Zambia Review 2010
Zambia Review 2010
Zambia Review 2010
2 010
11th edition
FOREWORD .............................................. 2
By the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry
INTRODUCTION ........................................ 4
Social, Historical & Economic Overview
Zambia has recorded a respectable level of economic The country has three distinct seasons:
growth since 2003 of just below 6 percent per annum; • May to August is cool and dry, with temperatures ranging from
growth which has by and large remained intact in spite of 16oC/60oF to 27oC/81oF
the global recession. • September to October is hot and dry, and brings temperatures
from 27oC/81oF to 32oC/90oF
TOPOGRAPHY • November to April is warm and wet with temperatures
Zambia has a surface area of 752 612 square kilometres, and between 20oC/68oF and 27oC/81oF.
progress, with government refocusing its economic policy and
strategy to encompass poverty alleviation and attainment of the
United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Economic planning was reintroduced, with the overriding
macroeconomic policy objectives of attaining high and
sustainable growth in real Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
maintaining low and stable inflation, achieving external sector
viability and reducing poverty.
The coming into office of the New Deal Administration in 2002 That Zambia has shown some resilience in the midst of the
marked an important milestone in the country’s economic global economic crisis is further evidenced by improvements in
macroeconomic indicators. GDP growth for 2009 is estimated at
6.3 percent, following growth of 6 percent in 2008, due to robust
expansion in the mining, agriculture and construction sectors.
At the same time, inflation averaged 11.5 percent during 2009, Export development
declining from 16.6 percent in December 2008 to 9.9 percent Traditional exports grew by 8.5 percent in 2009 compared to
in December 2009 and 9.6 percent at end January 2010. The 4.5 percent in 2008, while non-traditional exports (NTEs)
fall in inflation during 2009 may be attributed to declining food increased by 41.6 percent in 2009 following a contraction of
prices, the relative strengthening of the exchange rate, stability 10.6 percent in 2008. Metal products continue to contribute the
in domestic fuel prices and transport costs, and the downward most to total export earnings – some 83.1 percent in January
trend in lending rates. 2010, while NTE earnings made up around 13.9 percent of total
earnings in the same month.
During the first half of 2009 the Kwacha depreciated against
major international currencies in response to the continuing The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is
effects of the global financial situation. However, during the Zambia’s leading trading partner and South Africa its single
second half of the year, it began to appreciate as a result of largest partner country, importing copper, electricity, tobacco,
improving investor confidence in the Zambian economy, and by cotton and sugar. OECD countries, including the EU, Japan
the end of the year was showing some stability against major and the USA, remain another important market for Zambia’s
international currencies. exports.
There was a sharp drop in the level of international trade The five major destinations for Zambia’s exports in February
during 2009, with the value of imports and exports falling by 26 2010 were Switzerland (64.6 percent), China (10.1 percent),
and 19 percent, respectively, during the first half of the year. South Africa (7.2 percent), DRC (5.2 percent) and the United
The reduction in imports was largely attributed to the steep Kingdom (2.6 percent). These five countries collectively
depreciation of the Kwacha during the first half of the year, while accounted for 89.7 percent of Zambia’s total export earnings.
exports were affected by weaker global demand for metals. Regionally, SADC is the largest market for Zambia’s exports.
According to the Central Bank, in the fourth quarter of 2009, Macroeconomic objectives for 2010
Zambia’s Balance of Payments position deteriorated to a deficit Macroeconomic policies in 2010 continue to focus on
of US$ 113.1 million, from US$ 1 049.5 million in 2008. This consolidating the recovery of the domestic economy, the rapid
was due to the unfavourable performance of both the current diversification of Zambia’s economic base, and the protection
account (US$ 213.4 million deficit) and the capital and financial of key social expenditures in sectors such as education and
accounts, where the surplus fell by 64.8 percent to health.
US$ 149.9 million in the fourth quarter. This is largely attributed
to the decline in imports, and also reflects, in part, a slowdown Macroeconomic objectives in 2010 are to:
in investment expenditure in the wake of the global recession. • Exceed 5 percent growth
• Reduce end-year inflation to 8.0 percent
At the end of November 2009, gross international reserves had • Limit domestic borrowing to 2.0 percent of GDP
increased to US$ 1 887.1 million, equivalent to five months of
import cover. This was mainly on account of the receipt of It is anticipated that domestic growth in 2010 will continue to
US$ 789 million in additional funds from the IMF. This is the be driven by the mining, construction and agriculture sectors,
highest level of reserves attained in the last 38 years. along with a recovery in tourism and wholesale and retail trade.
Batik - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
Growth from these sectors will be augmented by improved
metal exports, leading to improvements in the balance of
payments position.
In 1851 David Livingstone, the celebrated Scottish doctor, A decisive victory was won by trade unionist Frederick Chiluba’s
explorer and missionary, first arrived in the region now known Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) on the promise
as Zambia, searching for a route into the interior. A fierce of both economic and political reform. The MMD set about
critic of the slave trade, Livingstone’s efforts attracted other reforming the civil service as well as privatising a number of
government enterprises; moves which saw relations with the
missionaries, who were later followed by a stream of European
International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and private
prospectors and hunters.
investors improve substantially.
In the scramble for control of Africa in the late 19th century,
Elected in December 2001, Chiluba’s successor Levy
Zambia eventually came under the jurisdiction of the British
Mwanawasa of the MMD took over one of the most broad-
South Africa Company (BSAC), which administered the region
based democratic parliaments ever seen in Zambia, with
after signing treaties with several African leaders, including
healthy opposition from other parties, including the United Party
Lewanika, the Lozi king. The area became Northern Rhodesia
for National Development and United National Independent
in 1911. In 1924 the British took over the administration of the Party. President Mwanawasa ran for a second term in the 2006
protectorate. elections, in which the MMD retained power.
Massive copper ore deposits were discovered in the north- Important steps taken under President Mwanawasa’s New
central region in the 1920s, and the large-scale mining of Deal Administration included the launching of a far-reaching
copper and lead began in earnest over the following two anti-corruption campaign in 2002 as well as a comprehensive
decades. Mining operations in the Copperbelt area attracted constitutional review process begun in 2005 in order to
a variety of European administrators, technicians and skilled strengthen government’s political accountability.
labourers. However, it was largely local Africans who worked
the mines, often under appalling conditions, in order to pay the Levy Mwanawasa served as President of Zambia from January
‘hut tax’ introduced by the colonial administration. 2002 until his untimely death in August 2008 following a
stroke. Mwanawasa’s Vice-President, Rupiah Banda, became
By 1910 some 1 500 Europeans had settled in the country, acting President and, as the candidate of the governing MMD,
and by 1958 this number had grown to about 72 000. With the narrowly won the October 2008 presidential election.
country, approximately 100 kilometres from the border with
Zimbabwe and 1 300 metres above sea level, the city enjoys a
pleasant climate, with clear, mild winters and warm and sunny
summer days.
Zambia has one of the lowest population-to-land ratios on the
continent – some 13.27 million people in a country half the size
of Europe. It nevertheless has a large urban population due to
migration from rural to urban areas as a result of greater
employment opportunities in the mines and other industries post
independence. Population density is highest in the urban and
industrial centres, particularly Lusaka in Lusaka Province, Ndola
and Kitwe on the Copperbelt, and Livingstone in Southern
base from which to explore the surrounding countryside. The growing number of guesthouses. Ndola has some low-key
town has two main business areas concentrated along Mosi- attractions, including the Copperbelt Museum, the Slave Tree
oa-Tunya Road, its principal thoroughfare. There is some in Makoli Avenue, and the Dag Hammarsköld Memorial site
lovely colonial architecture, characterised by spacious wooden located 10 kilometres along the Ndola-Kitwe road. Wildlife and
verandas and iron roofs. Livingstone is also witnessing a great scenic attractions in the vicinity include Nsobe Game Camp,
deal of construction and development, and there are new Lake Chilengwa and Lake Kashiba.
hotels and restaurants, shopping and entertainment centres,
and casinos and nightclubs, which cater to budget and luxury KITWE: Centrally positioned on the Copperbelt some
travellers alike. The impressive Zambezi waterfront complex 59 kilometres west of Ndola, Kitwe is Zambia’s second
is becoming one of the most exclusive destinations in southern largest population centre and owes its existence and present
Africa. expansion to the copper mining industry. In addition to those
associated with mining, secondary industries such as food
Accommodation options range from budget to extremely processing and furniture, clothing and cement manufacturing
luxurious. Adventure activities include game drives and have been established here.
elephant-back safaris as well as white-water rafting, body-
boarding, microlighting and bungi jumping. A more sedate Kitwe has a wide variety of comfortable accommodation, as
option is a sunset cruise on the Zambezi River, or a helicopter well as stores, restaurants and entertainment venues. While the
flight over the falls. Many companies offer guided sightseeing main market is situated alongside the railway line, Chisokone
tours, which take in everything from the falls and game parks to Curio Market at the end of Obote Avenue sells a variety of
local markets, museums and cultural villages. curios and souvenirs, with the emphasis on copper handicrafts.
Places of interest near Kitwe include Chembe Bird Sanctuary,
The Livingstone Performing Arts Foundation is a non- which is set in a woodland reserve around a small lake, the
profit foundation which is promoting and preserving popular boating and picnic spot of Mindolo Dam, and the
Zambian culture through excellence in the arts. crocodile ponds at Chililabombwe.
There is an acclaimed collection of steam locomotives at the CHINGOLA: Situated 50 kilometres west of Kitwe, Chingola
Railway Museum, and fascinating archaeological and historical is the site of the Nchanga open-pit mine. Accommodation
items at the Livingstone Museum, which also houses a comprises the new Protea Hotel, a variety of guesthouses
collection of David Livingstone’s memorabilia. The Victoria Falls and the Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage (just over an hour’s
Field Museum adjacent to the Falls Craft Village explores the drive from Chingola), which is also a popular tourist attraction.
geology and early history of the area. Other places of interest include Hippo Pool, which is a national
monument and popular picnic spot.
Other places of interest include cultural villages such as
Mukuni, Somonga and Songwe, which offer a slice of traditional SOLWEZI: This fast-expanding town is located in the North-
Africa. The colourful Maramba Market is the largest in Western Province near the Kansanshi Mine and 65 kilometres
Livingstone and sells the widest and most interesting variety of from Equinox Minerals’ open-pit Lumwana Mine (which
goods. There is a crocodile park to the south of Livingstone as contains one of the world’s largest copper deposits). Solwezi is
well as a reptile park. benefiting from the huge infrastructure investments sparked by
these copper mines, with Equinox’s investment of some
NDOLA: This is Zambia’s third largest town and the bustling US$ 762 million the biggest single investment in Zambia’s
commercial and industrial capital of the Copperbelt Province history.
– the region with the highest population density in the country.
Many manufacturers here operate in support of the mining CHIPATA: Formerly known as Fort Jameson, Chipata was the
industry, and the town’s refinery is the end point of the oil capital of North-Eastern Rhodesia until 1911, and is today the
pipeline which runs from Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania. The city is capital of Zambia’s Eastern Province and the gateway to South
also home to the Copperbelt University as well as ‘The Times of Luangwa National Park. This busy town has around 320 000
Zambia’ newspaper. inhabitants and is just 30 kilometres from the Malawian border
and just an hour and a half from Lilongwe. Chipata has been
This pleasant town’s tree-lined suburbs and well-developed a busy trading post for over a century, and today its colourful
central business district belie its industrial roots. There is a markets and ‘Down Shops’ sell everything from fruit and
variety of shops, plenty of restaurants and takeaways, and vegetables to clothing and curios. While the town itself holds
accommodation options consisting of a few hotels and a few attractions, save the beautifully adorned Central Mosque,
Flamboyant trees, Ndola - Photo Courtesy: Marie Gibbons the cultural festivals of Ncwala (during February) and Kulamba
(held during August) are a tourist drawcard.
Trade & Investment
Backed by strong macroeconomic fundamentals, including an average growth rate of
6.2 percent over the last three years, the resource-rich nation of Zambia offers enormous
trade and investment opportunities.
The past decade has been one of significant economic growth Amid global economic challenges, Zambia’s economy was
and poverty reduction, brought about by job and wealth creation projected to grow by an enviable 6.3 percent in 2009 from
in the industrial, commercial and trade sectors. During this time, 6 percent in 2008. This is due to robust growth in the mining
the investment climate improved tremendously, and despite (21.4 percent), agricultural (7.1 percent) and construction
the challenges of reduced investment inflows in the wake of (15.5 percent) sectors. Government is committed to building
the global recession, initiatives being implemented through on its enviable record of macroeconomic stability and fiscal
the Zambia Development Agency are once more beginning to discipline, while making the investment climate even more
attract higher levels of foreign direct investment. conducive to private sector activity and industrial growth.
The liberalisation of trade has been a key factor in supporting TRADE & INVESTMENT CLIMATE
private sector growth and export competitiveness, with Zambia Zambia possesses all the necessary attributes for sustainable
actively participating in regional and international trade fora. economic growth and development. It is centrally located in
Notwithstanding the decline in global trade volumes during southern and central Africa, surrounded by eight neighbouring
2009, with the value of Zambia’s imports and exports falling by countries and in close proximity to the large market of South
26 and 19 percent respectively during the first half of the year, Africa. It enjoys preferential market access through active
the rebound in commodity prices, international trade and global participation in the Southern African Development Community
growth in the latter part of 2009 and early 2010 should assist (SADC) trade protocol and the Common Market for Eastern and
Zambia in her efforts to further diversify the economy. Southern Africa (COMESA) free trade area.
Zambia’s principal export destinations include the United Ports most frequently used include Durban in South Africa, Dar-
Kingdom (UK), Switzerland, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and South es-Salaam in Tanzania and Walvis Bay in Namibia (the shortest
Africa. The country’s most successful exports are metals and route), with the route to the port of Beira in Mozambique being
minerals (in particular copper), a situation which looks set to another option. Currently under development, the North-South
continue due to a significant recovery in international commodity Corridor is a joint COMESA-EAC-SADC initiative aiming to
prices. The spotlight is also on expanding non-traditional upgrade 8 000 kilometres of road and rehabilitate 600 kilometres
exports (NTEs) such as cotton, tobacco and vegetables, as well of rail track to reduce the time and costs of surface transport and
as cement and textiles, in order to help diversify the economic open up new business opportunities in Tanzania, DRC, Zambia,
base. In the first two months of 2010, metal products made Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa.
up more than four fifths of total export earnings, while NTEs
accounted for approximately 15 percent. A country with abundant natural resources and human capital,
it is also one of Africa’s most peaceful, tolerant and democratic
The country’s most important import commodities include states, boasting a Westminster-style government and sound
petroleum products, electricity, fertiliser, and machines and governance structures based on the rule of law and respect
transportation equipment. Zambia’s main import partners are for private property. Zambia has an independent judiciary and
the UK, United Arab Emirates and South Africa. strong anti-corruption measures have been instituted.
South Africa remains Zambia’s largest single investment Competitive production costs, incentives, and reforms have also
and trading partner in the SADC region. enhanced the business climate for both local and foreign
investors. Steps have been taken to streamline the • International telecommunication gateway licensing fees
establishment of new businesses and the process of acquiring have been reduced to regional averages.
visa and work permits as well as land. The launch of the • Regional transport networks are being enhanced, with
Zambia Development Agency has also helped to address these projects such as the Kazungula Bridge and the Nacala
obstacles through the creation of a one-stop-shop for investors Corridor, which are part of the North-South Corridor
to obtain required authorisations. programme, set to reduce regional trading costs.
Building competitiveness
The drive towards economic diversification is being undertaken
through targeted fiscal interventions as well as structural
reforms to unshackle current constraints to doing business.
Most recently:
• The regulatory reform process has been accelerated through
the review of business licensing procedures, with a number of
bills being presented during 2009 and 2010.
• A legal framework for Public-Private Partnerships has been
developed to facilitate partnerships in key areas such as
infrastructure development.
• Electricity tariffs have been revised to enhance investment
in the energy sector while ensuring improvement in service
delivery levels.
