Proto Scottish Rite Freemasonry 2nd Edition 2008

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The document provides an overview of the origins and development of several Masonic rites and organizations related to Scottish Rite Masonry over time.

Some mentioned include the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Royal Order of Scotland, Rose Croix, Knights Templar, Royal Arch, Council of Emperors of the East and West, and others.

Events referenced include the establishment of Supreme Councils in locations like France, the US, Canada, and others. The influence of figures like Ramsay, Willermoz, and Pike are also discussed.

Proto Scottish Rite Freemasonry

‫ןושאר גיצהל י״ד ְבּאֱלוּל תשס״ה‬

Presented at The 29th Convocation of Ontario College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Canada Monday September 19 2005

To make commentary on this paper please contact: V. Wy. Fra. Timothy Edwards VII°
home email: [email protected]

WARNING not to be sited as a source until

further notice.

V. Wy. Fra. Timothy Edwards VII°

London Theosophical Swedenborgian rite28
AASR of Canada
Society 1784 Hindmarsh.27 1859 Cerneau rite Northern Jurisdiction33 187434
Rite of perfection Southern Jurisdiction 1813 | 1867
Illuminated Theosophists in Cuba29 AASR Charleston NC
1767 Chastanier26 1801, 33 degree system31
AA Rite for
Baldwin Rite Bristol41 England and Wales
Hermetic Rite 1st Republic
L.C. d St. M.35 184536
of Montpellier 1778 France 178938 Albert Pike Rituals32 1847
Boileau 25
Stephan Morin Rite of Perfection RER 1770 Swedish Rite CBCS
Kingston, Jamaica 25 degree system J B Willermoz 179617 177018
Ordre des Chevelier Societé des Illumines in 176214 Eques ab Eremo16 Duc de
d'Avignon Dom Pernetti30
Maçons Élus Coën Rite of 7° 177242 de Lintot Chartres
de L’Univers 1758 Lyons
Martinez Paschalis Academie des Vraies Maçons Adoniramite Rite Convent of Wilhelmsbad 178219
Bordeaux24 or Society of the sun of mercy 1780 de Tschoudy15
Avignon9 1760 Willermoz joins ÉC
Subordinate bodies of the Grand Lodge at Paris
Les Juges Ecossais Council of Emperors of the East and West
1754 Montpellier8 Berlin and Paris 175813 Baron de Tschoudy Convent of
Grand Lodge at
Lacorne Altenberg 176322
Bordeaux39 Loge
TRÊ | L’Chose42 L’Anglais 1736; Willermoz 1761-65
Knights of the East in Paris 1754
Loge Française 1740; writes Rose Croix40
Royal order of College of de valois10
Loge Parfaite degree in Lyon
Scotland 1741 The High
Harmonie No. 204 Ob.Starck
Netherlands3 1744; College of Clairmont in Berlin & Pernetti37
Loge Amite 1746 Marquis de Lernais 11 1758 Exact
Holy Royal Arch Ob.Starck20
17387 Vielle Bru German Grand lodge
Toulouse 1743 College of Clairmont in Paris 1754
Ramsey system of degrees 7 of the three globes
Encyclopedists Lockhart4 Duke of Brunswick 1782.21
Chev. Bonnerville Rite of perfection5
1743 – 1745
1751 - 17722 Strict Templar observance 1756 (Masonic 1763)23
Baron von Hund Eques ab Ense
Jacobite Rose Croix Chapter of Arras 17476
de berkley in nomae Eques a Penna Rubra
Chevalier Michael Andrew Ramsey Clerks of the Relaxed
The Ramsay Oration of 17371 Ob. Starck 176712
Supreme Council for Israel 1965 Supreme Council of El Soberano Gran Oriente del Rito Escocés Antiguo
Dr. Schalscha Slovenia 2000Varicak y Aceptado para la República de México (1868)15 Chile25 Santiago, 1899

