Ice Factory
Ice Factory
Ice Factory
Almighty ALLAH is the entire source of knowledge and wisdom endowed to mankind
and His dearest Nabi, MUHAMMAD (PBUH) is a torch of guidance and knowledge for
humanity as a whole.
Everyone has a long list of individuals to whom he is indebted. We are no exception. We are
firstly, with humble gratitude bow our heads before Almighty ALLAH for giving us strength,
courage, patience and inspiration, and enable us to complete this project. To work for this
project, was a difficult task, because it is about
Ice Manufacturing
We acknowledge with thanks and admiration, our dependence on all of our respondents on
their nice co-operation and giving us their loyal time. We feel Great pleasure and honors to
express our gratitude from the citadel of hearts to our respected and dignified instructor
Without whose guidance it would have been difficult for us to achieve
Our objectives He provide us, his in-depth approach of the subject
Project Management
And taught us a lot of tell analysis techniques which we have applied during data analysis. His
sympathetic behavior has an ever lasting impression on the page of our memory.
2 Introduction 11
3 Market Analysis 11
5 Personnel Analysis 18
The Project:
Most of areas of Pakistan have long duration of summer due to
which demand for ice is high for more than six months of the
year. As Pakistan is a developing country and large portion of the
population cannot afford refrigerators for domestic use. Another
growing market for ice plants are industries linked to food
products i.e. fish, dairy, bakeries, restaurants etc. With this
growing demand a large number of ice plants are operating in the
The basic raw material required for producing ice blocks is water,
common salt. These raw materials are readily available in the
local market. Replenishments needed during maintenance are
ammonia gas and compressor oil.
Machinery Requirements:
Name of civil contractors:
Machinery Suppliers:
Project Engineering:
Means of Finance:
Implementation Schedule:
Financial Ratios:
1) Market Analysis
Target Customers:
The target customers for ice plant can be divided into two categories:
Domestic users, such as people living in rural areas & suburbs of cities, where access to
refrigerators is difficult due to lower purchasing power.
Second category is institutional buyers, who buy in bulk, such as government
organizations, factories, hotels, restaurants, bakeries, fish sellers, dairy plants etc.
Description of Market:
Institutional buyers sell the bulk of the ice block production, in institutions related to food
industry. Business sectors, which utilize ice in the country, include the following:
For the protection of fish, Meat and also for Dairy Plants.
Other potential institutional buyers of ice are bakeries, confectioners, hotels which buy ice
blocks in bulk. There are approximately 70 different leading chain bakeries in different cities
of Pakistan, while approximately 145 fish retail outlets are operating in different major cities
of Pakistan, while more than 520 motels and hotels are operating in different areas of Pakistan.
Present Demand:
In market our productions demand is maximum 150 ice blocks per day.
Ex-factory price:
Our whole sale price is Rs. 180 per ice block
Retail price:
Our retail price is Rs. 200 per ice block.
Distribution Channal:
Ice blocks are supplied to supplier through vegans.
2) Technical Analysis:
Block ice is the most popular type of ice sold for a variety of
reasons. It melts more slowly than other types of ice and thus lasts longer. It can be placed in
open truck with only a tarpaulin to protect it from the elements and shipped to a location of
four hours away.
Its rectangular shape makes it easy to stack of up to 15 meters and store large amounts. Block
ice has merits of easy to transport and separate as well. Other types of ice have the tendency to
freeze into a solid mass, making it difficult to work with.
Manufacturing Process:
Cleaning of Sheet
Steel Ice Containers
Placing of Containers
in Water Tank
containing Nacl
Flow Chart:
Ice cans are placed in can grids and moved to beneath the filling tank which automatically fills
each can with proper level of pre-cooled water and then stop. Potable water must be used to
make ice intended for human consumption.
The cans are then hoisted and carried to the brine tank and immersed inside. The brine, which
is a calcium chloride solution kept at a temperature of -10, is constantly circulated by
agitator in order to keep the temperature consistent throughout the tank.