(WTO). This is to ensure that Zambian businesses take
advantage of the opportunities generated by those offers.
From a modest start, which focused on local investment, SADC launched a Free Trade Area (FTA) in 2008 involving zero
Zambia’s privatisation programme expanded to attract tariff levels for 85 percent of all goods traded among member
international companies from Europe, Asia, South Africa and the states. Liberalisation of tariffs on the remaining 15 percent of
United States. Initially involving the divesture of approximately goods, considered to be sensitive products, is expected to be
150 state-owned enterprises, this number increased to 284 completed in 2012. Outstanding issues in the implementation
as many of these enterprises were split and their operating of the SADC FTA, such as the review of the rules of origin and
units sold independently. A total of 262 companies have so far elimination of non-tariff barriers, are also being addressed. This
been privatised, with some parastatals undergoing a process is one of the first milestones of the SADC Regional Indicative
of commercialisation as opposed to outright privatisation. Strategic Development Plan, and is to be followed by a
The privatisation programme was initially overseen by the Customs Union and Common Market.
independent Zambia Privatisation Agency (ZPA), and has
subsequently been taken over by the Zambia Development At a Tripartite Summit in October 2008, COMESA, SADC and
Agency (ZDA). the East African Community (EAC) decided to harmonise their
trade arrangements with a view to creating a common free trade
In 2009, government announced its intention to divest up to area.
75 percent of its equity in the Zambia Telecommunications
Company Limited (Zamtel), and may consider divesting the Processing of hides & leather products - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
The promotion of trade is crucial to the country in its efforts
to find additional regional and international markets for its
products. While Zambia is a key player and pioneer in various
regional initiatives, there is a need for Zambian products to
achieve further penetration in global markets such as the USA
under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the
EU under the Everything but Arms (EBA) Initiative, as well the
Chinese, Canadian and other markets.
Business & Finance
Zambia’s business climate has improved markedly in the past decade, driven by privatisation,
market liberalisation and deregulation, supported by macroeconomic stability.
Further development within the private sector is central to bring about a loss of foreign exchange reserves, while domestic
unlocking Zambia’s vast potential. Government’s Private Sector inflation rose as a result of the Kwacha’s depreciation against
Development Reform Programme, which aims to reduce the major currencies.
cost of doing business, is already yielding results. Among
its many achievements are the creation of the Zambia THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT
Development Agency (ZDA) and the Citizen Economic Zambia is one of the more attractive investment locations in
Empowerment Commission (CEEC), and the introduction of a sub-Saharan Africa, and both local and foreign companies are
policy on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to speed up the pace able to take advantage of the many and varied benefits to doing
of development in large infrastructural projects. The subsequent business here.
investment inflows are a testament to high investor confidence
in the economy. Investors face no restriction on the amount of interest, profit,
dividends, management fees, technical fees and royalties that
In the World Bank’s ‘Doing Business’ survey, Zambia recorded a they are allowed to repatriate. Income earned by foreign
significant improvement, and was rated 90th in 2009 (from 99th nationals may also be externalised without difficulty. There is no
the previous year) out of 183 countries assessed for ease of distinction in law between foreign and domestic investors, and
doing business. In the SADC region, its ranking is second only while companies seeking licenses or concessions, or investors
to South Africa’s. Despite the setbacks brought about by the bidding for privatised companies, are encouraged to commit to
global recession, it is expected that once most reforms currently local participation, this is not compulsory. Businesses setting
in the pipeline have been fully implemented, Zambia’s business up in Zambia now enjoy faster company registration, which has
climate will improve even further. been reduced to just one day, while registration for VAT can now
be completed in three days.
Considerable growth has been seen in the financial sector
following its liberalisation in 1991, while the establishment of Business development institutions
the Lusaka Stock Exchange and the repeal of the Exchange The first Zambian chamber of commerce and industry was
Control Act have strengthened capital markets. The Financial established in Lusaka in 1933. Since then there has been a
Sector Development Plan (FSDP), which has entered its national body of chambers of commerce and industry under a
second phase, aims to achieve a stable, sound and market- variety of names.
based financial system that supports the efficient mobilisation
and allocation of resources necessary to achieve economic The Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and
diversification, sustainable growth and poverty reduction. Industry (ZACCI) is a national body representing the interests
of the private business sector in Zambia. The mission of ZACCI
The Zambian financial sector was not immediately affected by is the promotion and development of trade, commerce and
the credit crunch, as was reflected in the continued stability industry, and the association acts as a link between like
of the banking sector, with most banks being adequately organisations, the private sector and government.
capitalised and the inter-bank market operating normally.
This was mainly due to the sector’s limited integration with Among ZACCI’s many successes are improved advocacy
international financial markets. Further, the country’s financial programmes with members of parliament and government
sector had no exposure to the toxic assets which led to the ministries, the introduction of cleaner production to local
crisis in most developed markets. However, the subsequent industries and the training of over a thousand small and medium
global economic recession did lower foreign capital inflows and business entrepreneurs in various business skills.
An autonomous corporate body under the Ministry of project in Luanshya and Petauke. The programme is meant to
Commerce, Trade and Industry, the Zambia Competition promote accessibility to finance by SMEs, which usually face
Commission (ZCC) was established in May 1997 under the challenges in raising collateral and difficulties in the preparation
Competition and Fair Trading Act. The act was developed in of financial statements.
order to encourage competition within the economy, protect
consumer welfare, strengthen the efficiency of production and A K 349 million loan portfolio has been created, with no
distribution of goods and services, secure the best possible delinquencies recorded. Customers undergo an eight-week
conditions for the freedom of trade and expand the base of training programme on fundamentals in business management
entrepreneurship. The ZCC has a wide range of powers of prior to being granted a loan. During 2010, the programme
enforcement and investigation under the act, and the is being rolled out to Natsave’s 27 other branches across the
commission has achieved success in dealing with a variety
of market distortions, protecting the competition process and
thereby rendering the Zambian market more attractive to
Significant progress has been made over the past few years in
Continuing the work of the Small Enterprise Development modernising tax policy and administration. Government remains
Board (SEDB), following its amalgamation under the Zambia committed to establishing a broad-based tax structure that is
Development Agency, the Small and Medium Enterprises more predictable, simple, fair and efficient in an effort to deliver
(SME) Division is charged with analysing the needs of lower taxation levels while securing additional resources to
businesses and developing products and services, particularly finance development programmes.
for small and medium sized enterprises, to be delivered
nationally and at regional level. It also monitors the overall Established in 1994, the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)
effectiveness of local business programmes and manages assesses and collects taxes and duties on behalf of
programmes such the Trade and Industrial Development Fund. government, facilitates international trade and advises
Close liaison is maintained with relevant partners, including government on aspects of tax policy. General information on
small business associations and NGOs involved in the SME taxation is available from the ZRA Advice Centre.
All individuals receiving an income from a source within
The importance of the SME sector to job creation and wealth Zambia, whether they are resident or non-resident, are liable
distribution cannot be overemphasised, and government to pay tax. A foreign resident business undertaking pays tax
continues to work diligently with institutions supporting business only if business is conducted in Zambia through a permanent
management and entrepreneurship skills in order to ensure establishment. A company is resident in Zambia for tax
that Zambians are sufficiently qualified to undertake business purposes if the company is incorporated or formed in Zambia or
ventures at small-scale level.
the central management and control of the company’s business
or affairs is exercised in Zambia. Companies are taxed on
Economic empowerment
trading profits as well as interest and dividends, if those
The Citizens’ Economic Empowerment Act of 2006 established
the Citizens’ Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) dividends are paid in Zambia.
and the Citizens’ Economic Empowerment Fund, with a
view to promoting the economic empowerment of citizens. For 2010, there are no changes in annual tax bands or in
Particular focus is on those who have been marginalised or the standard rate of corporate tax.
disadvantaged and whose access to economic resources and
development capacity has been constrained due to factors such In order to reduce the tax burden, government has revised
as race, sex, educational background and disability. Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) by increasing the non-taxable monthly
threshold income from K700 000 to K800 000.
The National Savings and Credit Bank (Natsave) has • K 0 – K 800 000 per month (zero percent)
adopted a group lending micro financing scheme as a pilot • K 800 001 – K 1 335 000 per month (25 percent)
• K 1 335 001 – K 4 100 000 per month (30 percent) MONETARY & FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENTS
• Above K 4 100 000 per month (35 percent) Broad money growth in 2009 is projected to decline to
10.7 percent, from the 21.8 percent recorded in 2008.
Corporate tax rates are as follows: This is mainly due to a decline in domestic credit growth,
• Standard rate – 35 percent which is projected to slow down to 12.3 percent from the
• Mining (base metals) – 30 percent 37.8 percent recorded in 2008. This is mainly attributed to
• Farming – 15 percent weaker domestic demand and stricter lending conditions by
• Non-traditional exports – 15 percent commercial banks.
• Banks: Income not exceeding K250 million – 35 percent;
Income exceeding K250 million – 40 percent During the first three quarters of 2009, interest rates on
government securities were generally stable. The monthly
Value Added Tax average interest rate on treasury bills decreased marginally to
The Value Added Tax (VAT) system was introduced in July 1995 16.8 percent by end-September 2009, compared with
to replace a manufacturing and retail Sales Tax. VAT is invoice- 17.1 percent recorded in December 2008. The monthly average
based and operates on the destination principle, where goods interest rate on government bonds was at 19.5 percent in
and services are taxed in the country of consumption and not of September 2009 compared with 17.6 percent in December
origin. The VAT standard rate was reduced from 17.5 percent to 2008. The average commercial banks’ lending rate, however,
16 percent at the beginning of April 2008. increased to 29.6 percent in September 2009 from the
26.8 percent recorded in December 2008.
Special tax refunds are granted to tourists and commercial
exporters, and a range of favourable incentives to investors. Despite the global financial crisis and its adverse impact on
Qualifying goods do not pay import VAT, and the VAT Deferment banking systems globally, the overall financial condition of the
Scheme on capital goods and specified raw materials allows the banking sector (including NBFIs) in Zambia as at end-
payment of import VAT to be deferred and offset against input September 2009 was satisfactory, and all banks remained
tax due on those items. It is possible to recover tax on capital adequately capitalised. The performance of the Lusaka Stock
purchases before trading commences through monthly VAT Exchange’s all-share index is showing recovery.
returns, and excess input tax over output tax is not held as a
credit against future liabilities but is repaid. However, the quality of loan performance declined, with the
percentage of non-performing loans projected to rise to
The VAT Act is to be amended to make it a legal requirement for 13 percent by the end of 2009, compared with 7.2 percent in
taxpayers to have valid tax invoices in order to claim input tax. December 2008. This decline was somewhat mitigated by the
adequate capitalisation of commercial banks.
2010 tax amendments
As regards direct taxes, in addition to increasing the exemption More positively, five new commercial banks were granted
threshold by K 1 200 000 per annum (14.29 percent), the tax licenses to operate, comprising First National Bank Zambia Ltd;
credits for persons with disabilities have been increased from United Bank for Africa Zambia Ltd; Ecobank Zambia Ltd;
K 660 000 to K 1 560 000 per annum – an increase of 73 International Commercial Bank Zambia Ltd; and Access Bank
percent. In future, it is planned that the tax year, which currently Zambia Ltd. This is a clear demonstration of confidence that
runs from 1 April to 31 March, will be the same as the fiscal investors continue to have in the Zambian economy and
year, which commences on 1 January. government policies.
The following changes have taken place in indirect taxes: Monetary and financial sector policies
• Sale of commercial properties to be subject to VAT to broaden Monetary policy in 2010 will continue to focus on sustaining
the tax base. This is likely to encourage further development macroeconomic stability and maintaining the single-digit
of commercial properties and related infrastructure and reduce inflation reached at the end of 2009. In light of recent
the cost of buying and leasing commercial property in the experiences with the global economic crisis, it became evident
longer term. that the current framework, based on monetary aggregates,
• Insecticide-treated curtains to be zero-rated to help in the fight provides little room for monetary policy to counter adverse
against malaria. cyclical conditions through lower interest rates. In this regard,
• Amending the VAT Act to provide clarity on financial and the Bank of Zambia (BoZ) is reviewing its monetary policy
insurance services/charges that will be exempt for VAT framework with a view to shifting from the strict use of monetary
purposes. VAT on lease finance charges was removed in aggregates to short-term interest rates as the anchor for
2007, and the interest component on lease finance in 2008. monetary policy.
FNB in Ndola - Photo Courtesy: Marie Gibbons With regard to the development of financial markets, BoZ, in
consultation with stakeholders, was to introduce an overnight
lending facility to commercial banks in December 2009. This
will increase liquidity in the money market and improve the
effectiveness of monetary policy.
BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES process of modernisation and streamlining, with the country’s
The financial sector in Zambia comprises banks and non- central bank, the Bank of Zambia, having improved both
bank financial institutions (NBFIs) which are regulated and supervision and regulation of the sector. This has included
supervised by three agencies; namely, the Bank of Zambia revoking licenses of insolvent banks, denying bailouts, limiting
(BoZ), the Pensions and Insurance Authority (PIA), and the deposit protection, strengthening loan recovery efforts and
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Banking and upgrading the training and incentives of bank supervisors.
Financial Services Act was amended in 2005. These measures have resulted in a financial sector that is
reasonably efficient, sound and profitable.
According to 2010 BoZ figures, there are 17 commercial banks
in Zambia, which currently dominate the financial system. NBFIs A draft Bank of Zambia Act, which aims to give more
comprise the leasing and finance companies (12), building operational autonomy to the bank, has been finalised, and
societies (three), microfinance institutions (23), development was to be submitted during the first quarter of 2010 for
finance institutions (one – Development Bank of Zambia) and consideration.
savings and credit institutions (one – the National Savings and
Credit Bank). There are also 44 Bureaux de Change, as well as The Bank of Zambia recognises that financial stability is
a new entrant to the financial sector: Credit Reference Bureau essential for strong macroeconomic performance and execution
Africa Limited. of monetary policy. This entails ensuring that financial service
providers are adequately capitalised and have appropriate
Bank of Zambia risk management systems. In 2006, the Capital Adequacy
Zambia’s banking and financial system has undergone a Regulations of 1995 were amended to provide for a tiered
capital structure to encourage entrants into the financial sector.
The review was aimed at ensuring that banks are adequately
capitalised at commencement, and as they operate.
introduction of a tax payment stream on the Real Time Gross
Settlement (RTGS) system. These developments have
strengthened the capacity of BoZ to monitor transactions and
Ndola Office Lusaka Office to ensure that only safe and efficient institutions are allowed to
Loita House, 44 Buteko Avenue Exchange Building, Cairo Road
PO Box 70742, Ndola, Zambia PO Box 35405, Lusaka, Zambia
provide payment services.
Tel: +260 212 611233-5 Tel: +260 211 227474/71
Fax: +260 212 618621 Fax: +260 211 236173 In order to improve the credit culture in the country, BoZ issued
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] the Credit Data (Privacy) Code and the Credit Reference
Services (Licensing) Guidelines to facilitate the establishment of
credit reference bureaux. Subsequently, the first credit bureau –
Credit Reference Bureau Africa Limited (CRBAL) – was formally
launched in January 2007. This is allowing for increased
credit extension because of better risk profiles; reduced credit
processing costs and times as well as loan write-offs; lower
borrowing costs; and an enhanced credit culture.
credit, institutional/corporate banking and marketing, treasury, Ecobank Zambia is a full-service bank, providing a broad
international banking and products, information systems, and range of products and services to government, financial
audit and compliance. institutions, multinationals, international organisations, SMMEs
and individuals. The bank aims for a balanced business mix of
2008 saw the successful completion of the acquisition of retails, wholesale and investment banking activities.
