Alcyone 2
Alcyone 2
Alcyone 2
Lives of Alcyone
Part 2 ( Lives 16 to 30 )
By Annie Besant & C. W. Leadbeater
Life XVI
Our hero’ s destiny here brings him into the midst of another
of those easy going civilisations that were so common in the world
before the modern spirit introduced its uncomfortable doctrine of the
necessity for living always at high pressure. Though we find him now
at the antipodes, he is in the same sub-race as in Ireland in the
thirteenth life, and the conditions have much in common. The
climate is much better, so that the settlements are no longer
confined to the sunny sides of the hills. Crops are far larger and fruit
is more plentiful, and life generally is easier in all respects. But the
race displays its characteristics, its love for the open air, its
realisation of the proximity of the unseen world, its sun-worship, and
its distaste for temples made with hands.
The men of this fifth sub-race had entered the country only a
few centuries before, dispossessing tribes who were apparently a
mixture of Turanian and Lemurian stock. These aborigines had
offered no serious resistance to the invaders, but had retired to the
hills and the less accessible parts of the country, where they still
existed in large numbers. There was little intercourse between the
two races, except that in various places small groups of the
Turanians abandoned their unfriendly attitude and came and made
settlements in the immediate neighbourhood of the white men, for
whom they were usually willing to work when required. The untamed
part of this earlier race was regarded with horror and aversion,
chiefly because of the peculiarly objectionable form of their religion,
happy and simple one, with no striking events, and at the end of it
Alcyone passed peacefully away at the elevated age of eighty-eight.
Chart XVI
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Kara -Radius
Viola -Forma Iota -Ullin
Upaka -Inca
Colos -Apollo
Euphra -Pallas Daphne -Obra
Norma -Thor
Cyr -Clio
Fabius -Theseus
Alcyone -Surya
Walter -Beren
Atlas -Draco
Osiris -Beatus Iris -Tiphys
Polaris -Argus
Vulcan -Selene
Dolphin -Judex
Pindar -Orpheus
Mizar -Sirius Bee -Kim Juno -Pisces
Dactyl -Lutea
Phoenix -Diana
Brihat -Percy
Sagitta -Melete
Gimel -Fides
Aquilla -Ajax Lomia -Olaf
Jupiter -Viraj Obra -Daphne
Flora -Orca
Koli -Egeria
Beren -Walter
Diana -Phoenix
Leto -Sif Magnus -Nestor
Holly -Clare
Ajax -Aquilla
Chrys -Dido
Ara -Jerome
Percy -Brihat Jason -Canopus
Pepin -Telosa
Spes -Mira
Ulysses -Mars
Aries -Bella
Spica -Castor Melete -Sagitta
Amal -Gaspar
Neptune -Vega Myna -Betel
Rector -Lyra Rhea -Laxa
Quies -Psyche
Auson -Flos
Pearl -Dhruva
Rosa -Erato Forma -Viola
Melpo -Alba
Arcor -Auriga
Elsa -Echo
Orpheus -Pindar
Madhu -Nimrod
Ronald -Wences Dharma -Lotus
Demeter -Saturn Yodha -Pavo
Uchcha -Ivan
Andro -Beth
Lili -Cento
Tolosa -Pepin
Algol -Kamu
Thor -Norma
Chart XVI
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Betel -Myna
Telema -Theo Orca -Flora
Flos -Auson
Castor -Spica
Trefoil -Altair
Bruce -Eros
Alces -Taurus Herakles -Albireo Sappho -Udor Jerome -Ara
Lobelia -Xanthos
Laxa -Rhea
Sif -Leto
Xanthos -Lobelia
Sextans -Hebe
Psyche -Quies Cygnus -Scotus
Aqua -Aulus
Clare -Holly
Achilles -Capella
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Ushas -Noel
Calyx -Yajna Nanda -Roxana
Joan -Phra
Vizier -Onyx
Sita -Chanda
Baldur -Odos
Argus -Polaris
Venus -Rama
Taurus -Alces Leo -Aurora Nicos -Ixion
Sirius -Mizar Wences -Ronald
Nestor -Magnus
Corona -Kos
Aulus -Aqua
Zeno -Alex
Vajra -Arthur Hebe -Sextans
Canopus -Jason
Fort -Priam
Beatus -Osiris
Kim -Bee
Vesta -Mercury
Alex -Zeno
Atheno -Cassio Mira -Spes Altair -Trefoil
Bella -Aries
Gasper -Amal
Libra -Lignus
Lyra -Rector Hector -Gnostic Arthur -Vajra
Udor -Sappho
Concord -Parthe
Draco -Atlas
Egeria -Koli Nita -Zoe
Judex -Dolphin
Alba -Melpo
Chart XVI
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Dome -Leopard
Priam -Fort
Ida -Dora
Theo -Telema
Albireo -Herakles
Xalon -Bootes
Alma -Stella Boreas -Phocea
Hygeia -Pomo
Aglaia -Adrona
Zama -Gluck Camel -Thetis
Cetus -Sirona Phocea -Boreas
Bootes -Xulon
Capri -Vale
Apis -Lacey
Tripos -Pollux Alastor -Cancer
Pyx -Markab
Zephyr -Abel
Adrona -Aglaia Vale -Capri
Markab -Pyx
was at that time about eleven years of age. On one of the great
religious festivals she took him with her to the principal temple,
where many thousands of people were gathered to join in the
celebrations. She found herself in the arena of the vast
amphitheatre, near the foot of the central pyramid. She had just
been joining in a mighty chant or song invoking their deity—a most
impressive and magnetic performance when so many thousands of
voices took part in it—when the chief priest Scorpio came out of the
inner shrine and stood in front of its door gazing sternly upon the
crowd. Spica was acutely conscious that he was pouring out the
much dreaded mesmeric influence, and she soon felt that his eye
was resting especially upon her, and that he was using all his arts to
induce her to come up the steps and offer her son to him as a
servant of the temple. Knowing full well what his fate in that case
would be, she called up all her reserves of will-power, and resisted
with all her strength, clasping the boy to her side in the earnestness
of her endeavour to protect him. Her will, however, was far less
trained than that of Scorpio, and in spite of her superhuman efforts,
she presently found herself moving towards him up the steps,
drawing with her the frightened yet fascinated boy.
“ You wish to offer this boy to us for the service of the high
gods ?” inquired Scorpio.
Spica felt herself forced to mutter some indistinct
acquiescence, and Scorpio, with a triumphant leer of lust and
cruelty, solemnly accepted the gift in the name of his deities, took
Fides by the hand and led him into the shrine, while Spica rushed
blindly down the steps and forced her way somehow through the
crowd. As soon as she was out of the immediate influence of
Scorpio she realised fully the horror of what she had done; but,
though full of grief and despair, she knew well that it was useless for
her to return, for under the gaze of those evil eyes she would be
able to say nothing. For sometime she wandered about in the park
outside the great amphitheater, heart-broken and scarcely able to
think, but at last she made up her mind to seek her father the King
and place her case before him and beg for his intervention.
She found him in those apartments of the place which were
specially appropriated to his eldest son, and she told her tale to him
in the presence of Sirius and Electra and their family. The anger of
the King was aroused, and his voice was deep and stern as he said
to them:
“ Of a surety this is too much; must they lay their vile hands
even upon a member of my own family?”
He was about to say more, but was checked by the uprising of
Alcyone, who suddenly stood in front of him with a regal
commanding air quite foreign to her usual nature, and began
speaking rapidly in ringing measured tones:
“ The time has come, O King,” she said. “ The years of this
tyranny are fulfilled. For many centuries the night has brooded over
this land, growing ever darker and darker; but now at last the dawn
shall come. It is your hand, O King, that must free your people from
this curse, and this evil priesthood of demons must be destroyed
root and branch, and its power removed for ever. Send first ,O King,
and demand the return of your grandson; and when that is refused,
as it will be, arise in your might and proclaim that by long-continued
wickedness and, cruelty this priesthood has forfeited its power, and
that you, as King and father to your people, take over the priestly
power to yourself and your descendents for ever. Make this your
decree, and send your soldiers to enforce it, and your people will
hail you with acclamation as their deliverer from intolerable wrong.
Strong indeed are hate and fear, yet love is stronger still. And if you
will take this boldly in hand, and do right and justice, fearing nothing,
your name shall be acclaimed through many generations, and your
people shall live free and happy under you as their father upon
earth, even as God is their father in heaven.”
King Mars sat in silent astonishment, watching the delivery of
this spirited address by the gentle and usually silent Alcyone, and
the family stood round her in equal amazement. But Sirius said:
“ It is not he who has spoken, but some Great One; father
and King, the advice is good advice, and she has indicated the
wisest way, “ Seize that man, and bind him and all his followers;
and see that he utters no more treason against the name of our lord
the King.”
The order was at once carried out, and Sirius with him to
surround the amphitheater and took a squadron of soldiers with him
to surround the great monastery close by. That was quickly done,
and the startled priests were made prisoners before they knew what
was happening. There were some murmurs from amongst the
crowd, but when Sirius faced them and held up the King’ s signet,
the people bowed their heads and went silently away, marvelling
much at the strange things that were happening.
Then Sirius called before him the warden of the monastery,
and demanded to know what had been done with Fides. The warden
denied all knowledge of any person, but as Sirius quietly remarked
that if he was not then and there produced every Priest in the
monastery would be instantly beheaded and the place burnt to the
ground, the warden’ s memory returned to him and he sullenly
indicated the way to the novice’ s department. Sirius strode along
the echoing corridors with a strong force of soldiers at his back, and
presently found his frightened nephew, in a room along with four
other boys who had been obtained from their parents that same day
in the same nefarious manner. They were in charge of a heavy-
faced monk, who raised an indignant protest against the invasion,
but was quickly silenced. Sirius drew Fides to him and asked how he
felt; but the boy was evidently dazed and unable to answer clearly.
When Sirius tried to draw him away he resisted in some clumsy
way, as though acting in his sleep or under the influence of some
drug, and eventually Sirius found it necessary to lift him in his arms
and carry him in that way from that ill-omened house. The other
boys were removed in the same way by some of the soldiers, and all
of them were taken to the palace, where Spica was overjoyed to
hold in her arms once more the son whom she had thought
irretrievably lost. True, he did not seem to know her, and tried rather
to avoid her embraces, or at best passively endured them; but at
least she had him with her once more, and she hoped presently to
be able to cure him of this strange malady.
Meanwhile the news of all this was spreading, and the town
was becoming somewhat unquiet. But King Mars, who in the
meantime had gathered together almost a whole division of his
army, had already dispatched detachments to invest all the other
monasteries in the neighbourhood, and to imprison their Priests, and
at the same time he sent forth heralds to announce in all the public
squares and gardens of the city that he required all his loyal subjects
that vast crowd clear back to the walls of the amphitheatre, and then
to the thousands outside who had been unable to enter. And truly,
as all, rich and poor alike, though there were many among them who
wondered whether indeed this thing could be really true, and
whether perchance the old and the evil gods would not presently
take strange vengeance upon them.
There was but little fighting, for the priests in the provincial
towns, when they heard how their whole hierarchy in the capital had
been stricken down at one fell blow, made haste to yield
themselves, and though here and there was some little opposition,
in a very short time all was quelled, and in the remoter districts also
the people began to rejoice in their strange new freedom from
Altogether there had been a large number of Priests and
monks, and hangers-on of the monasteries. All these the King
brought together, and when they were assembled from all parts of
the country in the capital city, he sent Sirius to make a proclamation
to them. He told them that they must quite clearly understand that
their evil reign was over once and for all, that he had no confidence
in those who had been Priests and leaders in that evil faith, and that
if they were found again within its borders they would be instantly
put to death. To the monks and the rabble of attendants he gave a
choice; he told them that they could, if they wished, accompany their
masters into exile, or if they chose to take up some honest trade
they might have an opportunity to prove themselves good citizens;
but that they must clearly understand that the old order of things was
definitely past, and past for ever, and that any attempt to revive it
would be instantly and finally crushed.
The Priests, with Scorpio at their head, were consequently
driven over to the southern frontiers and left to make their way as
best they could among savage tribes, where presently they carved
out for themselves a tract of country, and became a small separate
community with whose fortunes we have no further concern. Some
few Priests there were who, being filled with hatred and malice
against the King, pretended to have been merely monks, and so
obtained leave to stay behind in Mexico. Among those were Cancer,
Lacey and Tripos, who had brought ever into this life the hatred of
Mars which they had acquired in New Zealand seven hundred years
before; and after a short time these people made an abortive
attempt at organising a rebellion, the avowed object of which was to
bring back Scorpio, depose Mars, and form some kind of
ecclesiastical government to rule over the country. This plot,
however, was happily discovered and nipped in the bud, and the
three principal promoters thereof were again executed.
The change in the country was marvellous, and the people
blossomed out like flowers under its influence. For a long time they
seemed hardly able to believe in their freedom, and a sort of popular
song or recitation was composed, of which the burden was “ Never
“ Never again,” it said, “ shall blood flow upon the alters;
never again shall our children be torn from our arms; never again
shall our property be stolen from us; never again shall we suffer
unnamable horrors in the name of those devils whom we took for
Gods; never, never again.”
In the midst of all this general rejoicing Spica’ s heart was full
of sorrow for though indeed her son had been rescued from the
power of Scorpio, his mind was clouded and the evil influence was
still strong upon him. She heard from one of those who had been
monks, who was therefore acquainted with the nefarious mesmeric
powers of Scorpio, that one who had once come under his control
could never break away from it again, but most inevitably pass
through the various stages of degradation which ended in
vampirism. Much horrified at this, she carried her case once more
before her father the King, but he had to confess himself powerless
in this matter, knowing nothing as to how to deal with it. He spoke
with great kindness to his daughter, and showed much sympathy
and sorrow, but yet he knew not what to advise. At last he turned
suddenly to Alcyone and said to her:
“ Daughter, through you there came to us the advice which
has saved my kingdom, and has freed it for ever from the powers of
evil. Can it be that in this case also you can come to our assistance,
and rid this poor suffering boy of evil, even as you have done for the
country as a whole?”
Then the power seized once more, and she arose and said:
“ O King, the power of evil is terrible indeed, and to oppose it
may well mean the rending asunder of body and soul. Yet it must be
opposed, even though the victim die, because if we do not oppose it,
then is he lost not for this time only but for all time, for never again
can he free himself from the downward course of the vampire. I
cannot tell what the result may be, yet must I set him free even
though in doing so I may destroy his body.”
So she turned upon her shrinking nephew, and raised her
hands in the air above his head, and cried aloud: “ In the Name of
the Great Father of all, let this curse depart from thee!”
The boy uttered a terrible cry and fell to the ground as one
dead. He lay in a trance of unconsciousness for many days, but at
least he did not die, and after a long while consciousness returned
to him, and he called faintly for his mother. Weak and ill he was
indeed , yet she knew that she had her son back again from the
dead, for now he knew her and clung to her as of old. Presently he
slowly recovered, yet the shock had been so terrible that all through
his life he remained nervous and easily disturbed. Indeed, for many
lives and through thousands of years something of the effect of that
terrible psychic convulsion was still to be seen. For the evil High
Priest had seized upon the very soul of him, and had made for it a
link with that whose name must not be spoken. And the breaking of
such a link is a feat which but few can accomplish, yet this case it
has been done by the power and love of Alcyone—and of Surya
who worked through her, though not then in physical incarnation.
Alcyone’ s life passed on in great love and happiness. She
married her cousin Selene, and her eldest son was Herakles, in very
truth a friend of many lives. Among her ten children were two who
have now attained, and others for whose near attainment we may
hope. Her life was one long benediction to those around her, for she
remained to see her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to
the age of ninety years. And the good work in which she had so
large a share remained as a monument after her, for never again
while that Toltec race occupied the ancient land of Maxico were
sacrifices re-established. Long after that race had been destroyed
by the flood which accompanied the sinking of Poseidonis it was re-
peopled by a half-savage race who, having in themselves much of
the cruelity and greed, psychometrised the ancient stones, and
revived to some extent the ancient horrors, but for twenty thousand
years and more the work of Alcyone and Surya bore its fruit.
Chart XVII
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Electra -Sirius
Clio -Auson
Herakles -Ulysses Bella -Capella
Daphne -Dolphin
Lutea -Aletheia
Jupiter -Gnostic
Math -Ophis
Naiad -Vizier
Aurora -Rosa
Selene -Alcyone Capella -Bella
Viraj -Ronald Dora -Juno
Aldeb -Polaris
Argus -Jerome
Ulysses -Herakles
Vajra -Vesta
Udor -Lobelia
Phocea -Tolosa
Koli -Orpheus Aqua -Fons
Auson -Clio
Ronald -Viraj
Saturn -Calyx Leopard -Andro
Sappho -Beatus Fons -Aqua
Mercury -Albireo
Nicos -Walter
Apollo -Corona Ara -Atlas
Percy -Xanthos Dolphin -Daphne
Pearl -Achills
Amal -Arcor
Dido -Magnus
Pepin -Diana
Norma -Helios
Brihat -Leto Crux -Forma
Lobelia -Udor Concord -Beth
Lignus -Jason
Upaka -Rao
Flos -Cygnus
Pisces -Kudos
Aquilla -Ida Fabius -Taurus
Priam -Virgo
Pax -Rex
Chart XVII
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Yati -Nu
Iris -Melete
Zoe -Fomal Chrys -Betel
Sif -Rigel
Bee -Gimel Aries -Orca
Theseus -Colos Bruce -Myna
Deneb -Egeria
Muni -Gem
Jerome -Argus
Pindar -Erato Soma -Obra
Kamu -Hector Phoenix -Judex
Yodha -Mona
Walter -Nicos
Diana -Pepin
Juno -Dora
Osiris -Elsa Canopus -Algol
Arthur -Kim Hebe -Clare
Stella -Altair
Theo -Mira
Alcyone -Selene
Beatus -Sappho
Forma -Crux
Viola -Spes
Myna -Bruce
Wences -Rector
Lyra -Thor
Ushas -Myna
Nanda -Aglaia Ivan -Noel
Yajna -Libra
Abel -Una
Sirius -Electra Baldur -Zephyr
Cetus -Kepos Odos -Sigma
Naga -Pyx
Lotus -Alastor
Inca -Radius
Vizier -Naiad Sita -Horus
Roxana -Pavo
Vale -Dharma
Phra -Sirona
Eudox -Uchecha Maya -Ushas
Chart XVII
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Laxa -Chanda
Dhruva -Mizar
Sagitta -Sylla
Neptune -Dome Obra -Soma
Psyche -Trefoil
Ophis -Math
Athena -Euphra
Rigel -Sif Betel -Chrys
Orca -Aries
Spes -Viola
Rosa -Aurora
Vega -Hermin Xanthos -Percy
Helios -Norma
Achilles -Pearl
Holly -Gluck
Vesta -Vajra
Melpo -Olaf
Rex -Pax
Telema -Castor Jason -Lignus
Scotus -Nita
Mars -Vulcan Polaris -Aldeb
Irene -Cyr
Corona -Apollo
Ivy -Echo
Cassio -Uranus
Fomal -Zoe
Beth -Concord
Gnostic -Jupiter Algol -Canopus
Euphra -Athena
Quies -Demeter
Oak -Tiphys
Orpheus -Koli
Siwa -Kos
Leo -Ajax Albireo -Mercury
Alma -Cento
Gasper -Sextans
Cygnus -Flos
Callio -Daleth Gluck -Holly
Parthe -Pallas
Nita -Scotus
Leto -Brihat
Rector -Wences
Sylla -Sagitta
Draco -Hestia Sextans -Gasper
Alex -Zeno
Spica -Alces
Venus -Rama
Hermia -Vega
Hestia -Draco
Uchcha -Eudox
Judex -Phoenix
Virgo -Priam
Hector -Kamu Echo -Ivy Aletheia -Lutea
Zeno -Alex Aulus -Loinin
Chart XVII
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Tiphys -Fabius
Elba -Eros
Gomel -Bee
Ida -Aquilla
Philae -Fides
Ajax -Leo
Elsa -Osiris
Castor -Telema
Kim -Arthur
Kudos -Pisces
Andro -Leopard
Demeter -Quies Atlas -Ara
Fides -Philae
Colos -Theseus
Kratos -Fort
Ixion -Rhea
Erato -Pindar
Alces -Spica Eros -Alba
Proteus -Nestor Gem -Muni
Arcor -Amal
Fort -Kratos
Olaf -Melpo
Libra -Yajna Cento -Alma
Rhea -Ixion
Cyr -Irene
Radius -Inca
Dharma -Vale Hygeria -Nimrod
Apis -Madhu
Kepos -Cetus
Daleth -Callio
Dome -Neptune
Scorpio Cancer
Chart XVIIa
(Birth of Orion)
Alcyone now takes an interval of nearly a thousand years before his next incarnation, and the majority of our characters move along with him.
Some few, however, who distinctly belong to the type which takes shorter intervals, seem to find it impossible to stay away so long, and co-
nsequently come back as, a small group on their own account in Egypt, about the year 24000. A list of their relationships is here appended.
Rector -Gaspar
Sylla -Telema
Hygeia -Dome Sigma -Kudos
Aglaia -Bootes
Boreas -Dido
Kudos -Sigma
Laxa -Beatus
Adrona -Gluck Capri -Polaris Zama -Thor
Abel -Orpheus
Poma -Iota
Thor -Zaina
Orpheus -Abel
Cetus -Trefoil Pyx -Zephyr
Myna -Kappa
Diana -Soma
Dome -Hygeia
Telema -Sylla
Beatus -Laxa
Judex -Siwa Alma -Ivy Math -Mona
Phocea -Irene
Gaspar -Rector
Muni -Olaf
Polaris -Capri
Chart XVIIb
(Birth of Orion)
Orion, one of our list of characters, has been found to have a somewhat abnormal list of lives, which were written out in some detail in volumes
xxxii and xxxiii of The Theophist. In this book we shall reproduc the charts, in order that our list of incarnations may not be seriously imperfect,
but of the lives themselves we can publish here only the briefest epitome, referring our readers to the magazine for further details.
It will have been observed that Orion moved with the rest of the party until the tenth life. Then he broke away from the main body, and
for a time disappeares from our ken. We pick him up again in the year 23,875, in the Hawaiian Islands, where he was the son of Alastor, the
high priest of the diety of the volcano. Orion was destined to succeed to his father's office, and consequently he passed through series of unple-
sant initiation ceremonies, in which he was thrown into a trance by drugs with the idea that the diety of the volcano would enter into him. The
moral level of this priesthood was by no means high, its principal business being the pronouncing and the averting of curses. Human sacrifices
were occasionally offered, and the priests terrorised the people by threatening them with bad dreams and dreaad diseases.
As a young man Orion fell in love with Cancer, who was already betrothed to Gamma, a particular friend of his. As soon as Orion dec-
ided that he wanted this girl for himself, he threatened Gamma with all sorts of magic if he did not yield her to him. Gamma, however, really
loved Cancer, and resisted Orion's threats for some time, though he was seriously frightened. Orion's curses would not work, so he assisted
the diety by administering to Gamma a poisonous drug which produced a long and severe illness. In the immediate expectation of death
Gamma agreed to yield his bethrothed to Orion, but when he recovered he felt a deep and abiding hatred for him.
Alastor was a very vindictive man, and having contrived to quarrel with the King of the island, he tried to have him assasinated. The
King discovered the plot, banished Alastor and appointed his son Orion to succeed him. Orion than cast off his wife Cancer as not fit for his
present position, and had her poisoned in order to get her out of the way, so that he could marry the sister of the King, by whom in due cou-
rse he had a son Cygnus, to whom he was greatly attached. When Gamma learnt of the murder of Cancer he vowed vengeance, and Orion,
knowing that he was dangerous, contrived to have him cast into prison on an accusation of being concerned in a plot against the King. Orion
then sent to visit him in the prison an emissary who succeded in poisoning him.