Supreme Council in Bulgaria 2001 Supreme Greece(Athens),1872 SUPREMO

Ivan Stavrev Egypt 187822 Demetrius
Council for CONSEJO GR:.33,
Scotland 1846 Rhodocanakis19 DE ARGENTINA
Supreme Council Italy (Florence),
Dr. Charles (Buenos Aires)
for Germany 1930 1805; (GOI) Tunis 188024 Morison11 Argentine Republic
Janos Byng Vicerè Eugenio Spain (Madrid),
Beauharnais3 Le Suprême Conseil 18114
pour la France Belgium Marqués de
AA Rite for Ireland Supreme Council (GLNdF) 1965 (Brussels) Clermont-Tonnerre Uruguay12
1824 (1826) Prince 1912 for The Charles RIANDEY 18175 (Montevideo),1856
Masons6 Netherlands
AA (S) R Australia Portugal
Le Conseil suprême de la France 1804 Comte Alexandre de Grasse – Tilly2 1985 (2004) J. Ball (Lisbon),
José Supreme Council for the České Republiky reestablished 1993 Jiří Šonka A&AR
for South Africa 1992
AASR of Canada 1874 Thomas Harrington21 1973
(Caracas) REAA de Sov. Cons. Col. WJB MacLeod – Moore SJ Brazil (Rio de
186414 Suisse Janeiro), 18297
(Lausanne), Grand East of the Ancient & Accepted Rite for England and Wales and Costa-Rica
187320 its Districts and Chapters Overseas 1845 Dr. Robert T. Crucefix10 (1870)17

Northern Jurisdiction 1813 Daniel D. Tompkins3 Columbia (Cartagena), 18339

Giles Fonda Yates Colon, for West India Islands (Havana), 187923 (1855)
Rituals 1840 Peru
AASR Charleston NC 1801, John Mitchell 18308
Mother Supreme Council1