40 percent of the issued capital of FBZ by Credit Suisse. This
partnership has speeded up the bank’s expansion programme, Ecobank’s parent company, Ecobank Transnational
and Finance Bank has recently applied for a banking license in Incorporated (ETI), was incorporated in 1985 and has its
the Democratic Republic of Congo to establish Finance Bank headquarters in Lomé, Togo. Ecobank’s vision is to build
DRC. Negotiations with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe are a world-class pan-African bank and to contribute to the
also well advanced in terms of securing a licence to commence economic and financial integration and development of the
banking operations in that country, and a wholly owned continent. Owned by more than 180 000 local and international,
subsidiary of Finance Bank (Micro Finance Zambia Ltd) has institutional and individual shareholders, Ecobank has over
been registered. 11 000 employees from 29 different countries in over 700
comprise the Public Sector Pension Fund (PSPF) and Local The Insurance Act of 1997 is the principal piece of legislation
Authorities Superannuation Fund (LASF). The Association of governing the supervision and regulation of the insurance
Pension Fund Managers (APFM) represents the combined industry. As an insurance supervisor, the Pensions and
interests of these pension funds, as well as some smaller ones. Insurance Authority (PIA) is tasked with maintaining an efficient,
fair, safe and stable insurance market for the benefit and
The cumulative number of NAPSA members registered protection of policyholders.
since its inception in 2000 is slightly above 900 000, with
about 600 000 active members and 18 000 employers A number of local insurers have since emerged and competition
registered. has increased; however, the market is still relatively small. The
ZSIC currently has the broadest distribution network, which
Under the Financial Sector Development Plan (FSDP), pension covers all nine provincial centres and some critical districts.
scheme legislation is being updated and harmonised. The The corporation has launched an aggressive marketing drive to
Pension Scheme Regulation Act of 1996, which provided for promote its agricultural products in rural areas.
the administration and regulation of all pension schemes with
the exception of the National Pension Scheme (governed by The Insurance Act was amended in 2005 under the FSDP to
the National Pension Scheme Act), has been replaced with the include:
Pension Scheme Regulation (Amendment) Act, which came into • Compulsory local shareholding in insurance companies
effect during 2006. Draft legislation to harmonise the industry • Exhaustion of local capacity prior to carrying out reinsurance
was submitted to the Ministry of Finance and National Planning • Fostering investment of insurance funds in Zambia
in October 2009 for consideration. • Revisiting insolvency requirements and investment guidelines
The FSDP also recommends enhancing tax incentives for Asset Management
pension funds; effecting consumer education programmes; Madison Asset Management Company Limited (MAMco) is
conducting a study on viability of personal pension plans; a newly established investment management company licensed
training local actuaries and establishing investment guidelines. by the Securities and Exchange Commission to provide
Measures to build capacity at the Pensions and Insurance investment advisory and fund management services. MAMco
Authority (PIA) have been put in place, with the programme is a 100 percent subsidiary of Madison Financial Services
having included setting up systems and manuals as well as Company Limited (MFSL), which is a respected financial
seminar participation. services group in Zambia, having 100 percent shareholding
in leading insurance companies Madison General Insurance
PIA has been involved in the formulation of the National Social Company Zambia Limited and Madison Life Insurance
Security Bill under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Company Zambia Limited.
which seeks to bring NAPSA under the supervision of the
Registrar of Pensions and Insurance at PIA. Proposals to amend FINANCIAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN
the provision in the Pension Scheme Regulation Act, which The financial sector in Zambia is considered relatively under-
exempts NAPSA from supervision, were submitted to developed and has had limited success in reaching all sectors
government and were under consideration in 2009. Government of the economy. A 2005 study by Finmark Trust revealed that
has since issued a letter of intent for NAPSA to be supervised by only 33 percent of the total population in Zambia had access
PIA. to financial services. The survey also indicated that most
Zambians prefer to invest in non-financial instruments, such as
The insurance industry a businesses, livestock, land or agricultural equipment.
The insurance industry consists of insurers, re-insurers, brokers,
assessors, adjustors and policy-holders. In 1970 the In recognition of the strategic importance of the financial
Government of Zambia formed the monopoly Zambia State sector to the country’s development and poverty reduction
Insurance Corporation (ZSIC) in order to provide low cost efforts, the Zambian government launched the Financial Sector
insurance to indigenous Zambians. This state of affairs existed Development Plan (FSDP) in 2004 to address weaknesses
until the liberalisation of the industry in 1992. that had been identified in the financial sector. The FSDP is a
comprehensive strategy aimed at achieving a financial system FSDP II proposes three project components; namely, market
that is sound, stable and market-based, and able to support the infrastructure, increasing competition and access to finance.
resource mobilisation necessary for economic diversification The focus of the programme will include implementing the
and sustainable growth. A key motivator behind the plan following project activities:
was the changing profile of the financial services sector and • Consumer awareness on the cost of banking services
a pressing need to develop effective means of supervising • Obtaining approval on investment guidelines for public and
the different sectors, with large financial conglomerates and private pension funds
integrated product development serving to blur the traditional • Facilitating adoption of good corporate governance principles
boundaries between banks and non-bank financial institutions. by institutions investing in companies that observe good
corporate best practices
A number of activities have already been undertaken under • Finalisation of the Sovereign Credit Rating for Zambia
• Dissemination of findings of the second FinScope Consumer
the FSDP, such as the establishment of a Credit Reference
Bureau. Similarly, policies and legal and regulatory frameworks
• Finalisation of the proposed modernisation and harmonisation
have been developed to take into account the evolving
of financial sector legislation under the law review exercise
financial environment. These developments have resulted • A study on reforming the financial sector tax regime
in a considerable increase in the number of banks and other • Development of a framework for channelling long-term funds
financial service providers in the country. Furthermore, the through a wholesale or apex financial institution
Bank of Zambia Strategic Plan 2008-2011 has made financial
inclusion one of its strategic objectives. Data collection for the second FinScope Consumer Survey
commenced in September 2009 and was concluded in
A Deposit Protection Scheme (DPS) is being established for December 2009, with dissemination of the final results
all eligible banks and deposit taking financial institutions. The expected to take place in the first quarter of 2010.
draft Deposit Protection Scheme Bill has been developed and
a meeting for stakeholders was convened in December 2009. LUSAKA STOCK EXCHANGE
Legislative drafting was expected to be undertaken during the Established in 1993 and opened on 21 February 1994, The
first quarter of 2010. Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE) has played a key role in
fostering economic transformation in the country. The formation
A policy on rural banking is being developed under the Rural of the LuSE was part of the Zambian government’s economic
Finance Programme, and a scoping study was finalised in reform programme to develop the financial and capital markets
December 2009. The next phase was due to begin in January in order to support and enhance private sector initiative.
2010 and will involve conducting a study on existing policy
gaps, identifying key issues and carrying out research into the The LuSE is made up of stockbroking corporate members and
adequacy of the policies. is incorporated as a non-profit limited company. Currently the
member brokers are Stockbrokers Zambia Limited, Intermarket
Securities Limited and Pangea/EMI Securities. Listed
Phase II of the FSDP
companies currently cover banking, retail trading, oil marketing,
Following the Financial Sector Assessment Programme (FSAP)
manufacturing, property, agricultural processing, hospitality and
report of November 2008, the World Bank and IMF proposed
that the FSDP Phase II Project document be expanded to take
into account implementation of the policy recommendations The exchange has been set up as a modern stock exchange
from the FSAP. based on the most current international standards and
practices. These include use of a central depository system,
In view of the issues currently outstanding from FSDP I, as trade for trade clearing and settlement process, rolling
well as new short to medium-term financial sector reform settlement three days after trade date (T+3), and meeting G30
recommendations arising from the 2008 FSAP, the FSDP recommendations for clearing and settlement system design
implementation period has been extended for a further three and operation. The Lusaka Stock Exchange’s automated
years to December 2012. trading system went live in November 2008.
Trading activity slowed down during Performance of LuSE from Jan to June 2009
the period compared to the first half Equity
in 2008. Number of trades reduced by June 2009 June 2008 % Change
Trades 3,268 5,090 -35.80%
35.80% from 5,090 in 2008 to 3,268 in Volume 418,254,835 1,432,618,582 -70.80%
2009. The volume traded was 418,254,835 Turnover K billion 114.48 481.32 -76.22%
shares 70% below 1,432,618,582 shares in 2008. US$ million 20.89 132.23 -84.20%
Turnover also dropped by 76.22% from K481
billion to K114 billion in 2009. Although the June 2009 June 2008 % Change
percentage growth indicates 100% increase and 1,161% Trades 4 2 100.00%
for trades and turnover respectively, the activity was very Turnover (K million) 25,871.53 2,050.64 1,161.63%
marginal. In 2009, only 4 trades occurred compared to 2 in
Market Capitalisation
2008. The value in 2009 was K25.8 billion compared to K2.0 June 2009 June 2008 % Change
billion in 2008. In terms of market capitalization, the market shrunk In K million 20,718,712 25,476,048 -18.67%
by 18.67% in Kwacha terms closing June 2009 at K20.71 trillion from In US$ million 3,902 7,779 -49.84%
K25.47 trillion in June 2008. The decline in Kwacha terms can be attributed Market Cap / GDP Ratio % 37.33 60.03 -37.81%
Turnover / GDP Ratio % 0.82 0.92 -0.11%
to investor uncertainties about the stock markets caused by the global financial Turnover / Market Cap Ratio % 2.19 1.54 1.38%
crisis. Most of the investors exited the market at very low prices. All Share Index 2,744.57 4169.05 -0.34%
Although the total number of companies on the market remained the same,
2 companies which were on the quoted tier managed to move to the listed
tier. Zanaco listed on 27 November 2008 and Bata on the 30 March 2009. The
listed tier now has a total of 21 securities.
The LuSE has a unified market, comprising bonds and equities. Securities and Exchange Commission. The act is specifically
From its inception the exchange offered trading in equity designed to ensure adequate investor protection and support
securities and in March 1998 became the official market for the operation of a free, orderly, fair, secure and properly
trading in government bonds. informed securities market. There is also a compensation fund
established under the act, designed to compensate persons
Trading activities at the Lusaka Stock Exchange during 2009 who suffer pecuniary loss occasioned by the default of a
reflected the effects of the global financial crisis. Like many licensed dealer or licensed investment advisor.
global equity markets, the LuSE’s all-share index recorded a
decline, particularly during the first four months of the year. The LuSE offers several incentives to investors to promote
However, the index had recovered from a low of 2 096.7 in rapid development of the capital market in Zambia. In addition
April 2009 to close at 2 807.3 at end-September 2009. Market
to the absence of restrictions on shareholding levels and foreign
capitalisation, which had fallen to K18 583.4 billion in April
ownership, these include:
recovered to K22 651.0 billion by end-September 2009.
• No capital gains tax
A common technical interconnectivity platform being • No withholding tax on dividends paid by listed companies to
developed will allow investors to trade stocks across individuals
securities exchanges in the Southern African Development • Corporate income tax discount of 2 percent for companies
Community (SADC). listed on the LuSE for the first one year of listing
• A further 5 percent discount if offer results in at least
Investment incentives 33 percent uptake by Zambians
Several measures have been put in place to ensure investor • No property transfer tax on listed securities
confidence and protection within the LuSE. The market is
regulated by the 1993 Securities Act and enforced by the For further information, log on to
In September 2003, the Government of the Republic of Zambia borrowed in excess of US$ 55 million from the World Bank and Nordic Development Fund to
finance the clean-up of historical mining environmental liabilities arising from past mining operations from both parastatal Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd
(ZCCM) and a number of other earlier private mining operators that were active on the Copperbelt and in Kabwe. Therefore, new mining companies formed post
privatization, are expected to make provisions for their environmental liabilities from the profits they make.This is in accordance with the polluter pays principle and
ensures that mine operators do not abandon mine sites whose clean-up finally will fall on the government. To avoid this and in line with international practices under
similar circumstances the Zambian government enacted a law to require mine operators make such financial provisions.
The Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) which falls under the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development (MMMD) was made operational in 2008 as a way of
compelling mining operators to make financial provisions for their mining environmental liabilities as well as encourage “greener” behaviour.
The Minister appointed the members of Environmental Protection Fund Committee, and additionally appointed the Environment Management Facility (EMF) of
the Copperbelt Environment Project (CEP), as the Fund Committee secretariat. The Environment Management Facility is currently responsible for rehabilitation of
historical environmental liabilities at mine sites and facilities relating to ZCCM-IH and Government.
The EPF will henceforth address liabilities attributable to the new mining investors under the mandate of MMMD as provided for under the repealed Mines and
Minerals Act, CAP 213 of the laws of Zambia of 1995 and the subsequent Mines and Minerals Development Act of 2008.
The EPF Committee consists of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development, Director of Mines Safety Department, one member
representing Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ), one member from the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, seven members from developers contributing
to the Fund who are appointed in consultation with the Chamber of Mines of Zambia.
Mining activities by their nature usually occur in green field areas where people are either resident or have an interest e.g. farming. It is important that these local
communities do not simply become victims of these mining investments through displacement or environmental degradation such as air pollution, water pollution,
residential houses cracking, deforestation, soil contamination, and other adverse effects - thus the importance of the EPF.
The EPF is intended to influence private mining sector to ensure mineral resource exploration and exploitation are performed in a sustainable manner. The EPF is
intended to provide protection to Government against the risk of having to rehabilitate mining areas where holders of mining licences fail to do so. Making tax payers
foot the bill to clean-up environmental liabilities abandoned by developers after they have benefited from the profits of mineral extraction is morally wrong.
By establishing the Environmental Protection Fund government is ensuring that mining developers address environmental issues; ensure public safety e.g. capping open
shafts; protect the Government against environmental liabilities in the event of premature closures e.g. economic insolvency; limit accrual of public debt; encourage
progressive rehabilitation (reclamation) and help to identify mitigation contingencies from the determination of rehabilitation costs.
The EPF therefore plays an important role in attaining mining sector long-term targets, as well as reinforcing the efforts of the other Environment Regulation
Agencies (ECZ and MSD), which have had limited enforcement capability. The EPF is to a great extent a tool through which MSD will be able to undertake some of
the rehabilitation in the event that a developer fails to do so, and bill the works against the developers’ contribution to the Fund. The Fund contributions by each
developer will only be used exclusively for the liabilities of the contributor.
In the short period that the Fund has been operational, thirty one major mine sites were audited. A total of 25 sites complied by submitting audit reports which
were assessed, and the estimated closure cost was established at US$ 189.8 million and annual cash contribution was finally established at US$ 4.95 million per year.
The same amount has also been established for the 2009 contributions which are now due.
Payment request notices were first sent to Fund Contributors in June 2008.To date nineteen major mine sites (representing 76%), paid the 2008’s cash contributions
in the amount of US$ 2.06 million. However, in terms of cash contribution value, the contributions represent only 42%. It is important to acknowledge and thank the
underlisted mining companies that have contributed to the Fund: Mopani Copper Mines Plc (Nkana and Mufulira), African Explosives Limited (Kafironda Factory),
First Quantum Mining Operations (Kansanshi Mine and Bwana Mkubwa Mine), Chambishi Metals Ltd, Chambishi Copper Smelter Ltd, Grizzly Mining Ltd, Kagema
Mining Ltd, Luanshya Copper Mines Ltd (Luanshya & Baluba - Operating), Luanshya Copper Mines Ltd (Luanshya & Baluba - Non-operating), Muliashi Mining Project,
Metorex Ltd (Chibuluma South Mine & Chibuluma East & West Mines), NFCA Mining Plc (Chambishi Mine), Orica Mining Services, Sable Zinc Kabwe Ltd, Sino Metals,
Lafarge (Lusaka & Ndola Plants), Ndola Lime and Munali Nickel Mining Project.
A further several small scale mine sites were also compliant. These included the following:
Collum Coal Mining Industries, Aggregates Ltd, Hi-Qualime Mining Ltd, EM Storti and Scirocco Enterprises Ltd.
Sadly, it is also important to raise concern on non-compliance from major mining companies who have failed to remit their contributions for 2008 and these include:
Konkola Copper Mines Plc - Konkola Mine, Konkola Copper Mines Plc - Nampundwe Mine, Konkola Copper Mines Plc - Nchanga Open Pit, Konkola Copper Mines
Plc - KCM Smelter Co, Maamba Collieries, and Gemfields Mining Ltd.
