Chemistry Investigatory Project Rate of Evaporation of Different Liquids

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Topic Page no.

€ Certificate of authenticity 1
€ Acknowledgement 2
€ Objective of project 3
€ Introduction 3
€ Factors influencing rate of Evaporation 4
€ Application 5
€ Theory 5
€ Experiment no.1 7
€ Experiment no.2 8
€ Experiment no.3 9
€ Experiment no.4 10
€ Bibliography 11
1  Chemistry project 

Certificate of Authenticity

This is to certify that “Parvez Hassan Ansari”a

student of class 11th ‘A’ has successfully completed the
research project on the topic “Rate of Evaporation of
Different Liquids” under the guidance of

This project is absolutely genuine and does not

indulge in plagiarism of any kind. The references
taken in making this project have been declared at
the end of this project.

Signature (subject teacher) Signature (examiner)


2  Chemistry project 

I feel proud to present my investigatory project in chemistry on
the “Rate of Evaporation of Different Liquids”.
This project would not have been feasible without the proper
rigorous guidance of chemistry teacher Mr.R.N.Chauhan who
guided me throughout this project in every possible way. An
investigatory project involves various difficult lab experiments,
which have to obtain the observations and conclude the reports
on a meaningful note. These experiments are very critical and
in the case of failure may result in disastrous consequences.
Thereby, I would like to thanks both Mr.R.N.Chauhan and lab
assistant Mr.Damoder for guiding me on a systematic basis
and ensuring that in completed all my experiments with ease.
Rigorous hard work has put in this project to ensure that it
proves to be the best. I hope that it proves to be the best. I hope that
this project will prove to be a breeding ground for the next
generation of students and will guide them in every possible


3  Chemistry project 

Rate of Evaporation of Different Liquids

Objective of the Project
In this project, we shall investigate various factors such as nature of liquid, surface
of liquid and temperature and find their correlation with the rate of evaporation of
different liquids.

When liquid is placed in an open vessel. It slowly escapes into gaseous phase eventually leaving
the vessel empty. This phenomenon is known as vaporization or evaporation. Evaporation of
liquids can be explained in the terms of kinetic molecular model although there are strong
molecular attractive forces which hold molecules together. The molecules having sufficient kinetic
energy can escape into gaseous phase. If such molecules happen to come near the surface in a
sample of liquid all the molecules do not have same kinetic energy. There is a small fraction of
molecules which have enough kinetic energy to overcome the attractive forces and escapes into
gaseous phase.

Evaporation causes cooling. This is due to the reason that the molecules which undergo
evaporation have high kinetic energy therefore the kinetic energy of the molecules which are left
behind is less.

Since the remaining molecules which are left have lower average kinetic energy. Therefore
temperature is kept constant the remaining liquid will have same distribution of the molecular
kinetic energy and high molecular energy will kept one escaping from liquid into gaseous phase of
the liquid is taken in an open vessel evaporation will continue until whole of the liquid evaporates.  

Evaporation is an essential part of the water cycle. Solar energy drives evaporation of
water from oceans, lakes, moisture in the soil, and other sources of water. In
hydrology, evaporation and transpiration (which involves evaporation within plant
stomata) are collectively termed evapotranspiration. Evaporation is caused when
water is exposed to air and the liquid molecules turn into water vapor which rises up
and forms clouds.


4  Chemistry project 

Factors influencing rate of

1. Concentration of the substance evaporating in the air. If the air
Already has a high concentration of the substance evaporating, then the given
substance will evaporate more slowly.

2. Concentration of other substances in the air. If the air is already

saturated with other substances, it can have a lower capacity forth substance
3. Temperature of the substance. If the substance is hotter, then evaporation will
be faster.

4. Flow rate of air. This is in part related to the concentration points above. If
fresh air is moving over the substance all the time, then the concentration of the
substance in the air is less likely to go up with time, thus encouraging faster
evaporation. In addition, molecules in motion have more energy than those at rest,
and so the stronger the flow of air, the greater the evaporating power of the air

5. Inter-molecular forces. The stronger the forces keeping the molecules

together in the liquid or solid state the more energy that must be input in order to
evaporate them.

