Contemporary Calculus Textbook

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Contemporary Calculus through applications The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Principal Authors Contributing Authors Kevin G, Bartkovich Gloria B. Barrett John A. Goebel Helen L. Compton Julie L. Graves Dorothy Doyle Daniel J. Teague JoAnn Lutz Donita Robinson Karen Whitehead we eX EVERYDAY ‘Chicago, inois| Photo Acknowledgments Images © 1995 PhotoDise, Ine. Reeryday Learning Development Staff altorial: Anna Belluomin, Brie Karnowshi, Steve Mico Prodiuction/Design: Jess Schwa, Norma Underwood Additional Credits ‘Gover Design: Ovrest Paredes Design Design: Malcolm Greer Designers ettig ge, THSpmnect was supported, part, by the National ERRENS — sccreeruntaion Gran No E810 2500, The 3 opinions expressed are thase of the authors and 2OEEKS* wot nccessaly those ofthe Foundation. ISBN 1.57039-715-5 Copyright ©1980, 1996. Everyday Learning Corporation. All rights reserved. Prncod in the United States of America. This ‘publication fs protected by copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any form of reproduction tuawthonized use. Any questions regarding this plicy should be addressed to: Everyday Learning Corporation P.O. Box 812960 CChiczgo, 16088 123456789 CO 02 01 0099 98 Dedication ‘Those of us who teach atthe Noth Carolina School of Science and Mathematics have to families, our own al our students. ‘We dedicate this book first to our own families who have ‘supported us throughout the long process of writing and revis- ‘ng this text. We also dedicate this book to our sudens, whose ‘enthusiastic support of this course from its inception and throughout its many revisions has inspired ws Contents CHAPTER CHAPTER 1 2 13 aa 22 23 24 28 Preface x Acknowledgments sit Features of This Text xv How Things Change 1 Introduction 1 Phenomena Modeled by Discrete Change Expressions 3 Phenomena Modeled by Continuous ‘Change Expressions. 14 All About the Derivative 29 Investigating Average Rates of Change 29 Investigating Instantaneous Rates of Change 35 Instantaneous Rates of Change 38 bila Graphing Rate-of- Change Functions 38 Lab 1 Derivatives of Function 42 Secants, Tangents, and Local Linearity 44 Lab 2 Secants, Tangents, and Local Linearity $2 Limit Definition of the Derivative $4 ‘Techniques of Differentiation 60 Vertical Shifts and Stretches 60 Horizontal Shifts and Siretches 63 Combining Horizontal and Vertical Transformations 66 ‘The Addition Rule for Derivatives 68 ‘The Product Rule for Derivatives 70 Lab 3 Energy Consumption and the Product Rule 73 ‘The Chain Rule for Derivatives 78 Lab 4 Global Warming and the Chain Rule 80 Indeterminate Forms 88 Lab 8 Limi ofthe Form 8 86 Limits, Continuity, and Limits 88 Continuity 93 Differentibility 96 Interpreting and Applying the Derivative 103 Investigating the First and Second Derivatives. 103 Lab 6 Investigating Graphs and the First and Second Derivatives 106 Optimization 108 Using Caleulus to Solve Oprimi Problems 108 ‘The First Derivative Test U3 Concavity and the Second Derivative Test U8 33 34 35 36 a7 a8 Derivatives Applied to Economics 124 Maximum Profit 124 Applications ofthe Second Derivative to Fonomics 125 Optimization and Developing ‘Models: The Rest of the Story 128 Finding Zeros Using Newton's Method 132 Basins of Attraction 137 Related Rates 143 Implicit Differentiation 180 CHAPTER Logarithmic Differentiation 156 Investigations 159 Investigation 1 Fitting a Least ‘Squares Line 10 Data 159 Investigation 2 Atomic Forces 162 Investigation 3 The Nuclear Arms Race 163 Investigation 4 Elasticity of Demand 166 Investigation § Function leration 170 Investigation & Newton's Method in the Complex Plane 173 4a a2 43 45 46 “7 as CONTENTS vil Numerical Solutions to Differential Equations 181 Introduction to Differential Equations 181 Slope Fields 183, Cooling Curves 185 Unconsirained Exponential Growth 186 Constrained Exponential Growth 187 Euler's Method and Differential Equations 191 Lab 7 Euler's Method 197 Falling Objects: Inthe Water and inthe Air 201 Atomic Waste Disposal 201 Parachuting 206 Lab 8 Parachuting 207 Coupled Differential Equations and an Improved Euler's Method 208 Harmonic Motion 208 (Quadratic Approximation and Euler's Method 211 Parametric