Manual de Mantenimiento &amp Operacion Optek

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I nstruction Manual VERSION 2.












Part 2 - Software (refer to specific documentation) Part 3 - Ex-Proof (refer to specific documentation)

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware


This instruction manual is written to assist the user in the proper installation and operation procedures for trouble free operation.

It is explicitly pointed out that no responsibility for loss or damage caused due to the use of this manual or any other brochure or product description is accepted.

Due to reasons of printing technique, the following illustrations correspond only roughly to the real appearance of the products. This instruction manual is protected by copyright. However, the user may produce copies and translations if required for the correct operation of the products.

On requestthisinstruclionmanual is availablein_Qiff_~r~nU~l'IglJ_.§g§?~a,nd can also be supplied on CD

(Acrobat" Reader 4.0).-~ - -- .~..-- ..... _.. ~ ....

Our products are under constant development - technical data is subject to change without notice.

Essen, May 2000

West Bend, September 2000

oplek lrvc • \'r ..... w.cptek com .. USA

CliQOD 'nstrucuon MarU3.l Fan 1 • Hardware - ::2.1

P2g~ 2

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

For further information please contact:

optek-Danulat GmbH Emscherbruchallee 2 • 45356 Essen • Deutschland

Phone ++49 - (0)201 - 63 40 9-0

Fax ++49 - (0)201 - 63 40 9-999

e-mail [email protected]

optek Geschiiftsstelle Sudwest Wilhelm-Maybach-Str.· Mainz > Deutschland

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optek-Danul at, Inc. Germantown Technology Park N118 W18748 Bunsen Drive Germantown • WI 53022 • USA

Phone ++ 1 - 262 - 437 - 3600

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or your local agent.

C4000 Instruction Manu.1 Part 1 - Hardware· #2.1

optek Danulal, Inc .• • USA

Page 3

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

Table of Contents PART 1 - Hardware


1 System Description 6

1.1 Converter Control 4000 6

1.2 Sensor AF16-N (730 - 970 nm) 8

1.3 Sensor AF16-F (385 - 1100 nm) 9

1.4 Sensor AF26 (385 - 1100 nm) 1 0

1.5 Sensor AF45 (254, 280, 290, 300, 313 nm) 11

1.6 Sensor AF46 (254, 280 nm) 12

1.7 SensorTF16 (400 -1100 nm) 13

L ~ . ~ ._ _ _

2 Specifications " .. , , 14

2.1 Converter Control 4000 14

2.2 Sensor AF16-N (AF16-N-HT) 16

2.3 Sensor AF16-F (AF16-F-HT) 17

2.4 Sensor AF26 (AF26-HT) 18

2.5 Sensor AF45 (AF45-HT) 19

2.6 Sensor AF46 (AF46-HT) 20

2.7 Sensor TF16 (TF16-HT) 21

3 Installation Control 4000 (Converter) 22

3.1 Control 4000 - Converter Front Panel Controls 22

3.2 Control 4000 - Converter Back Panel Controls 23

3.3 Control 4000 - Converter Dimensions 24

3.4 Control 4000 - Converter Front Panel Mounting (NEMA 4X (IP65, optional) 25

3.5 Plastic Converter Enclosure B19-42 (NEMA 4X / IP66, optional) 26

3.6 304 ss (1.4301) Convener Enclosure S19-42 (NEMA 4X IIP65, optional) 27

4 Installation In-line Sensors 28

4.1 Sensor AF16-N I AF16-F - Exploded View 28

4.2 Sensor AF26 - Exploded View 29

4.3 Sensor AF45 - Exploded View 30

4.4 Sensor AF46 - Exploded View 31

4.5 Sensor TF16 - Exploded View 32

4.6 Standard Measuring Cells - Materials and Design 33

4.7 Standard Measuring Cells - Mounting Dimensions and Weights 34

4.8 Standard Measuring Cells - Optical Path Lengths I Window Replacement 36

4.9 Standard Measuring Cells - Air Purge 37

4.10 Standard Measuring Cells - Sensor Installation 38

5 Field Wiring Schematic 39

5.1 Power Supply 39

5.2 Sensors AF16, AF26, AF45, AF46, TF16 .40

5.3 mA Inputs 42

5,4 Remote IN )(Remote Ranging, Zero, Hold) .43

5.5 Relay Outputs 44

5.6 mA Outputs 46

optek Demnat. Inc .• w.'I ..... s USA

C4000 jnstrucncn Manual Part t - Hardware - =2,1

Dage .!

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

Table of Contents PART 1 - Hardware


6 Start-up I Maintenance 47

6.1 Start-up 47

6.2 Lamp Voltage I Sensor Gable Lengths 48

6.3 Trouble Shooting 50

6.4 Preventative Maintenance 53

6.5 Lamp Replacement. 54

6.6 Spare Parts 56

7 Appendix 58

7.1 Option: Stainless Steel Plug Protector (Option) 58

7.2 Option: Validation I Calibration Accessories 59

7.3 Installation Documentation 60

8 Certificates 61

8.1 optek-Danulat GmbH "EG-Declaration of Conformity" 61

8.2 RW-TOV GmbH "GS-Mark" 62

9 Fax Reply , " 63

Part 2 - Software (refer to specific documentation) Part 3 - Ex-proof (refer to specific documentation)

For installations in hazardous areas, please refer to: "lnstruction Manual Control 4000 Part 3 - Ex-proof"

All deviations from this manual are documented there l!!

C4000 lnsuuctlcn Manual Part 1 • Hardware· #2.1

Wek Danulat, Inc .• wMY.opleKcom • USA

Pa·~9 5

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

1 System Description

1.1 Converter Control 4000

The CONTROL 4000 family of modular photometric converters is the newest and most advanced generation of converters designed for optek's ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), near-infrared (NIR) absorption-based as well as scattered-light based sensors:


Single-Beam NIR Absorption


Single-_Beam VIS/NIR_ Absorption


Dual-Beam VIS/NIR Absorption


Dual-Beam UV Absorption


Dual-Beam. Dual Channel

UV Absorption


Dual Beam Forward-Scattered Light

The CONTROL 4000 is a powerful microprocessor-based photometric converter with integrated modularity which offers a new level of photometric functions and capabllltles for precision monitoring and control.

