Lateral Entry Engg., Admission 2010 Application Form and Instructions

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1. Demand Draft worth Rs.300/- for others and free for SCA / SC /
ST to be drawn in favour of "The Secretary, Second Year B.E.
/ B.Tech. Degree Admissions 2010 Alagappa Chettiar
College of Engg. and Technology, Karaikudi - 630 004".
Should be sent along with the application form.

2. Self addressed envelope of 26.5cm x 11.5 cm with stamp for

Rs.8/- duly affixed should be sent along with the application
form. The communication address should be legibly written on
the envelope.

3. The Application form along with necessary enclosures together

with Self addressed envelope should be sent in a cover of size
30.00 cm X 26.5 cm to the following address "The Secretary,
Second Year B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Admissions 2010,
Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology,
Karaikudi - 630 004".

4. For other information please refer the Instructions given along

with the downloaded application form.


Common Application Form for Diploma and B.Sc. Candidates seeking admission in Government, Government Aided, Self Financing Engineering
Colleges, University Departments of Anna University, Chennai, Constituent Colleges of Anna University, Tiruchirapalli and Anna University, Tirunelveli
Application /
Last date for receipt of Application :
Registration Fee : Rs. 300/- Application
18-06-2010 – 5.00 P.M.
SCA / SC / ST : Free of Cost
* Encircle the Code Numbers wherever specified for the entries applicable to you.
1. Group Code : 2. Group Name :

Space for affixing the

(Refer Information about the Colleges) Passport size Photograph

3. Registration No. (Enter the Group Code in Group

Application No.
the first box and then Enter your five digit Code
Application No.)
(This is your Registration No.)

4. Special Reservation : Physically Eminent Children of Children of Not

Challenged Sports Persons Freedom Fighters Ex-servicemen Applicable
(For B.Sc. Candidates 11 Physically
Challenged is alone applicable) 11 12 13 14 15

5. Branch Code of the Qualifying Diploma / B.Sc. Degree Course :

(Refer Information about the Colleges)

6. Name in Block Letters :

(Initials at the end)

7. Name of Parent / Guardian :

8. Address for Communication : ………………………………………...…..…………………….…………..………..


……….……………PIN E-mail id : ….…………………...….…..…………..……

Contact Telephone No. : Mobile No. :

STD Code Telephone Number

9. Sex : 10. Date of Birth : 11. Nativity :

Male Female Date Month Year Tamil Nadu Others

1 2 1 2

12. Community : 13. Caste Code :

MBC / B.C.
S.T. S.C. S.C.A. DNC B.C. Muslim O.C.
(Enter the Code Number of your Caste
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
given in the List of Communities – Annexure I)
14. Particulars for ST, SC, SCA, MBC / DNC, BC, BC Muslim Candidates :
(Attach a Xerox with attested Copy of the permanent community certificate card)

(i) Name of the Caste :

(ii) Sl. No. of the Certificate :

(iii) Date of the Certificate :

(iv) Issuing Office :

(v) Issuing Officer’s Designation : Sub Collector RDO / PA (G) Tahsildar Dy. Tahsildar

15. Details of Institution last studied :

Discipline of the Qualifying
Name of the Polytechnic / College and Address Board / University Diploma / Degree

16. Diploma / B.Sc. Examination Registration Number :

(If your Registration No. exceeds more than 10 digits,
Enter last 10 digits only)

17. Marks obtained in the Qualifying Examination :

Semester Register Number Month & Year Maximum Marks * Marks Obtained *

Pre-Final Semester

Final Semester

* Including Theory and Practical subjects.

** Part Time Diploma Candidates should enter last semester marks in Final semester column and previous two semesters marks
put together in Pre-final semester column.

18. Whether Mathematics is studied as one of the subjects in the Yes No

B.Sc. Degree level (For B.Sc. Candidates only) : 1 2

Station :

Date : Signature of the Candidate


I,……………………………………………………………………………....…………………………(Name in full and
in Block Letters) Son / Daughter / Ward of…………………………………………………hereby solemnly declare that the
information furnished and the statements given in the application, and the enclosures are true, correct and complete.
I further declare that should it be found otherwise, I will be liable to forfeit my seat and / or be removed from the rolls
of the institution at whatever stage of study, I may be, besides making me liable for Criminal Prosecution.

Place :

Date : Signature of the Parent / Guardian Signature of the Candidate

Note : The Guardian can execute the above declaration only if parent are not alive.


1. Scrutinizing Staff Name……………………………………………………Signature………………………..……………..

2. Scrutinizing Staff Name……………………………………………………Signature………………………..……………..



The enclosed application form is intended for seeking admission under the Lateral Entry Scheme
(Second Year B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Courses) in Government, Government Aided, Self Financing Engineering Colleges,
University Departments of Anna University, Chennai, Constituent Colleges of Anna University, Tiruchirapalli and
Anna University, Tirunelveli

1. ALLOCATION OF SEATS IN VARIOUS (v) Seats in Anna University Tiruchirapalli,

(a) Seats in Anna University Tiruchirapalli –
1.1 Seats in the Engineering Colleges under the Bharathidasan Institute of Technology
purview of the Directorate of Technical Education are Campus
grouped into the following Categories :
(b) Seats in Anna University Tiruchirapalli –
(i) Seats in Government Engineering Colleges Tirukkuvalai Campus
(a) Government College of Technology
(Autonomous), Coimbatore 641 013 (c) Seats in Anna University Tirucharapalli –
Ramanathapuram Campus
(b) Government College of Engineering
(Autonomous), Salem 636 011 (d) Seats in Anna University Tirucharapalli –
(c) Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering Panruti Campus
and Technology (Autonomous)
(e) Seats in Anna University Tirucharapalli –
Karaikudi 630 004
Ariyalur Campus
(d) Government College of Engineering
Tirunelveli 627 007 (f) Seats in Anna University Tirucharapalli –
Dindigul Campus
(e) Thanthai Periyar Govt. Institute of Technology
Vellore 632 002 (g) Seats in Anna University Tirucharapalli –
(f) Government College of Engineering Pattukkottai Campus
Bargur 635 104
(vi) Seats in Anna University Tirunelveli,
(ii) Seats in Government Aided Engineering
Colleges (a) University College of Engineering,
(a) P S G College of Technology Nagercoil
Coimbatore 641 004
(b) University V.O.C. College of Engineering,
(b) Coimbatore Institute of Technology Tuticorin
Coimbatore 641 014
(c) Thiagarajar College of Engineering 1.2 As a part of the regulation, Candidates admitted
Madurai 625 015 in the second year B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Course
Under the Lateral Entry Scheme shall have to
(iii) Seats surrendered by the Managements of Self- satisfy the conditions prescribed by the University
Financing Engineering Colleges affiliated to Anna
Universities at Chennai, Coimbatore, Tiruchirapalli
and Tirunelveli.
(iv) Seats in University Departments of Anna
University Chennai, Chennai 600 025 The Eligibility for Admission to Direct Second Year
(a) Seats in B.Tech. (Leather Technology) in B.E./ B.Tech. Degree courses is given below :
University Departments of Anna University
Chennai, ACT Campus (Alagappa College of General :
Technology). Candidates satisfying the following eligibility rules
(b) Seats in B.E. (Printing Technology) in as on the last date of submission of Application alone
University Departments of Anna University are eligible to apply. Passing the qualifying examination
Chennai, CEG Campus (College of or change of religion etc., after this date shall not be
Engineering, Guindy). considered.
2.1 Nativity : 2.2 Qualifying Examinations and Eligibility
Candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu only will be Diploma Candidates
considered for admission. However, the following A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in
categories of candidates are also eligible to apply as any one of the Diploma in Engineering / Technology of
Tamil Nadu candidate subject to certain conditions : the State Board of Technical Education and Training,
(i) Tamil Nadu Native Candidates with schooling Tamilnadu / equivalent prescribed for the Degree
in Tamil Nadu from IX std. onwards (in respect of Courses (Refer Information about the Colleges).
Diploma candidates) and Tamil Nadu Native candidates
B.Sc. Candidates
with schooling in Tamil Nadu from XI std. onwards (in
respect of B.Sc. candidates) need not enclose the A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks
Nativity Certificate. In case they have passed any of in any recognized Bachelors Degree in Science of
minimum 3 years duration with 10 + 2 + 3 pattern with
the IX, X, XI, XII, Diploma and B.Sc. Examinations from
Mathematics as one of the subjects at the Degree level.
the Institutions situated outside Tamil Nadu, a copy of
the “Nativity Certificate” Vide certificate No. VI should
be enclosed with the application for considering them 2.3 Minimum Eligibility Marks
as candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu. Both Diploma qualified and B.Sc. qualified
candidates shall have to obtain the following minimum
(ii) Other State candidates with schooling in
eligibility marks for admission to Lateral Entry
Tamil Nadu from IX onwards (in respect of Diploma
candidates) and Other State candidates with schooling
in Tamil Nadu from XI onwards in respect of B.Sc. Minimum average marks
Sl. in the Pre-Final and
Degree candidates need not enclose the No.
Final Semesters put
“Nativity Certificate”. They are eligible for open together
competition only.
1. General Category 55.00%
(iii) Children of Central Government Employees
2. Backward Class including 50.00%
otherwise not domicile of Tamil Nadu may also apply
Backward Class Muslim
and compete under Open Competition for admission,
irrespective of their domicile, provided their parents or 3. MBC & DNC 45.00%
guardians (only if both parents are not alive) have been
4. SCA / SC / ST Mere pass in the
serving in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past Five
qualifying Examination
Years at the time of submission of application which will suffice and the
should be supported by enclosing a certificate minimum marks are
from the employer of the Parent or Guardian, to that same as the passing
effect. Sons and daughters of Tamil Nadu Cadre IAS, minimum for Diploma
Examinations of the
IPS and IFS officers otherwise not native of Tamil Nadu
State Board of Technical
are eligible under Open Competition. Education and Training,
Tamil Nadu/B.Sc.
(iv) Children of employee in Public Sector or Degree Examinations /
Government Recognized Institutions who at the time equivalent.
of submission of application for admission employed in
Sandwich Diploma : For the pur pose of
Tamil Nadu continuously for the past Five Years may
calculation of marks in respect of Sandwich Diploma
also apply and compete for admission under open
passed candidates marks secured in the last two
competition irrespective of their domicile, provided a semesters of the course will be considered. If the
certificate from the employer is enclosed along with the industrial training intervenes in any one of the last two
application that the person is a Permanent employee semesters then the marks of the previous semester in
of the firm or Institution concerned with evidence like which there is no Industrial Training will be considered
Income Tax return, PPF etc., and is working in Tamil for the purpose of calculating the marks.
Nadu continuously for the past Five Years.
Part Time Diploma : For the purpose of
(v) Applications without proper Employer calculation of marks in respect of Part Time Diploma
Certificate or without Nativity Certificate for the passed candidates including private study, marks
secured in the last three semesters examinations will
categories (i), (iii) and (iv) mentioned above will not be
be considered.
Note : When Grade certificates are produced
(vi) Foreign Nationals including Srilankan by the candidates, only minimum marks for the grades
Nationals are not eligible. will be taken into account.

3. ALLOCATION OF SEATS (b) Community Certificate of social status
obtained from other states will not be
3.1 Selection shall be made under seven categories
considered for communal reservation.
namely OC, BCM (BC Muslim), BC, MBC & DNC,
SCA, SC and ST reservations following the rules (c) The Community Certificate issued by the
of reservation of the Government of Tamil Nadu as authorities who are empowered to issue such
follows : certificates for BC and MBC / DNC for the
persons who have migrated to other places as
Open Competition … 31.00% ordered in G.O. (st) No. 95 BC, MBC & Minorities
Welfare Department Dated : 28-10-2009 and
Backward Class Muslims … 3.50%
G.O. No. 115 BC, MBC & Minorities Welfare
Backward Class … 26.50% Department Dated : 27-11-2009 on or after
28-10-2009 will be accepted for admissions.
Most Backward Class and … 20.00%
(d) If a candidate belongs to any one of Code No. 1
Denotified Communities
to 6 should furnish an attested xerox copy of
SC (Arunthathiyar) … * 3.00% Permanent Community Card Certificate in
Item No. 12 in the application form. Candidates
Scheduled Caste … * 15.00% who have not furnished an attested xerox
copy of the Permanent Community Card
Scheduled Tribes … 1.00%
Certificate at the time of submission of the
application will be treated as belonging to
* As per Tamil Nadu Gover nment Gazette
“General Category (OC)”.
Extraordinary No. 134, Dt. 29-5-2009 and G.O. (Ms.)
No. 50 Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (TD2) They are informed that in the event of such a
Department Dt. 29-4-2009. decision, the eligibility conditions and rules
Tamil Nadu Native candidates alone will be prescribed for other communities will be
considered for communal reservations. The list of applicable for such candidates and if such
communities eligible to compete against the reserved candidates do not satisfy the rules of “General
quota is appended (Annexure – I on Page Category (OC) candidates”, their applications
No. 1 – 7). are liable to be rejected. No correspondence in
this connection will be entertained.
3.2 Candidates seeking admission against ST / SC /
(e) ST / SC / SCA / MBC & DNC / BC /
SCA / MBC & DNC / BC / BCM (BC Muslim) quota
should obtain the certificates of social status issued BCM (BC Muslim) candidates are eligible for
by the competent authority in the prescribed selection under Open Competition in addition
Permanent Community Cards in Tamil Nadu and to the reservations made for them.
enclose an attested xerox copy of the same along
(f) The Community recorded in the Certificate of
with the application.
Tamil Nadu native candidate should figure in
(a) The applicants from Tamil Nadu State should the list of communities approved by the
have a valid permanent community certificate Government of Tamil Nadu (Annexure – I) on
in the card format issued by the competent page (1 – 7).
authority (for ST/SC/MBC & DNC and BC) in
the format prescribed by the Government of
Tamil Nadu in G.O. Ms. No. 781 Revenue 4. SPECIAL RESERVATION
Department dated : 02-05-1988. This is 4.1 Special Categories
applicable for BCM (BC Muslim) also. In the
case of ST candidates, the community Since the special reservation categories are being
certificate should have been issued by the considered by separate committees, candidates are
Revenue Divisional Officer / P.A. (General) instructed to send separate special reservation form
to the Collector of Chennai / Sub-Collector of along with main application. They should fill the special
the District concerned (except Chennai) reservation Form and send it along with the application.
vide Govt. Lr. No. 320161 / ADWII / 89-2, If appropriate certificates or supporting materials for
dt: 27-12-1989 and Lr. No. 21424 / ADWII / special reservation claim are not enclosed with the
94-4, dt: 15-11-1994 from the Secretary to Special Reservation Form then their claim under such
Government, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare categories will not be considered.
Department, Chennai-600 009. The Permanent
Community Certificate Card issued to ST Candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu Only will
candidates by Tahsildars upto 11-11-1989 is valid. be eligible for the Special Reservations.