The grant or renewal of a mining right is subject to meeting conditions for the protection of the environment and human health, a main tenet of which is, compliance
with the Environmental Protection Fund. In addition to making recommendations for the non-renewal of mining licences of defaulting developers, the Fund reserves
the right to take legal action to compel mine developers to pay their statutory obligations.
The Ministry is intent on implementing its sector long-term vision of sustainable social economic development in the mining sector.
Tel: 0211 221854 • Fax: 0211 221852 • PO Box 50369, Lusaka, Zambia
Website: • E-mail: [email protected]
Mining & Copperbelt Industry
The mining industry continues to be the Zambian economy’s primary source of earnings,
having slowly recovered during 2009 from the worst effects of the economic slow-down.
Zambia is the largest producer of copper in Africa, as well as While rising copper prices over the past several years saw
being a major source of minerals such as cobalt, zinc, lead, copper soaring to a record high of US$ 8 980 per tonne in July
uranium and precious metals and stones. The Copperbelt is the 2008, the crisis on global financial markets in the second half
epicentre of the mining industry as well as the vast majority of of that year sent prices tumbling to just US$ 2 812 per tonne by
the country’s industrial activity, and has been one of the major December 2008.
drivers of growth in recent years.
This dramatic drop in the price of copper led to reduced
Zambia’s rich mineral resources, in particular its copper and
earnings from copper exports by mining companies and
cobalt mines, have brought much-needed foreign exchange
subsequently reduced earnings for the government from
earnings to the country. Privatisation of the formerly state-
owned mines, along with many years of high demand and mineral royalties and corporate taxes, as well as lower levels of
commodity prices for copper, has seen a great deal of investments and production. Further, some mining companies
investment in the mining industry and an expansion in mineral discontinued exploration activities, while Luanshya Copper
production, with the establishment of new mines and the Mine and Munali Nickel Mine were placed under care and
recapitalisation of existing ones. maintenance.
and just over 200 000 tonnes in the year 2000. Rising output is
expected to come from the start of production at the Konkola
Deep mining project, the resumption of production at Luanshya
and ramped up production at Lumwana, as well as investments
at KCM, MCM and Chambishi Copper Smelter that are
increasing production capacity.
The Scaw Metals Group (Scaw) is an international group, manufacturing and or distributing a diverse range of steel
stranded and wire products. Its principal operations are located in South Africa, South America, Canada and Australia.
Smaller operations are in Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Scaw’s Specialist cast products manufactured for mining,
railways and engineering industries include:
• Lifting equipment Scaw has produced these products for these industries
• Reliance attachments since 1921 and is a technological leader in this field and
• Rolled steel manufactures to national and international standards.
• Wire rope and strand
• Chain products Scaw supplies globally and also offers nationwide distribution
• Cast alloy iron products in South Africa through its strategically located branches
• Forged and cast steel grinding media throughout Southern Africa.
• Steel and alloy castings
• Fibre products KITWE
• High tensile wire products Tel: +260 212 212174
• PC strand and wire products Fax: +260 212 216468
• Mild steel commercial wire and products E-mail: [email protected]
Chambishi Mine has been in operation since 1965 under different ownerships. It originally consisted of an open pit, an underground
mine, a concentrator, a cobalt plant, an acid plant and associated infrastructure. The open pit mine was closed in 1978, whilst the
underground mining and concentrator operations were suspended in 1987 and placed on care and maintenance owing to high
production costs and low copper price. On privatization, the former Chambishi Mine License area was sold in parts to NFC
Africa Mining PLC, Chambishi Metals PLC and to private concerns. NFCA took over the mine, concentrator and associated
facilities as well as the larger part of the mine license area.
NFCA Chambishi mine is located in the middle of the Copperbelt Province, approximately 28 km north-west of the city of
Kitwe in Kalulushi District on the Kitwe-Chingola Road.
The mine at Chambishi is owned by NFC Africa Mining Plc (NFCA), a company owned by China Non-Ferrous Metals Corporation
(group) (CNMC) and Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investment Holdings (ZCCM-IH). CNMC has an 85% shareholding,
whilst ZCCM-IH holds the remaining 15% of the shares, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ). The
registered head office for NFCA is Chambishi in Kalulushi District. The acquisition of Luanshya Mine by CNMC has seen the
reorganization of the Management team. Below are the new senior Management Team Members:
Mr. Wang Chunlai Mr. Xu Ruiyong Mr. Pan Jin Cheng Mr. Zhang Jinjun Mr. Zhang Dong’hong Mr. Jilowa Nelson Mr. Mhango Malaika
Chief Executive Officer Deputy C.E.O Deputy C.E.O Deputy C.E.O Deputy C.E.O Assistant Manager Assistant Manager
Corporate Affairs Finance and Budgeting
The mine was officially commissioned on 28th July 2003. The
design capacity of the mine copper concentrate production
facilities is 6,500 tons of copper ore per day. With extending
deeper downward and adopting backfilling mining, current
production levels stand at about 4500tpd with more
copper. Concentrates produced at NFCA are processed
at Chambishi Copper Smelter, a sister company. Production
has improved steadily at an average rate of 20% every year
since commencement of production amid new massive
investments in developing the existing No. 3 Shaft and the
New West Orebody (WOB) mine.
year 2012. Further development of the South East Orebody (SEOB) will result in doubling of the production output. Exploratory
work is currently underway at the SEOB.
NFC AFRICA MINING PLC is committed to invest in the development of mineral resources and accelerate the development of
the economy and society. NFCA will provide attractive returns to shareholders and contribute to the wider social and economic
well-being of Zambia. In fulfilling these commitments NFCA will provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment as
required by the national regulations and acceptable international business practice.
• Over the years NFCA has improved its compliance with statutory legal requirements and has enjoyed a good working
relationship with relevant government agencies such as the Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) and the Mines Safety
Department (MSD).
• As part of a programme to promote HSE awareness promotion activities are conducted frequently at the mine. The safety
performance of the mine has improved over the years due to the various activities being conducted at the site to improve
the safety situation on the mine.
• The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is in place following approval by ECZ on 26th October 2006. Implementation of
the same is underway.
• NFCA has so far contributed over $200, 000 to the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) administered by the Ministry of
Mines & Minerals Development.
The company also sponsors NFCA Table Tennis club and the Chambishi Dragons Football team who will soon make their debut
in the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Division Two league in 2010.
Large-scale mining is widespread, with existing prospecting
licences and new applications encompassing roughly
50 percent of the Zambian land mass. World-renowned mining
companies are involved in mining and prospecting operations
Nchanga Mine near Chingola consists of a number of open
pits, with mining currently concentrated on the main Nchanga
pit as well as an underground mine that accounts for around 45
percent of the total copper produced at Nchanga.
Glencore International AG and First Quantum Minerals (FQM) First Quantum Minerals (FQM) owns and operates the Bwana
Limited acquired the Mufulira and Nkana divisions of ZCCM
Mkubwa copper mine located south-east of Ndola. Having
through Mopani Copper Mines (MCM) in 2000. Shareholding
exhausted its original source of ore, Bwana Mkubwa draws its
is 73.1 percent Glencore, 16.9 percent FQM and 10 percent
feed stock from the Lonshi mine, located 30 kilometres away in
ZCCM-IH. Production capacity at Mopani is 255 000 tonnes of
the DRC. The mine remained on care and maintenance during
copper metal and 2 200 tonnes of cobalt.
Mopani’s operations consist of four underground mines, a
concentrator and a cobalt plant in the town of Kitwe and an The Bwana Mkubwa copper SX/EW plant was restarted in
underground mine, concentrator, smelter and refinery in the January 2010 to process the stockpiled ore from the depleted
town of Mufulira. The capacity of the Mufulira Copper Smelter Lonshi open pit mine. Grade ‘A’ copper cathode production at
an average rate of 800 tonnes of copper cathode per month is deposits, Malundwe and Chimiwungo, which combined
expected to continue until the end of 2010. represent one of the world’s largest copper deposits. Other
metals such as gold, cobalt, silver and uranium are also
FQM owns 80 percent of the Kansanshi open pit copper mine present.
in Solwezi, North-Western Province. Gold is also produced.
Following an expansion programme and the setting up of a Lumwana, which started commercial production at the end
multimillion dollar pressure leach system, copper production of 2008, is the largest copper mine to have come on line
has increased tremendously. Kansanshi has the capacity to internationally in the past two years, and will make Equinox
continue producing oxide until about 2035. a top-20 copper producer when it reaches full production.
Lumwana has a 37-year mine life.
Copper production at Kansanshi came to 61 300 tonnes
during the third quarter of 2009, up from 53 400 during the Equinox’s investment of some US $762 million in the project is
same period in 2008, with production for the first nine months the biggest single investment in Zambia’s history. Over 2 500
standing at 182 500 tonnes against 153 300 tonnes in the jobs were created during the construction phase, and more than
previous year. Gold production increased significantly in 2009, 1 000 permanent jobs now production has begun.
rising to 99 936 ounces compared to 54 252 ounces in 2008
due to increased ore throughput and plant upgrades. Gold Following on from its steady growth through 2009, when a
production at Kansanshi is expected to improve further during total of 109 413 tonnes was produced, copper in concentrate
2010 as a result of the commissioning of additional gravity output at Lumwana totalled 30 471 tonnes in the first quarter
concentrators early in the year. of 2010, representing a 37 percent increase over the fourth
quarter of 2009. The mood is thus optimistic for Lumwana
FQM posted a gross operating profit of US$ 969 million to meet its full-year production target of 135 000 tonnes of
at the end of 2009, with the Kansanshi copper and gold copper metal in concentrates in 2010, which should increase
operation contributing US$ 610 million. to between 150 000 and 170 000 tonnes by the end of
2011. Thereafter, the Phase 2 expansion plan will push up
FQM’s 2010 exploration programme includes a drilling production to more than 200 000 tonnes of copper in the next
programme to delineate the extent and geometry of a new three to five years.
prospect identified approximately 2 kilometres from the main pit
at Kansanshi. An intensive drilling programme for copper is also Equinox has opened up negotiations with possible partners
planned at the Kalumbila exploration project and includes the for the construction of a uranium agitated acid leech plant at
Kawako nickel and Kawanga uranium prospects. Lumwana. The uranium project was placed on hold at the end
of 2008 until financial markets recovered sufficiently to raise the
Equinox Minerals Limited owns the Lumwana open pit mine approximate US$ 200-million preproduction capital required.
in North-Western Province, situated some 220 kilometres The company has been mining certain high-grade uranium
northwest of the Copperbelt and 65 kilometres from the zones from its Lumwana Mine, and uranium ore stockpiles are
provincial capital of Solwezi. Lumwana comprises two major being built up on site.
The company has grown to become the biggest transporter of 98% sulphuric acid on the copperbelt
and in Zambia as a whole. Gomes currently operates 105 trucks, tankers and trailers. Of these, 95
are acid trucks and tankers which transport acid to various clients in Zambia, Malawi and the DRC.
This fleet is planned to increase to 105 tankers by May 2010 and to 150 tankers by June 2011.
Gomes is aiming to become the preferred construction company on the copperbelt province in Zambia.
Our construction business has rapidly expanded over the past four years. We now handle various
construction assignments including but not limited to: road construction, civil structures construction,
various earth works and earth works and mining construction works. We have constructed various gravel
and asphalt roads on the copperbelt province. Our equipment base is very strong and includes asphalt
plants, mobile crusher plants, concrete plants, excavators, graders, pavers, dump trucks, tippers, water
bowzers, bulldozers, TLBs, various types of compactors, cranes, and low loaders among others.
We are currently constructing a multimillion dollar shopping mall in
Mitengo residential area of Ndola. The mall is projected to cost
US$15m and will offer excellent family entertainment
and shopping facilities. The mall will include a
5 screen cinema, a superstore, fast foods,
restaurants, gym and health club,
clothing shops and boutiques, sports
bar, DIY shop, and various shops
and entertainment facilities. It
is scheduled for opening in
April 2011. Shop rentals are
being handled by *Knight
Frank Zambia Ltd*.
Zambia Limited I
Tel: +260 212 611297/8 / 212 615058 • Fax: +260 212 615072
PO Box 70543, Ndola, Zambia
Chibuluma is an efficient operation with a high grade ore
body and an estimated mine life of seven years. Sites with the
potential for further exploration are being identified in the vicinity
of the mine with the aim of extending the life of mine.
Munali Nickel Mine in Mazabuka was officially re-opened international companies. London-listed Gemfields Resources,
on 26 March 2010, after having been put under care and which is part of Pallinghurst Resources, owns a majority stake
maintenance in 2009. This follows an investment of in Kagem Mining Limited, the largest emerald mine in Zambia
US$ 37 million in Albidon Zambia Limited by Jinchuan Mining and one of the most attractive emerald assets in Africa. While
Group of China. An upgrading programme is to increase Kagem’s licence area is extensive and includes five emerald-
production at the mine from 900 000 to 1 200 000 tonnes of ore bearing belts, production to date has focused on a single open
per annum by 2012. Furthermore, the number of employees pit lying on the Fwaya-Fwaya belt. Gemfields also owns the
is to be increased from the current 345 to 450 by the time the Mbuva-Chibolele and Kamakanga emerald mines, which lie on
mine is fully upgraded in 2010. the same Fwaya-Fwaya belt.
Emerald mining is concentrated in the Ndola Rural Protected Zambian emeralds comprise 20 percent of the world supply
Area, with several large open-pit mines actively worked by
and are much sought after because of their unique deep green
colour. Pallinghurst Resources is focusing its production and
marketing efforts on the coloured gemstone market in order to
create a steady and ethical supply of coloured gemstones.
The Chief Executive, Mr Tom Anderson - slight in the workshop The workshop
Grizzly Mining Ltd is Zambia’s leading gemstone mining company. Incorporated in 1999, Grizzly Mining
has in its decade long existence, built a reputation for being the major purveyor of quality gemstones
in the region. Grizzly mines ‘A-grade’ emerald and beryl in vast quantities for export to markets in
America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The company commands considerable attention on the world
stage owing to the exceptional quality of its gemstones which have been rated as some of the best in
the world. Our vast experience in the industry has raised our profile, guaranteeing us a significant share
of the world gemstone market. The bountiful receipts from our returns have enabled us to diversify into
numerous areas of business, and our tentacles stretch well beyond Zambia. Grizzly Mining Ltd is located
50 km south west of Kalulushi in Lufwanyama District which is also known as Ndola Rural.
Director of Administration
Our mining venture has continued to grow at an annual rate of 10% since inception. Last year we
acquired neighbouring Chimpundu Mine in order to further our expansion prospects and maximize
Roads: The once impassable roads of the area have now been graded and are frequently maintained Director of Corporate Affairs
by Grizzly Mining Ltd. Mr Oumar Samba Ba
Security: Grizzly has helped to improve security in the area. It also maintains houses of the
paramilitary police in the area. The presence of law enforcement officers has made the area much more
Schools: Grizzly Mine has constructed 2 schools in the area, one of which has been taken up by
Government. The school at Pirala is fully sponsored by the company. All the uniforms and books are
Washing Plant: Grizzly Mining has invested in an extension to their washing plant. The old plant
was capable of washing approximately 35 tons per hour, but after the extension it has been increased Mine Manager
to 120 tons per hour. This is a great improvement on the old washing plant. A new workshop was built Mr Langson Mukuma
this year. This now enables the maintenance and repairs to all the machinery.
For a company that has witnessed 10% annual growth since inception a decade ago, Grizzly Mining Ltd
has had to deal head on with the effects of its mining activities on the environment. As a company we
have had to balance our needs for sustainable growth with those of the environment. We can confidently
state that it is possible to maximize production and still care for the environment. We as a company
have kept the degradation of the natural environment at a minimum.
General Manager
Ms Carolyne O Maphenduka
Tel: +260 212 210894 / +260 212 222736 (home) • Fax: +260 212 210896
Cell: 0966 782616 Human Resources Manager
E-mail: [email protected] Ms Barbara N Shilengwe
of US$ 26 million. MCL is being redeveloped at an estimated
cost of US$ 108 million, with a new coal handling and washing
plant to be built. A further US$ 500 million is being invested in a
300-MW coal-fired power plant. Targeted production at Maamba
is 2 million tonnes of washed coal per annum.