The CONTROL 4000 is easy to configure due to its parameter-table architecture and simple menu-based software. Features include remote process control (remote ranging, remote zero and hold), datalogging for quality assurance and plant control records, adjustable signal damping, 16 linearization and calibration tables, various mathematical functions and a software-configurable graphical display showing absorbance, transmittance, and/or concentration in real time, trend values, alarm set points, and many other unique system functions. The CONTROL 4000 can be configured with two to four 4-20 mA outputs and accepts up to two electrical analog inputs from other process devices (pressure, temperature, pH, flow conductivity, and others) to provide compensation or advanced control functions for nearly all process operations, To reduce installation costs in multiple point applications, the CONTROL 4000 transmitter types C4222, C4322, and C4422 are capable of multiplexing two complete in-line sensors.

Page 6

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opiek Danutat. In::c" www.optek.ccrn 4 USA

C4000 lnstrucuon Vlanual Part 1 - Hardware· t<2_1



CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

CONTROL 4000 - Terminal Connections:

4 optek INPUTS: A, B, C, D

3 Alarms, 1 System Failure

Remote 110 - Remote-Zero

2 Lamp Voltaqes

C4QOO Instruction Manual Part 1 • Hardware ' ~Z.1

optek Danulat, Inc .• www.oPlek.c()m. USA

Page 7

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

1 System Description

1.2 Sensor AF16-N (730 - 970 nm)

o Measuring celf (sensor body) e Optical window

~ Near-Infrared (NIR) filter

9 Detector module with silicon photo diode o Lamp adapter with optic module

(iii Ught source (incandescent tungsten lamp)

The Single-Beam NIR Absorption Sensor, Model AF16-N, is comprised of the measuring cell 0, tungsten light source 0 and detector assembly with NIR filter ~ and precision silicon photo diode 9. During operation, light from the tungsten lamp is partially absorbed while penetrating the process stream, which is flowing through the measuring cell. The light exiting the process stream on the opposing side is received by the measuring photo diode after passing through a special NIR spectral filter which blocks all wavelengths except those within the NIR portion of the spectrum. A photocurrent is induced which is directly proportional to the light intensity, then transmitted to the microprocessor-based Converter C4000 via special cables where it is precisely amplified, converted, represented on the local display and transmitted as 4-20 mA output to the plant PLC/OCS-based control system. As this single-beam design is based on NIR spectral absorption from 730 to 970 nm, color and color variations of any magnitude will not affect the measurement. Typically installed to determine the content of suspended solids or immiscible liquids in the process stream, this instrument

can be implemented effectively for a broad range of applications from parts-per-million (PPM) to high percent level concentrations, such as slurries or pastes.

Typical Appllcation{s):

Determination of Total SUspended Solids (TSS) from low PPM levels to high % slurries.

Filter performance control and filter breakthrough •

detection (solids carryover).

Centrate and concentrate control of centrifuges. • Permeate control of all types of membrane separation • processes. • Oil contamination in water. oil leakage monitoring into

cooling water, and heat exchanger leakage control. •

Water-in-oil monitoring.

Determination of organics and/or aromatics in water. Crystallization and polymerization monitoring. Interphase detection of product pushout (milk-water or product-product).

BOD levels on waste water streams. Milk fat concentration in milk. Lautertun clarity in brewing processes. Control of yeast pitching systems.

Whey protein concentration measurements.

C4COJ. InSlruclio1l Manual ,:;'ar. i-Hardware·1'1'2 1



CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

~~ .:tE_

1 System Description

1.3 Sensor AF16-F (385 - 1100 nm)


o Measuring cell (sensor body) @ Optical window

€) Color (VIS) filter

o Detector module with silicon photo diode

o Lamp adapter with optic module

(1) Ught source (incandescent tungsten lamp)

I (J f) 0

The Single-Beam Color Sensor, Model AF16-F, is comprised of the measuring cell 0, tungsten light source (1) and detector assembly with color filter €) and precision silicon photo diode O. During operation, light from the tungsten lamp is partially absorbed while penetrating the process stream, which is flowing through the measuring cell. The light exiting the process stream on the opposing side is received by the measuring photo diode after passing through a special narrow-bandpass interference filter which blocks all wavelengths except the analytical wavelength. A photocurrent is induced which is directly proportional to the light intensity, then transmitted to the microprocessor-based Converter C4000 via special cables where it is precisely amplified, converted, represented on the local display and transmitted as 4-20 mA output to the plant PLCfDCS-based control system. As this single-beam design is based on VIS/NIR spectral absorption between 385 and 1100 nm, this sensor model is typically installed to

determine color and/or concentration changes (Ei~vG~-~

of deep-colored products and product/solvent


Typical Application(s):

• Phase separation product-water.

• Product idenlification by color.

• Control of color dosage.

• Automatic backwash of dying bath.

• Color intensity assurance.

• QC/QA textile dying.

• Plating concentration.

