Nursing Abbreviations, Prefixes and Suffixes

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The passages define many common medical prefixes and suffixes used in terminology as well as their meanings.

Some common medical prefixes mentioned include: intra- (within), peri- (around), path- (disease), cardio- (heart), neuro- (nerve), and gastro- (stomach).

Some common medical suffixes mentioned include: -itis (inflammation), -algia (pain), -ectomy (removal of), -graphy (recording), -scopy (examination), and -tomy (incision).


a before APSGN acute poststreptococcal

AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm glomerulonephritis
AAS acute abdominal series aq water
Ab abortions ARF acute renal failure
abd. abdominal/ abdomen AROM artificial rupture of membranes
ABG arterial blood gas AS left ear
ABO three basic blood groups ASAP as soon as possible
ABO-Rh ABO and Rh blood ASCVD arteriosclerotic
factors cardiovascular disease
ac before meals ASD atrial septal defect
ACE angiotensin converting enzyme ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
ACL anterior cruciate ligament AST aspartate aminotransferase
ACLS advanced cardiac life support ATN acute tubular necrosis
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone AU each ear
ad lib as desired A-V, AV, A/V arteriovenous,
AD right ear antrioventricular
ADD attention deficit disorder AVB atrio-ventricular block
ADH antidiuretic hormone A-VO2 arteriovenous oxygen
ADL activities of daily living Ax axillary
Adm admission Ba barium
AF atrial fibrillation BBB blood-brain barrier; bundle-branch
AFB acid-fast bacillus block
AFE amniotic fluid embolism BBS bilateral breath sounds
afebrile BCAA branched chain amino acids
AFP alpha-fetoprotein BCLS basic cardiac life support
AGA appropriate for gestational age BE barium enema
AICD automatic implantable cardiac BEE basal energy expenditure
defibrillator bid, BID twice per day
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency bilat bilateral
syndrome BK below the knee
AK above the knee BKA below the knee amputation
AKA above the knee amputation BM bowel movement
ALP alkaline phosphatase BMI body mass index
ALS advanced life support, amyotrophic BMR basal metabolic rate
lateral sclerosis BOWI bag of waters intact
ALT alanine aminostransferase BP blood pressure, buccopulpal
alt.h alternate hours bpm beats per minute
AM morning BR bed rest
AMA against medical advice BRP bathroom privileges
amb ambulatory BS bowel sounds
AMI acute myocardial infarcation BSA body surface area
AML acute myelogenous leukemia BSE breast self-examination
amp ampule BT bowel tones
amt amount BTL bilateral tubal ligation
AOB alcohol on breath BUN blood urea nitrogen
AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus Bx biopsy
AP apical pulse C Celsius (centigrade)
A-P, AP, A/P anterior-posterior c with
approx approximately C&S culture and sensitivity
c/o complains of Cx cervix
Ca calcium CXR chest x-ray
ca cancer d day
CABG coronary artery bypass graft D&C dilatation and curettage
CAD coronary artery disease D5W dextrose 5% in water
CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal DAT diet as tolerated
dialysis dc, DC,D/C discontinue or discharge
caps capsule DDx differential diagnosis
CAT computerized (axial) tomography DEX (DXT) blood sugar
CBC, cbc complete blood cell DI diabetes insipidus
CBD common bile duct DIC disseminated intravascular
CC chief complaint coagulation
cc* cubic centimeter diff differential blood count
CCK cholecystokinin dil dilute, dissolve
CCU coronary care unit, critical care unit DIP distal interphalangeal joint
CF cystic fibrosis disch; DC discharge
CFT complement-fixation test DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
CHD congenital heart disease, coronary dl, dL deciliter
heart disease DM diabetes mellitus
CHF congestive heart failure DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
CHO carbohydrate DNR do not resuscitate
CI cardiac index DOA dead on arrival
CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasm DOB date of birth
CK creatinine kinase DOE dyspneic on exertion
CL cleft lip DPL diagnostic peritoneal lavage
cm centimeter DPT diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus
CMS circulation movement sensation dr dram
CMV cytomegalovirus DRG diagnosis-related group