Table showing the number of reserved seats 4.2 Eligibility Criteria for Various Disabilities
allocated for different categories. (as per G.O. Ms. No. 98, Higher Education (J2)
Code Applicable
Number Department, Dated 23-3-2005)
Special Reservation Category of
No. to Seats (a) Norms for Orthopedic Disability
11 Physically Challenged Diploma / 3% Candidates with permanent physical impairment
of 40% and above are considered as differently
(1) Orthopaedically Challenged B.Sc.
(Certificate No. I) abled. Hence candidates with orthopedic disability of
(2) Hearing Impaired the following types are elgible for claiming Engineering
(Certificate No. II) single
admission against Physically Challenged category
(3) Visually Impaired window (Certificate No. I).
(Certificate No. III) system (i) Independent in ambulance with or without
calipers but without walking aids.
12 Eminent Sports Persons
(International / National / Diploma 10 (ii) Good Standing Balance without calipers but
State Level Participations) without any support.
13 Sons and Daughters of Freedom Diploma 1 (iii) Hand Function with normal limit without any aid.
Fighters (iv) Good control over bladder and bowl.
14 Sons and Daughters of Diploma 15
(v) Disease must be non progressive.
Ex-Servicemen (b) Norms for Hearing Disability
Note: Candidates with hearing ability of 40db and above
(i) Candidates seeking admission against the only in the better ear with speech discriminations
reservation [Item No. 4 – Code No.11] set apart for score of 50% and above are considered differently
Orthopaedically Physically Challenged / Hearing abled and hence eligible for claiming Engineering
Impaired (Deaf) / Visually Impaired should produce the admission against Physically Challenged category
certificate from the Medical Board of the District (Certificate No. II).
concerned certifying the nature and extent of disability
in percentage and with regard to his / her suitability (c) Norms for Vision Impairment
for admission to Engineering Colleges specifically Candidates with low vision of 40% and above are
mentioned below and in the Format appended to this considered as differently abled, and hence eligible for
application (Certificate No. I / II / III) respectively. claiming Engineering admission against Physically
Certificate obtained from an individual Doctor will Challenged category (Certificate No. III).
not be considered.
Low Vision : Persons with low vision means a
(ii) Candidates claiming admission against the person with impairment of vision of less than 6 / 18 to
reservation for Children of Freedom Fighters 6/60 with best correction in the better eye or impair-
[Item No. 4 – Code No.13] should enclose the certificate ment of field in any one of the following categories :
as per format in Certificate No. IV. In addition they
should also enclose a copy of the Jail Extracts or in its (a) Reduction of fields less than 50 degrees
absence, Co-prisoner’s Certificate or certificate from (b) Heminaopia with macular involvement
Ex-Chief Minister or Ex-Minister or Ex-member of (c) Attitudinal defect involving lower fields
Legislature or Ex-member of Parliament as evidence Categories of Visual disability all with
that the candidate’s Parent of the candidate is a correction.
Freedom Fighter suffered imprisonment for a period
not less than one month subject to verification wherever Percentage
it is found necessary. Category Better eye Worse eye of
(iii) Candidates claiming admission against the
reservation of seats for Children of Ex-servicemen Category O 6 / 9 – 6 / 18 6/24 to 6/36 20%
[Item No. 4 – Code No. 14] should enclose the certificate Category I 6 / 16 – 6 / 36 6 / 20 to Nil 40%
in the Format appended to the application form
Category II 6 /40 – 4 / 60 or field of 3 / 60 to Nil 75%
(Certificate No. V) from an officer of the Department of
vision 100 – 200
Ex-servicemen’s Welfare of Tamilnadu not below the
rank of Assistant Director of Ex-servicemen’s Welfare Category III 3 / 60 to 1 / 60 or f ield ** F.C. at 100%
of the district of which the dependent is a native. of vision 100 1 f t. to Nil
Candidates called for counselling should produce ID Category IV F.C. at 1 f t. to Nil or F.C. at 1 f t. 100%
cards of their parents. field of vision 100 to Nil
(iv) Candidates seeking selection against the seats One eyed 6/6 F.C. at 1 f t. 30%
under the Special reservations [Item No. 4 – Persons *** to Nil or
Code No. 11 to 14] should also satisfy the eligibility field of
rules mentioned in Item 2 and selection of candidates vision 100
to the above special categories will be in addition to ** F.C. means Finger Count
their selection under general category. *** one eyed persons with normal vision are not considered as disabled.

5. MODE OF SELECTION 6.2 Late applications and applications which
are not in the prescribed form or which are not correctly
5.1 Admission to General Category
filled up will be considered defective and are liable for
(i) The selection of candidates will be made on the rejection.
basis of the marks obtained in the Final Year of The Secretary, Lateral Entry Admission will not be
the qualifying examinations and reduced to 100. responsible for any delay in Post or otherwise in respect
(ii) A merit list will be prepared separately for Diploma of receipt of application after the due date. No
and B.Sc. candidates based on the total marks correspondence will be entartained in this respect.
of 100. 6.3 The candidates have to join the colleges to
(iii) In cases where more than one candidate have got which they are allotted within the time notified in the
the same marks in the merit list, the inter-se merit Provisional Allotment Order failing which the seats will
among such candidates shall be determined in the be deemed to have fallen vacant. No request for
order of priority as specified below: reconsideration of admission shall be entertained.
1. Percentage of marks in the Final Semester 6.4 Detailed information regarding tuition fees,
examinations. Special fees, Scholarship, Fee Concession, Hostel
2. Percentage of marks in the Pre-Final Facilities, Courses of Studies, Examination etc., can
Semester examinations. be had from the Principal of the College in which the
candidate is joining.
3. Date of Birth. (Preference will be given to
elder Candidate). 6.5 The candidates are informed that the
admission given in the counselling are only
5.2 Admission to Special Reservation Categories provisional. In accordance with rules prescribed for
(i) Candidates who are applying for the special admission, if they are found ineligible on actual
reservation categories of seats should satisfy the verification of original certificates by the Principal /
rules stipulated for admission. Allocation of these Directorate of Technical Education, they cannot
Special Reservation seats will be followed as per claim any right for admission or continuation of
horizontal reservation. study at whatever stage of study they may be.
6.6 Confirmation of Admission is subject to
(ii) Selection for all Special Reservation categories
verification of marks certificates with the certificate
except Eminent Sports Persons will be based on
issuing authorities viz. respective State Boards of
their ranking as given in 5.1(i), (ii).
Technical Education and Training / Universities.
(iii) Selection under Eminent Sports Persons will be
based on the total marks obtained in Sports as If the marks certificate is found to be BOGUS :
per Annexure II. (i) Admission is liable for cancellation and
he / she will forfeit the admission no matter at
(iv) If there are not enough candidates under any of
what stage of the course, he/she will be in at
the special reservation categories, the vacancies
that time.
will be reverted back to the general quota.
(ii) He / She will be debarred from pursuing any
5.3 Counselling of Candidates course of study for a period of 3 years.
As per the rank list, candidates will be provisionally (iii) Legal action will be taken against him/her for
selected for admission following the communal furnishing bogus marks.
reservation. There will be counselling on the basis of 6.7 The candidates are required to enclose only
the rank list and the candidates have the choice of the Xerox with attested copies of the following
selecting any college and appropriate course as per certificates along with the filled in application.
availability at the time of counselling. The date, time
and venue for counselling will be intimated to the (i) Mark Sheets (All appearances) of Final Year
Selected candidates. No change of date/time of (Fifth and Sixth Semesters) Diploma / B.Sc.
counselling is permissible. Candidates who do not (All Semesters Mark Sheets) or Equivalent
attend the counselling on the specified date and time examination (Xeroxing both sides).
may have to forego the claim of admission. (ii) Diploma / Degree or Provisional Certificate.
(iii) Transfer Certificate.
6. GENERAL (iv) Permanent Community Certificate Card, in
respect of BCM / BC / MBC & DNC / SCA /
6.1 Candidates satisfying all the eligibility rules SC / ST.
mentioned above as on 01-07-2010 alone shall be
(v) Nativity Certificate if required.
considered for selection. Further in making the selection
the marks obtained in the prescribed Diploma / B.Sc. (vi) Plus Two Mark Sheet (B.Sc. Candidates only).
Examination as on 01-07-2010 or earlier shall be taken (vii) Special Reservation form with relevant
into account. documents if applicable.

7. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology,
Karaikudi 630 004. Registration Fee will be refunded
(i) Submit only one application indicating the
only after confirmation by the Secretary, that the student
Group Code and Group Name of admission
has not applied for admission.
sought for.

(ii) Encircle the code numbers wherever specified for 9. BAN ON RAGGING IN
the entries applicable to you. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
(iii) Enter the marks in the subjects of the qualifying Section 4 and 5 of the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of
Diploma / B.Sc. Examination Correctly. Ragging Act 1997 contain the following :

(iv) Enclose the attested xerox copies of relevant Section 4 : Whoever directly or indirectly
certificates whichever asked for along with the commits, Participates in, abets or Propagates Penalty
application. Submission of certificates at a later for “ragging” within or without any educational institution,
date shall not be accepted. shall be punished with ragging imprisonment for a term
which may extend to two years and shall also be liable
(v) Write your mailing address with pincode neatly in to a fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees.
the counselling call letter envelope.
Section 5 : Any students convicted of an offence
(vi) First fillup the application form and then fillup the under Section 4 shall also be dismissed from the
coding sheet by referring to application form item educational institution and such student shall not be
wise. admitted in any other educational institution.
(vii) Enter the details in the coding sheet carefully as
the data furnished are processed through 10. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
computer. Any mistake committed may lead to (i) For any correspondence, kindly quote your
cancellation of your admission. Registration Number mentioned in the Application
8. REFUND OF REGISTRATION FEE CHARGES (ii) The Secretary, Second Year B.E. / B.Tech.
Degree Admissions 2010 reserves the right to
The amount Rs. 300/- paid by the student at the accept or reject any application without assigning
time of sale of application includes Application Cost
any reason.
Rs. 100/- and Registration Fee Charges Rs. 200/-.
(iii) The filled in application along with all enclosures
Application Cost will not be refunded on any tied up and Coding sheet kept as loose sheet
account. Registration Fee charges will be refunded to should be sent to :
students who have bought the Application Form but
have not applied for admission. In order to get refund
of Registration Charges, the student should send the SECOND YEAR B.E./B.TECH. DEGREE ADMISSIONS 2010
copy of first page of Application Form with proof of ALAGAPPA CHETTIAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND
Application Number to the Secretary, Second Year TECHNOLOGY
B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Admissions 2010, Alagappa KARAIKUDI 630 004


CHENNAI 600 025




The application form consists of two separate parts : Application Form and Coding
Sheet. All the items in these parts are to be filled properly. First fill the application form, next
fill the coding sheet using entries in the application.

Guidelines to fill the application form

Use only BALL PEN to fill the application form. For many items you have to furnish
the required information by encircling the number applicable to you.

Application form consists of 18 items.

Item No. 1 The Group Code are given in the Information about the Colleges. Choose the
Group Code corresponding to your Qualifying Diploma / B.Sc. Course and
enter in the box provided.

Item No. 2 Enter the Group Name Corresponding to your Group Code are given in the
Information about the Colleges.

Item No. 3 Enter Group Code in the First Box and then enter 5 digit Application Number
printed in the Application Form. This is your Registration Number.

Item No. 4 If you claim for any of the special reservation, encircle the number(s)
corresponding to your claims. More than one can be encircled provided
you claim for more than one special reservation. (Relevant certificates in
the forms provided have to be given). If you are not claiming anything
encircle 15.

Item No. 5 The Branch Codes are given in the Information about the Colleges. Choose
the Branch Code (three digits) corresponding to your Qualifying Diploma/B.Sc.
Degree and enter it in the boxes provided.

Item No. 6 Write your name in BLOCK Letters, with initials at the end (Exactly in the
same way as it has been given in all your records). If your name is


Item No. 7 Write the name of your Parent. Write your Guardian’s name, if parents are
not alive.

Item No. 8 Write your mailing Address with Pin code, E-mail id, Contact Telephone No.,
Mobile No. (if any).

Item No. 9 If you are a male, encircle No. 1 and if you are a female, encircle No. 2.

Item No. 10 Enter your Date of Birth. The First two boxes are to be used to enter the
date as a two digit number, the next two boxes are to be used to enter the
month of birth and the last two boxes are to be used to enter the last two
digits of your year of birth. If your date of birth is 3.1.1985 enter in the boxes
provided as :

0 3 0 1 8 5

Item No. 11 If you are native of Tamil Nadu encircle 1, otherwise encircle 2

Item No. 12 Encircle the digit, corresponding to the community you belong. For example
If your community is BC, encircle the digit 5.

Item No. 13 The caste codes are given in the List of Community enclosed for different
communities. Choose the code number corresponding to your caste and enter
as a 3 digit number in the boxes provided. If your caste is Agaram Vellan
Chettiar in the B.C. list enter the caste code as 230 in the boxes provided.
Candidates belonging to communities other than ST / SC / SCA / MBC & DNC /
B.C. and B.C. (Muslims) should enter the code as 500.

Item No. 14 Fill up the entries in the space provided from the permanent community
certificate card.

Item No. 15 Fill up the details about your study in the Polytechnic / College in the space

Item No. 16 Enter the Registration Number of the Diploma/B.Sc. Examination in the space

Item No. 17 Enter Reg. No., Month & Year, Maximum Marks and Marks obtained in the
final year (including Theory and Practical subjects) i.e. in the Pre-Final and
Final Semester of Diploma / B.Sc. Degree Course. In case of Sandwich
Diploma Passed candidates, marks secured in the last two semesters of the
course shall be considered. If the industrial training intervened in any one of
the last two semester then the marks of the previous semester in which there
is no Industrial Training shall be considered. If Your Maximum Marks is 600
and Marks Obtained is 463, then enter it as

0 6 0 0 0 4 6 3

Item No. 18 Encircle 1 if Mathematics is studied as one of the Subjects in B.Sc. Degree
Course. Otherwise Encircle 2.




Candidates are instructed to go through the following guidelines available in the

“Information and Instructions to Candidates”.

First fill up the Application Form and then fill up the Coding Sheet from the entries of
Application Form.

First transfer name, encircled codes and additional codes for all the items from the
application form to the corresponding items in the coding sheet into the large enclosed
boxes using ball pen and then shade correspondingly in the small open boxes. If you want to
change, erase clearly and shade again correctly. Take care to shade using HB Pencil Only
and write by Ball Pen in the large enclosed Boxes.

The candidate should affix a recent passport size photograph in the space provided and
write the address neatly and clearly along with pincode against the item 8 in coding sheet. As it is
required for scanning purpose and sending the call letters etc.

The candidates are informed that any wrong information provided in the Coding Sheet will
lead to cancellation of admission.

Example 1 :

If your Group Code is 3 (Electrical) and your application number is 18998 then your
Registration Number is 318998. Enter this registration number in the large enclosed box
and shade the small open boxes accordingly using only HB Pencil, as indicated below :

3. Registration Number
3 1 8 9 9 8
[1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]
[2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2]
[3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
[4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4]
[5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
[6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6]
[7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7]
[8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8]
[9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9]
[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

Example 2 :
If you belong to MBC / DNC Community, Enter 4 in the large enclosed box and shade the
small open box [ 4 ].
12. Community
ST [1]
SC [2]
SCA [3]
MBC & DNC [4]
BC [5]
BC Muslims [6]
OC [7]
Example 3 :
If you have passed Qualifying Examination in March 2008 and if the Maximum Marks are
600 and total marks obtained are 516 in Final Semester, then enter the month, year,
Max. Marks and marks obtained in final semester as follows :
17. Marks obtained in the Qualifying Examination.

Final Semester
Month Year Max. Marks Marks Obtained
0 3 0 8 0 6 0 0 0 5 1 6
[1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]
[2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2]
[3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
[4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4]
[5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
[6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6]
[7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7]
[8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8]
[9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9]
[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]


(To be filled in by Candidate seeks admission under Special Reservation categories only)

1. Registration No. :

2. Group Code :

3. Group Name : ……………………………………………………….

4. Name of the Candidate : ……………………………………………………….

5. Special Reservation applied for : Code

Name of the Special Reservation

Signature of the Candidate

Note : 1. This form for Special Reservation is to be sent along with his / her application form.
2. Candidate should enclose relevant certificate obtained from the competent Authority for the
Special Reservation.
3. Candidate who wants to apply for more than one special reservation can use the xerox copy
of this special reservation form.



Code No. Special Reservation Category Applicable to Number of Seats

11 Physically Challenged Persons Diploma / B.Sc. 3% of total seats

(1) Orthopaedically Challenged under single
(Certificate No. I) window system
(2) Hearing Impaired (Certificate No. II)
(3) Visually Impaired (Certificate No. III)

12 Eminent Sports Persons (International / Diploma 10

National / State Level Participations)

13 Sons and Daughters of Freedom Fighters Diploma 1

14 Sons and Daughters of Ex-Servicemen Diploma 15


Name : .................................................................................. Regn. No.


(To be issued by the District Medical Board)

Certified, that the District Medical Board of………………………………………………………………(City) have

this……………day of………………………………2010 examined the Candidate whose particulars are given below :

1. Name of the Candidate :

2. Father’s Name :
3. Sex :
4. Approximate Age :

5. Identification Marks : 1.
6. Whether Audiologically / Visually Challenged :
(if yes for either one or both medical certificate / s for
fitness from the respective Board has to be produced)

7. Nature of Orthopaedic Challenged :

8. Extent of permanent disability in percentage :
9. Whether the Candidate fulfils the following :
Standards and may be considered for admission
to undergo studies in Engineering College /
Technical Institution
(a) Normal Blood Pressure : Yes / No
(b) Mentally Normal : Yes / No
(c) Independent in ambulation with or without : Yes / No
calipers but without any support
(d) Good standing balance with or without : Yes / No
calipers but Without any support
(e) Hand function within normal limits without : Yes / No
any aid
(f) Good control over bowel and bladder : Good / Not good
(g) Is the disability non-progressive : Yes / No
10. Whether eligible for consideration under : Yes / No
Physically Challenged Quota

11. Whether the candidates is physically and : Yes / No (If no please specify reasons)
mentally fit to be considered for admission in
Engineering College / Technical Institution

Signature of the Applicant Members

1. Chairman, District Medical Board
Date with seal of 2.
Medical Board

Note : Candidates with permanent Physical Impairment 40 and above are eligible for consideration under reserved quota.

Name : .................................................................................. Regn. No.