Synonymous with Zambia’s mining industry, the Copperbelt is
where most of country’s mineral wealth and the majority of its
mines are situated. Their location here is hardly surprising, as
the Copperbelt has the world’s highest-grade copper and cobalt
deposits, with tailings dumps often containing grades greater
than those of most hard rock mines.
Infrastructure development
In order to boost investment and productivity in the sector,
the development of farm blocks, typified by large and small-
scale operations coexisting in a symbiotic relationship, is
being stepped up. The 155 000-hectare Nansanga Farm Block
in Serenje District is expected to be a model of agricultural
development in Zambia. When fully populated, it will resemble
Nakambala Sugar Estates – although ten times the size – with
large estates and small-scale farmers located in close vicinity to
Good results from conservation farming - Photo Courtesy: NFU Conservation Farming Unit
one another.
Irrigation and water conservation technology
Nansanga farm block was nearing completion at the end Zambia’s crop production is largely rainfall dependent with a
of 2009, and in 2010 the remaining works – relating to the distinct production season running from November to April.
construction of additional roads and bridges – were due to Rainfall is the major determinant of crop performance in any
be completed. An additional K3.0 billion has been allocated given year, and with changing weather conditions more likely
for the construction of dams. Nansanga is being vigorously in the face of global warming, government is emphasising
marketed to investors, and substantial interest has already been decreased dependence on rain-fed agriculture. The focus
expressed in the block.
is therefore on developing water conservation and irrigation
In 2010 similar infrastructure development is taking place in
Luena Farm Block in Kawambwa district. This is an area with
The scaling up of conservation agriculture could serve the
vast potential for the development of the sugar industry, and
twin purpose of increasing food production and mitigating
K 3.4 billion has been provided for preliminary work.
the effects of climate change.
Improving market access
Increasing crop yields alone is not sufficient to improve the Government is to spend US$ 50 million on an Irrigation
incomes of farming populations. While the FRA is a major Development and Support Project (IDSP) in Southern,
marketing agent for small-scale farmers, it is important that Copperbelt and Central provinces, with the bulk water
an effective and sustainable crop marketing institution is infrastructure being financed through a loan from the World
established in order to enhance earnings. Bank. The second phase of the project will look at developing
the Lumwana and Kasama irrigation sites in North-Western
Government is presently introducing the Agricultural Marketing and Northern provinces. The project is being executed under a
Bill, which is intended to enhance the access of small-scale Public-Private Parnership (PPP) agreement.
farmers to markets and ensure that transactions take place in a
fair manner. The Bill will also include provisions for warehouse Furthermore, a number of initiatives have begun to investigate
receipting, thereby allowing farmers to access finance against means of conserving water. Through its Conservation Farming
the value of their produce and enable them to purchase inputs Unit, the Zambia National Farmers’ Union (ZNFU) is helping
for the subsequent farming season. farmers dig water harvesting basins, a simple and cheap
technique for collecting excess water for drinking or irrigation.
The water is usually retained in small dams, manually-dug
basins or huge underground storage tanks.
Conservation farming
Some of the benefits of conservation farming include reduced
Good crops from hoe-minimum tillage; good conservation farming - Photo Courtesy: NFU Conservation
soil erosion and better rainfall infiltration as well as improved Farming Unit
Zambia produces a variety of crops, livestock, fish and agro-
forestry commodities. In addition to maize, the staple food,
other crops produced include wheat, cassava, millet, sorghum,
rice, soybeans, groundnuts and mixed beans. Cash crops such
as cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, coffee, tea, seeds, flowers and
high-value horticultural produce are becoming increasingly
important as foreign exchange earners. Cattle are the
predominant livestock, while pigs, poultry, sheep and goats are
also farmed. Fresh water fish production occurs around areas
with rivers and lakes.
The local sugar industry has been successfully privatised, an Horticulture and floriculture: Both floriculture and horticulture
initiative led by Zambia Sugar Plc, which is majority-owned do exceedingly well in Zambia’s temperate climate. Production
by South Africa’s Illovo Ltd. By far the largest manufacturer in of fresh vegetables and flowers, mainly for the export market,
the country, Zambia Sugar is also among the least expensive recorded significant growth during the early part of the decade,
producers of refined sugar in Africa and is listed on the Lusaka when floriculture became one of Zambia’s leading NTEs. As
Stock Exchange. Zambia Sugar mills and refines its own both subsectors are highly labour intensive, they are promoted
sugarcane from its Nakambala Estate, as well as sugarcane as part of government’s poverty reduction programme in
from a number of out-growers, at its refinery in Mazabuka. The agriculture.
company produces and markets sugar and molasses, as well Floriculture, one of Zambia’s leading NTEs - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
as other value-added products such as icing sugar, castor sugar
and a range of syrups.
Dairy farming has considerable growth potential - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
Zambia’s future economic development is contingent upon moving away from its traditional
dependence on raw materials export and embracing the huge potential of value-addition
The manufacturing sector accounts for nearly 11 percent of the grew by just 1.8 percent in 2008 and 2.5 percent in 2009.
country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and is one of the most This was on account of factors such as the increased cost of
attractive sectors for investment, having all the vital elements imported raw materials (due to the depreciation of the Kwacha),
in place, such as raw materials, labour force, abundant land a decline in export demand and continued stiff competition from
and a good banking and financial system. The expansion of cheaper imports.
manufacturing activities will, over the medium term, improve
Zambia’s growth prospects and competitiveness and reduce INSTITUTIONS & POLICIES
its dependence on imports through a wider base of locally The legal and regulatory framework for investment and the
produced goods and services. production of manufactured goods is provided by the Ministry
of Commerce, Trade and Industry, which formulates enabling
However, the sector has at present a relatively narrow base, policies, programmes and incentives in the manufacturing
which needs further diversification to produce a wide variety sector. The ministry liaises with other private and public sector
of high-quality, value-added intermediate and final products, organisations and statutory bodies on the implementation of
principally for the export market. In addition, the high cost of industrial, commercial and trade policies.
doing business and lack of supporting infrastructure continues
to impede the development of the sector and its ability to create Sustainable growth is encouraged through an industrial policy
more jobs. that supports small and medium-scale businesses, with the
focus on quality control and standardisation of industrial
Currently, the core objectives in the manufacturing sector products. There is renewed emphasis on value-added linkages
include reducing the cost of doing business in Zambia and that will maximise the use of local materials and develop inter-
developing Multi-Facility Economic Zones. sectoral relationships, with particular interest in the contributions
of small-scale businesses.
For this reason, government continues to place emphasis on
the construction of arterial infrastructure and the development The Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) came into being
of Multi-Facility Economic Zones (MFEZs). Furthermore, at the beginning of 2007. Institutions within the ZDA assisting
the processes and procedures for doing business in the in the development of the manufacturing sector include the
manufacturing sector are being enhanced through regulatory Multi-Facility Economic Zones Division, Investment Promotions
and other reforms relating to the cost and conduct of business, and Guarantees Division, Export Promotions Division, State
with the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) helping to facilitate Enterprise Restructuring, Monitoring and Privatisation Division
investment. and the Small and Medium Enterprises Division. The ZDA is
discussed in greater depth in the Trade & Investment chapter.
Manufacturing performance in 2008 and 2009
Despite the many challenges raised by market liberalisation, The Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) publishes national
such as stiff competition from imports, the manufacturing sector standards, operates a limited metrology laboratory and
has performed relatively well over the past decade, becoming provides product certification services, offering assistance to
an important catalyst for private sector development in Zambia. both producers and consumers. The objectives of ZABS are
However, the events of the global economic crisis in the latter to improve the competitiveness of Zambian products in local
part of 2008 resulted in a slow-down in manufacturing, which and international markets through the creation of standards in
commerce and industry, as well as through quality awareness Business regulations inside the MFEZs are sufficiently flexible
programmes, which help to improve manufacturing processes, to provide an investment environment comparable to the
products and materials. best in the world. The ZDA’s Multi-Facility Economic Zones
Division leads the implementation of MFEZs in Zambia and
MANUFACTURING INCENTIVES is responsible for ensuring efficient government approval
Manufacturing incentives are extended in order to foster a procedures to streamline the setting up and administration of
strong manufacturing sector with the intention of achieving new businesses in these areas.
broad-based economic growth and reducing dependence on
imports. Over the past few years, government has increased Specific incentives include:
its efforts to provide an enabling environment for growth, and • Zero percent tax rate on dividends for companies operating in
offers manufacturers a number of incentives. Specific incentives the priority sector and/or MFEZ under the ZDA Act for a period
are detailed on the Zambia Development Agency’s website: of five years from the year of first declaration of dividends • Zero percent on profits made by companies operating in
the priority sector and/or MFEZ for a period of five years from
Of import to the manufacturing sector in Zambia’s 2010 the first year profits are made. For years six to eight, only
National Budget was the abolishment of the penal bond system 50 percent of the profits should be taxed and for years nine
applicable to manufacturers of excisable goods, which should and ten, 75 percent of profits should be taxed
reduce the cost of doing business. In addition, customs duty
Some of the products produced by Parmalat - Photo Courtesy: Parmalat
on the fertiliser micronutrients of sulphur, zinc, iron, bentonite
pastilles, and manganese used in the blending of fertiliser has
been removed. The supply of paste and liquid polymers, which
are used in the manufacture of polypropylene bags, has been
exempted from VAT.
• Zero percent import duty rate on raw materials, capital goods,
SUPPLIERS TO LARGE AND SMALL-SCALE ZAMBIAN INDUSTRY machinery including trucks and specialised motor vehicles for
AND BEVERAGE five years for enterprises operating in the MFEZ
MANUFACTURERS INCLUDING: • Deferment of VAT on machinery and equipment including
trucks and specialised motor vehicles imported for investment
The Beverage, Baker y, Dair y, Ice-cream, in MFEZ and/or priority sector
Confectionery, Sauce and Meat Sectors, Flavours,
Colours, Acids, Thickeners, Cocoa Powder, Starch, Presently, two MFEZs are under development; one on a
Enzymes, Stabilisers, Preservatives, Sweeteners, 2 000-hectare plot in Lusaka and another in Chambishi on the
Bread Pre-Mix, Juice Concentrate, Vitamins & Copperbelt, while a further zone is planned for Lusaka East.
Minerals, Aluminium Foil Packaging, Beverage There has been substantial progress in the development of the
Machinery, Dried Fruit, Orange Cells, etc. US$ 900 million MFEZ in Chambishi, where 11 manufacturers
began operating in 2009 and another five are expected to do so
in 2010. Chambishi has the capacity for around 60 enterprises,
with a job creation potential of 6 000 by 2014.
TEL 211 272120 • 211 272122 • CELL 0977 770409
TEL/FAX 211 272121/22 • CELL 0977 770409 • 0974 003417 Development of the Lusaka South MFEZ commenced in 2009,
with some K 30 billion allocated to support the construction of
FAX 211 274460
access roads to the zone. In 2010, a further K 20 billion has
E-mail: [email protected] been provided to complete infrastructure development here.
Kafue Rd, PO Box 33614, Lusaka Furthermore, construction of the Lusaka East MFEZ is expected
to start in 2010.
There is a need for value-added in Zambia’s exports, and
downstream processing is seen as one of the best methods of
achieving this.
The work of the Export Board of Zambia (EBZ) was taken
over by the Zambia Development Agency’s Export Promotions
Divisions in 2007 with the aim of expanding Zambia’s export
industry through product and market development. The new
division will supply the necessary support and trade information
services to business enterprises about international markets,
• Cotton yarn, fabric and garments
• Leather and leather products
• Wood and wood products, paper products and packaging
• Processing of metals, including the smelting and refining of
• Machinery, iron and steel products
• Electrical and electronic products, including ICT and transport
• Processing and polishing of gemstones and jewellery making
• Plastic, glass and rubber products
• Pharmaceuticals and related products
• Professional medical and scientific products and measuring
• Chemicals and petrochemicals
• Cement and explosives
Investment opportunities in the manufacturing sector are
presently centred on the production of engineered products and
agro-processing, which includes crops such as tobacco, coffee,
tea, soy beans, maize, sunflower and cottonseed. Another
particular area of interest is the recycling of waste and the
production of steel suitable for manufacturing equipment.
Mineral processing
Government incentives support new businesses that process
copper rather than exporting raw copper bars. Copper wire and
other copper products, such as copper plate and tubing, are
an area of growth, with copper rod and cables generating a
sizeable proportion of Zambia’s non-traditional export earnings.
Chemical products
Zambia’s substantial resources of agricultural minerals such
as peat and limestone deposits are used to manufacture soil Hon. Felix C Mutati (Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry) during a visit to the plant with the Chairman of
Lamasat International, Mr Mohammed Ahmed - Photo Courtesy: Lamasat International
conditioners, while phosphates are used in the production of
The privatisation of Zambia Forest and Forestry Industries The National Forest Programme Facility is providing funds to
Limited (ZAFFICO) has opened up the market for softwood, the Forestry and Environmental Vision Consultancy (FEVCO)
while the privatisation of Zambezi Sawmills has seen increased to conduct a more in-depth study on the sector’s contribution to
private sector participation in the hardwood sector. Adding value the economy and to poverty reduction, in addition to examining
to exports, processed timber is promoted ahead of raw timber Zambia’s forest revenue and concession systems. FEVCO is
produce, with export products including plywood, furniture, working closely with the Central Statistical Office to validate and
carvings and curios. analyse data collected.
The Forestry sector grew by 3.6 percent in 2009 compared THE FOREST RESOURCE
to 3.7 percent in 2008. By Sub-Saharan African standards, Zambia still has a relatively
large proportion of its land under forest cover. However,
Compared to the rest of the economy, the performance of the deforestation and forest degradation, soil erosion and fertility
forestry sector shows a consistent but slow progression. There loss, watershed degradation and loss of biological diversity
has been a marked increase in the production of wood and are ever-present challenges. Zambia’s forests face immense
wood products as well as paper and paper products, underlining pressure from the extensive practices of shifting cultivation
the growing importance of timber processing to Zambia’s non- and slash and burn, ever-increasing demands for wood-based
traditional exports. Certification of Zambia’s forests is vital if energy (firewood and charcoal), unsustainable commercial
forest products are to penetrate the lucrative markets of the utilisation of indigenous tree species, overgrazing and forest
European Union. fires.
Forests also play an important socioeconomic role in supporting According to the Forestry Department of the Food and
the livelihoods of rural communities. Wood fuel is critical for Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in their Global Forest Resources
domestic energy needs, particularly in rural areas. Furthermore, Assessment 2010, almost two-thirds of Zambia is covered
in forests. Zambia’s total land area is 74 339 000 hectares, increasing demand for timber in Zambia and to complement
comprising 49 468 000 hectares of forests and some supplies from indigenous forests, which were being
6 075 000 hectares designated ‘Other Wooded Land’. Forest overexploited.
cover has been steadily dropping, from an estimated
52 800 000 hectares in 1990 to 51 134 000 hectares in 2000 ZAFFICO’s duties include:
and 50 301 000 hectares in 2005. • Planting new trees to prevent soil erosion
• Carrying out research on how best to develop Zambia’s
Out of the total forest area of 49 968 000 hectares, forest forests
plantation is estimated to be about 60 000 hectares. Natural • Educating the population on the importance of forests
forests cover 49 908 000 hectares, and are designated as: • Replacing forests that have been destroyed by deforestation
reserve (6.5 percent), national parks (9.1 percent), natural
monuments (0.3 percent); habitat management (5.5 percent), Plans and programmes
multipurpose (16.9 percent) and production (23.7 percent). The Zambia Forestry Action Programme (ZFAP) is a major
About 23 percent of the forests (11 478 840 hectares) have a forestry initiative comprising all of Zambia’s forestry-related
management plan. sectors. Supported by the FAO of the United Nations and others
donors, ZFAP was launched in 1995 in response to the FAO
Framework for development Tropical Forestry Action Plan of 1987 (UNCSD 2002). The
The state owns all land, woodlands, forest stands and trees ZFAP comprises a number of sub-programmes:
outside forests. The new National Forest Policy of 1998 and the • Indigenous Forest Management and Biodiversity Conservation
Forest Act No. 7 of 1999 are the policy and legal instruments Programme (IFMBP)
that guide forest administration in the country.
