The Secret of The Malaysian Success: Mahathir
The Secret of The Malaysian Success: Mahathir
The Secret of The Malaysian Success: Mahathir
“It is not that we reject globalization completely but we believe that if only the
capital has the freedom to cross borders, it is very dangerous.”
“Muslim countries are more prone to international conflicts between themselves
then with non-Islamic states that, in some cases are their enemies.”
“Often use the name of Islam in order to legitimise their violent actions. The
governments that try to develop their countries and improve their defense
system are then too busy trying to defend themselves from such groups that
have hijacked Islam”
“So weak in spirit that we believe only that white man could rule the states.”
“The most powerful unity among Malays which contributed to their eventual
independence. This was the only weapon they had.”
“Farmers with only two acres of land and work only few months cannot earn as
much as workers who work for the whole year.”
“Broken family, many Malay parents are not good parent when compare to
other communities.”
“The main influence on our children, the generation that will succeed us is
wielded by the teachers”
“Although violence and immorality present on the internet and T.V contribute to
Moral collapse, this doesn’t explain why more Malays are involved in social ills.”
“What is wrong is not the teaching of Islam but people who interpret them in
favor of political creed.”
“I pray that among the Malays, there will emerge a leader capable of changing
certain characteristics of Malays so that they will have the culture more
compatible with success.”
“We cannot fight and enemy, we cannot identify.”
“We already know that it is entirely possible for freedom fighters struggling
against oppression to be mistaken for or labeled as terrorist by their
Chairman Mao Tse Tung (China) said “You are the legitimate government,
they are illegal. They dare not come into the open. Be patient, give them time
and they will fade away.”
Nine Strategic Challenges
“Many Muslims have adopted a strangely false sense of security: reading The
Quran will bring them Sawab even if they don't understand or practice it.”