(To be issued by the District Medical Board)

Certified, that the District Medical Board of………………………………………………………………(City) have

this……………day of………………………………2010 examined the Candidate whose particulars are given below :

1. Name of the Candidate :

2. Father’s Name :

3. Sex :

4. Age :

5. Identification Marks : 1.


6. Whether Orthopaedically / Visually Challenged : Yes / No

(If yes for either one or both medical certificate /s for
fitness from the respective Boards has to be produced)

7. Nature of hearing loss and Extent of disability : RE. LE.

(a) Pure tone average dB : ………………… ………………….

(b) Speech discrimination score : ………………… ………………….

8. (a) Whether a suitable hearing aid to be used : Yes / No

(b) Is the impairment non-progressive : Yes / No

9. Whether eligible for consideration under : Yes / No

Physically Challenged quota

10. Whether the candidate is physically and mentally: Yes / No (if no please specify reasons)
fit to be considered for admission in engineering
College / Technical institution

Signature of the Applicant Members Chairman, District Medical Board

Date with Seal of 2.
Medical Board

Note : Candidate with hearing ability 40 db and above only in the better ear with speech discrimination score of 50% and above is
eligible for consideration under reserved quota.
Name : .................................................................................. Regn. No.


(To be issued by the District Medical Board)

Certified, that the District Medical Board of………………………………………………………………(City) have

this……………day of………………………………2010 examined the Candidate whose particulars are given below :

1. Name of the Candidate :

2. Father’s Name :
3. Sex :
4. Age :
5. Identification Marks : 1.
6. Whether Orthopaedically / Visually Challenged : Yes / No
(if yes for either one or both medical certificate / s for
fitness from the respective Board has to be produced)

7. Low vision : (Person with low vision means a person with impairment of vision of less than 6/18 to 6/60
with best correction in the better eye or impairment of field in any one of the following categories).
a) Reduction of fields less than 50 degrees :
b) Heminaopia with macular involvement :
c) Attitudinal defect involvement lower fields :
8. Categories of Visual Disability :
(Please Choose the appropriate box)
% age Tick (as
Category Better eye Worse eye
impairment applicable)
Category O 6/9 – 6/18 6/24 to 6/36 20%
Category I 6/16 – 6/36 6/20 to Nil 40%
Category II 6/40 – 4/60 or field of vision 10° – 20° 3/60 to Nil 75%
Category III 3/60 to 1/60 or field of vision 10° F.C. at 1ft. to Nil 100%
Category IV F.C. at 1ft. to Nil or field of vision 10° F.C. at 1ft. to Nil 100%
One eyed persons 6/6 F.C. at 1ft. to Nil 30%
or field of vision 10°
(One Eyed with normal vision are not considered as disabled)
Note : F.C. means Finger Count
9. Whether eligible for consideration under : Yes / No
Physically Challenged quota
10. Whether the candidate is physically and : Yes / No (if no please specify reasons)
mentally fit to be considered for admission in
Engineering College / Technical institution

Signature of the Applicant Members

1. Chairman, District Medical Board
Date with seal of 2.
Medical Board

Note : Candidates with low vision of 40% Impairment and above are considered as disabled and are eligible for consideration under
reserved quota.

Name : .................................................................................. Regn. No.


Certified that the applicant Thiru / Selvi…………………………………………………………………………………

is the son / daughter of Thiru / Tmt…………………………………………………………………………………………

who is a Freedom Fighter.

(A certificate as mentioned in “Information and Instruction to Candidates” should also be enclosed with the


Date : Office Seal

Station : Signature of the Certifying Authority

Note : (i) This certificate should be obtained from a Revenue Officer not below the rank of a Deputy Tahsildar.

Name : .................................................................................. Regn. No.


No. Dated :

Office of the Assistant Director of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare, District Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Board.
………………………………………………………………………………(Name of District)

This is certify that Tmt. / Thiru / Selvan / Selvi ……………………………………………………. is the

wife / son / unmarried daughter / widow of the under mentioned Ex-Serviceman who is solely depending on the
Ex-Serviceman whose particulars are furnished below.

He / She is eligible for consideration for admission to professional courses in Engineering College against the
reservation of seats for :

(i) Wife / Widow of Ex-Servicemen :

(ii) Children of Ex-Servicemen :

(iii) Children of Ex-Servicemen died / :

disabled in war / peace time.

(iv) Children of Ex-Servicemen died in :

Kargil War
(Tick the relevant box)

Signature :

Signature of the Candidate : Designation :


Regimental No :
Name :
Name of the Unit in which last served :
Date of enrollment :
Date of discharge :
Cause of discharge :
Whether died / disabled in service :
Whether died in Kargil war :
Character assessed at the time of discharge :

Office Seal :

Station : Signature :

Date : Designation :

Note : This Certificate shall be issued by an Officer not below the rank of Assistant Director of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare Board of the
District of which the dependent is a NATIVE.

“Ex-Serviceman” is a person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or as non combatant) in
the Armed Forces of the Union, including the Armed Forces of the Former Indian States (but excluding the Assam
Rifles, Defence Security Corps, General Reserve Engineering Force, Lok Sahayak Sena and Territorial Army) for
a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation and has been released, otherwise than at his own
request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or has been transferred to the
reserve pending such release, or has to serve for not more than six months for completing the period of service
requisite for becoming entitled to be released or transferred to the reserve or , has been released at his own request
after completing Five Years’ Service in the Armed Forces of the Union.

(Refer : Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Notification No.39016 /10/79 –Estt (C) of
December 15, 1979)

Note 1 : The term “ released ” would cover those Armed Forces Personnel who died while in service or were
killed in action.

Note 2 : Coys / Recruits who are in receipt of disability pension i.e., attributable to service are deemed to be
“ Ex-Servicemen ”.

Note 3 : Territorial Army personnel under the following Category are deemed as “Ex-Servicemen”.

(a) Pension holders for continuous embodied service

(b) Disabled Territorial Army Personnel with disability attributable to Military Service.

(c) Family Pension holder

(d) Gallantry Award winner

(Authority : Director General Resettlement letter No.2667 / DGR / EMP / RES –3, Dated 16-12-1982)

Name : .................................................................................. Regn. No.


Certified that Thiru / Thirumathi……………………………………………………………………Parent / Guardian* of

Thiru / Selvi / Thirumathi**……………………………………an applicant for admission to…………………………………

in Tamil Nadu has / had permanent residence at………………………………………………………………in Tamil Nadu

and is a Native of…………………………………………………………District in Tamil Nadu.

Note : This certificate should be issued by an Officer of Revenue Department not below the rank of a Tahsildar in the Taluk concerned.

Signature of Village Administrative Officer Signature :

of…………………………………..………………………in Name and Designation :

the…………………………………….……………Taluk of
Station :
Office Seal :

Office Seal : Date :

* Applicable only when parents are deceased.

** In this case the Nativity of husband (not Parent or
Guardian) should be furnished.

1. Tamil Nadu Native Candidates with schooling in Tamil 4. A person will not lose his / her Nativity in the State
Nadu from IX std. onwards (in respect of Diploma merely on account of his / her absence from the State
candidates) and Tamil Nadu Native candidates with owing to him / her employment elsewhere in Govern-
schooling in Tamil Nadu from XI std. onwards (in respect ment Service or in any occupation, trade, business or
of B.Sc. Candidates) need not enclose the Nativity profession.
5. Government servant of Tamil Nadu and the employees of
2. In case they have passed any of the IX, X, XI, XII,
Diploma and B.Sc. Examinations from the Institutions all the State Public Sector undertakings will be deemed to
situated outside Tamil Nadu, a copy of the “Nativity have permanent residence in Tamil Nadu. Certificate from
Certificate” Vide Certificate No. VI should be enclosed the Head of the Officer should be furnished for their
with the application for considering them as candidates employment in Tamil Nadu.
belonging to Tamil Nadu.
6. If only one of the parents of a candidate is alive, the
3.(a) This Certificate should be signed by the Village State of Nativity of the surviving parent can alone be
Administrative Officer and by the Tahsildar in the taken into account. If both the parents are dead, the
Taluk concerned. candidates may choose the State of Nativity of the
This Certificate should not be issued by Special Tahsildars, father or mother. The State of Nativity of a candidate’s
Deputy Tahsildars such as Loans, Land acquisition, guardian be given (and will be taken into account)
Election, Excise and HQs. Deputy Tahsildars, Special only if both the parents of the candidate are dead.
Deputy Collectors, Asst. Commissioner of Agricultural The relationship of the guardian to the candidate
Income, Excise, Elections etc. should also be mentioned. If both the parents are
(b) The Certificate should bear the stamp of the office of the alive, only the State of Nativity of father should be
Officer signing the Certificate. taken into account.


Code Code
No. No.
1. Adiyan 19. Maha Malasar
2. Aranadan 20. Malai Arayan
3. Eravallan 21. Malai Pandaram
4. Irular 22. Malai Vedan
5. Kadar 23. Malakkuravan
6. Kammara (excluding Kanyakumari District and 24. Malasar
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District & Tuticorin
25. Malayali (in Dharmapuri, Vellore, Tiruvannamalai,
Pudukottai, Salem and Namakkal, Cuddalore,
7. Kanikaran, Kanikkar (in Kanyakumari District and Villupuram and Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District & Tuticorin Perambalur Districts)
26. Malayekandi
8. Kaniyan, Kanyan
27. Mannan
9. Kattunayakan
28. Mudugar, Muduvan
10. Kochuvelan
29. Muthuvan
11. Konda Kapus
12. Kondareddis 30. Palleyan
13. Koraga 31. Palliyan
14. Kota (excluding Kanyakumari District and 32. Palliyar
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District & Tuticorin 33. Paniyan
District) 34. Sholaga
15. Kudiya, Melakudi 35. Toda (excluding Kanyakumari District and
16. Kurichchan Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District & Tuticorin
17. Kurumbas (in The Nilgiris District) District)
18. Kurumans 36. Uraly


37. Adi-Dravida 51. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano
38. Adi-Karnataka 52. Domban
39. Ajila 53. Godagali
40. Ayyanavar (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah 54. Godda
Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.) 55. Gosangi
41. Baira 56. Holeya
42. Bakuda 57. Jaggali
43. Bandi 58. Jambuvulu
59. Kadaiyan
44. Bellara
60. Kakkalan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
45. Bharatar (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
61. Kalladi
46. Chalavadi
62. Kanakkan, Padanna (in the Nilgiris District)
47. Chamar, Muchi
63. Karimpalan
48. Chandala 64. Kavara (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
49. Cheruman Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
50. Devandra Kulathan 65. Koliyan

Code Code
No. No.
66. Koosa 88. Pathiyan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
67. Kootan, Koodan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shen- Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
kottah Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.) 89. Pulayan, Cheramar
68. Kudumban 90. Puthiraivannan
69. Kuravan, Sidhanar 91. Raneyar
70. Maila
92. Samagara
71. Mala
93. Samban
72. Mannan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.) 94. Sapari
73. Mavilan 95. Semman
74. Moger 96. Thandan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
75. Mundala Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
76. Nalakeyava 97. Tiruvalluvar
77. Nayadi 98. Vallon
78. Padannan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah 99. Valluvan
Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.) 100. Vannan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
79. Pallan Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
80. Palluvan 101. Vathiriyan
81. Pambada
102. Velan
82. Panan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
103. Vetan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
83. Panchama
84. Pannadi 104. Vettiyan
85. Panniandi 105. Vettuvan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah
86. Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.)
87. Paravan (in Kanyakumari Dist. and Shenkottah 106. Venganur Adi-Dravidar (Vellore Dist.)
Taluk of Tirunelveli Dist. & Tuticorin Dist.) 107. Veppur Parayan (Cuddalore Dist.)


(Tamil Nadu Government Gazette (Extraordinary) No. 112 & 113, Dated : 29-04-2009)

108. Adi-Andhra 112. Madiga

109. Arunthathiyar 113. Pagadai
110. Chakkiliyan 114. Thotti
111. Madari


(G.O. Ms. No. 28, BC & MBCW Department dated 19-7-94,
G.O. Ms. No. 96, BC & MBCW Department dated 8-9-2008 and
G.O. Ms. No. 97, BC & MBCW Department dated 11-9-2008)

115. Ambalakarar 125. Jambuvanodai

116. Andipandaram 126. Jangam
117. Arayar (in Kanniyakumari District only) 127. Jogi
118. Bestha, Siviar 128. Kongu Chettiar (in Coimbatore and Erode
119. Bhatraju (other than Kshatriya Raju). Districts only).
120. Boyar, Oddar 129. Koracha
121. Dasari 130. Kulala (including Kuyavar and Kumbarar).
122. Dommara 131. Kunnuvar Mannadi
123. Eravallar (except in Kanniyakumari District and 132. Kurumba, Kurumba Gounder
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the 133. Kuruhini Chetty
Community is a Scheduled Tribe. 134. Latin Catholic Christian Vannar (in Kanniyakumari
124. Isaivellalar District)

Code Code
No. No.
135. Maruthuvar, Navithar, Mangala, Velakattalavar, 147. Punnan Vettuva Gounder
Velakatalanair and Pronopakari 148. Pannayar (other than Kathikarar in Kanniyakumari
136. Mond Golla District).
137. Moundadan Chetty 149. Sathatha Srivaishnava (including Sathani, Chattadi
138. Mahendra, Medara and Chattada Srivaishnava).
139. Mutlakampatti 150. Sozhia Chetty
140. Narikoravar 151. Telugupatty Chetty
141. Nokkar 152. Thottia Naicker (including Rajakambalam,
142. Pani Saivan / Pani Sivan Gollavar, Sillavar, Thockalavar and Thozhuva
143. Vanniakula Kshatriya (including Vanniyar, Vanniya, Naicker and Erra Gollar)
Vannia Gounder, Gounder or Kander, Padayachi, 153. Thondaman
Palli and Agnikula Kshatriya).
154. Thoraiyar (Nilgiris)
144. Paravar (except in Kanniyakumari District and
155. Thoraiyar (Plains)
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the
Community is Scheduled Caste) (including con- 156. Valaiyar (including Chettinad Valayars).
verts to Christianity). 157. Vannar (Salavai Thozhilalar) (including Agasa,
Paravar converts to Christianity including the Madivala, Ekali, Rajakula, Veluthadar and Rajaka)
Paravar converts to Christianity of Kanniyakumari (except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah
District and Shencottah Taluk in Tirunelveli District. Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the Community
145. Meenavar (Parvatharajakulam, Pattanavar, is a Scheduled Caste).
Sembadavar) (including converts to Christianity). 158. Vettaikarar
146. Mukkuvar or Mukayar (including converts to Chris- 159. Vettuva Gounder
tianity). 160. Yogeeswarar

(G.O. Ms. No. 28, BC & MBCW Department dated 19-7-94)
161. Attur Kilnad Koravars (Salem and Namakkal, 173. Dobba Koravars (Salem and Namakkal Districts).
Cuddalore, Villupuram, Ramanathapuram, 174. Dommars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and
Sivagangai and Virudhunagar Districts). Thiruvarur, Pudukottai, Vellore and Tiruvanna-
162. Attur Melnad Koravars (Salem and Namakkal malai Districts).
District). 175. Donga Boya
163. Appanad Kondayam Kottai Maravar (Sivagangai, 176. Donga Ur. Korachas
Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Madurai and 177. Devagudi Talayaries
Theni and Dindigul Districts). 178. Dobbai Korachas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
164. Ambalakkarar (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts).
Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur 179. Dabi Koravas (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and
and Pudukottai Districts). Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur,
165. Ambalakkarar (Suriyanur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Pudukottai, Vellore and Thiruvannamalai Districts).
Perambalur Districts). 180. Donga Dasaries (Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur,
166. Boyas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, Pudukottai,
Pudukottai, The Nilgiris, Salem and Namakkal and Chennai, Salem and Namakkal Districts).
Dharmapuri Districts). 181. Gorrela Dodda Boya
167. Battu Turkas 182. Gudu Dasaris
168. C.K. Koravars (Cuddalore and Villupuram 183. Gandarvakottai Koravars (Thanjavur, Naga-
Districts). pattinam and Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
169. Chakkala (Sivagangai, Virudhunagar, Ramanatha- Perambalur, Pudukottai, Cuddalore and Villupuram
puram, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur, Districts).
Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, 184. Gandarvakottai Kallars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam
Madurai and Theni, Dindigul and The Nilgiris and Thiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts).
Districts). 185. Inji Korvars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and
170. Changayampudi Koravars (Vellore and Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur
Tiruvannamalai Districts). and Pudukottai Districts).
171. Chettinad Valayars (Sivagangai, Virudhunagar and 186. Jogis (Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur, Chennai,
Ramanathapuram Districts). Cuddalore, Villupuram, Vellore and Tiruvanna-
172. Domb’s (Pudukottai and Tiruchirapalli, Karur and malai Districts).
Perambalur Districts). 187. Jambavanodai