Pine tree - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
At the policy level, Zambia has, through the Lands Act of 1995,
recognised customary land as eligible for state registration
and thus its citizens can get leasehold title on customary land.
This prevailing land tenure system notwithstanding, permits
could be granted for harvesting of forest resources by private
commercial enterprises or by the local community for domestic
consumption, under prescribed circumstances.
BACKGROUND plantations are able to meet the current annual round wood demand
The Government embarked on large scale exotic forest plantations of about 380,000m3 for the various wood processing firms which
in 1962 after it had become apparent that the timber yield from has significantly reduced the need for imported wood products.
natural forests was declining. The decline of timber yields from natural
forests was attributed to repeated exploitation of accessible forests, The Corporation has also a well developed infrastructure such as
low yield per unit area, increasing logging distances and long gestation roads, buildings and water supply network for both domestic and
periods. These factors and the rising copper production in the mines industrial use at various stations located in Ndola, Kalulushi, and
made it increasingly difficult to meet the high domestic wood Lufwanyama Districts.
requirements particularly for the mining and construction industries.
This increasing wood deficit prompted the Government to initiate ZAFFICO has continued to manage all the commercial plantations
the establishment of fast growing exotic tree species. on the Copperbelt with estimated wood volume of over 12 million
cubic metres and an annual allowable cut of approximately 500,000m3.
The main objective of establishing exotic plantations was to supplement It continues to assist various communities in various forms in order
the diminishing indigenous forest resources in sustainably meeting to supplement Government efforts in poverty alleviation, to attain
the domestic wood demand. This large scale plantation programme the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and to realize the vision
was implemented by the Industrial Plantations Divisions (IPD), a unit 2030.
created in 1968 under the Forestry Department. The Industrial
Plantations Division was in 1982 commercialized and incorporated MAJOR CHALLENGES
into a public company called Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries The main constraint has been the lack of expansion of the existing
Corporation (ZAFFICO) Limited. plantations and inadequate capacity to effectively manage the planted
areas due to inadequate resources. This difficulty has further been
The programme was financed through an International Development compounded by the rapid rise in wood demand in the past five years
Association (IDA) credit facility in order to establish a projected which threatens to exceed the supply. There are also serious concerns
100,000 hectares of forest plantations by 1990. On its inception,
ZAFFICO assumed liabilities and assets of IPD which included 40,000
hectares of Pine, 10,000 hectares of Eucalyptus and the processing
units at Kafubu, Kalibu and Dola Hill. All processing were privatized
by 2002 and the planted area still remains at 50,000 hectares of
which about 2,000 hectares were leased to private firms during the
privatization of the processing units.
The Corporation has emerged as major supplier of national wood
requirements and attained about 50% of total domestic industrial
wood consumption by 1997. The increased wood consumption from
the plantations has helped to reduce pressure on indigenous timber
for construction and mining industries. ZAFFICO is presently the
major supplier of Saw Logs for the Sawmilling Firms, all untreated
poles and its activities have created direct and indirect employment
in many wood based industries and the transport sector. The forest
Pine seedlings at Mishishi (Ndola) Pine seedlings at Mishishi (Ndola) Thinning a plantation in order for others to
grow - “Management effectively practice”
on the high levels of encroachment into the surrounding forest reserves which have led to increased pressure and illegal activities in the forest
plantations. These unplanned settlements have made the expansion of plantations on the copperbelt difficult.
Although the current wood supply may be adequate to meet domestic needs, the rising global and regional timber demand has led to excessive
pressure on the existing plantations wood supply in Zambia. The current situation if not properly managed could lead to depletion of forest
plantation resources within the next 5 - 10 years. There is need to urgently address these challenges through a long term strategy in order
to promote sustainable management and utilization of forest plantations.
Mission Statement
To ensure sustainable supply of quality wood products to meet local and export demand through effective management
of exotic plantations and the inherent biodiversity for the benefit of present and future generation
by promoting active participation of all stakeholders.
The forest plantations will be efficiently and sustainably managed to supply quality wood products for
local and export markets.
Land preparation A new office construction at Ichempe (Kitwe) Pine seedlings at Ichempe (Kitwe)
Chati nursery - pine seedlings Pruned eucalyptus - young stand at Chati New office building at Lamba
Today, Zambia’s plantations consist almost entirely of pine
(40 000 hectares) and eucalyptus (10 000 hectares) with a
total standing volume of more than 11.5 million cubic metres.
Their rotations vary from 15 to 25 years. Pine is utilised for the
construction industry and for furniture manufacture, and gum
poles are processed for the mining industry.
Government regulates and monitors the tourism industry
through the Zambia National Tourist Board (ZNTB), an
autonomous statutory body that implements all government
policies on tourism. The board was created for the purpose
of promoting Zambia as an attractive tourist destination and
also facilitating and coordinating development activities at the
national level.
In 2009, K 99 billion was put towards the rehabilitation of the TOURISM ASSETS
Zimbabwe-Livingstone road. Work has commenced on the Tourism resources cover spectacular scenery, one of the largest
second phase of this major project, with a further K 194.5 billion concentrations of game in Africa, a colourful cultural heritage
allocated in 2010. The completion of this project will not only and major attractions such as Lake Kariba and the Victoria
improve access for tourists, but also enhance the smooth Falls. Zambia is also acknowledged as one of the safest
movement of goods across Zambia’s southern borders. countries in the world to visit, with the friendly Zambian people
not the least of its attractions.
Tourism marketing and training
Development programmes aim to improve the Zambia brand, The following assets make up Zambia’s tourism product:
both locally and internationally, as well as improve standards in • Climate & pristine environment – Zambia’s beautiful
hospitality, accommodation and related service industries. The
Carmite Bee-eater, Lower Zambezi - Photo Courtesy: ZNTB
2010 national budget makes provision for tourism marketing
activities in the amount of K 6.4 billion.
temperate climate, despite its location in the tropical zone,
makes it pleasant to visit all year round. The unspoilt quality
of the country’s many attractions is a major advantage, with a
huge number and variety of pristine wilderness environments.
• Natural scenic attractions – The country’s beautiful lakes,
waterfalls, rivers and mountains are without equal. First
and foremost is the famous Victoria Falls, which is one of the
seven natural wonders of the world as well as being a world
heritage site. Kalambo Falls to the north is the second highest
uninterrupted waterfall on the continent. Kariba Dam is the
world’s second largest man-made lake and Lake Tanganyika
the second deepest natural lake. The vast, grassy plains of the
Zambezi and Luangwa valleys form part of Africa’s Great Rift
• Game & birdlife – Zambia’s wildlife is one of its foremost
tourist attractions, with game such as lion, elephant, buffalo,
cheetah, zebra and giraffe as well as many rare species. Rafting the Zambezi rapids - Photo Courtesy: ZNTB
Birdlife is also superb.
• History, crafts & culture – There are sites of geological and visitors, conference facilities, and budget lodges for local
ecological importance, such as a fossil forest and botanical tourists, with attractive sites in natural settings readily
reserves, and several areas have been declared national available.
monuments as well as archaeological heritage sites. • Developing cultural heritage sites, including museums, theme
• Adventure tourism – Lakes, mountains and rivers provide parks and art galleries.
opportunities for adventure tourism, such as white-water • Adventure tourism such as climbing, bungi jumping and hang-
rafting, canoeing, abseiling, bungi jumping, climbing, horse gliding.
riding and even elephant-back safaris. • Water sports activities on Zambia’s many lakes and rivers –
sailing, waterskiing, canoeing, white water rafting, boat charter
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES services and cruises.
The tourism sector is already one of the largest foreign • Other sporting activities, such as horse riding, golf and tennis,
exchange earners in Zambia, despite the fact that only a small are well suited to local conditions, with the compilation of
proportion of the country’s tourism assets have been exploited sports-based holiday packages a possibility.
so far. The government has identified tourism as one of the
priority sectors for investment because it is a labour-intensive PARKS, GAME RESERVES & TOURIST ATTRACTIONS
industry and has numerous linkages to other sectors of the Zambia has some of the biggest game reserves in the world
economy. and one of the richest wildlife resources on the continent. Most
tourism is concentrated in the more developed parks, which
Situated in close proximity to Victoria Falls, Livingstone is comprise Kafue, Lochinvar, South Luangwa, Lower Zambezi,
the tourist capital of Zambia and serves as a growth point for North Luangwa, Kasanka, Mosi-oa-tunya and Sumbu, with the
development activities. Sites with attractive natural settings are other parks being more remote and undeveloped. All the main
also readily available in national parks and game management national parks are accessible by car and plane, and park gates
areas, with the Kafue National Park the largest potential are generally open from 06:00 to 18:00 daily.
tourism resource in the country. Other areas earmarked for
development include Lower Zambezi (Siavonga, Luangwa Day or night safaris with experienced guides who have an
district), Lusaka and surrounds (for conference tourism and extensive knowledge of the flora and fauna are a popular way
sports) and South and North Luangwa national parks and of seeing the magnificent wildlife. While game viewing is most
surrounding game management areas. commonly undertaken from comfortable, open-topped vehicles,
Zambia is also renowned for its walking safaris, not to mention
Opportunities exist in: the novelty of a horseback or even elephant-back safari, or by
• Transport services and tours, including luxury coaches, air canoe or motorised boat.
charters and car hire operations. Organised tours to a variety
of attractions by car, plane, horseback or boat. Game fishing, Professional hunting companies offer safaris, and flights in light
photographic or hunting safaris in wildlife areas and national aircraft to the various camps provide splendid photographic
parks. opportunities. Zambia’s wildlife encompasses excellent bird
• The provision of high quality accommodation for international watching as well, with over 740 different species. The bigger
national parks (South Luangwa, Lower Zambezi and Kafue)
Luxury transport - The Royal Livingstone Express
offer some of the best bird watching opportunities.
The best time for viewing wildlife is during the dry season,
which lasts from May to October, as there is less vegetation
and the animals tend to gather around water holes. The
rainy season sees a dramatic increase in the bird population,
especially during November and December, as well as
spectacular changes to the landscape. While all the major
national parks may be reached by car or plane, some are
inaccessible to motor vehicles during the wet months.
Abundant wildlife - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief Lying across from the famous Mana Pools Reserve in
Zimbabwe, the Lower Zambezi National Park is an untouched
second, and the clouds of spray can be made out more than 30
kilometres away. Seen by the missionary and explorer Dr David
Livingstone for the first time on 16 November 1855, and named
‘Victoria’ after the English queen, the falls had already been
known by local inhabitants as ‘Mosi-oa-tunya’ (the smoke that
thunders) for centuries.
Hugging the shoreline of Lake Tanganyika, Sumbu National The Liuwa Plain-Mussuma TFCA between Angola and Zambia
Park provides a haven for hippo, crocodile, flamingo and other protects the third largest migratory population of blue wildebeest
water birds. A motorboat on the lake is a great vantage point in Africa. Every year massive herds of blue wildebeest migrate
from which to watch the variety of birdlife and game, which from Zambia to Angola and back again, traversing the plains in
includes buffalo, lion, antelope, zebra and leopard. their thousands and very often mingling with zebra along the
Nyika National Park situated on the Malawian border at the
Tourists enjoying a local dish at Kawaza - Photo Courtesyl ZNTB
eastern-most tip of Zambia is an extension of the national
park on the Malawian side. This beautiful montane highland
area with its grasslands, valleys and masses of wild flowers
consists of a plateau some 2 000 metres above sea level, with
spectacular views. Game viewing includes a number of buck
species – in particular the rare red duiker – as well as zebra,
warthog and leopard. The Chisanga Falls are a short hike away.
Physical Infrastructure
Further economic growth and private sector investment is contingent upon the creation of
reliable and affordable utilities as well as modern and efficient communications and transport
The provision of infrastructure remains one of government’s top with growth rising to 15.5 percent compared to 8.7 percent in
priorities, with the focus on building and rehabilitating roads, 2008. This is as a result of increased public and commercial
bridges, electricity generation projects, schools and hospitals, infrastructure investments, and continued high demand
among others. A significant constraint to growth in the economy for housing. The expanded production of cement by local
has been the slow pace of development in large infrastructure manufacturers has also aided growth in the sector.
projects – partly due to constrained public finances and limited
participation by the private sector. For this reason, the Public- Current construction activities are focused on the rehabilitation
Private Partnership (PPP) Policy was launched in 2008, and a of roads across the country, in particular the North-Western
corresponding legal framework to support its implementation Province, the development of a new tourism zone in Livingstone,
in 2009. Presently, proposals for PPPs in developing roads, and infrastructure to support the establishment of Multi-Facility
bridges and energy projects are being reviewed and initiated. Economic Zones. Investments in social infrastructure comprise
the construction and rehabilitation of health centres and district
CONSTRUCTION hospitals, as well as classrooms, trades training institutes and
Zambia’s construction industry is regulated by the National universities.
Council for Construction (NCC), which was established with
the key objective of developing local construction capacity in Property development
the country. The NCC is responsible for registering, upgrading Favourable socioeconomic factors and contemporary
and downgrading consultants and contractors, in addition to developments have boosted the commercial and residential
monitoring the industry. property market in recent years, with a large percentage of
buyers hailing from South Africa. The development of the
The construction sector has a major influence on Zambia’s financial sector, particularly with respect to home loans, along
development, as the country’s economic activity depends to a with increasing incomes of Zambian over the past few years,
large extent on the state of infrastructure, particularly the road has also made property ownership more affordable to many
network. This is especially critical for Zambia as a landlocked citizens.
country, and trade linkages with the Southern African
Development Community (SADC) and Common Market for The Heart of Africa is Zambia’s first ever lifestyle estate as
Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) regional blocs depend well as the country’s largest residential project to date, and
on an effective regional and internal road network. comprises approximately 850 homes along with a commercial
and retail node, a five-star hotel, restaurants, an 18-hole
Despite a slight drop in 2008 on account of shortages in the Matkovich-designed golf course, a country club, dams and
supply of cement and other materials, the sector has performed communal parks covering 70 hectares. Another project, the
well over the past few years. In the main, construction activities US$ 200 million Jewel of Lusaka at Levy Junction in the heart
have been driven by commercial and residential buildings and of Lusaka, is being developed by Liberty Properties and the
the development and construction of new mines. Zambia National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA), and will
include retail, office, hotel and residential nodes.
Although the industry was expected to perform somewhat below
par in 2009 in the wake of the global financial crisis, In addition, Intermarket Securities Limited (ISL) is to develop
construction activities in the country remained fairly robust, a three-star hotel, business park and other infrastructure such
skilled labour in the construction-related areas of engineering,
architecture and surveying, and the promotion of local building
materials and technology. However, the existing housing deficit
is too large for the state to deal with alone, and there is a need
to integrate government and private sector efforts.
Housing has been declared a priority sector by government - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief TRANSPORTATION
In view of its landlocked status, Zambia’s road, rail and
as student hostels and staff houses at the University of Zambia air transport networks are critical to national and regional
under a PPP arrangement at a cost of somewhere between development. In addition to facilitating the influx of business
US$ 60 and 90 million. The project is being undertaken on a people and leisure tourists, an efficient transport infrastructure
‘develop, build, operate and transfer’ (DBOT) basis and will
is pivotal to trade. Road and rail transport are traditionally
have a transfer period of between 25 and 30 years.
the most widely used transport modes, although inland water
Furthermore, TAJ Hotels group plans to begin building a five- transport is also used.
star hotel in Livingstone within the next two years.