C4000 Instruction Manuat Part 1 • Hardware - #2.1

optsk DantJlal. Inc •• • USA

Page 9

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

1 System Description

1.4 Sensor AF26 (385 - 1100 nm)

o Measuring cell (sensor body)

o Optical window () Beam Splitter

6 VIS / NI R narrow bandpass interference filter (analytical wavelength)

., Detector module with silicon photo diode (analytical channel)

o VIS / NIR narrow bandpass interference filter (reference wavelength)

-frDetector module wifhSllico-n photo-diode (reference channel)

fi) Lamp adapter with optic module

CD Light source (incandescent tungsten lamp)


The Dual-Beam VIS-NIR Absorption Sensor, Model AF26, is comprised of the measuring celiO, tungsten light source {) and detector assembly with beam-splitter (), narrow-bandpass interference filters (O,@) and precision silicon photo diodes (0,6). During operation, light from the tungsten lamp is partially absorbed while penetrating the process stream which is flowing through the measuring cell. The light exiting the process stream on the opposing side strikes a beam-splitter which splits the light into two channels, each of which is received at a photo diode after passing through special narrow-bandpass filters which block all wavelengths of light and pass only the exact analytical and reFerence wavelengths as specified for the species to be measured. The photo-currents are directly proportional to the light intensity and are transmitted to the microprocessor-based Converter C4000 via special cables. The photo currents are precisely measured, amplified then ratioed to produce the resultant signal displayed on the local display and transmitted as a 4-20 mA output to the plant PLC/OCS-based control system. This precise dual-beam technique compensates, within reasonable limits, for optical coatings and varying background turbidities like suspended solids, gas bubbles or fluctuations in the process stream through the use of the second reference detector and precision compensation electronics.

Typical Application{s):

Chlorine, bromine and iodine concentration in gaseous • and liquid process streams.

Trace chlorine monitoring in water.

Chlorine dioxide concentration monitoring in aqueous and gaseous process streams from PPM to high giL

levels. •

Salt concentration of transition metals, such as chromium. copper. iron. manganese. nickel, and


Yellowness detection according to Hazen (APHA). ASTM, Gardner. Lovibond. Saybolt and other color scales.

Trace color detection for product color specifications (oils, inorganic and organic solvents, acids and dyes) or Effluent Color Contamination.

Control of distillation columns and decolorization processes.

Juice and/or softdrink color monitoring. Beer color monitoring: EBC, ASBC. Blending color in breweries.


optek Dar.ulat. Inc .• w ............. cptek.corn s USA

C<1000 Instruction Marual Part 1 - Heruware . ==2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

1 System Description

1.5 Sensor AF45 (254, 280, 290, 300, 313 nm)



o Measuring cell (sensor body) 8 Optical window

o Narrow-bandpass (UV) interference filter

o Detector module with silicon photo diode

" Reference detector module with silicon photo diode

o Ughtsource (low-pressure mercury lamp)

The Dual-Beam UV Absorption Sensor, Model AF45, is comprised of the measuring cell 0, mercury UV light source (1) and detector assemblies with narrow UV-enhanced interference filters 0 and silicon photo diodes O. During operation, light from the mercury lamp is partially absorbed while penetrating the process stream, which is flowing through the measuring cell. The light exiting the process stream on the opposing side is received by the measuring photodiode after passing through a narrow-bandpass UV interference filter. This special UV interference filter suppresses all spectral wavelengths allowing only the specified measuring wavelength to pass. A photo current is induced directly proportional to the light intensity, and is transmitted to the microprocessor-based Converter C4000 via special cables. Within the converter, the signal is amplified and converted to a local display and transmitted as a 4-20 mA output to the plant PLC/DCS-based control system. In addition, a second (reference) filter and

photo diode detection circuit (0,O) installed C€ '.'lMr.vG1J. __ ,'!C0

within the lamp assembly compensates for 'eI

any lamp aging and intensity fluctuations of

the mercury UV lamp to offer high precision and long-term performance of the AF45 UV sensor.

Typical Application(s):

