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Herbal Medicines in The Philippines

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-As part of Primary Health Care and because of the increasing use of locally available
medicinal plants has been advocated by the Department of Health
-Many local plants and herbs in the Philippines backyard and field have been found to
be effective in the treatment of common ailments as attested by the National Science
Development Board, other government and private agencies/persons engaged in

Herbal Medicine is defined as the use of natural herbs and plants for the
treatments or prevention of diseases, disorders and for the promotion of good health

Legal Basis
Republic Act 8423: "Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997."
-An act creating the Philippine Institute of traditional and Alternative Health Care
(PITAHC) to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health care in
the Philippines, providing for a traditional and alternative health care development
fund and for other purposes
-To improve the quality and delivery of health care services to the Filipino people
through the development of traditional and alternative health care and its integration
into the national health care delivery system.

(a) To encourage scientific research on and develop traditional and alternative health
care systems that has direct impact on public health care
(b) To promote and advocate the use of traditional, alternative, preventive and
curative health care modalities that has been proven safe, effective, cost effective and
consistent with government standards on medical practice
(c) To develop and coordinate skills training courses for various forms of traditional
and alternative health care modalities;
(d) To formulate standards, guidelines and codes of ethical practice appropriate for
the practice of traditional and alternative health care as well as in the manufacture,
quality control and marketing of different traditional and alternative health care
materials, natural and organic products, for approval and adoption by the appropriate
government agencies
(e) To formulate policies for the protection of indigenous and natural health resources
and technology from unwarranted exploitation, for approval an adoption by the
appropriate government agencies
(f) To formulate policies to strengthen the role of traditional and alternative health care
delivery system
(g) To promote traditional and alternative health care in international and national
conventions, seminars and meetings
How to make Decoction
A decoction is an herbal preparation similar to an herbal infusion except that it is more
potent in its strength and therapeutic properties.

Preparation of decoction
Once the herb is soaked in warm water for some time, slowly raise the level of the
water to a height of about 3 cm, just above the top layer of herbs. Start boiling the mix
over a strong flame of fire and bring the mixture to boiling point. When the water starts
boiling, reduce the heat so that water temperature is reduced. Stew the mixture for
about 45 minutes while constantly stirring the contents. Once the boiling is over, strain
the mix to prepare fine looking decoction.

Tips on preparing herbal decoctions

• Making a good decoction takes some time and patience, and it also requires
techniques of considerable experience. Make sure that you seek an expert herbalist’s
opinions and advice before trying out this process.
• If possible, use the same herbs again the second time round so that you are
extracting the full contents of the herb.
• Never overcook the herbs because you may loose the precious therapeutic
properties of the herb.
• Burnt herbs are not be used for decoction purpose because they have insignificant
therapeutic values in them.

Herbal decoctions are excellent potions for treating many diseases and illnesses of
ordinary nature. With careful planning and by ensuring a hygienic process, you can
make a good herbal decoction that is not only beneficial to your body but also extremely
therapeutic in value.

10 Herbal Plants approved by the Department of Health

(L-U-B-B-Y S-A-N-T-A)

LAGUNDI (Vitex Negundo)

Dabtan (If.) Dangla (Ilk.) Kamalan (Tag.) Lagundi (Ibn., Tag., Bik., P. Bis.) Liñgei (Bon.) Limo-limo
(Ilk.) Sagarai (Bag.) Turagay (Bis.) Five-leaved chaste tree (Engl.) Huang Ching (Chin.) Agno-
casto (Spanish)
-Known in English as the 5-leaved chastre tree

-A shrub growing wild in vacant lots and waste land; matured branches are planted; the
flowers are blue and bell shaped; the small fruits turn black when ripe. It is better to
collect the leaves when are in bloom

-Can grow up to five meters tall. It can be described as a cross between a shrub and a
tree with a single woody stem (trunk). One of Lagundi's distinctive features is its pointed
leaves with five leaflets set like a hand.

-The roots of this shrub are also used as treatment for rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils,
and leprosy. The leaves, flowers, seeds, and root of Lagundi can all be used as herbal
medicine. A decoction is made by boiling the parts of the plant and taken orally. For its
part, the flowers are recommended as a cardiac tonic, as cure for liver diseases, and
other internal disorders such as diarrhea and cholera.

