Evolution of Mobile Communication
Evolution of Mobile Communication
Evolution of Mobile Communication
1. Introduction
Communication is a vital factor which allows people to connect with each other around the world.
From the very early ages, people thought of having communication methods to connect with the rest of
the world. Early people used symbolic formations, sounds to express their feelings to others &
eventually they started to speak. Then with the advancement of communication, the languages were
formed as formal communicating methods & people understood the importance of communicating
with the rest of the world. So they started to move forward in communication & thus various
techniques were found.
From paper based media to electronic media like telephone, television, radio, the communication was
developed rapidly during the last century. As they are wired media, the use is limited to certain
perimeter & soon people found that it is a great limitation in communication. So people did so many
experiments to have a wireless communication, to overcome the limitations of the wired
communication media. As a result of that, the mobile communication was found to make the
communication more efficient & effective.
1G or 1st generation mobile phones were the earliest cellular systems that were developed in early
80’s. The idea was come up with the development of the short ranged radio telephones. At early 70’s,
the short ranged radio waved telephones were developed such as walkie-talkies. These systems were
used to communicate over small geographical area & the system is fully analog. Which means
communication is done by switching from sender to receiver. In these telephone systems, the
communication was done by transmitting radio signals on specific frequencies through the airwaves.
In the early 80’s, the 1st generation phones were developed to increase the efficiency of the mobile
technology. 1G phone are also analogue & the major improvement done was increasing the range of
the transmission. So that the communication can be done over a large area, than the walkie-talkies. 1st
Generation mobile phones used a single universal network standard known as Advanced Mobile Phone
Systems (AMPS). In this technology, separate frequencies were used for each conversation &
therefore needed considerable bandwidth for a large number of users. That means the bandwidth
needed to be increased with the users. In AMPS, the cell centers could assign channels to handsets
based on the signal strength. It also allowed re-using the same frequency in various locations without
interference. This allowed a large number of phones to be supported over a geographical area. AMPS
cellular service was operated in the 800-900 MHz cellular FM band.
2.1 Features of 1G Mobile Technology
Analogue system.
Mobility – can take the cellular where needed
Circuit switched technology.
Basic voice calls only.
Limited local & regional coverage.
Phones were large in size. 2.1.1 Inventor of 1G 2.1.2 1G mobile phone
mobile-Dr Martin
Low capacity.
After the 1st Generation mobile technology, at early 90’s, the 2G or 2 nd Generation mobile networks
were established. It was developed as a solution for problems arose in analogue systems. Therefore
digital encryption of the voice calls was used in 2G technology. That means the digital mobile
communication started with the 2 nd Generation. 2G cellular telecom networks were commercially
launched on GSM (Global Systems for Mobile Communication) standard in Finland in 1991. Along
with the digital advancement, 2G came with another two benefits, over the 1G mobile phones. 2G
systems were significantly more efficient on the spectrum allowing for far greater mobile phone
penetration levels & also introduced the data services for mobile phones. The ability to send text
messages or SMS (Short Message Service) was 1 st invented in 2G mobile phones. Thus this SMS
facility made the mobile communication more efficient & effective to use.
2G technologies can be divided into two standards depending on the type of multiplexing used.
TDMA-based (Time Division Multiple Access) & CDMA-based (Code Division Multiple Access) are
those two standards. The phrase multiple access means that more than one user can utilize each call.
TDMA assigns each call a certain portion of time on a designated frequency. TDMA is used for
Interim Standard 54 (IS-54) & Interim Standard 136 (IS-136).in TDMA each conversation gets the
radio for one-third of the time & therefore TDMA has three times the capacity of an analog system
using the same number of channels. TDMA operates in 800 MHz (IS-54) or 1900 MHz (IS-136).
CDMA gives a unique code to each call & spreads it over the available frequencies. After digitizing
data, spreads it over the entire available bandwidth. CDMA is the basis for Interim Standard 95 (IS-95)
& operates both in 800 MHz & 1900 MHz bands. The main 2G standards are as follows.