Air is blown into the center of the can to induce a swirling motion. This causes any impurities
and air bubbles in the water to be collected in the center of cans. Prior to finish freezing, this
core is removed by a suction pump and replaced with fresh pre-cooled water.
The time required for the water to be frozen varies according to the size of cans being used,
150lbs. block requires 24 hours, 300 lbs. Takes 48 hours.
When the ice has completely formed, the grids are lifted up from the brine tank and moved to
place in the thawing tank. Using the warm water heats the can, until the ice allowed to be slid
out. The block ice is then removed from the can by a can dumper.
The empty cans are returned to filling tank for next ice making cycle. The ice is moved to ice
storage and stacked by an ice stacker, or it can be delivered to customer right away upon
List of Machinery:
Description ty Cost/Unit TOTAL
Condenser Raw
water pump
Other Equipment
Office Vehicle
Input Requirement:
The basic raw material required for producing ice blocks is water, common salt. These raw
materials are readily available in the local market. Replenishments needed during maintenance
are ammonia gas and compressor oil.
Raw Material
Factory overhead:
Technology involved:
Technology/Process Options
The machinery used for the ice plant is local. It includes compressor, condenser, water tank
suitable for 250-300 ice cans, brine agitator, accumulator for parallel supply of ammonia, crane
and trolley, oil separator, ice cans of size 11 x 22 x 48, electric motor 75 HP etc.
The local machinery is readily available in the market at a very reasonable price. One of the
Benefits of using locally manufactured machinery is availability of spare parts and its easier to
Find operators to operate these machines.
Machine Maintenance
The maintenance process starts after mid of October. Normally, it takes one month for the
overhauling of plant, during which the plant is closed for one month.
3) Personnel analysis:
Factory staff:
4) Financial analysis:
Cost of Project
Total Capital Expenditure 10,511,478 0 8
Working Capital
Cash 200,000 0 200,000
Raw Material Inventory 67,700 0 67,700
Equipment Spare parts
Inventory 7,000 0 7,000
Means of Finance:
Sponsors stake:
B) Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 0
Total Current Liabilities: 0
Assets 274700 2480799 4687014 7469868
Land Cost 4000000 4000000 4000000 4000000
Building & Infrastructure 1672000 1504800 1337600 1170400
Total Fixed
Assets 10077650 9304693 8586125 7867558
Pre-Operational Costs 433828 390445 347063 303680
Total Intangible Assets 433828 390445 347063 303680
Long-term Liabilities 4314471 3235853 2157236 1078618
Total Long-term Liab.: 4314471 3235853 2157236 1078618
Paid-up Capital 6471706.98 6471707 6471707 6471707
Retained Earnings 1929067 4451950 7551471
Total Equity: 6471706.98 8400774 10923657 14023178
For the year ending Sept. 30, 2010 2011 2012 2013
Operating activities
Net profit 2572090 3363843 4132695
Add: Depreciation expense 711798 711798 711798
Amortization of pre-operating
costs 43383 43383 43383
Other Resources 0 0 0
Accounts payable 0 0 0
equity 4314471
Long term Loan 6471707
Total 10786178 3327270 4119024 4887875
Fixed Asset 10077650
Priliminary Exp. 433828
Long term Loan 539309 1078618 1078618
Repayment of:.
