2 - Initiate Rotes For Mage: The Ascension
2 - Initiate Rotes For Mage: The Ascension
2 - Initiate Rotes For Mage: The Ascension
Extend Touch – The physical body is no longer an obstacle to the Mage’s
touch. He can touch, manipulate, or attack objects within 10 feet of him as
if he were standing there. This Rote uses his normal physical abilities; it
does not allow a weak Mage to push down a brick wall (although by
transferring his push to the top of the wall, he might stand a much better
chance of doing so).
Scrying – The Mage can send his senses to another place, observing as if
he were there. Mages usually use elaborate rituals for this Rote – whether
using a crystal ball, a magic mirror, or a pair of LCD sunglasses, this spell is
a classic. It is also well known, and easy to defend against with other
Correspondence Rotes.
[The Life magic allows the witch to blend her perceptions with those lives
around her, while the Mind sphere enables her to understand the
sensations she receives. Because her awareness is covered by the lives in
the area, this effect is very difficult to detect. Every success increases the
difficulty of detection by one.]
Games of Chance – The Mage gains an advantage in any game where
chance has a factor. The player might be allowed to draw two hands and
take the better one in poker, pick two horses instead of one in a race, and
so on. The effects aren’t perfect, but they’re a good way to make money.
Unfortunately, it’s fairly trivial for other Mages to detect this Rote in effect.
Beginner’s Luck – The Mage can gain a bonus when using any Ability that
he doesn’t actually possess. Even a beginner has a chance of hitting a 400
yard hole-in-one, and sometimes the less you know about a subject, the
easier it is to succeed by chance.
[Each success protects against one random event. Random events are
events where the different possibilities are about the same probability and
do not depend on somebody or something’s conscious decision. The rote
will protect against all randomness, even beneficial. It will not work against
coincidental magick.]
[The more magickal successes achieved, the more complex the message
may be. Two successes produce a simple message, such as `technocrats
are on to us.' Six successes would give details of numbers, locations, battle
plans and contingencies.]
[This rote reduces the difficulty of physical actions that require precision by
1 plus 1 per two successes.]
Electrical Shutdown – Computers and other high-tech machines work
with extremely precise flows of electricity. It’s fairly simple to bring that all
crashing down. The Mage gains a significant bonus to any attempt to shut
down or crash an electrical machine.
The Fire Within – The mage discharges static electricity around himself in
a weak colored glow. The result is quite eerie and impressive. The light is
not very strong, but can illuminate smaller areas; however, it will not light a
room larger than a closet.
[With Forces 2, the force of the blow is diverted, while with Forces 3, it is
returned against the attacker. Each success will counter 2 levels of damage.
If the higher level of the rote is used and the damage is completely
cancelled, the damage will be done to the attacker.]
Alter Plant – The Mage can subtly alter the growth of plants, speeding or
slowing their growth and dictating how they will grow. The Mage might
cause a tree, over the course of a week, to bend over and grow through a
window, or cause vines to wind through the machinery of a car in a few
hours. The process is slow, but can be very useful if the Mage is creative.
Heal Self – The easiest thing for a Life-user to heal is himself. He quickly
recovers a level of Bashing or Lethal damage. However, this Rote is unable
to fix the damages caused by Paradox, at least not immediately.
Heal Minor Animal Wounds – The Mage can speed the healing of minor
wounds on an animal, causing cuts to close and rashes to fade. He cannot,
say, regrow a severed limb, but he can effectively smooth over flaws in
animal Patterns.
Blessings of the Blood – A sprinkle of blood … and all kinds of life in the
vicinity of the mage start to grow and multiply faster. Flowers bloom, crops
become bountiful, female beings become fertile. A place where this rote
has been used often sometimes looks like a jungle, filled with wines and
insects and live, wild vegetation.