CNS central nervous system drsg dressing
CO carbon monoxide; cardiac output; DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical
castor oil Manual of Mental Disorders
CO2 carbon dioxide DT delirium tremens
COLD chronic obstructive lung disease DTR deep tendon reflex
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary DVT deep vein thrombosis
disease Dx diagnosis
CP cerebral palsy, cleft palate EBL estimated blood loss
CPK creatine phosphokinase EBV Epstein-Barr virus
CPP cerebral perfusion pressure ECF extended care facility, extracellular
CPPD chest percussion and post drainage fluid
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation ECG electrocardiogram,
CRF chronic renal failure electrocardiograph
CRRT continuous renal replacement ECHO echocardiography
therapy ECT electroconvulsive therapy
CRT capillary refill time ED emergency department
CSF cerebrospinal fluid; colony- EDB estimated date of birth
stimulating factor EDC expected date of confinement
CST contraction stress test EDD estimated date of delivery
CT computed tomography; chest tube EEG electroencephalogram
CVA cerebrovascular accident, EENT eye, ear, nose, throat
costovertebral angle eff effacement
CVP central venous pressure EFM electronic fetal monitoring
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent Gyn gynecology
assay H hypodermic
elix elixir H&P history and physical
EMG electromyogram h, hr hour
EMS emergency medical service H/H Henderson-hasselbach equation;
EMT emergency medical service hemoglobin/hematocrit
epid epidural h/o history of
epis episiotomy H2O water
ER emergency room H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
ERV expiratory reserve volume HA headache
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate HAA hepatitis B surface antigen
ESRD end-stage renal disease HAV hepatitis A virus
ET endotracheal tube HBP high blood pressure
ETOH ethanol HCG human chrorionic gonadotropin
ext extract HCO3 bicarbonate
F Fahrenheit HCT hematocrit
FA fatty acids HDL high-density lipoprotein
FBS fasting blood sugar HEENT head, eye, ear, nose, and
FD fatal dose; focal distance throat
Fe iron HELLP Hemolysis, Elevated Liver
FEV forced expiratory volume enzymes, Lowered Platelets
FFP fresh frozen plasma Hg mercury
FH, Fhx family history Hgb hemoglobin
FHR fetal heart tone HIV human immunodeficiency (AIDS)
Fld,Fl fluid virus
FOU fever of unknown origin HLA histocompatibility locus antigen
FTT failure to thrive HO history of
FUO fever of unknown origin HOB head of bed
FVD fluid volume deficit HPF high power field
fx fracture HPI history of present illness
g, GM, gm gram HR heart rate
G, Gr, Grav gravida HRT hormone replacement therapy
gal gallon hs* bedtime
GB gallbladder HSV herpes simplex virus
GC gonococcus or gonorrheal HT, HTN hypertension
GDM gestational diabetes mellitus hx, Hx history
GERD gastroesophageal efflux disease hypo hypodermic
gest gestation I&O intake and output
GETT general by endotracheal tube IBC iron binding capacity
GFR glomerular filtration rate IBD inflammatory bowel disease
GGT gamma-glutamyl transferase IBS irritable bowel syndrome
GI gastrointestinal IBW ideal body weight
gl gastrointestinal ICCE intracapsular cataract extraction
gm gram ICF intermediate care facility
gr grain ICP intracranial pressure
GSW gunshot wound ICS intercostals space
gtt drops ICT inflammation of connective tissue
GU genitourinary ICU intensive care unit
GVHD graft-versus-host-disease ID intradermal
GXT graded exercise tolerance (stress IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
test) IDM infant of a diabetic mother
IFM internal fetal LDH lactate dehydrogenase
Ig immunoglobulin LDL low-density lipoprotein
IH infectious hepatitis LE lower extremity, lupus
IHD ischemic heart disease erythematosus
IHSS idiopathic hypertropic subaortic LFTs liver function tests
stenosis LGA large for gestational age
IM intramuscular LIH left inguinal hernia
IMV intermittent mandatory ventilation LIJ left internal jugular
in inch liq liquid
IN intranasal LLE left lower extremity
INR international normalization ratio LLL left lower lobe
IPD intermittent peritoneal dialysis LLQ left lower quadrant
IPPB intermittent positive pressure LMP last menstrual period
breathing LNMP last normal menstrual period