Albert Pike Rituals 1847 Paraguay (Asuncion); Guatemala (for Central American)
Appendix 1: Filiation how the AASR spread throughout the world 187018 ; Dominican Republic (S. Domingo)
Southern Jurisdiction
Canada Northern Jurisdiction
1801~1816 John Mitchell
1874 to 1882 THOMAS DOUGLAS HARINGTON Daniel Decius Tompkins 1813 – 1825
1816~1822 Frederick Dalcho 1882 to 1886 WILLIAM HENRY HUTTON
Sampson Simson 1825 – 1832
John James Joseph Gourgas 1832 – 1851
1822~1826 Isaac Auld 1892 to 1898 JOHN WALTER MURTON
1826~1844 Moses Holbrook Giles Fonda Yates 1851
1844~1845 Jacob da la Motta 1913 to 1919 BENJAMIN ALLEN Edward Asa Raymond 1851
1845~1846 Alexander McDonald 1922 to 1923 SIR JOHN MORISON GIBSON Killian Henry Van Rensselaer 1851 – 1863
1846~1858 John Henry Honour 1925 to 1934 ALFRED FREDERICK WEBSTER After Unification
Josiah Hayden Drummond 1867 – 1879
1958~1859 Charles Manning Furman 1934 to 1940 WILLIAM HUGH WARDROPE Henry Lynde Palmer 1879 – 1909
1859~1891 Albert Pike
Samuel Crocker Lawrence 1909 – 1910
Barton Smith 1910 – 1921
1891~1893 James Cunningham Batchelor 1942 to 1948 DOUGLAS GORDON McILWRAITH
1948 to 1950 GEORGE HENRY ROSS Leon Martin Abbott 1921 – 1932
1893~1895 Philip Crosby Tucker Frederick Beckwith Stevens 1932 – 1933
1950 to 1952 DOUBLAS FRASER Melvin Maynard Johnson 1933 - 1953
1895~1900 Thomas Hubbard Caswell 1952 to 1955 CLARENCE MacLEOD PITTS George Edward Bushnell 1953 – 1965
1955 to 1958 THOMAS KINGSMILL WADE George Adelbert Newbury 1965 – 1975
1900~1914 James Daniel Richardson 1958 to 1961 JAMES ALEXANDER SIMPSON
Stanley Fielding Maxwell 1975 – 1985
1964 to 1967 GEORGE CLEVELAND DERBY Frances G. Paul 1985 – 1993
1914~1921 George Flemming Moore
1967 to 1969 CHARLES HERBERT CUNNINGHAM Robert O. Ralston 1993 – 2005
1921~1952 John Henry Cowles 1969 to 1973 DONALD LLOYD WITTER Walter Ernest Webber 2005 – April 22 2006
1973 to 1976 HARVEY ROY DOANE
John Wm. McNaughton 2006 - Present
1952~1955 Thomas Joshua Harkins
1955~1969 Luther Andrew Smith 1979 to 1982 WALTER HENRY MORTLOCK
England & Wales
1969~1985 Henry Christian Clausen 1985 to 1988 GORDON LOCKHART BENNETT Dr. Robert Thomas Crucefix 1845 – 1850
1988 to 1991 JOHN ALLAN BOURNE Dr. George Oliver 1850 – 1851
1985~2004 C. Fred Kleinknecht 1994 to 1997 HAROLD EDWARD CROSBY Dr. Henry Beaumont Leeson 1852 – 1868
1997 to 2000 GLENN M. MARTIN Lt. Col. Henry Atkins Bowyer 1868
2004 – Pres. Ronald A. Seale 2000 to 2003 NORMAN E. BYRNE
2003 to 2006 ORLAN J. WEBER
2006 to 2009 C. Robert Townshend Appendix 2: Sovereign Grand Commanders
Notes for page 2:
1- Heredom v1 (1992) SRRS Andrew Michael Ramsay and His Masonic Oration by Lisa Kahler; Ramsay's Oration: The Epernay and Grand
Lodge Versions by Cyril N. Batham , Templar orders in Freemasonry AE Waite, Timeline of the authentic tradition 1728 - 1730. RAMSAY'S
RITE. Six Degrees. England. Established by Andrew Michael Ramsay this is refuted in Burton E. Bennett Originally Published In "The Builder"
October 1926; Heredom v5 (1996) SRRS Alain Bernheim presents counter examples in “Did Écossais (Early high) degrees originate in France?”
2- Heredom v1 SRRS “Oration of Ramsay”, Templar orders in Freemasonry AE Waite, Timeline of the authentic tradition
3- Heredom v8 SRRS “The Order of Kilwinning …” Alain Bernheim 1st known Pro. Gr. M. William Mitchell of the 7 provinces (Netherlands)
4- Mackey encyclopedia 1742 - 1812, Timeline of the Authentic Tradition, John Yarker – The Arcane Schools Chap. XI
Vielle Bru Rite of the faithful Scottish brother 1743 RITE DES VIELLE-BRU in 8 plus degrees. 9th being the Menatzchim Established by Samuel
Lockhart, adherent of Charles Edward Stuart, Toulouse. 1-3°, Jacobite Lodges; 4-7°, Four "Elects“; 8°, Ecossaise;9°, Menatzchim.
5- Mackey encyclopedia, Mackey’s History of Freemasonry part 5 “Early History of the Scottish Rite” 3+4 degrees above St. John 4th Scotch
Master Elect 5th Knight of the Eagle 6th Illustrious Templar; 7th Sublime Knight. In 1754 a certain Chev. De Bonneville devised the Grades
of the Chapter of Clermont and increased them. 1-3°, M. Grand St. John's Lodge.; 4-5-7-9°, Ecoss. of Valois College; 10 °, Knight of the Eagle,
Elect; 11°, Illustrious Templar; 12 ° Sublime Illus. Knight. Scottish of Bordeaux Enter Apprentice, Fellowcraft, Master, Secret Master, Perfect
Master, Master by Curiosity, Master Provost and Judge, Intendant of the Buildings, Elect Master, Great and True Scottish Source: Heredom v3
“Chinese Thought and Freemasonry in the XVIIIth Century: Regarding the Degree of Irish Master, Provost and Judge.” René Désaguliers and
Roger Dachez Translation Eric Serejski and S. Brent Morris
6- College of Clairmont; Mackey encyclopedia the Knight of the Red feather was the Unknown Philosopher however this may not have been a
real person. Primordial Chapter of Arras (1745 – 1747) ruled by Knights Lagneau and Robespierre the charter was countersigned de berkley
headed by a First Suffragan. The chapter was called “The Eagle and Pelican”
7- Supported by Dr. George Oliver and Mackey’s “History of Freemasonry” Part 2 chapter 48 “Origin of the Royal Arch”
8 - Scottish Judges Mackey encyclopedia, Timeline of the Authentic Tradition, Paris issues the Élu degrees Jackson
9 - Academy of the True mason later the Russo-Swedish Academy - Mackenzie 4th The True Mason 5th The True Mason in the Right Way 6th