Push the Blood (Life 2, Mind 1 opt. Prime 2 for agg) – Le Vay was a
master at controlling the pain that he was feeling. Using this rote the mage
feels no pain, regardless of how wounded she is. This is both good and bad,
especially since the mage cannot easily tell how hurt she is, which can be
rather dangerous. Verbena use to perform this rote by ritually cut
themselves in a spiral pattern. At the start of the cut it hurts, but then it
feels less and less and in the end nothing at all.
[The mage will not suffer wound penalties down to his stamina number of
wound boxes (after that the damage is so severe it causes practical hinders
for the mage despite the absence of pain). To find out how hurt the mage is
if the situation isn't obvious (like with an arrow in the back), use perception
+ alertness with a difficulty of 6.]
Mark the Blood (Life 2, Prime 2) – The mage "marks" the blood of a
person. This marking will be passed on to the children, and so on.
Sometimes this marking is bound to a special trait that is likened to Primal
Markings. The mark can be read by Life 1. Different markings have different
meanings, and are used to keep track of certain traits and essential watch
the herd as it grows and evolves. Mages have also found that there exist
other markings in several bloodlines, which they have not put there. Some
believe that there must have been other mages doing the same thing as
they in the past. Other explain it away as a "lusus naturae", a strange but
useless natural phenomenon.
There are many very old daggers in use by the Euthanatos, passed down
from mentor to disciple. These are often Egyptian throwing knives and use
of one of these ritual items can make the magick far more potent. Over the
centuries these blades have been stained distinct colours. Yellow blades
made of amber are drawn to the eye, white blades of steel fly for the
genitals and the obsidean black daggers pierce the heart. It is uncommon,
but rumored that Lord Ma’at, High Priest and Euthanatos Oracle , had a
blade wound of all three material…
[Life magick identifies the target area, Forces guides the blade towards it.
Each success reduces the difficulty of hitting the target area by one. The
base difficulties are normally eyes +3, groin +2 and heart +2. Use of a
knife with the appropriate resonance will reduce the difficulty of the
magickal success roll.]
[Life magick kills all simple life forms within two feet of the mage. Three
successes are needed to activate the rote and the effects last for one day.]
[This spell will summon, or with Prime 2, create a swarm of animals. With
Life 2, it will summon insects or other invertibrates, while with Life 4, it will
produce birds, rodents, or other small creatures, up to the size of cats. The
control she has is limited, and only simple commands are possible.]
Tongue of the Adders (Verbena) (Life 2 Mind 2) – This simple rote has a
history dating back to ancient Greece, but it is still common today.
[This spell allows the witch to speak with and understand animals. Most
animals, it should be noted, have very simple thoughts, and few have much
to say about anything other than food, safety, and procreation.]
[This is one example of the sort of effects that biologist Sons produce on a
regular basis. They are generally tailored to one specific circumstance, but
the basic principle is enormously flexible.]
Heal Simple Object – The Mage can magically repair an object which has
taken damage. The object must be mostly made of a single substance –
the Mage could use this Rote to straighten a sword or smooth a dent out of
a car door, but not repair a watch.
The Better Beer (Matter 2 Prime 2)– This popular rote improves beer. It
increases alcoholic content, and gives it a truly heavenly taste. It even
seems to last longer. The beer is almost literally enchanted, and tends to
make people very happy. Unfortunately it also creates very real hangovers,
but that's another problem.
(I always thought that nothing was forever; when Heylel did a quick
little change on the rock that Gazi was going to give Keiryn; well, you
should have seen the look on her face! Instead of changing the small
pebble into a diamond, crystals started appearing out of thin air and
soon she was inside a crystalline prison. By the time that we stopped
laughing, the mood was lost. I think she said yes, anyway!
–Mm. Fujimiya)
[Each success gives the crystallized ether 2 'Health' levels and 1 soak die.]
Distraction and Doubt – The Mage hits his target with a wave of
negative emotion, causing him to hesitate and stumble. In combat, this
throws off the target’s next few attacks or defenses, as they struggle to
overcome the emotional weight placed on them.