Equations 220 Predator/Prey Models 229 Lab 9 Predator/Prey Models 232 ‘Taylor Polynomials 234 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER 6 52 53 54 5 52 58 Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem 245 ‘The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 245 ‘Area Between Curves 252 Displacement and Distance Traveled 257 ‘The Definite Integral Applied to Income Distribution 262 Lab 10 Gini index 269 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals 270 Solving Differential Equations 277 Separation of Variables 277 Partial Fractions 282 Lab 14 The Discrete Logistic Model 288 Differentials and Tables of Integrals 292 ‘Numerical Methods of Integration 298 Approximations with Rectangles 298 Approximations with Trapezoids 301 Differential Equations and Data Analysis. 306 A Model for a Projectile Traveling Along @ Quadratic Path 306 A Model for Cooting 309 Lab 12 Difference Quotients and Daa Analysis 314 carter 6 Applications of the Definite Integral 317 01 Geometric Probability 317 82. Integrals and Probability Distribution Functions 324 Lab 18 Simulation of Coin Tossing 328 63. The Normal Probability Distribution 331 84. Improper Integrals and Infinite Series 338 65 The Integral Test for Convergence of an Infinite Series 346 68 The Exponential Probability Distribution 350 87 Expected Value 359 68 Integration by Parts 364 69. Time Spent Waiting in Line 369 Lab 14 Modeling the Time Spent Waiting in Line 372 6.10 Using Integrals (9 Add Rates 374 6.1 Volumes 378 6.12 Average Value of a Function 384 6.13 Length of Path 389 Length of Path for Equations in Cartesian Form 389 Length of Path for Equations in Parametric Form 393 Lab 18 Length of Path 398 CHAPTER 1 1” 12 73 74 15 76 7 ‘Taylor Series and Fourier Series 401 ‘Taylor Series and Intervals of Convergence 401 ‘The Divergence Test 404 The Ratio Test 404 Alternating Series 406 Convergence of Power Series 409 Operations with Power Series 413, Series Solutions to Differential Equations 416 Fourier Series 425 ‘Changing the Interval of Approximation 435 Using a Discrete Fourier Series to Model Data 437 Using Fourier Series to Filter Data 443 CHAPTER 8 an 82 83 aa as 2s a7 88 89 CONTENTS ix Investigations 49 ‘The Batl of Trafalgar 450 Disease or Drug Testing 452 Investigating National Income 452 Canliac Output as Measured by ‘Thermal Dilution 455 Predicting the Spread of an Infectious Disease 486 Population Models 459 Permeability of Red Blood Cells 461 ‘Sound, Music, and Fourier Series 462 Advanced Predator-Prey Models 467 Appendix A Complex Numbers 469 Appendix B.A Brief Table of Integrals 472, Appendix © Table of Standard Normal Probabilities 475. Appendix D Trigonometic [entities and Relationships 477 Appendix B Sound Samples 480 Answers to Selected Problems 493 Index. 509 Preface {In 1985 the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the North Carolina School of Seience and Mathematics begaa its precaleulus curriculum reform. project. For the next five years, the entire Department worked to develop a precalculus course that was appli- cations-oriented and that took full advantage of technology. The textbook, Contemporary Precalculus through Applications, was published in 1991 Even before the precalculus text was published, we saw the need to revise the course that follows preealcu- lus. We wanted to continue with the major themes that, hhad guided us through the development of our precalou- Jus course and incomporate these themes into a calculus ‘course, In some ways this new task was much more difficult than it had been with precalculus, Unlike precalculus, which is very loosely defined, calculus (even called “The Calculus” by some), seems to be ‘much more rigorously defined. Nearly all calculus books contain exactly the same topics, and the Ad- vanced Placement Syllabus defines what will be tested, and therefore, what will be included in most calculus textbooks, Technology, mote than anything else, dictates that calculus as we know it must change. We took this as a serious challenge and attempted to do more than layer technology on top of the existing curriculum. As a result, house of technology isnotan optional partof this, text. Instroctors cannot demonstrate ideas and students ceannot do homework or complete labs or take tests without the use of technology. ‘The Tulane Conference held in January of 1986 sounded the warning that college calculus was not ‘meeting the needs of many students, The follow-up conference, sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in the Fall of 1987, began to offer some suggestions for reform as noted in the Mathematical Association of ‘America’s publication Calculusfora New Century. