Youth Educational Adventures: God's God's God's God's God's Promise Promise Promise Promise Promise
Youth Educational Adventures: God's God's God's God's God's Promise Promise Promise Promise Promise
Youth Educational Adventures: God's God's God's God's God's Promise Promise Promise Promise Promise
Youth Educational Adventures
The Creation Series Index Of Lessons
Book One
Beginners Lesson 1
The purpose of this series of lessons is to intro-
My Father’s World. . . . . .4
duce each child to God as Creator. We hope to instill
an awe and a respect for God’s creation, and to give
each child an alternative to the evolutionary assump-
tions so much a part of today’s education. We also
Lesson 2
want to develop in the children a love for learning God’s Zoo. . . . . . . . . . .6
about God which will bring them again and again to
church and to Sabbath School.
We hope to encourage daily contact with God
through prayer and devotional Bible readings. In the Lesson3
process, we hope to create in each child an expecta-
tion of fully participating as a baptized member in The First People. . . . . . . .8
God’s church. We also pray that the lessons in this
book will translate into knowledge and behavior be-
coming of a child of the King.
Lesson 4
God Rested. . . . . . . . . .10
Ronald Dart - Publications Editor
Allie Dart - Managing Editor
Sandi McCaskill - Contributing Editor
Camery Pollard - Layout and Design Lesson 5
The First Family . . . . . . . . 12
CEM and YEA would like to thank Emily Pollard
for appearing on our front cover.
Lesson 6
Our vision is to create Christian educational Build A What? . . . . . . . . . . 14
opportunities for all our children so that they will
build a lasting relationship with God and
experience the joys of salvation and the rewards Lesson 7
of God’s Kingdom. Two by Two . . . . . . . 16
Christian Educational Ministries
P. O. Box 560
Whitehouse, Texas 75791 Lesson 8
phone: 903.509.2999
fax: 903.509.1139 Let It Rain! . . . . . . . .18
Lesson 9
Fly, Fly Away . . . . . . . .20
Copyright Christian Educational Ministries
All Rights Reserved
Lesson 10
A Rainbow Reminder . . . 22
Lesson 2
God’s Zoo
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Memory Verse: “God saw everything that he had made . . . and it was very good.” - Genesis 1:31
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God was very busy on the first four days of creation. Everything
looked good! But, God was not finished making things. There was lots of
water everywhere. So, God started making creatures to
live in the water. He made Alligators with sharp
teeth, and Bass and Catfish to swim in the rivers.
He made playful Dolphins and slippery Eels to
swim in the oceans. God made great big whales and
little tiny minnows. He made the eight-armed octopus and clams with
hard shells. He filled the water with critters of all sizes, shapes and kinds.
Then God looked at the big blue sky. He started
making birds of all different colors. There
were red and blue birds. He made green
parrots and black crows. It was like God used
a box of crayons to color every bird. At the end
of the fifth day there was color everywhere!
On the sixth day God started making creatures for the
land. He made big animals and small animals. He made
fuzzy furry creatures and creepy crawly critters.
There were animals from A to Z. And everything
God made was good!
Color the picture and circle the things that were not
a part of God’s creation in today’s lesson.
Lesson 2
Parent & Teacher’s Guide
God’s Zoo
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Memory Verse: “God saw everything that he had made . . . and it was very good.” - Genesis 1:31
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At the end of this lesson, the children will be able to: Parent’s Pause and
1. State that everything God made is good. Teacher’s Tips
2. Name some things that God made to fly in the Just because you are talking doesn’t necessarily
sky. mean that the children are listening. That is why it is
3. Name some things that God made in the water. important that time be taken after new information has
4. Tell what God created next. been presented to check for understanding. This can be
5. Recite their memory verse. done in a variety of ways. You can have the children
retell the story or act it out. You can play a game or sing
Scriptures a song about the important facts in the lesson. Or, you
Genesis 1:20:25 can ask questions, being careful to allow time for the
children to think before answering. If the information
has been missed or misunderstood, take time to go
Words to Know over that part of the lesson again. Remember, our goal
EEL- long, snake-like fish is to lead these little ones into an understanding of the
CREATURE - something that lives Word of God.
WALRUS - a large arctic sea mammal with tusks Using a puppet dialog as a method of teaching
TUSKS - long, large pointed teeth outside of the allows the puppet to ask questions that the children
mouth may have, but do not know how to voice. It helps to
CHEETAH - a swift, spotted cat of Africa hold the attention of your class, while allowing you to
convey important truths.