Powerful Presence – The Mage amplifies his own Presence Attribute. His
performances are more stirring, his intimidation more terrifying, and his
command more inspiring. He gains a bonus to any Presence-based
[The wound penalties are doubled for the victim. A Hurt or Injured will give
a -2 penalty, Wounded -4 and Crippled -10.]
Curse – The mage curses somebody, often very graphically and often
using some material implement (waving a bone or entrails at the victim, or
spitting at him). The mage implants a subconscious desire to get hurt. The
victim will often become unsettled, nervous or depressed. When an
opportunity presents itself, the subconscious mind will try to make the
victim hurt himself (or a loved one). Some mages add Entropy to "give fate
a hand", creating more opportunities for the curse to work.
You’ve Lost That LOVIN Feeling (Mind 2 Matter 2 Prime 2) – The mage
focuses on his current emotions and diffuses them through the surrounding
area, making tiny modifications to things. People who enter will feel subtle
cues towards the same feeling as the mage left. This is often used to create
rooms for different purposes in eastern chantries, or by the Cult of Ecstasy
to enchant places they like.
Awaken the Blood (Life 2, Mind 2) – Some claim that LeVay’s sexual
prowess was legendary, more so than other Verbena whom shared his
affinity for all pleasures; sex included. This rote instills innate, primal
desires for sexual gratification in the target; but not only in the mind, but in
the very essence of the body as well. This desire can be targeted from one
person, to another. Many claim that Johnny’s Love Life Problems started
here… others have no idea. More wonder what the secrets of this Rote
entail; as it often fails if others try to replicate. Some claim that it has to do
with his Kinain nature…
Curse of Mier (Mind 2, Entropy 1) – The mage preens opens the mind of
the victim to the presence of entropy in all thing, allowing the wheel to turn
in the head of the victim. The victim is cursed, forced to see the entropy
present in everything...especially within them selves. Mirrors hold pain and
suffering as the victim realizes all that is wrong within themselves. This
reflective tool shows every imperfection to the victim. Mier is a relentless
Master, and uses this often as a learning tool for her Thanatoic apprentices
to ensure that Entropy is fully understood. With understanding, one can
steer clear of the Nephandic path. Nothing the victim feels is free from the
taint of decay. He will feel how everybody is slowly dying and nothing will
remain forever. This curse will make most normal people very depressed,
and if the curse is used repetitively and long enough many victims become
insane or commit suicide.
(lights cigarette) “Nobody touches the girl. That's right. The girl’s mine. And
in ten seconds, me, and her, and the dog, are going to walk out of here. You
know who I am. Or you ought to. You know my reputation. Now... does
anyone here really want to start something?”
-Gabriel Michaels
What Time Do YOU think it is? (Mind 2 Time 1) – The mage disturbs the
sense of time of a person, so he will think that more or less time have
passed. He can make the victim think that it’s still four or that its already
six, until the victim watches his watch (which clever mages can manipulate
using Matter).
No-Time (Mind 2 Time 2 Entropy 2) – This rote removes the sense of time
from the subject. It becomes impossible to plan for the future or remember
the past, all that exists is an eternal now. By combining this with entropy it
becomes impossible to predict what the subject will do, even with Time.
The Cult of Ecstasy usually invoke this by extreme intoxication, loud music
and then by placing the ring on a finger; as long as it remains, the rote will
be active.
[This rote shifts the target of an emotion from one thing to another. For
example, if a Progenitor has decided to attack Min for putting an end to his
experiments on people, she could shift his anger from herself to his lab
partner, causing him to attack his comrade instead of her. Strong,
unfocused emotions require fewer successes, perhaps 2 to 3, to redirect
while subtle feelings or emotions strongly focused on a particular target
require 4, 5 or more.]