6. Surface area and temperature. The rate of evaporation of liquids varies

directly with temperature. With the increase in the temperature, fraction of
molecules having sufficient kinetic energy to escape out from the surface also
increases. Thus with the increase in temperature rate of evaporation also
Molecules that escape the surface of the liquids constitute the evaporation.
Therefore larger surface area contributes accelerating evaporation.


5  Chemistry project 
6. Nature of Liquids. The magnitude of inter-molecular forces of attraction in
liquid determines the speed of evaporation. Weaker the inter-molecular forces of
attraction larger are the extent of evaporation. In diethyl ether rate of evaporation
is greater than that of ethyl alcohol.

7. Composition of Environment. The rate of evaporation of liquids depends

upon the flow of air currents above the surface of the liquid. Air current flowing
over the surface of the liquid took away the molecules of the substance in vapour
state thereby preventing condensation.

8. Density. The higher the density, the slower a liquid evaporates. In the US, the
National Weather Service measures the actual rate of evaporation from a
standardized "pan" open water surface outdoors, at various locations nationwide.
Others do likewise around the world. The US data is collected and compiled into
an annual evaporation map. The measurements range from under 30 to over
the120 inches (3,000 mm) per year.

9. Pressure. In an area of less pressure, evaporation happens faster because

there is less exertion on the surface keeping the molecules from launching


6  Chemistry project 

When clothes are hung on a laundry line, even though the ambient temperature is
below the boiling point of water, water evaporates. This is accelerated by factors
such as low humidity, heat (from the sun), and wind. In a clothes dryer hot air is
blown through the clothes, allowing water to evaporate very rapidly.

For molecules of a liquid to evaporate, they must be located near the surface, be
moving in the proper direction, and have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome
liquid-phase intermolecular forces. Only a small proportion of the molecules meet
these criteria, so the rate of evaporation is limited. Since the kinetic energy of a
molecule is proportional to its temperature, evaporation proceeds more quickly at
higher temperatures. As the faster-moving molecules escape, the remaining
molecules have lower average kinetic energy, and the temperature of the liquid
thus decreases. This phenomenon is also called evaporative cooling. This is why
evaporating sweat cools the human body. Evaporation also tends to proceed more
quickly with higher flow rates between the gaseous and liquid phase and in
liquids with higher vapor pressure. For example, laundry on a clothes line will dry
(by evaporation) more rapidly on a windy day than on a still day. Three key parts
to evaporation are heat, humidity and air movement.

Evaporative equilibrium:-

Vapor pressure of water vs. temperature. 760 Torr = 1 atm.


7  Chemistry projeect 
If evaporati
e ion takes place in a closed vessel,
v th
he escapinng molecu ules accum mulate ass
a vapor
v aboove the liqquid. Manny of the moleculess return tot the liqu uid, with
retturning molecules
m becomingg more frrequent as the den nsity and pressure of the
vappor increaases. When the prrocess of escape
e an
nd return reaches an a equilibbrium,
thee vapor iss said to be
b "saturaated," andd no furthher chang ge in either vapor pressure
and density y or liquidd temperaature willl occur. For a systeem consissting of vaapor and
liquid of a pure
p subsstance, this equilib
brium sta ate is directly relatted to the vapor
preessure of the substtance, as given by the Clau usius-Clap peyron reelation:

Whhere P1, P2 are the e vapor prressures at

a temperratures T1, T2 resp pectively, ΔHvap is
thee enthalppy of vapoorization, and R is the univeersal gas constantt. The rate of
evaaporationn in an oppen systemm is relatted to thee vapor prressure foound in a closed
sysstem. If a liquid is heated, when
w thee vapor prressure reeaches thhe ambien nt
preessure the liquid will
w boil.

Thhe ability for a mollecule of a liquid too evapora

ate is larg
gely basedd on the amount
of kinetic
k en
nergy an individua al particlee may posssess. Evven at low
wer tempeeratures,
dividual molecules
m s of a liqu
uid can evvaporate ifi they haave more than the
minimum amount
a off kinetic energy
e required foor vaporizzation.

