Sublevel Caving Technique
Sublevel Caving Technique
Sublevel Caving Technique
1. Introduction - Sublevel caving is usually carried out when mining of the orebody
through an open pit method is no longer economically feasible. Mining now proceeds
underground, underneath the open pit. At first, both a raise and a network of tunnels are
made. At different sublevels, jumbos are used for long hole drilling, drilling directly
upwards into the roof. These holes are then charged with explosives and blasted. As the
roofs cave in, the rock from the ground surface will cave in to the underground as well.
Scoop trams or Load Haul Dump (LHD) vehicles transport the muck, loosened rocks, to
an ore pass where the rocks are lifted to the surface. Drilling and blasting takes place at
different underground levels of the mine at the same time. As the blasted rock, muck, is
continuously transported to the ore pass, more blasting will encourage the roof to cave in
to the void and further into the drift. This is repeated until blasting, caving and
transporting depletes the entire orebody.
2. Modern day Sublevel caving - The sublevel caving technique, as the method is
applied today, the whole quantity of ore between the different sublevels is broken using
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Author: Partha Das Sharma, E.mail: [email protected],
Sublevel caving technique-
Simplicity and low cost are the essence
controlled drilling and blasting. Sublevel caving is in many respects simple. It can be
used in orebodies with very different properties and it is easy to mechanize. In sublevel
caving, ore is developed from a series of sublevels spaced at regular intervals throughout
the orebody. Mining begins at the top of the orebody. A series of ring patterns is drilled
and blasted from each sublevel. Broken ore is mucked out after each blast and the
overlying waste rock caves on top of the broken ore.
This technique is inexpensive, highly mechanized and yields a large amount of muck. It
is normally used in massive, steeply-dipping orebodies with considerable strike length.
Since dilution and low recoveries are unavoidable, sublevel caving is used to mine low-
grade, low-value ore-bodies.
However, studies are going on in various levels to eliminate the shortcoming of the
system. The designs which are used and the measures which can be taken to eliminate the
disadvantages are less understood. Possibly the modern version of the method was
developed in the iron mines of Sweden. Over the past few years, the scale of sublevel
caving has increased markedly with LKAB being a leader in this regard. Today, with the
continuing push to increase mining scale, a fundamental question is whether the gravity
flow principles which served as the design basis for the small-scale sublevel caving mine
designs of the past can be applied at much larger scales or whether some other approach
is required.
In fact, in design and operating practices, sublevel caving is among the most advanced of
all mining methods. Sound engineering is indispensable to its conduct. The reason is
related to the complexity of the caving action and the necessity of controlling it.
The increased sublevel interval requires diligence in drilling, loading and blasting
practices. The advent of improved drilling technology has made increased sublevel
intervals possible in the sublevel cave mine. Hydraulic tube rod drill rigs have made long
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Author: Partha Das Sharma, E.mail: [email protected],
Sublevel caving technique-
Simplicity and low cost are the essence
up-holes accurate with less than 2% deviation. Apart, blasting pattern used has also plays
very important role. Proper fragmentation and blasting efficiency is evaluated by
measuring the percentage of muck which is able to pass the designated blast size.
As discussed, in sublevel caving, the hanging wall is allowed to cave in as the ore is
drilled, blasted and removed. The wall caving is induced by mining the ore in controlled
sequence, usually from hanging wall to footwall and from top to bottom. Sublevel caving
is often used in conjunction with surface mining.
Sublevel caving extracts the ore via sublevels, which are developed in the orebody at
regular vertical spacing. Each sublevel features systematic layout with parallel drifts,
along or across the orebody. In the wide orebody, sublevel drifts start from the footwall
drive, to continue across, reaching the hanging wall. In the orebody lesser width, sublevel
drifts are branched off in both directions, from a centre crosscut drive.
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Author: Partha Das Sharma, E.mail: [email protected],
Sublevel caving technique-
Simplicity and low cost are the essence
Development volume to prepare sublevel caving is extensive, compared to other mining
methods. However, development is mainly drifting to prepare sublevels. Drifting is a
simple and routine job for the mechanised mine. Development of sublevels is done
efficiently, in an environment of multiple faces on one sublevel available to drill rigs and
A ramp connection is needed to connect different sublevels, and communicate with main
transport routes. Ore passes are also required, at strategically locations along sublevels,
for LHD-loaders to dump ore from sublevels, to be collected and transported on the
haulage level below.