Code Code
No. No.
188. Kaladis (Sivagangai, Virudhunagar, Ramanatha- 208. Punnan Vettuva Gounder (Tiruchirapalli, Karur
puram, Madurai and Theni, Dindigul, Thanjavur, and Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts).
Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur, Pudukottai and
209. Servai (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur and
Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Districts).
Pudukottai Districts).
189. Kal Oddars (Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur,
210. Salem Melnad Koravars (Madurai and Theni,
Ramanathapuram, Sivagangai, Virudhunagar,
Dindigul, Coimbatore, Erode, Pudukottai,
Madurai and Theni, Dindigul, Pudukottai,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, Salem
Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, Tirunelveli,
and Namakkal, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai
Toothukudi and Salem and Namakkal Districts).
190. Koravars (Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur, Rama-
211. Salem Uppu Koravars (Salem and Namakkal
nathapuram, Sivagangai, Virudhunagar,
Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and
Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, 212. Sakkaraithamadai Koravars (Vellore and
Tirunelveli, Toothukudi, Chennai, Madurai and Tiruvannamalai Districts).
Theni, Dindigul and The Nilgiris Districts). 213. Saranga Palli Koravars
191. Kalinji Dabikoravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam 214. Sooramarai Oddars (Salem and Namakkal
and Thiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts). District).
192. Kootappal Kallars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and 215. Sembanad Maravars (Sivagangai, Virudhunagar
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts). and Ramanathapuram Districts).
193. Kala Koravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and 216. Thalli Koravars (Salem and Namakkal District).
Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur
217. Thelungupatty Chettis (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
and Pudukottai Districts).
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts).
194. Kalavathila Boyas
218. Thottia Naickers (Sivagangai, Virudhunagar,
195. Kepmaris (Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur, Ramanathapuram, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur,
Pudukottai and Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur,
Perambalur Districts). Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, Pudukottai,
196. Maravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Tirunelveli, Toothukudi, Salem and Namakkal,
Thiruvarur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram, Vellore, Thiruvannamalai, Coimbatore and Erode
Sivagangai, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli and Districts).
Toothukudi Districts). 219. Thogamalai Koravars or Kepmaris (Tiruchira-
197. Monda Koravars palli, Karur and Perambalur and Pudukottai
198. Monda Golla (Salem and Namakkal Districts). Districts).
199. Mutlakampatti (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and 220. Uppukoravars or Settipalli Koravars (Thanjavur,
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts). Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur, Pudukottai, Madurai
200. Nokkars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur and Theni, Dindigul, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai
and Pudukottai Districts). Districts).
201. Nellorepet Oddars (Vellore and Tiruvannamalai 221. Urali Gounders (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
Districts). Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts).
202. Oddars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur, 222. Wayalpad or Nawalpeta Korachas
Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, Pudukottai, 223. Vaduvarpatti Koravars (Madurai and Theni,
Madurai and Theni and Dindigul Districts). Dindigul, Ramanathapuram, Sivagangai,
203. Pedda Boyas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli, Toothukudi,
and Pudukottai Districts). Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur and
Pudukottai Districts).
204. Ponnai Koravars (Vellore and Tiruvannamalai
Districts). 224. Valayars (Madurai and Theni, Dindigul,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, Pudukottai,
205. Piramalai Kallars (Sivagangai, Virudhunagar,
Erode and Coimbatore Districts).
Ramanathapuram, Madurai and Theni, Dindigul,
Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and 225. Vettaikarar (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and
Thiruvarur Districts). Thiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts).
206. Periya Suriyur Kallars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur 226. Vetta Koravars (Salem and Namakkal District).
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts). 227. Varaganeri Koravars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
207. Padayachi (Vellayan Kuppam in Cuddalore Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts).
District and Tennore in Tiruchirapalli, Karur and 228. Vettuva Gounder (Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
Perambalur District). Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts).

1. G.O. Ms. No. 28, BC & MBCW Department dated 19-7-94.
2. G.O. Ms. No. 100, BC & MBCW (BCC) Department dated 24-11-97.
3. G.O. Ms. No. 78, BC, MBC & MW Department, dated 4-8-2005.

Code Code
No. No.
229. Agamudayar including Thozhu or Thuluva Vellala 246. Devangar, Sedar
230. Agaram Vellan Chettiar 247. Dombs (except Pudukottai and Tiruchirapalli, Karur
231. Alwar, Azhavar and Alavar (in Kanniyakumari and Perambalur Districts). Dommars (except
District and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur,
District). Pudukottai, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai
232. Servai (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Districts).
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts). 248. Enadi
233. Nulayar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shenkottah 249. Ezhavathy (in Kanniyakumari District and
Taluk of Tirunelveli District). Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
234. Archakarai Vellala 250. Ezhuthachar (in Kanniyakumari District and
235. Aryavathi (in Kanniyakumari District and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District). 251. Ezhuva (in Kanniyakumari District and Shenkottak
236. Ayira Vaisyar Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
237. Badagar 252. Gangavar
238. Billava 253. Gavara, Gavarai and Vadugar (Vaduvar) (other
239. Bondil than Kamma, Kapu, Balija and Reddi).
240. Boyas (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur and 254. Gounder
Perambalur, Pudukottai, The Nilgiris, Salem and 255. Gowda (including Gammala, Kalali and Anuppa
Namakkal and Dharmapuri Districts). Gounder).
Pedda Boyar (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur and 256. Hegde
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts).
257. Idiga
Oddars (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and
258. Illathu Pillaimar, Illuvar, Ezhuvar and Illathar
Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur,
Pudukottai, Madurai and Theni and Dindigul 259. Jhetty
Districts). 260. Jogis (except Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur,
Kaloddars (except Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur, Madurai and Theni, Dindigul, Cuddalore,
Ramanathapuram, Sivagangai, Virudhunagar, Villupuram, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai
Madurai and Theni, Dindigul, Pudukottai, Districts).
Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur, Tirunelveli, 261. Kabbera
Toothukudi, Salem and Namakkal Districts). 262. Kaikolar, Sengunthar
Nellorepet Oddars (except Vellore and 263. Kaladi (except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar,
Tiruvannamalai Districts). Ramanathapuram, Madurai and Theni, Dindigul,
Sooramari Oddars (except Salem and Namakkal Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur,
Districts). Pudukottai and Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
241. Chakkala (except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Perambalur Districts).
Ramanathapuram, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and 264. Kalari Kurup including Kalari Panicker (in
Thiruvarur, Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Kanniyakumari District and Shenkottah Taluk of
Perambalur, Madurai and Theni, Dindigul and Tirunelveli District).
The Nilgiris Districts). 265. Kalingi
242. Chavalakarar (in Kanniyakumari District and
266. Kallar (including Easanattu Kallar, Gandarvarkottai
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
Kallars) (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and
243. Chettu or Chetty (including Kottar Chetty, Elur Thiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts) Koottappal
Chetty, Pathira Chetty, Valayal Chetty, Pudukkadai Kallars (except Pudukottai and Tiruchirapalli, Karur
Chetty) (in Kanniyakumari District and Shenkottah and Perambalur Districts) Piramalai Kallars
Taluk of Tirunelveli District). (except Sivagangai, Virudhunagar, Ramanatha-
244. Chowdry puram, Madurai and Theni, Dindigul, Pudukottai,
245. Donga Dasaris (except Kancheepuram and Thanjavur and Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur
Tiruvallur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Districts) Periasooriyur Kallars (except
Pudukottai, Chennai, Salem and Namakkal Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur and
Districts). Pudukottai Districts).

Code Code
No. No.
267. Kallar Kula Thondaman 298. Maravars (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and
268. Kalveli Gounder Thiruvarur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram,
Sivagangai, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli and
269. Kambar Toothukudi Districts) (including Karumaravars,
270. Kammalar or Viswakarma, Viswakarmala (includ- Appanad Kondayam Kottai Maravar (except
ing Thattar, Porkollar, Kannar, Karumar, Kollar, Sivagangai, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram,
Thacher, Kal Thacher, Kamsala and Viswabrahmin). Madurai and Theni and Dindigul Districts) and
Sembanad Maravars (except Sivagangai,
271. Kani, Kanisu, Kaniyar, Panikkar
Virudhunagar and Ramanathapruam Districts).
272. Kaniyala Vellalar 299. Moondrumandai Enbathunalu (84) Ur. Sozhia
273. Kannada Saineegar, Kannadiyar (Throughout the Vellalar
State) and Dasapalanjika (Coimbatore, Erode 300. Mooppan
and the Nilgiris Districts). 301. Muthuraja, Muthuracha, Muttiriyar, Muthiriyar,
274. Kannadiya Naidu Mutharaiyar
275. Karpoora Chettiar 302. Nadar, Shanar and Gramani
303. Nagaram
276. Karuneegar (Seer Karuneegar, Sri Karuneegar,
Sarattu Karuneegar, Kaikatti Karuneegar, 304. Naikkar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shenkottah
Mathuvazhi Kanakkar, Sozhi Kanakkar and Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
Sunnambu Karuneegar). 305. Nangudi Vellalar
277. Kasukkara Chettiar 306. Nanjil Mudali (in Kanniyakumari District and
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
278. Katesar, Pattamkatti
307. Odar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shenkottah
279. Kavuthiyar Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
280. Kerala Mudali 308. Odiya
281. Kharvi 309. Oottruvalanattu Vellalar
282. Khatri 310. O.P.S. Vellalar
311. Ovachar
283. Kongu Vaishnava
312. Paiyur Kotta Vellalar
284. Kongu Vellalars (including Vellala Gounder, Nattu
313. Pamulu
Gounder, Narambukkatti Gounder, Tirumudi
Vellalar, Thondu Vellalar, Pala Gounder, Poosari 314. Panar (except in Kanniyakumari District and
Gounder, Anuppa Vellala Gounder, Padaithalai Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the
Gounder, Chendalai Gounder, Pavalankatti Vellala community is a scheduled caste).
Gounder, Pala Vellala Gounder, Sanku Vellala 315. Pandiya Vellalar
Gounder and Rathinagiri Gounder). 316. Kathikarar in Kanniyakumari District
285. Koppala Velama 317. Pannirandam Chettiar or Uthama Chettiar
286. Koteyar 318. Parkavakulam (including Surithimar, Nathamar,
Malayamar, Moopanar and Nainar).
287. Krishnavaka (in Kanniyakumari District and
319. Perike (including Perike Balija).
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
320. Perumkollar (in Kanniyakumari District and
288. Kudikara Vellalar Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
289. Kudumbi (in Kanniyakumari District and 321. Podikara Vellalar
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District). 322. Pooluva Gounder
290. Kuga Vellalar 323. Poraya
291. Kunchidigar 324. Pulavar (in Coimbatore and Erode Districts).
292. Lambadi 325. Pulluvar or Pooluvar
293. Lingayat (Jangama). 326. Pusala
327. Reddy (Ganjam).
294. Mahratta (Non-Brahmin) (including Namdev
Mahratta). 328. Sadhu Chetty (including Telugu Chetty, Twenty
four Manai Telugu Chetty).
295. Malayar
329. Sakkaravar or Kavathi (in Kanniyakumari District
296. Male and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
297. Maniagar 330. Salivagana

Code Code
No. No.
331. Saliyar, Padmasaliyar, Pattusaliyar, Pattariyar and 358. Wynad Chetty (The Nilgiris District).
Adhaviyar 359. Yadhava (including Idaiyar, Telugu Speaking
332. Savalakkarar Idaiyar known as Vaduga Ayar or Vaduga Idaiyar
333. Senaithalaivar, Senaikudiyar and Illaivaniar or Golla and Asthanthra Golla).
334. Serakula Vellalar 360. Yavana
335. Sourashtra (Patnulkarar). 361. Yerukula
336. Sozhiavellalar (including Sozha Vellalar, 362. Orphans and destitute children who have lost
Vetrilaikarar, Kodikalkarar and Keeraikarar). their parents before reaching the age of ten and
337. Srisayar are destitutes; and who have nobody else to
take care of them either by law or custom; and
338. Sundaram Chetty
also who are admitted into any of the schools or
339. Thogatta Veerakshatriya orphanages run by the Government or recognised
340. Tholkollar (in Kanniyakumari District and by the Government.
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District).
363. Converts to Christianity from Scheduled
341. Tholuva Naicker and Vetalakara Naicker Castes irrespective of the generation of conversion
342. Thoriyar (except the Paravar converts to Christianity of
343. Ukkirakula Kshatriya Naicker Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District) for the purpose of reservation
344. Uppara, Uppillia and Sagara
of seats in Educational Institutions and for seats in
345. Urali Gounder (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Public Services.
Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts) and Orudaya
364. C.S.I. formerly S.I.U.C. (in Kanniyakumari District
Gounder or Oorudaya Gounder (in Madurai and
and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
Theni, Dindigul, Coimbatore, Erode, Tiruchirapalli,
Karur and Perambalur, Pudukottai and Salem 365. Latin Catholics except Latin Catholic Vannar in
and Namakkal Districts). Kanniyakumari District
346. Urikkara Nayakkar 366. Latin Catholics in Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
347. Vallambar District
348. Virakodi Vellala 367. Christian Nadar, Christian Shanar and Christian
349. Valmiki
368. Converts to Christianity from any Hindu Backward
350. Vallanattu Chettiar
Classes Community or Most Backward Classes
351. Vaniyar, Vania Chettiar (including Gandla, Telikula Community (except the Converts to Christianity
and Chekkalar). from Meenavar, Parvatharajakulam, Pattanavar,
352. Veduvar and Vedar (except in Kanniyakumari Sembadavar, Mukkuvar or Mukayar and Paravar)
District and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli or Denotified Communities.
District where the community is a Scheduled
353. Veerasaiva (in Kanniyakumari District and
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District). 369. Ansar
354. Velar 370. Dekkani Muslims
355. Vellan Chettiar 371. Dudekula
356. Veluthodathu Nair (in Kanniyakumari District and 372. Labbais including Rowthar and Marakayar
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District). (whether their spoken language is Tamil or Urdu)
357. Vokkaligar (including Vakkaligar, Okkaligar, 373. Mapilla
Kappaliyar, Kappiliya, Okkaliga Gowda, Okkaliya, 374. Sheik
Gowda, Okkaliya Gowder, Okkaliya Gowda). 375. Syed

Candidates belonging to Communities other than

ST / SC / SCA / MBC & DNC / BC Muslims and BC
should enter the Code as 500.



1. The purpose of this quota is to recognize and give weightage to the sports eminence of the candidates
and hence marks for sports achievements alone will be considered in ranking the candidates. The
candidates are expected to continue good performance in sports, even after selection.
2. The highest achievement of the candidate in only one annual tournament in the sports disciplines in a
year will be considered for awarding marks.
3. Selection of the candidate will be based on the marks obtained by the candidate, following the guidelines
given in the table below:

Table (I) - Marks for International Achievement

Sl. No. Competition Gold Silver Bronze Participation
1. International 500 450 400 150
(Representing India Category – I)
2. International 350 300 250 125
(Representing India Category – II)

Table (II) – Marks for Recognized National Achievement

Allocation of Marks
Sl. No. Competitions
Gold Silver Bronze Participation

1. National Championships – 175 150 125 40

Organized by National Federations
2. School Games Federation of India 175 150 125 40
(SGFI) Meet (National Level)
3. All India Rural Sports Meet 175 150 125 40
(National Level)
4. National Sports Festival for Women 175 150 125 40
(National Level)
5. National Inter School Competition 175 150 125 40
(National Level)

Table (III) – Marks for Recognized South Zone Achievement

Allocation of Marks
Sl. No. Competitions
Gold Silver Bronze Participation

1. South Zone Tournaments / Meets – 75 60 45 20

organised by State Associations &

Table (IV) – Marks for Recognized State Championships

Allocation of Marks
Sl. No. Competitions
Gold Silver Bronze Participation

1. State Championship Representing 65 50 35 15

Revenue District – Organized by
State Associations

Table (V) – Marks for Recognized State Level Achievements

Allocation of Marks
Sl. No. Competitions
Gold Silver Bronze Participation

1. Bharathiar Day Sports Meet 55 40 25 10

(State Level)
2. Republic Day Sports Meet 55 40 25 10
(State Level)
3. State Inter School Competition 55 40 25 10
(State Level)
4. KVS / CBSE National Sports Meet 55 40 25 10
(State Level)

Table (VI) – Marks for Divisional Level Achievements

Allocation of Marks
Sl. No. Competitions
Gold Silver Bronze Participation

1. Bharathiar Day Sports Meet 45 30 15 5

(Division Level)
2. Republic Day Sports Meet 45 30 15 5
(Division Level)
3. KVS Regional / CBSE South Zone 45 30 15 5
Meet (Divisional Level)
4. Inter-Divisional Polytechnic Meet 45 30 15 5
(Divisional Level)
5. District Inter School Competition 45 30 15 5
(Divisional Level)

Gold (I Position) Silver (II Position) Bronze (III Position)

4. (a) For International Tournaments:

Category – I : Olympics, World Cup / World Championship, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, Asian
Championships, Junior World Cup / World Championships, Asian Junior Championships,
World University Games / Championships, World School Games, Afro Asian Games, South
Asian Federation Games and Junior South Asian Federation Games.
Category – II : All other International tournaments not covered under Category I and wherein, not less than
six countries had participated.
1. Participation / achievement in International tournaments will be considered only with earlier
achievements at National / State level tournaments.
2. Only tournaments officially recognised by the Indian Olympic Association / respective
official National Federations will be considered for the award of marks (for each year)
(1.6.2006 to 31.5.2007, 1.6.2007 to 31.5.2008, 1.6.2008 to 31.5.2009 and 1.6.2009 to
3. Participation / Achievements in tournaments, with Form I alone are eligible for marks
indicated in table (I) above.