• Skin Diseases (dermatitis, scabies, ulcer, eczema) and wounds
-Lagundi plant has anti-inflammatory functions, and its cooling effects are ideal as
treatment for skin diseases
-prepare a decoction of the leaves
-wash and clean the skin/wounds with decoction
• Headache
-crushed leaves may be applied on the forehead
• Asthma, cough and fever
-Lagundi can prevent the body's production of leukotrienes, which are released
during an asthma attack.
-it contains Chrysoplenol D, a substance with anti-histamine and muscle relaxant
-it contains properties that make it an expectorant and it has been reported to
function as a tonic as well.
-boil chopped raw fruit or leaves in 2 glasses of water, left for 15 minutes until the
water left in only 1 glass (decoction)
-strain the following dosages of the decoction are given according to age group
• Rheumatism, sprain, contusions, insect bites
-pound the leaves and apply on affected part
• Aromatic bath for sick patient
-prepare leaf decoction for use in sick and newly delivered patient
• Dysentery, colds and pain in any part of the body as in influenza
-boil a handful of leaves and flowers in water to produce a glass full of decoction 3x
a day
ULASIMANG BATO (Peperonica Pellucida)

-Known in Tagalog as Pansit-Pansitan

-It is a small herb that grows from 1 to 1 1/2 feet. Pansit-pansitan can be found wild on
lightly shaded and damp areas such as nooks, walls, yards and even roofs. Pansit-
pansitan has heart shaped leaves, succulent stems with tiny flowers on a spike. When
matured, the small fruits bear one seed which fall of the ground and propagate.

• Lowers uric acid (Rheumatism and Gout)
-wash the leaves well; one and a half cup leaves are boiled in two glassfuls of water
over low fire. Do not cover pot. Cool and strain. Divide into 3 parts and drink each part
3x a day after meals
-may also be eaten as salad; wash the leaves well. Prepare one and a half cups of
leaves (not closely packed) divide into 3 parts and take as salad 3x a day
BAYABAS (Psidium Guajava)

Bagabas (Ig.) Gaiyabit (If.) Bayabas (Ilk., Tag.) Geyabas (Bon.) Bayabo (Ibn.) Guayabas (Tag.)
Bayauas (Bik., Pang.) Guyabas(Ilk., Tag.) Bayawas (Bik.) Kalimbahin (Tag.) Biabas (Sul.) Tayabas
(Tag.) Gaiyabat (If.) Guava (Engl.)

-Guava in English

-Is a small tree that can grow up to 4-5 meters high with greenish-brownish smooth
bark. The round globular bayabas fruit starts as a flower and is usually harvested and
eaten while still green. The fruit turns yellowish-green and soft when ripe.

- Is a tropical plant, which is locally known for its edible fruit; common in backyards;
propagation by seeds, budding, grafting, and marcotting; Root cuttings have been tried
with success.

-The bayabas fruit bark and leaves are used as herbal medicine. Its leaves decoction is
recognized for its effectiveness to cure several ailments, including the treatment of
uterine hemorrhage, swollenness of the legs and other parts of the body, of chronic
diarrhea, and gastroenteritis, among others.
-leaves are being used to aid in the treatment of dysentery and the inflammation of the
kidneys. The bark and leaves can be used as astringent. It can also be used as a wash
for uterine and vaginal problems, and is good for ulcers. The medicinal uses of Bayabas
appear infinite, as it is also a suggested natural cure for fevers, diabetes, epilepsy,
worms, and spasms. The fruit, aside from being delicious, contains nutritional values
with a very high concentration of vitamin A and vitamin C.

• Gargle and relieve toothache
-warm decoction is used for gargle
-freshly pounded leaves are used for toothache. Guava leaves are to be washed
well and chopped. Boil for 15 minutes at low fire. Do not cover pot. Cool and strain
before use
• Antiseptic (washing wounds)
- The fresh leaves are used to facilitate the healing of wounds and cuts. A decoction
(boiling in water) or infusion of fresh leaves can be used for wound cleaning to prevent
-Use as wound disinfectant - wash affected areas with the decoction of leaves 2 to 3
times a day. Fresh leaves may be applied to the wound directly for faster healing.
• Diarrhea
- boil the chopped leaves for 15 minutes in water, and strain. Let cool, and drink a
cup every three to four hours.
-may be taken 3-4 twice a week

BAWANG (Allium Sativum)

Ahos (Bis.) Bawang (Tag.) Bauang (Tag.) Garlic (Engl.) Nectar of the Gods (Engl.) Poor Man's Treacle
(Engl.) Hsiao Suan (Chin.) Stinking Rose (Engl.)