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Author: Partha Das Sharma, E.mail: [email protected],
Sublevel caving technique-
Simplicity and low cost are the essence
Longhole rigs drill the ore section above the drift, in a fan spread pattern. Longhole
drilling is a procedure which is done independent of other jobs, often well ahead of
charging. Thus, drilling and charging-blasting longholes can be timed to suit the mine’s
production schedules. Blasting on each sublevel starts at the hanging wall, mining then
retreats toward the footwall. Miners aim the cave to follow an approximately straight
front, and adjacent drifts mined at similar pace. A section through the cave to show upper
sublevels one step ahead of sublevels underneath.
Blasting the longhole fan breaks the ore volume covered by the fan-pattern. As the cave
is filled with fractured rock, most of the fresh ore remains in the cave, while some caves
into the drift opening. Mucking out with LHD-loaders creates a cave pattern of ore and
waste from above. Loading continues until the operator decides that waste dilution is too
high, and stops the mucking, and transfers to a nearby drift heading with a fresh cave. In
the meantime, the empty heading is occupied by the charging team, to charge next ring of
Ore handling involves mucking out at the cave, transport on sublevels and dumping into
ore passes. Waste dilution and ore losses are drawbacks for sublevel caving. Waste
dilution varies between 15 and 40%, ore losses from 15 % to 25 %, depending on local
conditions. Dilution is of less influence for orebodies with diffuse boundaries, where the
host rock contains low grades minerals.
Parameters directly influence flow behaviour have been found to include the geometry of
the extraction layout and drives, sublevel height, blast ring design, material
characteristics of the blasted and waste material, and draw control methodology. In most
of the sublevel caving system blasting parameters dominate in association with recovery
when compared to drawpoint and geological parameters.
Generally, sublevel caving method employs use of fan drilling using long and small-
diameter holes, between sublevels or drill drifts to undercut and blast the ore-zone. An
initial slot is developed at the wallrock, and vertical uphole fans are drilled in a diamond
pattern from sublevel in sequence. Generally, eight holes, inclined 80 to 85 degrees
toward the slot, are drilled. Hole diameter average 51 mm, Burden and Spacing vary from
1.2 to 1.8 m and 1.5 to 1.8 m respectively. Blasting is performed against broken waste
rock as wall rock caves. Generally, specific-charge range from 0.3 to 0.4 kg/ton.
Comments * High dilution from caved waste. Ore losses occur as well since
not all mined ore can be recovered.
* Ore/waste flow cannot be predicted accurately prior to mining.
* Probably the most economical when mining in weak strata
* Development openings are not kept open for the entire life of
mine. Once a level is extracted, the development openings are
* Safe, since all mining activities are in small, protected openings.
* High degree of mechanization possible.
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Author: Partha Das Sharma, E.mail: [email protected],
Sublevel caving technique-
Simplicity and low cost are the essence
One finds that the remaining dimensions are: Sublevel drift spacing: 17–19 m; Burden:
2.7 m; Toe spacing (fanned): 3.5 m; Toe spacing (parallel): 3 m; Front inclination: 80
degree selected.
By using the acoustic impedance between the blasted material and the confining debris, a
relationship for both fragmentation and compaction have been found depending on
material, specific charge and physical properties of the debris. Regression analysis has
been used for both tasks, where the two statistical hypotheses clearly have good
agreement with actual data i.e. the prediction models can forecast both the fragmentation
and compaction for this set-up with reasonable accuracy The results can be comparable
with confined blasting in large scale, this both that it have representative design
parameters that fulfil in many ways the scaling laws and the second is that it can be
linked to other comparisons between large-scale and small-scale, where the similarities
have been shown.
Development - The first stage of mining is drift development. A drift is a tunnel that is
driven into the rock. Development involves construction of new areas of the mine where
ore can be extracted. A development project begins with construction documents
prepared by the mine planning department. Each year, the mine planning department
orders development work on the basis of the forecast demand for products as well as
current knowledge of the status of the orebody.
A development drift goes right through the orebody. Drifts are driven with electric-
hydraulic drill rigs. For each charge, as many as 60 holes are drilled. Each hole is about 5
meters deep. When all the holes are drilled, they are charged with explosives.
The charge is blasted at night. The loose ore is then hauled out by a front loader. This
procedure is repeated until the entire development drift has been driven. The drifts can be
up to 80 meters long. If necessary, the walls and ceiling of the drift are reinforced with
rock bolts and/or shotcrete.
When development is complete, i.e., when several drifts have been driven in the same
area, the next stage of mining can begin; namely, production drilling.
