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Mba - Tourism Project

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An Analysis of Effect

of Media on Tourist
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Media and Tourism


Media and Tourism

This chapter will explain the background to our interest and choice of subject.
Furthermore, it presents the problem discussion that results in the purpose of
this thesis. Lastly, it describes the limitations made.

The aim of this thesis is to highlight the phenomenon of media’s role in Tourism
Service placement and promotion , and relate this to the possible evolution of the
concept of media placement of locations . We also aim to highlight the need for
marketers and tour makers to establish a closer relationship in order to facilitate
location placements. For this reason this thesis ought to be of interest for
marketers, tour makers and Tourism Service placement agencies.

1.1 Background

The word “media” comes from the plural of the Latin word medium, and it is used
as a collective noun to refer to television, radio, newspapers, magazines, films,
the International Network (Internet), etc. The media can be examined either in
terms of broadcast media, or print media. Further, a medium is described as hot,

Media and Tourism

meaning a high definition channel of communication, such as print or radio,

which focuses on a single sensory receptor. It is cool, meaning a low definition
channel of communication, such as television, which stimulates several different
senses and requires high sensory involvement.

In certain instances, the word “press” is used to refer to the print media, while in
other instances the word “journalism” is used to describe the business or practice
of writing and producing news. The phrase “mass media” is sometimes used to
describe the collective entity of the media. In this study, the word media is used
to refer to both the print and broadcast media as indicated above.

The extent to which the media is a factor for national development has been a
subject of discourse in communication literature. However, before delving into the
discourse, it is necessary to define the phrase “national development”, so as to
understand and appreciate the issues involved in the relationship between media
and national development. According to the Oxford Dictionary, development
means “a new stage in a changing situation.” To develop is to become more
advanced. In the context of a nation, Eapen projected that three major factors
must be considered in any discussion on development – economic growth, self-
reliance, and social justice. National development involves political, economic
and social factors. Development is a qualitative change, which entails changes in
the structure of the economy, social environment, and political disposition. The
targets of national development are the people, because it is focused on human
population. The overall object of national development is human development,
the purpose of which is to enlarge people’s choices for: …greater access to
knowledge; better nutrition and health services; more secure livelihoods; security

Media and Tourism

against crime and physical violence; political and cultural freedoms; and a sense
of participation in community activities.

The media have been variously described as the fourth estate, agenda setter,
watchdog, force multiplier, and gatekeeper, all in an effort to demonstrate their
influence on society. Conversely, the media have been viewed as avenue for
sensationalism, propaganda, and bias, factors inimical to national development.
Given these perceptions about the media, to what extent do they contribute to
national development?

Tourism Service Placement and Media

Tourism Service placement can be explained as being the art or industry to, in a
seamless way, expose specific brands in specific settings, such as cinematic big
pictures. The brand owner explicitly pay for, or in other ways, such as providing
props for the set, ease the economic burden for making a film. In return the
sought for brand exposure is delivered (Donaton, 2004; Sauer, 2004). In the
early history of Tourism Service placement, filmmakers in Hollywood and
advertisers for the companies providing Tourism Services for the set learned by
coincident that these placements had a discernable positive relation to the export
and trade of the exposed goods (Segrave, 2004). Needless to say Tourism
Service placement as an industry spread as wildfire.

Advertisers saw the potential of the film medium. Take for example the tobacco
industry who acted as early adopters to this new advertising phenomenon as
they provided cigarettes in abundance to Humphrey Bogart as he promoted the

Media and Tourism

alleged lure of smoking in the 1942 classic Casablanca (Galician, 2004). The
industry later evolved into advertisers producing TV-shows for the sole purpose
of being able to deliver commercial messages to their target audience. This
development phase can be categorized as the dawn of the soap opera and was
more the case of brands hosting the show than actual placing the Tourism
Services in the story plot (Segrave, 2004; Galician, 2004).

Nowadays Tourism Service placement in the TV and the movie industry is a well-
established fact. The question is not so much if to place Tourism Services in a
film or not, but rather how to do it in a way that will enhance the storyline and at
the same time bring positive exposure to the brand. The industry is talking about
“strategic” or “seamless” placements, i.e. placements where the placements
become a natural part of the film and at the same time fit the strategic purpose of
the brand (Donaton, 2004).