• Trace aromatic contamination in water (Benzene, • Toluene, Xylene, Styrene, Phenol, Phenate, and many

~~~. .

• Trace orqanic and/or trace hydrocarbon contamination • in cooling water.

Total Organic Carbon (TO C) monitoring in waste water. •

• UV disinfection system control. •

• Heal exchanger leak detection in condensate. •

Hydrogen peroxide concentration contro1. •

Chlorine and trace chlorine monitoring in aqueous and gaseous process streams.

Sulfur dioxide concentration measurements in aqueous and gaseous process streams.

Ozone concentration measurement. Concentration of elemental mercury at PPBJPPT levels.

Protein concentration after chromatography. Sugar carryover in condensate.

COD levels in waste water.

Polyphenol and bi1lavanoid detection after ion exchange in fruit juices.

C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 - Hardware - #2.1

ople!< Danulat, Inc •• www.optsk.cum • USA

Page 11

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

1 System Description

1.6 Sensor AF46 (254f 280 nm)

o Measuring cell (sensor body) @ Optical window

(} Beam Splitter

o Narrow-bandpass (UV) interference filter, channel 1 (254 nm)

€I Detector module with silicon photodiode (B Narrow-bandpass (UV) interference filter, channel 2 (280 nm)

f) Detector module with siliconJ}holo~d.~()Qe~

nce r 1 with silicon photo diode

o Reference detector 2 with silicon photo diode ® Light source (low-pressure mercury lamp)


The Quadruple-Beam UV Absorption Sensor, Model AF46, is comprised of the measuring celiO, mercury UV light source ® with two internal reference detector assemblies, including narrow bandpass UV interference filters (0,0) and silicon photo diodes (9,0), and another detector assembly with beam-splitter C, UV interference filters (0,0) and precision silicon photo diodes (€I,8). During operation, light from the mercury lamp is partially absorbed while penetrating the process stream, which is flowing through the measuring cell. The light exiting the process stream on the opposing side strikes a beam-splitter, which splits the light into two channels, each of which is received at a photo diode after passing through special narrow-bandpass filters which block all wavelengths of light and pass only the analytical and reference wavelengths as specified for the species to be measured. The photo currents developed are directly proportional to the light intensity and are transmitted to the microprocessor-based

Converter C4000 via special cables. Within (C- -S P

the converter, the photo currents are amplified ~Mr.vG \fY

and ratioed to produce the resultant signal

displayed on the local display and transmitted as a 4-20 mA output to the plant PLC/DCS-based control system. This split-beam technique measures at 254 and 280 nm (others on request) and compensates, within reasonable limits, tor optical coatings and varying background turbidities like suspended solids, gas bubbles or fluctuations in the process stream. At the same time, the two (reference) filters and (reference) photo diode detection circuits (0,O,0,0) installed within the lamp assembly compensate for lamp aging and intensity fluctuations of the mercury UV lamp at the two analytical wavelengths to offer high precision and long-term performance of the AF46 UV sensor.

Typical Application(s):

Trace aromatic contamination in water (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, Styrene, Phenol, Phenate, and many others).

Trace organic and/or trace hydrocarbon contamination in coolinq water.

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) monitoring in waste water. • UV disinfection system control.

Heat exchanger leak detection in condensate. Hydrogen peroxide concentration control.

Chlorine and trace chlorine monitoring in aqueous and gaseous process streams.

Sulfur dioxide concentration measurements in aqueous and gaseous process streams.

Ozone concentration measurement. Concentration of elemental mercury at PPB/PPT levels.

Protein concentration after chromatography. Sugar carryover in condensate.

OOls~ DanulaL Inc .• www.optek.cnms USA

C'OOO iistru:ticn M.anual Part 1 - Hardware· -1:2.'

;:ag-e- 12

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

1 System Description

1.7 Sensor TF16 (400 -1100 nm)

o Measuring cell (sensor body) @ Optical window

() Optic detector module

o Reference detector module with nine silicon photo diodes (scattered light)

o Detector module with silicon photo diode (direct beam)

o Lamp adapter with optic module

e Light source (incandescent tungsten lamp)

The Dual-Beam Scattered-Light Turbidity Sensor, Model TF16, is comprised of the measuring cell 0, focused beam tungsten light source e and scatter detector assembly with nine precision silicon photo diodes (0,0). During operation, the process stream, which is flowing through the measuring cell is penetrated by a precisely focused, constant light beam (1). The light scattered from the particles (trace suspended solids, undissolved liquids or gas bubbles) is detected at the receiving optics by eight hermetically sealed silicon photo diodes at an angle of 11°, In addition, the direct transmitted light is simultaneously measured by another photo diode at a 1800 angle, The photo currents induced are directly proportional to the amount of light striking the photo diodes and are transmitted to the microprocessorbased Converter C4000 via special cables where they are precisely amplified and ratioed to produce the resultant signal displayed on the local display, and transmitted as a 4-20 mA output to the plant PLC/DCS-based control system. This precise dual-beam technique compensates for optical coatings and other disturbances like background color or color changes which would normally affect scattered-light measurements supplying this system with the ability to measure SUb-micron sized particles below 0,5 PPM in-line in real time with extreme accuracy and repeatability. - The in-line scattered-light sensor TF16 can be factory or user-calibrated to read in units of PPM-(parts -per--million),_NIU_(Nepb!;l!Q!]1_E!!r_if_l!J_~~dity Units), FTU (Formazin Turbidity Units), and many others. Simple and exacting calibration protocol ana -mateirials can-b-e-provided -based-on -NIST-traceable, EPA-approved polymer bead suspensions in a variety of particle size distributions and concentrations to meet any process requirement.