Belly Talking (Akashic) (Mind 2, Life 1) – Minxing Yuan realized that the
principle of devastating one's opponent if one could not avoid combat was
facilitated if she had some idea of how dangerous a potential opponent was
before she fought him. With this in mind, Min learned how to estimate a
person's fighting ability by watching how they moved and how their
thoughts flowed, and thus was able to avoid many fights that she could not
have won.
[This rote gives the doist information on the targets score in Str, Dex, Stam,
Do, Brawl, and Melee. A single success tells her if the target has those
attributes and abilities. Two successes give the general level [low, medium,
high]. Three gives them in terms of the doist's own ratings(lower, higher,
the same), while four or more gives the exact level.]
Thoughts Like Water (Akashic) – This common rote has existed for
millenia, although its origins are unknown. By assuming a relaxed state of
mind in which all things flow naturally, the Brother's mind becomes
extremely elusive.
[This rote makes it harder for others to detect the Brother's thoughts. All
attempts to detect, read, or manipulate his thought have their difficulty
increased by 1 per success scored by the Brother.]
[Each success adds one to the difficulty of people to spot the Brother, as
long as the Brother is attempting to be inconspicuous.]
Love is in the Air (Cultists) (Mind 2 Life 2 Prime 2) – Some cultists enjoy
spreading positive emotions around themselves, and this rote was
developed as a simple but efficient tool. The mage creates "love germs",
which infect people and give them positive feelings. Gradually the happy
emotions spread through a crowd, changing the overall mood. The type of
emotions are determined by the will and personality of the mage; some
mages spread happiness and joy, other hardcore lust.
Closing the veil of the temple (Enochian) (Mind 2 Prime 2) – This rote
is a often used way to protect the temple. The mage cloaks the temple in a
veil of uninterest, and seal this by routing some of the temples
quintessence into the veil. A person who don't know about the temple will
simply not notice it, or remain uninterested. It will not protect from those
who know of the temple, but even those will have some difficulty to find a
way in.
Quintessence Armor – The Mage enhances his body with a shell of
Quintessence, granting him the effects of armor – but only against magical
attacks. Normal blades and physical attacks are unaffected by his armor,
but spirits are. This Rote requires Quintessence to use.
Break the Flow – The mage can disturb the flow of quintessence which
sustains a magickal effect. This is done by disturbing it so it won't
discharge into its target, but into something
else or just into reality in general. This will disrupt the magick for a short
while (some types of magick may even be dispelled by this). This of course
only works on magick which is fuelled by a flow of quintessence or is
upheld by a concentrating mage. It will temporarily break down a barrier,
make an eternal flame go out or turn a temporarily boosted Life- mage
normal. Hermetic mages usually perform this by "cutting off" the power
with their seal, while intoning the name of a powerful god or force.
[ Each success removes one success from the affected magickal effect. If it
is of the type which demands constant influx of quintessence to function
and remain in existence, like a flame or ward, it may be completely
dispelled if all successes are removed. Matter and Life magick will return to
normal function as power returns.]
Aura of Power – The mage channels quintessence into himself and his
surroundings. He cannot control where it goes or how it manifests, and it
will spread. The result will be that the mage will be quite noticeable, and
appear more "real" than the background. It gives a definite impression of
power. The negative side is that the quintessence attracts lots of "little
nasties" and can suddenly ground into patterns, turning them more real
too. Cult of Ecstasy perform this rote by watching light reflecting in the
surface of a drink and then make a silent toast to themselves.
[The rote doesn't really channel Paradox into the pattern, it just creates a
pattern in the normal way. But the rote also leads to a minor, imperceptible
Paradox Backlash into the material form, giving the powers of Paradox
control over it. The paradox of the cabal generally end up on the caster… ]
See the Briatic Plane (Prime 2 Spirit 2) – Mages from the Order of
Hermes have always wanted to understand how reality works, and
developed this rote to gain further understanding. In essence, it allows
them to see the "Prime Umbra", the aspect of reality which influences
quintessence. According to some theories, it is here the great pool of raw
quintessence exists. In the Prime Umbra, the forces which shape
quintessence are visible. This ranges from the changes around nodes and
ley lines to the texture or reality, resonance and paradox warps. Some
experimenters have reported that there seems to exist beings there not
based on much else than pure quintessence without earthly patterns.
