Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
Community development follows a planned Capacity is simply the ways and means
process that is long- term and integrated. needed to do what has to be done. It is
The process of developing and organizing much broader than simply skills, people and
the community is long and tedious. Every plans. It includes commitment, resources
step must be carefully planned and and all that is brought to bear on a process
monitored. (cdta handbook 2005) you will to make it successful.
know more about this in lesson 2 community
organizing. An indication that capacity is developing
within a community is that people are active.
Thus, community development is a process Interested and participating in what is going
of facilitating people to actualize them selves on. This is similar to you as part of a group
and therefore discover their identities and or organizing in your school or community.
possibilities and connection with each other You are part of the discussion, there will
and with the world. (Prof. Elmer ferrer) a also be questioning, challenging and
debating- but you will be debating on what
Community development is not a new should be done, not complaining that
concept in the Philippines. This has been nothing will ever change. More and more
rooted even before the coming of the people will be getting involved, identifying
Spaniards with early Filipinos organized into key issues and taking action.
balangays; most members are related and
headed by a leader (Gloria 2000). Through 3. people’s participation and collective
the years it has a teaching which is being involvement
applied based on the needs of the people in
the community. Active community participation is the heart
that pumps the community’s lifeblood
Community development is the citizens-into becoming an improved
improvement, growth and change of the community.
geographic area and its people from
conventional to modern ways, from Community participation . . . is critical to
crudeness to refinement, from ignorance to community success.
learning; from faultiness to virtuosity.
Bordenave (1994) considers participation as
1. people’s welfare a “joint” effort of people for achieving a
common important objective previously
community development is for the people; defined by them. Meanwhile, community
thus it is very important to place their welfare participation according to Paul (1987) is an
above anything else. In developing a active process whereby beneficiaries
community remember the following influence the direction and execution of the
endeavor that has to be achieved: development projects rather than merely
improve the quality of life receiving a share of the project benefits.
help people acquire coherence and meaning
in life Community participation is far more than a
lead people towards achieving sustainability requirement. It is a condition for success.
and self-determination. Studies have documented those
2. people’s capacity communities that engage their citizens and
partners deeply in the work of community opportunities, it also serves as a catalyst for
development raise more resources, achieve social change. More importantly this is the
more results, and develop in a more holistic key component for sustainable
and ultimately-more beneficial way. development.
Community participation, then is critical
To community success. In my pegagogic creed, John Dewey held,
among other things, that:
It is very important to ensure people’s active Education is the fundamental method of
participation and involvement in the different social progress.
programs within the community, build the Education is a regulation of the process of
people’s capacity and be empowered coming to share in the social consciousness;
because through this, the purposes of and the adjustment of individual activity on
community development become more the basis of this social consciousness is the
realistic. only sure method of social reconstruction.
Empowerment refers to increasing political,
social and economic strength of individuals. Education must be conceived as a
It often involves developing confidence in continuing reconstruction of experience; that
their own capacities. the process and the goal of education are
one and the same thing.
It is increasing the capacity of individuals or
groups to make choices and to transform
those choices into desired actions and
outcomes. Central to this process are The community’s duty to education is,
actions which both build individual and therefore its paramount moral duty.
collective assets, and improve the efficiency
of organizations and institutions. LESSON 2
Empowered people have freedom of choice
and action; this in turn enables them to Community organization is that process by
better influence the course of their lives and which the people… organize themselves to
the decisions which affect them. take charge of their situation and thus
develop a sense of being a community
The goals of community development lead together. It is a particularly effective tool for
us to empowerment, the poor and powerless as they determine
Thus empowerment is most essential to for themselves the actions they will take to
community development! deal with the essential forces that are
destroying their community and
If the people are appreciably empowered consequently causing them to be powerless.
and can participate in the process of -Reverend Robert Linthicum, world vision
development, then they can. international.
Act in a behavior that will be a positive Organizing is a daunting task if you would
reflection of you, your family and the place all the task and responsibility on
University. yourself. You can plan and divide the
activities with everybody; hence, the work
Have fun. don’t be afraid to try out new gets easier. Everybody feels responsible for
things, new adventures in the community. the success and we slowly build up the
Try to participate in normal community community organization.
identifying these. You can evaluate your
Remember: your core group serves as the activity based on the following criteria:
VI. community organization
Did we fully achieve our objectives?
community organization may take on Partially?
different forms. This is the phase when
you formalize your organization. The What are the factors that facilitated the
organization must: achievement of your objectives?
a. organizational / group
1. clearly identified, articulated reason b. community factors
for being. This is normally captured
in their statement of vision, mission efficiency
and goals (VMG). It may take a
while before they may be able to what resources (material, manpower,
come up with their VMG but a money) were utilized in the project?
generally statement may suffice.
How much time was spent for the whole
2. community organization and project? Was it enough? Was time used
development plan: wisely?
How were these resources utilized?
a. objectives Is the output commensurate to the
b. activities resources utilized?
c. resources needed
d. timeframe adequacy
e. responsible persons/group
f. expected output is the project sufficient for the identified
problem? If not, what other projects/
3. Have a semblance of a structure. activities could contribute to the solution of
4. they may even have their policies, the problem identified?
such as dues, attendance in
meetings, upkeep of the meeting appropriateness
hall, etc.
VII. mobilization was it the right project/ approach to solve
the problem?
this is the actual implementation or activity Was it a suitable solution to the problem?
phase. This is when you along with the
community put your plans into action. Your subsequent action would largely be
based on the result of your evaluation. The
Just remember: community may need more training; they
may need assistance in linking up with other
We work with the community and not for agencies (government, NGO or church-
them. based). They may need further planning and
Use available resources in the community evaluation, etc. at this point you should also
Have fun. be weaning the community with your direct
influence in the decision making. Slowly
VIII. evaluation and follow-up your presence is less felt and you are now in
your exit phase. You occasionally visit the
evaluation is a process of assessing what community to follow-up/ monitor their
has been done and its impact. Please bear progress and provide assistance only when
in mind that community organizing is both a needed and expressed.
process and an output. Projects may seem
to fail but still produce learning experiences This lesson on community organizing
that are in the long term, beneficial to the discussed and taught you how to put into
community. We must be very keen in action the principles of community
development. This is supported by the
following concepts and experiences.