What Is GPS
What Is GPS
What Is GPS
The GPS is a DoD developed, worldwide, satellite-based
radio navigation system that will be the DoD's primary
radio navigation system well into the next century. The
constellation consists of 24 operational satellites. The
U.S. Air Force Space Command (AFSC) formally
declared the GPS satellite constellation as having met the
requirement for Full Operational Capability (FOC) as of
April 27, 1995. Requirements include 24 operational
satellites (Block II/IIA) functioning in their assigned
orbits and successful testing completed for operational
military functionality.
Prior to FOC an Initial Operational Capability (IOC)
was declared on December 8, 1993 when 24 GPS
satellites (Block I and Block II/IIA) were operating in
their assigned orbits, available for navigation use and
providing the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) levels
specified below.
GPS provides two levels of service, Standard
Positioning Service and the Precise Positioning
The Standard Positioning Service (SPS) is a
positioning and timing service which will be available to
all GPS users on a continuous, worldwide basis with no
direct charge. SPS will be provided on the GPS L1
frequency which contains a coarse acquisition (C/A)
code and a navigation data message. SPS provides a
predictable positioning accuracy of 100 meters (95
percent) horizontally and 156 meters (95 percent)
vertically and time transfer accuracy to UTC within 340
nanoseconds (95 percent).
The Precise Positioning Service (PPS) is a highly
accurate military positioning, velocity and timing service
which will be available on a continuous, worldwide basis
to users authorized by the U.S. P(Y) code capable
military user equipment provides a predictable
positioning accuracy of at least 22 meters (95 percent)
horizontally and 27.7 meters vertically and time transfer
accuracy to UTC within 200 nanoseconds (95 percent).
PPS will be the data transmitted on the GPS L1 and L2
frequencies. PPS was designed primarily for U.S.
military use. It will be denied to unauthorized users by
the use of cryptography. PPS will be made available to
U.S. and military and U.S. Federal Government users.
Limited, non-Federal Government, civil use of PPS, both
domestic and foreign, will be considered upon request
and authorized on a case-by-case basis, provided:
• It is in the U.S. national interest to do so.
• Specific GPS security requirements can be met by
the applicant.
• A reasonable alternative to the use of PPS is not