Skema Kertas 1 Biologi MRSM 2009
Skema Kertas 1 Biologi MRSM 2009
Skema Kertas 1 Biologi MRSM 2009
1 C 11 C 21 C 31 B 41 A
2 A 12 D 22 B 32 A 42 B
3 C 13 B 23 D 33 C 43 D
4 B 14 D 24 D 34 B 44 C
5 C 15 B 25 A 35 D 45 C
6 D 16 A 26 C 36 D 46 C
7 B 17 C 27 C 37 D 47 B
8 C 18 B 28 B 38 D 48 D
9 B 19 A 29 D 39 D 49 C
10 A 20 B 30 D 40 C/B 50 A
Skema Kertas 3 Biologi MRSM 2009
Q1: a)Highland area: 72, 75, 70, 61, 63. Lowland area:30, 46, 43, 41, 35.
b)i) Observation 1: In highland area, the maximum length of pea pod is 75mm//average length of
pea pod is 68mm
Observation 2: In lowland area, the maximum length of pea pod is 46mm//average length of pea
pod is 39mm.
ii) Inference 1: Higher altitude/Highland area is more suitable for the growth of pea plant.
Inference 2: Lower altitude/Lowland area is less suitable for the growth of pea plant.
Variables Method
MV: Grow the pea plant at 2 different altitude area (highland area
altitude of the area & lowland area)
RV: Measure & record the length of the pea pods using a ruler.
the length of the pea pod
FV:*type/variety of pea plant *Plant/grow the same variety/species of pea plants in the 2
*amount of water *water all the pea plants with the same amount of water
d) the length of pea pod is longer in highland area compared to lowland area.//the higher the
altitude of the area, the longer the length of the pea pod.
Altitude of length of the pea pods (mm) Total length of the Average length of
the area 1 2 3 4 5 pea pods (mm) the pea pods (mm)
Highland 72 75 70 61 63 341 68
Lowland 30 46 43 41 35 195 39
f) When the altitude of the area is higher (at highland area), the average length of the pea pod is
longer (68mm) because highland area is more suitable for the growth of pea plant.
g) variation is the differences in characteristic (longer or shorter in terms of the length of the pea
pod) among the individuals of the pea plant & the length of the pea pod is affected by environment
factor which is the altitude of the area.
h) the average length of the pea pod will be less than/shorter than 39mm because in the dark room,
without light energy; pea plant cannot carry out photosynthesis to produce food/glucose. Glucose is
needed for cellular respiration to produce energy which is needed for growth of pea pod.
Problem statement: What is the effect/action of salivary amylase on rice/carbohydrate/starch?
Aim: to study the effect/action of salivary amylase on rice/carbohydrate/starch.
Hypothesis: Enzyme amylase in the saliva hydrolyses rice/carbohydrate/starch into simpler
molecules/reducing sugar/maltose.
MV: content in the test tubes
RV: change in colour in iodine test
FV: temperature (37OC), concentration of starch, volume of the test tube content.
Materials: 1% starch solution, iodine solution, Benedict’s reagent, saliva, water bath, distilled water
Apparatus : thermometer, test tubes, syringe, beakers, white tiles, dropper & stopwatch.
Technique used: Test for the presence of starch using iodine test at one minute intervals for 5
minutes; Test for the presence of reducing sugar using Benedict’s test.
1. Rinse mouth. Collect 2ml of saliva in a small beaker & mix with 2ml of distilled water.
2. Using a syringe, put 1ml Of 1% starch solution into two test tubes & labelled A & B. In another
test tube, put 1ml of saliva solution.
3. Place test tubes A, B & C in water bath at 37oC for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, put droplets of iodine
solution on white tile.
4. After 5 minutes, put 1ml of saliva solution into test tube A. Start the stopwatch & immediately
take one drop of mixture in test tube A & add onto a drop of iodine solution on the tile. Record the
change in colour of iodine solution.
5.Repeat the iodine test at 1 minute interval until the iodine solution does not change in colour (for
5 minutes)
6. Repeat step 4 & step 5 for test tube B & test tube C by adding 1ml of distilled water into the
respecting test tubes.
7. When the mixture in the test tubes does not show any colour change in iodine solution, then add
1ml of Benedict’s reagent to each test tube A, B & C.
8. Put the test tube A, B & C in water bath & record the results.