-popularly known as Garlic

-Is a low herb, which only grows up to sixty centimeters high. Bulbs are broadly ovoid, 2
to 4 cm in diameter, consisting of several, densely crowded, angular and truncated
tubers. Leaves are linear and flat. Umbels are globule, many flowered. Sepals are
oblong, greenish white, slightly tinged with purple.

- Commercially grown in Batangas, Nueva Ecija, Ilocos Norte, Mindoro, and Cotobato.

- Garlic’s antibacterial compound known as allicin. This property prevented the wounds
from being infected and developing into gangrene at a later stage by extracting the juice
of bawang or garlic and applying to the wounds.

-Its juices inhibit the growth of fungi and viruses thus, prevent viral, yeast, and
infections. Bad breath, due to the strong odor of garlic, is the most common side effect
of taking this herb.
• Headache
- cloves of garlic may be crushed and applied to affected areas to reduce the pain
-crush one clove and apply to both temples as poultice.
• Aids in lowering blood cholesterol, control of blood pressure and hypertension
- helps lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) in the blood
-may be fried, roasted, soaked in vinegar for 30 minutes, or blanched in boiled water
for 5 minutes. Take two pieces 3x a day after meals
-take on a full stomach to prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers
• Relives sore throat, toothache
-for sore throat and toothache, peal the skin and chew. Swallow the juice.
-pound a small piece and apply to affected part

YERBA (HERBA) BUENA (Mentha Cordifella)

Ablebana (If.) Herba buena (Tag.) Hilbas (Tag.) Hierba buena (Span.) Karabo (Surigao del Norte)
Menta Minta (Italy) Minze (Germany) Marsh mint (English) Mint, peppermint (Engl.) Po-ho (Chin.)

-Commonly known as Peppermint

-Is an herb of the mint family. It is an aromatic plant used as herbal medicine worldwide.
This perennial plant’s growth ranges from 0.6 meters to 1 meter. It has elongated leaves
and in summers, it bears small whitish or purplish flowers. Such flowers possess both
male and female organs that allow it to be pollinated by bees and animals of the same
nature. The word Yerba Buena is Spanish for "good herb"

-A decoction (boil leaves then strain) of Yerba Buena is effective for minor ailments
such as headaches, toothaches, and joint pains. It can also relive stomachaches due to
gas buildup and indigestion. The fresh and dried leaves can both be used for the
decoction. And because Yerba Buena belongs to the mint family, soaking fresh leaves
in a glass of water (30 to 45 minutes) makes a good and effective mouth wash for a
clean, fresh smelling breath.

-Yerba Buena is one of the 10 herbs endorsed by the Department of Health (DOH) as
an effective alternative medicine for aches and pains. It has been recognized for its
antiseptic, anti-cancer, diuretic, anti-spasm, anti-emetic activities. Properties of this
herbal plant are also found to function as stimulant and to have restorative effects.

(Co-Me-To-Pa-Rheu-N-I-P-S—Come to parheunips)
• Cough and Colds
-get about 10 fresh leaves and soak in a glass of hot water. Drink as a tea
-act as expectorant
• Menstrual pain and gas pain
-soak a handful of leaves in a glass of boiling water; drink infusion;
-it induces menstrual flow and sweating
• Toothache
-cut fresh plant and squeeze sap; soak a piece of cotton in the sap and insert this in
aching tooth cavity. Mouth should be rinsed by gargling salt solution before inserting
the cotton
-to prepare salt solution: add 5g of table salt to 1 glass of water
• Pain in different parts of the body as headache and stomachache
- Yerba buena leaves may be heated over fire and placed over the forehead for
-boil chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Cool and strain


Adult 6 tbsp 4 tbsp
7-12 yrs ½ tbsp

-divide decoction into 2 parts and drink one part every 3 hours
• Rheumatism, arthritis
-crush the fresh leaves and squeeze the sap. Massage sap on painful part with
• Nausea and fainting
-crush leaves and apply at nostrils of patients
• Insect bites
-crush leaves and apply juice on affected part or pound leaves until paste-like and
rub this on affected part
• Pruritus
-boil plant alone or with eucalyptus in water; use decoction as a wash on affected
• Swollen gums
-steep 6 gm of fresh plant in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes; use solution as
SAMBONG (Blumea Balsamifera)