Mpulungu harbour on Lake Tanganyika sees shipments
Sherwood Greene Properties Zambia is involved in of cement, sugar, pharmaceuticals, steel and many other
property management and valuation, as well as providing products. Trans-shipping for both imports and exports includes
estate agency services for commercial, industrial, the ports of Durban (South Africa), Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania),
residential and agricultural properties. The company has Walvis Bay (Namibia) and Beira (Mozambique).
offices in Lusaka and Kitwe, and has 10 years’ experience
in property consultancy. Growth in the transport, storage and communications sector fell
to 3.1 percent in 2009 compared to 15.8 percent in 2008, mainly
Housing on account of negative growth in rail and air transport, as road
Housing has been declared a priority sector by government in transport and communications remained buoyant.
recognition of the fact that decent housing or shelter is a basic
human need, and that home ownership is a form of wealth Regional transport corridors
creation. Rapid population growth combined with rural-urban Zambia’s government is working with cooperating partners
migration has resulted in a greater demand for housing, and regional governments to improve and expand regional
particularly in Lusaka. transportation networks, in order to enhance regional
integration and economic development. Improving cross-border
Some success has been achieved through the National
infrastructure will reduce the expense of surface transport –
Housing Authority (NHA), which has schemes in Kabwata
both road and rail – and, by extension, regional trading costs.
Estates, Woodlands Extension, Nyumba Yanga and on the
Copperbelt, for executive, high cost, medium cost and low cost
housing. NHA is also involved in the upgrading of unplanned One of the most critical transport corridors in southern Africa,
settlements, employment creation for unskilled as well as the North-South Corridor, together with its adjacent spurs,
services eight countries – Tanzania, Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC), Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe,
Mozambique and South Africa. The importance of the North-
South Corridor to Zambia is immense, as it links the Copperbelt
to the southern ports in South Africa, and also interconnects
with the Trans-Kalahari, Beira, Lobito, Dar-es-Salaam and
Nacala corridors.
Rail transport
Zambia’s rail networks have for many years been controlled
K135 billion on infrastructural development, which is double the
amount specified in the concession agreement. The cost of rail
track maintenance is borne solely by rail companies as opposed
to roads, which are maintained by the government.
Since the liberalisation of the communications sector, many
positive developments have taken place in telecommunications,
broadcasting and information communications technology
Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
(ICT), such as the provision of mobile telephony services
and internet facilities, with deregulation, privatisation and
by Zambia Railways and the jointly-owned Tanzania-Zambia
wireless technologies having opened up new areas of potential
Railways (TAZARA). The network links Zambia to the DRC
and Angola in the north and Zimbabwe and South Africa in the
south, while the TAZARA network links into the line at Kapiri
In December 2009, the Communications Authority of Zambia
Mposhi and runs to the port of Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania.
(CAZ) announced the change of its name to the Zambia
Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA).
As part of government’s privatisation policy, Zambia Railways
This was as a result of the operationalisation of the Information
was concessioned during 2003 to Railway Systems of Zambia
and Communications Technology (ICT) Act of 2009.
(RSZ), a consortium comprising New Limpopo Project
Investments (NLPI) and Spoornet, both of South Africa. The
objectives of the concession were to allow the private sector to The name change is in line with the convergence of
inject capital into the company to improve its competitiveness technologies in what used to be different sectors; namely,
and help divert traffic from roads to rail, thereby reducing overall telecommunications and information technology (internet).
transport costs. The concession is a long-term agreement, These formerly distinct segments have now become one in
comprising a 20-year lease period with an option to renew for a terms of both the delivery of infrastructure and consumer
further ten years. gadgets. A unified licensing regime will enable more competition
in all market sectors from existing and new players.
Further liberalisation within the transport industry has seen
the private sector involved in the construction of a number of In addition to the ICT Act, the Electronic Communication
railways on a build, operate and transfer basis. The opening of and Transactions (ECT) Act and the Postal and Courier
mines in the North-Western Province – particularly Lumwana Services Act were also operationalised in 2009. ZICTA will
mine, which is one of the largest copper mines in Africa – is now regulate postal and courier services, a former function of
also spurring infrastructure development. The Chipata-Mchinji the Ministry of Communications and Transport. Additionally,
railway line will provide Zambia with its shortest sea route to the electronic transactions will be legalised and regulated.
Indian Ocean port of Nacala in Mozambique.
ICT services
In a further effort to address the poor performance of the rail While present infrastructure consists mainly of a microwave
sector, government is presently exploring ways of improving backbone and microwave trunk routes to major provincial
the performance of TAZARA through the identification of a centres providing analogue transmission, a digital microwave
strategic private partner. Furthermore, RSZ has invested about network and a domestic satellite system also provide services
Communications Authority of Zambia (CAZ) has changed its name to Zambia Information & Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA)
following the operationalization of the Information & Communications Technologies Act No. 15 of 2009 on 4th December, 2009.
Also enacted were the Electronic Communications & Transactions Act and the Zambia Postal Services Act. These have a direct impact on the
Authority as they introduce new functions for the Institution.
The new Information & Communication Technologies Act of 2009 among other things:
• Repeals both the Telecommunications Act & the Radio Communications Act
• Changes the name of the Communications Authority of Zambia to Zambia Information & Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA)
• Gives the Authority new powers especially as it relates to economic regulation & consumer protection
• Gives additional responsibilities of regulating postal & courier services including oversight over electronic transactions. The Postal &
Courier Services & the Electronic Communications & Transactions Acts enhance this new mandate
• Allows the Authority to review the current licensing framework by coming up with a converged & unified licensing.
HEAD OFFICE: Plot 3141, Buyantashi Road NDOLA OFFICE: Photocopy House, Buteko Avenue
PO Box 36871, Lusaka, Zambia PO Box 70728, Ndola, Zambia
Tel: +260 21 1 241236/246702 • Fax: +260 21 1 240023 Tel: +260 21 2 620865/620867 • Fax: +260 21 2 620806
E-mail: [email protected] • Website:
Communications, Lusaka - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
to remote rural areas. Three satellite earth stations provide
international telephone services. However, the capacity is not
adequate to satisfy demand. Fibre optic cables, which are
used for fixed and mobile telecommunication as well as for the
internet, are presently being installed countrywide. Zambia is
also being connected to the undersea cable in 2010.
Internet services
Established in 1994, ZAMNET was Zambia’s first internet
Service Provider (ISP), with numerous other ISPs having since
joined the market. By 2007, there were 19 private providers,
7 610 internet hosts and over half a million internet users, with
services widely available in Lusaka, Kabwe, Southern Province
and on the Copperbelt. There is potential for further growth in the
provision of services, with penetration still low in the rural areas.
ISP Bringcom Zambia Limited is introducing a Broadband
Global Area Network (BGAN) – a special service that will
render broadband facilities accessible in remote areas where
communication infrastructure is non-existent. Clients will be
able to access their corporate network through a secure Virtual
Private Network (VPN) connection.
Mobile telephony
The provision of mobile telephony services is seeing
remarkable growth, with improvements in extension of coverage
and service quality, as well as reduced tariffs. In 2007 there
were 91 800 landline connections compared to 2.639 million
mobile phone customers. However, the average revenue per
user (ARPU) dropped sharply in 2009. The vast majority of
mobile subscribers use prepaid services.
Zambia is blessed with abundant water resources - Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
Zambia’s leading cellphone firm is Zain (formerly Celtel), which
has a market share of around 75 percent, followed by MTN National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) and
(formerly Telecel) from South Africa. Cell-Z is ZAMTEL’s cellular delegated to local authorities the responsibility for providing
service. International gateway licenses have been awarded WSS in their respective areas.
to Zain and MTN in a bid to bring down the high cost of
communications. Mobile data services using GPRS and EDGE Increasing access to clean water and sanitation continues to
are available, and the rollout of third generation technology is in be a major goal of government, not least in order to prevent
progress, including 3.5G HSPA. water-borne diseases, and Zambia is committed to achieving
the target of 74 percent access to safe drinking water by 2015
WATER SUPPLY in line with the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. As such,
Zambia is blessed with abundant water resources, which cover the water sector has been prioritised as one of the seven main
some 11 890 square kilometres of the country’s total area. investment areas in the FNDP.
Water resources comprise lakes – particularly Lake Tanganyika,
Kariba Dam, and lakes Bangweulu and Mweru – as well as a For 2010, government allocated K 433.7 billion to water supply
number of rivers. Kariba Dam, a major supplier of Zambia’s and sanitation facilities – more than double the resources
water needs, is 280 kilometres in length, has a surface area of allocated in 2009. Of this amount, K 198.2 billion has been
5 580 square kilometres and holds 185 billion cubic metres of directed to the National Urban Water Supply and Sanitation
water. Programme. In addition, K 116.5 billion has been put towards
the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme,
While the country has sufficient water resources, factors and is being used for the construction of 1 000 boreholes and
such as urbanisation as well as demands from mining and 300 demonstration pit latrines, and the rehabilitation of 700
manufacturing industries have increased pressure on Zambia’s boreholes.
water and sanitation services, which need to be developed
more efficiently for sustainable and environmentally safe usage. ENERGY
Zambia has an abundance of energy resources, the most
The National Water Policy of 1994, the National Environmental important being hydroelectric power, with an estimated
Support Programme (1994) and the Water Resources Master hydropower capacity of 6 000 megawatts, of which only about
Plan (1995-2015) outline strategies and comprehensive action 1 640 megawatts has so far been installed – just 30 percent of
plans to develop the water sector. The 1997 Water Supply and the total capacity. Hydroelectric plants account for 92 percent of
Sanitation Act established an independent water regulator, the the total installed capacity and 99 percent of the total electricity
generated in the country. The two main hydropower stations are
Kafue Gorge (990 megawatts) and Kariba North Bank
(600 megawatts).
Founded in 1966, the University of Zambia (UnZa) is the
largest university in the country, with a student population of
about 6 000. Its main campus is located on the Great East
Road, about 7 kilometres from Lusaka. Offering diploma and
50 percent to K 553.5 billion for 2010. In 2009, construction
degree courses in education, the humanities, engineering, law,
was begun on 20 new secondary schools and 2 500 additional
medicine, veterinary sciences, mineral technology, agricultural
primary school classrooms. These endeavours should be
and natural sciences, UnZa also provides a number of
completed by mid-2010.
postgraduate programmes. A Consultancy and Training Unit
supplies information technology services to the business and
In 2010, infrastructure monies will be used to construct 2 900
ICT community in Zambia and further afield.
new classrooms that will provide places for an additional 250
000 students across the country. Most of these classrooms will
The Copperbelt University (CBU) was established in December
be built using the community mode of contracting. In addition,
K 21.4 billion has been allocated for the procurement of 1987, and today comprises six schools and a directorate, with
educational materials, including books and desks. schools of The Built Environment, Business, Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Natural Resources, Technology and Graduate
TERTIARY EDUCATION Studies. CBU’s programmes attract over 5 000 applications for
In recent years, government has prioritised science education, the 1 200 places available each year. The university has a total
technical, vocational and entrepreneurship training, and higher student population of 5 155 and a staff establishment of 695,
education. In addition to the drive to put more government- of whom 207 are academic staff. The university is currently
sponsored students in universities and colleges, there has engaged in a vigorous infrastructure development programme,
been a substantial increase in both public-private partnerships encompassing upgrading and expansion of the School of
for funding higher education as well as the number of private Business, School of Technology and Centre for Lifelong
institutions of higher learning in the country. There are now Education, as well as the construction of student hostels.
over two dozen private colleges in Zambia that offer training
in areas as wide-ranging as public administration, education, The former National College for Management and Development
marketing, agriculture and natural resource management. For Studies in Kabwe, Mulungushi University (MU) was
2010, government has allocated K 164.9 billion to assist the established as Zambia’s third public university on 1 January
country’s three public universities. An additional K 114.6 billion 2008, and admitted its first crop of students in September 2008.
will be used to provide bursary support for those seeking higher The government of Zambia amended the country’s University Act
education. to facilitate the establishment of a public-private partnership with
Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) that underlies the structure of MU.
Technical and vocational education and training
Technical education and vocational training are recognised MU comprises two campuses: the Great North Road Campus,
as vital to producing the skilled labour needed to run the located 26 kilometres North of Kabwe; and the Kabwe Town
machinery, equipment and other products of science and Campus. A multi-level curriculum university, Mulungushi offers
technology that are essential for national development as well a wide range of degree, diploma and certificate programmes in
as poverty reduction. This realisation led to the introduction of its nine academic faculties. The university also offers distance
Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training and lifelong learning programmes, short courses and evening
(TEVET) reforms in 1994, with the sector currently guided by classes for students who are unable to attend full-time study.
Improvements have been noted over a broad cross-section of Zambia’s health statistics
in recent years, with government having stepped up its commitment to bring quality health
services to all its citizens.
There have been a number of positive developments in K 128.4 billion for improvement of health infrastructure,
Zambia’s health sector over the past decade. Some key health K 134 billion for continued construction of district hospitals and
indicators, such as maternal and under five mortality rates and staff housing, and K 20 billion for procurement of essential
incidence of malaria have all declined since 2002. While HIV/ medical equipment. An amount of K 33.7 billion has been
AIDS is arguably among the greatest threats to Zambians’ specifically ear-marked for prevention and treatment of HIV/
health and wellbeing, for the first time HIV infection rates AIDS. While overall health allocation has dropped, due to
appear to be dropping, not only in specific ‘high risk’ groups but suspension of aid by a number of cooperating partners,
also in the general population. domestic contribution to government expenditure on health has
actually increased by 18.6 percent for 2010.
Life expectancy at birth is estimated at 51.3 years (2010),
according to the latest socioeconomic indicators released by Government continues to emphasise improvement of health
Zambia’s Central Statistics Office. While this is higher than infrastructure. To this end, certain key projects related to health
many neighboring countries, it is still substantially below the infrastructure and human resource improvement will continue.
world average, and reflects a combination of poor health This includes the construction and expansion of 16 district
care and service access and the impact of HIV/AIDS-related hospitals in regions such as Samfya, Chadiza, Mumbwa, Kapiri-
morbidity and mortality. Recently HIV/AIDS prevalence in Mposhi, Isoka, Shang’ombo, Lumwana, Chiengi, Mpulungu,
certain specific groups, primarily adolescent girls and young
Kaputa, Chama, Mufumbwe and Chongwe.
women in urban areas, appears to have been dropping.
HIV prevalence in the general population has also dropped,
In 2010, K 13.7 billion has been allocated toward continued
currently standing at just over 14 percent, with national
recruitment of medical staff and the formation of 21 new
antenatal HIV figures remaining around 20 percent (Zambia
health posts across the country. Government is also putting in
DHS 2009).
place incentive programmes to improve retention of medical
ARV coverage in Zambia is well above the African average personnel in rural areas, and plans to rehabilitate and expand
and double the ARV access figures of countries in the region all 27 training schools for health care personnel in order to
such as South Africa that have more funding and better health increase enrolment as a means of mitigating the shortage of
infrastructure. The first ARV access target of 10 000 people frontline health care workers.
was not only met but exceeded, leading the government to set
a new target of 100 000 people; which, with the help of the US- HEALTH POLICY & PROGRAMMES
based President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), The Fifth National Development Plan (2006-2010) provides
was also met by the end of 2007. While meeting these targets strategies for achieving the UN’s Millennium Development
is reason for hope, challenges still remain. Currently it is Goals on HIV and AIDS, malaria and other related diseases
estimated that less than half (46 percent) of HIV-infected by 2015. Of particular importance is government’s scheme
Zambians (330 000) needing ARV drugs are actually receiving to provide free ARVs and free medical services to all health
them. centres within rural areas.