(b) For National Tournaments:

1. The highest achievement in only one annual tournament, officially recognized as the regular annual
championship / tournament by Indian Olympic Association / SDAT / SAI / respective official National
Federation will be considered (for each year) for the award of marks.
2. Marks will not be awarded for selection trials.

(c) For State Tournaments:
1. The highest achievement in only one annual tournament, officially recognized as the regular annual
championship / tournament by SDAT / SAI / respective official State Association will be considered
(for each year) for the award of marks.

5. General Conditions
1. For consideration of Candidates seeking admission under the category of eminent sports person,
he / she should enclose attested photo copies of participation certificates and the Forms issued by
the relevant sports authorities, along with the application.
2. Participation / achievements from 01.06.2006 to 31.05.2010 (1.6.2006 to 31.5.2007, 1.6.2007 to
31.5.2008, 1.6.2008 to 31.5.2009 and 1.6.2009 to 31.5.2010) in sports / games shown in the list alone
will be taken into account. National / State Level Championships / Tournaments conducted by
organizations recognized by Indian Olympic Association / Sports Development Authority of Tamilnadu
(SDAT) / Tamilnadu Olympic Association (TNOA) alone will be considered for award of marks.
(Recognition should be relevant to the year concerned).
3. The relevant attested copies of certificates issued by the appropriate authorities as detailed below are
to be submitted along with the application.

Category Competent Authority Form / Certificates

International President / Secretary of the National Sports Form – I

(Representing Nation) Federation (recognized by IOA)
National (Representing State) Member Secretary, SDAT/Secretary of the State Form – II
Association (recognized by SDAT/TNOA)
National (Representing State) Chief Inspector of Physical Education for Form – IV
National School Games competitions
School Games Federation on President / Hon. Gen. Secretary, SGFI Certificates
India (SGFI) (National Level)
National Inter School Executive Director / Director-General, Sports Certificates
Competition (National Level) Authority of India
All India Rural Sports Executive Director / Director-General, Certificates /
(National Level) Sports Authority of India Form – II
National Sports Festival for Executive Director / Director-General, Certificates /
Women (National Level) Sports Authority of India Form – II
KVS Nationals (State Level) Commissioner / Joint Commissioner of KVS Certificates
CBSE National Sports A. E. O. – Sports / Secretary, CBSE Certificates
Meet (State Level)
Bharathiar Day Sports Meet Regional Inspector of Physical Education and Certificates
(State Level) Chief Inspector of Physical Education
Republic Day Sports Meet Regional Inspector of Physical Education and Certificates
(State Level) Chief Inspector of Physical Education
State Inter School Member Secretary, Sports Development Certificates
Competitions (State Level) Authority of Tamil Nadu
Bharathiar Day Sports Regional Inspector of Physical Education and Certificates
Meet (Divisional Level) Chief Education Officer
Republic Day Sports Meet Regional Inspector of Physical Education and Certificates
(Divisional Level) Chief Education Officer
KVS Regional Level Assistant Commissioner of KVS Certificates
(Divisional Level)
CBSE South Zone Sports A. E. O. – Sports / Secretary, CBSE Certificates
Meet (Divisional Level)
Inter-Divisional Polytechnic Director of Technical Education Certificates
Meet (Divisional Level)
District Inter School District Sports Officer Certificates
Competitions (Divisional Level)

These Certificates are not valid unless signed personally in ink by the authorities mentioned above.

4. Open / Invitational tournaments of any kind will not be considered.

5. For Tennis, the achievements of top three players by his/her position in the ranking list published by
AITA / TNTA based on the ranking rules and the final rankings of previous four years, will be awarded
marks for achievements & participation (necessary forms from associations are to be enclosed).
6. For Cricket, the annual official championship tournaments conducted within the country under the
auspices of TNCA / BCCI at District / State / National Level alone will be taken into consideration
for that year.

7. The participation / achievements of candidates with nativity of Tamil Nadu who represented Tamil Nadu
alone are eligible for marks under National Category.
8. Only Tamil Nadu candidates are eligible to apply for admission under Sports Quota and only the KVS
/ CBSE schools within Tamil Nadu are eligible for marks.
9. A Sports Selection Committee constituted for this purpose will rank the candidates based on the
marks assigned to the certificates enclosed along with the application.

10. All the achievement certificates are to be supported necessarily by the relevant participation
certificates and appropriate Forms.
11. No further enclosures or certificates will be entertained after the last date for submission of completed
12. Required number of candidates will be called to appear for an interview before the Sports Selection
Committee for verification of the Originals, followed by counselling after ranking.

13. If any candidate fails to produce the requisite Original Certificates / Forms, his / her place will be
allotted to the candidate next in rank and so on. The consequential vacancy at the end of the rank
list will be filled up from among the additional candidates according to their ranks.
14. Selected candidates will be counselled and allotment of branches and colleges earmarked for this
quota based on the ranking before the start of the main Counselling.


1. Athletics 18. Gymnastics 35. Shooting

2. Atya Patya 19. Handball 36. Silambam
3. Badminton 20. Hockey 37. Soft Ball
4. Ball Badminton 21. Judo 38. Squash Rackets
5. Base Ball 22. Kabaddi 39. Swimming
6. Basketball 23. Karate – Do 40. Table Tennis
7. Beach Volleyball 24. Kho – Kho 41. Taek – won – do
8. Billiards and Snookers 25. Korf Ball 42. Tennikoit
9. Body Building 26. Mallakhamb 43. Tennis
10. Boxing 27. Motor Sports 44. Throwball
11. Carrom 28. Netball 45. Triathlon
12. Chess 29. Powerlifting 46. Volleyball
13. Cricket 30. Roller Skating 47. Weightlifting
14. Cycling 31. Rowing 48. Wrestling
15. Fencing 32. Rugby 49. Wushu
16. Football 33. Sailing 50. Yachting
17. Golf 34. Sepak Takraw 51. Yogasanas

Name of the Candidate : Application Number :

Details of Sports Certificates Enclosed *

Relevant Eligible Marks (As per the Guidelines)

International / Forms
Month & Year
National / I / II / IV Total Marks
Sl. No. Name of the Sports Meet (From June 2006 Gold Silver Bronze
State / enclosed
to May 2010) Participation (I Position) (II Position) (III Position)
Divisional (Yes / No)




Total Marks

* The certificates are to be arranged as per the serial number starting from June 2006 and submitted along with the application.

The information furnished above and all the enclosures submitted by me are true. Should it however be found that any information furnished therein is untrue with respect
to sports details, I realize that I am liable for criminal prosecution and I also agree to the forfeiture of my seat under sports quota.

Signature of the Parent Signature of the Candidate

Date :



2010 – 2011



Group Diploma
Code Group Name Branch Qualifying Diploma Eligible Degree Course

1 CIVIL 101 Civil Engineering

102 Civil and Rural Engineering
103 Civil Engineering (Architecture)
104 Architectural Assistantship
105 Civil Engineering (Sandwich) Civil Engineering
106 Architecture (Sandwich) Environmental Engineering
107 Environmental and Pollution Control Engg.
108 Civil Engineering (Rural Technology)
109 Interior Design
110 Architectural Assistantship (Sandwich)

2 MECHANICAL 201 Mechanical Engineering

202 Mechanical and Rural Engineering
203 Mechanical Design & Drafting
204 Production Engineering
205 Automobile Engineering
206 Metallurgy
207 Mechatronics Engineering
208 Machine Tool Maintenance and Repairs
209 Tool and Die Making
210 Tool Engineering
211 Foundry Technology
212 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Mechanical Engineering
213 Agricultural Engineering
214 Marine Engineering Production Engineering
215 Mechanical Engineering (Production) Automobile Engineering
216 Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich) Metallurgical Engineering
217 Foundry Technology (Sandwich) Aeronautical Engineering
218 Machine Tool Maintenance and Mechatronics Engineering
Repairs (Sandwich) Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
219 Tool and Die Making (Sandwich)
Production Engineering (Sandwich)
220 Production Technology
Material Science Engineering
221 Tool Design
222 Mechanical Engineering (Tool & Die)
223 Automobile Technology
224 Mechanical Engineering (Foundry)
225 Agricultural Technology
226 Mechanical Engineering (R & A.C.)
227 Electronics (Robotics)
228 Agricultural Engineering and Farm
Equipment Technology
229 Production Engineering (Sandwich)
230 Mechatronics Engineering (Sandwich)
231 Electronics (Robotics) (Sandwich)

Group Name Branch Qualifying Diploma Eligible Degree Course

3 ELECTRICAL 301 Electrical and Electronics Engineering

302 Electronics and Communication Engg.
303 Electronics and Instrumentation Engg.
304 Electronics Engineering (Instrumentation)
305 Computer Technology
306 Instrument Technology Electrical & Electronics Engineering
307 Computer Science and Engineering Electronics & Communication Engg.
308 Instrumentation and Control Engineering Instrumentation & Control Engineering
309 Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
(Instruments and Control) Information Technology
310 Electrical Engineering (Sandwich) Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.
311 Information Technology Bio Medical Engineering
312 Electronics (WSI) Electrical & Electronics Engineering
313 Electrical Engineering (Sandwich)
314 Instrumentation Technology Medical Electronics
315 Computer Engineering
316 Computer Networking
317 Electrical and Electronics Engg. (Sandwich)
318 Electronics (Robotics)
319 Electronics (Robotics) (Sandwich)

4 CHEMICAL 401 Chemical Technology

402 Petro Chemical Technology
403 Pulp and Paper Technology
404 Polymer Technology
405 Plastic Engineering
406 Sugar Technology Chemical Engineering
407 Ceramic Technology Polymer Technology
408 Petroleum Engineering Pharmaceutical Engg. & Technology
409 Plastic Technology Petro Chemical Technology
410 Plastic Engineering (Sandwich) Bio Technology
411 Polymer Technology (Sandwich) Food Technology
412 Chemical Technology (Sandwich) Petroleum Engineering
413 Chemical Engineering Plastic Technology
414 Petro Chemical Engineering
415 Pulp and Paper Technology (Sandwich)
416 Plastic Technology (Sandwich)
417 Ceramic Technology (Sandwich)
418 Plastic Mouls Technology

5 TEXTILE 501 Textile Design & weaving

502 Textile Processing
503 Textile Engineering
504 Textile Marketing & Management
505 Textile Technology Fashion Technology
506 Man Made Fibre Technology Textile Technology
507 Knitting Technology Textile Chemistry
508 Garment Technology
509 Textile Design
510 Fashion Design & Clothing Technology
511 Handloom Technology

Group Name Branch Qualifying Diploma Eligible Degree Course

TEXTILE 512 Khadi and Handloom Technology

513 Textile Processing (Sandwich)
514 Textile Technology (Sandwich)
515 Costume Design & Dress Making
516 Textile Manufacturing
517 Textile Technology (Knitting)
518 Fashion Technology Fashion Technology
519 Apparel Technology Textile Technology
520 Applied Arts & Crafts Textile Chemistry
(Fashion and Apparel Design)
521 Shuttleless Weaving
522 Home Textiles
523 Textronics
524 Textile Technology (Knitting and
Garment Technology)

6 LEATHER 601 Footwear Technology

602 Leather Technology
603 Foot Wear Technology (Sandwich) Leather Technology
604 Leather Technology (Sandwich)
605 Leather Technology (Footwear)

7 PRINTING 701 Printing Technology Printing Technology

8 B.Sc. 801 Bachelor of Science with Mathematics

Any B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Course
at Degree Level

9 Miscellaneous 201 Mechanical Engineering B.E. (Petroleum Engineering)


Sl. Branch
Name of Branch
No. Code


Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

1 COIMBATORE 5 Government College of Technology (Autonomous), BT CE CS EC EE
Coimbatore 641 013 IT ME PR
2 KRISHNAGIRI 603 Government College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Bargur 635 104
3 SALEM 615 Government College of Engineering (Autonomous), CE CS EC EE ME
Salem 636 011 MT
4 SIVAGANGAI 901 Alagappa Chettair College of Engineering and CE CS EC EE ME
Technology (Autonomous), Karaikudi 630 004
5 TIRUNELVELI 974 Government College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE ME
Tirunelveli 627 007
6 VELLORE 516 Thanthai Periyar Government Institute CE EC ME
of Technology, Vellore 632002

7 COIMBATORE 6 PSG College of Technology (Autonomous), AU(SS) BM(SS) BT(SS)
Peelamedu, Coimbatore 641004 CE CE(SS) CS(SS)

8 COIMBATORE 7 Coimbatore Institute of Technology, CE CH CS

Civil Aerodrome Post, CS(SS) EC EC(SS)
Coimbatore 641 014 EE IT(SS) ME

9 MADURAI 8 Thiagarajar College of Engineering, CE CE(SS) CS

Tirupparankundram, Madurai 625 015 CS(SS) EC EC(SS)
* (SS) indicates Self-Supporting Courses


10 CHENNAI 1 College of Engineering, PT
Guindy, Chennai 600 025

2 Alagappa College of Technology, LT

Guindy, Chennai 600 025


11 ARIYALUR 16 Anna University Tiruchirappalli, CE CS EC EE ME
Ariyalur Campus (Govt. Arts College Campus,
Ariyalur District 621 713)
12 CUDDALORE 19 Anna University Tiruchirappalli, Panruti Campus CE CS EC EE ME
(Plot No.16,17,22,23, Thillai Nagar, VIP Layout,
Vadakuthu Village, Kurunjipadi Union,
Panruti-Vadalur Road, Panruti,
Cuddalore District 607 308)
13 DINDIGUL 22 Anna University Tiruchirappalli, CE EC EE ME
Dindigul Campus, 22, A/1, Thadikombu Road,
Dindigul 624001

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

14 NAGAP- 18 Anna University Tiruchirappalli,

PATTINAM Thirukkuvalai Campus,
(Anjugam-Muthuvelar Govt. Hr.Sec. School, CE CS EC EE ME
Thirukkuvalai, Nagappattinam District)
15 RAMANATHA- 17 Anna University Tiruchirappalli, CE CS EC EE ME
PURAM Ramanathapuram Campus (Fathima Centre,
53/25, Madurai Road, Ramanathapuram District 623 501)
16 THANJAVUR 21 Anna University Tiruchirappalli, CE EC EE ME
Pattukkottai Campus,
Rajamadam 614701, Thanjavur District
17 TIRUCHIRAP- 11 Anna University, Tiruchirappalli, AU BT CE CS EC
PALLI Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus, EE IT ME PC PH
Trichy 620 024


18 KANYAKUMARI 23 Anna University Tirunelveli, CE CS EC ME
University College of Engg., (Govt. Polytechnic,
Konam Campus), Nagercoil 629 001
19 THOOTHUKUDI 24 Anna University Tirunelveli, CE EC EE ME
VOC College of University Engg.,
20 ARIYALUR 857 Meenakshi Ramaswamy Engineering College, CS EC EE ME
Trichy Main Road, M R Kalvi Nagar, Thathanur,
Udayarpalayam, Ariyalur District 621804
21 CHENNAI 321 Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and PA
Technology (CIPET), Government of India,
Guindy, Chennai 600 032
22 509 Meenakshi College of Engineering, CS EC EE EI IT
Vembuliamman Koil Street, K K Nagar (West),
Chennai 600 078
23 309 Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
24 COIMBATORE 744 Adithya Institute of Technology, CS EC IT ME
S.F. No. 348/1, 349/1, Kurumbapalayam Village,
Coimbatore 641107
25 763 Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE ME
Kinathukadavu, Coimbatore 642109
26 772 C M S College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE
S.F. No.1051,1056,1057, 1052/2,
Appachigoundenpathy, Kumittipatti,
Coimbatore 641105
27 704 Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technolgoy, CS EC EE IT ME
Narasipuram Post, Coimbatore 641 109
28 706 Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering & Technology, AU CE CS EC EE
Mackinaickenpatti Post, Pollachi 642 003 IC IT ME
29 736 Dr. N G P Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Kalapatti Road, Coimbatore 641035
30 749 EASA College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
NH-47, Coimbatore-Palakkad Main Road,
Navakarai Post, Coimbatore 641105
31 740 Hindustan Institute of Technology, AE CS EC IT ME
Othakkalmandapam, Coimbatore 641032