2.5G is the 2nd Generation enhanced version of 2G technology. The enhancement achieved through
implementing a packet switched domain in addition to circuit switched domain. This is to give user a
better services & access to the internet. 2.5G gives higher data rates & additional capabilities. The
technology used to access internet is General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). GPRS can provide data
rates from 56 kb/s, up to 115 kb/s. GPRS can be used for services such as Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) access, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), & for internet services such as email
& World Wide Web (WWW) access.
Another enhancement in 2G technology is the 2.75G & it is the road to the 3G technology. GPRS
networks evolved in Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE). EDGE, Enhanced GPRS
(EGPRS), or IMT Single Carrier (IMT-SC) is a backward compatible digital mobile phone technology
& it allows improved data transfer rates. EDGE is developed in 2003 by AT&T in US. EDGE is
standardized by 3GPP & it provides increased capacity of GSM/GPRS networks. Higher data rates are
achieved by switching to more sophisticated methods of coding with existing GSM timeslots.
3rd Generation or the 3G mobile technology is the latest state in the development of wireless
communication technology. The 3G technology was first used in Japan in 2001, as they did not use the
2.5G technology; thus they needed a solution to bridge the gap & face the capacity requests. Since then
it improved a lot by adding many sophisticated features for the users. 3G uses a host of high tech
infrastructure networks, handsets, base stations, switches & other devices to allow mobile to offer high
speed internet access, data & CD quality services. Currently, over 80% of the world population is
using this 3G mobile technology for their communication purposes. Compared to earlier mobile
phones, 3G handsets provide many new features like TV streaming, multimedia, videoconferencing,
web browsing, e-mail, paging, fax, navigational maps & etc. Also the ability to enhance the features &
add additional functionalities to the available applications is another added advantage in this 3G
3.5G is the next generation in mobile technology which is also called High-Speed Downlink Packet
Access (HSDPA). It is a mobile telephony protocol & is a packet-based data service in W-CDMA,
downlink with a data transmission up to 8-10 Mbit/s over a 5 MHz bandwidth. HSDPA is enabled with
a new transport layer channel which is called High Speed Downlink Shared Channel (HS-DSCH) to
send packets on the downlink. It includes 3 layers to enhance its services. HS-SCCH, HS-PDSCH &
HS-DPCCH are those three layers. In HSDPA or 3.5G technology, the data is transmitted together
with error correction bits, thus can be corrected without re-transmission. The HS-DSCH channel is
shared between users using channel-dependant scheduling to make the best use of available radio
conditions. So the packet scheduling in 3.5G phones, is very faster than other technologies. Adaptive
modulation & coding is another significant improvement in 3.5G technology. As well as improving
data rates, it also decreases latency & so the round trip time for applications also reduced.
4G can be considered as the future of the mobile technology. With the rapid development in the
technology, people try to have more sophisticated & advanced mobile communication. With the high
rates of requirements, 4G technology comes into the play. Even though 3G is a successful invention,
still there are many reasons to go for 4G technology, as listed below.
High input fees for the 3G service licenses.
Difference in license terms
3G phones are expensive
Lack of coverage
Low cost
Wider bandwidths, higher bit rates
Scalability of mobile networks
In 4G mobile phones, the data transfer rate is more than 100 Mbit/s & link efficiency of 15 bit/s/Hz in
the downlink & 6.75 bit/s/Hz in uplink. It expected to have high quality services for multimedia
purposes such as real time audio, high speed data, HDTV video content, mobile TV, etc. As the future
expectations from a mobile phone is more towards the internet access, in 4G technology, data
communication is via IPV6 technology to support for the rapid growing users. It uses multi standard
wireless systems such as Bluetooth, WI-Fi. The CDMA technology is not used in 4G instead uses the
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology. OFDM allows transferring data
more than other forms of multiplexing. It simplifies the design of the transmitter & receiver & allows
using almost the entire frequency band. WiMax connection is using the 4G technology in the mobile
phones recently. A 4G mobile phone can be considered as a fully functional computer with the
6. Summary
With the development of technology, the wireless communication developed very rapidly from 1G to
4G. Still people do researches regarding the mobile communication to provide a sophisticated &
reliable efficient communication for the end users.
7. References
Figure 2.1.1- http://www.devicedaily.com/cell-phones/the-history-of-mobile-phones.html