The Health Sector in 2010 The Zambia Integrated Health Programme (ZIHP) provides
For 2010, government has allocated K 1 362.5 billion to health, a platform for ongoing partnerships between government,
or 8.2 percent of the National Budget. This includes public and private institutions, USAID and other international
organisations and agencies to address the country’s health in part to poor worker productivity stemming from AIDS-related
problems as well as continuing with the reform of the health care morbidity and mortality.
system. A wide range of health issues are tackled through
communication/behaviour change interventions, building HIV/AIDS PROGRAMMES
community and private sector partnerships, improving health The National HIV/AIDS/STD/TB Council (NAC) is the single,
worker performance, strengthening non-government high-level institution responsible for coordinating the actions
organisations (NGOs) and system support. of all segments of government and society in the fight against
HIV and AIDS. Formed in 2002, this autonomous body is given
Despite recent figures suggesting incidence declines, malaria political direction by a Committee of Ministers from some 14
continues to be a serious public health threat, resulting in over ministries. Members of the council represent government,
50 000 deaths a year. The Roll Back Malaria initiative provides NGOs, religious and traditional leaders, media, youth, the
a platform for a united effort against malaria and includes the private sector and those living with HIV/AIDS.
efforts of the ministries of Health and Education as well key
partners such as UNICEF and the World Health Organisation NGO networks such as the Zambia National AIDS Network
(WHO). (ZNAN) have a pivotal role to play in supporting activities, both
financially and technically, of various NGOs in the country,
The integrated management of childhood illnesses has and receive funds from the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and
remained a prime focus of the Primary Healthcare Programme. Malaria. The community response to HIV/AIDS (CRAIDS) also
While recent statistics show great success in controlling plays an active role.
preventable diseases through the immunisation programme,
malnutrition remains a challenge for government. Prior to 2003, Many national governments and NGOs fund the fight against
measles was one of the five major causes of childhood illness HIV and AIDS in Zambia. Finances from the Global Fund (US$
in Zambia. During that year, an immunisation campaign cut 92 million and a further US$ 254 million in 2004) are spent
the number of measles cases to zero. A nationwide follow- on a wide range of activities run by numerous organisations,
up immunisation campaign was conducted in July 2007, with but treatment scale-up is now the main focus. The President’s
more than 2.1 million children aged nine months to five years Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) targets 15 focus
immunised. countries, of which Zambia is the fourth most highly funded.
Zambia has received steadily growing funding through
PEPFAR: US$ 149 million in 2006, US$ 116 million in 2007,
US$ 269.2 million in 2008 and US$ 270.4 in 2009.
AIDS is the leading cause of death after malaria, and it is
estimated that close to one million Zambians are living with HIV/
Government aims to ensure that greater numbers of those
AIDS. Due to low voluntary testing rates, it is likely that the vast
infected with HIV/AIDS have access to free Anti Retroviral
majority of these individuals remain unaware of their infection.
Therapy (ART). During 2007, considerable progress was made
in the implementation of the free ART policy. A total of 137 000
Unlike in many developing countries, in Zambia HIV/AIDS has
patients accessed free ARV therapy countrywide compared to
not been confined to specific segments of the population; such
75 000 in 2006.
as the poor and uneducated, women, adolescents, etc. Infection
rates are very high among wealthier and more educated
Without intervention, the risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission
segments of society. HIV is most prevalent in urban centres in Zambia is around 40 percent. Launched in 1999, by 2004
such as Lusaka and in the Copperbelt, rather than in poorer Zambia’s prevention of mother-to-child transmission
rural populations. (PMTCT) initiative reached 74 health care facilities in four
provinces. By 2008 the number of facilities offering antiretroviral
Furthermore, the impact of AIDS has gone far beyond the drugs (primarily nevirapine) as part of PMTCT had increased to
household and community level. All areas of the public 935.
sector and the economy have been weakened and national
Photo Courtesy: René Hartslief
development efforts have been constrained. According to
data published by AVERT, the Zambia Business Coalition has
released figures suggesting that 82 percent of known causes
of employee deaths are HIV-related and 17 percent of staff
recruited are to replace people who have died or left because of
HIV-related complications.
Total area: 752 614 square kilometres (2.5 percent of the area Electricity: Local current is 220v, 50Hz, and plugs are square-
of Africa), comprising 740 724 square kilometres (land) and pinned.
11 890 square kilometres (water)
Time difference: GMT +02:00
Highest point: Mafinga Hills (2 301 metres)
Currency: Zambian Kwacha (ZMK); 1 kwacha = 100 ngwee,
Lowest point: Zambezi River (329 metres) with notes in denominations of 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000,
10 000, 20 000 and 50 000. Smaller notes are rarely used and
Climate: Subtropical with three distinct seasons. May to August coins are obsolete.
is cool and dry, September to October is hot and dry and
November to April is warm and wet Business hours: Weekdays 08:00 - 17:00, Saturdays 08:00 -
13:00. Most banks open from 08:30 - 14:30 on weekdays, 09:00
Population: 13 272 533 (2010 mid-year estimate: CSO Population Projections Report) - 11:30 on Saturdays. Many shops stay open later.
Ethnic groups: 98 percent African (Bemba, Nyanja, Lozi and Foreign exchange: Travellers’ cheques, dollars or pounds may
Tonga), with the remaining 2 percent comprising Asian and be exchanged at any authorised bank or bureau de change in
European the main towns. Travellers’ cheques attract a commission. To
avoid additional charges, travellers are advised to take travellers’
Religions: Christianity (60 percent), Islam, Hinduism, cheques in US Dollars, Euros or Pounds Sterling.
traditional beliefs
Credit cards & ATMs: Accepted by most hotels, restaurants,
Languages: English (official); indigenous African languages, travel agencies and the larger stores. There are ATMs in Lusaka
of which there are more than 70, include Bemba, Kaonda, Lozi, as well as the larger towns.
Lunda, Luvale, Nyanja and Tonga
VAT: Value Added Tax is 16 percent. VAT refunds are offered
Public holidays 2010: 1 January – New Year’s Day; 8 March to tourists, who are issued with an export tax invoice (VAT 263)
– International Women’s Day; 12 March – Youth Day; 2 April – when purchasing goods, both of which must be presented at the
Good Friday; 3 April – Holy Saturday; 4 April – Easter Sunday; designated exit points of export for verification.
5 April – Easter Monday; 1 May – Labour Day; 25 May – Africa
Freedom Day; 5 July – Heroes’ Day; 6 July – Unity Day; Duty Free: The following items may be imported into Zambia
2 August – Farmers’ Day; 24 October – Independence Day without incurring customs duty: 400 cigarettes or 500g of
(1964); 25 October – Day following Independence Day; tobacco; one bottle of spirits/wine and 2.5 litres of beer; 1 oz
25 December – Christmas Day. bottle of perfume.
Public holidays 2011: 1 January – New Year’s Day; 8 March Visa requirements: Visitors must have a valid passport.
– International Women’s Day; 12 March – Youth Day; 22 April Visas are required, except for citizens of countries which have
– Good Friday; 23 April – Holy Saturday; 24 April – Easter visa abolition agreements with Zambia and citizens of some
Sunday; 25 April – Easter Monday; 1 May – Labour Day; 2 May Commonwealth countries. Please confirm with Zambia’s
embassies or high commissions abroad. PO Box 50027, Lusaka, Tel: 253077
Health: Anti-malarial medication should be taken, especially if PO Box 34071, Lusaka, Tel: 225463, Fax: 222189
visiting the national parks. While tap water in the major towns is Mines and Minerals Development
purified and safe to drink, elsewhere ensure that water is either PO Box 31969, Lusaka, Tel: 235323
borehole water, filtered or bottled. As in many other African Works and Supply
countries, the HIV/AIDS pandemic is of major concern, and PO Box 50236, Lusaka, Tel: 252366, Fax: 254108
visitors should observe standard prevention measures.
Business and Government Agencies
Transport Anti-Corruption Commission
• Road – Traffic keeps to the left and the general speed limit PO Box 50486, Lusaka, Tel: 252722, 253256, Fax: 251397,
is 100 kilometres on main routes and 65 kilometres in built-up 255376, E-mail: [email protected]
areas unless otherwise indicated. Visiting drivers must hold an Bank of Zambia
International Driver’s Licence. SADC licences are also valid. A PO Box 30080, Lusaka, Tel: 228888, 228903-20, Fax: 221767,
person driving into the country on business can have their car 237070, E-mail: [email protected]
admitted without having to pay duty, provided they will not use Copperbelt Energy Corporation
it for hire or commercial purposes. Coach travel is available PO Box 20819, Kitwe, Tel 244556, Fax: 244040
to a variety of regional destinations, while long range buses Export Board of Zambia
frequently leave from Lusaka to all the main towns and mini- PO Box 30819, Lusaka, Tel: 228106/7, Fax: 225270, E-mail:
buses and taxis are available for local transport. Road borders [email protected]
are open 24-hours a day, with the exception of Chembe, Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Kazungula, Kariba and Chirundu, which are open from 06:00 to PO Box 37887, Lusaka, Tel: 224114, Fax: 224134
18:00 hours. Victoria Falls Bridge is open until 20:00 hours. Lusaka Stock Exchange
• Air – Four international airports, namely, Lusaka, Livingstone, PO Box 34523, Lusaka, Tel: 228391, Fax: 225969
Mfuwe and Ndola, with several secondary airfields and airstrips Patents and Companies Registration
in Chipata, Kitwe, Kasama, Mongu, Solwezi and Mansa. PO Box 32020, Lusaka, Tel: 255127, 255151, Fax: 255426,
• Rail – Zambia has three main internal train lines, from Lusaka Website:
to Livingstone, Lusaka to the Copperbelt, and from Kapiri Tourism Council of Zambia
Mposhi to the northern border with Tanzania. Main train station PO Box 32020, Lusaka, Tel: 290439, E-mail: [email protected]
in central Lusaka, Dedan Kamathi Road. Women Entrepreneurs Development
PO Box 30495, Lusaka, Tel: 236140, E-mail: [email protected]
Telecommunications: Telecommunications are among the Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and
best in Sub-Saharan Africa. There are three mobile telephone Industry
operators – Zain (formerly Celtel), MTN (formerly Telecel) and PO Box 30844, Lusaka, Tel 255046, Tel/Fax 253020, 252369,
Cell Z (the mobile division of Zamtel). Mobile penetration stood 253007, 252483,
at 33 percent in June 2009. E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
Zambia Bureau of Standards
Dialling code: Direct dialling to Zambia +260 followed by PO Box 50259, Lusaka, Tel: 227075, Fax: 238483, E-mail:
area codes: Lusaka, Kafue (01); Chingola, Kitwe, Ndola (02); [email protected]
Livingstone (03); Kasama (4); Kabwe (05);etc, plus subscriber’s Zambia Communications Authority
number. Direct dialling to neighbouring countries requires PO Box 36871, Lusaka, Tel 246702, Fax 246701,
four sets of numbers: first the international prefix 00, then the E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
country code, the city code, and the number. Zambia Competition Commission
PO Box 34919, Lusaka, Tel: 222787, Fax: 222789, E-mail:
Internet: Broadband and wireless connections are becoming [email protected]
increasingly common, with services widely available in Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines
Copperbelt, Lusaka, Kabwe and Southern Province. There are a PO Box 30048, Lusaka, Tel: 221023, Fax: 220654,
number of internet cafés in Livingstone and Lusaka. E-mail: [email protected]
Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation
CONTACT DETAILS PO Box 33304, Lusaka, Tel: 361111, Fax: 222753, E-mail:
Government Ministries [email protected]
Agriculture and Cooperatives Zambia Export Growers Association
PO Box 50197, Lusaka, Tel: 254661, 256698, Fax: 254083 PO Box 31705, Lusaka, Tel: 271166 (main office), 271080
Commerce, Trade and Industry (technical office), 271081 (warehouse), Fax: 271167, 271080,
PO Box 31968, Lusaka, Tel: 228301/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9, E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 226673, Zambia Federation of Employers
Tel/Fax: 226727 Minister, E-mail: [email protected] PO Box 31941, Lusaka, Tel: 295541/82, Fax: 295582, E-mail:
Communication and Transport [email protected]
PO Box 50065, Lusaka, Tel: 251444, Fax: 251795 Zambia International Trade Fair
Education PO Box 71058, Ndola, Tel: 651514, Fax: 651704, Website:
PO Box 50093, Lusaka, Tel 250558, Fax: 253502, E-mail:
[email protected] Zambia Investment Centre
Energy and Water Development PO Box 34580, Lusaka, Tel: 250048, Fax: 252150, E-mail:
PO Box 36079, Lusaka, Tel: 252589, Fax: 252589 [email protected], Website:
Finance and National Planning Zambia National Farmers’ Union
PO Box 50062, Lusaka, Tel: 253398/2505441/252146, Fax: PO Box 30395, Lusaka, Tel: 252649/255769, Fax: 252648
254335 Zambia Tourist Board
Foreign Affairs PO Box 30017, Lusaka, Tel 229087, Fax 225174,
PO Box 50069, Lusaka, Tel: 252698, Fax: 250240 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.
PO Box 30205, Lusaka, Tel: 252989, 253040/5, Fax: 253344 Zambia Revenue Authority
Lands PO Box 35710, Lusaka, Tel: 229214, 228414, 228423, Fax
PO Box 50694, Lusaka, Tel: 252288, 252323, 252320, Tel/Fax: 222717, E-mail: [email protected]
251927 for Permanent Secretary Zambia Telecommunications Company (Zamtel)
Local Government and Housing PO Box 71660, Ndola, Tel: 611111
Index to Advertisers
AAC Mining Executors Ltd ............................................ 40 Resources ................................................................ 86
Access Bank (Z) Ltd ..................................................... 21 Momentum Zambia Ltd ............................................... 103
Afgri Corporation .................................. Inside back cover Morganite Zambia Ltd ................................................... 44
Alfred H Knight (Zambia) Ltd ........................................ 35 Mukwa Lodge ............................................................... 46
Andrews Motel .............................................................. 85 Nampak Zambia Ltd ..................................................... 68
Bisonite Zambia Plc ..................................................... 71 National Airports Corporation Ltd ................................. 94
Blu Rock Mining Services ............................................. 45 National Savings & Credit Bank ................................... 29
Blue Financial Services Zambia ............Inside front cover NFC Africa Mining Plc ................................................... 38
Business Connexion Zambia Ltd .................................. 23 NFU Conservation Farming Unit .................................. 58
Castle Lead Works Zambia Ltd .................................... 40 Oryx Oil Zambia Ltd ...................................................... 93
Choma Milling Company Ltd ....................................... 53 Parmalat (Zambia) Ltd .................................................. 65
Cummins Zambia ................................................. 45 & 98 Protea Hotels ................................................................ 31
Diamond General Insurance Ltd ................................... 20 Scaw Metals Group ...................................................... 37
Diamonds of Lusaka ..................................................... 33 Sherwood Greene ........................................................ 97
Drillafrica ....................................................................... 41 Shreeji Investments Ltd ................................................ 19
EC Mining Ltd ............................................................... 47 Southern Sun Ridgeway ................................................. 9
Ecobank Zambia Ltd ....................................................... 5 Stefanutti Stocks Zambia Ltd ........................................ 91
Environmental Council of Zambia ................................. 17 Stockbrokers Zambia Ltd .............................................. 28
Equatorial Foods .......................................................... 68 Sun International Zambia Ltd ....................................... 81
Finance Bank (Z) Ltd .................................................... 27 The Royal Solwezi Hotel .............................................. 42
Foundation for Environmental Education & Training ........ Tri-Pump & Engineering ............................................... 46
Partnership .............................................................. 101 United Bank for Africa ................................................... 26
Gomes Haulage Ltd ...................................................... 43 UUNET Zambia ............................................................ 96
Grizzly Mining Ltd ......................................................... 48 Zambezi Portland Cement ............................................ 36
Group Five .................................................................... 90 Zambia Bottlers Ltd .............................................. 66 & 67
ICC - Industrial Credit Company ................................... 24 Zambia Development Agency ......................................... 3
Lafarge Cement Ltd ...................................................... 92 Zambia Forestry & Forest Industries Corporation Ltd ... 76
Lamasat International Ltd ............................................. 72 Zambia Information & Communication Technology ..........
Lusaka Stock Exchange Ltd ......................................... 32 Authority .................................................................... 95
Madison Asset Management ........................................ 30 Zambia National Commercial Bank .............................. 25
Ministry of Mines & Minerals Development ................... 34 Zambia National Farmers’ Union .................................. 51
Ministry of Tourism, Environment & Natural ..................... Zambia Tourism Board ................................................. 83
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11th edition