Perhaps this is the realm paradox spirits come from? Some adventurous
mages have even physically entered the Prime Umbra, with varied results.
Several times they have been attacked by powerful paradox spirits, lending
credit to the theory.
The Middle Pillar Ritual (Prime 2 Spirit 2 Mind 1 Life 1) – This rote will
strengthen the body, mind and soul of the mage. The mage stands and
visualizes himself as the middle pillar of the Sephirothic Tree. Below him is
the material world, and above his head Keter, the source of prime. He feels
the energy flowing through him, into the world and from the world back to
the source. The mage will feel filled with power, in perfect balance of mind
and body.
[The mage will pump quintessence into his own pattern for a while. This will
temporary strengthen the mages own pattern and hopefully weaken
intruding patterns. Each success will remove one success of magick (Both
helpful and harmful), like a countermagick roll. The target number for the
rote is the highest sphere involved in the effect + 3, or 5, whichever is
highest. It will not heal any damage already done nor stop any flaws in the
mages own pattern. Prolonged use of this rote have been shown to cause
egocentricity, as the mage unconsciously begin to believe he is the centre
of the universe. ]
Occam's Razor (Prime 2, Entropy 2) (Technocratic) – Static magic
functions through the creation of coincidences - things that are unlikely, but
possible. For example, it is extremely unlikely that a coin flipped 100 times
will land tails up each time. Possible, but extremely unlikely. Occam's Razor
states that explanations that are extremely unlikely should be rejected in
favor of more logical ones. The rote that shares its name works by lowering
the entropy in a system, reducing the random chance that is necessary for
coincidences to succeed. This makes performing static magic much more
difficult – the coincidences simply don't happen.
[Anyone subject to this spell must make an Arete roll (diff 7) each time she
performs static magic, the number of successes dependent on the
outlandishness of the coincidence desired. Failure means the spell
dissipates unaccomplished. A botch means that the spell manifests in
the most vulgar manner possible.]
[This rote is basically the same effect as Rubbing the Bones, except that it
takes advantage of the target's momentary lack of existence. Thus
restraints can be slipped out of. Mind 1 is sometimes added to enable to
Son to calculate the moment of maximum detangibility, thus allowing him
to run through a fluxing door before it reforms. Without Mind, there is a
chance that the door would reform as the Son was passing through it, a
highly unpleasant experience for all involved.]
Spirit Touch – The Mage extends his sense of touch into the Penumbra.
He can touch spirits and strike them if necessary, using his normal combat
abilities. When used from the Penumbra, this Rote allows the Mage to shift
objects slightly, as a poltergeist might.
Spirit Voice – The Mage can now communicate into the Penumbra, without
actually having to cross over. He can communicate with spirits (who are in
no way obligated to listen), or send out a general shout for help. If he is in
the Penumbra, he can communicate back to reality, his voice drifting as a
whisper from the air.
Spirit Ward – The Mage has learned some basic rituals to prevent spirits
from entering an area. By using this Rote, he can make it more difficult for
other Mages to cross to or from the Penumbra, and cause spirits to keep
their distance from the area.
[The Archangels will normally not appear in person, but will (if the mage is
lucky) send subordinates to the mage. They will not manifest physically, but
their presence is often felt. The subordinate angels will scare away lesser
beings from the vicinity. After they are done, they will report back to their
superiors what happened. It is very unwise to misuse this rote.]