Alibum (P. Bis.) Lakad-bulan (Bis., Sul.) Alimon (P. Bis.) Lalakdan (Bis.) Ayoban (Bis.) Lakdanbulan
(Bis.) Bukadkad (S. L. Bis.) Sambun (Sul.) Bukodkud (Bis.) Sambong (Tag.) Dalapot (C. Bis.) Sob-
sob (Ilk.)` Gabuen (Bis.) Subusub (Ilk.) a Gintin-gintin (Bis.) Subsob (Ilk.) Hamlibon (Bis.) Sobosob
(Ig.) Kaliban (Tagb.) Takamain (Bag.) Kalibura (Tagb.) Blumea camphor (Engl.) Kambibon (Bis.)
Ngai camphor (Engl.) Labulan (Sub.)

-Blumea Camphona in English

-The plant is a strongly aromatic herb that grows tall and erect. Its height ranges from
1.5 to 3 meters, with stems that grow for up to 2.5 centimeters.

- It functions as an astringent and as an expectorant, and has been found to be anti-

diarrhea and anti-spasm. As an astringent, preparations made of sambong leaves may
be used for wounds and cuts. It is also suggested to be incorporated to post-partum
baths, as well as considerable immersion of particular body areas that are afflicted with
pains caused by rheumatism. Its expectorant properties make it as a popular
recommendation to be taken in as tea to treat colds.

-It is an anti-urolithiasis and work as a diuretic. It is used to aid the treatment of kidney
disorders. The Sambong leaves can also be used to treat colds and mild hypertension.
Since it is a diuretic, this herbal medicine helps dispose of excess water and sodium
(salt) in the body.

-Sambong is not a medicine for kidney infection

• Anti-edema, diuretic, anti-urolithiasis
- Good as a diuretic agent
- Helps remove worms, boils
-boil chopped leaves in water for 15 minutes until one glassful remains. Cool and
Adult 4 tbsp 6 tbsp
7-12 yrs ½ tbsp of adult dose

-divide decoction in 3 parts. Drink one part 3x a day

AKAPULKO (Cassia Alata)

Adadisi (Ting.) Akapulko (Sul., Tag.) Ancharasi (Ig.) Andadisi (Ilk.) Andadasi-a-dadakdel (Ilk.)
Amdadasi-ñg-bugbugtong (Ilk.) Andalan (Sul.) Bayabasin (Tag.) Bikas-bikas (Tag.) a Buni-buni
(Bag.) a Gamotsa-buni (Tag.) Kapurko (Tag.) Kapis (Sub.) Katanda (Tag.) Kasitas (Bik., Bis.)
Pakagonkon (Tag.) Pakayomkom-kastila (Pamp.) Palo-china (Bis.) Sunting (C. Bis.) Sonting (Tag.)
Gelenggang Besar (Malaysia) Chumhet thet (Thailand) Emperor's candlesticks (Engl.) Guajava
(Engl.) Candle bush (Engl.) Candle cassia (Engl.) Candelabra bush (Engl.) Ringworm bush or shrub

-also known as Bayabas-Bayabasan in Tagalog and Ringworm Bush in English

-The shrub belongs to the family of Leguminosae, and grows about one to two meters
tall. It has thick branches and the leaves are embraced with 8 to 20 leaflets that are
oblong-elliptical in shape. The flowers of the Akapulko have oblong sepals, and its fruits
are tetragonal, which are also winged and glabrous.

-A medicinal herb that contains chrysophanic acid, a fungicide used to treat fungal
infections, like ringworms, scabies, and eczema. Akapulko also contains saponin, a
laxative that is useful in expelling intestinal parasites.
-The primary part used for herbal purposes are the leaves, although the roots and
flowers are also used for certain preparations with medicinal value. The extracts from
the Akapulko plant is commonly used as an ingredient for lotions, soaps, and

-It should be noted that the pounded leaves of this plant may be applied thinly on the
affected part twice a day. Marked improvement may be expected after two to three
weeks of continuous application to the affected area(s) where the prepared Akapulko
leaves were applied.
-A strong decoction of Akapulko leaves is an abortifacient. Pregnant women should not
take decoction of the leaves or any part of this plant.