Typical Application(s}:

Concentration measurement of suspended solids, •

such as Total Suspended Solids (TSS).

Filter performance control and filter break detection •

(trace solids carryover). •

Centrate control of centrifuges. Permeate control of all •

types of membrane separation processes (Cow •

Water). •

Trace oil contamination in water (at low PPM levels). •

Heat exchanger leak detection.

Trace water monitoring in relined petroleums (colonial haze, jet fuel water haze).

Precise crystallization and polymerization monitoring. Trace immiscible organics and/or aromatics in water. Brine purity control (Chlor-Alkali Electrolysis). Regulation of pitching rate in wheat beer.

CIP return clarity.

Reverse Osmosis permeate control.

C4000 lnstrucuon Manual Parlt • Hardware - .2. 1

optek Danulat, Inc ... Ii- USA

Page 13

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

2 Specifications

2.1 Converter Control 4000

General purpose NEMA 1 panel or rack mount with NEMA Type 4X face when using gasket and mounting kit.

Stainless steel, polyester, silicon, glass, and various plastics.

7.7W x 4.33"H x 8.27"D (196 mm x 110 mm x 210 rnrn): instrument face: B.4"W x 5.0"H (213 mm x 128 mm).

9 Ibs. (4 kg).

NEMA Type 4X 304 stainless steel enclosure S19·42 and NEMA Type 4X polycarbonate enclosure 819·42 for field mounting (optional).

1J 5/230 V AC (g_I},,!lJ.fl~:..()y_eL~witQ_b): 93.§._-::_1321 J 87 - _g§..4~\lAC_(Ll:7:--64 H~with _ 2 x T 1.6 A fuses (5 x 20 rnrn): surge suppression up to 4000 V.

24 V AC/DC (optional): 20.4 - 26.4 V AG (47 - 64 Hz) or 20.4 - 28.8 V DC with 2 x T 3.15 A fuses (5 x 20 mm); surge suppression up to 2000 V.

<50 VA.

4000 V switching noise, 2000 burst, complete line coupled noise immunity, certified.

Accuracy: approximately 1 minute per month, about 15 years battery lifetime. 18 push buttons keyboard.

1 to 4 detector inputs for optek sensors (1 mA to 500 pAl.

2 lamp power supplies for optek sensors, software-adjustable from 4.5 to 8,5 V DC. < 2186 ft. (400 m), dependent on sensor type.

Graphical display - back-lit, 240 x 128 pixel, display update every 0.5 seconds, 3 LED lamps (yellow) for set point alarm status, 1 LED (green)" as power ON indicator, 1 LED (red flashing) to indicate lamp fail.

3 independent software-configurable relay contacts (0 - 50 VAG, 0 -75 V DC,

a - 2 A) with respective local LED status indicators for upper and/or lower alarm set point indication, or system status feedback indication. Initiation delay configurabJe from 0 to 999 sec.

1 software-configurable SPDT relay contact (0 - 50 VAG, 0 - 70 V DC, a - 2 A) with local LED status indicators for lamp or system failure indication (active). Automatic integral watchdog and additional user-initiated diagnostics.

In the event of power failure, non-volatile memory stores and retains all configurations and logged data.

16 individual user-definable linearization tables applied to any of the B measuring parameter tables.

Converter model C4222, G4322 and C4422 capable of multiplexing two sensors. 4 parallel channels, >25,000 data points (per Channel), retrievable through RS232 serial interface, 1 data point per sec. max. resolution, cycle memory.

Selectable signal damping from a to 99.9 sec., symmetric or asymmetric.

Serial RS232 interface for data-dumping and advanced set-up configurations with the optek link cable (with software 8 version).

2 analog 0/4 - 20 mA outputs (NAMUR) per channel, max. 23.5 mA, self-powered, galvanically isolated, 0- 600 Q load, > 500 V DC. Accuracy better than 0.5%, resolution better than 0.05%. T90 response time adjustable from 0.15 to 100 sec. 2 analog 4 - 20 mA inputs to receive signals from other external process devices, max. 30 mA, galvanically isolated, > 500 V DC, 0- 200 Q load, accuracy better than 0.5%, resolution better than 0.05%.

4 contact inputs (18 - 29 V DC. typically 6.0 rnA) for remote ranging (remote selection of 8 measuring ranges), 1 contact input for remote zero adjustments, 1 contact input for remote "Hold" function.

Local or remote activated zero to set measurement base line. Typically < 0.1 %, max. 0.5 %.

Typically < 0.3 %, max. 0.5 %.

Personalized password codes for four levels of access.


Housing Materials:



Enclosures (optional):

Power SuPpJy~

Power Consumption:

RFllmmunity (CEt GS):

System Clock:


optek Detector Inputs:

Lamp Outputs:

Cable Lengths; Local Display:

Relay Outputs:


System Diagnostics:

Nonvolatile Memory:



Data Logger:

Signal Damping:

Serial Communication:

rnA Outputs:

rnA Inputs:

Remote Control:

Auto Zero:




C4000 lnstrucncn Manual Pan i T Haroware . <f:2.1

octsk Danulat. Inc .• » USA




CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

Ambient Temperature: 14°F -131°F (-10°C - 55°C) during operation, -4"F -113°F (-20°C-45°C) in stainless steel converter enclosure 819-42, 14°F -104°F (-10ec - 40°C) in plastic converter enclosure B19-42. No direct sunlight. -4°F - 15BoF (-20CC - 70°C) during shipment. (EN 61010-1 f 1994-03/ Class 2, EN 61010-1 11994-031 Category II).

Internal Operating Temperature: -4°F - 167"F (-20°C -75°C).

Options: • 24 V AC/DC power supply <e&_: 20,4 - 26.4 V AC, 47 - 64 Hz; DC: 20,4 - 28,8

V DC).

• 304 Stainless steel enclosure S19-42 for field mounting (NEMA 4X IIP6S).

• Polycarbonate enclosure 819-42 for field mounting (NEMA 4X IIP65).

• P65 version for converter front panel mounting (NEMA 4X IIP65).

• FM/PTB Cenelec approved intrinsically safe photodetector inputs for Class I Div. 1 and 2 installation of optek sensors.

• FM approved Enclosure Pressurization Accessories to install converter in Class I, Div. 1, Groups A - D and Class II, Div.1 and 2, Groups E - G hazardous areas.