Knight of the Golden Key 7th Knight of Iris 8th Knight of the Argonauts 9th Knight of the Golden Fleece.
10 - Mackey encyclopedia, Timeline of the Authentic Tradition Knights of the East, Princes and Sovereigns of Masonry 3+7+2 degrees
John Yarker – The Arcane Schools Chap. XI
11 – Mackey’s History “Early history of the Scottish Rite”. This was probably the origin of Frederick becoming the Patron
12 – Heredom v9 SRRS Johann August Starck The Templar Legend and the Clerics by W. Bro. Alain Bernheim 33° Pietre Stones
13 - Mackey encyclopedia, Timeline of the Authentic Tradition
14 – Grand Commanders and Inspector General Where not separate degrees Francklin Manuscript – Kessinger Publishing; Grand Constitutions of
the A&A Rite – History AASR SJ
15 - Mackey encyclopedia, Timeline of the Authentic Tradition
16 – Jean Baptiste Willermoz (1730 – 1824)
17 - Swedish rite established 1766 by Zinnendorf The Builder" October 1926; Swedish rite has visitation rights in the A&A Rite for E&W
18 - Mackey encyclopedia, Timeline of the Authentic Tradition
19 – Actes du Convent de Wilhemsbad. This act divided the Provinces, I Arragon, II Auvergne, III Occitania, IV Leon, V Burgundy, VI Britain,
VII Elbe and Oder, VIII Rhine, and IX the Archipelago. Grand Constitutions of the Ancient and Accepted Rite
Notes for page 2:
20 - Mackey encyclopedia, Timeline of the Authentic Tradition, Grand Constitutions of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. Exact Observance Ritual
consisted of Jesuitism and Catholicism teaching in the degrees. Attributed to Johann August von Starck (1741 - 1816).
21 – Mackey's History
22 - Heredom v9 SRRS Johann August Starck The Templar Legend and the Clerics by W. Bro. Alain Bernheim 33° Pietre Stones
23 – ibid; Order of the Strict Templar Observance. Members are given the title “eques ab ____” (knight of the _____)Details found in Claude-
Antoine Thory’s Acta Latomorum 1815 an example would be Ense or Sword, Penna Rubra or Red Feather, Eremo or Desert
24 - Élus Coën (11 degrees) Jacques de Livron Joachin de la Tour de la Case Martinez de Pasqually Mackey encyclopedia, Timeline of the
Authentic Tradition, Major work is The Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings; La Perfection Élus Écossaise 1761; La Française Élus Écossaie
(1765 – 1776) GLdF. The 11 degrees consisted of the first 3 St. John’s degrees + Grand Elect + App. Coën + Fellow Coën + Master Coën +
Knight of the East + Commander of the East. Then finally the Réaux Croix + Grand Réaux
25 – Only found in the Timeline of the Authentic Tradition which sites Mackenzie
26 - Illuminated Theosophists or Chastanier's Rite 1767 modification of Pernetti's "Hermetic Rite" that later merged with the London
Theosophical Society in 1784. Inactive.
27 – Of Robert Hindmarsh 1785 renamed The British Society for the Propagation of the Doctrines of the New Church. Not Blavatsky TS 1875
28 –Harry Carr says established in 1783 this is purely traditional, John Yarker The Archane schools Chap. XI 3+3 degrees Bro. Samuel Beswick
who passes it to McLeod Moore 1875; Chaos Out of Order: The Rise and Fall of the Swedenborgian Rite BY BRO. R. A. GILBERT (AQC Vol
108 1995) Wm. Peacher asserts that it was est. 1859 Peacher says 1786 with the degrees: App., Comp.,Master theosophist, Green Bro. Blue Bro.
Red Bro. Sublime Ecossaise
29 - Heredom v4(1995) SRRS The Union of 1867 by de Hoyos; The Controversy of Joseph Cerneau: A Brief Examination by Michael R. Poll
30 - founded by Dom Antoine-Joseph Pernety (Feb 13 1716 – 1801) and Thaddeus Leszczy Grabianka (1740 - 1807) Mackey encyclopedia,
Timeline of the Authentic Tradition Dom pernetti my not have been a mason and the 28° writers (de tschoudy) my have used his writings as
source material as they where widely available at the time; Harry Carr asserts that it was established in 1760 and 1786 as the I,’, of A,’,
31 - Grand Constitutions of the Ancient and Accepted Rite the 33° was invented by Frederick Dalcho in 1801
32 - Magnum Opus 1847 Albert Pike written while he was a 32° lectures later became Morals and Dogma of the AASR
33 - HeredomV4(1995)SRRS The Union of 1867 - de Hoyos; The Controversy of Joseph Cerneau: A Brief Examination by Michael R. Poll
34 - Scottish Rite in the Valley of Toronto
35 - Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin(1743 – 1802) The Unknown Philosopher AE Waite; first work was Des erreurs et de la Vérité, 1775 was the
secretary of Martinez Paschalis See note 24
36 - Rose Croix : History of the A&A Rite for England and Wales– Brigadier Jackson PSGC
37 - High Observance, devoted to Hermetic Magic. These systems are attributed to Johann August von Starck (1741 - 1816). According to Dr.
George Oliver Landmarks II PP 45-6 they secured Dom Pernetti (of “Knight of the Sun” fame.)
38 – This line divides between what is the within the Scottish rite and the prehistory of the Scottish rite which coinsides with the first republic of
France. This change would necessitate continuing the rituals in the colonies.
39 – Bordeaux theory states that ecossais degrees started in bordeaux lodges and spread to england Ireland and france; Rose Croix ACF Jackson
40 – Rose Croix degree written by JB Willermoz 1765 and the Sov,’, Prin,’, of the Roy,’, Sec,’, 1768 p 25 Rose Croix ACF Jackson
41 – 1767 meets Bacon De Chevalerie of the ÉC; 1777 Willermoz implemented ÉC teachings within STO
Notes for Page 2

