Control and Order Stock
Control and Order Stock
Control and Order Stock
Published by
Produced by
*** 2003***
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Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
Welcome ................................................................................................................... 1
This Competency Unit.................................................................................................... 1
Before You Start ............................................................................................................. 2
Planning Your Learning Programme ............................................................................. 2
Self-Assessment Checklist ............................................................................................. 2
How To Use This Learner’s Guide ................................................................................ 4
Using the Computer and Other Resources..................................................................... 6
Method of Assessment.................................................................................................... 6
Welcome to the Learner’s Guide for Unit of Competency “Control and Order Stock”.
This is just one of a number of Learner Guides produced for the Commercial Food
Preparation Skills stream of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, and it is designed to
guide you, the learner, through a series of learning processes and activities that will
enable you to achieve the specified learning outcomes for the competency unit.
The content of this guide was developed from the Competency Standard
THHGAD0153A which is one of the basic building blocks for the National Vocational
Qualification of Jamaica (NVQJ) certification within the industry. Please refer to your
Learner’s Handbook for a thorough explanation of standards and competencies, and how
these relate to the NVQJ certification.
“Control and order stock” addresses the knowledge and skills requirements for
effectively selecting, preparing, controlling and ordering stock. Five elements are
You are also advised to consult the Competency Standard for a better understanding of
what is required to master the competency.
a. Obtain a Learner Logbook that will be used to record evidence of your new
skills/competence. As you demonstrate your new skills, record your activities and
have your learning facilitator sign off on them. This will allow you to provide
evidence of your competence when you are being assessed against the competency
b. Ensure that you have access to the facilities and equipment necessary for learning.
d. Know and observe the occupational health and safety standards/practices for the
industry. For example, ensure that you are wearing suitable clothing, that tools and
equipment are safe, and that the correct safety equipment is used.
The following self-assessment checklists will assist you in planning your learning
programme as they will help you to think about the knowledge and skills needed to
demonstrate competency in this unit. As you go through each one you will be able to
find out what competencies you already have and what competencies you will need to
pay more attention to as you go through the learning process.
To complete the checklists simply read the statements and tick the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ box.
Self-Assessment Checklist
- Control and order stock
2. I can monitor and adjust stock security systems as required ___ ___
3. I can monitor and adjust stock re-order cycles as required ___ ___
If you ticked all or most of the ‘Yes’ boxes, then you might not need to go through the
entire guide. Ask your learning facilitator to assist you in determining the most
appropriate direction for this competency.
If you ticked few of the ‘Yes’ boxes or none at all, then you should work through the
entire guide, even though some of the materials may be familiar to you.
Plan your learning based on your answers. Be sure to involve your learning facilitator in
the planning process.
This Learner’s Guide is designed to assist you work and learn at your own pace.
• Check your progress at each checkpoint to ensure that you have understood the
• Observe the icons and special graphics used throughout this guide to remind you of
what you have to do and to enhance your learning. The icons and their meanings are
as follows:
Definition Box
Words/phases are defined or explained in this box. The
words/phases being explained are in bold print.
This denotes something for you to do either alone or with
the assistance of your learning facilitator.
Points you to the reference materials and other support
documents or resources used in compiling the unit content.
• Ask your learning facilitator for help if you have any problem with the interpretation
of the contents, the procedures, or the availability of resources
• Stop and complete each activity as you come to it. If the activity requires you to
perform an actual task, be sure to tell your learning facilitator when you get to that
activity so he/she can make any arrangements
• Get your learning facilitator to sign and date the Learner Logbook when you have
completed an activity
• Read the summary and complete the self-assessment checklist at the end of each
section or element.
When you have worked through all sections of the guide, complete the assessment
exercise at the end of the document. When you can tick every ‘Yes’ box, you are ready
for assessment and may ask your learning facilitator to assist you in making the
arrangement to have your performance assessed.
Where your activities refer you to the library, computer and Internet resources, ask your
learning facilitator to assist you with locating these resources. If you are getting your
training in an institution, there may be a library and computer laboratory. If this is not
the case, visit the local library and find out what resources are available.
If you are new to the computer and the Internet, someone should be able to show you
how to use these resources.
Please note that in many of your activities you have been referred to information on the
Internet. This is because the Internet has a vast amount of information that can help you
in acquiring the particular competencies. We would like to advice you, however, that we
cannot guarantee that all the sites will be available when you need them. If this happens,
ask your learning facilitator to assist you with locating other sites that have the
information you require.
Method of Assessment
Competency will be assessed while work is undertaken under direct supervision with
regular checks, but may include some autonomy when working as a team. You are
advised to consult the associated competency standard for further details related to the
assessment strategies.
You may now start your learning. Have fun while you work!
As you go through this element you acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude
needed to maintain stock levels and records. Your learning facilitator is there to assist
you with different activities. On completion you should be able to:
Each company has to determine the level of stock it wants to carry. Once determined,
systems must be put in place to monitor and maintain them.
• Stock movement may be tracked manually and an order placed when the reorder
point is reached, as indicated by entries on the stock card. Manual tracking
requires that the stock clerk be alert and make daily checks on his stock.
• They are many software applications available to monitor stock electronically.
Once various critical points are determined and entered, these systems
automatically alert you to changes that need your attention. Your computer will
tell you (a) which item needs to be re-ordered now (b) what product’s shelf life
has expired (c) the products that are too long in the inventory (d) prints ,purchase
requisition and orders will give you reminder regarding time frame
Why is it important to monitor stock levels?