• Anti-fungal infections: Tinea flava, ringworm, athlete’s foot and scabies
-Treatment of skin diseases: Tinea infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema,
scabies and itchiness.
-pound the leaves of the Akapulko plant, squeeze the juice and apply on affected
-fresh matured leaves are pounded; apply as soap to affected part 1-2 times a day
-The pounded leaves of Akapulko has purgative functions, specifically against

NIYOG-NIYOGAN (Quisqualis Indica)

Balitadham (BIS.) Tañgulo (Bik.) Bawe-bawe (Pamp.) Tartaraok (Bik., Ilk.) Bonor (P. Bis.) Tartarau
(Iloko) Kasumbal (Bik.) Taungon (Manobo) Pinion (Bis.) Tangolan (Tag.) Piñones (C. Bis., Spanish)
Tontoraok (Tag.) Tagarau (Tag.) Burma Creeper (Engl.) Tagulo (Tag.) Chinese honeysuckle (Engl.)
Talulong; (Ibn.) Liane Vermifuge (Engl.) Talulung (Ibn.) Rangoon creeper (Engl.) Tanglon (Bik.)
Shih-chun-tzu (Chin.) Tangolo (Tag., Bik.) Yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Engl.)

-Is a vine known as Chinese Honey Suckle

-It grows at least 2.5m long and reaches up to 8m long when it matures. This active
climber, which belongs to the combretaceae family grows best in tropical areas

-This vine starts as a shrub about 3-feet tall with branches growing from all directions.
The mother shrub seizes to grow and dies after six months allowing the creeper to
rapidly climb walls, trees, and the like. The branches of niyog-niyogan are filled with
oblong-shaped leaves growing on opposite sides attached to 6mm to 10mm long
petioles. The leaves of niyog-niyogan can grow up to 15cm long and more than 5cm
wide with a pointed tip. Its flowers grow in clusters and it blossoms year-round. Its
flowers open at night with five bright red petals and gives out a distinct perfume. The
young flowers of niyog-niyogan start with white-colored petals that turn pink then red as
it matures. It also bears fruits, which can grow up to 3cm long with five angles on its

-Almost all of its parts are used individually, or mixed with other ingredients, as remedy
to different ailments. These are taken to rid people of parasitic worms. Some also use
these to help alleviate coughs and diarrhea.
Niyog-niyogan’s leaves are used to cure body pains by placing them on specific
problematic areas of the body. Seeds of niyog-niyogan can be taken as an anthelmintic.
Decoctions of its roots are also sometimes used as a remedy for rheumatism while its
fruits are used as an effective way to relieve toothaches.

• Anti-Helminthic
-use to expel round worm ascariasis; the seeds are taken 2 hours after supper
-if no worms are expelled, the dose may be repeated after 1 week

Adult 8-10 seeds
7-12 yrs 6-7 seeds
6-8 yrs 5-6 seeds
4-5 yrs 4-5 seeds

-should not be given to children below 4 years old

TSAANG-GUBAT (Carmona Retusa)

Alangit (Bis.) Kalamoga (Tag.) .Alangitngit (Tag., Bis.) Kalimomog (Tag.) Balingsaa (C. Bis.)
Kalimumog (Tag.) Buntatai (P. Bis.) Mangit (Tag., Bis.) Buyo-buyo (Sul.) Mara-mara (Bis., S.L. Bis.)
Buyok-buyok (Sul.) Maratia (Ibn.) Cha (Tag.) Mura-mara (P. Bis.) Chaang-bundok (Tag.) Palupo
(Iv.) Chaang-gubat (Tag.) Putputai (Bik.) Gari (Bag.) Santing (Sul.) Icha-nga-atap (Ilk.) Tsa (Tag.)
Icha-ti-bakir (Ilk.) Fukien tea tree (Engl.) Itsa (Ilk.) Scorpionbush (Engl.) Wild tea (Engl.)

-Tsaang Gubat is a shrub (small tree) that grows (from 1 to 5 meters) abundantly in the
Philippines. In folkloric medicine, the leaves has been used as a disinfectant wash
during child birth, as cure for diarrhea, as tea for general good heath and because
Tsaang Gubat has high fluoride content, it is used as a mouth gargle for preventing
tooth decay.