IRDM insulin resistant diabetes mellitus LOC level/loss of consciousness
IRV inpiratory reserve volume LP lumbar pucture
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura LPN licensed practical nurse
iu*, IU*international unit LR lactated Ringer’s
IUD intrauterine device LSC left subclavian
IUPC intrauterine pressure catherer LUE left upper extremity
IV intravenous LUL left upper lobe
IVC intravenous cholangiogram; inferior LUQ left upper quadrant
vena cava LV left ventricle
IVF in vitro fertilization LVEDP left ventricular end diastolic
IVP intravenous pyelogram, intravenous pressure
push LVH left ventricular hypertrophy
IVPB intravenous piggyback m mater; minim
JODM juvenile onset diabetes mellitus MAE moves all extremities
JVD jugular vein distention MAO monoamine oxidase
JVP jugular vein pressure MAP mean arterial pressure
K* potassium MAR medication administration record
KCI potassium chloride MAST medical antishock trousers
kg kilogram MBT maternal blood type
KOR keep open rate mcg microgram
KUB….kidney/ureter/bladder MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin
KVO keep vein open MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin
L left, liter, length, lumbar, lethal concentration
L&A light and accomodation MCL modified chest lead
L&D labor and delivery MCV mean corpuscular volume,
L&W living and well molluscum
lab laboratory MD muscular dystrophy
LAD left axis deviation; left anterior MDI multiple daily vitamin
descending meds medications
LAE left atrial enlargement mEq milliequivalent
LAHB left anterior hemiblock MFM Maternal-Fetal Medicine
LAP left atrial pressure or leukocyte Mg magnesium sulfate
alkaline phosphatase mg milligram
lat lateral MI myocardial infection
LB large bowel ml, mL.milliliter
lb pound MLE median episiotomy
LBBB left bundle branch block mm millimeter
MM mucus membrane OPV oral polio vaccine
mmHg millimeters of mercury OR operating room
MMR maternal mortality rate; measles- ORIF open reduction internal fixation
mumps-rubella OS left eye
mod moderate os mouth
monitoring OT occupational therapy
MRI magnetic resonance imaging OTC over-the-counter
MS multiple sclerosis OU each eye
MSF meconium-stained fluid oz ounce
Multip multipara p after
MVA motor vehicle accident P para or pulse
MVU Montevideo unit P&PD percussion and postural drainage
N&V, N/V nausea and vomiting P-A, PA, P/A posterior-anterior
N/A not applicable PABA para-aminobenzoic acid
Na+ sodium PAC premature atrial contraction
NaCl sodium chloride PALS pediatric advance life support
NAD no apparent distress PAO2 alveolar oxygen
NANDA North American Nursing PaO2 peripheral arterial oxygen content
Diagnosis PAP pulmonary artery pressure
neg negative Para I, II, etc unipara, bipara, tripara, etc
NG nasogastric PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
NIBP noninvasive blood pressure pc after meal
NICU neonatal intensive care unit PCA patient-controlled analgesia
NIDDM non-insulin dependent PCN penicillin; primary care nurse
diabetes mellitus PCV packed cell voulme
NIL not in labor PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
NKA no known allergies PD peritoneal dialysis
NKDA no known drug allergies PDA patent ductus arteriosus
NKMA no known medication allergies PDD pervasive development disorder
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance PDR physicians desk reference
no number PE physical examination; pulmonary
noc night embolus; pleural effusion
npo, NPO nothing by mouth PEEP positive end expiratory pressure
NS normal saline PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory PEG percutaneous endoscopic
drugs gastrotomy
NSD normal spontaneous delivery per through or by
NSR normal sinus rhythm Peri care perineal care
NST nonstress test PERRLA pupils equal, regular react to
NT nasotracheal light, accommodation
NTD neural tube defect PI pulmonic insufficiency disease;
NV nausea and vomiting present illness
NYD not yet diagnosed PICC peripherally inserted central venous
O2 oxygen catheter
OB obstetrics PID pelvic inflammatory disease
OBS organic brain syndrome PIH pregnancy-induced hypertension
OCG oral cholecystogram Pit Pitocin
OD optical density, overdose, right eye PKU phenylketonuria
OGTT oral glucose tolerance test PM evening
OM otitis media PMH past medical history
OOB out of bed PMI point of maximal impulse