What is the likely result of stock levels falling below the lower limit?
Although stock levels are pre-determined, and the order quantity and cycles determined
by applying the EOQ inventory model and might make it necessary to adjust to order
quantity and re-order cycles based on:
Stable or improved inventory costs are a result of continuous monitoring and appropriate
and timely adjustments.
For any system to function efficiently all parties involved must be aware of and respect
the terms and conditions of service. Whenever stock is purchased, received, requested
from storage, delivered, dumped or disposed of, no matter the manner, the appropriate
forms/cards or data entry must be made or completed.
Record keeping is an important aspect of stock control. It provides for the accounting
department, the inventory cost and pricing information they usually require. It also
eliminates the need to count stock each time stock is added or removed. Entering stock
movement as soon as it occurs ensures a perpetual record is available. Periodic stock
counts confirm stock record balances and identify overages or shortages.
Give reasons record keeping is necessary for proper stock control?
What do FIFO and EOQ mean? How are they used in stock control?
Ask your learning facilitator to help you review records being used in
your institution to control and order stock. You should be provided
with practical examples. Complete copies of different requisition
forms/letters used and write a report on how stock records facilitate
control and traceability of stock within your organisation.
Now that you have completed this element, see if you have fully grasped all the
components by doing the following Self-Assessment.
Checklist 1
Yes No
Checklist 2
Yes No
As you go through this element you need to ensure that you acquire the necessary
knowledge, skills and attitude needed to organise and administer stocktaking. Your
learning facilitator is there to assist you with the different activities. On completion you
should be able to:
The stock control personnel may do stocktaking on an ad hoc basis to verify particular
List some stocks that may be included when doing stocktaking. How
you would organise stocktaking in a linen room
Stocktaking Reports
Stocktaking Procedure
Give reasons a company practices periodic stocktaking?
Discuss with your learning facilitator the organising and holding of a
stocktaking exercise by the class. You may suggest organising the
stock in a dry ingredients storage area or in a cold room stock.
Outline your plan of action and identify what is required of each
participant. Estimate how much time you would need to carry out
this exercise. Submit a report of the stocktaking to your learning
Now that you have completed this element, do the following Self-Assessment to see
whether you grasped fully its component.
Checklist 1
Yes No
Checklist 2
Yes No
As you go through this element you need to ensure that you acquire the necessary
knowledge, skills and attitude needed to identify stock losses. Your learning facilitator is
there to assist you with the different activities. On completion you should be able to:
Losses should be reported to the relevant body as soon as they are identified. The report
should be submitted according to the procedure stipulated by the enterprise. Where
possible, the report should include an explanation for the loss and its cost.
Can you identify potential stock losses?
Are they avoidable?
Avoidable losses
• Breakages
• Infestation
• Improper storage
• Inaccurate record keeping
• Pilferage
• Staff training
• Developing and implementing pest control programme
• Storing products/stock in the recommended environment
• Securing the storeroom and allowing only authorised personnel to enter or remove
• Re-visiting the lay out of the storeroom and assessing accessibility of stock
Can you calculate the cost of stock losses identified during recent
Now that you have completed this element, do the following Self-Assessment to see
whether you have grasped fully all its components.
Checklist 1
Yes No
1. I understand how to identify avoidable losses and
establish reasons for loss ___ ___
Checklist 2
Yes No
As you go through this element you need to ensure that you acquire the necessary
knowledge, skills and attitude needed to process stock orders. Your learning facilitator is
there to assist you with different activities. On completion you should be able to:
Purchase and supply agreements outline specific terms and conditions of purchases and
supplies between individuals or enterprises. They may relate to:
• Quantity discounts
• Product guarantees
• Payments
• Method of shipping/transportation
• Pricing
• Minimum order quantity
• Quality
• Product usage
Details of these agreements must be adhered to when ordering or supplying goods.
What are purchase and supply agreements?
How would you process an order for 10 cases of dinner plates?
Now that you have completed this element, do the following Self-Assessment to see
whether you have grasped fully its components.
Checklist 1
Yes No
Checklist 2
Yes No
2. Stock orders and record system are accurately maintained ___ ___
As you go through this element you acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to follow
up orders. Your learning facilitator is there to assist you with the different activities. On completion
you should be able to:
Once the supplier receives the order, and a delivery date is agreed on, the stock controller contacts
the supplier at regular intervals to ascertain the status of the order and whether the delivery deadline
will be met. Preparations are made to receive and store the goods when delivered.
• Purchase requisition and purchase order are prepared in good time and dispatched to the
supplier as soon as possible.
• Consult with colleagues about the urgency of the order and confirm optimum delivery date.
• Liaise with supplier and ensure the goods will be available at the specified time
• Supply agreements are checked
• Confirm delivery date for any back order
Distribute Stock
What steps would you take to ensure your order is delivered within
agreed deadlines?
Have your learning facilitator arrange time for you in the receiver
and delivery department of your company. Write a report detailing
the delivery, receival and storage procedures. Discuss your
findings/observations with your learning facilitator.
Now that you have completed this element, do the following Self-Assessment to see whether you
have grasped fully all it components.
Checklist 1
Yes No
1. I understand how to monitor the delivery process to meet
agreed deadlines ___ ___
Checklist 2
Yes No