Think Alouds
Think Alouds
Think Alouds
1. Do your homework!
• Decide on strategy to be taught (See subsequent lessons).
• Think about what you really want your students to know about the strategy
~write a definition of the strategy
~decide on desired outcome at end of study
~decide on tentative time line for study (how long depends on when applied by students or when
boredom sets in)
~decide on authentic assessments to use (written response, listening in on conversations, etc.)
• Plan ahead
~think about the strategy to be taught
~pick a text
~identify the central concept and/or key themes in the text
~think about your own experiences related to the concept/themes
~identify where you might pause and think aloud for your students (use post-it-notes to mark,
remove during lesson and stick on back of the text where you will be able to refer to it)
*This lesson is intended to be used with each subsequent lesson to ensure true teacher modeling rather than
**Informal assessment should be on-going once the objective is introduced. Formal assessment needs to
occur at appropriate intervals.