Financial Exp. 643022.4738 840961 1033173.745
Profit Distribute
Inc/(dec) in A/R 0
Total 10511478 1182331 1919579 2111792
Cash inflow / Outflow 274700 2144939 2199445 2776084
Balance Opening 274700 2419639 4619084
Balance Closing 274700 2419639 4619084 7395168
Habib Bank
Name of the Bank Limited
Amount of loan 4,314,471
Date of sanction of loan 1/1/2009
Date of disbursement of
loan 3/31/2009
Payment of mark Quarterly
up/profit/interest Installments
Half Yearly six months
Payment of participle after the commercial
amount production
Rate of mark
up/profit/interest 20%
Period/Tenor of loan 4
Date of Commercial
production 3/31/2010
Date of Repayment of
Principal 6/30/2010
Due No. of Amount Principle Total Outstanding
Dates Days of mark up Installment Installment Principle
6/30/2009 0 4,314,471
9/30/2009 92 217,497 217,497 4,314,471
12/31/2009 92 217,497 217,497 4,314,471
3/31/2010 90 212,768 212,768 4,314,471
6/30/2010 91 215,133 539,309 754,441 3,775,162
9/30/2010 92 190,310 190,310 3,775,162
12/31/2010 92 190,310 539,309 729,618 3,235,853
3/31/2011 90 159,576 159,576 3,235,853
6/30/2011 91 161,349 539,309 700,658 2,696,545
9/30/2011 92 135,935 135,935 2,696,545
12/31/2011 92 135,935 539,309 675,244 2,157,236
3/31/2012 91 107,566 107,566 2,157,236
6/30/2012 91 107,566 539,309 646,875 1,617,927
9/30/2012 92 81,561 81,561 1,617,927
12/31/2012 92 81,561 539,309 620,870 1,078,618
3/31/2013 90 53,192 53,192 1,078,618
6/30/2013 91 53,783 539,309 593,092 539,309
9/30/2013 92 27,187 27,187 539,309
12/31/2013 92 27,187 539,309 566,496 0
Financial Ratios:
RATIOS 2010 2011 2012 2013
Debt Equity Ratio 67% 39% 20% 8%
Net Margin (%) 34% 39% 43% 42%
Project Returns
IRR 28%
Pay Back Period 1.143516173
Sponsors stake
Our Debt Equity Ratio is decreasing yearly and our Net Profit Margin is
increasing yearly. Which shows the company financially strong?
5) SWOT Analysis
The labor to manufacture ice is easily available we can reach easily to low cost labor.
Moreover the location for our project is very attractive. We can avail maximum advantage
from this market.
Our weakness is that we are not producing ice up to the present demand of the
consumer. Because we have one unit to produced ice if we increase the plant in to 2 then we
increase the production.
Most of areas of Pakistan have long duration of summer due to which demand
for ice is high for more than six months of the year. As Pakistan is a developing country and
large portion of the population cannot afford refrigerators for domestic use. Another growing
market for ice plants are industries linked to food products i.e. fish, dairy, bakeries, restaurants
etc. With this growing demand a large number of ice plants are operating in the country.
There are approximately 1,300 ice plants operating in the Punjab, catering to the needs of
different institutional and domestic buyers. The total installed capacity of ice plants in Punjab
is approximately 432,669-tons of ice blocks per day2. The need of ice blocks is increasing due
to economic growth, as major buyers are institutional buyers (dairy, bakery, hotel, etc.), who
buy in bulk.
Competitive Structure of the market
The market of the ice plant is highly competitive; therefore if the entrepreneur is
not well responsive and fulfilling the demand of the consumer he/she may not be able to
capitalize the opportunity properly.
to dealers .
It is important that solid ice blocks are produced through proper freezing time
utilization as solid ice blocks are much heavier, more transparent and provides higher
price in the market.
Weather factor plays an important role, due to seasonal nature of the business i.e. In
summers the demand for ice blocks increases, while after mid September the
temperature starts changing & demand starts to fall, which means the entrepreneur
should reduce the production according to the demand of ice.
One of the most important aspects for success of any business is minimizing the cost of
production, in case of ice plant this can be achieved by proper training of workers,
which would ensure reduction in raw material wastage and better maintenance of
machinery etc.
It is advisable to run the plant on natural gas, rather than electricity, as the major
expense in production of ice is electricity. The use of natural gas instead of electricity
will reduce the electricity expense approximately by half.
In order to sell the ice blocks, it is recommended to develop a chain of dealers who buy the ice
Blocks on regular basis. The dealer deposits a guarantee in the shape of cash security, keeping
in view the number of blocks to be purchased on daily basis. In case the dealer is unable to
pick the agreed number of blocks on a particular day, the amount is deducted from his security.