I also think that a
better understanding of the news process, which is visible every day through the
pages of good newspapers, will allow them to be better news consumers as adults. 
And with the world in their view those kids will become better citizens, and voters
as a result.

I know of what I preach.  I grew up in a home without TV until the age of 13, but
did have a daily newspaper to read.  (My siblings and I were early readers.) When
my friends went home after school to watch re-runs on TV, I grabbed the paper
and laid on the davenport (friends tell me to leave that term behind) to explore the
world.  As a young child I was often more confused than entertained.  To counter
that my parents bought a large atlas, and so when names like Pakistan and Russia
were in a news story I would lay on the floor with the paper spread out, and the
atlas open, and find the locations for the stories.

I know that sounds ‘geeky’ but it was my world.   As a result I know I am better
person because of that newspaper and how it taught me to be interested in the

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