Presently the old King died, and his son succeeded to the throne. This change of rulers was unfavourable to Orion's plans. He had
been able to manage the older man, but found the son distinctly suspicious of him, and disposed to find fault. An embassy arrived from a
neighbouring island, and the King consulted Orion as to how he should receive it. Orion advised that it should be received haughtily and dis-
respectfully, and the result of this was an invasion. When the enemy arrived Orion was advised to curse them and prevent them from landing
but his curses proved ineffectual, and he lost much of his prestige and power. Eventually the King took advantage of a quarrel to depose
Orion , and sent him away; and as soon as it was seen that he was no longer under the protection of the King, Epsilon, who was one of his
enemies, fell upon him and stabbed him. Epsilon had been a lover of Zeta, a sensitive, highly strung girl, the daughter of a rich man. When
Epsilon wished to marry her the high priest refused his consent (which according to the law of the country was required) unless the father of
the girl would surrender to the priesthood a large part of the patrimony. This the father declined to do, and Orion threatened all kinds of
physical and supernatural ills. These threats so preyed upon the girl's mind that eventually she became insane, and her lover Epsilon vowed
vengeance upon Orion, and took it as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
-(2)--------- Cygnus
Yet again we find our hero in the Toltec race, but in a kingdom
differing much from that of Mexico—a kingdom in the same
continent truly, but further north, and lying west of the range of the
Rocky Mountains. Mars was as usual its ruler, and his territory
extended far along the Pacific Coast line, from what is now
California in the south up to British Columbia in the north. A great
Tlavatli kingdom held the Mississippi Valley and practically all that
part of the country which now constitutes the Southern States of the
Union. The northern part of what is now Canada, were occupied by
a congeries of minor tribes who lived principally by hunting and
fishing, and built no great cities. But the civilisation of the western
coast was highly advanced and old-established, and the kingdom of
Mars held many cities as large and as handsome as those of
Mexico, though the style of building was different. The land was
fruitful, and the climate salubrious, with enough of variety between
the northern and the southern parts to provide a varied assortment
of products. The country therefore was prosperous, and with South
America, and by land with the Tlavatli kingdom, and also bartered
commodities of various kinds for furs and pelts with the wandering
tribes of the north and east, it still remained true that it was to a large
extent a self supporting community, and that what it imported were
luxuries rather than necessaries.
In the days of his youth Mars had had to fight for his kingdom.
He was a younger son, not in the direct line of succession, but his
elder brother was a man of wild and uncontrolled passion and very
little principle, who entangled himself in all sorts of undesirable
situations, and turned a deaf ear to the stern remonstrances of his
father. At last, after some unusually dishonourable escapade, the
father formally disowned and disinherited him, and diverted the
succession to Mars. The older brother who had been banished from
the court, hereupon proclaimed his father incapable of ruling, and
assumed the title of King, gathering together an army of his
adherents. Having on his side some skilful and unscrupulous
warriors, he at first obtained considerable success, and succeeded
in capturing his father hand putting him to death. Mars, who had
been managing the affairs of the southern province, then proclaimed
himself King by the right of the appointment from his father,
gathered together what was left to him of the army, and marched
immediately against his brother. The older man had the advantage
in point of numbers, and he had cowed the northern population by
barbarous acts of cruelty ; but he had fatal defects of character, from
which Mars was entirely free. The younger son marched his men
with far greater rapidity than his brother supposed to be possible,
and while the indolent and luxurious elder was still delaying on the
scene of his triumphs, and still engaged in celebrating them by a
series of feastings and debaucheries, mars fell upon him
unexpectedly and put his forces utterly to rout. The older brother fled
after the battle. Some said that he was dead, some that he was in
hiding, and some that he had escaped and was living beyond the
frontiers among the hunting tribes of the north. At any rate he
disappeared from practical politics, and the authority of Mars was no
longer questioned.
He married Siwa and settled down to his favourite work of
organisation. He completely remodelled the government of the
country, dividing it into provinces on a scheme of his own, chiefly
according to the natural products, and while he appointed Governors
for these provinces, he also allowed them a certain amount of
representation on a scheme more nearly agreeing with modern
ideas than with those of twenty thousand years before the Christian
Soon his eldest son Rama was born to him, and he was
quickly followed by two other boys, Viola and Neptune, and two
most beautiful girls, Albiero and Ajax. During all these years Mars
led an exceedingly busy life, for he was perpetually travelling all over
the vast extent of his kingdom to see how his new constitution was
working and to watch that the best possible results were being
obtained from all the widely different sources of revenue yielded by
so varied a country. As soon as his son Rama reached the age of
seven Mars took him with him on these constant journeyings, and
explained to him much of what he was doing, encouraging him to
ask questions, and to try to understand the reasons for everything.
In this way the little boy soon came to have a great store of varied
knowledge, though not much of education in our modern sense of
the word; and Mars was careful to impress upon him that this duty
would be his one day, and that it was the work of the king to
understand thoroughly how every one of his subjects obtained his
living, and to see that no difficulties were put in the way of his doing
Rama grew up tall and graceful and strong. At an early stage
he fell in love with his lovely cousin Electra, who admired him
seven brothers. All the other six still survived, and were acting either
as Governors of provinces under Viraj or as travelling inspectors, for
the scheme that Mars had instituted long before was still being
carried out. Several outlying provinces had had by this time been
annexed, and the system of frontier guards had been perfected, so
that the latter half of Alcyone’ s life was a time of peace and great
progress so far as the country was concerned. As usual Alcyone
lived to old age, and finally passed away at the age of eighty-nine,
after a life of great usefulness in which her many children had been
well and happily trained.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Capella -Leto
Crux -Forma
Viraj -Lili Xanthos -Vega
Nestor -Aurora
Saturn -Dora
Lotus -Horus
Arcor -Alba
Vega -Xanthos Cento -Muni
Fort -Mona
Kratos -Jason
Kim -Aulus
Arthur -Juno
Pyx -Melpo
Demeter -Elsa Phocea -Pomo
Spes -Psyche
Rigel -Orpheus
Ronald -Pindar
Jean -Inca
Melpo -Pyx
Koli -Venus Alba -Arcor
Vizier -Odos
Fomal -Echo
Onyx -Baldur
Flora -Camel
Egeria -Deneb Tolosa -Ixion
Pollux -Phra
Udor -Canopus
Kepos -Ushas
Eudox -Zama
Theseus -Parthe Mona -Fort
Madhu -Maya
Beatus -Sappho
Rama -Electra Jason -Kratos
Xulon -Rao
Ivan -Sita
Yajna -Fabius Radius -Dharma
Phra -Pollux
Alcyone 1. Dhruva Odos -Vizier
2. Mizar Una -Noel
Vajra -Cassio
Parthe -Theseus
Herakles -Achilles Bee -Hermin
Daphne -Hebe
Clio -Sextans
Lutea -Libra
Wences -Gnostic
Vesta -Mira
Selene -Pallas Auson -Philae
Concord -Auriga
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Melete -Pisces
Uranus -Quies
Ullin -Myna
Fides -Spica Callio -Gaspar
Hermin -Bee
Leopard -Beren
Bella -Corona
Chanda -Roxana
Deneb -Egeria
Albireo -Mercury Apollo -Oak Naiad -Yati
Forma -Crux
Pavo -Flos
Betel -Chrys
Aries -Scotus
Proteus -Virgo
Aquila -Obra Philae -Auson
Lignus -Taurus
Norma -Leo
Walter -Ulysses
Dolphin -Iris
Alethia -Phoenix Holly -Daleth
Magnus -Pepin
Sextans -Clio
Viola -Castor Ophis -Aldeb Maya -Madhu
Laxa -Sirona
Pindar -Ronald Aglaia -Stella
Dharma -Radius
Dora -Saturn
Lomia -Clare
Rosa -Athena
Taurus -Lignus
Aulus -Kim
Zeno -Alex Pax -Rex
Uchcha -Sylla
Upaka -Nanda
Ajax -Alces
Pallas -Selene
Jupiter -Hector
Psyche -Spes Pomo -Phocea
Neptune -Rhea Zoe -Andro Beren -Leopard
Clare -Lomia
Karu -Yodha
Alex -Zeno
Oak -Apollo
Electra -Rama Aurora -Nestor
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Dhruva -Alcyone Colos -Lobelia
Kos -Sirius
Gem -Eros
Euphra -Percy Muni -Cento
Ixion -Tolosa
Venus -Koli
Helios -Theo
Athena -Rosa
Quies -Uranus
Corona -Bella
Sappho -Beatus
Mizar -Alcyone Kamu -Gimel
Gnostic -Wences
Cassio -Vajra
Beth -Tiphys
Ulysses -Walter
Algol -Sif
Mercury -Albireo Leto -Capella
Spica -Fides Stella -Aglaia
Echo -Fomal Sirona -Laxa
Osiris -Nicos Rao -Xulon
Sagitta -Priam
Fons -Dactyl
Sif -Algol
Noel -Una
Inca -Joan
Brihat -Lyra Canopus -Udor Nimrod
Horus -Lotus
Leo -Norma
Juno -Arthur
Pepin -Magnus
Ushas -Kepos
Gimel -Kamu Sita -Ivan
Haldur -Onyx
Hector -Jupiter
Daleth -Holly
Lobelia -Colos
Libra -Lutea
Hestia -Erato
Achilles -Herakles
Auriga -Concord
Priam -Sagitta
Iris -Dolphin
Rex -Pax
Pearl -Ida Andro -Zoe
Elsa -Demeter
Pisces -Melete
Draco -Nita Dactyl -Fons
Hebe -Daphne
Phoenix -Aletheia
Orpheus -Rigel
Aldeb -Ophis Theo -Helios
Gasper -Callio
Orca -Bruce
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Vulcan -Cyr Lili -Viraj
Olaf -Naga
Chrys -Betel
Ara -Altair Bruce -Orca
Tiphys -Beth
Virgo -Proteus
Ida -Pearl
Nicos -Osiris
Jerome -Argus
Alces -Ajax Atlas -Aqua
Calyx -Amal Altair -Ara
Castor -Viola
Obra -Aquial
Erato -Hestia Aqua -Atlas Scotus -Aries
Nita -Draco Irene -Tulsi
Chart XVIIIa
Orion was born in a Tartar race in Central Asia. He was the son of a high official, a governor of a district whose duty led him to travel constantly all
over his province. In the intervals between these journeyings he and his family lived in one of the principal houses in the chief city of the province.
Here unfortunately lived Gamma, the same woman who had exercised such an evil influence over Orion in his previous life, and he was scarcely
sixteen when she got him into her toils. The previous life might have repeated itself, but for the entry upon the scene of Helios, a young lady
whom he had the opportunity of saving one day from some robbers on a country road. She was duly grateful, and he was much impressed
by her beauty, but was disagreeably surprised to learn that she was the daughter of a house between which and his own there was a bitter
hereditary feud. After much cognition he determined that he must marry her, and so he solemnly informed his father of his love. The father
thought him mad, and finding him intractable finally drove him from the homestead and disinherited him. The young man was thus left in a
peculiar position--thrown out penniless on the world for the sake of a girl whom he had seen only once, when he did not know whether she
cared in the least for him. He rode off to the town where she lived, and contrived to obtain a meeting with Helios. He rode up to her father's
castle and boldly told his hereditary enemy that he wanted to marry his daughter. The Chieftain thought that he was mad, and had him cast
out of the castle with a warning not to come again on pain of death. He did not quite know what to do next, as he had no money and knew
of no trade by which he could support himself. Presently it occurred to him that he could at least make a living by hunting, and he did this for
some time, occassionally communicating with his lady-love through a servant. This led to the inevitable result; the lady one day escaped from
her father's castle and they fled together, hiding themselves among one of the wandering tribes. Among these nomadic people they lived very
happily, even though their physical surroundings were horribly rough and poor. Orion undertook to do the hunting for the caravan in return
for food and lodging for himself and his wife, and presently he bartered some of his skins for cattle, and in this way came to own a few, like
the men of the tribe. They wandered with this tribe for several years, and later on transferred themselves to another of higher type. When this
tribe became engaged in a war Orion offered his services, which were eagerly accepted, and when his side was victorious he received a con-
siderable share of the spoil, and so became comparatively rich.
Meanwhile, news of their flight together had reached Orion's family, who was furious, considering that he had disgraced their name and had
dragged their honour in the dust by intermarrying with their hereditary enemies; so his father sent his brother succeded in tracing the pair ;
finding them domiciled among a powerful warlike tribe he hesitated to make any attack upon them. Presently he allied himself with a robber
band, which occupied a small rocky valley among the hills, and presently, with the aid of a couple of bandits he made an attack upon his
brother and tried to kill him. Orion, however, succeeded in beating off his assailants; so Scorpio, having failed in that, kidnapped Orion's little
son Aldeb. Orion thereupon organised an attack upon the bandits' valley, and after hard fighting captured it and rescued his little son. In the
course of the fighting he killed Scorpio, who was in disguise, and then for the first time he discovered that it was his own brother who had
been thus pursuing him. The remainder of his life passed comparatively quietly and he at the age of fifty-eight.
Brihat -Apollo
Philae -Orca
Libra -Hestia
Lutea -Calyx Egeria -Rex Lomia -Fons
Aulus -Nicos
Eudox -Alba
Hermin -Aqua Regu -Spes
Scotus -Pepin
Fons -Lomia
Walter -Ida
Lyra -Proteus Lobelia -Zephyr Jerome -Laxa
Virgo -Ara
Chrys -Mona
Bruce -Leopard
Chart XVIIIa
Bella -Sirius
Ara -Virgo
Electra -Pisces
Aqua -Hermin Sappho -Norma
Orca -Philae
Alba -Eudox
Mona -Chrys
Mira -Vesta
Norma -Sappho Holly -Echo
Colos -Sextans
Apollo -Brihat Nicos -Aulus
Nita -Euphra
Alex -Atlas
Rex -Egeria
Sextans -Colos
Pepin -Scotus
Fort -Beren
Dactyl -Markab
Echo -Holly
Atlas -Alex Ida -Walter
Pisces -Electra Ronald -Obra
Rosa -Fabius
Laxa -Jerome
Zephyr -Lobelia
Aldeb -Stella
Orion -Helios Eros -Iota
Lili -Amal Ophis
Aglain -Epilson Scorpio
Flora -Muni
Iota -Eros
Vesta -Mira Camel -Juno Stella -Aldeb
Beren -Fort
Dolphin -Forma
Daphne -Hebe Epilson -Aglain
Theo -Deneb
Chart XVIIIb
Orion re-appears in a female body in the year 22,978, in the island of Madagaskar. She was again the child of Alastor, who this time
was a celebrated hunter. When Orion grew up she fell deeply in love with Cygnus, who had been her son in a previous life. Alastor
was unfavourable to their union, and sold Orion to an older man, Cancer, who had been his wife in that other life. This man had a
previous wife Gamma, who in Hawaii had been the lover of Orion's wife Cancer, and had been poisoned by him. Gamma was jealous
and vindictive, and made things most unpoeasant for Orion, but was afraid to do her any serious harm while the husband continued to
love her and to her children. The husband became more and more indifferent, because he was in love with Zeta, who had been in
Hawaii the young girl who was driven mad by Orion's threats. Orion tried to console herself by a love affair with Cygnus, but Gamma
discovered their proceedings and brought the husband down upon them. Cygnus was horribly mutilated before Orion's eyes and
then thrown to a giant octopus, who was regarded as some sort of a deity. Maddened by a suspicion that it was not his own, the
husband snatched from her her year old baby, and threw it into the fire before her eyes, and then degraded her to the position of a
slave in his house, a position in which she was kept for twenty years, and very harshly treated. During all this time she nourished the
most intense hatred towards her husband and Gamma. Now the latter had a little grandson whom she loved passionately, and one
Orion , maddened by some special act of cruelty , seized this grandson and pushed him into the fire in turn. In revenge for this, Gamma
ordered Orion to be seized and stretched naked upon the ground near a hill of huge driver ants, who at once attacked and devoured
Life XIX
her friends and relations. Mizar could not bear to leave the
body to decay in the wilderness, and was grief-stricken
because they had not the usual acid which was the custom to
inject into the corpse to burn it up at once. In compassion for
Mizar, Mercury placed his hands on the body and
disintegrated it by some means, as though by sending a
current of consuming heat through it. Alcyone, being psychic,
felt no separation from her mother, and so through her Helios
was just as much in touch with the family as ever, as she
accompanied them on their journey in her astral body.
Sirius died at the age of sixty-four, but both he and
Helios continued for a long time to keep up the closest
relations with Alcyone, lingering intentionally on the higher
levels of the astral world in order to do so. Her children and
her brother Herakles looked after her thoroughly well as far as
her physical wants were concerned. She occupied herself for
the last twenty years of her life in writing a great book on
religious subjects. It was in four parts or volumes, with
curiously epigrammatic and untranslatable titles. The nearest
we can come to rendering them in English is: “ Whence?
Why? Whither? Beyond.” Mercury ordered that when this
work was finished it should be preserved in the crypt of the
Temple; but some centuries later, in consequence of the
danger of invasion, it was removed to the other Temple in
Yucatan. A copy of it was made by Alcyone herself for the
Chief Priest Surya, which she sent to him in Atlantis; it now
rests in the secret museum of the Great White Lodge.
Ajax had married Erato, and had a son (Melete) who
was about five years old when the following curious incident
happened. One day he was not to be found, and his mother,
half mad with anxiety, went to Alcyone the grandmother, who
tried in every conceivable way to find him, even to the sending
of a servant down a well by means of a rope to see if he had
fallen into it. At last, all physical resources having failed them,
Alcyone sat down, determined to look for him psychically. She
was successful in discovering where he was, and she told the
father to take his sword and come with her at once to save the
child. She led the way to an old half-ruined hut, to which a
savage woman had carried off the boy, with the intention of
sacrificing him in a black magical ceremony. Her intention was
to make his intestines into strings for a musical instrument to
be used for demoniacal invocations. The woman was resting
with the child at this hut, in the course of her journey to a dark
shrine which lay further in the forest. By means of a magical
potion she had put the child to sleep, so that she could carry
him more conveniently, and was just about to start on her way
when Alcyone and the father arrived. At first they threatened
to kill the woman, but after a time relented, telling her,
however, that if she came near their house again she would
meet with certain death.
Another curious instance of the practical utility of
Alcyone’ s remarkable psychical powers may be noted ,
though it occurred many years earlier than the last, and before
the death of Sirius. One night she had a vivid dream, in which
she saw a place, a deep ravine, in which there was hidden
some gold. This dream came to her three times, and each
time a child, or nature spirit, led her to the spot and pointed
laughingly at the gold, taking it into his hands and playing with
it. After the third repetition she took it seriously and consulted
her husband. He at once decided that there was something in
it, and set out with Alcyone and Mizar to find the place. They
soon came to indications which Alcyone recognised, but it
took much time and trouble to find the exact spot. When at
last they did reach they were well repaid for their efforts; there
was a sort of pocket in which the gold lay, and the amount
was great and enabled them to be comfortably off for life, and
to perform many acts of charity.
Among the latest incidents of Alcyone’ s life, we notice
that, at the age of 84, she gave a magnificent reception in
honour of some delegates who had been sent over from the
Central Temple of Atlantis, Viraj being at the head of the
In the year 22,578 this eventful life closed and Alcyone
passed away, loved and respected by all who had known her.
Chart XIX
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Mahaguru Surya
Uranus -Brihat
Alastor -Kusos
Pisces -Pindar Clio -Norma
Calyx -Math
Flora -Sif Vajra -Ulysses Dora -Aletheia
Tolosa -Dome
Corona -Mars Gem -Psyche
Bee -Herakles
Aries -Castor
Hestia -Vulcan
Parthe -Vesta
Kos -Quies
Mercury -Athena Callio -Taurus Rex -Percy Lobelia -Claire
Philae -Polaris
Ivy -Aurora
Lomia -Camel
Pallas -Atlas Eros -Melpo
Dolphin -Daphne
Fort -Boreas
Hebe -Eudox
Venus -Theo Sappho -Deneb Stella -Apis
Daphne -Dolphin
Boreas -Fort
Apis -Stella
Egeria -Juno Melpo -Eros
Eudox -Hebe
Camel -Lomia
Alcyone -Sirius
Lutea -Nestor
Leo -Alces
Noel -Una
Mizar -Helios Roxana -Pavo
Chart XIX
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Chanda -Naiad Odos -Horus
Gnostic -Zama
Dhruva -Rosa
Ronald -Udor
Xulon -Bootes
Selene -Argus Nita -Electra Gasper -Laxa
Koli -Nu Rao -Hygeia
Betel -Rigel Vale -Sigma
Yodha -Maya
Zeno -Muni
Orca -Arthur
Aqua -Bella
Libra -Sagitta Magnus -Priam
Virgo -Olaf
Leto -Gimel
Andro -Aulus
Pearl -Neptune Chrys -Bruce
Draco -Phoenix
Dactyl -Aldeb
Pyx -Concord
Lili -Osiris
Ulysses -Vajra
Hermin -Lyra
Pindar -Pisces Pax -Hector
Gimel -Leto Norma -Clio
Beth -Algol
Psyche -Gem
Wences -Forma
Quies -Kos Muni -Zeno
Alces -Leo Canopus -Fomal Ixion -Lignus
Xanthos -Zoe
Sagitta -Libra
Mira -Crux Scotus -Colos
Siwa -Daleth
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Rosa -Dhruva
Cassio -Euphra Obra -Abel
Achilles -Theseus
Proteus -Rector
Dharma -Kepos
Albireo -Apollo
Hector -Pax Beren -Flos Dido -Tiphus
Neptune -Pearl
Irene -Trefoil
Ajax -Erato Abel -Obra
Fides -Gluck Fabius -Kim
Zama -Gnostic
Spes -Diana Holly -Jerome
Percy -Rex
Sirius -Alcyone
Aldeb -Dactyl
Kepos -Dharma
Aletheia -Dora Ophis -Sirona
Crux -Mira
Leopard -Melete
Bella -Aqua Bruce -Chrys
Rigel -Betel
Demeter -Elsa Auson -Nicos
Regu -Rama
Maya -Yodha
Udor -Ronald Bootes -Xulon
Brihat -Uranus Hygeia -Rao
Olaf -Virgo Clare -Lobelia
Jerome -Holly
Cygnus -Beatus
Naga -Ushas
Judex -Phocea
Orpheus -Aquila Math -Calyx
Baldur -Uchacha Radius -Ivan
Taurus -Callio
Echo -Walter
Ida -Oak Phra -Onyx
Chart XIX
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Theo -Venus
Rector -Proteus
Rama -Regu Diana -Spes
Alex -Viola
Nanda -Joan
Phoenix -Draco
Cancer - Scorpio
Orion appears again in the year 22,208, in a female body in the peninsula of Malacca, as the daughter of a trader. She was born
with an overwhelming horror of all creeping things, and a great fear of fire and often had frightful dreams of her past life, so that
she suffered much from hysteria. She grew up, married, and had two children; but her eldest child one day fell into the fire and
was burned, and this accident had a terrible effect upon her, for it drove away her reason. Her life after this was a long period
of mental suffering, and it ended in a horrible death. A great bonfire was lit to celebrate a victory, and when she saw it she fell into
the fire with wild shrieks. The only other of our characters appearing at the same time was Zeta, the girl who was driven mad in
Madagaskar; but appeared in this case as the son of a watch-doctor, who tried to care Orion's hysteria.
Chart XIXa
We have here another instance of the phenomenon which we mentioned in Life XVIIIa. Alcyone remains out of incarnation
for a period of 819 years, and then has an unusually short life, so that her next interval was 275 years, thus making a total
interval between the nineteenth and twenty first lives of 1,111 years. This fitted conveniently enough as one interval for some
of our characters, but there were others who were unable to stay away so long, and consequently took an intermediate
incarnation in India, as will be shown in the following chart.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th
Vajra -Venus
Polaris -Dido Trefoil -Flos
Mercury -Herakles Naga -Noel
Ivy -Dome
Telema -Rector Myna -Math
Diana -Orpheus
Nanda -Yati
Kim -Rosa Venus -Vajra Dharma -Yodha
Oak -Gaspar
Rector -Telema
Lotus -Uchacha
Chanda -Upaka
Noel -Naga Yati -Nanda
Vizier -Madhu
Osiris -Siwa Yodha -Dharma
Flos -Trefoil
Orpheus -Diana Uchacha -Lotus
Soma -Kudos
Irene -Boreas
Olaf -Regu Gluck -Beatus
Upaka -Chanda
Dome -Ivy Math -Myna
Boreas -Irene
Thor -Judex Kudos -Soma Beatus -Gluck
Gaspar -Oak
Sylla -Echo Dido -Polaris
Regu -Olaf
Herakles -Mercury
Kratos -Zama Phra -Karu Madhu -Vizier
Life XX
The baby had been left with his nurse in an upper room, but
she had gone out, confiding her charge to some fellow-servants.