NOTE: For installions in hazardous areas, please refer to the "Instruction Manual Control 400a Part 3 - Ex-proof". All deviations from this manual are documented there.

I CONTROL 4000 Configurations:

I C4121 'C4221

I C4222 I C4322 I C4422

I Detector Input(s) for optek Sensors

! 2 i 3 4

1 2

I mA Inputs

I 2 I 2 2

2 2

I Remote Inputs

7 7

I 7 7 7

Relay Outputs 1 3 3 3 3 l 3 3
FAIL-SAFE (active) ! 1 , 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1
rnA Outputs 2 : 2 I 2 I 4 4 I 4
Lamp Output(s) for optek Sensors 1 I 1 , 1 I 2 I 2 I 2 i
Sensor Connections possible: ! I I I I I i
I , 11 Sensor








,1 Sensor i 1 Sensor











i ;
I I I I i i
1 Sensor AF46 I I ] X
1SEIJl.E!Qr TF16 I ! J I I ,
X X x i x :
•• __ 0. I r-
2 Sensors AF16 + AF16 I i I ! !
x i x I x
2 Sensors AF16 + AF26 I I I I 1 x i x ;
2 Sensors AF16 + AF45 I I ! I ! !
I j x i x i
2 Sensors AF16 + TF16 I I I I x I x !
12 Sensors AF26 + AF26 I I I I i
I x I
I i I I I
2 Sensors AF26 + AF45 (not EX) I I \ x !
: , 12 Sensors

AF26 + TF16


i 2 Sensors

AF45 + AF45


12 Sensors

AF45 + TF16 (not EX)


2 Sensors

TF16 + TF16


G"OOD Instruction Manual Part 1 • Hardware - #2 .. 1

optak Danulat, Inc .• VM'\-'V, • USA

Page 15

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

2 Specifications

2.2 Sensor AF16-N (AF16-N-HT)

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel (standard). 316 L (1.4435) Stainless Steel, TFMC (carbon-filled Teflon~, Kynar®, PEEK, Monel®, Hastelloy C®, tnconel", Tantalum, Titanium, and others.

W' to 12" (ON 6to DN 300)

ANSI Flange, DIN Flange, Tri-Clamp, Female NPT, Straight Pipe Thread DIN ISO 228/1G, SMSThread~ SanitaryThread (OlN118511, and others.

Viton®® EPOM, Kalrez , NBR, Silicone, Fluoraz 79jPJ, and others.

Pyrex (Standard), Sapphire.

1 mm to 500 mm (line slza dependent).

-0: is-psi' (-1 Q·mbar}·to-7;250 ·psi.( (line connection Ii m ited) max. 500 bar, depending on process connection / material I design O°C (+32°F) to +120·C (+248'F) continuous.

O·G (+32DF) to +150·C (+302°F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

!1QIg_: All specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is no icing on the sensor.

Operating Temperature AF16-HT: -20°C (-4°F) to +240DC (+464°F) continuous.

-20·C (_4DF) to +260"C (+500"F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is no icing on the sensor.

-20°C (-4°F) to +70°C (+ 15S0F) during transport.

O°C (+32°F) to +40"C (+104"F) during operation.

NOTE: Higher or lower ambient temperatures may require a restriction of the above operating temperatures.

Standard, avoids condensation on optics.

Hybrid incandescent tungsten lamp: 5.0 V DC, 775 rnA; 25,000 to 45,000 hours life (3 to 5 years).

Near-Infrared (NIR): 730 - 970 nm.

Precision silicon photo diode, hermetically sealed. Factory calibration in CU (= Concentration Units). Any measuring range between 0- 6 CU.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

specific to application.

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel Lamp and Detector Enclosures (NEMA 4X1IP65), fixed optical bench.

Special, ultra-shielded signal cables, with optional Rigid SS Cable Connectors. 5, 10, 20. 35, 50 m (16, 33, 66, 115, 164 ft.) standard; 250 m (800 ft.) maximum.

• AF16-HT High·temperature sensor.

• AF16-EX Ex-proo! sensor.

• AF16-HT-EX Ex-proof and High-temperature sensor.

NOTE: Ex-Proof Sensor Configurations (FM, PTB) for atl hazardous area classifications. Lamp Enclosures are FM Class /, Dlv. 1, Groups A - 0; Class II, Div. 1 & Div. 2, Groups E - G, and PTa CENELEC EEx ia tic T6. All detectors are wired intrinsically safe with two integral shunt barriers.

• Validation I Calibration Accessories (Validation adapter, NIST traceable validation filters, external calibration ceil).

• Stainless Steel Plug Protectors.

Sensor Body Material:

Line Size:

Process Connections:

'O'-ring Gaskets:

Optical Windows:

Optical Path Length:


Operating Temperature AF16:

Ambient Temperature:


Light Source:




Measuring Range:


Repeatab ility:




Cable Length:



For installions in hazardous areas, please refer to:

"Instruction Mallual Control 4000 Part 3 - Ex-proof"

octek Daru .. 12t. lnc .• www.optek.corn e us .....

C4:JOO insuuctror Manual Part 1 . Hardware . ::2. ~

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

2 Specifications

2.3 Sensor AF16-F (AF1S-F-HT)

Sensor Body Material:

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel (standard), 316 L (1.4435) Stainless Steel, TFMC (carbon-filled Teflon~, Kynar®, PEEK, Monel®, Hastelloy C®, lnconel", Tantalum, Titanium, and others.

%" 1012" (ON 6 to ON 300)

ANSI Flange, DIN Flange, Tri-Clamp, Female NPT, Straight Pipe Thread DIN ISO 228/1 G, SMS Thread Sanitary Thread (DIN 118511, and others.

Vilon~ EPDM, Kalrez®, NBR, Silicone, Fluoraz 79'fY, and others.

Pyrex (Standard), Sapphire.

1 mm to 500 mm (line size dependent).

0.15 psi (10 mbar) to 7,250 psi (500 bar) (line connection limited) max. 500 bar, depending on process connection / material 1 design O·C (+32"F) to + 120"C (+248°F) continuous.

DoC (+32°F) to + 150°C (+302°F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is no icing on the sensor.

Operating Temperature AF16-HT: -20"C (-4°F) to +240·C (+464aF) continuous.

-20°C (-4"F) to +260"C (+500°F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body materfal and gaskets. Ensure there is ~ icing on the sensor.

-20·C (-4°F) to +70·C (+ 158°F) during transport.

O°C (+32°F) to +40"C (+104°F) during operation.

NOTE: Higher or lower ambient temperatures may require a restriction of the above operating temperatures.

Standard, avoids condensation on optics.

Hybrid incandescent tungsten lamp: 5.0 V DC, 775 mA; 25,000 to 45,000 hours life (3 to 5 years).

VIS/NIR: specific to application.

Precision silicon photo diode, hermetically sealed. Factory calibration in CU (= Concentration Units). Any measuring range between 0 - 6 CU.