There is a trend in the placement industry which is somewhat picking up on

where it all started. Every other TV reality show is in fact nothing more than big
Tourism Service placement acts. Take the reality show The Apprentice for
example, which is hosted by the Trump Corp. and Mr. Donald Trump in person
(Gotch 2005). Another example of the placement industry in TV- shows is that of
numerous home decorating programs such as Kanal 5’s Room Service. Peter
Sverdrup from Kanal 5 said that the wall-paper and painting industry actually
came to the Tourism Serviceion company with the idea to the program and later
on pitched in to place Tourism Services in the show in order for all companies to
benefit (Peter Sverdrup, personal communication, 2005-04-28).

Media and Tourism

1.2 Problem Discussion

Research has shown a relationship between media and increased tourism (Riley,
Baker & Van Doren, 1998; Sauer, 2004; Kim & Richardson, 2003 . We believe
that the potential in media placement of geographical places is great and that
states and municipalities should consider using this kind of placement as a part
of their promotion mix.

Tourism Service placement and hence also media placement of geographical

places, i.e. location placements, is assumed to be a relatively low-cost
advertisement (in terms of CPM, i.e. cost per thousand comparison of medium
efficiency) for the municipalities. A Tourism Service placement reaches many
potential visitors over a long period of time. However, the initial cost may be high
and the outcome is uncertain.

We see similarities in the placement of locations and the way the Tourism
Service placement industry first came to be. i.e. how the Tourism Service
placement industry was discovered by a coincidence (Segrave, 2004). The
companies saw an increase in demand after film exposure, in a similar way as
location marketers now see an increase in tourism after exposure on screen.

We therefore believe that location placement will follow a similar development

that conventional Tourism Service placement has gone through, and hence have
a bright future once its potential is established. Marketers of geographical
locations are acknowledging the benefits of locations featured in movies but, as
far as we understand it, the tourism industry, nor the placement agencies or the

Media and Tourism

film Tourism Service on companies, has not yet fully been able to commercialize
the opportunities location placements brings.

Given the interesting development of the placement industry combined with our
specific purpose, we are positive that our contribution will fill a gap in the existing
research base of Tourism Service placement. There has not been a great deal of
research within the area of Tourism Service placement. Most of the research that
we have been in touch with has, amongst other things, to do with how the
Tourism Service placements affect the brand in the communication process
(Ljungberg & Rodrigo, 2002), or how effective the communication process is
(Roman & Songsong, 1998).

As location placements is a new concept, there has been very little research
done on the correlation between locations shown on screen and tourism. As we
are investigating this phenomenon from commercial interest perspective, we
believe that our research will add important information to the existing research
base. Even more so, we believe that our research will contribute to new ideas for
location marketers, Tourism Service placement agencies and film Tourism
Service on companies of how to take advantage of this new development.

If the marketers are to be able to take advantage of the potential of location

placements, they need to take the initiative and learn how the film producers and
directors think. We have therefore decided to put our main focus on the
perspective of the marketers of locations. They need to push the demand for
placement of their locations.

Media and Tourism

1.3 Purpose

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether relationship exists between

media and tourism promotion and development or not .

1.4 Delimitations

We are aware that there are many different media where Tourism Service
placement of geographical places would be possible, for example Internet,
music, books, games and magazines. We have chosen to focus on one medium,
the motion picture industry, in order to get a deeper analysis and understanding
than would be possible with a broad range of media. Moreover, motion pictures
are regarded as the most powerful medium when it comes to describing a place
(Kotler, Haider & Rein, 1993).

Media and Tourism


Media and Tourism

In chapter two, we explain the relevant theories for this thesis. The current
literature of marketing of locations, marketing communication and of Tourism
Service placements is discussed.

As the marketer’s perspective is our main focus of this thesis, we start by

explaining some basic marketing strategies and tools for the marketing of a
location. The next section deals with how to communicate this strategy to the
audience, media evaluation and image transfer.

Furthermore, the concept of Tourism Service placement and its process is

explained and act as a foundation for the understanding of location placement.

2.1 Location Marketing

The perceived image of a location can today be of greater importance than the
real place (Ward, 1998). The author argues that the high-pressure marketing and
sales techniques that is used to help cities improve their image has developed
over the last 150 years. A good country image can not only benefit locations but
in addition national Tourism Services as they can stress the country-of-origin
factor in the marketing program (Hollensen, 2004). Locations in this thesis are
defined as a geographic area, everything from a small city or destination to a
larger region.