These fled downwards on the alarm of fire, forgetting the baby, and
the terrified nurse, rushing for the child, fell back at the sight of the
blazing staircase, which was the only way to the nursery. Wringing
her hands, she screamed out: “ The child! the child” , but dare not
face the roaring flames which barred the road. “ My boy?” gasped
Alcyone, and sprang up through the sea of fire. Several of the stairs
had already fallen, leaving only in some places the supporting
wooden bars not yet burned through, though blazing. Desperately
she plunged on, climbing, slipping, leaping across the gaps through
which the flames flaring upwards, caught her garments and
scorched her flesh. Surely no human strength would suffice to carry
her to the top! But mother’ s love is omnipotent, and, in less time
than it takes to tell it, she reached the room where the baby lay.
Smoke was pouring into it, and she wrapped an unburnt fragment of
clothing across her mouth and crawled along the floor. The babe,
crowing at the dancing flames, stretched out chubby arms to his
mother, and, catching him up, she pressed his face into her bosom
and fled downwards with her boy close wrapped in her arms. Again
she crossed that burning torrent, her body nude, her hair blazing,
the diamonds dropping from it, flashing back the flames. Somehow
she reached the bottom, the open air, and fell prostrate outside,
shielding the babe even as she fell. He was unhurt, but she was
dying, and in less than an hour she breathed her last. More out of
her body than in it, too terribly injured to retain feeling, she was
scarce conscious of suffering, and her last smile seemed to be on
the freed astral form, as it bent over the rescued boy. Is it not the
karma she made, by dying for Surya then, being reaped in the
present opportunity given to Alcyone to serve the Blessed one
After its mother’ s death the child was taken in charge by his
aunt Viraj (Saturn’ s sister), who was even then an advanced ego,
and has since become an important member of the Occult
Hierarchy. She was psychic, and through her Alcyone was still able
to help and care for the child. The aunt never allowed any of the
servants to touch the baby, and swung him herself in the garden in a
sort of cradle hung up between the trees. There, in the quiet grove,
Alcyone would speak to her from the astral world about the child,
who was thus brought up altogether in a holy atmosphere and soon
became a wonder, at the age of seven delivering teaching in the
temple, so that people from all quarters came to hear him.
It seems as though from time to time the members of the
present Hierarchy of Adepts were born together in different countries
to assist in the founding of a new religion, or of a magnetised centre,
we see them also spreading the religion and sending expeditions to
other distant centres, as in the previous life in North America, where
an expedition was sent to Yucatan. In the present one, some twenty-
five years after Alcyone’ s death, we see Surya sending one north
to the city of Salwan. Some of the party lost their lives from the
hardships endured; and among these was Alcyone’ s younger
brother Vulcan, at the age of about thirty-five.
Chart XX
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Alcyone -Saturn
Brihat -Neptune Mizar -Koli
Vulcan -Sif Ronald -Dhruva
Gnostic -Kamu Saturn -Alcyone Surya
Koli -Mizar Dhruva -Ronald
Life XXI
Ten years later, for reasons of state, the King took a second
wife Nu, a princess of a neighbouring house. After all these years
the murder of Iota atlast came to light, and Orion’ s true status was
discovered. Her husband was indignant at the outrage on his pride,
and promptly condemned her to death. When thrown into prison she
invoked the Lord of the Emerald, and he appeared to her and
ordered her to throw the emerald out of the window to Sigma, one of
the little children of the second wife Nu, who was playing outside. As
soon as this was done he ordered Orion to take poison, and as she
left her body the little girl Sigma fell down dead in the courtyard, and
Orion was pushed into her body. When they went to lead out the
queen to execution she was of course found dead in her cell.
In Sigma’ s body she was contracted in marriage to Leo, the
prince of a neighbouring kingdom, in what is now the Telugu
country, and after they were married she induced her young
husband to bring about his father’ s abdication, so that she herself
might be queen of the country. Alcyone was born in the year 21,467
as their eldest son, and there were four other children. When
Alcyone was eleven years old his mother Orion fell ill of some
internal disease which was found to be incurable. As soon as she
knew that death was drawing near, she told again approached to the
Lord of the Emerald, who told her that he would help her once more
to take another body, but that it must be that of her daughter
Theseus, whom she loved dearly. For some time she refused this.
But at last increasing suffering drove her to accept it. So she
drowned Theseus, hung the emerald round the child’ s neck and
then threw herself into the water and sank. When she recovered
consciousness she was in the body of Theseus, and so, instead of
being Alcyone’ s mother, she was now, as far as outward
appearance went, his sister.
The politics of the time were complicated and troublous, and
Alcyone, though anxious to do his duty, was more interested in his
studies than in affairs of state. He learned whatever was customary
for boys of his class and time, and was proficient in riding, shooting,
swimming, and the various sports of the race. When he came of age
he married Herakles, who was the daughter of a neighbouring Raja,
and they were happy together in their religious studies. The Priest
Mercury was a neighbour and close friend.
In order to save the King Leo from certain defeat at the hands
of a coalition of neighbouring States, Alcyone’ s mother Orion had
induced Leo to place it under the suzerainty of the Atlantean
Emperor, Jupiter, and there was much discontent among the people
about this. A few years after , when Orion had had to change
bodies, and could therefore no longer direct Leo’ s policy, the
discontent broke out into open rebellion, and Leo was defeated and
killed. Sirius (the son of Gimel, an Atlantean Noble) was sent sent
over from Atlantis by Jupiter to be governor of the Kingdom which
was thus made a province of the vast Atlantean Empire. Sirius made
friends with Alcyone and Orion, at first perhaps from motives of
policy, but the friendship quietly ripened into real affection. He fell in
love with Orion and demanded her hand from her brother Alcyone,
who gladly gave it, and a close tie united the two families and also
that of the priest Mercury. This made the government of the
province an easy matter, as the official heads of both the parties in it
were now so thoroughly united. In fact the three families were
almost like one, and made a kind of little society of their own, in
which all sorts of interesting problems were discussed.
We find that the language commonly used then in India was
not Sanskrit, and ceremonies usually began with the word Tau, not
with Aum. The doctrines of reincarnation and karma were commonly
known to the people. The Teacher (Mercury) knew of the Great ones
behind who sometimes helped. Some of the expressions which are
familiar to us now were in use then also, as for example: “ I am
That” . Mercury told the people that of all the qualities that they
could develop, all the qualifications they could possess, the most
important was the power to recognise that all was That.
“ you cut down a tree,” He said “ that is the life of the tree;
dig up a stone, That is what holds the particles of stone together;
That is the life of the sun, That is in the clouds, in the roaring of the
sea, in the rainbow, in the glory of the mountain” and so on. These
words are taken from a discourse of Mercury on death. In a book
from which he read to the people there were well known phrases,
such as: “ One thing is the right ,while the sweet is another; these
two tie a man to objects apart. Of the twain it is well for who taketh
the right one, who chooseth the sweet, goeth wide of the aim. The
right and the sweet come to a mortal; the wise sifts the two and sets
them apart. For ,right unto sweet the wise man prefereth; the fool
taketh sweet to hold and retain” .(Kath Upanishad; words in Meads
translation.) The wording in Mercury’ s book was not actually
identical, but it was clearly the same set of verses.
There was another saying “ if one is killed, and I am the slain,
yet I am I also the sword of the slayer, and none slays or is slain
because all are one. There is no first nor last, no life nor death,
because all are one in him.”
The books which Mercury used did not come from the Aryans;
this book from which he read (evidently the original of the Katha
Upnishad) was written in the city of the Golden Gate by one who
was a member of the brotherhood. It belonged to a great collection,
and had been handed down through many centuries. The
Nachiketas story had not yet been connected with it.
In one temple there were no images at all. The religion was
not sun-worship—at least not exclusively; rather a worship of the
power of nature. Outside the temple was a large bull in stone, facing
the temple and looking in. inside there was a curious arrangement—
a depression, instead of a raised alter. Two or three steps led upto a
great low square platform, paved with beautiful tiles, and then there
was depression in the centre with a railing round it. People threw
flowers in the depression, in the middle of which was a slab which
was specially holy; it had some markings on it, but we could make
nothing of them.
In another temple there were many images which were set in
niches in its back wall. The people wore a different dress from those
in the former temple, and there were men who were distinctly
priests, which was not the case in the other. The images sat cross-
legged, and had not more than the natural number of arms. This
was the old form of Jainism, presumably, and the images of
Tirthankar. Some images were naked; others, which had a lose
garment over them, were probably regarded as dressed, or perhaps
a conventional symbol was intended.
them. Achilles took to wife Mizar, while Uranus married Vega, and
Hector Selene. Aldebran however, caused much trouble to the
family through becoming involved with and marrying a woman of
bad character (Gamma), who ruined his life, and left him a miserable
wreck when she finally abandoned him, and ran away with Pollux,
who was a rich but dissolute merchant.
Vajra was also a source of anxiety to his mother Herakles,
because he developed a wandering disposition,, and became a
great traveller in search of knowledge and experience. He, however,
wrote a brilliant account of his travels, which was read over and over
again by the family group, and practically learnt by heart by the
younger members. Alcyone was so interested in some of its glowing
descriptions that he actually undertook no less than three difficult
and dangerous journeys in order to see the places of which his son
had given so attractive an account. In the course of these he met
with various adventures, the most serious being that he was once
captured by robbers and held for ransom, though he contrived to
escape by disguising himself as a woman. In another case he was
carried off his feet while trying to wade across a swollen river, and
was swept down more than a mile, and nearly drowned. He also
accompanied Sirius on several of the latter’ s official tours through
the province; indeed, Sirius delegated many of his powers to him,
being anxious to show the people what thorough accord existed
between the Atlantean power and their old royal family. The tie
between these two men was singularly close, and, though of
different races, they seemed always to understand each other
perfectly. Sirius, who was patriotic, told Alcyone much of the glories
of Poseidonis and the City of Golden Gate, and fired him with great
enthusiasm about it and an intense desire to see it, which bore fruit
much later in life.
Herakles died in 21396 B.C. at the age of seventy, and Sirius,
to whom she had been a particularly close friend, mourned her loss
quite as much as Alcyone, and accorded her the most gorgeous
obsequies. This left Alcyone much alone, and he clung more than
ever to his friend Sirius, who fully returned his affection, so that the
two old men were like brothers. For thirty years Sirius had been
visiting regularly every month his wife Orion, who was living as an
ascetic; and when she died in 21392 B.C., he felt himself unable to
stay any longer in India, and applied for leave to resign his
Governorship and return to Poseidonis. Alcyone, though seventy-
five years of age, immediately announced his intention to
accompany him, and actually did so.
The two septuagenarians had a prosperous voyage, and
Alcyone found the splendors of the capital even greater than he had
expected. Few of those whom Sirius had known forty-four years ago
were still living to greet him. The Emperor Jupiter was long ago
dead, and his son Mars reigned in his stead; he received the two old
men with great honour, and gave them honorary posts at his court,
distinguishing them with many marks of favour. He must have felt
drawn to them, for he set his court astrologers to calculate the
particulars of their connection with him, and was informed that both
had worked with him more than once in the past, and that both were
destined to serve him in some mighty work far in the future, when
nearly a quarter of a lakh of years had been added to the roll of time.
None of them then understood this prophecy, but it is evident that it
will be fulfilled in the Californian community about 2750 A.D.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Ulysses -Mercury
Cancer -Lacey Nestor -Cyr Holly -Amal
Orion -Theo
Theo Cygnus
-(1) Orion Camel
-(2) Nu Sigma
Kappa -Laxa
Pyx -Phocea
Castor -Hermin Sirona -Melete
Fomal -Demeter
Ixion -Magnus
Alba -Virgo Lobelia -Orca
Stella -Irene
Pisces -Ajax Uchacha -Horus
Siwa -Ara Nita -Rigel Zomo -Tripos Markab -Maya
Leopard -Iris
Mercury -Ulysses Forma -Viola
Oak -Kim
Juno -Erato
Philae -Callio Orca -Lobelia Apis -Yati
Taurus -Rex Auriga -Elsa
Concord -Atlas
Auson -Dolphin
Draco -Alex
Argus -Aulus
Udor -Fabius Calyx -Pepin
Amal -Holly
Virgo -Alba
Alatheia -Phoenix Pomo -Tolosa
Chart XXI
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Osiris -Proteus
Rama -Lignus
Ajax -Pisces
Proteus -Osiris
Hygeria -Nimrod
Uranus -Vega Canopus -Percy Onyx -Upaka
Venus -Hestia
Capella -Sappho
Alcyone -Herakles Cassio Corona
Wences -Jason
Neptune -Aurora
Rigel -Nita
Pindar -Electra
Crux -Telema
Naga -Sylla
Sappho -Capella
Aurora -Neptune Percy -Canopus
Bella -Nicos
Hector -Selene Algol -Scotus
Pax -Libra
Viola -Forma
Mizar -Achil
Fides -Ophis
Canto -Tiphys
Dora -Vajra
Daleth -Aqua
Telema -Crux Beth -Dactyl
Rosa -Xulon
Iris -Leopard
Tiphys -Cento Pearl -Ivy
Clio -Myna
Altair -Arthur
Leo -Orion
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Ophis -Fides Ivy -Pearl
Some -Olaf
Fort -Betel
Flora -Arcor
Lomia -Vesta
Andro -Alces
Psyche -Gem
Alex -Draco Norma -Sagitta
Deneb -Colos
Hestia -Venus
Albireo -Helios Electra -Pindar Roxana -Baldur
Pavo -Vale
Nanda -Gaspar
Euphra -Mira
Ara -Siwa
Naiad -Noel
Sita -Joan
Bee -Bruce
Erato -Juno
Melete -Sirona
Alces -Andro Aries -Polaris
Dactyl -Beth
Hermin -Castor
Atlas -Concord
Bruce -Bee Gem -Psyche
Aulus -Argus Dolphin -Auson
Nicos -Bella
Betel -Fort
Aquila -Mona Leto -Lyra
Zephyr -Cetus
Chrys -Spes
Quies -Zoe
Demeter -Fomal Kos -Xanthos
Dolphin -Walter
Rao -Radius
Xulon -Rosa Zama -Ullin
Chanda -Ushas
Magnus -Ixion
Orpheus -Regu Irene -Stella
Clare -Priam
Chart XXI
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Sagitta -Norma
Aqua -Daleth
Aldeb -Gamma
Callio -Philae
Parthe -Fons
Libra -Pax
Jason -Wences
Vesta -Lomia Sextans -Pallas
Myna -Clio Una -Madhu
Horus -Uchacha
Gimel -Lutea Sirius -Orion Maya -Markab
(Theseus) Lignus -Rama Nimrod -Hygeia
Hebe -Eros Yati -Apis
Yodha -Kepos
Upaka -Onyx
Fons -Parthe
Colos -Deneb Corona -Cassio
Mira -Euphra Arcor -Flora Madhu -Una
Arthur -Altair Xanthos -Kos Kepos -Yodha
Eros -Hebe
Vega -Uranus
Selene -Hector
In Atlantis
Chart XXIa
The few members of the band of servers who take the somewhat earlier incarnation recorded in 'Chart XIXa, but were
not drawn into the vortex of chart XXI, re-appear in India about the year 21,200,clustering round the teacher Vulcan.
A list is appended.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd
Boreas -Cetus
Dome -Judex
Vulcan -Flos Thor -Dido Math -Kudos
Rector -Beatus
Dido -Thor
Judex -Dome
Beatus -Rector Kudos -Math
Trefoil -Diana
Kratos -Bootes
Cetus -Boreas
faithfulness and assiduity. She helped to look after his children, and
when Mizar was left practically the head of the family, he took the
bold step of making her his wife—an act which he never had the
slightest reason to regret.
At the time of Alcyone’ s inconsolable grief over his
mother’ s death, a revered friend suggested that he should
accompany him on a pilgrimage to see a holy man who lived at a
sacred shrine to the south of Alcyone’ s home. So they arranged to
make the pilgrimage together, and Alcyone’ s youngest son
Cygnus went with them, to take care of his father. When they
reached the shrine, the wise and holy Priest Jupiter received them
most kindly, and Alcyone was greatly consoled by listening to his
words. He also permitted Alcyone to witness certain secret
ceremonies which much resembled the Eleusian Mysteries, and
these stimulated his psychic faculties to such an extent that during
one of them he not only had a vision of his mother, but was able to
communicate with her. He was so deeply impressed by the beauty
of the temple and its ceremonies and the saintliness of the High
Priest, that when he was told that there were many such shrines in
India he then and there made a vow to visit them all before he died.
This vow seems to have been occasionally taken by ascetics at that
period, but most of them died before they accomplished it.
Alcyone soon found that he could continue to communicate
with his mother Mercury, and this was a great joy and comfort to
him. She approved greatly of his pilgrimage, and undertook to guide
him from shrine to shrine on his way. We next see him at a great
temple situated where Madura now stands; the High Priest in charge
of which was Saturn.
Some time after he left this place, we find him at a shrine in
Central India near the godavari river, where Brihat welcomed him
with the warmest hospitality and friendship.
Soon after this a regrettable incident occurred. It will be
remembered that Cygnus accompanied Alcyone on his travels.
Cygnus was deeply attached to his father, utterly ready to serve him
in any way, showing wonderful fidelity. This was one side of his
character; but on the other hand he was always getting himself
involved with the opposite sex. On three separate occasions during
this pilgrimage he got himself into serious trouble, and Alcyone had
much difficulty in pacifying the people concerned. Each time Cygnus
had promised amendment with many protestations and real sorrow;
yet temptation was often too strong for him. Alcyone again and
again threatened to send him home, but still this trouble recurred.
On the fourth and last occasion the case was a peculiarly bad one,
and the facts became generally known, giving rise to strong popular
indignation, so that Alcyone and Cygnus were compelled to make
their escape hurriedly in the middle of the night in order to avoid
being lynched by an angry crowd. They took refuge in a jungle, and
were there attacked by a tiger. As the tiger was about to spring,
Cygnus—who was full of remorse and had been bitterly reproaching
himself for the trouble he had caused—threw himself in front of his
father so as to receive the full weight of the animal. Alcyone at once
attacked the beast with his staff, which was the only weapon he had,
and eventually succeeded in beating it off; but Cygnus was already
dead, and his father deeply mourned his loss.
Alcyone journeyed next towards Burma, and when he reached
the neighbourhood of Chandernagar he visited a shrine and temple
which were in charge of the High Priest Venus. There was much of
an astrological nature in the worship here, and on the walls of the
temple there were planetary symbols made of magnetised metal.
From thence Alcyone proceeded towards the north-east, and
eventually arrived at a shrine in the Lakhimpur district near the
Brahmputra river. It was in charge of Lyra, a Chinese Priest who had
come from Tibet to found a new religion under the direct inspiration
of the Mahaguru. This Priest at a much later period became the
philosopher Laotze. He presented to Alcyone a remarkable talisman,
made of a kind of black stone, inlaid with minute Chinese characters
in white. The inspiration had been made with such accuracy that it
looked as though it were done with some chemical which had taken
the colour from the stone, so that it resembled white veining in black
marble. This talisman gave out remarkably powerful vibrations, and
the object of this gift was said to be to place Alcyone under the
protection of certain exalted influences which were directly
subordinate to the Mahaguru himself. Before Alcyone took leave the
High Priest pronounced over him a remarkable benediction,
prophesying for him a vast sphere of usefulness in the far-distant
The next temple that Alcyone visited formed part of a small
monastery situated on a snowy hill-side, near Brahmkund. The sites
of many of these shrines appear to have been consecrated by the
Mahaguru personally, some of them by quite physical-plane
methods, in much the same manner as, many thousands of years
later, magnetised centres were established by Apollonius of Tyana.
After leaving Brahmkund, Alcyone spent several years in
journeying slowly across the whole north of India, during which time
he mat with many adventures of various kinds. Perhaps the next
point of special interest for us is his visit to a shrine at Mount Girnar
in Kathiawar, where Alcesist was the chief Priest. With this place
both he and Orion were closely connected in a subsequent life; and
there is now a magnificent Jain temple there, one hall of which
Alcyone himself built in that later time.
From here Alcyone went to Somnath, a place situated near
the sea, with a fine view. The temple here was in charge of Viraj,
and was built on a most magnificent scale.
In order to reach the next shrine of importance Alcyone had to
return northwards and was compelled to cross a long, barren,
deserted tract of country, not far from where Ahmedabad is now.
We next see our pilgrim in the district of Surat, at a sort of
pagoda temple. The shrine here was in chare of Pallas, an old Priest
with a white beard and an impressive manner; a splendid, majestic
man, extremely intellectual , though perhaps with too little heart.
This Priest was known in a much later life as the philosopher Plato.
The officials connected with this shrine were rather of the nature of
statesmen than of ascetics.
After Surat, Alcyone visited a temple a temple in the Vindhya
hills, called by an Atlantean name, but not of any special interest. It
had a talking image which was worked by means of a speaking-
tube, but the Priests who managed this had no feeling that they
were deceiving the people. The Priest who spoke really believed
that he was inspired by the deity, and in sending his message
through the mouth of the image, he considered that he was merely
putting it in the way most calculated to impress his audience. There
were some good people among the Priests there, one of them being
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Norma -Algol
Leo -Pindar Sextans -Leto
Deneb -Lomia
Bee -Polaris
Mars -Osiris Bruce
Vulcan -Apollo Ida -Oak
Ulysses -Ara Egeria -Rex Kos -Lili
Nu -Gaspar
Argus -Olaf
Rama -Cygnus Sylla -Fabius
Myna -Theseus Onyx -Madhu
Capella -Achilles
Erato -Scotus
Ushas -Baldur
Concord -Nita
Herakles -Gem Spica -Math
Melete -Pisces
Andro -Dactyl
Auson -Forma
Auriga -Tiphys
Fomal -Aulus
Cassio -Nicos
Altair -Beatus
Wesces -Fons
Mizar -Irene Dome -Judex
Leto -Sextans
Cento -Alba
Soma -Trefoil
Arthur -Parthe
Pearl -Rigel Walter -Rosa
Crux -Sappho
Polaris -Bee Atlas -Draco Lili -Kos
Viola -Mira
Alcyone -Percy Diana -Rector
Arcor -Ajax
Rex -Egeria
Psyche -Helios Lomia -Deneb
Pisces -Melete
Chart XXII
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Betel -Orca
Flos -Phoenix
Canopus -Gluck Alba -Cento
Lobelia -Magnus
Capri -Bella
Juno -Sagitta
Boreas -Flora
Hebe -Stella
Cygnus -Rama Baldur -Ushas
Pava -Sita
Yati -Ullin
Vizier -Noel
Chanda -Uchcha
Regu -Philae
Naga -Joan
Sirona -Alces
Gem -Herakles
Cyr -Abel Mona -Zama
Ursa -Pomo
Yajna -Alma Gluck -Canopus
Roxana -Orpheus
Lotus -Una
Nanda -Karu
Upaka -Inca
Ivan -Naiad
Apollo -Vulcan Trefoil -Soma
Telema -Calyx Dido -Kudos
Math -Spica
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Mira -Viola
Nita -Concord
Parthe -Arthur Libra -Aqua
Fabius -Sylla
Holly -Obra
Vesta -Vega Xanthos -Quies
Oak -Ida
Elsa -Callio Rosa -Walter
Aquila -Hector
Rigel -Pearl
Orca -Betel Tiphys -Auriga
Eudox -Iris
Beth -Pepin
Fides -Demeter
Pindar -Leo
Euphra -Electra
Eros -Aldeb
Bella -Capri Aqua -Libra
Magnus -Lobelia Udor -Sif
Obra -Holly
Hermin -Proteus Thor -Gimel
Sirius -Athena Clare -Lignus
Algol -Norma
Pepin -Beth Gnostic -Koli
Kim -Ronald
Fons -Wences
Hestin -Vajra Dolphin -Markab
Melpo -Laxa
Horus -Sigma
Inca -Upaka
Joan -Naga Nimrod -Bootes
Maya -Hygeia
Kepos -Rao
Odos -Kappa
Vale -Spes
Adrona -Apis Pomo -Ursa
Tripos -Zephyr
Zeno -Tolosa
Aglaia -Amal Rao -Kepos
Zoe -Aries
Hygeia -Maya
Daphne -Pollux
Yodha -Phra
Aulus -Fomal Nicos -Cassio
Lignus -Clare
Virgo -Taurus
Selene -Albireo
Dhruva -Echo Kratos Xulon
Radius -Dharma
Koli -Gnostic
Alex -Neptune Kamu -Nestor
Electra -Euphra Castor -Alethia
Sita -Pavo
Ullin -Yati
Noel -Vizier
Scotus -Erato
Chart XXII
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Draco -Aquila
Theo -Rhea Hector -Aquila Sappho -Crux
Pax -Beren
Callio -Elsa
Pollux -Daphne Camel -Fort
Flora -Boreas
Laxa -Melpo Apis -Adrona
Abel -Cyr
Kappa -Odos
Amal -Aglaia
Uchacha -Chanda
Tolosa -Zeno Ronald -Kim
Muni -Jerome
Phra -Yodha
Alces -Sirona Sigma -Horus
Aries -Zoe Zama -Mona
Jason -Lutea Bootes -Nimrod Jerome -Muni
Karu -Nanda
Percy -Alcyone
Alma -Yajna
Again we find occurring the same phenomenon which we have already noticed-a certain number of the members of the band cannot
or donot remain our of incarnation as long as does Alcyone, and consequently we have an important little group in that part of Central
Asia which we now know as Tibet. It appears to be there for the sake of reforming and elevating the religion of the people, and centres
round a priest, Jupiter, who derives his inspiration from Surya. The latter, however, is not observed as in incarnation at this period, but
occassionally appears astrally.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th
Pyx -Math
Theo -Yajna
Uchacha -Baldur
Ivan -Lotus
Roxana -Inca
Erato -Naga Phra -Kepos
Phocea -Pavo
Radius -Ushas Dharma -Yodha
Madhu -Noel
Joan -Horus
Una -Sita
Yati -Pomo Upaka -Rao
Diana -Irene Vizier -Nimrod
Onyx -Bootes
Alma -Nestor
Judex -Flos
Yodha -Dharma
Cetus -Capri Kudos -Thor Nanda -Naiad
Melpo -Psyche
Daphne -Beatus Aglaia -Juno
Chart XXIIa
Nimrod -Vizier
Dome -Amal Ullin -Maya
Rama -Jupiter
Capella -Pallas
Deneb -Proteus Ushas -Radius
Irene -Diana
Sita -Una Horus -Joan
Amal -Dome
was still alive, and announced his intention of going in search of him
as soon as he was old enough. This he did, and after two years of
adventure he found his father and both contrived to escape. They
then proceeded to find the treasure, and brought it safely home, to
the joy and astonishment of the rest of the family.