< ± 1% 01 respective measuring range.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

specific to application.

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel Lamp and Detector Enclosures (NEMA 4X1 IP65), fixed optical be nch,

Special, ultra-shielded signal cables, with optional Rigid SS Cable Connectors. 5,10,20,35,50 m (16, 33, 66, 115, 164 ft.) standard; 250 m (800 ft.) maximum.

• AF16-HT High-temperature sensor.

• AF1S-EX Ex-proof sensor.

• AF16-HT-EX -Bx-proet-and-Hlqh-ternperature. sensor, .

~: Ex-Proof Sensor Configurations (FM, PTB) for al/ hazardous area classifications. Lamp Enclosures are FM Class I, Div. 1, Groups A - D; Class II, Dlv. 1 & Div. 2, Groups E - G, and PTB CENELEC EEx ie lie T6. All detectors are wired intrinsicaffy_5?Jfe_1!l1.f!!_t!Vo integral shunt barriers.

• Validation I Calibration Ac-cessorles-(Vi:\lida:tiori adapter, NIST traceable validation filters, external calibration ceil}.

• Stainless Steel Plug Protectors.

Line Size:

Process Connections:

'O'-ring Gaskets:

Optical Windows:

Optical Path Length:

Operating Pressure:

Operating Temperature AF16:

Ambient Temperature:


Light Source:




Measuring Range:






Cable Length:


For installions in hazardous areas, please refer to:

"Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 3 - Ex-proof"

All deviations from this manual are documented there !!!

C400D tnsnucnon Manual Part 1 • Hardware ·02.1

cptek Danulal, tne .• www.oPls<.com • USA

Page 17

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

2 Specifications

2.4 Sensor AF26 (AF26-HT)

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel (standard), 316 L (1.4435) Stainless Steel, TFMC (carbon-filled Teflon~, Kynar®, PEEK, Monel®, Hastelloy C®, Inconel®, Tantalum, Titanium, and others.

W' to 12" (ON 6 to ON 300)

ANS[ Flange, DIN Flanqe, Tri-Clamp, Female NPT, Straight Pipe Thread DIN [SO 22B/1 G,SMS Thread-Sanilary Thread (DIN 11B51}, and others.

Viton®. EPDM, Kalrez®, NBR, Silicone, Fluoraz 79~, and others.

pyrex® (Standard), Sapphire.

1 mm to 500 mm (line size dependent).

-D:1Spsl-(10 mbartto7;250-psn50D-bar)-(line-connection Ilrnlt ed) max. 500 bar, depending on process connection! material! design DOC (+32°F) to + 120'C (+248°F) continuous.

DOC (+32°F) to +150"C (+302°F) periodic (max. i5 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is!1S!. icing on the sensor.

Operating Temperature AF26-HT: -20°C (_4DF) to +240°C (+464DF) continuous.

-20°C (-4"F) to +260"C (+500"F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets, Ensure there is !1S!. icing on the sensor.

-20°C (-4°F) to +70"C (+158°F) during transport.

DOG (+32CF) to +40cG (+104"F) during operation.

NOTE: Higher or lower ambient temperatures may require a restriction of the above operating temperatures.

Standard, avoids condensation on optics.

Hybrid incandescent tungsten lamp: 5.0 V DC, 775 mA; 25,000 to 45,000 hours life (3 to 5 years).

VIS/NIR: 2 selectable wavelengths from 380 to 1100 nm (specific to application). Silicon photo diodes for measurement and reference channels, hermetically sealed. Factory calibration in CU (= Concentration Units).

Any measuring range between 0 - 3 CU.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

specific to application.

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel Lamp and Detector Enclosures (NEMA 4X1IP65), fixed optical bench.

Special, ultra-shielded signal cables, with optional Rigid SS Cable Connectors. 5, 10, 20, 35, 50 m (16, 33, 66, 115, 164 ft.) standard; 250 m (800 ft.) maximum.

• AF26-HT High-temperature sensor.

• AF26-EX Ex-proof sensor.

• AF26-HT-EX Ex-proof and High-temperature sensor.

NOTE: Ex-Proof Sensor Configurations (FM, PTB) for all hazardous area classifications. Lamp Enclosures are FM Crass I, Div. 1, Groups A - D; Class fI, tnv. 1 & Dill. 2, Groups E - G, and PTB CENELEC EEx ia flc T6. All detectors are wired intrinsically safe with two integral shunt barriers.

• Validation f Calibration Accessories (Validation adapter, NIST traceable validation filters, external calibration ceil).

• Stainless Steel Plug Protectors.

Sensor Body Material:

Line Size:

Process Connections:

'O'·ring Gaskets:

Optical Windows:

Optical Path Length:


Operating Temperature AF26:

Ambient Temperature:

AirPurge; Light Source:

Wavelengths; Detectors:


Measuring Range:






Cable Length:


For installions in hazardous areas, please refer to:

"Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 3 - Ex-proof"

Page 18

optek Danula', Ire .• w .... • USA

C4000 Instrllction t,janueJ Part 1 - HardW8'€ - .:.2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

2 Specifications

2.5 Sensor AF45 (AF45-HT)

Sensor Body Material:

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel (standard), 316 L (1.4435) Stainless Steel, TFMC (carbon-filled Teflon~, Kynar®, PEEK, Monel®, Hastelloy C®, Inconel®, Tantalum, Titanium, and others.

1,4" to 12" (ON 6 to DN 300)

ANSI Flange, DIN Flange, Tri-Clamp, Female NPT. Straight Pipe Thread DIN ISO 228f1 G, 8MS Thread Sanitary Thread (DIN 11851), and others.

Viton®, EPDM, Kalrez®, NBR, Silicone, Fluoraz 79f!", and others.

Sapphire (Standard) for superior light transfer and process fluid resilience.

1 mm to 500 rnrn (line size dependent).

0.15 psi (10 rnbar) to 7,250 psi (500 bar) (line connection limited) max. 500 bar, depending on process connection I material f design O°C (+32°F) to +70°C (+158°F) continuous.

O"C (+32"F) to +135°C (+275°F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is J1Q iCing on the sensor.

Operating Temperature AF45-HT: -20°C (-4°F) to +120°C (+248°F) continuous.

-20"C (-4"F) to +150"C (+302°F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: AI{ specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is 11£ icing on the sensor,

-20°C (-4°F) to +70°C (+158°F) during transport.

DoC (+32°F) to +40"C (+ 1 04" F) during operation.

NOTE; Higher or lower ambient temperatures may require a restriction of the above operating temperatures.