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Author: Partha Das Sharma, E.mail: [email protected],
Sublevel caving technique-
Simplicity and low cost are the essence
The rig drills upwards into the ore, forming fan-shaped patterns of holes. There are 10
drill holes in each series. They are normally about 40-45 meters deep. The holes are
straight, so that subsequent charging with explosive and blasting can be done efficiently.
When a pattern of holes has been drilled, the rig is moved back three meters, then drilling
of the next pattern begins. About 20 of these patterns will be drilled in an 80-meter drift.
Once drilling is completed in the entire drift, the holes can charged with explosive.
Blasting - A robot injects explosive into the drill holes in one pattern. The explosive is
manufactured by LKAB’s own explosives company. Blasting is done every night. Each
round brings down about 10,000 tonnes of ore.
When the blast has been ventilated, loading with wheeled loaders can begin. Then, the
next pattern is charged, etc. The procedure is repeated until the entire drift has been
mined out.
8. Conclusion - Caving methods have become the underground bulk mining methods of
choice and expected to continue in the foreseeable future. The growing popularity of
caving methods around the world is largely due to the very low production cost and the
intrinsic safety associated with this mining approach. It is often the only viable mining
method for some of the lower grade massive orebodies that are becoming too deep for
open pit mining. Caving of strong rock masses has become accepted practice even though
there are still some challenges to be resolved.
Strategically, most medium and large mining companies are operating or planning to
operate a caving mine. Codelco's El Teniente mine in Chile and the LKAB Kiruna Mine
in Sweden are among the largest and most famous caving operations in the world.
Australia’s leading caving operations include Rio Tinto's Northparkes mines, BHP
Billiton Nickel West's Perseverance Mine and Newcrest's Telfer and Ridgeway gold
* Kvapil, R , "Subleve l Caving", Underground Mining Methods Handbook. 2"d Edit ion, Vol. 2.,
H.L. Hartman, ed., SME. Littleton, CO, 1992, p. 1789.
* Geddes, P.J., "Swedish Drilling and Blasting Practice", Trans. Int. Min. Metail., 1 986, Sect. A.,
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* Baase, R.A., Diment, W.D., and Petrina, A.J., "Sublevel Caving at Craigmont Mines Ltd.",
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* Chatterjee, P.K., Just, G.D., and Ham, G.I.. 'Sub-level caving simulation of 3000 pillar-recovery
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Author: Partha Das Sharma, E.mail: [email protected],
Sublevel caving technique-
Simplicity and low cost are the essence
* Cox, LA., "Latest Developments and Draw Control in Sublevel Caving", Trans. Int. Min
Metall., 1967, V. 76, p. A149-159.
* Hustrulid. A., "Sublevel Cave Mining at LKAB Kinina Mine". iNCO presentation Aug. 1995.
* Bull, G. and Page, C.H. (2000) Sublevel caving – today’s dependable low-cost ‘ore factory’, in
Proceedings MassMin 2000, G. Chitombo (ed), 29 October to 2 November 2000, Brisbane,
Australia, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Melbourne, pp. 537–556.
* Hustrulid, W. and Kvapil, R. (2008) Sublevel Caving – past and future, in Proceedings 5th
International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining, MassMin 2008, H. Schunnesson and E.
Nordlund (eds), 9–11 June 2008, Luleå, Sweden, Luleå University of Technology Press, Luleå,
pp. 107–132.
* Kvapil, R. (2004) Gravity Flow in Sublevel and Panel Caving – A Common Sense Approach,
Luleå University of Technology Press, Luleå, 152 p.
* Moss, A., Russell, F. and Jones, C. (2004) Caving and fragmentation at Palabora: prediction to
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Author’s Bio-data:
Partha Das Sharma is Graduate (B.Tech – Hons.) in Mining Engineering from IIT, Kharagpur,
India (1979) and was associated with number of mining and explosives organizations, namely
MOIL, BALCO, Century Cement, Anil Chemicals, VBC Industries, Mah. Explosives etc., before
joining the present organization, Solar Group of Explosives Industries at Nagpur (India), few
years ago.
Author has presented number of technical papers in many of the seminars and journals on varied
topics like Overburden side casting by blasting, Blast induced Ground Vibration and its control,
Tunnel blasting, Drilling & blasting in metalliferous underground mines, Controlled blasting
techniques, Development of Non-primary explosive detonators (NPED), Hot hole blasting,
Signature hole blast analysis with Electronic detonator etc.
Author’s Published Book: "Acid mine drainage (AMD) and It's control",
Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. (ISBN 978-3-8383-5522-1).
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Author: Partha Das Sharma, E.mail: [email protected],