The Bactrian nation was in danger of being absorbed by a
stronger power from the south, and was at the same time constantly
suffering from the raids of the nomadic tribes to the north. To avoid
these ills large numbers of its people had migrated eastwards, and
the family of Orion finally decided to join one of these migrations.
They eventually settled on fertile country in the southern part of
China, and made for themselves a comfortable home there, and it
was in that district and from a branch of that family that our hero
Alcyone was born. He was the great-grandson of Orion, and the son
of Mira, who was a man of considerable wealth and influence, and
had held at various times high offices in his district. Mira was a
sharp imperious man, but just and kind-hearted, and always good to
the little Alcyone, though sometimes he did not understand him, and
so was a little impatient. Alcyone’ s mother was Selene, also a
kind-hearted person; a studious woman, more occupied with
philosophical questions than with household cares. Mira had an
intense admiration for her and was proud of her learning and literary
ability, and these feelings were fully shared by Alcyone as soon as
he grew old enough to understand. Perhaps the principal influence
in his life was that of his brother Sirius, who was two years older
than he, and consequently a kind of boyish hero in his eyes. Even
as children these two brothers were inseparable, and though they
occasionally got into mischief they were on the whole fairly good
little boys.
When they were aged ten and eight respectively, one of their
chief delights was to sit at their mother’ s knee and listen when she
expounded to them her theories. Of course they did not fully
understand them, but they were delighted at her evident pleasure,
and naturally by degrees they absorbed a certain amount of her
ideas. They were specially charmed with a book which she had
herself written, which seemed to their childish minds quite a divine
revelation. It was an attempt to explain and popularise the teachings
of a book of great antiquity which had been brought over from
Atalntis; it seems to have been the original form of one of the
Upnishads. The original of this book the children were taught to
regard with the greatest respect and reverence. It was illustrated
with a number of curious coloured diagrams over which they used to
pore with the keenest interest, although their interpretations of them
were obviously fanciful.
When Alcyone was about twelve years old, by a brave action
he saved his brother Sirius from serious injury—perhaps even saved
his life. They were running along together in the woods, Sirius as
usual a few paces in advances, when they came upon the remains
of a camp-fire which had been made in a shallow pit. Thee fire had
burnt down so that nothing but a black charred mass was visible on
the surface, and Sirius jumped upon it without any suspicion of its
nature. He broke through the surface and sprained his ankle with
trying to disentangle himself that he did not know that flames had
burst out behind him and fastened upon his clothing. Alcyone,
running up, grasped the situation, and immediately sprang upon him
and tore the blazing garment off him, burning his own hands sadly in
the act; then, seeing that his brother was crippled and helpless, he
dragged him away from the rapidly reviving fire, and rolled him over
on the grass to extinguish the smouldering cloth. The boys got home
with real difficulty, each helping the other, for Sirius bound up
Alcyone’ s burnt hands, and Alcyone acted as a kind of crutch for
Sirius as he hopped painfully along on one leg.
The two brothers, as they grew up, became enthusiastic
exponents of their mother’ s theories, which brought them to some
extent into opposition to the orthodox ideas of the period, and
caused them to be regarded as eccentric. fortunately, however, at
that time and place people seem to have been tolerant on religious
matters, and there was no persecution of any sort because of
difference of opinion.
When Sirius was about twenty and Alcyone eighteen, they
both fell violently in love with Alberio, a young lady who had royal
blood in her veins, being the grand-daughter of Mars, who was at
this time Emperor of Western China. (Vajra, a daughter of Mars, had
married Ulysses, the governor of the province in which our family
lived, and report said that she led him a decidedly unhappy life.
However that may have been, one of their daughters was Albireo,
and she was a beautiful girl, of kindly disposition, though high-
spirited and imperious.) The brothers were unconcious rivals for her
hand, but happily Sirius discovered in time the state of his
brother’ s affections, and instantly resolved to crush down his own
feelings for Alcyone’ s sake. He placed the whole of his share of
the family fortune at Alcyone’ s disposal to enable him to prosecute
his suit in a fashion worthy of the exalted rank of his lady-love—not
that she herself cared for money so long as she had what she
wished in other ways; but her father’ s consent was to be bought
only by costly presents, and still more by a display of the power
which great wealth gives. Alcyone refused for a long time to accept
his brother’ s gift, but the attitude of Ulysses practically forced him
either to do so or to resign his aspirations to the hand of Albireo.
Sirius would not hear of the latter course, alleging that the
connection would be of high importance for the family, though his
real reason was that he knew failure in his suit would break the heart
of the brother whom he loved more than anything else in the world.
There were other suitors—notably a dashing but unprincipled
young fellow (Scorpio) who was possessed of great wealth, but was
not of good family. He was possessed of great wealth, but was not
of good family. He was trying to push his suit in all sorts of
underhand ways, and his plans soon brought in into collision with
Sirius, who heartily despised and disliked him. When finally Sirius
and Alcyone succeeded in arranging the marriage of the latter with
Albireo, Scorpio was furious, and rushed away in a rage, swearing
to be revenged upon them, but they only laughed at him and
challenged him to do his worst.
Later Scorpio returned, pretending to regret his anger and to
be heartily anxious to atone for it and to cooperate in making the
betrothed couple happy. He told them that, feeling ashamed of his
outburst, he had consulted an astrologer to know what he could do
to help them, and had been told of a great treasure which was
destined for them, which they could obtain only through his
assistance. He stated that this was concealed in a certain cave in a
valley in a distant art of the country, and offered to take them to the
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Neptune -Alex Euphra -Hestin
Obra -Nu
Udor -Sif Lutea -Holly
Betel -Cassio
Selene -Mira
Rex -Ophis
Vale -Melete
Venus -Rigel Dactyl -Phoenix Abel -Adrona
Herakles -Brihat Apis -Hebe
Nicos -Calyx
Ixion -Tolosa
Daleth -Mona Atlas -Eudox
Melete -Vale
Ivy -Fides Regu -Orca
Gluck -Soma
Sappho -Camel
Electra -Beth Leopard -Pearl
Zephyre -Siwa
Sylla -Ronald
Jason -Xanthos
Zoe -Alastor
Castor -Lobelia Tripos -Zeno Jerome -Xulon
Ida -Echo
Xanthos -Jason Rosa -Fabius
Gnostic -Kim
Ronald -Sylla
Pepin -Scotus
Ophis -Rex Philae -Pax
Alba -Stella
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Dora -Algol
Aulus -Pindar
Pisces -Fons
Vesta -Aldeb Mira -Selene Ajax -Alethia Uranus -Viola Alces -Lyra
Lomia -Helios Athena -Viraj
Sagitta -Olaf
Calyx -Nicos
Aqua -Myna
Gaspar -Zama
Iris -Leo
Phoenix -Dactyl
Forma -Beren
Sextans -Clio
Algol -Dora Norma -Aurora
Scotus -Pepin
Fabius -Rosa
Eros -Chrys
Libra -Virgo Orca -Regu
Fort -Bruce
Mizar -Polaris
Rigel -Venus
Orion -Cygnus Albireo -Alcyone
Lignus -Priam
Fides -Ivy
Camel -Sappho
Myna -Aqua Adrona -Abel
Flora -Spes
Echo -Ida
Chrys -Eros
Polaris -Mizar Siwa -Zephyr Spes -Flora
Bruce -Fort
Sif -Udor
Gimel -Telema Eudox -Atlas
Hebe -Apis
Olaf -Sagitta Stella -Alba
Parthe -Callio Xulon -Jerome
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Apollo -Mars
Alex -Neptune
Corona -Crux Callio -Parthe
Concord -Cento
Aldeb -Vesta
Aries Draco Cento -Concord
Ara -Bella
Muni Thetis
Chart XXIIIa
Our first experiment in the way of investigating the details of past lives was made in connection with a character called Erato, and
the point at which it chanced that those investigtions commenced was his birth in Chaldea in the year 19,245 B.C. He was born
into the hereditary sacrodotal caste; but unfortunately he was also at the same time born into a xurious hereditary feud connected
with it. His grand-father Castor had twins, Melete and Again, and as the law was that the high-Priesthood descended to the elde-
st son of its present occupant the matter of a few minutes precedence was important. Unfortunately, the nurse in charge got the
children mixed , and did not know which was which; so , as the matter could not be decided, Castor decreed that they should be
coheirs. When they grew up there was a certain amount of jealousy between them, and each was determined that his own son
should later be co-heirs. When they grew up there was a certain amount of jealousy between them, and each was determined that
his own son should later be the high priest. Erato was the son of melete, while Phocea was the son of Aglaia's jealousy, and he
even went to the length of thrice trying to murder his nephew Erato. The third attempt was at least partially successful, for although
Erato escaped, his father Melete was killed. A fourth attempt was made, but again Erato escaped, his younger brother Juno being
killed in his stead. This time the whole story came out, and the governor of the town intervened; but the matter was taken out of
his hands , for the emperor Theodorous, happened at that period to be making one of his customary visits of inspection. Hearing
of the matter he had the parties brought before him;and when he had inquired into the whole of the story he decided to put an end
to all difficulties by giving to each of the cousins a separate field of activity. As Phocea had not been privy to the plot to murder
his cousin he left him in sole charge of the temple of his native place, but he carried off Erato with him to his own capital to fill a
vacancy in the great temple there. There he led a peaceful and useful life under the headship of the chief priest Pallas; and on , the
death of the latter he succeeded to his office, and thus became the most important religious authority in the kingdom of Chaldea.
He lived to old age, and was much respected. A list is subjoined of most of our characters who appeared with him.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th
Dome -Diana
Melete -Auson
Math -Judex
Beatus -Rector
Caxtor -Amal Juno -Rama
Flos -Kudos
Diana -Dome
. .
Chart XXIIIb
Almoxt the same sub-group which we saw in Chart XXIIa endeavouring to bring about a religious reform in Tibet, was again engaged
in predisely similer work 500 years later on the other side of the world in the Amazoan valley. This was at that time the seat of an interesting
but somewhat effete civilisation, and there was obviously great need for the work of purification in which our members engaged. The group was
again under the leadership of Jupiter, but in this case Surya instead of operating from the astral world took birth in the ordinary way,and married
Jupiter's daughter Naga. His preaching was of the country, and gave it in its improved form a new lease of life which lasted for some thousands of
years. He lived a long and active life, and when he passed away the headship of the work devolved upon his eldest son Vajra, who undertook a
vast amount of missionary work and spent his life in travelling about the continent. From the work done at this time and from the organisation set
on foot was developed that wonderful Peruvian civilisation with which we come into contact in Life XXXIII.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th
Lotus -Ivan
Baldur -Sita
Radius -Vizier
Yajna -Pavo Pyx -Uchacha
Joan -Ullin
Irene -Onyx
Alma -Una
Pavo -Yajna
Ushas -Naiad Inca -Spica
Horus -Noel
The cradle of the great Aryan race was on the shores of the
Central Asian Sea, which (up to the time of the cataclysm which
sunk the island of Poseidonis beneath the waters of the Atlantic
Ocean) occupied the area which is now the Gobi Desert. The great
founder of the race, the Manu Vaivaswat, had established his colony
there after the abortive attempt in the highlands of Central Arabia,
and after a long period of incubation and many vicissitudes the race
had become great and powerful. Several times during the ages of its
existence had the Manu sent forth huge hosts to establish sub-races
in various parts of that vast continent, and at the time of which we
have now to write once more this virile nation was outgrowing its
boundaries. During its history the Manu had incarnated again and
again to direct it, but at the time of Alcyone’ s birth (18,885 B.C.) he
had not shown himself physically among his people for many
centuries, and so there had been time for differences of opinion to
arise as to exactly what his intentions had been.
A section had grown up among them who argued that now
that the new race was definitely established, and there was no
danger that the type could be lost, the strictest ordinances of the
Manu as to not mingling with other races were no longer intended to
be operative. Consequently certain families allowed themselves to
intermarry for political purposes with some of the rulers of the Tarter
races. This was considered as a crime by the more orthodox , and it
led to so much friction that eventually those who held the wider
treatment for himself and his people. He stated that for a long time
he had been convinced that the men of his own tribe were wrong in
having long ago intermarried with Atlanteans, and that he had often
wished to join himself to the orthodox empire, but had been
prevented from doing so by Mars. He described the route taken by
the latter in his migration, and offered to show the invaders how, by
taking a short cut across the hills, they could overtake him and
probably defeat his people. The orthodox leader thought it best to
accept his offer of assistance, and promised him the lives of his
followers in return for this treachery. The expedition plunged into the
mountains under Alastor’ s guidance in the effort to intercept Mars;
but being unused to and unprepared for high altitudes its members
suffered exceedingly, and were when after many hardships they
succeeded in meeting Mars they were defeated with great slaughter.
The leader, however, escaped and promptly put Alastor and his
myrmidons to death.
True to his instructions, Mars endeavored to avoid fighting as
far as he could. When he approached any organised kingdom he
always sent his embassy to its ruler announcing that he and his
people came in peace and amity, in obedience to a divine
command, and that all that they desired was to be allowed to pass
quietly on their way to carry out the orders which they had received.
In most cases the required permission was readily given, and often
the inhabitants of the countries through which they passed received
them hospitably, and sped them on their way with gifts of food.
Sometimes a chieftain was alarmed by the report of their numbers,
and refused them admission within his frontiers, and when that
occurred Mars turned aside from the direct line of his course, and
sought for a more friendly ruler. Two or three times he was savagely
attacked by predatory tribes, but his hardy mountaineers found no
great difficulty in beating them off.
Under these conditions Alcyone’ s early life was as unsettled
and adventurous one. He was about ten years old when his father
decided upon the migration, and consequently at an age to enjoy to
the full the constant change and adventure of it. He had as it were
two sides to his character—one frankly boyish and fond of all this
excitement and variety, and the other dreamy and mystical. He
dearly loved both of his parents, but he seems to have specially
associated his father with the former of these moods and his mother
with the latter. On some days he rode by his father at the head of
the caravan, or dashed on far in front on some sort of scout duty,
keen and active and very much on the physical plane; on others he
remained behind with his mother, often riding curled up in one of the
panniers on the back, often riding curled up in one of the panniers
on the back of some draught-animal, buried in his own visions and
taking no heed of the country through which they were passing.
In this latter condition he seemed to be living not in the
present but in the past, for he had often extraordinarily vivid visions
(most often really of past incarnations, though he did not know that)
which he regarded as so entirely private and scared that he would
hardly ever speak of them even to his mother, and ever at all to any
one else. These visions were of varied character, some of them
connected with lives which we have already investigated, but others
which are at present unknown to us. In many of these scenes his
father and mother appeared, and he always recognised them, under
whatever veil of race or sex they might be hidden. Sometimes, when
mention but for the fact that a few years later they were shown to
have a close connection with one of the recurrent characters in our
Some time before the birth of Alcyone a certain Mongolian
chieftain had come to take refuge in the kingdom of Mars. This
chieftain was the younger brother of a reigning chief who was
(apparently not unreservedly) decidedly unpopular with his people.
The younger, on the contrary, was universally liked, and there was a
conspiracy, though entirely without the young man’ s knowledge, to
dethrone the elder brother and set him up in his stead. This was
discovered and suppressed, but as it was impossible to persuade
the elder brother that the younger had not been privy to it, he had to
flee for his life, and it was in this way that he came to seek refuge
with Mars. He and two or three friends who had escaped with him
proved harmless and indeed desirable members of Aryan tribe, so
they settled down and were accepted without further question.
They had brought their wives and children with them; so they
formed a kind of minor community within the tribe, living amongst it
but not intermarrying with it. This young chieftain (Taurus) had
several children, but the only one that comes into our story is
Cygnus, a daughter who was about the same age as Alcyone, wit
whom she fell violently in love. They played together often as
children, but along with many others, and it does not seem that
Alcyone specially differentiated her from the rest, though he was
always affectionate to all. As they grew older, the boys and girls
drew more and more apart in their games, and so he saw less of
her, but she never for a moment forgot him.
When she was seventeen her father married her to Aries, who
was the son of one of his companions. He was much older than she
was, and she had no affection for him, but her wishes were not
consulted in the matter; it was entirely an affair of policy. Her
husband was not a bad man, and was never unkind to her, but he
was absorbed in his studies and had no attention to spare for his
young wife, whom he regarded rather as part of the necessary
furniture of a home rather than a sentient being who might possibly
have claims upon him.
For a long time she fretted silently against this, being all the
time madly in love with Alcyone, and seeing him only occasionally
and casually. At last there came a time when he was sent on ahead
of the main body on a dangerous scouting expedition; hearing of this
and fearing that he might be killed, she seems to have been reduced
to desperation, and she fled from her husband, dressed herself in
male attire, and joined the small band of men whom he was taking
on this perilous expedition. Alcyone succeeded in carrying out the
instructions of Mars, but only at the cost of the loss of many of his
men, and among others Cygnous was fatally wounded and her sex
She was carried before Alcyone, and when he recognised her
she asked to be left alone with him for a few moments before her
death. Then she told him of her love and her reason for thus
following him; he was much surprised, and deeply regretted that he
had not known of her affection before. As he stood beside her his
mind was persistently haunted by the most vivid presentment of his
old vision of the wild orgies of Atlantean magic, and like a glare of
lightening it burst upon him that Cygnus was identical with the
female companion of that strange old witchcraft. He was so struck
by this revelation that his manner showed it, and she, who had
known something in childhood of the visionary side of his nature, at
once divined that he was seeing something non-physical, and set
her will with all her remaining strength to see it too. She had not
been at all psychic during life, but now as death approached, the veil
was to some extent broken trough by her earnest effort, and as she
seized his hand the vision which he saw opened before her eyes
also. She was horror stricken at his evident horror, but at the same
time in a way delighted also, for she said:
“ At least you loved me then, and though through ignorance I
led you into evil, I swear that in the future I will atone for this and
regain your love by loyal and ungrudging service to the uttermost.”
Saying this she died, and Alcyone mourned over her,
regretting that he had not known of her love for him, for had he done
so, he might have prevented her untimely end. When opportunity
offered he told the story of this strange experience to his mother,
and she agreed with him that without doubt his vision did represent
the events of previous incarnations, and that she, his father, his
sister, his elder brothers and Cygnus had really borne in those lives
the parts which the visions assigned to them. The story of which this
particular incident brought the recollection will be found in Man :
Whence, How and Whither, p 122 .
The strong influence of his mother Mercury over Alcyone
seemed to increase rather than decrease as the years rolled on, and
though the vision of his childhood now visited him but rarely he still
remained impressible as far as she was concerned, and frequently
caught her thought even when at a distance from her. For example,
on one occasion when her sons were out on a scouting expedition
clearing the way through the hills for the main body of the caravan,
she became aware through a dream of an ambush into which
Herakles and his party were in danger of falling. The whole scene
was so vividly before her eyes, and the natural features of the
country so deeply engraved on her mind, that she could not but feel
sure that the danger was a real one. She called before her some
natives of the hill-country who happened to be in the camp,
described minutely to them the place which she had seen, and
asked whether they recognised it. They immediately replied that
they knew it well, and asked how she came to know it, since it was
more than a day’ s march ahead. When she heard this she was
even more certain than before, and as it was clearly impossible to
send a messenger to Herakles in time, she tried to convey a warning
by thought.
Herakles, however, was so full of business and the cares of
the expedition that he was not amenable to thought impressions just
then; but fortunately Alcyone, who was in charge of a smaller body
of men in a neighbouring ravine, caught the feeling that his mother
was in deep anxiety, and, turning his thought strongly in her
direction, read the whole affair from her mind like a vision, and at
once changed his course, led his own party up an almost impossible
cliff and across som e intervening spurs of the mountain, and
reached his brother just in time to prevent him from falling into the
ambush, thus unquestionably saving his life, for the arrangements of
the hill savages were so well made that the total destruction of his
party was a certainty. But with the warning which Alcyone gave, the
Aryans were able to turn the tables on the savages and descend
upon them from above while they were watching in fancied security,
so that they were driven away with great slaughter and a clear way
through the mountains was opened for whole tribe.
Soon after this Mars thought it well that Alcyone should marry.
The young man had no special desire in the matter, but was quite
willing to accede to his father’ s wish; so he consulted his mother,
and she suggested several young ladies whom she considered
suitable, and eventually Alcyone selected Theseus. She made him a
good wife, though she was somewhat jealous and exacting. He had
seven children, among whom was Neptune, who afterwards married
Hector, and one of their children was Mizar, who was always
Alcyone's favourite granddaughter; and specially devoted to him.
Many years were occupied in the westward journey through
the hilly country, and sometimes the tribe suffered considerable
hardships, but on the whole they got on well and lost remarkably few
men, considering the difficulties of the route. When at last they
reached the great plains of India their progress was far easier,
especially as their first entry upon them was into the dominions of a
great King named Podishpar (Viraj) who welcomed them with the
greatest hospitality, recognising them and their work, and doing
everything in his power to help them on their way. In the first place
he assigned to them a tract of fertile ground on the banks of a river,
and supplied them with grain to sow there, so that not only did they
stay encamped there for a whole year enjoying his hospitality, but
they had an enormous store of grain to take on with them when they
finally departed. A few of them, worn out with the ceaseless
travelling of the past thirty years, settled permanently in the kingdom
of this friendly potentate, but the great majority decided to push on.
At parting King Podishpar gave to Mars a book of the
Atlantean scriptures and a talisman of extraordinary power—a cube
of wonderful centre. He also sent embassies in advance to many
friendly monarchs with whom he was in alliance, telling them of the
coming of the Aryans and asking them to receive them kindly. Thus
their way was smoothed for them, and the weariness of the constant
travelling was reduced to a minimum. The talisman was well known
all over the north of India, and all who saw it did reverence to its
bearer. It was supposed to confer good fortune and invincibility upon
its possessor, but when Viraj gave it to Mars he said proudly:
“ I have no longer need of it, for I am invincible without it, and
I carve out my own fortune with my sword.”
