NCP Imbalanced Nutrition

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Cues Nursing Diagnosis Goals and Rationale Intervention Evaluation

S> Client has Imbalanced Goal: At the end of At the end of the
vomited Nutrition less than the shift the client shift the client was
body requirement will be able to able to have a
related to lack of have a good good appetite as
O> appetite, vomiting appetite as manifested by
and stomach pain manifested by verbalization of
verbalization of proper foods to be
proper foods to be eaten or showing
eaten or showing increased interest
increased interest in eating.
in eating.
Adequate and Discussion
Objectives: appropriate nutrition
After 2 minutes of underlies the success
intervention the of all medical
client will be able therapies. Nutritional
to define nutrition health requires a
functional gut that can
receive transport,
absorb and metabolize

Reference: Black 2009,

Medical Surgical
Nursing, Assessment of Discussion
Nutrition Chapter 28,
After 4 minute of Vol 1, p. 556
intervention the
client will be able The Food and Nutrition
to identify one Research Institute
food in each of the (FNRI) has developed a
4 levels of the food pyramid (see
food pyramid figure below), a simple
and easy-to-follow daily
eating guide for
Filipinos. The food
guide pyramid is a
graphic translation of
the current "Your Guide
to Good Nutrition"
based on the usual Client
dietary pattern of Activity/Interactio
Filipinos in general n
After 3 minutes of
intervention, the Reference:
client will be able
to construct his
meal plan
Clients should be able
to choose from a menu
to avoid food
monotony. Reference: Client Interaction
Black 2009, Medical
Surgical Nursing,
After 10 minutes Assessment of
of intervention the Nutrition Chapter 28,
client will be able Vol 1, p. 576
to finish the meal
recommended to
Ensure adequate pain
reduction before Assessment
meals, and avoid
invasive procedures or
pulmonary treatments
After 19 minutes just before a meal.
of intervention the Reference: Black 2009,
client will be able Medical Surgical
to appreciate as Nursing, Assessment of
manifested by Nutrition Chapter 28,
verbalization, Vol 1, p. 578
facial expression
or any positive Well being is a
response subjective perception
of a vitalit and feeling
well… can be described
as objectively,
experienced and
measured… and can be
plotted on a continuum
Reference: Hood and
Leddy, 2003,. P.164

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