PMN polymorphonuclear neutrophil RAI radioactive iodine
leukocytes (polys) RAIU radioactive iodine uptake
PMS premenstrual syndrome RAP right atrial pressure
PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea RBBB right bundle branch block
PO, poorally RBC, rbc red blood cell
POD post-op day RDA recommended daily/dietary
Postop postoperatively allowance
PP postpartum RDS respiratory distress
PPD purified protein derivative (TB test) Rh symbol of rhesus factor, symbol for
PR by rectum rhodium
PRBC packed red blood cells RLE right lower extremity
Preop preoperatively RLL right lower lobe
prep preaparation RLQ right lower quadrant
pres presentation RML right middle lobe of lung
primip primipara RNA ribonucleic acid
PRN, prn as required/when necessary ROM range of motion, rupture of
pro time prothrombin time membrane
PSA prostate-specific antigen ROS review of systems
Pt patient RR recovery room, respiratory rate
pt pint RT radiation therapy; reading test;
PT prothrombin time, physical therapy respiratory therapy
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary RUE right upper extremity
angioplasty RUL right upper lobe
PTH parathyroid hormone RUQ right upper quadrant
PTL preterm labor Rx take, prescription
PTT partial thromboplastin time s without
PUD peptic ulver disease s/p status post
PUFT Pelvic Uterine Full Term s/s signs and symptoms
PVC premature ventricular contraction S-A, SA, S/A sinoatrial
PVD peripheral vascular disease sc*, SC*, SQ*, Sub-Q subcutaneous
Px pneumothorax SCN special care nursery
q every Sed rate sedimentation rate
q2h every 2 hrs SGA small for gestational age
q3h every 3 hrs SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetic
q4h every 4 hrs transaminase
qd* every day SGPT serum glutamic pyruvic
qh every hr transaminase
qid, QID 4x a day SI Systeme International
QNS quantity not sufficient SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
qod* every other day SL sublingual
qs as sufficient SLE systematic lupus erythematosus
qt quart SNF skilled nursing facility
Qt total cardiac output SOB shortness of breath
R respiration, right, Rickettsia, sol solution
roentgen specific gravity
R/ take spec specimen
R/O rule out SROM spontaneous rupture of membrane
R/T related to ss one half
RA rheumatoid arthritis SSE soapsuds enema
RAD right atrial axis deviation sta station
RAE right atrial enlargement Staph staphylococcus
stat immediately UUN urinary urea nitrogen
STD sexually transmitted disease; skin UVJ ureterovesical junction
test dose V/Q ventilation-perfusion
Strep streptococcus VA visual acuity
supp suppository VAD vincristine adriblastine
susp suspension dexamethasone
SVE sterile vaginal examination VAMP vincristine adriblastine
Sx symptoms methylprednisone
syr syrup VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean
T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy VC vital capacity
T, Tbsp tablespoon VCUG voiding cysourethrogram
tab tablet VD vaginal delivery
Tab therapeutic abortion VDRL venereal diseases research
TB tuberculin, tuberculosis, tubercle laboratory
bacillus VE vaginal examination
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve VEB ventricular ectopic beat
stimulation VF/Vfib ventricular fibrillation
TIA transient ischemic attack VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide
TIBC total iron binding capacity vit vitamin
tid, TID .three times a day VLDL very low density lipoprotein
TKO to keep open VMA vanillylmandelic acid
TL tubal ligation VO verbal order
TM tympanic membrane VOD volume of distribution
TMJ temporomandibular joint vol volume
TNTC too numerous to count VPA valproic acid
TO telephone order VQ verbal or voice order
TPN total parenteral nutrition VRE vancomycin Resistant Enterococci
TPR temperature, pulse and respiration VS, vs vital signs
tr, tinct tincture VSD ventricular septal defect
TSE testicular self-examination VSS vital signs stable
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone VT ventricular tachycardia
tsp teaspoon VW vessel wall
TURP transurethral resection of prostate W/C wheelchair
TWE tap water enema WAT white adipose tissue
Tx treatment WB whole blood
U* unit, umbilicus WBC, wbc white blood cells
UA urinalysis WD well developed
UAO upper airway obstruction WF white female