For Podishpar had a huge two-handed sword with a golden
hilt in which a magnificent ruby was set, and this sword was
popularly reported to possess magical properties, so that he who
held it could never feel fear, nor could he be injured in battle; and he
also commanded the service of certain genie or spirits, much as
Aladdin commanded the slaves of the lamp. As a further proof of
goodwill, and in order to cement the alliance between them, King
Podishpar asked Mars for his daughter Brihat as a husband for his
son Corona, and Mars gladly acceded to the request. Brihat had
previously married Vulcan, one of the subordinate leaders of the
Aryan host; but Vulcan had been killed in one of their fights with the
savages. It is evident from this that there was then no prejudice
against the re-marriage of a widow.
Here and there, for one reason or another, bands of men
dropped away from the great host of Mars as the years rolled on,
and settled at intervals along the line of his route. In the course of
some centuries these small settlements developed into powerful
tribes, who subjugated the people round about them, and for
themselves considerable kingdoms. They were always arrogant and
intolerant, and so tiresome with their constant aggressions that
about a thousand years later the Atlantean kingdoms banded them
together against them, and, with some help from the Divine Ruler of
the Golden Gate, finally defeated them and drove them with great
slaughter down into the south of the peninsula, where the
descendants of Mars were then ruling. Here they found refuge,
absorbed into the mass of the population. The higher classes of the
south country, though from longer exposure to the Indian sun they
have become somewhat darker, are as fully Aryan as any of the
northern people, having mingled only very slightly with the highest
Atlantean blood.
Still, in spite of these defections there was scarcely any
reduction in the number of the followers of Mars, as the births
among his people were largely in excess of the deaths. Alcyone
might be said to know no life but this peripatetic existence, and even
his children had been born into it and grew up in it. but the open air
and constant exercise were health-giving, and they enjoyed their
perpetual pilgrimage through these lands of the sun. Mars, who was
now growing somewhat old, divided his great host into three parts,
and gave them into charge of his three sons, Uranus, Herakles and
Alcyone, so that he himself was relieved from all worry about details.
And retained only a general supervision. His wife Mercury, however,
had so great a reputation for wisdom that all the people came to her
for counsel in special difficulties, and her three sons trusted greatly
to her intuition.
King Podishpar had told Mars that since his instructions were
to press on to the south of India he would recommend him to a
certain ally of his, King Huyaranda (sometimes called Lahira) who
had the kingdom next in size to his own. In fact these two monarchs
at this period governed between them by far the greater part of
India. One ruled the north and the other the south, and they were
separated by a broad belt of smaller kingdoms, quite insignificant by
King Huyaranda (whom we know as Saturn) held rather a
curious position, for though he was the autocratic and undisputed
monarch of the country, the leader of its armies and the dispenser of
justice, there was in the background an even greater power—that of
a High Priest who was also a kind of religious ruler—a person never
seen by the people, but yet regarded with the utmost awe. He lived
apart from all the rest of the world in the strictest seclusion, in a
magnificent palace which stood in the midst of a enormous garden
surrounded by lofty walls of the garden, and even his attendants
were not permitted to leave it. He communicated with the outer
world only through his representative, the deputy High Priest, and no
one but this deputy was supposed to ever see him, for when he
wished to walk in his garden every one was ordered to keep out of
the way. The reason for all this seclusion was that he was regarded
as the earthly mouthpiece of Mahaguru, and it was supposed that
unless he was kept scrupulously apart from all contact with ordinary
people he could not be pure enough or calm enough to be an
absolutely perfect channel for the messages from on high.
The relations between the King and his invisible High Priest
seem to have been not unlike those which existed in old days
between the Shogun and the Mikado in Japan, for the former did
Chart XXIV
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Osiris Theseus -Alcyone
Telema -Gluck Upaka -Scotus
Hebe -Una
Rex -Fons
Norma -Leo
Alces -Ulysses
Soma -Dactyl Algol -Pindar Ushas -Nicos
Helios -Deneb Inca -Lobelia
Vulcan -Brihat
Vega -Rigel
Albireo -Hestia
Mizar -Arcor
Siwa -Achilles
Nimrod -Forma
Kamu -Vajra Clare -Kepos
Libra -Ivan
Horus -Chrys
Hermin -Aquila
Euphra -Koli
Atlas -Oak
Fabius -Aqua
Cullio -Vesta
Bee -Spes
Elsa -Dido
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Bruce -Madhu
Ullin -Olaf
Daleth -Rosa
Vesta -Callio Koli -Euphra Ida -Irene
Sif -Parthe
Kepos -Clare
Dora -Radius
Walter -Gimel
Lomia -Gnostic
Sylla -Egeria Fort -Maya
Karu -Jason
Sigma -Boreas
Noel -Beth Yodha -Aulus
Ulysses -Alces Ara -Uchacha
Nanda -Colos
Pindar -Algol
Hestia -Albireo Achilles -Siwa
Gem -Leto
Deneb -Helios Concord -Cento Camel -Zeno
Aquila -Hermin Phoenix -Kim
Aurora -Apollo Lili -Sirona
Xanthos -Tolosa
Cetus -Zoe
Cassio -Capri Spica -Kudos
Adrona -Holly
Sirona -Lili
Uchacha -Ara
Herakles -Capella Leto -Gem Zeno -Camel
Nita -Odos
Argus -
(1) Andro Dome -Orpheus
(2)Math Judes -Beatus
Kudos -Spica
Cento -Concord
Uranus Regu
Irene -Ida
Andro -Argus Arcor -Mizar Dharma -Alba
Madhu -Bruce
Boreas -Sigma
Jason -Karu
Echo -Bella
Betel -Fides Beatus -Judex
Chart XXIV
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Flos -Quies
Vajra -Kamu
Quies -Flos
Alcyone -Theseus Fomal -Rector Odos -Nita
Mars -Mercury Zama -Onyx
Zoe -Cetus
Kos -Lutea Rosa -Daleth
Muni -Udor
Percy -Rama Baldur -Beren
Alex -Yati
Dhruva -Electra
Philae -Iris
Draco -Diana
Neptune -Hector
Arthur -Trefoil
Brihat -
(1) Vulcan
Demeter -Wences
Colos -Nanda Yati -Alex
Beren -Baldur
Beth -Noel
Sappho -Pavo
Leopard -Sita
Magnus -Phra
Naga -Selene Lobelia -Inca
Sextans -Vizier
Scotus -Upaka
Nicos -Ushas
Pisces -Joan
Ixion -Chanda
Lignus -Lotus
Athena -Venus
Rigel -Vega
Chanda -Ixion
Ophis -Alethia Spes -Bee Sagitta -Myna
Phra -Magnus
Viola -Ajax
Mira -Lyra
Chart XXIV
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Chart XXIVa
In the interval between this life and the next Orion took a birth in North Africa, as the son of an important trader and cultivator.
He was a passionate youth, and fell into bad company, and so by way of instituting a reform his parents married him before he was
twenty years of age to Sigma, whom he neglected, as he had fallen in love with Epislon, a woman of rather unpleasant character. This
lady had another admirer in the person of Cancer, the son of the governor of the district, and she finally decided in his favour. Orion,
finding them together one day, killed Cancer, and tried to carry off the fainting Epislon. In his headlong flight wih her he fell into a ravine;
he was not seriously hurt, but the girl appeared to be killed. As some men who had seen the incident were shouting after him and cha-
sing him, Orion fled to the seashore, and as he saw a vessel which he recognised as one of his father's, only a short distance from the
land, he sprang into the sea and swam out to it. The ship was on a voyage down the West Coast of Africa, but on the way she fell in
with a very heavy storm and was wrecked. Orion was the only survivor, and eventually found himself thrown upon an uninhibited island
now called the Great Salvage. As this island was quite out of the normal course of trading vessels, he lived there alone for twenty years,
and was at last rescued by a vessel which had been driven far out of its course. He started to make his way over land to his own count-
ry, and found it a very long and wearisome journey. Even when he reached his birthplace he feared to make himself known;but he made
discreet enquiries. He found that both the governor's family and his own had moved away from that part of the island, and that there was
only one female member remaining of the family of the girl Epislon. Presently he contrived to see this member and found it to be Episl-
on herself, who recognised him in spite of the passage of time and the great changes which it had wrought in him. She explained to him
that she had recovered from the fall, though it had left her permanently lame, and all her lovers had consequently deserted her. Eventua-
lly Orion married her, and as she had some money they set up in trade and lived out the rest of their lives in a quiet and orderly fashion.
Our story takes us now into another continent. Our hero was
this time the son of Leo and Achilles, and was born in the year
18,209 B.C. in a kingdom in North Africa, which comprised most of
what we know now as Algeria and Morocco. This was then an
island, as what is now the Desert of Sahara was then a sea. The
race occupying the country was the Atlantean Semite, and the
people did not differ very greatly from the higher-class Arabs of the
present day. Their civilisation was of an advanced type, and learning
was very highly esteemed. Public order was well maintained,
architecture and sculpture were of a high order, and the roads and
gardens were beautifully kept. Fountains were specially plentiful, the
water being brought from the mountains by skillfully-constructed
aqueducts, somewhat as in ancient Rome.
Alcyone lived in the suburbs of a large city on the southern
side of the island—that is, on the northern coast of the Sahara Sea.
His father Leo was the principal judge and administrator of the city—
a man of great wealth and influence in the community, who had
large estates and also owned many ships. The management of the
estates was still much on the patriarchal plan, but naturally Leo had
to spend most of his time in the city, so that the land was left largely
in the hands of his steward Sagitta, who managed it for him ably and
loyally, who managed it for him ably and loyally. In their childhood
his twin sons Alcyone and Sirius lived much at the country-house in
the midst of his huge estate, as they both greatly preferred this to
the town life. There they played often with the steward’ s son Algol
and his daughter Cygnus, and had childish flirtations with the latter.
As they grew older they had to stay more in town for the sake
of attending the classes at the university, which had attained a great
reputation. It had a large number of resident students, who came
from the surrounding districts, and also many day-scholars who lived
at their own homes, as Sirius and Alcyone did. The university,
however, had entirely outgrown its buildings, and its accommodation
was in every way defective.
It conferred degrees in divinity, mathematics, literature and
rhetoric—or at least proficiency in debating and lecturing; but it also
gave prizes for sword-play, for javelin-throwing and for the
illumination of manuscripts. The student was supposed to be trained
in fighting and to live a strictly celibate life—to be a sort of soldier-
monk; but owing to the rapid growth of the University and the utter
lack of accommodation this aspect of education had to some extent
been neglected.
Sirius and Alcyone went through the usual course, and the
latter especially was fired with an extraordinary enthusiasm for his
alma mater. He devised all sorts of schemes for her improvement
and aggrandisement, and often declared (but only in private to
Sirius) that he would devote his life to her, would double her roll of
students and make her famous throughout the whole world. He
infected his brother with his zeal, and Sirius promised in case of his
father’ s death to take upon himself the whole management of
estates and the inheritance of various offices from their father, in
order to leave Alcyone entirely free to make a lifework of the
development of the university—but of course sharing everything with
him precisely as though he took his recognised part in the business
of their life.
Alcyone though full of far reaching plans for the future, by no
means neglected comparatively small present opportunities of doing
any kind of service that offered itself; this attracted the notice of the
authorities of the University, so that when the time came when he
would naturally have left, they offered him a post on its permanent
staff. He accepted joyously, and by willingness to do any piece of
work which others avoided, by unremitting diligence and unflagging
devotion to the interests of the corporate body, he advanced himself
so rapidly that in his thirtieth year he was unanimously elected by
the supreme council of the city to the office of Head of the
University. He was by far the youngest man who had ever held that
post; yet the only person on the council who voted against him was
his own father, and when this became known his fellow-councillors
united in asking him to withdraw his opposition in order that the vote
might be unanimous. He at once complied, saying that he knew of
his son’ s devotion to the welfare of the University, and fully agreed
with his colleagues that they would find no more earnest man, and
that he had voted against him in the first place only because of his
youth, and lest he himself should be unconsciously influenced by his
love for his son.
When Alcyone at last had full power in his hands he lost no
time in getting to work. First of all he appealed to his father to give
him nearly half of his great estate as a site for the University and its
gardens, for he declared that it should be no longer be vilely and
insufficiently housed in the heart of the city, but should have free
and ample domicile in a healthy country place near the sea. His
father and Sirius gladly agreed to give the required land, and
Alcyone then went to work to collect the large amount of money
necessary for his extensive schemes. He succeeded in stirring the
patriotism of his fellow-citizens, so that some gave him money,
others lent him labourers, others supplied him with materials gratis,
and in a wonderfully short time work was beginning on a really large
scale, spacious buildings were being erected for all the various
purposes of the University, and splendid gardens were being laid out
on an extensive scale. As Alcyone was strongly impressed with the
importance of an open-air life for the young, the different parts of his
edifice were erected on a decidedly novel plan, which was rendered
possible only by the favourable climate of the country, and the large
amount of ground which he had at his disposal. Except in the case
of a tower for astronomical observation, no building had an upper
floor, and every room was built separately.
The university was not a building or even set of buildings in
the ordinary sense, but a huge garden with a number of rooms
dotted about it at intervals, with avenues leading from one to
another, interspersed with fountains, ponds and miniature cascades.
Such seats and desks or platforms as were considered necessary
for the various class or lecture rooms were placed under the trees in
the open air, a room being provided in each case as an alternative,
only to be employed when the weather was inclement. This of
course scattered the buildings over a large area, so that a students
were arranged in rows back to back, each room opening straight out
into the garden and having no interior communication with any other.
A supply of fresh water was kept constantly flowing in each room,
and spotless cleanliness was enforced. The students were
encouraged to live entirely out of doors, and to use their rooms only
for sleeping.
Objection had been taken on behalf of the day-scholars to
Alcyone’ s scheme of moving the University out of town into the
country; so in order to meet their difficulty he had promised to
provide means of transport for them. To fulfill this purpose he
invented a novel means of extraordinary kind of rock-tramway,
operated by water-power. The possibility of this was suggested to
him by the nature of the country. Along the coast between the city
and this University ran a cliff perhaps three hundred feet high, and a
river cut through this cliff about midway. He diverted some of the
water of this river on each side, commencing far inland, and so
arranged two streams running parallel to the top of the cliff. He then
made a smooth road of highly polished rock, and dragged light cars
along it on runners, something on the principle of a modern sleigh.
At frequent intervals were were double moveable water-tanks, which
slid up and down the face of the cliff between columns like a lift.
When he wished to start a car he allowed one tank to fill with water
and then to slip down the cliff. Its weight dragged the car (to which it
was attached by a rope) from its starting-place to the top of the lift;
there that rope was at once cast off, and a rope from the next rope
attached, which drew it on in the same way another hundred yards,
and so by a succession of constant changes of rope the car was
dragged all the way to the University at a pace rather faster than a
horse could travel, and he carried upon each spidery-looking car
many more students than a horse could have drawn. On reaching
the bottom of the cliff each tank was at once emptied, and the
descending full tank drew up the empty one at the same time that it
pulled along a car. He was able in this way to keep a large number
of cars running simultaneously, for as only one could be pulled over
each section at one time there was no danger of collision, and of
course all the cars were running in a steady procession out of the
city in the early morning and back to it in the evening. Students were
conveyed on this primitive tramway free of charge, but it was
presently discovered that this was also a convenient way of carrying
stores and materials out there, and so other cars of different make
were sometimes used in the middle of the day. Then it transpired
that there were often people who desired to travel in that direction.
At first such people formally applied for permission to ride on the
cars, but presently Alcyone ordered that any one might make use of
them upon making a small payment, and so a real tramway system
was instituted. Later still the rather clumsy lifts were replaced by
water-wheels, and a succession of continuous ropes was used.
Alcyone worked not only at the housing of his University, but
also at its interior development. He spared neither trouble nor
money to make it absolutely the best in every way he could think of,
sending over even to Poseidonis to engage professors who had the
highest reputation for some special subjects. (Among those who
responded to his invitation we note Pallas, Lyra, Orpheus and
Cetus.) He classified its heterogeneous collection of manuscripts,
built a magnificent library for them, and employed agents in many
countries to gather together others. In this manner he came into
possession of many valuable books, but as naturally it not
unfrequently happened that he had several copies of the same work,
he instituted a plan for exchanging duplications with other libraries in
Egypt, Poseidonis and India. It is interesting to note that he thus
came into relation with the very library in the south of India which he
himself had founded six hundred years before when he was acting
as deputy for Surya. He also insisted much on the physical side of
the soldier-priests, and drilled his young fellows into a regular army.
The capital city of the country, the residence of its ruler, was
on the northern side of the island, but he had long ago made a
journey thither, obtained audience of that ruler (Venus) and gained
his approval and support for his schemes. He even contrived that
Venus himself should perform the ceremony of opening and
consecrating the University – for he was chief priest of the religion
as well as temporal ruler—a function which was made to involve a
fabulously splendid procession and much elaborate ritual. The
University buildings were by no means really completed when this
formal opening took place, but Alcyone thought it well to take
advantage of the ruler’ s visit, for the sake of the prestige that his
opening would give.
Alcyone would much have preferred a quiet and obscure life,
for he had a great desire to write certain books on philosophy, but
having taken up assignment of his beloved University as his life-
work, he thought it his duty to sacrifice his private inclinations. He
had married Helios, and had several children. His eldest daughter,
Mercury, took a great pride and interest in his work for the
University; indeed, after a certain painful event, which cast a shadow
over her young life, she devoted herself entirely to its welfare. The
second daughter, Ulysses, was a wayward and passionate girl, and
her lack of self-control brought great trouble upon the family, for she
fell wildly in love with Vajra, who was a suitor for the hand of her
sister Mercury, Vajra’ s affections were already fully engaged with
the shore, made them fast and left them while they charged into the
village to pillage, rushed to these boats and set them on fire, helping
the conflagration by pouring into them a quantity of pitch which they
obtained from the yard of a neighboring boat-builder. The pirates
had not dreamt of any serious opposition and had left their craft
entirely undefended, so the boys had a clear field of action, and in a
surprisingly short space of time, by working with feverish energy,
they had the entire fleet of boats blazing merrily, and whenever they
could not get the flames at once to seize upon some part of the
vessels they could easily reach. In this they were assisted by
another of our characters—Boreas, who was a boy servant to Mizar.
Fortunately for themselves they contrived to get away just before
some of the pirates, disgusted with their unexpectedly warm
reception, came trooping back to the beach and realised that they
were cut off. This discovery made them fight with redoubled
savagery, but Leo’ s plans were so well laid, and he was so ably
seconded by the younger men, that they were able to keep the
pirates at bay until the arrival of Sirius with a large armed force from
the city—for immediately on receipt of the first warning of danger
Alcyone had sent a mesenger to him for military assistance. The
pirates were then ruthlessly exterminated.
The younger branches of the family intermarried to some
extent, Vega taking Bee to wife, and Bella joining with aqua. The
childish association of Cygnus with Sirius and Alcyone led to her
falling seriously in love with the latter when they grew older. Though
she had never previously shown her love openly, his marriage with
Helios was a great blow to her, and she went and reproached him
bitterly for forgetting him, as she put it. He was much concerned
about the affair, and spoke gently and kindly to her, though he was
in no way shaken in his devotion to his wife. Cygnus could not forget
him, and refused several eligible offers because of this; but after
some years she at last yielded to the oft-repeated solicitations of an
old suitor, married him and lived a sober and happy life. Her brother
Algol married Psyche, which was considered an exceedingly good
match for him.
Perfect understanding always subsisted between the twin-
brothers Sirius and Alcyone, and when the former died at the age of
sixty-nine Alcyone felt that he had lost himself as well as his brother.
But he soon realised that nothing was really lost, for each night he
dreamt vividly of Sirius, and during the two years which he survived
it may truly be said that he lived through the days only for the sake
of the nights. Up to the last, however, he retained the keenest
interest in his University, and it was his greatest joy to see how
thoroughly his son Herakles entered into his feelings, and how
eagerly he carried on his work. Finally Alcyone passed away
peacefully during sleep, at the age of 71, leaving behind him as a
monument a university the renown of which lasted some two
thousand years, until the civlisation wore itself out, and was overrun
by barbarous tribes. We find another of our characters Phocea,
acting as a clerk in the office of the University.
