Vedic Mathematics

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A. MANIKANDAN R. PRASANINA Vedic Mathematics Sixteen Simple Mathematical Formulae from the Vedas or Oneline Answer toall Mahenatical Problems i JACADGURU ‘SWAMT SRT BHARATT KRSNA-TIRTHAJT —————} MAHARAJA | Satine of Govardhan Matha, Past Ebr Dr V.S. AGRAWALA MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PVT. LTD. Deut i ‘es a 0.1 1975196, 8 8.1, 1, 18 (DIbenBY MOTILAL BANARSIDASSPUMLisHeRS PVT. LTD. PUBLICATION ANNOUNCEMENT Thar gon plenoe a acocinting- myself with the poli cation ofthe book Vedi Matheratis Steen Single Mato Imateal Forse? by Jagadgare Swami Bbarah Kishen ‘Tirta, Shankaracharyn of Govardhaon Pitha, It was long scestd by bis dnl. Shvinati Manjula Devi cole inberiter ‘of Sram ight ctrl into an agreement wih the Banaras Hindu University to peblich 20d the same i now boing done inthe Nepal Endowment Hinds Vishvavidyalaya Salat (Granthamale, 1 fal grateful to al the who lave worked fori Shei ‘Aviad N. Maia bosnes magnate of Bombay and a devotee € Swami has taken intrest inthe poblcation of the wot lone talan the trouble of bsing pixnally present ia thie ‘weeny of pablinatin (Prakashan Utve) lees given ‘expresion to hi dap devotion to Shri Shanksracharys by ‘conteating to found « ebui atthe Eanarar Hindu University Dy the mm of Sei Jagadgura Bharati Krsna Tit Sha [racharya Chae of Vedio Studion for which he ie making © magaideent endowment. kx Vie Chanesin ofthis Univer Tatcpt the donation and oer my hear felethauks to ith for hin generat No BrAGWaArT Vice Chanelr esaras Hinds Univesity Date 97285 ii 939I93999999999999990 ) 7 3 \ GENERAL EDITOR'S FOREWORD "te work anitied VEDIC MATHEMATICS or “Sixteen Simple Mathomatial Formal fom the Vedat was written by His. olan agudgere Saikartsirya Set Bhatt Krepa ‘thai MadoSje of Goverdhana Matha, Pact (186-1960) Te forma clase by eal nat pagmatcally conceived and wotked outa in theca of other asec werk, bet the rel the Intutonalvnoaisction of fundamental mathenatical truths to piles during the couse of eight youre of highly conan trated mental eudetour on the prt of in auther abd herfre ppropiately given the tie of “neta” mathomatin appeing tno as mice than he ual approach of had baled sane, to the anthor has hist stated in the Preface. ‘Swit Satkatlrys was a gid scolar on many fronts of leaning iosuding sence and humacitos but his whole tnilon was snmating ofa ch higher textore vis that he was Rs fling the ele and attainsont of thowe Seer-of fosiant Tia, who discovered the ceamio lows embodied in the Voias Swan Bhatt Krgoa Teta hd the samo revere ial approach towards the Vedan. The question naturally tice us to wheter the Seas which form tho basis of thie trots ext enywre in the Veli ature av known tow. ut this icon lee al tfc if we inform ourlve of the nition ot Vola given hy St Saassatea hill as quoted ‘alow: “tan vey wrt Yo beh Givin mang he nn ead ee oa eHow Ts a, ls, ‘ie un oi Vl ol etna i) win ‘Benne al rile st by mankind got ely tow ‘ing eer) wan bt to ee wey Gc SPSS ei a at to as el by thymine ane ed fe ee Bening eth ech Soe nf hy Seca any nape wore

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