The nursing care plan identifies diagnoses of ineffective therapeutic regimen and impaired communication due to financial difficulties. The goals are to identify appropriate resources to support treatment and improve the client's communication to get needs met within their environment. The nursing interventions include eliminating unnecessary clinic visits, initiating referral to support groups, assessing communication methods, and encouraging communication attempts with praise and feedback. The expected outcome is for the client to overcome barriers to treatment adherence and communication.
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The nursing care plan identifies diagnoses of ineffective therapeutic regimen and impaired communication due to financial difficulties. The goals are to identify appropriate resources to support treatment and improve the client's communication to get needs met within their environment. The nursing interventions include eliminating unnecessary clinic visits, initiating referral to support groups, assessing communication methods, and encouraging communication attempts with praise and feedback. The expected outcome is for the client to overcome barriers to treatment adherence and communication.
The nursing care plan identifies diagnoses of ineffective therapeutic regimen and impaired communication due to financial difficulties. The goals are to identify appropriate resources to support treatment and improve the client's communication to get needs met within their environment. The nursing interventions include eliminating unnecessary clinic visits, initiating referral to support groups, assessing communication methods, and encouraging communication attempts with praise and feedback. The expected outcome is for the client to overcome barriers to treatment adherence and communication.
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The nursing care plan identifies diagnoses of ineffective therapeutic regimen and impaired communication due to financial difficulties. The goals are to identify appropriate resources to support treatment and improve the client's communication to get needs met within their environment. The nursing interventions include eliminating unnecessary clinic visits, initiating referral to support groups, assessing communication methods, and encouraging communication attempts with praise and feedback. The expected outcome is for the client to overcome barriers to treatment adherence and communication.
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Nursing Care Plan
OBJECTIVES INTERVENTION Subjective data Ineffective Due to financial After 20 min of -Eliminate -the physical “Tinigil muna therapeutic limitations may nursing unnecessary clinic demands of naming yung Regimen r/t find the situation intervention, visits traveling o an therapy at saka economic overwhelming client’s mother -If the patient appointment, th gamut kasi kulang difficulties and unable to will identifies lacks adequate financial na sa budget"As follow the appropriate support in costsincurred verbalized by the treatment plan. resources following the cause the patient client’s mother prescribed to avoid follow- treatment plan, ups Objective data initiate referral to -groups that come a support group together for mutual support and information can be beneficial, especially to patients
OBJECTIVES Subjective Impaired Autistics After 4 weeks of -Asses the primary and -May have skill with data Verbal have nursing referred means of many forms of communication reduced intervention, communication such as communication, yet Objective data r/t reduced ability to client was able to verbal, written, gestures they will prefer one looks on ability to read improve -assess the ability to method for read body communication other body language understand words important language to get needs directions -encourage attempt’s to communication during which means met and to communicate; praise - it important to less relate interview attempts and assess if patient can sympathetic effectively with persons and his achievements understand English, emotions or -listen attentively when Filipino or other much less or her the client attempts to language. Autistic able to environment. communicate. patients lacks social innately maintain eye contact contact which understand with the patient when hinders them speaking., stand close, -Positive that person’s within the patients line of feedbackenhances feelings. vision the patients effort to -give ample time to overcome respond communication Collaborative barriers -Advise to undergo - they need feedback speech therapy and about the successof enrolled to a specialized their communication school attempts. -encourage family to talk -so patient can better frequently understand you -they may have slow reaction -specialist can help them build their communication skills.In a specialized school, client wil be able to learn and enhance what he is capable of -decreases the patients sense of isolation
OBJECTIVES INTERVENTION Subjective data Risk fo injury Objective data
OBJECTIVES INTERVENTION Subjective data Impaired social interaction Objective data