Chart XXV
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Inca -Baldur
Phra -Noel
Achilles -Leo Horus -Karu
Argus -Cassio Gaspar -Fabius
Helios -Alcyone
Uranus -Proteus
Aurora -Herakles
Fomal -Theseus Demeter -Elsa
Baldur -Inca
Neptune -Leopard
Dora -Hermia
Herakles -Aurora Capella -Euphra Walter -Ronald
Clio -Fons
Sita -Ushas
Lutea -Aries
Zoe -Kos
Ivy -Egeria Nu -Ida
Alcyone -Helios Hygeia -Radius
Aldeb -Callio Beth -Ajax
Daleth -Forma
Parthe -Ara
Soma -Math
Noel -Phra
Bee -Vega
Aqua -Bella
Ushas -Sita
Upaka -Una
Naga -Corona Naiad -Vizier
Pavo -Nanda
Joan -Yati
Koli -Jupiter
Kratos -Ivan
Kamu -Echo Jerome -Chanda
Alma -Yodha
Vega -Bee Lotus -Ullin
Saturn -Rama Gnostic -Athena
Oak -Zama
Radius -Hygeia
Maya -Markab
Odos -Rao
Chart XXV
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Madhu -Tripos
Kepos -Nimrod
Pearl -Castor
Mira -Melete
Leo -Achilles Sirius -Selene Ajax -Beth
Atlas -Colos
Vesta -Pindar Siwa -Dome
Egeria -Ivy
Deneb -Theo
Canopus -Osiris
Beren -Rector
Bella -Aqua Theo -Deneb
Dolphin -Flora
Daphne -Eudox
Priam -Clare
Lignus -Ixion
Psyche Algol Viola -Sextans
Auriga -Iris Tolosa -Cyr
Tiphys -Scotus
Rama -Saturn
Hermin -Dora
Leopard -Neptune
Philae -Rex
Dome -Siwa
Mizar -Aquilla Aulus -Norma
Judex -Allen
Hestin -Pisces
Rector -Beren
Stella -Pome
Aletheia -Pax Vulcan -Kudos
Fabius -Gaspar
Rosa -Holly Sylla -Gluck
Gem -Pyx Gimel -Mona
Polaris -Fides
Orca -Nita
Euphra -Capella
Sextans -Viola
Fons -Clio Markab -Maya
Melete -Mira Tripos -Madhu
Pisces -Hestia
Pomo -Stella
Eudox -Daphne
Fides -Polaris Myna -Beatus
Jason -Arthur
Libra -Thor Camel -Laxa
Telema -Trefoil
Aquila -Mizar
Selene -Sirius
Andro -Lili
Cassio -Argus Spica -Draco Concord -Cento
Arcor -Zeno Uchacha -Onyx
Aries -Lutea
Pindar -Vesta
Lili -Andro
Chart XXV
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Colos -Atlas
Forma -Daleth
Juno -Lyra Dactyl -Phoenix Chrys -Dido
Scotus -Tiphys
Nicos -Aglaia
Xanthos -Percy
Thor -Libra
Theseus -Fomal
Leto -Alastor
Albireo -Venus
Lobelia -Magnus
Cetus -Zephyr
Karu -Horus
Ullin -Lotus
Ronald -Walter Yodha -Alma
Cento -Concord
Wences -Nestor
Betel -Quies
Holly -Rosa
Iris -Auriga
Pollux -Apis
Flos -Virgo Adrona -Abel
Melpo -Spes
Callio -Aldeb
Castor -Pearl
Abel -Adrona
Alces -Pallas Olaf -Rhea Vale -Eros
Laxa -Camel
Auson -Lomia
Apollo -Viraj
Osiris -Canopus
Alex -Rigel Kos -Zoe
Rex -Philae
Ara -Parthe
Lomia -Auson Alba -Judex
Chart XXV
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Nita -Orca
Norma -Aulus
Nestor -Wences
Clare -Priam
Pax -Aletheia Bruce -Sappho
Ophis -Hebe Zama -Oak
Muni -Sirona Cyr -Tolosa
Spes -Melpo Xulon -Obra
Phoenix -Dactyl Rao -Odos
Calyx -Electra
Virgo -Flos
Dhruva -Sif
Nanda -Pavo
Electra -Calyx Sappho -Bruce
Fort -Diana
Folra -Dolphin
Amal -Orphus Aglaia -Nicos
Rhea -Olaf
Eros -Vale
Beatus -Magnus Apis -Pollux
Vizier -Naiad
Draco -Spica
Chart XXVI
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Gem -Lili
Bootes -Radius
Arcor -Jason Hygeia -Ullin
Hebe -Philae
Flora -Pax
Ixion -Tolosa
Gimel -Koli Pepin -Iris
Tiphys -Fort
Kamu -Brihat Horus -Tripos
Radius -Bootes
Pavo -Aglais
Noel -Clio
Lotus -Alba
Ara -Ophis
Oak -Daphne
Siwa -Pearl Phra -Laxa
Daleth -Fabius
Yati -Eudox
Yajna -Vesta
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Nu5 -Chanda
th 6 th 7 th
Mercury -Viraj
Saturn -Jupiter
Viola -Spes
Venus -Aurora Selene -Colos
Fides -Athena
Ulysses -Bell
Beth -Lyra
Viraj -Mercury Leo -Norma Deneb -Callio
Beren -Atlas
Odos -Una
Apollo -Electra
Sirius -Vega
Alex -Alces
Callio -Deneb
Hestia -Achills
Libra -Naga
Vega -Sirius Alethia -Lomia
Gaspar -Auriga
Mira -Helios Muni -Jerome
Brihat -Kamu
Uranus -Kos
Lili -Gem
Spes -Viola Draco -Argus Dactyl -Scotus
Vajra -Orpheus Concord -Taurus
Regu -Wences
Altair -Cento
Karu -Adrona Rao -Upaka
Xulon -Kepos
Pearl -Siwa
Euphra -Hermin
Aulus -Aldeb
Electra -Apollo Atlas -Beren
Lomia -Alethia
Ivan -Naiad
Dhruva -Rosa
Cassio -Dome
Crux -Kudos
Alcyone -Rigel Wences -Regu
Taurus -Concord
Irene -Flos
Theseus -Dido
Aqua -Sif
Ajax -Elsa Daphne -Oak
Holly -Camel
Priam -Pisces
Chart XXVI
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Roma -Mizar
Vulcan -Corona Rector -Trefoil
Thor -Leto
Neptune -Mars
Achilles -Hestia
Lyra -Beth
Colos -Selene Aldeb -Aulus
Helios -Mira
Naiad -Ivan
Una -Odos
Corona -Vulcan
Arthur -Psyche Nanda -Virgo
Joan -Melpo
Percy -Osiris Sita -Cyr
Gnostic -Phoenix
Auson -Walter
Rex -Bruce
Sif -Aqua
Capella -Judex Fomal Cygnus Phoenix -Gnostic
Camel -Holly
Orca -Nita
Demeter -Aries
Hector -Albireo
Elsa -Ajax
Kim -Udor Xanthos -Olaf
Norma -Leo
Orppheus -Vajra Eros -Theo
Math -Bee
Forma -Sextans
Chrys -Nestor
Zoe -Andro Clare -Magnus
Parthe -Proteus Obra -Sylla Madhu -Apis
Uchacha -Mona
Zeno -Pyx
Chanda -Nu
Telema -Spica
Juno -Nicos
Chart XXVI
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Apis -Madhu
Gluck -Capri
Spica -Telema Tripos -Horus
Rigel -Alcyone
Nimrod -Alma
Olaf -Xanthos
Canopus -Betel Vizier -Phocea
Nicos -Juno
Leopard -Sagitta
Theo -Eros
Lobelia -Kratos
Magnus -Clare
Lignus -Fons
Vesta -Yajna Bruce -Rex
Scotus -Dactyl
Sextans -Forma
Nita -Orca
Philae -Hebe
Nestor -Chrys
Ophis -Ara
Pisces -Priam
Aries -Demeter
Castor -Pollux Myna
Chart XXVIa
Orion was born in the year 17,228, in an Accadian race in the southern part of Poseidonis. The country was in an unsettled
condition, and the people, who were chiefly manufacturer's and traders, suffered much from the depredations of pirates.
Orion was the son of a rich merchant, and was early taken into his business, but owing to his infatuation for women of an
undesirable type, he soon became dishonest. On one occasion he received on behalf of his father payments for a large shipment
of goods, but misappropriated the money; and as discovery was imminent he siezed upon the young clerk Zeta, who had brought
him the money , and sold him to the pirates as a slave. Presently the woman , Gamma, for whose sake he had done this crime,
tired of him and arranged that he in turn should be seized and sold to the pirates. In this way he was carried to their headquarters
and there met the victim whom he had sold to them years before. For a long time these two fellow prisoners were bitter enemies
but eventually they made up their quarrel, became friends, and managed, after fourteen years of captivity to escape from the galleys
in which they were. Zeta was badly injured in the course of the escape, but Orion tended him carefully,and therby saved his life.
Orion afterwards took service with a goldsmith, and in that way supported Zeta until his death, Orion in the course of time succ
eeded to the budiness and amassed some wealth, but lost it all thorugh the dishonesty of a workman. He was now too old to
obtain regular work, so he drifted gradually downwards, became a begger again and lived in poverty and obscurity to extreme old
Erato was born in the year 17,147 in an Arab family, but at about the age of nine was captured and carried off into Egypt as a
slave. He was fortunate enough to fall into the hands of a kindly family, and was appointed as the attendant of the little son of his
master. He was treated very much as a member of the family, and when the head of it died he married his young master's sister
and established his footing definitely. The father's property had become involved, and after his death they were very poor, and it
was mainly Erato who supported them, as his young brother-in-law was by no means a practical man. Erato presently obtained
a position as secretary to Pallas, an old man who had a very fine library and was engaged upon a great historical work. He held
this post for ten years until the death of Pallas, who left to him his library and also some of his property on condition of his finishing
the great historical work. This he did, though it took him many years, and eventually he presented a copy of the book to the
Pharaoh ,who placed it in the royal archives and offered Erato a position in connection with the royal library at the capital. Erato
Erato, however, declined this, and ended his life peacefully upon his own estate.
Pallas Stella
Cancer -Lacey
friends among the boys of the town, and soon found that most of
them did not at all agree with him in this, but that all their desires
were centered round quite another life—the excitement of making
good bargains and gaining much money, or the interest of sailing to
distant lands where all sorts of strange adventures might be
encountered. Thrilling stories of dangers surmounted and of fortunes
quickly made were dinned into his ears, and there was a side of his
nature which responded very rapidly to all this. But when he
excitedly repeated these stories of his father and mother, or to his
great-grandfather Surya, they gently told him that, fascinating as the
life of a sailor or a merchant might be, it was still on the whole one of
self-interest, while that of a priest was altruistic—that the one
worked for the physical life only, but the other for a higher life and for
all eternity. They told him also that while both the sailor and the
merchant sometimes met with strange and exciting adventures,
these were after all rare, while the daily life of each involved a great
deal of dull, plodding hard work.
So he grew up with two antagonistic ideals in his mind, and for
years he was not quite sure whether he most desired to be a High
Priest or a successful pirate. His boy-friends painted in vivid colors
the delights of the swash-bucking life, while Surya spoke to him of
the higher joys of self-sacrifice; and each in turn seemed desirable
to him. Mercury and the gentle Brihat doubted much whether the
companionship of his young friends was good for him, and debated
whether it was not a duty to withdraw him from its fascination; but
the aged Surya advised them to let him go his own way and decide
for himself, pointing out that in him were mingled the blood of the
Emperor and that of the High Priest, and that they must each have
full play. For he said:
“ I have seen in my long life many boys, and I believe in this
lad and love him; and when the time of decision comes I think he will
choose aright.”
The old man’ s confidence was justified. When Alcyone came
to the age at which he accepted as a postulant in the Temple, his
great-grandfather sent for him and asked him whether he wished to
enter it. He replied that he did; but instead of immediately accepting
him, Surya told him to go once more among his boy and girlfriends
and hear all the stories they could tell him, to go with them on board
the vessels then in port and talk with the sailors, and then to come
back to him a week later and tell him whether he adhered to his
resolution. The boy did as he was told, and the struggle in his mind
was a sore one. The tales of adventures had never seemed so
attractive; the smell of pitch and of strange spices and far-away seas
that hung round the great ships intoxicated him. Worst of all was the
attraction of a certain young lady—Phocea, the daughter of Alces,
one of the rich merchants – a little girl of about his own age; many
boys were striving to be noticed by her, and she favoured those who
boasted loudly of the adventures which they would seek, and the
deeds of prowess they would do; and she had once spoken of him
half-contemptuously as “ only a young priest” .
He went to see her on this occasion, and found her as usual
holding a little court of admiring friends near the harbour, and
listening to and applauding the gasconde of the would-be sea-
captains or pirate kings. One boy especially seemed for the moment
to be high in th e favour of their fickle young goddess, and he gave
and the extension of the town was almost all of it wrong. When at
last they came in sight of it his feelings were of the most mixed
description; he recognised instantly all the physical features of the
place, but the town was enormously larger than in his opinion it
ought to be, and the buildings seemed all different. He was strangely
excited at this astounding half recognition of everything, and
constantly questioned his father about it, but at first Mercury could
only say that he must have travelled on in advance of the ship in his
eagerness, and seen things in a vision.
Presently, when it became evident that the city which he knew
was much smaller, it occurred to his father that they might be in the
presence of the phenomenon of a memory from a past incarnation;
and when they landed he became almost sure of this, because
when Alcyone described how, according to his idea, the various
streets ought to run or the buildings to stand, in several cases the
inhabitants said:
“ Yes, there is a tradition that it used to be like that.”
When they were carried out to the University on a curious
hydraulic rock tramway he became still more excited, and described
exactly how it used to work, and the form of the old cars, which had
for centuries been superseded by another type; and when they
reached the University itself he was quite unable to contain himself,
for he declared that he knew every walk in the garden, and dragged
his father about to show it all to him. Presently his fullness of
memory reawakened that of his father, and Mercury also began to
see things as they used to be and to recollect events as well as
scenes of a far-away past. Then father and son were able to
compare notes, and to realise that in those old days they had been,
not father and son, but father and daughter, and that the relative
positions had been reversed. Then Alcyone said to his father:
“ You are an advanced priest of the Temple, and I am only a
beginner; how could I remember all this before you did?”
Mercury replied: “ It is just because your body is younger
than mine that it is easier for you to remember; I have changed sex
too, and so have an entirely different outlook on life, while you have
not. Besides, this University was your life work, and so it was
impressed more strongly upon your mind than upon mine.”
They talked over all that time together, and marvelled greatly
as they recalled incident after incident of the earlier life, and went
from building to building, noting the changes. Most of all, perhaps,
they were interested in the library, where they found some of the
very books in which they used to read—some even that they had
copied with their own hands.
Among other recollections, the language of that country came
back to them, but of course it used to be spoken fifteen hundred
years before, so that to those who heard them it sounded archaic
and almost unintelligible; indeed the professor of ancient language
was the only man with whom they could converse quite freely. The
University staff were greatly interested in this wondrous
phenomenon, and they had an amusing argument with a professor
of history, who insisted that their memory of various events must be
wrong because it did not agree with his books. Alcyone found with
great glee a statue of himself in that incarnation, and after much
persuasion he induced the authorities to inscribe on its pedestal his
present name, and a record of the fact that he was a reincarnation of
the founder, and the date on which he had visited the University.
From this it will be seen that after a searching enquiry the claims of
our two travellers were admitted, and this unusual occurrence
aroused a vast amount of interest, and was widely known and had a
great reputation.
After their work in connection with the library was completed,
they started on their homeward voyage. The ruler of the country sent
for them, and desired to persuade them to stay in his realm, but
Mercury respectfully declined the invitation, alleging as excuse that
he had undertaken in Poseidonis duties belonging to his present
incarnation, and that he must return to fulfil them.
Their voyage home was accomplished without serious
mishap, though a heavy storm carried them far out of their course
and gave them some new experiences. The vessel this time called
in passing at the great City of Golden Gate, and Alcyone was much
impressed with its architectural splendour, though Mercury felt its
moral atmosphere to be foul and degraded. Of course they took this
opportunity to pay a visit to Mars, who received them with great
kindness, and kept them with him for two months.
By force of example and by stern repression of evil
tendencies, Mars had kept his court at least outwardly decent; but
he was well aware that the Toltec civilisation was even then
decadent, and that a strong party among his subjects scarcely veiled
their impatience of the restrictions which he imposed upon them. He
felt that the outlook for the Empire was a gloomy one,and
congratulated his descendents that their lot was cast in a part of the
continent in which, though the inhabitants were often materialistic
and avaricious, they were at least much freer from the darker magic
and from what was called ‘ refined’ forms of sensuality. Even
Alcyone, young though he was, felt that there was something wrong
with the place, despite its magnificence, and was glad when the time
came for them to pursue their journey.
nearly drawn him away from entering the Temple several years
before. She had tried to attract him then; she tried with maturer arts
to attract him now.
But by this time he was trebly armed against her wiles, for
immediately on returning from his voyage he had met his cousin
Sirius, and at once felt so strong an attraction for her that he
determined off hand to marry her at the earliest possible moment.
She thoroughly reciprocated his feelings, and was just as eager for
instant marriage as he was, but the parents on both sides did not
wuite understand such a violent case of love at first sight, and
insisted kindly but firmly on a delay of at least a year. The young
people unwillingly consented to this, because they could not help it,
but this intervening period was one of severe trial to both of them,
and this became so evident to the discerning eyes of Brihat that she
contrived to get it shortened by almost half, to the great relief of the
lovers. Surya himself performed the marriage ceremony, though it
was but rarely that he took any personal part in the services, usually
giving only his benediction to vast crowds from a lofty opening in the
façade of the Temple, much as the Pope used to do at Rome. This
marriage was indeed his last appearance at any public function, and
only a few months later Alcyone and his wife were summoned to his
bedside to receive his farewell message. He said to Alcyone:
“ Now I stand on the threshold of another world, and mine
eyes can pierce the veil which hangs between this and that. I tell you
that there lies before you much of tribulation, for all that has been
evil in your past must be expiated, and you may be free. In your next
birth you will pay something of your debt by a death of violence and
after that you will return amidst surroundings of darkness and evil
yet if, through that, you can see the light and tear away the veil
which binds you, your reward shall be great. You shall follow in my
footsteps, and shall fall at the feet of Him whom I also worship. Yes,
and she also” (turning to Sirius), “ she also shall follow me, and
your father shall lead you, for you be all of one great Race—the
Race of those who help the world. And now I go down into what men
call death; but though I seem to leave you, yet in truth I leave you
not, for neither death nor birth can separate the members of that
Race—those who take upon them the vow that can never be
broken. So take courage to meet the storm, for after the storm the
Sun shall shine—the Sun that never sets.”
A few days later Surya breathed his last, but Alcyone never
forgot him through all his long life, and he often saw him in dreams
and received blessing and help from him. So mercury took charge of
the great Temple in his stead, and strove to carry on everything as
Surya’ s wisdom had ordered it, his father Herakles co-operating in
every way as the head of the temporal government.
The daughters of Venus had been a closely united family;
indeed their feelings were so nearly identical that Sirius and Mizar
were both in love with Alcyone, as well as with one another. When
he married the former, the latter, incapable of any feeling of
jealousy, loved both husband and wife just as dearly as before, and
they so strongly reciprocated the affection that they invited Mizar to
live with them. She joyously accepted , and no one could have been
more loyal and loving coadjutor than she was to Sirius during all the
years that followed. A more piteous case was to Sirius during all the
years that followed. A more piteous case was that of Helios, a niece
of Osiris, who had followed. A more piteous case was that of Helios,
a niece of Osiris, who had been left an orphan at an early age, and
consequently adapted by her uncle Venus. She had grown up with
the family, and was so much one with it that she followed the
example of the two elder girls in falling in love with Alcyone, and was
quite heart-broken when he carried them both off, since she could
not well offer to join his new household. She did, however, later
came on long visits to the family, and in course of time accepted
Alcyone’ s younger brother Achilles, thus remaining in close touch
with all those whom she loved so well.
The authorities of the North African University had never
forgotten their reincarnation founder, the little boy who had told th em
so marvellous a story and exhibited such vivid enthusiasm. The tale
had caught the popular imagination and been repeated in every
home in the land, and when, some twelve years after his visit, the
headship of the University fell vacant with no obvious successor,
and somebody set on foot the idea that the post should be offered to
the original founder, there was a tremendous outburst of enthusiasm
over the whole country, and the ruler in consequence sent so
pressing an invitation and made so generous an offer that Alcyone
felt it would be churlish to refuse. Though he had now a wife and
three children he consented to expatriate himself, and set up a
home for them in a foreign land.
He was received in Africa with a perfect ovation; he landed at
the capital city, by the special request of the ruler, and after being
feted there for some time made a triumphal progress through the
country to his ancient home. He was able to arrange to inhabit the
very same suite of rooms or halls in which he had lived fourteen
hundred years before, and he even had furniture constructed on
archaic models, and endeavoured to reproduce as far as he could
the exact appearance of the place in that previous life. The
recollection of his earnest efforts then was a never-failing wonder
and joy to him now, and he had such an opportunity as is given to
few to see the permanent results of his own work after many
generations. He threw himself into the university work with a vigour
and enthusiasm which fourteen hundred years had not diminished,
and his wife Sirius and his sister-in-law Mizar (who of course had
accompanied them) co-operated with equal zeal.
Infected by his eagerness, both Sirius and Mizar began to
remember something of that remote past, but they never attained to
anything approaching his perfect familiarity with the older time.
Vesta, who at that time was the youngest child, seemed as
thoroughly at home in it all as his father, but Bella, though he also
had been equally intimately associated with it all in that other life,
had no memory of it whatever. Alcyone soon found that to establish
a university and arrange it all just as one wished was one thing, but
that to administer it when all its customs had the weight of a
thousand years of tradition behind them was quite another. Still, he
was happy in his work, and he managed everything with such tact
that no outcry was made against various reforms which he contrived
by degrees to institute. He kept up a constant correspondence with
his father Mercury, this being indeed one of the stipulations which
the latter had made before giving his consent to his acceptance of
the headship of the University. He had also made it a condition that
his son should return whenever he had urgent need of him, or
whenever he felt his own strength beginning to fail.
Africa with his sister and brother-in-law. Alcyone at once found work
for him in connection with the university, and he soon fell in love with
and married Alcyone’ s eldest daughter Vega. Not long afterwards
he met with a sad accident, being thrown from his horse, and
receiving injuries which proved fatal; so Vega with her baby son
Vajra returned once more to her father’ s house. After some years
she married Pindar, a kind and capable man, and to them was born
a daughter, Cygnus, who became a charming little girl and was
always a prime favorite with her grandfather Alcyone. They had also
a son, Iris.
Alcyone worked on steadily for a number of years, and might
have spent the whole of his life in guiding the University to which he
was so closely linked, but that his father Mercury and his mother
Brihat, finding themselves growing old and less active than of yore,
wrote begging him to return and solace their last days with his
presence. He felt it his duty to obey this call, though it was a great
struggle for him to leave his African work. He discussed the matter
with his wife, and she also agreed with him that they ought to
sacrifice their own wishes, however strong they were, to the desire
of the parents whom they so revered. So Alcyone made a journey to
the capital and had an audience with the ruler, in which he told him
exactly the facts of the case, and what he felt he ought to do.
At first the ruler flatly refused to give him permission to
abandon the University; but after a night’ s sleep he sent for him
again, and announced that if his son Bella (whom the ruler had seen
and liked) would act as deputy manager of the University, Alcyone
should still remain the nominal Head of the University, and that all
important questions connected with it should be submitted for his
decision. Alcyone thankfully accepted his arrangement, subject of
course to its endorsement by Bella; of which however he had little
doubt. On his return home he summoned his sons to a family
council, and told them the ruler's’ decision. Bella was a business-
like and capable man, and his wife Ulysses had also considerable
administrative ability, so it seemed that the interests of the University
would be safe in their hands; furthermore Vesta, who was psychic
and impressionable, seemed in many ways better fitted for
succession to the priestly office in Poseidonis than was his eldest
son. After the first surprise of the proposal was over, they all agreed
that it was under the circumstances the best that could be done, and
Bella in his turn journeyed to the capital to place his formal
acceptance of the office in the hands of the ruler, and to receive
from him a solemn charge with regard to the conduct of the
University. On his return Alcyone set sail for Poseidonis, in the year
16,823, taking with him Mizar, Vesta and Neptune.
On the voyage a great blow fell upon him in the death of his
dearly loved wife Sirius by an accident. She was enceinte at the
time, and in very bad weather she was thrown off a couch and fatally
injured. Her husband was overpowered by grief, and declared that
he could not live without her, and should not know in the least what
to do. But she tried to cheer him, and begged him to grant her one
last request. Of course he promised to do so, and she asked him to
marry her sister Mizar at once, so that the home might go on just as
before, and she might feel satisfied that everything was being made
comfortable for him. She said that if she knew that this would be
soon she could die in peace, and she would also keep near them if it
was permitted, and would even try to speak to them. Alcyone and
came to the throne, and very shortly after that Mercury and Brihat
died within a few months of one another. Though this was not
unexpected at so great an age, it came as a shock to Alcyone, all
the more so as he had been overworking himself for a long time and
was therefore not at his strongest. He felt the need of rest and
change, and with considerable difficulty he persuaded to pay the
long promised visit to North Africa, the hope being that the sea-
voyage and the absence of responsibility might set him up again in
This expectation was to a great extent fulfilled, for his passage
was a pleasant one, and he received a most enthusiastic welcome
at the University, and was delighted to find that Bella had been
managing everything with praiseworthy firmness and tact, so that
both the University itself and the schools were in a most satisfactory
state of efficiency. He declined to interfere in any way, or to take any
share in the management, though he was of course feted
everywhere, and expected to appear as a figure-head and make
speeches on numerous occasions. He spent twelve months in
Africa, and even then returned only because of an urgent request
from Vesta. When he reached his native land he was already sixty
seven years old, and he yearned much for a life of meditation and
repose, so he encouraged Vesta to continue as far as possible the
work to which he had grown accustomed during his father’ s
absence, and he himself remained rather in the background, coming
forth only on great festivals or when special advice was needed. He
was regarded by all the people as a great saint and a person of
marvellous wisdom, and those who could obtain his advice in their
difficulties thought themselves highly favoured. On several
occassions he mesmerically cured people suffering from various
diseases, though e refused to make a regular practice of this, saying
that he could help only those cases which he was specially inspired
to help.