• Stomachache
-wash leaves and chop; boil chopped leaves in 1 glass of water for 15 minutes. Cool
and filter/strain and drink


Adult 2 tbsp 3 tbsp
7-12 yrs 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbsp

• Used as mouthwash
-since the leaves of this shrub has high fluoride content
-gargle for stronger teeth and prevent cavities.
• Diarrhea
-effective for treating intestinal motility
-boil the following amount of chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes or
until amount of water goes down to 1 glass. Cool and strain


Adult 10 tbsp 12 tbsp
7-12 yrs 5 tbsp 6 tbsp
2-6 yrs 2 ½ tbsp 3 tbsp

-divide decoction into 4 parts. Let patient drink 1 part every 3 hours
AMPALAYA (Mamordica Charantia)

Amargoso (Span.) Palia (Bis., Bon., If.) Ampalaya (Tag.) Pariu (Bik., Ilk., Sul.) Ampalia (Tag.) Pulia
(Sub.) Apalaya (Tag.) Saligun (Sul.,) Apalia (Pamp.) Balsam apple, balsam pear (Engl.) Apape (Ibn.)
African cucumber (Engl.) Apapet (Itn.) Tuberculated momordica (Engl.) Margoso (Tag.) Bitter gourd

-Known as Bitter Gourd or Bitter Melon in English

-Is a climbing vine and the tendrils of which grow up to 20 centimeters long. This herbal
plant belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae, and it is a tropical as well as a subtropical
vine. Ampalaya leaves are heart-shaped, which are 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter.
The fruits of the ampalaya vine are fleshy green with pointed ends at length.The bitter
taste of the ampalaya fruit had also been the distinguishing factor from the rest of the
fruits with medicinal value, and this is due to the presence of a substance known as

-The Philippine variety has proven to be most potent. Ampalaya contains a mixture of
flavanoids and alkaloids make the Pancreas produce more insulin that controls the
blood sugar in diabetics. Aside from Ampalaya's medicinal value, it is good source of
vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium.

• Aids in lowering blood sugar levels
• Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (Mild Non-Insulin Dependent)
-gather and wash young leaves very well. Chop. Boil 6 tablespoons in 2 glassfuls of
water for 15 minutes under low fire. Do not cover pot. Cool and strain. Take 1/3 cup 3x
a day after meals
Summary of the uses of 10 herbal plants approved by DOH


(L-U-B-B-Y S-A-N-T-A)
Lagundi (S-H-A-R-A-D)
Skin diseases and wounds, Headache, Asthma, cough
and fever, Rheumatism, Aromatic bath for sick patients,
Ulasimang Bato Lowers uric acid
Bayabas (G-A-D)
Gargle and relieve toothache, Antiseptic, Diarrhea
Bawang (H-A-R)
Headache, Aids in lowering blood cholesterol, control of
blood pressure and hypertension, Relieve sore throat,
Yerba Buena (Co-Me-To-Pa-Rheu-N-I-P-S—Come to parheunips)
Cough and Colds, Menstrual pain and gas pain,
Toothache, Pain in different parts of the body as headache
and stomachache, Rheumatism, arthritis, Nausea and
fainting, Insect bites, Pruritus, Swollen gums
Sambong (A-D-A)
Anti-edema, Diuretic, Anti-urolithiasis
Akapulko Anti-fungal infections
Niyog-Niyogan Anti-Helminthic
Tsaang-Gubat (S-U-D)
Stomachache, Used as mouthwash, Diarrhea
Ampalaya (A-T)
Aids in lowering blood sugar levels, Treatment of Diabetes
Mellitus (Mild Non-Insulin Dependent)

For toothache: Bawang
For diarrhea: Tsaang gubat

Tips on Handling Medicinal Plants/Herbs

• Medicinal parts of plants are best harvested on sunny mornings. Avoid picking
leaves, fruits or nuts during and after heavy rainfall.
• Avoid the use of insecticides as these may leave poison on plants
• Leaves, fruits, flowers or nuts must be mature before harvesting. Less medicinal
substances are found on young parts.
• After harvesting, if drying is required, it is advisable to dry the plant parts either in the
oven or air-dried on screens above ground and never on concrete floors.
• Store plant parts in sealed plastic bags or brown bottles in a cool dry place without
sunlight preferably with a moisture absorbent material like charcoal. Leaves and other
plant parts that are prepared properly, well-dried and stored can be used up to six

