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Reason 4 Keyboard Shortcuts Complete List

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Reason 4 Keyboard Shortcuts

Complete List
General keyboard short-cuts
[Tab] Toggle Rack front/rear
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[1] Maximize/restore Rack
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[2] Maximize/restore Sequencer
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[N] Create new Song
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[O] Open Song
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[S] Save Song
[Shift]-[Command]/[Shift]-[Ctrl]+[S] Save Song As
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[W] Close Song
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[Q] Quit
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[Z] Undo
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[Y] Redo
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[Del] or [Command]/[Ctrl]+[Backspace] Delete Devices and Tracks (without warning).
[Del] / [Backspace] Delete Devices and Tracks
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[A] Select All
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[I] Create Instrument
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[F] Create Effect
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[B] Browse Patches for selected device.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[1] Select rack when rack and sequencer are separated.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[2] Select sequencer when rack and sequencer are separated.
[L] Show/Hide cables
[F] Follow Song on/off
[F8] Show/hide Tool window
[Insert] Insert Instrument (Windows only)
[Command]-[H] Hide Reason (Mac OS only)
[Command]-[M] Minimize Reason (Mac OS only)
[Command]-[,] Open Preferences (Mac OS only)
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[X] Cut Track & Device (device or track selected), Cut Clip or Event (depending on current
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[C] Copy Track & Device (device or track selected), Copy Clip or Event (dependng on current
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[V] Paste Track & Device, Paste Clip or Event.
General modifier keys
[Shift]+Create device Disable autorouting of device.
[Option]/[Alt]+Fold/unfold device = Fold/unfold all devices.
[Option]/[Alt]+Fold/unfold track = Fold/unfold all tracks.
[Shift]+Select Select multiple devices/events/clips/tracks.
[Shift]+Move fader/knob Increase precision when making settings.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+Click fader/knob = Reset parameter to default value.
[Option]/[Alt]+Create device = Prevent creation of Sequencer-track for devices that normally will get a track. Create
Sequencer-track for devices that normally will not get a track.
Sequencer keyboard short-cuts
[Shift]+[Tab] or [Command]/[Ctrl]+[E] Toggle Arrange/Edit view.
[Command]/[Alt] Toggle Arrow/Pencil tool, Eraser/Pencil tool. ToggleMagnifying Glass/Hand tool.
[Q] Select Arrow tool.
[W] Select Pencil tool.
[E] Select Eraser tool.
[R] Select Razor tool.
[T] Select Magnifying Glass tool.
[Y] Select Hand tool.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[K] Quantize notes.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[D] Duplicate Track & Device (device or track selected).
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[J] Join Clips.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[R] Merge Note Lanes om Tracks.
[M] Mute/Unmute Clips.
[S] Snap on/off.
[Option]/[Ctrl] Toggle Pencil/Line tool (velocity edit lane only).
Numberpad [6] or [.] New Alt
Numberpad [3] or [,] New Dub
[Shift]-[Command]/[Shift]-[Ctrl]+[+] Vertical zoom in
[Shift]-[Command]/[Shift]-[Ctrl]+[–] Vertical zoom out
Sequencer modifier keys
[Option]/[Alt]+Click knob/fader/button = Create automation lane for parameter. If device has no track, a track will also
be created.
[Shift]+Move events/clips Restrict movement direction to either horizontal or vertical.
[Option]/[Ctrl]+Move data Copy data instead of moving it.
[Option]/[Ctrl]+Click Set Left Locator in ruler.
[Command]/[Alt]+Click Set Right Locator in ruler.
[Shift]+Click Set End Marker in ruler.
[Option]/[Ctrl]+Click Switch to zoom out with the Magnifying Glass tool instead of zoom in (with either the Magnifying
Glassor the Hand tool selected).
[Shift]+Drag with Hand tool or Eraser tool = Limits movement to one direction only. Horizontal or vertical.
[Shift]+Zoom with Magnifying Glass tool = Disables vertical zooming. Horizontal zoom only.
Sequencer modifier keys with mousewheel
[Command]/[Ctrl]+Mousewheel = Zoom in/out vertically.
[Shift]-[Command]/[Shift]-[Ctrl]+Mousewheel = Zoom in/out horizontally
Arrow keys
Arrow up/down keys = Select next device up or down (rack selected), select next track up or down (track list
selected), select clip on next/previous lane (Arrange view selected).
Arrow left/right keys = Select next/previous clip on lane (Arrange view selected), select next/previous value field
(Position displays).
[Command]/[Ctrl]+Arrow left/right keys= Nudge selection one Snap unit back/forward.
[Shift]-[Command]/[Shift]-[Ctrl]+Arrow left/right keys = Nudge selection one Beat back/forward.
[Option]-[Command]/[Alt]-[Ctrl]+Arrow left/right keys = Nudge selection one Tick back/forward.
Transport keyboard short-cuts
Numberpad [0] Stop, Go to start position, Go to start of Song.
Numberpad [Enter] Play
Numberpad [*] Record
Numberpad [4] Rewind
Numberpad [5] Fast Forward
Numberpad [1] Go to Loop Start
Numberpad [2] Go to Loop End
Numberpad [8] Go to Next Bar
Numberpad [7] Go to Previous Bar
Numberpad [+] Tempo Up
Numberpad [-] Tempo Down
[Spacebar] Stop/Play
[C] or Numberpad [9] Toggle Metronome click on/off
Numberpad [/] Loop on/off
Matrix keyboard short-cuts
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[X] Cut Pattern.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[C] Copy Pattern.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[V] Paste Pattern.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[J] Shift Pattern Left.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[K] Shift Pattern Right.
[Shift]-[Command]/[Shift]-[Ctrl]+[U] = Shift Pattern Up.
[Shift]-[Command]/[Shift]-[Ctrl]+[D] = Shift Pattern Down.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[R] Randomize Pattern.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[T] Alter Pattern.
Matrix modifier keys
[Shift]+Draw Key/Curve values = Allows you to draw lines and ramps.
[Shift]+Draw Gate = Temporarily toggles Tie mode on/off.
Redrum keyboard short-cuts
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[X] Cut Pattern.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[C] Copy Pattern.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[V] Paste pattern.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[J] Shift Pattern Left.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[K] Shift Pattern Right.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[R] Randomize Pattern.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+[T] Alter Pattern.
Redrum modifier keys
[Shift]+Click Pattern Step button = Enter Hard note when programming Pattern.
[Option]/[Alt]+Click Pattern Step button = Enter Soft note when programming Pattern.
Dr. Rex modifier keys
[Option]/[Alt]+Click slice in overview = Audition slice.
NN-19 modifier keys
[Option]/[Alt]+Click in keyboard display = Audition sample.
NN-XT keyboard short-cuts
[Delete] or [Backspace] Remove zone(s) from key map.
NN-XT modifier keys
[Option]/[Alt]+Click in sample column or keyboard column = Audition sample. In sample column, at root pitch
and unprocessed. In keyboard column, at corresponding pitch and with processing applied.
[Command]/[Ctrl]+Click in keyboard column = Set root note of sample with edit focus.
Save dialog keyboard short-cuts
MacOS key(s)
[Command]+[.] Cancel.
[Command]+[S] Yes (save song).
[Command]+[D] No (do not save song).
Windows key(s)
[Esc] or [C] Cancel.
[Y] Yes (save song).
[N] No (do not save song).

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