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

32 COIMBATORE 708 Hindusthan College Of Engineering and Technology, AE CE CS EC EE

Othakkalmandapam Post, Coimbatore 641 032. IT ME
33 756 Indus College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Kalimangalam, Alandurai Village,
Coimbatore 641101
34 732 INFO Institute of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Sarkar Samakulam, Coimbatore 641 107
35 769 J C T College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC ME
Pichanur, Coimbatore 641105
36 762 Jansons Institute of Technology, CE CS EC ME
S. No. 443 / 1,2, 442 / 1A & 442 / 1B,
Karumathampatty, Somaur,
Coimbatore District 641659
37 755 Jawaharlal Institute of Technology, AE CE CS EC
Kaliapuram, Thirumalayampalayam Post,
Coimbatore 641105
38 764 K P R Institute of Engineering and Technology, CE EC EE ME
S.F.No. 204/2 & 204/2, &204/4, Kollupalayam Village,
Arasur Panchayat, Coimbatore 641407
39 750 Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
SF No.282-283, Kannampalayam,
Coimbatore 641402
40 770 Kalaivani College of Technology, CE CS EC ME
No.1/2 A, 1, Alagunachiamman Kovil Road,
Palathurai Post, Madukkarai 641105,
Coimbatore District
41 710 Karpagam College of Engineering, AU CE CS EC EE
Othakkalmandapam, Coimbatore 641 032 EI IT ME
42 735 Karpagam Institute of Technology, AE CS EC EE IT
Seerapalayam Village, L&T By pass Road, ME
Coimbatore 641021
43 745 Kathir College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
S F No.812/1, Neelambur, Avinashi Road,
Coimbatore 641014
44 751 KGISL Institute of Technology, CS EC IT ME
KGISL Campus, 365, Thudiyalur Road,
Saravanampatti, Coimbatore 641035
45 746 KTVR Knowledge Park for Engineering and CE CS EC EE IT
Technology, Billichi Post, Periya Maddhampalayam,
Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore 641019
46 712 Kumaraguru College of Technology, AE BT CE CS EC
Chinnavedampatti Post, Coimbatore 641 006 EE EI FT IT MC
47 730 Maharaja Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT
Arasur Post, Coimbatore 641 407
48 729 Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, AE CS EC EE ME
Thirumalayampalayam, Coimbatore 641 105
49 741 P A College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Palladam Road, Pollachi 642002, Coimbatore District
50 753 P P G Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Vilankurichi Village, Coimbatore 641035
51 716 Park College of Engineering and Technology, AE CS EC EE IT
Kaniyur, Coimbatore District 641659 ME TX

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

52 COIMBATORE 768 Park College of Technology, AE CE EN ME

Prema Ravi Nagar, Karumathampatty,
Coimbatore 641 059
53 731 R V S College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Kannampalayam, Sulur, Coimbatore 641 402
54 775 R V S Faculty of Engineering, CE CS EC ME
Kumaran Kottam Campus, Trichy Road,
Kannampalayam Post, Coimbatore District 641 402
55 737 Ranganathan Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Zahirnaickenpalayam Village, Viraliyur Post, ME
Thondamuthur Via, Coimbatore 641 109
56 734 S N S College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Sathy Main Road, Kurumbapalayam Post,
Coimbatore 641 107
57 726 S N S College of Technology, AE CE CS EC EE
Kalappatti Post, Coimbatore 641 035 IT ME
58 743 S S K College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
NH47, Palakkad Main Road,
Pitchanur Panchayat,
Navakkarai Post, Coimbatore 641 105
59 654 S V S College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Asarampalayam Post, Pollachi 642109,
Coimbatore District
60 738 Sasurie Academy of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Kariyampalayam Post, Sathy Road,
Coimbatore 641653
61 739 Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Kondampatti Post, Vadasithur (Via),
Kinathukadavu, Coimbatore District 641 202
62 718 Sri Krishna College of Enginering and Technology, CS EC EE IT MC
Kuniamuthur, Coimbatore 641 008 ME
63 719 Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, AE BM CS EC EE
Vattamalaipalayam, Coimbatore 641 022 EI IT ME
64 725 Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Pachapalayam, Coimbatore 641 010 ME
65 727 Sri Shakthi Insitute of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Sri Shakthi Nagar, L & T By-Pass,
Venkitapuram Post, Coimbatore 641 062
66 765 Sriguru Institute of Technology, CE EC EE ME
Varathaiyanagar Palayam,
Kondayampalayam Post,
Coimbatore District 641 110
67 721 Tamilnadu College of Engineering, AU CE CS EC EE
Karumathampatti Post, Coimatore 641 659 IC IT ME
68 757 TEJAA Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women, CS EC EE IT
NH-47, Avinashi Main Road, Karumathampatti,
Coimbatore District 641659
69 761 United Institute of Technology, CS EC EE ME
S.P.No. 829 & 830, Gadalore Village,
Perianaickenpalayam, Coimbatore District 641 020
70 722 V L B Janakiammal College of Engineering and CE CS EC EE IT
Technology, Kovaipudur Post, ME
Coimbatore 641 042

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

71 CUDDALORE 822 Dr. Navalar Nedunchezhian College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME

Tholudur 606 303, Cuddalore District
72 410 Krishnasamy Collge of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
S Kumarapuram, Cuddalore 607 109
73 843 M R K Institute of Technology, CE CS EC ME
Nattarmangalam Village, Kattumannarkoil,
Cuddalore District 608 306
74 425 Sri Jayaram Engineering College, CS EC EE ME
Chellangkuppam, Cuddalore 607 003
75 860 St. Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE ME
Anguchettypalayam, Siruvathur Post, Panruti,
Cuddalore District 607 110
76 DHARMAPURI 640 Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology, CE CS EC EE ME
Thoppur 635 352, Dharmapuri District
77 606 Jayam College of Engineering and Technology, AE CE CS EC EE
Nallanur Post, Dharmapuri 636 813 IT ME
78 616 Sapthagiri College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE EI
Periyanahalli Post, Dharmapuri 635 205 IT ME
79 641 Varuvan Vadivelan Institute of Technology, CE CS EC EE ME
Nallanahalli, Dharmapuri District 636 701
80 DINDIGUL 703 Christian College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Oddanchatram, Dindigul 624 619 ME
81 906 Kodaikanal Institute of Technology, CS EC IT
Kodaikanal, Dindigul District
82 832 N P R College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Natham, Dindigul 624 003
83 910 P S N A Colllege of Engineering and Technology, BM CE CS EC EE
Dindigul 624622 IT ME
84 851 Pannaikadu Veerammal Paramasivam CE CS EC EE IT
College of Engineering and Technology for Women,
PVP Nagar, K Singarakottai, Dindigul 624 708
85 913 R V S College of Engineering and Technology, AE CE CS EC EE
N Paraipatti Post, Dindigul 624 005 EI IC IT ME TX
86 862 R V S Educational Trust’s Groups of AU CE CS EC
Institutions (Integrated Campus),
Karur Road, RVS Nagar, N Paraipatti Post,
Vedasandur, Taluk, Dindigul District 624 005
87 930 SBM College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE ME
SBM Nagar, Thamaraipady, T N Paraipatty Pirivu,
Trichy Road, Dindigul 624 005
88 720 Sri Subramanya College of Engg. and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Sukkamanaickanpatti, Palani 624 615.
89 ERODE 652 Al-Ameen Engineering College, CS EC EE ME
Karundevan Palayam, Nanjai Uthukuli Post,
Erode 638104
90 702 Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, AE BT CE CS EC
Sathyamanagalam, Erode 638 401 EE EI FT IT ME
91 707 Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, CE CH CS EC EE
Thudupathi Post, Erode 638 057 EI ME
92 709 Institute of Road and Transport Technology, AU CE CS EC EE
Vasavi College Post, Erode 638 316 IT ME

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

92A ERODE 758 J K K Muniraja College of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME

T N Palayam, Gobi Taluk, Erode District 638 506
93 711 Kongu Engineering College, CE CH CS EC EE
Perundurai, Erode 638 052 EI FD IT MC ME
94 713 M P Nachimuthu M Jagannathan Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Chennimalai, Erode 638 112 ME
95 742 Maharaja Engineering College for Women, CS EC EE IT
Erode Road, Perundurai 638 052
96 752 Nandha College of Technology,
235, Chennimalai Palayam Road,
Pitchandampalayam Post, Erode 638 052 CS EC EE IT
97 715 Nandha Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Pitchandampalayam Post, Erode 638 052 ME
98 747 Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Sri Kalaivani Nagar, Othakuthirai,
K Mettupalayam Post, Gobichettipalayam,
Erode District 638455
99 754 Sri Ramanathan Engineering College, CS EC EE IT
Uthukuli Main Road, Nadupatti Post,
Erode District 638056
100 748 Surya Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Mettukadai, Kathirampatti Post, Erode 638 107
101 723 Velalar College of Engineering and Technolgoy, BM CS EC EE IT
Thindal Post, Erode 638 009
102 KANCHEE- 323 A C T College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
PURAM Nelvoy Village, Pukkathurai Post, Maduranthagam,
Kancheepuram District 603 107
103 232 A R M College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Sattamangalam, Maraimalainagar,
Chengleput, Kancheepuram District 603 203
104 233 Adhi College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT
Pazhayaseevaram, Madura Sankarapuram Village,
Kancheepuram District
105 401 Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, CE CH CS EC EE
Melmaruvathur 603 319, Kancheepuram District IT ME
106 331 Aksheya College of Engineering, CE CS EC ME
Puludivakkam Village, Madhurantagam Taluk,
Kancheepuram District 603 314
107 303 Anand Institute of Higher Technology, CS EC EE EI IT
Old Mahabalipuram Road, Kazhipattur 603 103 ME
108 230 Apollo Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Mevaloorkuppam, Valarpuram Post,
Sriperumpudur, Kancheepuram District 602 105
109 201 Arignar Anna Institute of Science and Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Pennalur, Sriperumpudur Taluk, ME
Kancheepuram 602 105
110 423 Asan Memorial College of Engg. and Technology, CE CS EC EE EI
Oragadam Post, Irumbedu Post, ME
Chengulput 603 105
111 435 Balaji Institute of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC IT ME
Thandalam Village, Thiruporur,
Kancheepuram District 603 110

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

112 KANCHEE- 334 Balamani Arunachalam Educational and CE CS EC ME

PURAM Charitable Trust’s Group of Institution,
Sattamangalam, Maraimalai Nagar Post,
Chengalpul Taluk, Kancheepuram District 603 209
113 202 D M I College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Palanchoor, Nazrethpet, Chennai 602 103 ME
114 424 Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Padappai, Chennai 601 301
115 405 Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT
Manimangalam, Chennai 601 301
116 322 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering and AE CS EC EE IT
Technology, East Coast Road, ME
Poonjeri, Chennai 603 104
117 304 Easwari Engineering College, CE CS EC EE EI
Ramapuram, Chennai 600 089 IT ME
118 407 G K M College of Engineering and Technology, AE CE CS EC EE
Alappakkam-Mappedu Road, Chennai 600 063 IT ME
119 429 Gopal Ramalingam Memorial Engineering College, AE CS EC IT ME
Panappakkam, Near Padappai, Chennai 601 301
120 234 Indira Gandhi College of Engineering and CS EC EE IC IT
Technology for Women, Chengalpattu,
Kancheepuram High Road,
Kancheepuram District 603 101
121 235 JEI Mathaajee College of Engineering, CE CS EC IT ME
Vishakandikupam Village, Siruvakkam Post,
Kancheepuram District 631 552
122 306 Jeppiar Engineering College, AE BT CE CS EC
Jeppiaar Nagar, Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR), EE EI IT ME
Chennai 600 119
123 307 Jerusalem College of Engineering, BM CE CS EC EE
Narayanapuram, Chennai 601 302 IT
124 311 K C G College of Technology, AE CS EC EE IT
Karappakkam, Chennai 600 096 ME
125 204 Kalsar College of Engineering, CS EC EE
Sriperumpudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District 602105
126 208 Kanchi Pallavan Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Kolivakkam, Kancheepuram District 631 502
127 409 Karpagavinayaga College of Engineering and BT CS EC EE IT
Technology, Palayanoor Post, ME
Maduranthagam (TK),
Kancheepuram District 603 308
128 207 Kings Engineering College, CS EC IT ME
Sriperumpudur Taluk,
Kancheepuram District 602 105
129 443 Lord Ayyappa Institute of Engineering and CE CS EC ME
Technology, Uthukadu, Walajabad,
Kancheepuram District 631 605
130 205 Lord Venkateshwara Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Walajabad Post, Kancheepuram District 631 605 ME
131 225 Loyola Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Mevalurkuppam, B Village, Palanchoor,
Kancheepuram District 602103

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

132 KANCHEE- 206 Maamallan Institute of Technology, CE CS EC IT ME

PURAM Vadamangalam Post, Kancheepuram 602 105
133 411 Madha Engineering College, AE BT CE CS EC
Kundrathur, Chennai 600 069 EE EI IT ME
134 243 Madha Institute of Engineering and Technology, CE EC EE IT
Erandamkattalai Village, Sadhananthapuram,
Thandalam Post, Chennai 602 101
135 310 Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Thorappakkam, Chennai 600 096 ME
136 301 Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR), ME
Kancheepuram District 603 103
137 431 New prince Shri Bhavani College of Engineering and CS EC EE EI IT
Technology, Vengaivasal Main Road,
Gowrivakkam, Chennai 600 073
138 222 P B College of Engineering, AE CS EC EE IT
Sriperumpudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District 602 105
139 226 P T Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker College of CS EC EE ME
Engineering and Technology, Oovery, Veliyur Post,
Kancheepuram 631 502
140 209 Pallavan College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Thimmasamudram, Kancheepuram 631 502
141 210 Panimalar Engineering College, CE CS EC EE EI
Varadharajapuram, Poonamallee, Chennai 602 103 IT ME
142 231 Panimalar Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT
No.391, Bangalore Trunk Road, Varadharajapuram,
Poonamallee, Chennai 602103
143 525 Podhigai College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE ME
Vinayakapuram, Adiyur Post, Tirupattur Taluk,
Tirupattur 635 601, Vellore District
144 442 Prince Dr. K Vasudevan College of CS EC EE ME
Engineering and Technology,
Medavakkam-Mambakkam Road,
Ponmar Village & Post, Chennai 600 048
145 414 Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy CE CS EC EE IT
Enginering College, Ponmar, Chennai 600 048 ME
146 211 Rajalakshmi Engineering College, AE AU BM BT CE
Sriperumpudur Taluk, CS EC EE IT ME
Kancheepuram District 602 105
147 432 Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, CS EC IT ME
Irulapalayam, Kuthampakkam Post,
Kancheepuram District 602 107
148 212 Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, BM CS EC EE IT
Sriperumpudur Taluk, ME PE
Kancheepuram District 602 105
149 437 Rrase Engineering College, CS EC EE IT
Vanchuvancherry, Padappai, Chennai 601 301
150 213 S K R Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Poonamallee, Chennai 602 103
151 214 Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College, CS EC EE IT
Narayanasamy Nagar, Thandalam,
Chennai 602 105

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

152 KANCHEE- 216 Saveetha Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME

PURAM Sriperumpudur Taluk, Kancheepuram 602 105
153 313 Shree Motilal Kanhaiyalal Fomra Institute of BM CS EC EE IT
Technology, Old Mahabalipuram Road, ME
Kancheepuram 603 103
154 417 Shri Andal Alagar College of Engineering, BT CS EC EE IT
Mamandur, Kancheepuram 603 111 ME
155 242 Sree Sastha College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Chembarambakkam Village Road,
Chembarambakkam, Kancheepuram District 602 103
156 217 Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology, AU BT CE CS EC
Chembarambakkam, Chennai 602 103 EE IT ME
157 427 Sri Krishna Engineering College, CS EC EE FT IT
Panappakkam, Near Padappai, Chennai 601 301
158 335 Sri Krishna Institute of Technology, CE EC EE ME
Navaneedham Nagar, Panapakkam,
Near Padappai (Via), Tambaram, Chennai 601 301
159 418 Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engineering College, CS EC EE
Selaiyur, Chennai 600 073
160 218 Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Near Mangadu, Chennai 600 069
161 220 Sri Padmavathy College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Mevalurkuppam, Bangalore High Road,
Valarpuram Post, Kancheepuram District 602 107
162 426 Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Vandalur, Kolappakkam, Chennai 600 048
163 324 Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT
Sai Leo Nagar, Darkas Road,
West Tambaram, Chennai 600 044
164 419 Sri Sairam Enginering College, CE CS EC EE EI
West Tambaram, Chennai 600 044 IC IT ME PR
165 315 Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, BM CH CS EC EE
Old Mahabalipuram Road, Kancheepuram 603 110 IT ME
166 219 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, AU BT CE CH CS
Pennalur, Sriperumpudur Taluk, EC EE IT ME
Kancheepuram 602 105
167 221 Srinivasa Institute of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT
Poonamallee, Chennai 600 056
168 320 SRR Engineering College, CS EC EE IT
Old Mahabalipuram Road,
Kancheepuram District 603 103
169 325 St. Joseph College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Trinity Campus, Nemili, Sriperumpudur,
Kancheepuram District 602 105
170 317 St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, BT CH CS EC EE
Old Mahabalipuram Road, Chennai 600 119 EI IC T ME
171 318 T J Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Karappakkam, Chennai 600 096
172 420 Tagore Engineering College, AE CE CS EC EE
Vandalur Post, Chennai 600 048 IT ME
173 319 Thangavelu Engineering College, CS EC EE EI IT
Karappakkam, Chennai 600 096 ME

