This document provides information on platelet counting methods. It discusses:
1. The stages of megakaryocyte development and platelet formation in the bone marrow.
2. Morphology and lifespan of platelets in circulation.
3. Functions of platelets in hemostasis and blood clotting.
4. Methods for counting platelets including the indirect method using a blood smear and the direct method using dilution and a hemacytometer. Steps for the Brecker & Cronkite direct method are outlined.
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This document provides information on platelet counting methods. It discusses:
1. The stages of megakaryocyte development and platelet formation in the bone marrow.
2. Morphology and lifespan of platelets in circulation.
3. Functions of platelets in hemostasis and blood clotting.
4. Methods for counting platelets including the indirect method using a blood smear and the direct method using dilution and a hemacytometer. Steps for the Brecker & Cronkite direct method are outlined.
This document provides information on platelet counting methods. It discusses:
1. The stages of megakaryocyte development and platelet formation in the bone marrow.
2. Morphology and lifespan of platelets in circulation.
3. Functions of platelets in hemostasis and blood clotting.
4. Methods for counting platelets including the indirect method using a blood smear and the direct method using dilution and a hemacytometer. Steps for the Brecker & Cronkite direct method are outlined.
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This document provides information on platelet counting methods. It discusses:
1. The stages of megakaryocyte development and platelet formation in the bone marrow.
2. Morphology and lifespan of platelets in circulation.
3. Functions of platelets in hemostasis and blood clotting.
4. Methods for counting platelets including the indirect method using a blood smear and the direct method using dilution and a hemacytometer. Steps for the Brecker & Cronkite direct method are outlined.
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Megakaryoblast – earliest cell in megakaryocytic series Venous blood
Promegakaryocyte – largest cell in BM o EDTA vacutainer tube Megakaryocyte – once mature, cytoplasm breaks off & becomes platelets o satisfactory: 5 hrs @ RT; 24 hrs @ 4°C Advantages: *1st 3 stages are not normally found in circulation o siliconized plain vacutainer tube (red-stoppered) or plastic syringe easier to count platelets & RBCs *sometimes, megakaryocytes produce platelets in the lungs transfer immediately into tube containing EDTA size & shape of platelets can be observed Capillary blood Platelets/Thrombocytes o Fingertip & heel are recommended but not the earlobe (fine hair C. Olef’s Method fragments of cytoplasm of megakaryocyte favors adhesion of platelets) o Same principle, but cumbersome procedure newly released bigger, more active & more effective hemostatically o Free flow of blood is ideal o NV: 437, 000 – 586, 000/µL or 437 – 586x109/L if flow is poor, massage away from the puncture site Morphology: don’t squeeze To Counter Check results: Size: 2-5 if necessary do another puncture Examine a well prepared blood smear stained w/ Wright’s stain No nucleus o Collect blood for platelet count 1st before doing the other tests 1 platelet/OIF Thrombocytopenia Anticoagulated blood: round, oval or rod-shaped o Manual CBC count: Hgb, Hct, WBC differential count 5-20 platelets/OIF or 1 platelet/10-30 RBCs N or adequate Capillary blood: irregular borders (due to filopodia/hairlike >25 platelets w/ clumps/OIF Thrombocytosis projections) I. INDIRECT METHOD of irreg is assoc w/ relative time bet. pricking & smearing Platelets & RBCs are counted simultaneously in a blood smear II. DIRECT METHOD PC/µL or PC/L is calc based on RBC ct obtained using hemacytometer employs dilution of blood using RBC/WBC pipet w/ the use of a Distinctive Areas of a Wright-Stained Blood Smear: results are less reliable: RBC factor is 50 hemacytometer 1. Granulomere/Chromomere – central area filled w/ purplish granules 2. Hyalomere – pale blue cytoplasm A. Dameshek Method (Wet Method) A. Brecker & Cronkite Method o Diluent: Rees-Ecker diluent reference method Lifespan: 8-11 days in circulating blood 3.8 g Na Citrate (prevents clumping of platelets) Phase-contrast microscopy (w/ green or gray filter) 24 hrs outside the body (extracted blood) 0.2 ml 40% formaldehyde (preservative) Appearance of platelets: Stored blood in blood banks is deficient of viable platelets 0.1 g brilliant cresyl blue (dye) o Green filter: Dark *Platelet concentrate is prepared fr fresh blood 100 ml dH2O o Gray filter: Pink/purple Functions: Flat-bottomed hemacytometer (focus can be easily adjusted) Filtered before use to remove any debris present 1. Maintaining integrity of BVs – “leak-free”; fill gaps Doesn’t lyse RBC & WBC (platelet is 1/5 – 1/10 the size of RBC) no. 1 or ½ thin coverslip (thick coverslip retards refraction of light) 2. Hemostasis Dilution is stable only for 30mins 2 RBC pipets (classic method); 1 RBC pipet (modern method) a. adhere to injured BVs Diluent: 1% Ammonium Oxalate b. aggregate @ site of injury forming 1 platelet plug Special steps in procedure: stable for 8 hrs c. release biochemicals important in hemostasis 1. After finger puncture, wipe 1st drop of blood then place a large drop stock bottle (brown) & refrigerated release serotonin & thromboxane A2 (for vasoconstriction) & of diluent over the punctured site - to avoid exposure to air & Amt needed for the day is filtered before use ADP (for clumping) disintegration of platelets Adv: lyse RBCs, but not WBCs & platelets d. Source of Platelet