So he lived on for seventeen years, passing the evening of his
life peacefully and contentedly, hale and vigorous, and keeping all
his faculties to the last. Mizar remained inseparable from him (she
had of course accompanied him to Africa) and their devotion to one
another was touching. When Mizar died in the year 16,793 he
seemed scarcely to mourn her, saying that it was not worth while to
sorrow over so short a seperation, as he knew he should soon follow
her almost immediately. His prediction was justified, for he passed
quietly away the following year, leaving behind him a great
reputation on two continents. Two exactly similar statues of him
were made, and were set up in the Central Halls of his two
Universities—in that in Africa besides that other statue of his earlier
personality on the pedestal of which in his boyhood he had had his
present name engraved. The same sculptor produced the two
statues, and each University presented one to the other with a
suitable inscription. The story of the founder who had so strangely
returned and recognised his work was repeated in Africa for
centuries, though later, when the statues had disappeared, it
became confused, and ran that he was a great magician who had
preserved the same body for fourteen hundred years, and so had
revisited the scene of his former labours.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Magnus -Cyr
Melete -Pepin
Vesta -Mira Regu -Irene
Tolos -Dido
Polaris -Diana
Alcyone -(1)Sirius
Pax -Deneb
Neptune -Aldeb Beren -Nita
Lomia -Pisces
Aurora -Aletheia
Alba -Lignus
Siwa -Laxa
Ivy -Viola Adrona -Olaf
Eudox -Zephyr
Flora -Camel
Callio -Fides
Fons -Atlas Lili -Jason
Lobelia -Viraj
Alex -Forma Chrys -Ara
Daphne -Math
Norma -Parthe
Proteus -Quies
Virgo -Kim
Rosa -Egeria
Calyx -Trefoil
Orpheus -Ophis Zoe -Andro
Kos -Virgo Zeno -Cento
Uchocha -Joan
Inca -Algol
Aldeb -Neptune
Ulysses -Bella
Achilles -Helios Flos -Cygnus
Irene -Regu
Gluck -Rector Dido -Tolosa
Tripos -Aglaia
Orca -Aqua
Rex -Daleth
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Parthe -Norma Juno -Hebe
Eros -Vulcan
Euphra -Hestia
Pyx -Castor
Kratos -Hector Joan -Uchacha
Ivan -Madhu
Mona -Fort
Spes -Beatus Diana -Polaris
Kudos -Soma
Venus -Osiris Laza -Siwa
Sirius -Alcyone
Mizar -Alcyone
Capella -Nicos
Helios -Achilles
Bruce -Hermin
Taurus -Leto
Sirona -Psycho
Pavo -Dolphin
Una -Chanda
Leopard -Iris
Auriga -Rama Clio -Markab
Sextans -Dome Zephyr -Eudox
Apis -Priam
Gaspar -Theseus
Roxana -Amal
Alma -Pearl Vizier -Nimrod
Aulus -Electra
Myna -Gem
Ushas -Dora
Naiad -Lotus
Castor -Pyx
Hector -Kratos
Percy -Muni Radius -Upaka
Pearl -Alma
Albireo -Yajna Leto -Taurus Horus -Odos
Rigel -Vale
Psyche -Sirona
Nanda -Noel Ida -Nu
Gem -Myna
Wences -Hygeia Bootes -Onyx
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Pallas -Naga
Dolphin -Pavo
Algol -Inca
Odos -Horus
Dora -Ushas Nimrod -Vizier
Naga -Pallas
Sappho -Sita
Lotus -Naiad
Chanda -Una
Mars -Lutea Capri -Karu
Amal -Roxana
Xanthos -Libra
Nita -Beren
Melpo -Clare
Beth -Auson Theo -Lyra
Markab -Clio
Priam -Apis
Forma -Alex
Fabius -Argus
Obra -Spices
Ronald -Corona Walter -Betel
Yodha -Kepos
Phra -Ullin
Egeria -Rosa Demeter -Dhruva
Holly -Draco
Concord -Sif
Theseus -Gaspar Betel -Walter
Xulon -Altair
Nicos -Capella
Pepin -Melete
Deneb -Pax
Corona -Ronald
Abel -Ixion
Andro -Zoe
Koli -Fomal
Electra -Aulus Ivan -Madhu
Bee -Udor
Cassio -Kim Argus -Fabius
Jerome -Arcor
Math -Daphne
Philae -Aquila Jason -Lili
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Maya -Yati
Baldur -Dharma
Viraj -Lobelia Kepos -Yodha
Fides -Callio Ullin -Phra
Udor -Bee
Athena -Nestor Lignus -Alba
Dharma -Baldur
Ophis -Orpheus Yati -Maya
Spica -Obra
Fomal -Koli Oak -Ajax
Arcor -Jerome
Sylla -Aries
Alltair -Xulon
Dactyl -Vajra
Judex -Gimel
Phoenix -Telema Camel -Flora
Aglaia -Tripos
Atlas -Fons
Auson -Beth
Viola -Ivy
Vale -Rigel
Thor -Crux
Rector -Gluck
Karu -Capri
Brihat -Mercury Trefoil -Calyx Dome -Sextans
Beatus -Spes
of expiation, that old Karma may be outworn, old wrongs made right.
Death shall come to both of you together, in strange and violent
way. In that hour, call on me and I will come to you, and the Light
you have just now seen shall shine in the darkness then.”
Little Alcyone hid her face in his neck and laughed softly; she
did not understand, but she loved her grandfather; and Herakles
looked up boldly, unwitting the gravity of the prophecy; “ I shall call
loud, so that you will hear,” and Jupiter, who always called
Herakles his little wife, said proudly: “ I will take care of you.”
Long and arduous was the journey, and many years had
passed ere the three commanders met again. Corona found his way
south fairly easily, as the road through Kashmir was known, and the
people of the settled portions were not unfriendly. But on reaching
the Punjab he fell out with the inhabitants almost from the beginning,
and presently he had to fight his way through a hostile country. He
besieged the great Toltec city, now under Aryan rule, where Mars
had been betrayed some fifteen hundred years before, and at length
reduced it by starvation, and made its ruler swear fealty to himself;
he next subdued Ravipur—near the site of the modern Delhi—and
established there one of his own officers as a tributary King; he
pressed southwards, ever fighting and reducing his enemies to
submission, till he had carved himself out an empire, with half a
hundred tributary chiefs. Forty years had rolled away ere he reached
Bengal, an aged warrior of over seventy years of age, to find Mars
settled in Central Bengal, having founded and established his
Vulcan had found his way through Tibet and Bhutan a good
sixteen years earlier, had joined his forces with those of Mars, and in
15,953 had invaded Assam, and had there established himself in
fairly peaceful possession by the time Corona arrived, in 15,952
B.C. Much however had happened ere that, and our hero, or rather
heroine, is with Mars, and to her fortunes we must turn.
The route of Mars, on leaving Central Asia, took him in four
years across the great Range into Tibet, and he remained there for
a full year, to rest the feebler members of his army-caravan, ere they
began the toilsome road across the mountains to Nepal. During this
time Castor was born, and much time was given daily to training the
boys of the party in athletics of every sort. Jupiter was the leader in
all manly exercises, and among the boys whom he formed into a
troop, which he trained in scouting and mimic warfare, we note his
cousins Leo, Vajra and Selene, Vajra making up for his juvenility by
his reckless daring and extreme activity—and their friends Albeiro
and Arcor. Alcyone, a girl between seven and eight, was a
somewhat dreamy maiden, quiet and thoughtful, more apt to sit at
home than to roam abroad. She would sing softly to herself the
chants to the angels of her people and lose herself in visions as she
At the end of the fifth year since leaving Manoa, the army
started again on its way, and climbed slowly over the mountains
which lay between Tibet and Nepal. It tried to follow the course of a
mountains which lay between eastwards and southwards, but was
constantly forced to turn aside when the river plunged into
impassable gorges and foamed through ravines where the cliffs
almost closed above it. There were many skirmishes with hill-tribes,
but no serious fighting until two years later they approached Nepal,
where Mars found himself obliged to divide his army, leaving half
under Mercury to guard the huge entrenched camp, and going out
himself with remainder of his troops to subdue the country
sufficiently to make a safe road for his people. He took with him his
eldest son, Jupiter, and his young troop, Mercury specially bidding
his son Vajra learn the soldierly duty of obedience. One attempt was
made to rush the camp during his absence, but Mercury repelled it
without great difficulty and with little loss of life. It is a pretty scene to
see Mercury seated with his wife and sister-in-law, with Alcyone
nestling on his breast, and a girl-friend Capri, Herakles’ special
chum, leaning against his knee, as he told them stories of Surya and
the Mahaguru, and sometimes, speaking softly and low, of the great
Kumaras whom they had seen ere leaving Manoa. Herakles was a
more restless child, and her eyes would rove eagerly over the camp
outside while her father was speaking, bringing on herself
sometimes a solemn reproof from the more demure Capri. Osiris
and Uranus also, with little Viraj, were interested auditors while
Ulysses was apt to sympathise with Herakles’ wandering gaze.
Two years passed before the waiting camp again welcomed
Mars and joyous were the greetings which met the returning
wanderers. He had secured a passage through Nepal, partly by
fighting, partly by diplomacy, and the whole caravan set out, a
couple of months later, in early summer. That winter they camped
near the borders of Nepal, resuming their journey the following
summer, and thus slowly they went forwards, marching during the
summer, camping in the winter, and spending weary years on the
way ere they reached India itself.
Meanwhile the sisters had grown into stately and handsome
maidens, inheriting something of the beauty and grace of their father
and mother. Herakles was now eighteen, and Alcyone sixteen, and
Mars sought his favourite niece as wife for his eldest son, while the
sweet ways and gentle eyes of Alcyone had won the heart of
Albeiro, Jupiter’ s brother in arms. Demure Capri had become the
ideal of Arcor, whose own somewhat stormy nature found rest and
refreshment in her gentle household ways, and the three pairs were
married ere the army left its winter camp in 15,979 B.C.
Mars led his great host peacefully through the extreme north
of Bengal that summer, and camped along a huge river when
marching time was over. Here he determined to wait the arrival of
Vulcan and Corona, in order that their united forces might take
possession of the land, and that he might there build up his
kingdom. Another two years, however, elapsed before the approach
of Vulcan was reported to him. Nothing whatever was to be heard of
corona, and after waiting for a third year, Mars, Mercury and Vulcan
decided to press on without him. They left the women and children
in an entrenchment camp in northern Bengal (15,975 B.C.) while
they marched southwards, taking with them Jupiter, Albeiro, Selene
and Leo, through a fertile but only thinly settled land, and at intervals
the army stopped and threw up strong embankments, protected by
deep trenches which seem to have become easily filled up with
water, the water being thus drained away from a considerable
surrounding area, which was readily cultivable, and afforded
splendid grazing grounds for cattle. Mars detached at each of these
settlements a considerable body of troops, leaving them orders to
make broad and firm roads between the camps; after five years of
this marching and building, he placed Vulcan in authority over the
whole of the conquered land, directing him to return to the northern
camp, taking with him all those who wished to settle down there with
their wives and children, as well as a large force, sufficient to guard
the great numbers that were to settle in the various camps
established in Bengal. He himself determined to continue his march
southwards, and arranged to return to the place where they parted
after another five years.
Vulcan accordingly started visiting all the settlements on his
way north; he found them prosperous and busy, the scattered
inhabitants of the country having entered into friendly relations with
them, often taking service as cowherds, laborers and so on. He
pressed on northwards till he reached the original camp (15,967
B.C.) and was joyfully welcomed by its inhabitants. He found a few
newcomers there; before they had parted Herakles had given birth
to a son, Bee, and a daughter, Canopus; Alcyone to two sons,
Neptune and Psyche, while Capri had borne Arcor a daughter, a
pretty little girl, Pindar, and a son, Altair. To these had been added
Aletheia, son of Herakles, Rigel, daughter of Alcyone, and Adrona,
son of Arcor. The three older children, Bee, Neptune and Pindar
were of an age—eleven years old, having been born in winter of
15,978—and were as inseparable as their mothers, while remaining
trio, Canopus, Psyche and Altair were equally fond of each other.
Each little maiden had her two knights, Pindar being everywhere
accompanied by Bee and Neptune, Canopus by Psyche and Altair.
A happy childhood was theirs, playing on foot and on ponyback,
rough unkempt ponies, and gathering at eventide with their mothers,
to tell of the day’ s delight, and to listen to stories of the land the
mothers had left in childhood, above all to the story of the great
Temple from the lips of Alcyone, and the august Figures their
childish eyes had seen. Aletheia, Rigel and Adrona were but seven
years of age, pretty healthy children, much petted by the uncles of
the two first-named, Vajra and Castor, the younger sons of Mercury.
Vulcan gathered together all the families whose heads or
elder members had followed Mars, and took them southwards,
leaving each group with their long separated men relatives in the
settlement where these were dwelling. Joyous were the meetings,
saddened here and there by gaps in family circles, when death had
swept away by disease or violence those who were not to meet
again their loved ones upon earth.
Meanwhile Mars had gone southwards, and soon found
himself engaged in a long series of skirmishes and battles, for the
country he invaded was thickly populated with people of Atlantean
blood, and as he approached the sea-board these became more
warlike, and offered more resistance to his advance. At last he had
to fight a serious pitched battle, to which the King of the Orissa
country had summoned all his hosts: his priests, followers of the
Atlantean dark magic, had incited the troops to fury by fiery
harangues, and had rendered them, as they believed, invincible by
human sacrifices offered to their gloomy elemental deities in the
huge temple near the sea which was the most sacred centre of their
worship, a temple of unknown antiquity and cyclopean architecture
of the Lemurian type, standing in what is now the town of Puri. In the
dim recesses of that temple, on the night before the battle joined,
the priests had gathered in unholy conclave, and with ghastly rites
and furious invocations had summoned their dark deities to give
battle to the radiant angels of the Aryan invaders.
At daybreak the decisive battle began, and for five days it
raged; Mars and Mercury led their hosts with dauntless valour, well
seconded by their sons and their faithful friends, among whom Arcor
was conspicuous for his reckless courage. Great was the slaughter,
but, as the fifth day darkened into evening, the hosts of Orissa were
in headlong fight and the victorious Aryans chased them
southwards, and encamped for the night in the camp that their
enemies had left. Mars appeared to have carried a charmed life, but
all the other leaders were wounded more or less, and very weary
were the hosts that slept.
Rising ere daybreak, as was their wont, strange and new was
the sight before the eyes of those who, all unknowing had camped
near the sea-shore. Never had they seen the broad expanse of the
ocean, and loud cries of wonder and of awe burst from these
children of the desert and the mountain as the huge plain of heaving
waters burst upon their gaze in the dim twilight ere the dawn, and
the waves rippled to their feet, making them start back in fear. Their
leaders came out at the shouts of the soldiers, wondering if the
enemy had returned in force. Transfixed they also stood, and, as
they gazed, the eastern sky began to redden towards the dawn; they
watched, breathless, and suddenly the crimson globe of the Sun
flung itself upwards from the waters, as though it leaped from the
bosom of the deep, and Mars and Mercury threw themselves upon
their faces and the red rays blazed across the ocean, and the cry:
“ Samudra! Samudra!” rang from a thousand throats. The Sun had
been Pushan, the Nourisher, Pantha, the Path, as he guided them
over the deserts; now he was born of the sea, in the magical wonder
of the dawning.
The neck of the resistance was broken, and Mars established
the centre of his kingdom to the north of Orissa, in Central Bengal,
leaving Jupiter, his eldest son, in charge of Orissa, with Albeiro, Leo
and Arcor as his lieutenants. He departed to keep his tryst with
Vulcan, promising that Mercury should return and bring with him the
families of all left to settle in that part of his realm. Immediately after
this Vulcan parted from Mars and invaded and conquered Assam,
setting up there his kingdom with little difficulty.
In due course Mercury returned, bringing with him his noble
wife, Saturn, and his sons Viraj and Castor, and his three daughters,
Herakles, Alcyone and Mizar. He brought with him also Uranus, to
be the bride of Leo, and aurora to wed Selene. Arcor joyfully
welcomed his fondly loved Capri and his sons Altair and Adrona.
And now came many years of hard work, the building up of a
kingdom, interspersed with occasional wars of defense—skirmishes
with predatory bands, endeavours to conciliate the former owners of
the country, and efforts to put sown human sacrifices. Once during
these years Mars paid a visit to his children, bringing with him his
sons Siwa and Viraj, and his daughter Ulysses. Osiris had married
and could not leave her home. On this occasion Vajra and Ulysses
were wed, and after much discussion, the parents decided to leave
these two as rulers of Orissa, and to return themselves to the
northern capital, taking with them Jupiter and his family; for Mars
was very old, and wished to install his eldest son upon the throne
and retire from the world with Mercury and their wives. This was
done, and Vajra and Ulysses were left in charge.
For a time all went apparently well, but a storm was gathering
below the surface. Vajra did not show the skill in conciliation
characteristic of Jupiter, and his measures, aimed to bring about
into the ladies’ apartment, had struck down the priests who led the
crowd—Ya-uli cautiously withdrawing till the way was clear—and
had battled desperately, though alone, to bar the road. He fell,
pierced by a score of wounds, and the Chief Priest stepped over his
body to his prey.
Alcyone and Herakles were at their morning worship when the
crash of breaking doors told them of danger, and as they rose, two
tall and stately women—Herakles, now at the age of sixty, crowned
with silver hair, and Alcyone with dark tresses, silver streaked, falling
below her waist—the door of their worship-chamber burst open, and
the tall Priest stood on the threshold. The two women faced him, a
proud interrogation as to such intrusion spoken by the uplift of the
noble heads, the gaze of the steady eyes.
“ Come, ye accursed! The day of your oppression is over; the
night of your doom is near. Come, for the Dark Lords call. I am their
messenger of vengeance.”
Herakles threw her arm round her sister’ s slight form:
“ Priest! You threaten those who know not fear. Begone ! invite not
A harsh laugh grated on the air: “ Death, woman ! I give it, I
do not accept it. Come forth: you are mine.”
He made a gesture to some priests behind him; they came in
and seized the women by the arms, drawing out cords to bind.
“ Bind not!” said Herakles. “ We shall not flee. Come,
dearest, come. Our father’ s daughters know how to die.”
Alcyone glanced up at her sister, an angelic smile upon her
face: “ I am ready, sister beloved.”
And they moved slowly forward, surrounded by the priests,
through the passages strewn with the bodies of the dead.
Unblenching they went through the seething crowd, which yelled at
them, shook clenched fists as they passed, and would have torn
them in pieces had it not been for the priests they feared. Slowly
they went onwards through the city to the place where yawned
widely the mighty open gates of the temple, with long aisles of dark
pillars glooming away into darkness. White-robed, fair skinned, the
two sisters looked like angels of light amid the tossing crowd of dark
faces and dark bare arms flung high in the air. At the gate the priests
turned and Ya-uli spake:
“ To-night, four hours after the sunset, the gates will be
opened; let all children of the Lords of the Dark Face come to their
festival.” The gates clanged together, and Herakles and Alcyone
were past all earthly help.
At first, no harm was wrought on them; they were offered rich
food and wine, but would not eat. Only fruit would they take, and a
drink of milk. Then commenced a long persuasive talk; Ya-uli strove
to win their promise to take part in the worship of the Dark Gods that
night, pledging himself that they should return home in safety if they
would thus purchase life with dishonor. In his false heart he meant to
slay them after they had worshipped, but he longed to proclaim them
renegades to their faith and so win credit for his own. Uselessly he
strove against their steady will, and in wrath at last he bade the
priests take them to the gloomy centre of the temple, and leave
them there awhile.
A dread and awful place it was in which they were left. Dim
shapes, some red, some black, some sickly grey, were half visible
through the gloom. Low moans, as of something in pain, came, dully
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Clio -Concord
Manu Melpo -Pollux
Vajra -Ulysses Alastor -Gem
Maha guru Irene -Adrona
Mercury -Saturn Sirona -Spica
Beatus -Soma
Herakles -Jupiter
Alcyone -Albireo
Mizar -Gluck
Vesta -Naiad
Proteus -Nanda
Lutea -Noel
Helios -Ushas
Dolphin -Sita
Theo -Chanda
Naga -Deneb Dora -Joan
Sylla -Inca
Iris -Lotus
Mira -Una
Daphne -Baldur
Eros -Pavo
Libra -Uchcha
Spes -Vizier
Bee -Pindar
Aletheia -Taurus
Betel -Telema
Jupiter -Herakles Canopus -Fomal
Surya -Dhruva Pollux -Melpo
Hector -Neptune
Ushas -Helios
Vizier -Spes
Osiris -Fides
Uranus -Leo
Ulysses -Vajra
Mars -Brihat Baldur -Daphne
Ophis -Dharma
Siwa -Kos Orca -Kepos
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Ivan -Virgo
Horus -Juno
Joan -Dora
Inca -Sylla
Lotus -Iris
Viraj -Kamu Virgo -Ivan
Radius -Roxana
Ullin -Camel
Madhu -Stella
Aurora -Selene
Aquilla -Phoenix
Gimel -Viola
Fides -Osiris Callio -Parthe
Daleth -Tolosa
Athena -Nestor Vega -Flos
Venus -Rama
Nimrod -Eudox
Neptune -Hector
Psyche -Clare
Percy -Arthur Kim -Auriga
Albireo -Alcyone Ajax -Capella
Rigel -Ixion Alsace -Koli
Demeter -Leto
Algol -Prima
Sita -Dolphin
Egeria -Yodha
Nanda -Proteus
Noel -Lutea
Rama -Venus Viola -Gimel
Gnostic -Beth
Chanda -Theo
Pavo -Eros
Yati -Tiphys
Beth -Gnostic
Corona -Orpheus Odos -Nu
Cassio -Rector Camel -Ullin
Flora -Upaka
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Saturn -Mercury
Nestor -Athena
Melete -Sylla
Auson -Kratos
Kudos -Thor
Pyx -Xanthos
Vulcan -Cetus Olaf -Jason
Myna -Fort
Pomo -Zama
Math -Elsa
Rector -Cassio
Alma -Kara
Stella -Madhu
Diana -Pallas Hebe -Maya
Thor -Kudos Upaka -Flora
Juno -Horus
Dido -Andro
Uchcha -Libra
Sif -Oak Rudox -Nimrod
Judex -Zeno Maya -Hebe
Mona -Phra
Kepos -Orca
Xanthos -Pyx
Quies -Tripos Jason -Olaf
Kos -Siwa
Zoe -Aries
Magnus -Cyr
Kamu -Viraj
Dharma -Ophis
Tiphys -Yati
Dome Trefoil
Soma -Beatus
Kratos -Auson Gluck -Mizar Telema -Betel
Flos -Vega
Yodha -Egeria
Phra -Mona
Boreas -Onyx
Ivy -Castor
Fort -Myna
Simultaneously with this two of our characters. Rhea and Vale are found in Atlantis, Vale being male and Rhea female.
was not admitted to the inner services, she saw nothing definite of
the more unnecessary horrors of her religion, but the gloom and the
fear of the inner circles reacted upon her childhood miserable with
vague terrors.
She grew up without much education, and there was no event
of special importance in her young life, until at the age of about
sixteen she met Pollux, a bright handsome careless fellow, whose
appearance at once attracted her. The attraction seems to have
been mutual, so they fell in love in the ordinary way. Alcyone was
too terrified to find it possible to propound the idea of love in the
dark, uncertain atmosphere of the family life, so these young people
met frequently in secret, and in course of time became too intimate.
After a while Alcyone pressed her lover to make some arrangements
as to marriage, but when urged he declared that this was an
impossibility, as not only did he belong to quite a different religion,
but there was also a hereditary feud between his family and that of
It took a long time to convince Alcyone that her lover was
really heartless and did not intend to make any move in the matter;
but, when at last she realised the truth, she turned from him with
disgust and told all to her mother, announcing her condition, and
vowing to devote her life being revenged upon the man who had
brought her into it. Her mother was much shocked and upset, but
when she learnt who the lover was she said at once that he came of
a bad stock, and that his father before him had ruined a younger
sister of hers, in a similer manner. This story made Alcyone only the
more fiercely indignant and, as has been said, she resolved to
dedicate her whole life to a full and carefully-planned revenge. Her
mother then unfolded to her the secret that revenge could be had
through the secret rites of their religion, and she consequently
became eager to be initiated into it.
The whole story had to be told to her father, who also was
furiously angry, for by the customs of the time the birth of an
illegitimate child doomed her to the life of a widow. He blamed her
bitterly, but yet commended and encouraged her desire for revenge.
He permitted her to learn the secrets of the faith, by which she was
deeply impressed, but also greatly terrified, for she had to pledge
herself to a nightmare of horrors which she would have been glad to
be able to forget. In order to cloak as far as possible the results of
the undue intimacy, the father insisted upon her immediate marriage
to a devil-priest, Scorpio, a man much older than herself and of most
undesirable type, one who was a medium for the most horrible
Of course she shrank with loathing from all this, but yet
accepted it as a necessary part of the revenge to which she had
resolved to devote her life. The whole affair had become distorted by
her long brooding over it, and her state of mind was such that she
was open to a steady pressure from evil astral influences, a
condition of practical obsession which was considered a mark of
great advancement in this peculiarly abominable religion. After
extracting from her blood curdling oaths of secrecy, her mother
unfolded to her a particularly ghoulish scheme of vengeance which
she said had never been known to fail. Among other repulsive
details it involved the crime of murdering her own child, and offering
it to the deity invoked. In her rage against Pollux she agreed to this,
because it would be his child; but when it was born her maternal
“ From the earth is the breath and the blood, but whence is
the soul? Who is he who holds the unborn in his hands? The
watchers of old are dead, and now we watch in turn. By the blood
which we offer, hear us and save! The breath and the blood we give
thee. Save thou the soul and give it to us in exchange.”