Song of Life (Spirit 2, Life 1) – Mages often contact the spirits of nature.
seek to awaken the spirits around themselves by dancing, drumming and
singing ancient songs. Most nature spirits are weak beings, but sometimes
they meld together into one powerful spiritus loci, which can have great
power. However, most spirits are just conscious of what happens in their
own world, and very bad at recognizing other activities. On the other hand
nature spirits are very good at revealing where different plants grow, if
somebody has passed or forecast the weather. Spirits can tell a variety of
things…communicating is a little more difficult. Waking a nature spirit in
your garden may help it grow more lively; wakening a spirit in a tree may
bring stronger limbs…
[ Each success increases the awareness and alertness of the spirit with 2. It
will remain as long as the binding spell lasts. ]
Bless the Faithful Servant (Prime 2 Spirit 2) – The mage blesses a spirit,
pouring quintessence into its pattern. This is something most spirits desire,
as it will make them more powerful in the long run. Besides, at least to a
human, they seem to derive pleasure from it. This rote is often used to
thank spirits who have helped the mage. The Cabalists bless them in the
name of Tetragrammaton and let the quintessence flow from their seal,
while dreamspeakers give them crystals and medicine as gifts.
[Each success will summon a more powerful being, or several smaller ones.
The number denotes the level of spheres the beings can emulate. However,
they cannot change the amount of quintessence in reality, just what
structures it is tied into. To create something, something else have to go.
The beings will not last very long, since paradox quickly dissolves them.
However, they are not influenced by any form of Prime or Pattern magick,
which they simply transform into another form.]
Spirit Fist (Akashic) – This rote was created by the Yogis, many of whom
use some variant of it in their struggles with hostile Umbrood.
Danger Sense - The Mage uses his preferred method to predict the near
future, seeking out danger. For the rest of the night, if he is forced into
combat, he gets one free turn to prepare (including using another Rote, if
desired) to represent that he saw the conflict coming. This bonus does not
apply if he is the one who starts the fight.
Hindsight – The Mage gazes into a crystal ball or other object, and sees
fleeting glimpses of the recent past. He may glean a few details about who
was there, what was said, and so on. The easiest way to use this Rote is
simply to find a player who was there, and ask them what you want to
Time Wards – The Mage muddles the flow of time around him. This
makes it more difficult for other Mages to use Time magic to spy on him
from the past or the future, using Rotes such as Hindsight.
Follow the Blood (Time 2, Life 1) – Another trick of the LeVay line of
Verbena is blood lineate. Initially to determine the blood of bastard kings,
this now holds many more purposes. The mage must possess pure blood in
which to place over his eyes. The result is that the mage gains
physiological knowledge about the owner; his age, condition, appearance,
sicknesses, genetic traits, markings and so on. By tracing the blood
backwards, the mage can learn about the genetic traits of the owner was
when he was younger, or projected ailments in the future. The mage may
also continue the tracing back to the owners parents, and their parents,
and so on. A single trait may be followed back to its source.
Sounds of Pain (Time 2 Life 1) – This little rote allows a mage to mentally
hear the sounds of whatever caused a wound. Some truly twisted cultists
have used it to play music on sick people. [Adding Forces 3 Prime 2 the
sounds can be made audible].
Keening of the Banshee (Time 2 Entropy 1) – This rote (also known as
the Sight of the Valkyries) is surprisingly simple, but still very rarely used.
By following the threads of fate forward, the mage can feel where they end.
This can be used to predict how long anything will remain in existence;
inanimate objects, living beings, people and even love itself. Most mages
prefer not to use this rote at all. The only exceptions are (of course) the
Euthanatos, who simply regard it as a useful tool or a very powerful
demonstration of the total power of Entropy. They cast the bones and
interpret their patterns.
[The rote has some limitations. It cannot predict exactly where something
will end, just a time of great entropy. Sometimes people survive just barely,
and go on living. Awakened beings also automatically disturb the
predictions by their actions, especially if they have Time or Entropy
themselves (increase difficulty). If the rote is used on a mage, he will
automatically try to subconsciously countermagick it. ]