factor 3 – for prodxn of throboplastin Ratio = 1:5 (blood to diluent) Dilution = 1:100 3. Initiate Clot Retraction – mediated by Thrombosthenin (contractile 2. Transfer a portion on a cover glass & invert on a slide Procedure: CHON produced by platelets); process by w/c serum is expressed fr the 3. Allow to stand for 15mins a. moisten the inner wall of each RBC pipet w/ diluent clot 4. examine under OIO (diaphragm partly closed) & count platelets & RBCs aspirate diluents into the bulb & expel excess fluid (because until 1000 RBCs are recorded; platelets are lilac colored, tiny, platelets can adhere to glass surfaces) PLATELET COUNT glistening b. prepare fingertip for puncture *More difficult to do compared to RBC & WBC cuz: c. wipe off the 1st drop of blood 1. very small Calculation: d. fill end pipet w/ blood up to 1 mark, then diluent up to 101 mark to 2. disintegrate easily when expose to air RBC /µL make 1:100 dilution 3. tendency to stick/clump together Platelet count/µL =# of platelets x e. mix blood & diluting fluid using the pipet shaker 4. adhere on to glass surfaces/any foreign body 5. difficult to differentiate fr dust, dirt & bacteria 1000 f. discard 1st few drops & charge the hemacytometer using a different NV: 500, 000 – 900, 000/µL or 500 – 900x109/L pipet for each chamber 6. not well distributed in circulation g. place the hemacytometer in a Petri Dish w/ wet cotton ball or wet Wet mount - RBCs tend to concentrate @ the edges of coverslip, so filter paper (to prevent evaporation) & allow to stand for 15mins Thrombocytosis – ↑ in no. of platelets above normal counting is done in central area (falsely ↑ ratio of platelets h. examine under HPO of phase-contrast microscope Thrombocytopenia – ↓ in no. of platelets below normal to RBC) platelets seen as sm., glistening, oval/round w/ irregular borders N condition: represents only 2/3 of total platelet mass; 1/3 found in spleen Modified Dameshek i. count platelets in 10 R squares on each counting chamber uses a siliconized medicine dropper in diluting blood total of 20 R squares PHYSIOLOGIC VARIATION OF PLATELET COUNT allowable difference bet each chamber is ±10 platelets Spleen B. Fonio Method (Dry Method) o if >10, repeat mixing and charging to countercheck the test platelet reservoir in man o diluent: 14% Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) o if no. of platelets in 20 R squares is <100, add more squares release of splenic pool can be caused by: o admin of epinephrine Doesn’t lyse RBCs until 100 platelets are recorded Special steps in procedure: o if no. of platelets in 50 R squares is50, repeat procedure o variety of stresses: excitement, hypoxia, strenuous exercise, ↑ Ratio = 1:3 (blood to diluent) w/ 1:10 or 1:20 dilution using the WBC pipet altitude Neonates (1st 4 days): slightly ↓ than adults 1. transfer mixture on 1 end of a clean slide 2. make a wedge smear w/ a spreader slide Calculation: Menstruating: PC shortly before & during 1st day Arterial blood: slightly ↑ platelet count than venous blood 3. air dry the smear no. of platelets Venous blood: slightly ↑ platelet count than peripheral blood 4. stain w/ Wright’s stain Platelet count = × reciprocal of dil N absent in lymph/other body fluids 5. examine under OIO & count platelets & RBCs until 1000 RBCs are no.of R squares recorded (do the counting @ 1/5 – 1/3 part from end of smear) 1 1 After cytotoxic chemotherapy Factor 250= × After treatment of Vit B12 10 25 B. THROMBOCYTOPENIA 1. due to ↓ platelet production NV: 150, 000 – 400, 000/µL or 150 – 400x10 9/L Aplastic anemia Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Leukemia (acute, chronic) Metastatic lymphoma or carcinoma B. Rees-Ecker Method Folate & Vit B12 deficiency progenitor of Brecker & Cronkite Cytotoxic & immunosuppressive chemotherapy ordinary L/M Viral infections (dengue) Diluent: Rees-Ecker diluent Drug-induced (Quinine, Quinidine, Penicillin & Sulfa drugs) same as Dameshek method Bacterial infections (Diphtheria, Typhoid fever) Only 1 RBC pipet is needed 2. Due to Platelet Sequestration Dilution = 1:200 Massive splenomegaly Procedure: (only the differences from B&C) Liver diseases a. draw blood up to 0.5 mark, then diluent up to 101 mark Portal hypertension b. place the hemacytometer in a Petri Dish w/ wet cotton ball (to Lymphomas prevent evaporation) & allow to stand for 10mins 3. Due to Immune Destruction of platelet c. examine under HPO of L/M Autoimmune thrombocytopenia d. count platelets in 25 R squares on each counting chamber (a total - presence of anti-platelet IgG of 50 R squares) - formerly ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) 4. After Massive Blood Transfusion Calculation: - dilution of circulating platelets w/ banked blood no. of platelets - takes 3-4 days of platelet count to return to normal Platelet count = × reciprocal of dilution x 250 no.of R squares or Platelet count = no. of platelets × 1000 NV: 150, 000 – 400, 000/µL or 150 – 400x109/L
C. Guy & Leakes Method
modifies Rees-Ecker Method Diluent: same as Rees-Ecker but uses crystal violet as dye Ordinary L/M 1 RBC pipet Diluent to 1 mark, Blood to 0.5 mark, Diluent again to 101 mark (moistening of pipet is no longer necessary) Dilution = 1:200 Platelets are counted in 25 R squares only Calculation & NV: same as Brecker & Cronkite Correction factor: 2000
Pseudothrombocytopenia may occur when giant platelets are present confirm the count w/ Brecker & Cronkite Method
A. THROMBOCYTOSIS 1. Myeloproliferative syndrome Polycythemia vera Thrombocythemia - platelet count as ↑ as 1,000,000/µl 2. Post Splenectomy 3. After admin of epinephrine 4. After blood loss (including surgery) 5. Accompanying BM recovery