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

174 KANCHEE- 326 The New Royal College of Engineering and CS EC EE IT ME

PURAM Technology, ECR, Poonjeri, Mamallapuram,
Kancheepuram District 603 104
175 517 Thirumalai Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Kilambi, Kancheepuram District 631 551 ME
176 227 V K K Vijayan Engineering College, CS EC
Chennai-Bangalore NH4, Irungattukottai,
Kancheepuram District 602 105
177 422 Valliammai Engineering College, CE CS EC EE EI
Kattankulathur, Chennai 603 203 IT ME
178 316 Vel’s Srinivasa College of Engineering and CS EC EE IT
Technology, Old Mahabalipuram Road,
Chennai 603 103
179 333 Vi Institute of Technology, CS EC EE ME
No.96, Sirunkundram Village & Post,
Near Chengalpet, Chengalpet Taluk,
Kancheepuram District 603 108
180 KANYA- 999 Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
KUMARI Pothaiyadi Salai, Pottalkulam, Azhagappapuram,
Kanyakumari District 629 401
181 944 Arunachala College of Engineering for Women, CE CS EC EE
Thanka Gardens, Manavilai, Vellichanthai,
Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District 629 203
182 992 Bethlahem Institute of Engineering, CS EC EE IT
Karungal 629 157, Kanyakumari District
183 952 C S I Institute of Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Thovalai, Kanyakumari 629 302 ME
184 946 DMI Engineering College, CE CS EC ME
Aralvaimozhi Village, Thovalai 629 301,
Kanyakumari District
185 932 Immanuel Arasar J J College of Engineering, CS EC EE
Anappara, Edavilagam, Nattalam,
Kanyakumari District 629 195
186 987 James College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Naval Kadu, Esatnthimangalam,
Kanyakumari District 623 002
187 956 Jayamatha Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IC
Aralvaimozhi, Kanyakumari 629 301 IT ME
188 985 K N S K College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT
Therakalputhoor, Thiruppathysaram,
Kanyakumari District 629 901
189 983 Lord Jegannath College of Engineering and AE CS EC IT ME
Technology, Kumarapuram Thoppur Post,
Kanyakumari District 629 402
190 993 Loyola Institute of Technology and Science, CS EC EE IT
Loyola Nagar, P B No.2, Thovalai,
Kanyakumari District 629 302
191 929 M E T Engineering College, CS EC EE ME
Mogals Garden, Aralvaimozhi-Nedumangadu,
SH-45, Thovalai Village, Aralvaimozhi Town Panchayat,
Thovalai 629 304, Kanyakumari District
192 928 MAR Ephraem College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC ME
Malankara Hills, Elavuvillai,
Marthandam, Kanyakumari District 629 171

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

193 KANYA- 927 Maria College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME

KUMARI Attoor Puliyamoodu Junction, Thiruvattar Post,
Kanyakumari District 629 177
194 984 Marthandam College of Engg & Technology, CS EC EE IT
Kuttakuzhi, Veeyanoor Post,
Kanyakumari District 629 177
195 977 Narayanaguru College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Manjalumoodu, Kanyakumari District 629 151 ME
196 981 Ponjesly College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Vettornimadam Post, Nagercoil 629 003,
Kanyakumari District
197 948 Rajas International Institute of Technology CS EC EE FT IT
for Women, Ozhuginasery, Nagercoil 629 001,
Kanyakumari District
198 943 Satyam College of Engineering & Technology, CE EC EE ME
Satyam Nagar, Kannappannalur,
Aralvaimozhi 629 301, Kanyakumari District
199 938 Sivaji College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE
Manivilla Palulai Panchayat, Vilavancode,
Kanyakumari District 629 170
200 971 St. Xavier‘s Catholic College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Chunkankadai, Nagercoil 629 807 ME
201 972 Sun College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Erachakulam Post, Kanyakumari District ME
202 950 Tamizhan College of Engineering and Technology, AE CS EC IT
Chenbagaraman Puthoor Post, Kanyakumari District
203 978 Udaya School of Engineering, BM BT CS EC EE
Ammandivilai Post, Kanyakumari 629 204 ME
204 982 Vins Christian College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Chunkankadai Post, Nagercoil 629 807
205 945 Vins Christian Women’s College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE
Vins Nagar, Chunkankadai Post,
Nagercoil 629 807, Kanyakumari District
206 KARUR 630 Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT
NH-67, Trichy Main Road, Puliyur C F,
Karur District 639114
207 608 M Kumarasamy College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE EI
Thalavapalayam, Karur 639 113 IT ME
208 655 V K S College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE
Desiyamangalam Village,
Sivayam South Panchayat,
Krishnarayapuram 639 120, Karur District
209 622 V S B Engineering College, AE CS EC EE IT
Kovai Road, Karur 639 111 ME
210 KRISHNAGIRI 601 Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, AE BM BT CE CH
Hosur, Krishnagiri 635 109 CS EC EE EI IT
211 668 Archana Institute of Technology, CE CS EC ME
Thimmapuram Post and Village,
Kaveripattinam Via, Krishnagiri District 638 112
212 621 Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, AE CS EC EE IT
Near Koneripalli, Hosur 635 117 ME

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

213 KRISHNAGIRI 642 P S V College of Engineeering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME

Mittapalli, Balinayanapalli Post,
Elathagiri, Krishnagiri District
214 935 Fatima Michael College of Engineering & Technology, AU CE EC ME
Senkottai Village, Kalimangalam Panchayat,
Sivagangai Main Road, Madurai 625 020
215 990 Latha Mathavan Engineering College, CS EC EE IT
Kidaripatti Post, Alagarkoil (Via), Melur Taluk,
Madurai District 625 301
216 911 P T R College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Austinpatty Post, Madurai 625 008
217 914 Raja College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Veerapanjan, Madurai 625 020 ME
218 915 SACS-M A V M M Engineering College, AU CE CS EC EE
Kidaripatty Post, Madurai 625 001 ME
219 942 Ultra College of Engineering and CS EC EE ME
Technology for Women,
69/1, Kodikulam, 1 Bit Village, Madurai-Chennai
Highway, Madurai 625104
220 986 Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Madurai 625 009
221 NAGAP- 801 A V C College of Engineering, CS EC IC IT ME
PATTINAM Mannampandal Post, Mayiladuthurai 609 305
222 806 Edayathangudi G S Pillay Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Nagapattinam 611 002
223 859 Sembodai Rukmani Varatharajan Engineering College, CS EC EE ME
Sembodai Village, Vedaraniam,
Nagappattinam District 614 820
224 NAMAKKAL 602 Annai Mathammal Sheela Enginereing College, IT ME
Erumapatty Post, Namakkal 637 013
225 635 C M S College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT
Emapuram Post, Namakkal District 637 003
226 662 Dr. Nagarathinam’s College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Kosavam Pallikodu, Anadhagoundam Palayam,
Minakkal Post, Rasipuram, Namakkal District 637 505
227 664 Excel College of Engineering and Technology, AE EC EE ME
Salem Main Road, NH-47, New Pallakapalayam,
Sankari West Post, Namakkal District 637 303
228 637 Excel College of Engineering for Women, CE CS EC EE IT
Salem Main Road, New NH-47, Pallakkapalayam,
Komarapalayam 637 303
229 634 Excel Engineering College, AE CE CS EC IT
Salem Main Road, NH-47, ME
New Pallakkapalayam Village, Komarapalayam,
Namakkal District 637 303
230 660 Gnanamani College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE
NH-7, A K Samuthiram, Pachal Post,
Namakkal District 637018
231 624 Gnanamani College of Technology, CS EC EE ME
Pachal Post, Namakkal 637 018
232 647 J K K Nataraja College of Engineering & Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Komarapalayam Amani, Thattankuttai Panchayat,
Namakkal District 638183

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

233 NAMAKKAL 613 K S R College of Engineering, AU CE CS EC EE

Tiruchengode 637 209, Namakkal District IT ME
234 607 K S Rangasamy College of Technology, BT CE CS EC EE
Tiruchengode 637 209, Namakkal District EI IT MC ME TX
235 631 King College of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Nallur, N Pudupatty Post,
Namakkal District 637 020
236 638 Mahendra Engineering College for Women, CS EC EE IT
Kumaramangalam, Namakkal Road,
Tiruchengode 637 205, Namakkal District
237 609 Mahendra Engineering College, AE CE CS EC EE
Mahendhirapuri, Namakkal District 637 503 EI IT ME
238 665 Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Technology, AE CE EC ME
Mahendrapuri, Vadugapalayam, Mallasamudram,
Tiruchengode 637 503
239 632 Mahendra Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Mallasamudram West, Tiruchengode,
Namakkal 637 503
240 610 Muthayammal Engineering College, CS EC EE EI IT
Rasipuram 637 408, Namakkal District ME
241 612 P G P College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE EI
Paramathi Post, Namakkal District 637 207 IT ME
242 628 Paavai College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
NH-7, Pachal Post, Namakkal District 637 018
243 657 Paavai College of Technology, CE EC EE ME
S.No. 19/1, 18/1B, 2B & 2C, 13/1C, 12/4C &
9/1B & 2B. NH.7, Salem-Namakkal Highways,
Pachal 637 018, Namakkal District
244 611 Paavai Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
NH-7, Pachal Post, Namakkal District 637 018 ME
245 614 S S M College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Komarapalayam 638 183, Namakkal District ME TC TX
246 627 Selvam College of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Pappanaickenpatti Post,
Namakkal District 637 003
247 629 Sengunthar College of Engineering for Women, CS EC MD
Tiruchengode, Namakkal District 637 205
248 617 Sengunthar Engineering College, CE CS EC EE ME
Tiruchengode 637 205, Namakkal District
249 767 SRG Engineering College, Aniyapuram Post, CS EC EE ME
Namakkal District 637 017
250 633 Vidhya Vikas College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Varahoorampatti, Tiruchengode,
Namakkal District 637 214
251 620 Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, BT CS EC EE IT
Tiruchengode, Namakkal District 637 205
252 661 Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women, CS EC EE EI IT
Sathinaickenpalayam, Elayampalayam Village,
Kumaramangalam 637 205
253 626 Vivekanandha Institute of Engineering and CS EC EE IT
Technology for Women, Sathiyanaickenpalayam,
Tiruchengode 637 205

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

254 PERAMBALUR 805 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, AE BM CE CS EC

Perambalur 621 212 EE IT ME
255 847 Roever College of Engineering and Technology, CE EC EE ME
Elambalur, Perambalur 621 212
256 817 Roever Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Elambalur Post, Perambalur 621 212 ME
257 823 Srinivasan Engineering College, AE CS EC IT ME
Perambalur 621 212
258 PUDUKKOTTAI 926 Chendhuran College of Engineering and CS EC EE IT ME
Technology, Lena Vilakku, Pillivalam Post,
Thiurmayam Taluk, Pudukkottai District 622 507
259 905 Kings College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Punalkulam, Pudukkottai 613 303
260 925 M A R College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC IT
Trichy-Viralimalai Main Road, Boothakudi, ME
Rasanaickenpatty Post, Illuppur Taluk,
Pudukkottai District
261 923 M N S K College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Vallathirakkottai Post, Pudukkottai 622 305
262 854 Mahath Amma Institute of Engineering and CE EC EE ME
Technology, (MIET), Ariyur, Annavasal Road,
Illupur Taluk, Pudukkottai 622 101
263 812 Mookambigai College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE EI
Keeranur, Pudukkottai 622 502 IT ME
264 846 Mother Terasa College of Engineering and CE EC EE ME
Technology, Mettusalai Post and Taluk,
Pudukkottai 622 102
265 908 Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology, AE CE CS EC EE
Pilivalam Post, Pudukkottai 622 507 ME
266 918 Shanmuganathan Engineering College, AU CS EC EE ME
Pillivalam Post, Pudukkottai 622 507
267 852 Sri Bharathi Engineering College for Women, CE CS EC EE IT
Kaikkuruchi Village, Alangudi Taluk,
Pudukkottai 622 303
268 920 Sudharsan Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Sathiyamangalam Post, Pudukkottai 622 501 ME
269 RAMANATHA- 924 Ganapathy Chettiar College of Engineering and CS EC EE IT ME
PURAM Technology, Melakavanur Post,
Paramakudi 623 706,
Ramanathapuram District
270 907 Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, AE CE CH CS EC
Kilakarai 623 806, Ramanathapuram District EE IT ME
271 921 Syed Ammal Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Achuthan Vayal Post, Ramanathapuram 623 502
272 SALEM 636 A V S Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem District 636 003
273 643 Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women, CE CS EC EE IT
Deivayakurichi 636 112, Attur Taluk, Salem District
274 644 Greentech College of Engineering for Women, CS EC EE IT
240/3, Salem-Cuddalore Main Road,
Appamasamudram Village, Narasingapuram Post,
Attur Taluk, Salem District

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

275 SALEM 653 Knowledge Institute of Technology, CS EC EE ME

KIOT Campus, Kakapalayam Post,
Salem District 637504
276 623 Maha College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Attur Road, Minnampalli, Salem District 636 106
277 639 Narasu’s Sarathy Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Poosaripatty Village, Omalur Taluk, Salem 636 305
278 645 Rabindhranath Tagore College of Engineering for CS EC IT
Women, SF No.27, NH-47, Salem-Kovai Express
Highway, Veerachipalayam Village, Sankari Taluk,
Salem District 637 303
279 663 S R S College of Engineering & Technology, CE CS EC ME
Kuppanoor Village, Salem 636 111
280 659 Salem College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC ME
Salem-Attur Main Road, NH-68,
Mettupatty Perumapalayam, Salem 636 111
281 618 Sona College of Technology, CE CS EC EE FT
Suramangalam Post, Salem 636 005 IT ME
282 646 Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE ME
Deviyakurichi 636 112, Attur Taluk, Salem District
283 666 The Kavery College of Engineering, AU CE EC ME
M Kalipatti, Mecheri, Mettur Taluk,
Salem District 636 453
284 625 The Kavery Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
M Kalipatti Post, Mecheri 634 453, Salem District ME
285 658 V S A Educational and Charitable Trust’s Group CE EC EE ME
of Institutions, NH-47, Uthamasola Puram Post,
Salem 636 010
286 SIVAGANGAI 904 K L N College of Engineering, AU CS EC EE EI
Pottapalayam, Sivagangai District 630 611 IT ME
287 903 K L N College of Information Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Pottapalayam, Sivagangai District 630 611
288 842 Madurai Institute of Engineering & Technology, CS EC EE ME
Pottapalayam Village, Manamadurai Taluk,
Sivagangai District 630 611
289 912 Pandian Saraswathi Yadav Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Thirumansolai Post, Sivagangai District 630 561 ME
290 916 Pannai College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT
Keelakandai, Sivagangai 630 561
291 919 St. Michael’s College of Engineering and Technology, BT CH CS EC EE
Kalayarkoil, Sivagangai 630 551 IT
292 922 Vickram College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Enathi Post, Sivagangai District 630 561 ME
293 THANJAVUR 849 Annai College of Engineering and Technology, CE EC IT ME
Kovilacheri, Kumbakonam 612 503, Thanjavur District
294 804 Arasu Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Chennai Main Road, Kumbakonam 612 501 ME
295 855 As-Salam College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC ME
Anaikkarai Main Road, Thirumangalakudi, Aduthurai,
Thiruvidaimaruthur, Thanjavur District 612 102
296 814 P R Engineering College, BT CE CS EC EE
Vallam, Thanjavur District 613403 EI