These last words seemed to point to the idea that the soul, or
perhaps more exactly th e astral body, of the sacrificed was to be
given into their power to become one of their horrible band of
obsessing entities, to be at once an instrument and yet in some
strange way one of the objects of their degraded worship. As has
been said, most of their incantations were entirely incomprehensible,
and bore a considerable resemblance to those employed in Voodoo
or Obeah ceremonies by the Negroes. Others, however, contained
distinct Sanskrit words, usually buried in the midst of a series of
uncouth exclamations delivered with a furious energy which certainly
made them terribly powerful for evil. One of their characteristics was
the use of certain cacophonous combinations of constants into
which all the vowels were inserted in turn. The syllable “ hrim” was
used in this way, as also the interjection “ kshrang” . In the midst of
these uncouth outbursts of spite occurred what appears to be an evil
wish in unmistakable Sanskrit: “ Yushmabhih mohanam bhavatu,”
and the whole utterance concluded with some peculiarly explosive
curses which it seems impossible to express in any ordinary system
of letters.
Poor Alcyone led an exceedingly miserable life amidst all the
chaos of obscene horrors. Her husband was an evil and crafty man,
who prayed upon the credulity of the people, and was often in a
condition of complete intoxication from the use of hemp and some
form of opium. Soon Alcyone came bitterly to regret the fit of mad
revenge which had led her into all this network of evil, but she was
too firmly entangled in it to be able to make her escape, and indeed
there still were times when the obsession dominated her and she felt
that revenge would be right and sweet. Presently her father died,
and the family fell back into a position of less influence.
This unnatural parent, however, was more terrible dead than
alive, for he concentrated all his energies, in the lowest part of the
astral plane, and execercised a peculiarly malignant obsession over
his daughter. She knew the influence well, and earnestly desired to
resist it, but could find no method of doing so, though her suffering
under it was indescribable and her whole soul was filled with
uttermost loathing. Her mother and all three other female members
of her family were under the same malign influence to a greater of
less degree, but to them the whole thing was a matter of course, and
they even supposed themselves to be specially favoured and to
become in some way holy, when they were seized upon even for the
most dreadful purposes.
Along with all the psychical influence there was a perfect
labyrinth of the most complicated and ingenious plotting on the
physical plane. Years were spent in the elaboration of a nefarious
scheme to get Pollux into the power of the family, and at last the
plan matured itself and he and his child Tiphys were in their hands—
for he had married in the meantime and had with him a bright little
boy. Alcyone’ s mother and other female relatives were filled with
fiendish exultation, and joined in a strange kind of orgy of hatred, the
father impressing himself upon them all more strongly than ever.
Alcyone felt the tremendous power of this combination, and was
often carried away by it and unable to resist its action, although even
then she was all the time in a condition of bitter protest and
resentment. Pollux was to be poisoned in a piculiarly horrible way,
and it was to Alcyone that the task was entrusted of the actual
administration of the dissipation, and Alcyone felt nothing but
repulsion for him; and, as at this critical moment the obsession by
the father was almost perfect, there is little doubt that the crime
would have been committed, but for a most fortunate shock which
she received at the last moment.
Just as she was handing the cup to her victim, she met the
wide gaze of the child. his eyes were exactly those of his father, her
joyous young lover of so many years ago, who had been the one
bright spot in her dreary early life. in a flash those eyes brought back
the past, and with it a realisation of what she was about to do now
under the awful compelling power of this ghastly religion of hate.
The instantaneous revulsion of feeling was complete; she dashed
the cup to the ground and rushed from the house—from the house
and from the city, dressed just as she happened to be at the
moment, so overpowered by the horror of the thing that she never
even paused for a thought as to what lay before her, or what would
come of it, resolved only to have done for ever at any cost with all
that evil life.
The violence of her feelings broke through the black pall of
evil influence which had so long dominated her, and for the time she
was entirely freed from the maleficent control of her father. She
rushed out into the country, careless whither she went so long as
she escaped for ever from that awful life. Unaccustomed to exercise
and to the free air of heaven, she was soon sinking from fatigue, but
still she pressed on, upheld somehow by a kind of frenzy of
determination. She had of course no money, and only indoor
clothing, but she thought nothing of these things until night began to
fall. Then for the first time she looked about her and became
conscious of her surroundings. She was already many miles from
home, out in the open country, and, becoming conscious at last of
severe fatigue and hunger, she turned her steps towards a country
house of some size which she saw at a little distance.
She knew little what to say or do, but fortunately Achilles, the
mistress of this house, was a kind motherly woman, who was
touched by the exhausted condition of the wanderer and received
her with open arms, and postponed her questions until she had
eaten and rested. Then, little by little, the whole story came out, and
many were the exclamations of wonder and pity on the part of the
good old dame, as the horrors of the dark demon-worship were
gradually revealed. The old lady made light of the fact that in leaving
home Alcyone had lost her position in life and all her worldly
possessions, telling her that all that mattered nothing now that she
had escaped from the other horrors, and that she must now devote
herself to changing radically and entirely her whole attitude of mind,
and forget all about the past as though it had been a mere hideous
dream. She said wisely that life began afresh for her from that
hour—indeed that she had not really lived until now, and she
promised to do all in her power to help her and make the new life
easy for her.
Alcyone feared that her husband, the devil-priest, might be
incited to assert some kind of legal claim over her, for she knew that
the worshippers of the dark cult would be fiercely angry that one of
their initiates should escape from the fold. But the old woman, who
was a brave and capable person, declared that she did not know
exactly how the law might stand, but that, law or no law, she was at
any rate quite certain as to one fact—that she did not intend to give
Alcyone up to her husband or any of her relations; and she felt quite
confident that if the case were carried before the King of the country
and all the nefarious proceedings of the dark demon-worship
exposed, the authorities would be certain to take her side and
decline to deliver her again into the slavery from which she had
Alcyone was most thankful to this kind protectress, and in her
condition of utter exhaustion of body and mind was glad to adopt the
suggestion that at least they might leave all further discussion till the
morrow, and to sink to rest in the comfortable quarters provided for
her. The shock to her had been severe, and it would have been only
natural if some serious illness had supervened; and indeed it
seemed as though that would have been the case but for a
wonderful vision which came to her during the night. A man of
commanding appearance and wonderful gentleness of
mien(Mercury) appeared to her and spoke words of comfort and
encouragement, telling her that the awful life which she had lived so
far had two aspects of which she had been entirely unconscious.
First, its terrible sufferings had paid off outstanding debts from long
past lives and had made the way clear for future advancement; and
secondly, the whole life had been in the nature of a test, to see
whether at its present stage her will was strong enough to break
through as exceedingly powerful surrounding of evil.
He congratulated her upon her success and determination in
breaking away, and prophesied for her a future of rapid progress
and usefulness. He said that the way was long before her, but drew
for her also by his words a beautiful picture of two paths of progress,
the slow and easy road that winds round the mountain, and the
shorter but steeper and more rugged path that lies before those who
for love of God and man, are willing to devote themselves to the
welfare of their brothers. She had, he said, the opportunity to take
the latter in the future if she chose, and if she took that path, though
the work would be arduous, the reward would be glorious beyond all
comprehension. This vision produced a profound impression upon
her, and she never afterwards forgot the words of the face of the
instructor, not did she ever entirely lose the glow of enthusiasm with
which she felt herself eagerly accepting the second of these
alternatives which he placed before her.
Next morning she related her vision to her kind hostess, who
was deeply impressed by it, and said it quite confirmed the
impression which she herself had received. It had its effect even
upon the physical plane, for it was largely owing to it that Alcyone
was better than might have been expected. Her dead father troubled
her greatly by constant and determined attempts to reassert his old
dominion over her. She however, called up all the latent reserves of
her will and and set them definitely against this influence, rejecting it
with all the vigour which she possessed, without the slightest
hesitation or compromise, with the strong resolution that she might
die in resisting the obsession, but at least she would never again
submit to it. This struggle continued at frequent intervals for many
months, but whenever it came she always kept before her the face
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Naiad -Neptune
Vajra -Yati Noel -Viraj Gimel -Beth
Mars Vulcan Ivy -Soma
Herakles -Mercury
Dora -Athena Sita -Melpo
Neptune -Naiad Baldur -Irene
Radius -Vale
Rhea -Inca
Yajna -Jupiter
Una -Phra
Nanda -Taurus Upaka -Xulon
Hygeria -Kara
Mercury -Herakles
Viraj -Noel Pavo -Sirona
Madhu -Rao
Ivan Alma Phra -Una
Aglaia -Onyx
Inca -Rhea
Venus -Roxana
Osiris -Gnostic
Naga -Selene
Pallas -Priam
Corona -Xanthos
Hector -Kratos
Albireo -Sylla
Ulysses -Clio
Spica -Gem
Jupiter -Yajna Demeter -Betel
Elsa -Aries
Castor -Concord
Capella -Altair
Nestor -Cento
Rigel -Myna
Saturn -Uranus Wences -Olaf
Crux -Arcor
Priam -Pallas
Clio -Ulysses
Gem -Spica
Dharma -Kepos
Betel -Demeter Kara -Hygeria
Olaf -Wences
Aries -Elsa
Flos -Gluck
Leo -Dhruva
Cassio -Oak
Leto -Udor
Bee -Kamu
Dome -Mizar Pindar -Aletheia
Koli -Ajax
Selene -Naga Fomal -Canopus
Percy -Kim
Zama -Lotus Aurora -Sif
Athena -Dora Ixion -Argus
Dido -Melete
Kudos -Phoenix
Chart XXIX
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Myna -Rigel Rector -Telema
Judex -Auson
Xulon -Upaka
Rao -Madhu
Onyx -Aglaia
Taurus -Nanda
Melpo -Sita
Zeno -Uchcha
Vale -Radius
Sirona -Pavo
Pyx -Joan
Kos -Ursa
Quies -Tolosa Tripos -Ullin
Beatus -Fides
Dhruva -Leo
Sylla -Albireo Ajax -Koli
Theseus -Arthur Udor -Leto
Psyche -Gaspar
Rama -Orpheus Clare -Lignus
Chanda -Pomo
Horus -Yodha
Odos -Adrona
Diana -Callio Ullin -Tripos
Vizier -Capri
Gnostic -Osiris Trefoil -Polaris
Magnus -Pearl
Yodha -Horus
Polaris -Trefoil Pomo -Chanda
Calyx -Viola
Phoenix -Kudos
Adrona -Odos
Jason -Sigma Capri -Vizier
Math -Parthe
Thor -Aquila Arthur -Theseus
Gluck -Flos
Parthe -Math
Viola -Calyx
Beeth -Gimel Iris -Cygnus
Callio -Diana
Vega -Auriga Daleth -Cyr
Aquila -Thor
Ushas -Maya
Kratos -Hector Lotus -Zama
Siwa -Algol
Xanthos -Corona
Kepos -Dharma
Uchcha -Zeno Maya -Ushas
Chart XXIX
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Roxana -Venus Joan -Pyx
Irene -Baldur
Alma -Ivan
Yati -Vajra
Canopus -Fomal
Pearl -Magnus Sif -Aurora
Andro -Draco
Kamu -Bee
Draco -Andro
Cygnus -Iris Fides -Beatus Kim -Percy
Lignus -Clare
Oak -Cassio
Mizar -Dome
Orpheus -Rama
Cyr -Daleth Telema -Rector
Gaspar -Psyche
Ursa -Kos Aletheia -Pindar
Argus -Ixion
Altair -Capella
Concord -Castor
Cento -Nestor
Arcor -Crux
Chart XXIXa
A small group of our characters appear at this time in Rajputana, and a few more are found to be existing
contemporaneosly in Mysore.
Rajputana 14,698 B.C.
1 2 3 4 5
Demeter -Theo
Eros -Rigel Sylla -Walter
Castor -Cyr
Spica -Sappho
Rigel -Eros
Vajra -Capella Siwa -Andro
Ulysses -Corona
Sappho -Spica
Aglais -Camel Hector -Bee
Flora -Apis
Gem -Arcor
Clio -Cento Fort
Melpo -Roxana
Calyx -Amal Olaf
Chart XXIX (supplement)
In the course of the development of his character it became necessary at this time for Erato to undergo a severe test. Having triu-
phed over certain difficulties in his last life in Egypt, he was now thrown into the midst of the corrupt and effete Atlantean civilisati-
on --presumably with the hope that the strong development in his previous lives would enable him to triumph over the evil, and to
live a pure and noble life in the midst of gross impurity. Thus he reappears in 15,288 in Poseidonis as the son of a man who was
rich and well connected, but wholly devoted to gain, unscrupulous, hard and grasping, with no thought of anything beyond this wo-
rld . Naturally, therefore, Erato was an uneasy, unhappy sort of boy, with vague feelings of discomfort and discontent with his su-
rroundings, and dim aspirations toward something better. As he grew up, however, he became absorbed in the idle and vicious
life of the time; but was in no way specially bad, but neither better. As he grew up, however, he became absorbed in the idle and
vicious life of the time; but was in no way specially bad, but neither better nor worse than those around him. This being the case,
it is perhaps hardly to be regretted that his life was cut short at the age of forty-four by a wound received in a street brawl. Five
others of our characters are found along with him:
His next appearance may be regarded as directly the consequence of the last life, for it took him out of the luxurious and enervating
conditions of the civilisation of Poseidonis, and placed him amidst surroundings as bleak, as hardy and as uncomfprtable as can well
be imagined. There was a change of sex, for he was born in 14,746 in the extreme North America, in the Rmohal branch of the At-
lanteans. It was clearly a life of hard training, and Erato's immediate associates in it were by no means at his level. He had tempora-
rily been cast among people for below him in evolution, none of whom can be identified as belonging to our band of servers.
Life XXX
matters, though he was not clairvoyant, and had to depend upon her
for a description of what occurred. As children these two were
perpetually asking their father about such matters questions which
he was unable to answer, and as they grew up these young people
became somewhat dissatisfied with the religion of their time, seeking
perpetually for enlightenment with the religion of their time, seeking
perpetually for enlightenment on general problems which were not
touched upon in the information given in such traditions as were
then extant. They were seeking, in fact, for some king of rudimentary
Theosophy, some system which could contain and explain the
isolated and even apparently contradictory statements made to
The brother and sister were always fond of going off alone
together and discussing these knotty problems, and while Uranus,
being older, had greater reasoning power, Alcyone frequently had
flashes of intuition which brought solutions at which his intellect did
not enable him to arrive. The rest of the family, even including the
father Leo and the mother Orpheus, regarded this young couple as
dreamy and unpractical, and thought their speculations and
arguments of little use. They were constantly seeking in various
directions for light upon their difficulties, but they met with but little
either of comprehension or of sympathy. Somewhere in a secluded
spot at some distance away in the hills, it was said that a community
or fraternity existed who devoted themselves to some such studies
as these; but since they were people of a different race and a
different faith, they were much despised by the Aryans, and even
regarded with hatred as unbelievers.
Sometimes elder people who overheard the rather crude
discussions of the brother and sister would contemptuously tell them
that they ought to go and learn from this fraternity, and this idea,
spoken no doubt merely at random or in jest, took root in their
minds, until at last they came to think of a visit to that community as
a possible and even a desirable thing, in spite of the bitter prejudice
felt against in by their own race and class. The matter was again
and again discussed between them in private, and eventually they
arrived at a resolution that when Uranus came of age they would go
and find this community, with a view to ascertaining whether the
disdain in which its members were held was well-founded, or
whether perchance they really had some teaching to give, of which
the contemptuous Aryan was not possessed.
Soon after the elder brother came of age, he announced his
intention of making this journey and of taking Alcyone with him, and
this of course caused a good deal of outcry and opposition in the
family, more especially from the mother. Both Uranus and Alcyone
were about to be married—or rather that was the father’ s wish with
regard to both; but Uranus(who, apart from this abnormal desire,
had always been a good son and full of common sense) declared
that his assent to their marriage arrangements would be conditional
upon his first being allowed to make this experimental visit and so
take his sister with him. As has been said, the mother and other
relations protested rigourously, but the father eventually said:
“ Let them go and see for themselves; first, they will probably
not be able to find the community, and after much unavailing search
will presently come home and settle down contentedly; secondly, it
there is such a brotherhood and they do find it, they will assuredly
also find that it has no information of any value to give them; and
again having realised the foolishness of their dream they will be
willing to come home and settle down into ordinary life.”
The idea of a young girl undertaking such a curious pilgrimage
into the unknown was evidently foreign to the custom of the time, but
since the two were inseparable, since the sister declared that the
brother should not go without her, and since he on his part
announced that without her he would not go, the father at last
silenced all opposition and gave his permission, though with a good
deal of semi-contemptuous feeling.
The brother and sister started on their journey, passing from
village to village, through the thickly populated part of the country,
without any difficulty or special adventure. As they passed on they
made enquiries with regard to the alleged community. Some people
regarded the whole thing as a myth, or said that perhaps there once
had been such a body of men, but that it had been dispersed or
massacred by the marauding bands of Aryans; others declared that
it still existed, but they seemed to have no definite information of its
whereabouts, or the type of men who composed it. however as they
moved onward, the rumours of its real existence began to prevail
over the denials, and when they came to the foot of the hills they
were able to get something like a definite direction.
Here, however, their adventures began, for the villages now
were often wide apart and difficult of access, and though Alcyone
was a well-developed young woman, and almost as good a walker
on the level as her brother, the hill-climbing tried her sorely, and it
took her some weeks to become accustomed to it, and fairly
proficient in it. As information about the brotherhood became more
definite it also became less encouraging, for it was evident that rigid
exclusiveness was one of its prominent rules, and certainly that no
women belonged to it or were admitted into its precincts. This
sounded ominous, and Alcyone, though eagerly anxious to carry out
the adventure to its legitimate conclusion, at once offered to find a
place in some village at the foot of the hills, where she could stay
while her brother penetrated into the secret places, and learnt the
mysteries of the brotherhood—on condition, of course, that he
faithfully promised to impart them all to her on his return. Uranus,
however, would not hear of this, and vowed that they would keep
together or not go at all, and said that he would have none of the
wisdom of a fraternity so churlish as to refuse it to any honestly
enquiring mind. Their courage and endurance were fairly tested in
the course of this pilgrimage, by the extreme fatigue and occasional
privation, and by their adventure, and by their adventures with wild
beasts; also on one or two occasions they met with much suffering
and exposure in consequence of their losing their way.
Eventually however they reached their goal and found that
this much discussed community was really a fact upon the physical
plane. The brotherhood lived in a secluded valley, nestling far up in
a wild part of the mountains, exceedingly well defended by nature
against any possibility of attack, or indeed even of discovery by
those unaquainted with the district. In this valley was a large central
building, rudely some sort of robber fortress. This was the residence
of the head of the community, and also contained the large dining
and meeting hall. Round it were grouped irregularly a number of
small stone houses—almost huts, some of them—which had been
erected by the various brothers as they joined. This community or
Alcyone, with much trouble and hardship, got the two young men to
the nearest village, though even that was a long distance away. She
herself tended their wounds and did her best for them, but it was
only at the village that they could get help and rest and proper food.
They stayed here for some little time, but eventually decided that it
would be better to be even further away from the monastery, the
young monk especially desiring to reach some part of the country
where the story of his expulsion need not be known. Not that he
regretted it, for he regarded the world as well lost for the sake of
love, and Alcyone in turn developed a strong regard for him. She did
not feel that it would be possible for her to return home with a
husband of the despised race, especially one who had been
obtained in so irregular a manner, and Uranus also determined to
throw in his lot with the young couple, at any rate temporarily.
Having no means of subsistence, they had naturally to
endeavour to turn to work of some sort. Uranus understood practical
farming well, but Neptune, though strong, sturdy and willing, had no
knowledge of any useful art beyond the little that he had gained in
taking his share in the cultivation of the monastic valley.
Nevertheless they presently engaged themselves to Irene, a farmer
who, growing old and having no children within reach, desired
assistance in the cultivation of his estate. Thus by degrees they
worked their way into a recognised position which, though at first but
humble, gradually improved itself. As they came to know him better
the old farmer proved kindly and honourable, and presently he
assigned to them a definite share in the farm. Here they lived and
worked for some years, on the whole happily, gradually winning their
way to position of respect and opulence in the little village.
Several children were born to Alcyone, and she became a
capable house-mother. Though she never lost her interest in
philosophy and religious problems she had naturally less time to
give to their discussion, as the cares of the family and the household
accumulated upon her. While she brought up her children in the rites
of her ancestral Aryan religion she nevertheless grafted on to it the
noble philosophy of old Atlantis, and so for them and for some
friends who were interested she to some extent anticipated the later
developments of that Hinduism which accepted the Upanishads as
well as the Vedas. Prominent among these friends was a young
neighbour, Cygnus, who felt great admiration for Alcyone and great
respect for her opinion in religious matters. He and his wife Mizar
were close friends of the family for many years.
The fact that Alcyone and her husband were of different races
does not seem to at all to have put them outside the pale of society
in either race; on the contrary, it operated rather in the opposite
direction, as it enabled them to make friends in both. Her children as
they grew up were fine stalwart specimens, and seemed for once to
combine the good qualities of the two races, instead of the bad
ones, as he so often unfortunately the case in such admixtures.
Alcyone’ s childish clairvoyance had diminished as she grew older,
and deserted her almost entirely after marriage, though her
sensitiveness and keen intuition still remained. But the clairvoyance
showed itself occasionally in at least one of her children, and at any
rate the recollection of it was always a precious possession to her,
as enabling her to realise far more keenly than would have
otherwise been the case the facts of the unseen world which is
always so close about us.
Chart XXX
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Alex -Vajra
Nita -Fomal
Pearl -Achilles
Hebe -Arthur Spes -Scotus
Sextans -Magnus
Aqua -Ivy Daleth -Ixion
Phra -Uchcha
Aries -Ophis Aletheia -Zeno Uchcha -Phra
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Sappho -Kepos
Corona -Naga Yodha -Maya
Algol -Nestor Odos -Pavo
Vizier -Adrona Deneb -Yajna Una -Radius
Ivan -Noel
Bee -Joan
Venus -Apollo
Concord -Iota
Yati -Nanda
Kratos -Kappa Radius -Una
Alma -Bootes
Mizar -Cygnus Madhu -Chanda
Telema -Gluck Hygeia -Lotus Tripos -Ullin
Soma -Zoe Onyx -Dharma
Bootes -Alma
Parthe -Eudox
Ivy -Aqua Callio -Auson
Betel -Orca Beth -Dactyl
Clare -Phocea
Vesta -Quies
Trefoil -Thor
Aquila -Atlas
Dactyl -Beth
Cygnus -Mizar Regu -Rex Polaris -Aulus
Gimel -Lignus
Priam -Pomo
Libra -Ara
Virgo -Forma
Viola -Pisces
Tolosa -Abel
Percy -Pepin Atlas -Aquila
Daphne -Markab
Magnus -Sextans
Zoe -Soma
Pindar -Kos Zeno -Aletheia
Saturn -Uranus
Yajna -Deneb
Electra -Psyche
Phoenix -Bruce
Mona -Lobelia
Ara -Libra Pollux -Zephyr
Phocea -Clare
Norma -Beren Markab -Daphne
Math -Rama
Dido -Flos
Judex -Beatus
Thor -Trefoil Diana -Rector
Kudos -Dome
Albireo -Fons
Ronald -Kamu
Pisces -Viola Echo -Rosa
Chart XXX
1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th
Kepos -Sappho
Capella -Colos
Helios -Herakles Achilles -Pearl
Psyche -Electra Lignus -Gimel
Pavo -Odos
Neptune -Alcyone Dora -Odos
Nimrod -Horus
v Inca -Upaka
Bruce -Phoenix
Fomal -Nita Chrys -Tiphys
Melete -Alces
Auson -Callio
Arthur --Hebe
Taurus -Philae
Argus -Lili v Koli -Ida
Cetus -Zama Rosa -Echo
v Vega -Iris Sif -Obra
Bella -Lomia Kim -Muni
v Gnostic -Holly
v Vajra -Alex Fides -Hector Kamu -Ronald
Ida -Koli
v Udor -Jerome
Lobelia -Mona Obra -Sif
Euphra -Sagitta Ixion -Daleth
v Alces -Melete
Colos -Capella
Aurora -Xanthos v Holly -Gnostic
Forma -Virgo Scotus -Spes Muni -Kim
Jerome -Udor
Abel -Tolosa
Hermin -Leto
Mars -Selene
Alastor -Cancer