Buut vaporizzation is not

n only the t processs of a change of sttate from m liquid too gas but
it is
i also a change
c off state froom a solid
d to gas. This
T proceess is alsoo known as
subblimationn but can also be known
k as vaporization.


8  Chemistry project 

Experiment no. 1
Aim: To compare the rates of evaporation of acetone, benzene and chloroform.

Requirement: Three same size Petri dishes of diameter 10 cm, 10 ml. pipettes, stop
watch, acetone benzene and chloroform.


1. Clean and dry all Petri dishes and identify them as A, B and C.

2. Pipette out of 10 ml. acetone in Petri dish "A" with stopper similarly pipette out of
10 ml. of benzene and chloroform in each of Petri "B" and "C".

3. Remove the cover plates from all Petri dishes and start the stop watch.

4. Let the Petri dishes remain exposed for 10 minute. Now cover each of the Petri
dish and note the volume of remaining material in them.

Observation: Time: 10 min. = 600 Sec.

Petri dishes Liquid Taken Vol. Evap.
remaining (V2) Rate (V/T) ml./s
Marked (V1) ml. V=V1–V2
A 10 2 8 8/600=0.0133
B 10 3 7 7/600=0.0116
C 10 4 6 6/600=0.010

Results: Rate of evaporation of Acetone is 0.0133 ml/s.

Rate of evaporation of Benzene is 0.0166 ml/s.

Rate of evaporation of Chloroform is 0.010 ml/s.


The intermolecular forces of acetone, benzene and chloroform are in order.

Chloroform > Benzene > Acetone.


9  Chemistry project 

Experiment no. 2
Aim: To study the effect of surface area on the rate of evaporation of diethyl ether.

Requirement: Three Petri dishes of diameter 2.5 cm, 5 cm, 7.5 cm. with cover 10 ml. of pipette
and stop watch.


1. Clean and dry all Petri dishes and mark them as A, B and C.

2. Pipette out of 10 ml. diethyl ether in each of the Petri dishes A, B and C and cover them

3. Uncover all three Petri dishes and start the stop watch.

4. Note the remaining volume after 10 min. vaporization of diethyl ether from each Petri dish.

Time: 10 min. = 600 Sec.
Petri dishes Diameter of Volume Taken Remaining Vol. Evaporated
Marked P.T.Ds. (ml.) (ml.) volume
A 2.5 10 4 6
B 5.0 10 2 8
C 7.5 10 0 10

Results: The order of evaporation of acetone in three Petri dishes as 7.5 > 5.0 > 2.5 cm.

Conclusion: Larger the surface area more is evaporation.


10  Chemistry project 

Experiment no. 3
Aim: To study the effect of temperature on the rate of evaporation of acetone.

Requirement: Two Petri dishes of 5 cm. diameter each stop watch, 10 ml. pipette,
thermometer and thermostat.


1. Wash and Clean, dry the Petri dishes and mark them as A, B.

2. Pipette out of 10 ml. of acetone to each of Petri dishes A and B and cover them.

3. Put one Petri dish at room temperature and to the other heat for same time.

4. Note the reading.


Time: 10 min. = 600 Sec.

Petri dishes Temperature Volume Taken Evaporated

Time (Sec.)
Marked (0C) (ml.) volume (ml.)
A 10 30 10 10

B 20 40 10 10

Results: The order of evaporation of acetone in two Petri dishes as given

Room Temperature < Heating.

Conclusion: Observation clearly shows that the evaporation increases with


11  Chemistry project 

Experiment no. 4
Aim: To study the effect of air current on the rate of evaporation of acetone.

Requirement: Two Petri dishes acetone.


1. Clean and dry the Petri dishes and mark them as A and B.

2. Keep one dish where no air current and other under a fast air current.

3. Note the reading.


• Initial Volume 10 ml. of Acetone.

Petri dishes volume

Conditions Time (Sec.)
Marked Evaporated (ml.)
A With fan 40 10
B without fan 50 10

Results: The order of evaporation of acetone in two Petri dishes as given

With fan > Without Fan.

Conclusion: The rate of evaporation of liquid increases with the increase in

rate of flow of air current.

12  Chemistry project 


€ Comprehensive practical book of 11th


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