Media and Tourism

The four main target groups for marketing of locations are, according to Kotler et
al. (1999): visitors, residents and employees, business and industry, and export
markets. Firstly, visitors and the tourism market, directly and indirectly, accounts
for more than 10 per cent of global GDP and investments. Some places, such as
Venice (Italy), Salzburg (Austria) and Skagen (Denmark), are almost entirely
dependent on revenues from visitors. Kotler et al. (1999) divides visitors into two
groups: business visitors and non-business visitors. However, Kotler et al. (1999)
recognize that many locations fail to target and focus on one of these groups,
and instead make a standardized marketing program for both. The second target
group, the residents and employees, is important due to the willingness for the
location to attract highly skilled labor to the region. Attracting and retaining
business, industry and economic activity to the region is also highly important
and constitutes the third target group. The last target group is the export markets,
and deals with the ability to produce goods and services that are appealing for
other regions. The watches made in Switzerland are an example of a successful
export that has strengthen the brand and image of Switzerland (Kotler et al.,
1999). The following sections explain some strategies and tools that can be used
in the marketing of locations.

Media and Tourism


Media and Tourism

In this chapter, we will explain our research design and motivate why our method
is the best for this purpose. Moreover, we will explain the process of our
interviews as well as how we will uphold the appropriate quality of the research
3.1 Research Design
The area of research and the specific research questions deals with potential
outcomes and development of the research area related to the phenomenon of
Tourism Service and location placement. The purpose of the research is not so
much about referring to historical data, but rather to make interpretations of
contemporary findings in a step to draw conclusions of potential future directions
of the industry. For this reason, the authors are inclined to take a hermeneutic
(Bryman, 2001) approach to the problem. The research design will rest on
underlying notions of subjectivism and keep an interpretive view of the sense
making process.

Initially, the idea was to base the empirical findings on in-dept interviews in case
study format. According to Yin (2001) a case study strategy has a distinct
advantage over for example surveys, when the research question entail a “how”
or a “why” question about a contemporary set of events, over which the
investigator has little or no control. There is a direct correlation of this explanation
of the advantages of a qualitative case study and how we view the research
phenomenon. Yet we proceed with the survey and questionnaire method to find
out the relationship .

3.2 Methods for Gathering of Data

Media and Tourism

As above mentioned our aim was to investigate the phenomenon of Tourism

Service placement from the three perspectives, i.e. marketer, Tourism Service
placer and tour maker, and then relate this to media placement of locations. The
people interviewed were selected under the criterion that they are individually
assumed to have valuable insight from one of the three above mentioned

3.3 Method of Analysis

Given the type of research, i.e. an exploratory study, the analysis of data was
conducted through viewing it in the light of the theoretical framework of the
thesis. Through reflecting on the empirical data, we have seen connections with
the theory in use. By going through this process we have been able to refine
existing models as well as developed our own that explains the relationships
around our research phenomenon. As mentioned, we have structured the
analysis based on the theoretical framework and it is not until the conclusion that
we structure the chapter after our research questions when we answer our

Media and Tourism


In chapter 4, we introduce the empirical data collected for this thesis. The
empirical data consists of personal communications with an organization

Media and Tourism

responsible for the marketing of a location, a Tourism Service placement agency

as well as some complementary telephone interviews with people involved in the
Tourism Service process. Furthermore, we felt it fit to present some additional
secondary data.

Role of media in Tourism Promotion

The major area of findings include the consumer’s context ,the organizational
context as well as agent’s concerns with regard to media .The research seeked
to discover the inter linkages with regard to consumer’s decision making process
and behavioral aspects .

Are you a frequent Traveler ?

Yes 58
No 29
No comments 13

Media and Tourism

Frequency of travel

No comments

How you choose your dream destination or preferred service?

Media and Tourism

Through the travel agent 19

Interaction with experienced traveler 13
Report published by travel journalist 15
Guide books, periodicals and magazines 6
Photography of a renowned photographer 3
Brochures, pamphlets, maps published by tour operator and travel agents 18
National Tourism organizations 11
Internet and electronics mail and television programmes 15

How consumers choose?