Tips on Preparation for Intake of Herbal Medicines

• Use only half the dosage prescribed for fresh parts like leaves when using dried
• Do not use stainless steel utensils when boiling decoctions. Only use earthen,
enameled, glass or alike utensils.
• As a rule of thumb, when boiling leaves and other plant parts, do not cover the pot,
and boil in low flame.
• Decoctions loose potency after some time. Dispose of decoctions after one day. To
keep fresh during the day, keep lukewarm in a flask or thermos.
• Always consult with a doctor if symptoms persist or if any sign of allergic reaction

Reminders on the Use of Herbal Medicines

• Use only one kind of herbal plant for each type of symptoms or sickness
• Use only the part of the plant being advocated
• Follow accurate dose of suggested preparation
• Stop giving the herbal medication in case untoward reaction such as allergy occurs
• If signs and symptoms are not relieved after 2 or 3 doses of herbal medication,
consult a doctor

Other Herbal Plants

LUYANG DILAW (Zingiber officinale)

Agat (Pamp., Pang.) Baseng (Ilk.) Gengibre (Span.) Laial (Sbl.) Laiya (If.) Laya (Ilk., Bon., Ibn.,
It.) Luy-a (Bis.) Luya (Tag.) Chiang-t'i (Chin.) Ginger (Engl.)

-Luyang Dilaw, or Ginger Root belongs to the family of, as its scientific name signifies,
Zingiberaceae. The rootstocks of this erect, smooth plant are thick, and have strong
aromatic qualities. Its edible roots, tops, and even its leaves are found to have medicinal
value. The taste of luyang dilaw is distinct, brought about by the zingerone and shogoal
substances that it has, giving the plant its pungent properties. As an herbal medicine,
Luyang Dilaw has long been used as a cold, cough, fever, and sore throat remedy.

-Ginger helps in the digestion and absorption of food, lowering of cholesterol, alleviating
nausea and vomiting. Luyang dilaw has antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-
inflammatory properties as well. In the same way, it has been found to contain potent
anti-oxidant qualities, which come from the extract and active constituents of the plant.

-The rhizomes of luyang dilaw is mainly associated as the main ingredient in a very
popular local beverage, which is salabat.

-Pregnant women should take precautionary measures in taking luyang dilaw for
medicinal purposes although it has been proven that none of the plant’s substances
triggers adverse side effects, even when it interacts with other drugs. This herbal plant
is not recommended for expectant mothers for the very reason that there is a possibility
of inhibition of testosterones that binds the fetus, as a result of some of the properties
that luyang dilaw contains.

• Prevent hair loss
-Pound an inch square of ginger and extract the juice. Massage the fresh ginger
juice directly on to the scalp and leave on for at least 15 minutes before rinsing, but for
best results, leave on overnight to better stimulate the hair follicles and induce hair
• Ease nausea and vomiting
-luyang dilaw had been found with traces of antiemetic properties.
-to be taken half an hour before one’s travel to avoid being travelsick and experience
nausea during the voyage.
• Relieve indigestion (dyspepsia)
• Relieves rheumatic pains & muscle pains
-for rheumatism and muscle pains, pound roasted or fresh ginger and apply to
painful areas -can be mixed with oil for easy application.
• Alleviates sore throat, fever and colds
-Sore throat and hoarseness: Take warm decoction of the rhizome as ginger tea
(salabat) or chew a small piece of rhizome.
-Boil the ginger root in water and drink. The more concentrated the better.
-remove the skin and chew small portions.

• Ginger tea preparation (the Chinese way)
-Bring one cup of water to boil.
-Add one teaspoon of the roasted (parched and browned) rice and a small piece of
ginger root.
-Boil for one minute. Let stand to cool for drinking.
• Ginger lozenges
-Wash and peel the ginger, then mince.
-Spread and air-dry for a day or oven-dry at 250 C.
-Grind and strain the dried ginger.
-In a mortar, mix 1 cup ground ginger and 1 cup confectioner's sugar.
-Pound and mix while gradually adding water until a pulp is formed.
-Level the pulp on a board lined with wax paper.
-Using a mold, make balls from the pulp and wrap each lozenge in aluminum foil.