UBT urea breath test WM white male
UBW usual body weight WN well nourished
ud as directed WNL within normal limits
UE upper extremity WPW wolf-parkinson-white
UGI upper gastrointestinal wt weight
ung ointment XRT x-ray therapy
UPJ ureteropelvic junction yo years old
URI urinary tract infection ZE zollinger-ellison
US ultrasound
ab away from ex, extra outside of
ad to or toward exo outside, on outer side, outer layer
aer air gastr stomach
ambi both glyco sugar
amphi about, on both sides, both hapat liver
ampho both he mi half
an, a absent hem blood
ana up, back, again, excessive hemato blood
angio blood vessel hemi one half
ante before, forward hyper over, above, excessive
anti against, opposed to, reversed hypo under, below, deficient
apo from, away from ileo ileum
arteri artery ili ilium
aud ear im, in in, into
bi two im, in not
brady slow infra below
cardi heart inter between
cata down, according to, complete intra within
cephal head intro into, within
cerebro brain leuko white
chole gallbladder lingu tongue
chondr cartilage lip fat
circum around, about litho stone
cirrho yellow macro large
co, con with, together mal bad
colo colon mega large
com with, together melano black
con with, together mesi, meso middle
contra against, opposite meta beyond, after, change
cran head micro small
crani skull mono one
cyano blue multi many
cysto liquid filled urinary bladder my muscle
dactyl fingers/toes myel bone marrow
de down, from myelo spinal cord
dent (o) teeth neo new, recent
derma skin nephr kidney
dia through, apart, across neuro nervous system
dis reversal, apart from, separation opistho behind, back
dys bad, difficult, disordered opthalm eye
e without osteo bone
ec out from ot ear
ecto on outer side, situated on para beside, beyond, near to
em, en in per through excessive
encephala brain peri around
endo within phag eat
enter intestines phlegm vein
epi upon, on pneum lung
erythro red polio gray
poly many spondyl spinal cord
post after, behind sub under
pre before, in front of super above, upper, excessive
pro before, in front of supra above, upper, excessive
proct rectal sym together, with syndrome
psycho the mind tachy fast
re back again tetra four
ren kidney trans across, through, beyond
retro backward, locate behind tri three
rhin nose ultra beyond, in excess
rhino nose uni one
semi half vascular blood vessel
spleen spleen venous vein

ac, al pertaining to itis inflammation
algia pain logy study of
apheresis removal lysis loosening, dissolution, separating
ase enzyme lytic destroy, reduce
ate, ize use, subject malacia softening
atresiaabsence of a normal body opening, mania madness, insane desire
occlusion, closure megaly enlargement
capnia carbon dioxide metry measurement
cele protrusion odia smell
centesis puncture to remove fluid odyniapain
cidal killing ola, ole small
clasia, clasis, clast break old resembling
cle, cule small oma tumor
clysis irrigating, washing oma tumor, swelling
crine separate, secrete opia vision
cyte cell osis, sis abnormal
desis aurgical fixation, fusion ostomy opening
drome run, running ous, tic pertaining to
dynia pain oxia oxygen
ectomy removal pathy disease
ectopia displacement penia deficiency of
emesis vomit pepsia digestion
emia blood pexy, pexis fixation
ent, er, ist person phagia, phagy eating
esis, tion condition philia love
genic origin phobia fear
gram/graphy written records phonia sound or voice
ia, ism, ity condition phoria feeling
iasis presence of physis growth
iatry physician, treatment plasia formation, development, a growth
ible, ile capable plasm growth, substance, formation
ictal seizure, attack plasty surgical shaping
plegia paralysis spasm sudden involuntary muscle
pnea breathing contraction
poiesis formation stalsis contraction
porosis passage stasis control, stop
prandial meal stenosis constriction, narrowing
praxia in front of, before stomy surgical opening
ptosis prolapse, down tic relating to
ptysis spitting tion condition
rrhage, rrhagia excessive flow tocia birth, labor
rrhea flow tome instrument
rrhexis rupture tomy incision
rrphaphy suturing in place tripsy surgical crushing
sarcoma malignant tumor trophy nourishment
sclerosis hardening ule small
scope examination instrument ulum small
scopy examination ulus small
sis state of uria urine

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