41 – The Baldwin rite or the Bristol Rite is absorbed into the A&A Rite for England and Wales; Rose Croix must be Knights Templar;
Rose Croix ACF Jackson; Beyond the Craft Keith B. Jackson. Treaty of union 1881 the Baldwin rite submits to the A&A Rite as the
ruling body
42 – The Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings is a teaching that has an older history that the eccosais degrees and is grafted on as a means
of transmission of the teachings given to Martinez Paschalis who in turn give it to Willermoz and de Saint Martin; Les Leçons de Lyon
aux Elus Coens Robert Amadou
43 – The Rite of seven degrees starts 1772 and ends 1777 to evolve into the Baldwin Rite of Bristol; Rose Croix ACF Jackson

Notes for Page 3

1 - Mother supreme council for the world May 31 1801 Mackey’s History of Freemasonry
2 - Supreme council for France Sept 22 1804 ibid
3 - Supreme Council Northern Masonic Jurisdiction Aug 5 1813 ibid
4 - Spain
5 – Belgium March 11 1817 ibid
6 – Ireland June 11, 1825 ibid
7 – Brazil Rio April 6, 1826 ibid
8 – Peru Nov 2. 1830 ibid ;New Granada 1833 ibid
9 – Columbia
10 – England March 1846 ibid
11 – Scotland 1846 ibid
12 – Uruguay 1856 ibid
13 – Argentina Sept. 13 1858 ibid
14 - Republic of Venezuela 1864 ibid
15 – Mexico April 28 1868 ibid
16 - Portugal 1842 ibid;
17 – Costa Rica
18 – Central America May 27 1870 ibid ; Hungary Nov 25 1871ibid
19 – Kingdom of Greece June 24 1872 ibid
20 – Switzerland March 30 1873 ibid
21 – Canada Oct. 16, 1874 source
22 – Egypt 1878 ibid
23 – Colon (Cuba) 1855 ibid
24 – Tunis may 11 1880 ibid
25 - Chili May 24 1862 ibid by England defunct and reconstituted in 1899 Rose Croix by ACF Jackson
Time Line of the authentic Tradition
Templars and the Rose Croix - Robert Ambelian translated by Piers Vaughan available at
Grand Constitutions of the Ancient and Accepted Rite to order
Herodom I-XIII– Scottish Rite Research Society
Scottish Rite in the Valley of Toronto FR Branscombe 33°, WS McNeil to order [email protected]
Vested in Glory , Supreme Council
Bridge to Light by Rex R. Hutchens , Supreme Council
Masonic Chronology in Context , Kessinger Publishing
Mackey’s Encyclopedia Albert Gallian Mackey 33°
Coil’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Henry Wilson Coil
Brief History of the A&A Scottish Rite by Edwin A. Sherman 33° 1890
Morals and Dogma of the AASR by Albert Pike, Supreme Council
Magnum Opus of the AASR by Albert Pike , Kessinger Publishing
Franckin Manuscript Stephan Morin, Kessinger Publishing
28° AASR of Freemasonry for the Dominion of Canada Private Printing
The Sovereign Great Priory of Canada: 1855 – 2002 The Supreme Grand Masters by Michael Jenkyns
Rose Croix: the history of the Ancient & Accepted Rite for England and Wales by ACF Jackson
Commentary on the Rose Croix degree: ACF Jackson
The Story of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Harold Van Buren Voorhis 33°

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