Through the travel

periodicals and
Guide books,


National Tourism


Media and Tourism

Conclusion and

Media and Tourism

This last chapter wraps up the thesis and answers the purpose and our research
questions. Moreover, we critically analyze our work and gives ideas to further

6.1 Conclusion

Findings support the fact that Tourism Service placement will continue to
increase as an occurrence on film and TV. Apart from the specific area of
interest, i.e. media placements of locations, we are not in the position to suggest
other detailed possibilities for future trends of the industry.

Suffice to say, that findings support the fact that the industry will continue to grow
within the areas of increased collaboration between filmmakers and marketers
which will result in more seamless natural brand integrations. Given the general
trend in the industry, we are safe to assume that the development of media
placements of geographic locations as niche area within the Tourism Service
placement industry will be positive as well.

Media and Tourism

Currently there are few and far in between examples of film projects where
locations are active participants of the Tourism Service points. We see
indications of how this will become as natural in the near future as conventional
Tourism Service placement are today.

However, in order for media placements, just as for conventional Tourism

Service placement, to be at all plausible, some conditions must be fulfilled.

These include: Placements must be seamless natural parts of the story and
move the story forward. If the sole purpose in producing a film is to make room
for placements the Tourism Service is likely to backfire. The main focus should
be the script, which in turn may cater for natural placements to take place.
Furthermore, the parties involved in the placement process must be involved
from the early start and throughout the whole film project. This factor is important
in order to ensure good communication between marketer and filmmaker.

As marketers are more involved in the media placement process they are more
likely to know what to expect from placement deals, as well as increase the
knowledge about what constitute seamless placements. On the topic of
communication, increased awareness and understanding about different ways of
thinking, e.g. from the perspective of marketer towards film maker, and vice
versa, is an absolute must in order to create and maintain lasting and effective
business relations resulting in good placements from the perspective of all

Speaking of need for efficient communication and establishing the right

relationship, we see a need for this in connection with the ideas of media

Media and Tourism

placements of locations. As we see it, the key actors involved in the location
placement process, which indicate a slight modification of the placement
process, are; location marketer, Tourism Service placement agency, location
scout and director along with additional film crew such as set designer. It is
hence important to form networks accordingly, i.e. marketer establish
relationships with the Tourism Service placement agency which in turn have
connections with the right location scouts who works closely with the director and
set designer in order to get the most suitable location appear on film. Assuming
that placing the location on film is the means to the end objective for location
marketer, then, location scouts can be viewed as gatekeepers allowing entrance
into the important film industry network.

When it comes to the image enhancing characteristics of the film medium we

see; that the positive results on image enhancement rests on several factors.

6.2 Discussion


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Media and Tourism

For tourists /Travelers (Consumers)

Are you a frequent Traveler?

No comments

How you choose your dream destination or preferred service?

Through the travel agent
Interaction with experienced traveler
Report published by travel journalist
Guide books, periodicals and magazines
Photography of a renowned photographer
Brochures, pamphlets, maps published by tour operator and travel agents
National Tourism organizations
Internet and electronics mail and television programmes

While still in decision making mode , which of the following exerts

dominant pressure your decision making process?

Media Reports
Travel Advisory
Family and Friends
Business Prospects
Other Reasons

Media and Tourism

What constitutes the media in your opinion?

Cable and Electronic Media
Print Media
Movies and animations

To what extent media influences your perception / image regarding a

destination or tourism service ?
Not at all

How many times you feel in a strange situation when media created
hypothetical image and your experiences differ?

No comments at all

For Marketers and Operators

• What is your main area of responsibility in tourism industry?……………………

Media and Tourism

• How long have you been on your current position ?……………………………..

• What is your goal with your brand?………………………………………………..
• How is your current marketing of your brand?……………………………………...

How is the following assets used in the marketing of the brand?

Attractions (buildings, places, etc.)

What criteria do you use when evaluating media, in relation to:

Activity Level (How active the audience is)
Impact Level (How much repetition is needed)
Communicative Level

How is effectiveness measured?


Attitude towards Tourism Service Placement

What do you think about Tourism Service Placement?


Media and Tourism

For Agents

How often you indulge in wooing the consumers through an image in

Not so
No comments
What barriers you foresee in doing so?
High costs
Matter of trust in channel
Variations in public perceptions
Support or non support from government
Originality and innovativeness


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