Forest Idyll
Forest Idyll
Forest Idyll
Engorged anticipation…
A perfect creation marred
By the sound of the motor
Disturbing the peace.
Slowly, the banca glides
On the crystal serenity of the water.
What lies under?
No undertows, I wonder
The drums start beating
While bamboos bow low
Greeting the daughter of Luna!
My faithful liege
Lined up on the side of the river
Their gazes fixed
On a face seldom seen…
Not smiling, but eyes have mirth.
Their princess will come visit
Her kingdom by the hills
Up the sky, two hawks fly
Over turrets and towers
To bring word to the Count of Zartoineburgh
The trumpets a-blown
His Majesty’s command swooped down on
Clean dives of mighty wings
Trailing soft feathers, blithe and free
Ahhh…The Dance of the Wind!
Pregnant silence…
Stillness…it blows my eardrums!
A tree of twigs
Against the teal-gray sky
The moon is so mysterious
Peeps a little but hides behind
A spectre of dark clouds.
Whisper, shhh…
The cicadas start the serenade
Like strings of the violin;
A shadow in the mist
That pompous walk
But the fire in his eyes
Can’t hide the breath of passion, which
Mirrors the ripples of the water down my spine
Anserine underneath your touch
Intoxicating… head spinning
Now gently, I close my eyes
The hunger mounts to
A taste for adventure
Drown in illusion
My naked intention
Bath in the river
This heat unabated
To touch the flesh
The river fog conceals
The ecstasy!
8 August 2001