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curricu um ard Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics called for significant changes to both the mathematics curriculum an existing pedagogy. This textbook takes setiously the recommendations of the NCTM Standards and the MAA Notes. In particular, the text responds to the following three frequently cited concerns, 1, Students should be able to apply mathematics 10 ‘problems that are stated in new and different con- texts, In other words, students should understand mathemati, in contrast with merely substituting ‘numbers into formulas. 2. Mathematics, and calculus in particular, is applicd to virtually every field of human endeavor. Stu- dents should appreciate and understand a broad ‘range of these applications, and they should be able touse mathematics as a tool for modeling a variety of real-world phenomena, 3. The numeric, symbolic, and graphic capabilites of ‘computers and calculators have given technology a ‘crucial role in the mathernatics classroom, ‘This text defines an applications-oriented, investigative caloulus course in which students are provided tools for understanding the world in which they live. The text- book involves students in both the development of ‘problem statements and in their solution. Students learn to use the concepts of calculus to solve problems in a ‘ariety of contexts, many of which are discussed over extended periods of time. Concepts are presented in the context of real-world applications; calculators andcom- putersare used todevelop concepts and tosolve problems: and the interpretation of problem solutions is given strong emphasis. The fabric of the courseis woven withseven themes that arean indispensable partof virtually every segment ofthe course, These themes address important student needs and are described here. 1. Developing Understanding: Calculus offers stu- dents a repertoire of new techniques for describing the world around them and should be accessible to as wide an audience as possible. For that reason, thistextencouragesintuitiveunderstandingof many topics. Although mathematical rigor may be appro plate, it should not be an abstacle to the success of students, Every student may not be able toprove the theorems of calculus, hawevercach shouldobtain a solid understanding of the concepts of calculus. To help students develop their conceptual un- derstanding, graphical, numerical, and algebraic interpretations are used together witencver possible in each section of the text. Students ate led to discover concepts for themselves as often as is ‘easible, primarily through mathematics laboratory experiences. 2. Data, Applications, and Mathematical Models: ‘Much of our information about the world comes to us in the form of data. Problems presented in this texbook describe realistic situations that can be ‘modeled using calculus. As much ss possible, ‘major concepts are introduced through data, appli- cations, and mathematical modeling. These applications come from a wide variety of areas in Which calculus is used as a tool to solve problems. While the physical sciences provide « wealth of applications of calculus, examples are drawn from many other areas of study. AAs students see a wide variety of applications they will begin to appreciate the power of calculus, PREFACE xi Computer and Caieulator as Tools: Much of tradi- ‘tional calculusinvolves extensive paper-and-pencil manipulation. While students must be able to do some manipulations, technology makes obsolete the skills required for solving difficult problems ‘with paper and pencil. Computer technology em- powers us tosolve problems with “messy” dataand large numbers of computations, which is exactly how problems appear in the real world. Technology also is used to experiment with

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