Materials Needed Before you come to class, cut enough white paper
plates in half so that each child will have one half. You
Bible, YEA students’ and teacher’s books, atten-
will also need to copy and cut out the pattern for the
dance and memory verse charts, stars, songbook, turtle head, tail and legs on green construction paper.
cassette player, music tapes, crayons, scissors, dog The patterns can be found on the pattern page ‘A’
puppet, sponges, spools, green and brown paint, located in the center of this book. Cut sponges into
glue, green construction paper, wiggle eyes and 1" pieces. To make the sponge painting easier for the
paper plates children, glue sponge pieces to the flat end of thread
spools. That way the children can avoid getting too on the land. * Alpha: This is where I come in!
dirty by holding the spool as a handle. God made big hairy apes and bears. He put them
in the forests and jungles. He made wooly sheep and
Lesson cows. God placed them on the grassy hillsides. He
made medium-sized cats with long tails. And He made
(Introduce the children to Alpha again.)
all kinds of dogs. * Alpha: Handsome ones, like me?
Last night Alpha and I went for a walk. As I looked
Some of the creatures God made looked funny.
up into the sky, I saw some of the beautiful things that
The walrus had long tusks. Monkeys looked like little
God made. Ask: Can you name some of the things in
hairy people. The zebra looked like a horse with
the sky that God made? The moon was shining brightly.
striped pajamas! God made animals from A to Z. The
Stars twinkled everywhere. * Alpha: (Excited) I remem-
elephant with it’s big white tusks was very large. The
ber something God made. He made something I like
little gray field mouse was very small. The cheetah ran
very much – trees! I love trees. I love to sniff around
very fast. And, some were very slow, like the turtle.
trees. Trees are some of my favorite things! I’m so glad
God made fuzzy furry creatures. He made creepy
God made trees!
crawly critters. He made birds with feathers and fish
God was very busy creating things in last week’s
with scales. The world was now a beautiful hopping,
lesson. * Alpha: He sure was! First He made the world.
buzzing, splashing, galloping place. And everything God
Then He made the sun, moon and stars. After that, He
made was good! *Alpha: Wow! How did God know
added beauty everywhere. There were many different
how to make all of those different kinds of animals?
kinds of trees. Green grass covered hills and valleys.
God is bigger and stronger and smarter than any of
Great tall mountains stood with their heads in the
us. There is nothing that our God can not do!
clouds. Little streams splashed their way over rocks.
Flowing rivers cut their way down the mountains. The
rivers made lakes and great oceans. Everything looked Review Questions
good! * Alpha: I guess God is so big and strong, there is 1. Name the things that God made to fly in the sky.
nothing He can’t do. But, God was not finished creat- 2. Name some things that swim in the water.
ing. * Alpha: What was next? 3. What did God say about everything He made?
There was lots of water everywhere. God wanted
to make some more things. He made big and small fish Song
and other critters to live in the water. * Alpha: You
“My God Is So Big” is on page 14 of the Kids Classics
mean, like sea monsters?
No, God made alligators with sharp teeth, and bass
and catfish to swim in the rivers. Then He made the
playful dolphins and slippery eels to swim in the oceans. Prayer
God made great big whales and little tiny minnows. He Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this beautiful
made the octopus and the clams that lived in shells. God world that you made, and for all the animals and birds
filled the water with creatures of all sizes, shapes and that you gave us to enjoy. Help me to remember
kinds. * Alpha: Did you say catfish? Did they have whis- how big and strong you are. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
kers? Yes, as a matter of fact they did.
Next, God wanted to make the sky beautiful. It
was a shame to have such a big blue sky with only Activity
clouds floating by. So, God made birds. There were red
Give each child half of a white paper plate to be used
birds and blue birds. He made bright yellow canaries as the turtle shell. Allow them to sponge paint the
and green parrots. There were snowy white doves and shell with various shades of green and brown. Glue
shiny black crows. * Alpha: It sounds like God opened a the legs, head and tail to the back of the plate. The
box of crayons and colored the birds He made. patterns can be found on the pattern page ‘A’ lo-
The world was beautiful with color everywhere. cated in the center of this book. Allow the chil-
Now, there were fish and critters in the water. There dren to glue a wiggle eye to the turtle’s head.
were birds in the sky. * Alpha: What about all that land?
God didn’t forget about that. He began to put creatures
Pattern Page
Beginners Creation Series
Book One
Lesson 2