TANGLAD (Andropogon citratus DC)

-Tanglad or lemon grass is a commercially-viable plant that is cultivated mainly for the
fragrance that it produces.

-Tufted and perennial grass. Leaves grow to a length of up to 1 meter, about 1-1.5 cm
wide, scabrous, flate, long-acuminate, and smooth. Panicles0 are 30-80 cm long, with
nodding branches and branchlets. Spikelet are linear-lanceolate and pointed, about 6
mm long.

-It is a popular ingredient in herbal teas and herbal soaps. It is used to aid digestion, for
stomach problems and to reduce fevers.

-Tanglad helps ease stomach discomforts and aids in lessening, if not totally curing, the
pain caused by toothache and sprain. Lemon grass also displays anti-bacterial activities
and anti-fungal properties, thus, eradicates ring worms.

-The lemon grass plant may also serve as an insect repellant, particularly of
mosquitoes. One can achieve an effect to this end either by applying liniment, or by
placing crushed Tanglad leaves in strategic places at home including the window sills. It
is also an option to plant Tanglad around the house so that placement of crushed
leaves would no longer be needed.

-Is the calming effect derived from its scent. Thus, lemon grass can aid an individual if
such person is suffering from insomnia or stress.
-The plant also has therapeutic value, which allows it to be used by women who are
suffering from menstrual problems or dysmenorrhea, and from usual bouts of nausea.

-Tanglad also has cleansing properties, which makes it a good option to detoxify the
various internal organs, like the liver. Lemon grass reduces the level of uric acid and of
other toxins, as it detoxifies the body. This can result to better blood circulation and
better digestion, as excess fats and cholesterol are cut down from the body.

•Tanglad Liniment
-Chopping four ounces of the leaves and roots of tanglad and boiling them, along
with fresh coconut oil.
•Tanglad Infusion
-Use one pint of water to boil the tanglad leaves with

SABILA (Aloe barbadensis miller liquid)

Acibar (Span.) Dilang-boaia (Bik.) Dilang buaya (Bik.) Dilang-halo (Bis.) Penca sabila (Spanish)
Sabila (Tag.) Sabila pinya (Tag.) Barbados aloe (Engl.) Aloe vera (English)

-Sabila or Aloe Vera is an herb, which is known mainly for its cosmetic functions.
- Herb 30 to 40 cm high; leaves arising from the ground, smooth, thick, fleshy,
mucilagenous, succulent, narrow-lanceolate, 20 to 50 cm long, 5 to 8 cm wide, tapering,
light green with white blotches, spiny-toothed margins; flowering stalk erect, usually
twice the height of the plant; flowers yellow, 2 to 3 cm long.

-Preparations made with aloe vera as the primary ingredient have been effective in
reducing pain and allergies. In the same way, some of its properties are responsible for
cell regeneration that causes close cuts and hemorrhages to heal easily and more

-Its purgative properties, brought about by the existence of six antiseptic agent
substances in the plant (that is, cinnamic acid, lupeol, sulphur, salicylic acid, phenol and
urea nitrogen), make it ideal in eradicating parasites, harmful bacteria, and fungi in the
intestinal tracts.
-Sabila can be used externally for the treatment of acne, pimple burns, insect bites, and
for moisturizing and hydrating the skin.

-The herbal properties of Sabila is able to penetrate the inner parts of the body, and
specifically targets joints, tendons, and muscles, and helps in the promotion and growth
of new tissues.

-Aloe vera or Sabila contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin C, choline, niacin amide and
18 amino acids. Aloe Vera is also an anti-oxidant in which, it prevents oxidation of
certain fats and gene cells, preventing ailing conditions like tumors and cancers. Since it
is an anti-oxidant, it has anti-aging properties. It also reduces free radicals, which can
damage the arteries.

• Treatment of acne, pimples & psoriasis
-for treatment of acne, pimple, remove the skin of a leaf then rub Sabila (Aloe Vera)
juice on your skin (may be mixed with coconut oil) and leave for at least 30 minutes.
• Alopecia and falling hair
-Remove spines, cut leaves and rub directly on the scalp. The juice of fresh leave
may be mixed with gogo and used as a shampoo.

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