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

297 THANJAVUR 833 Parisutham Institute of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE IT

Thanjavur 613 006
298 824 Ponnaiyah Ramajayam College of Engineering and CS EC EE ME
Technology, Thanjavur District 613 403
299 825 St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Elupatti Village, Rawasapatti Post, 613 403,
Thanjavur District
300 848 Vandayar Engineering College, CS EC EE ME
Pulavarnatham Post, Mariamman Koil (Via),
Thanjavur District 613 001
301 THE NILGIRIS 705 C S I College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Ketti, The Nilgiris 643 215
302 THENI 902 Bharath Niketan College of Engineering, CS EC EE EI IT
Thimmarasanaickanoor, Aundipatti 625 536 ME
303 909 Odaiyappa College of Engineering and Technology, BM CS EC EE IT
Theni 625 531 ME
304 988 Theni Kammavar Sangam College of Technology, CE CS EC EE EI
Theni Main Road, Koduvillarpatti Post, Theni District ME
305 THOOTHUKUDI 931 Chandy College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Chandy Nagar, Mullakkadu,
Thoothukudi 628 005
306 975 Dr. G U Pope College of Engineering, CS EC EE
Sawyerpuram, Tuticorin 628 251
307 954 Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Tiruchendur 628 215, Tuticorin District ME
308 934 Holy Cross Engineering College, CS EC EE ME
Vagaikulam, Srivaikundam Express Road,
7/131, Thannoothu Village, Sri Mulakarai,
Srivaikuntam 628 851, Thoothukudi District
309 997 Infant Jesus College of Engineering and Technology, AU CE CS EC ME
Keelavallanadu Village, Ellanayakan Patti Post,
Thoothukudi District 628 851
310 976 Infant Jesus College of Engineering, AE CS EC EE IT
Tuticorin Highway (NH7/A), Tuticorin 628 851 ME
311 957 Jayaraj Annapackiam CSI College of Engineering, CS EC IT
Nazareth, Tuticorin 628 617
312 962 National Engineering College, CS EC EE EI IT
Kovilpatti, Thoothukudi District 628 503 ME
313 936 SCAD Engineering College, CE EC EE ME
SCAD Campus, Cheranmahadevi,
Thoothukudi District 627 414
314 933 St. Mother Theresa Engineering College, AE EC EE ME
SCAD Campus, Vagaikulam,
Thoothukudi District 627102
315 941 Unnamalai Institute of Technology, CS EC EE ME
Suba Nagar, Ayyaneri, Kovilpatti,
Thoothukudi 628502
316 TIRUCHIRAP- 841 C.A.R.E School of Engineering, CE EE ME MS
PALLI No.27, Thayanoor Village, Kuttappatti,
Srirangam Taluk, Tiruchirappalli 620009
317 828 Cauvery College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT
Perur, Tiruchirappalli 639103

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

318 TIRUCHIRAP- 845 Imayam College of Engineering, CE CS EC ME

PALLI Kannanur, Thuraiyur, Tiruchirappalli 621 206
319 831 Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Madurai Main Road, Manikandam, Trichy 620 012
320 807 J J College of Engineering and Technology, AE CE CS EC EE
Poolankulathupatti Post, Trichy 620 009 EI IT ME PR
321 808 Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE EI IT
Pagalavadi Post, Trichy 621 014 ME
322 830 K Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Samayapuram, Kariyamanickam Road,
Manachanallur Taluk, Trichy 621 112
323 826 Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC IT ME
Tholurpatti, Thottiyam, Trichy 621 215
324 809 Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Manapparai, Trichy 621 307
325 829 M A M College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Trichy-Chennai Trunk Road, Siruganur,
Trichy 621 105
326 810 M A M College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE EI
Siruganur, Trichy District 621 105 IT ME
327 811 M I E T Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Trichy - Pudukkottai Road, Trichy District 620 007 ME
328 813 Oxford Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Pirattiyur(W), Trichy 620 009 ME
329 856 Pavendar Bharathidasan Institute of Information CS EC EE ME
Technology, Natraj Nagar, Mathur, Pudukkottai Road,
Tiruchirappalli 620 024
330 815 Pavendhar Bharathidasan College of Engineering BT CS EC EE IT
and Technology, Pudukkottai Main Road, TX
Trichy 620 024
331 819 Saranathan College of Engineering, CS EC EE IC IT
Panjappur, Trichy 620 012 ME
332 844 Shivani Engineering College, CE EC EE ME
Ammapettai, Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli 620 009
333 853 Shivani Institute of Technology, CS EC EE ME
No.91, Navalur Kuttappattu Village, Srirangam,
Tiruchirappalli 620 009
334 802 Shri Angalamman College of Engineering and CE CS EC EI IT
Technology, Siruganoor, Trichy 621 105 ME
335 820 Trichy Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Konalai, Trichy 621 132
336 850 Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and CE CS EC ME
Technology, Namakkal-Trichy Main Road,
Tholurpatti Village, Thottiam 621 215, Trichy District
337 TIRUNELVELI 937 A R College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC ME
Kadayam-Alangulam Road, Therikkumadathoor Post,
Tirunelveli District 627 423
338 940 Arul College of Technology, CE CS EC ME
Radhapuram, Tirunelveli District 627 111
339 953 CAPE Institute of Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Levingipuram, Tirunelveli 627 114 ME

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

340 TIRUNELVELI 980 Einstein College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE ME

Seethaparpanallur, Tirunelveli 627 012
341 955 Francis Xavier Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli 627 003
342 994 J P College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
College Road, Ayikudy Tenkasi Taluk,
Tirunelveli District 627 852
343 958 Joe Suresh Engineering College, CS EC IT
Mundaradaipu Post, Tirunelveli 627 152
344 998 Mahakavi Bharathiyar College of Engineering and CE CS EC EE ME
Technology, Vasudevanallur,
Tirunelveli District 627 758
345 961 National College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT
Maruthakulam Post, Tirunelveli 627 151
346 964 P S N College of Engineering and Technology, AE CE CS EC EE
Melathediyoor, Tirunelveli 627 152 IT ME
347 989 P S N Engineering College, CE CS EC IT ME
Melathediyoor, Palayamkottai,
Tirunelveli 627 152
348 949 P S N Institute of Technology & Science, CE EC EE ME
Melathediyoor, Palayamkottai,
Tirunelveli 627 152
349 966 PET Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Vallioor, Vallioor Post, Tirunelveli District 627 117
350 967 S Veerasamy Chettiar College of Engineering and CE CS EC EE IT
Technology, Puliangudi Post, ME
Tirunelveli 627 855
351 968 Sardar Raja College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE ME
Alangulam, Tirunelveli 627 808
352 969 SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli 627 414
353 973 The Rajaas Engineering College, AE CE CS EC EE
Vadakkangulam, Tirunelveli 627 116 EI IT ME
354 TIRUPPUR 733 Angel College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE FT IT
P.K.Palayam, Ugayanur Village, Tirupur 641 665 ME
355 771 Dr. Nalini Institute of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE ME
No.68, Ram Nagar, Palani Road, Achiyur Post,
Kolathupalayam Village, Dharapuram 638 673,
Tiruppur District
356 656 Erode Builder Educational Trust’s Group of CE CS EC ME
Institutions, Nathakadaiyur, Palayakottai Village,
Kangeyam, Tiruppur District 638 108
357 651 Jai Sriram College of Technology, CS EC EE ME
Dharapuram Road, Avinashi Palayam,
Tiruppur 638 660
358 714 Maharaja Engineering College, CS EC EE EI IT
Avinashi, Tiruppur District 641 654 MC ME
359 724 Maharaja Prithvi Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Avinashi, Tiruppur District 641 654
360 717 Sasurie College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Vijayamangalam 638 056, Tiruppur District

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

361 TIRUVALLUR 101 Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT

Muthapudupet, Avadi IAF, Chennai 600 055 ME
362 228 Alpha College of Engineering, BM CS EC IT
Dr. Grace George Nagar, Udayavar Koil Street,
Thirumazhisai, Poonamalle, Chennai 602 107
363 238 B K R College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE ME
BKR Nagar, Chennai-Tirupathi Highway,
Perungalathur, Arakkonam, Tiruvallur District
364 102 Bhajarang Engineering College, CS EC EE IT
Ayathur, Veppampattu (R.S.), Thiruvallur 602 024
365 123 Gojan School of Business and Technology, AE CS EC EE IT
Alamathi, Chennai 600 062 ME
366 126 J N N Institute of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Ushaa Garden, No.90, Kannigaipair Village,
Uthukottai Taluk, Thiruvallur District 601 102
367 106 Jaya Engineering College, AE CE CS EC EE
Thirunindravur, Chennai 602 024 EI IT ME TX
368 245 John Bosco Engineering College, CE EC EE ME
Tiruvallur Railway Station, Tiruvallur 602 001
369 107 L C R College Of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT
Kanchipadi Post, Thiruvallur District 631 204
370 108 Magna College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE ME
Magaral, Chennai 600 055
371 125 P M R Engineering College, AE CS EC IT ME
Adayalampattu, (Near Maduravoil / Vanagaram),
Chennai 600 095
372 110 Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, BT CE CS EC EE
Aranvoyalkuppam, Tiruvallur District 602 025 IT ME
373 112 R M D Engineering College, CS EC EE EI IT
Kavaraipettai, Gummidipoondi 601 206,
Tiruvallur District
374 128 R M K College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT
Puduvoyal, Gummidipoondi Taluk,
Tiruvallur District 601 206
375 113 R M K Engineering College, CE CS EC EE EI
Kavaraipettai, Gummidipoondi, IT ME
Tiruvallur District 601 206
376 114 S A Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Thiruverkadu Post, Chennai 600 077
377 416 Sakthi Engineering College, CS EC IT ME
St. Marys Nagar, Nadukuthakai Village,
Thiruninravur, Chennai 602 024
378 124 SAMS College of Engineering and Technology, AE CS EC IT ME
Panappakkam, Chennai-Tirupathi Road,
Uthukkottai Taluk, Tiruvallur District 601 102
379 244 Sri Kalaimagal College of Engineering, CE CS EC ME
Kondancherry Village, Thiruvallur District 631 402
380 115 Sri Ram Engineering College, AU CH CS EC EE
Perumalpattu, Veppampattu (R S), IT ME
Thiruvallur District 602 024
381 116 Sri Venkateswara College of Engg and Tech, CE CS EC EE IT
Thirupachur, Thiruvallur 631 203 ME

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

382 TIRUVALLUR 121 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Science and Technology, CE CS EC EE ME

Kozhundalur, Thiruvallur 631 203
383 127 St. Peter’s College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
College Road, Avadi, Chennai 600 054
384 241 T J S Engineering College, CS EC EE ME
Peruvoyal, Near Kavaraipettai,
Gummidipoondi Taluk,
Thiruvallur District 601 206
385 122 Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan BT CE CH CS EC
Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, EE IT ME
Avadi-Alamathi Road, Chennai 600 062
386 118 Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. Rangarajan BM CE CS EC EE
Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, IT ME
Avadi-Alamathi Road, Chennai 600 062
387 131 Vel Tech, CE EC EE ME
No.60, Vel Tech Road, Avadi,
Chennai 600062
388 120 Velammal Engineering College, CE CS EC EE EI
Ambattur-Redhills Road, Chennai 600 066 IT ME PR
389 237 Velammal Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT
Chennai-Kolkatta Highway, Panchetti Village,
Ponneri Taluk, Tiruvallur District 601 204
390 229 Indira Institute of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
VGR Gardens, Pandur, ME
Tiruvallur District 631 203
391 TIRUVANNA- 524 Annamalaiar College of Engineering, CE CS EC ME
MALAI Modaiyur Village, Polur Taluk,
Thiruvannamalai District 606 902
392 503 Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman College of Engg, BT CE CH CS EC
Vadamavandal, Thiruvannamalai 604 410 EE IC IT ME
393 504 Arunai Engineering College, BT CE CH CS EC
Mathur, Tiruvannamalai 606603 EE EI IT ME
394 508 Kamban Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Mathur, Tiruvannamalai District 606603 ME
395 528 KRS College of Engineering, CE CS EC ME
Elangadu, Vandavasi Taluk,
Thiruvannamalai District 604 408
396 529 Oxford College of Engineering, CE CS EC ME
Venmani Village, Karaipoondi Post, Polur Taluk,
Thiruvannamalai District 606 803
397 512 S K P Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Tiruvannamalai 606 611 ME
398 522 S K P Institute of Technology,
Chinnakangiyanur, Tiruvannamalai District 606 611 CE CS EC ME
399 513 Sri Balaji Chockalingam Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Arni 632 317, Tiruvannamalai District ME
400 518 Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering and Technology, AE CE CS EC EE
Vandavasi, Tiruvannamalai 604 505 EI IT ME
401 TIRUVARUR 821 A R J College of Engineering and Technology, BT CE CS EC EE
Mannargudi Taluk, Thiruvarur District 614 001 IT
402 803 Anjalai Ammal-Mahalingam Engineering College, CH CS EC EE IT
Kovilvenni, Thiruvarur 614 403 ME

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

403 VELLORE 501 Adhiparasakthi College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT

Kalavai 632506, Vellore District
404 519 Bharathidasan Engineering College, CE CS EC IT ME
Nattrampalli Post, Vellore 635 852
405 505 C Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and AE CE CS EC EE
Technology, Melvisharam, Vellore 632 509 IT ME
406 507 Ganadipathy Tulsi’s Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Kaniyambadi, Vellore 632 102
407 523 Global Institute of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE ME
257/1, Bangalore-Chennai Highway, Melvisharam,
Walajah Taluk, Vellore District 632 506
408 520 Kingston Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Chithoor Main Road, Christianpet Village,
Katpadi Taluk, Vellore District 632 059
409 510 Priyadarshini Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Vaniyambadi Post, Vellore 635 751 ME
410 511 Ranippettai Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Thenkadappanthangal, Vellore 632 513
411 515 Saraswathi Velu College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Sholingur, Vellore District
412 526 Sri Krishna College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Sri Krishna Nagar, Tiruttani High Road,
Arakkonam 631 003, Vellore District
413 514 Sri Nandhanam College of Engineering and BT CS EC EE ME
Technology, Tiruppattur, Vellore 635 601
414 521 Sri Sapthagiri Institute of Technology, CS EC EE ME
No.381, MBT Road, Ocheri, Arakonam Taluk,
Vellore District 632 531
415 VILLUPURAM 441 A K T Memorial College of Engineering and CE EC EE ME
Technology, Neelamangalam Village,
Kallakurichi Post & Taluk,
Villupuram District 606202
416 436 A R Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
Vadakuchipalayam, Kappiyampuliyur Post,
Villupuram District 605 601
417 402 Annai Terasa College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT ME
Thirunavalur, Villupuram 607 204
418 406 Dr. Paul’s Engineering College, CE CS EC EE ME
Pauls Nagar, Pulichapallam Village, Vanur (Tk),
Villupuram District - 605 109
419 428 E S College of Engineering and Technology, CS EC EE IT ME
Chennai Trunk Road, Ayyankoilpattu,
Villupuram 605 602
420 408 I F E T College of Engineering, CE CS EC EE IT
Gangarampalayam, Villupuram 605 108 ME
421 605 Idhaya Engineering College for Women, CS EC IT
Chinnasalem, Villupuram 606 201
422 430 Maha Bharathi Engineering College, CS EC EE IT ME
A Vasudevanur, Chinnasalem, Kallakurichi Taluk,
Villupuram District 606 201
423 412 Mailam Engineering College, CE CS EC EE IT
Mailam, Villupuram District 604 304 ME

Sl. District College Name of Institution Branch Code
No. Code

424 VILLUPURAM 433 Sri Aravindar Engineering College, CS EC EE IT

Pondy-Mailam Road, Sedarapet Post, Vanur Taluk,
Villupuram District 605 111
425 445 Sri Rangapoopathi College of Engineering, CS EC EE ME
Alampoondi Village, Gingee,
Villupuram District 604 151
426 434 Surya College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE ME
Vikravandi, Villupuram District
427 421 V R S College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Arasur, Villupuram District 607 107 ME
428 VIRUDHU- 991 Kalasalingam Institute of Technology, CS EC EE IT
NAGAR Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil 626 190,
Srivilliputtur Taluk, Virudhunagar District
429 959 Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, BT CE CS EC EE
Virudhunagar 626 001 EI IT ME PL
430 960 Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, BT CE CS EC EE
Sivakasi, Virudhunagar 626 005 IT ME
431 965 P S R Engineering College, BT CE CS EC EE
Appanayanickanpatti, Sevalpatti 626 140,
Virudhunagar District IT ME
432 995 P S R Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women, CS EC EE IT
Appayanaicken Patti, Sivakasi,
Virudhunagar District 626 140
433 917 Sethu Institute of Technology, CE CS EC EE EI
Kariapatti Post, Virudhunagar 626 106 IC IT ME
434 970 Sree Sowdambiga College of Engineering, CS EC EE IT
Aruppukkottai Taluk, Virudhunagar 626 134
435 996 Sri Vidya College of Engineering and Technology, CE CS EC EE IT
Sivakasi Main Road, P Kumaralingapuram,
Virudhunagar 626 005
436 979 V P Muthaiah Pillai Meenakshi Ammal Engineering CS EC EE IT
College for Women, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Virudhunagar 626 190

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