Standard, avoids condensation on optics.

Hybrid low pressure mercury lamp with phosphor coating (ozone free) lamp: 900 V AC start voltage, typically 200 V AC, 20 mA; 17,000 to 25,000 hours life (2 to 3 years).

Ultra-violett (UV): 254, 280, 290, 300 and 313 nm (others on request).

Two silicon photo diodes for measurement and reference channels, hermetically sealed.

Factory calibration in CU (= Concentration Units). Any measuring range between 0 - 3 CU.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

specific to application.

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel Lamp and Detector Enclosures (NEMA 4X1IP65), fixed optical bench.

Special, ultra-shielded signal cables, with optional Rigid SS Cable Connectors. 5, 10, 20, 35, 50 m (16, 33, 66, 115, 164 ft.) standard; 250 m (800 ft.) maximum. ·-A~45-HT_ _. _ High"tempe[atUJ_;;l_§_~!lS_~=.

• AF45-EX Ex-proof sensor.

NOTE: Ex-Proof Sensor Configurations (FM, PTB) for al/ hazardous area classifications. Lamp Enclosures are FM Class I, Div. 1, Groups A - D; Class 1/, Div. 1 &_PFv. 2,-G!_O_L!~ E - G, and PTB CENELEC EEx ia J/c T6. All detectors are wired intrinSically safe with twciiritegral sfiuM'barriers:

• Validation I Calibration Accessories (Validation adapter, NIST traceable validation filters, external calibration ceil) .

• Stainless Steel Plug Protectors.

Line Size:

Process Connections:

'O'-ring Gaskets:

Optical Windows:

Optical Path Length:

Operating Pressure:

Operating Temperature AF45:

Ambient Temperature:


Light Source:




Measuring Range:






Cable Length:


For installions in hazardous areas, please refer to:

'Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 3 - Ex-proof"

All deviations from this manual are documented there I!!

C400Q Inslruction Manual Part 1 • Hardware - 112.1

oplek Danulat. Inc .• WHW.<:l!JIek.cDm • USA

Page 19

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

2 Specifications

2.6 Sensor AF46 (AF46-HT)

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel (standard), 316 L (1.4435) Stainless Steel, TFMC {carbon-filled Teflon~, Kynar@, PEEK, Monel®, Hastelloy C®, Inconel®, Tantalum, Titanium, and others.

%" to 12" (DN 6 to ON 300)

ANSI Flange, DIN Flange, Tri-Clarnp, Female NPT, Straight Pipe Thread DIN ISO 228J1G,SMS Thread® Sanitary Thread (DIN 11851}, and others.

Viton®, EPDM, Kalrez , NBR, Silicone, Fluoraz 791", and others.

Sapphire (Standard) for superior light transfer and process fluid resilience.

1 mm to 500 mm (line size dependent).

·-O:1Spsi-(iO mbar) to-7;250 psi-(500 bar) {Iineconnection-li mited) .. max. 500 bar, depending on process connection I material! design DOC (+32°F) to + 70°C (+ 158°F) continuous.

DOC (+32°F) to +135°C (+275°F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications given here ere only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is!.!.Q Icing on the sensor.

Operating Temperature AF46-HT: -20°C (-4°F) to + 120°C (+248°F) continuous.

-20°C (·4°F) to +150°C (+302°F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications gillen here are only lIalid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is !.!.Q Icing on the sensor.

-20°C (-4°F) to +70°C (+158°F) during transport.

Dec (+32°F) to +40°C (+ 104°F) during operation.

NOTE: Higher or lower ambient temperatures may require a restriction of the above op9rating t9mperatures.

Standard, avoids condensation on optics.

Hybrid low pressure mercury lamp with phosphor coating (ozone free) lamp: 900 V AC start voltage, typically 200 V AC, 20 mA; 17,000 to 25,000 hours life (2 to 3 years).

Ultra-violett (UV): 254 and 280 nm (others on request).

Four silicon photo diodes for measurement and reference channels, hermetically sealed.

Factory calibration in CU (= Concentration Units). Any measuring range between 0 - 2 CU.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

<: :!: 1 % of respective measuring range.

specific to application.

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel Lamp and Detector Enclosures (NEMA 4X1IP65L fixed optical bench.

Special, ultra-shielded Signal cables, with optional Rigid SS Cable Connectors. 5, 10,20,35,50 m (16, 33,66,115,164 ft.) standard; 250 m (800 ft.) maximum.

• AF46-HT High-temperature sensor.

• AF46-EX Ex-proof sensor.

!::!QIE: Ex-Proof Sensor Configurations (FM, PTa) for all hazardous area cliJssifications. Lamp Enclosures are FM Class I, Div. 1, Groups A - D; Class II, Div. 1 & otv. 2, Groups E - G, and PTa CENELEC EEx fa IIc T6. All detectors are wired intrinsically safe with two integral shunt barriers .

• Validation I Calibration Accessories (Validation adapter, NIST traceable validation filters, external calibration cell).

• Stainless Steel Plug Protectors.

Sensor Body Material:

Line Size:

Process Connections:

'O'-ring Gaskets:

Optical Windows:

Optical Path Length: o peratingPressu re:

Operating Temperature AF46:

Ambient Temperature:


Light Source:




Measuring Range:






Cable Length:


For installions in hazardous areas, please refer to:

"Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 3 - Ex-proof'

,~\II~ieviati,)ns from Tl'IS '-llanu3. are GO c urn ented there I!

c.:Seo;) trsrucnon l\Aanua~ Part 1 ~ Har(h.-va"e - =2. 1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

2 Specifications

2.7 Sensor TF16 (TF16-HT)

Sensor Body Material:

316 Ti (1.4571) Stainless Steel (standard), 316 L (1.4435) Stainless Steel, TFMC (carbon-filled TefloniB), Kynar®, PEEK, Monel®, Hastelloy C®, lnconel", Tantalum, Titanium, and others.

%" to 12" (DN 6 to DN 300)

ANSI Flange, DIN Flange, Tri-Clarnp, Female NPT, Straight Pipe Thread DIN ISO 228/1 G, SMS Thread Sanitary Thread (DIN 11851), and others.

Viton~ EPDM, Kalrez®, NSR, Silicone, Fluoraz 79"fV, and others.

Pyrex (Standard), Sapphire.

40 mm fixed (standard).

0.15 psi (1 0 mbar) to 7,250 psi (500 bar) (line connection limited) max. 500 bar, depending on process connection / materiat! design O°C (+32"F) to + 120°C (+248"F) continuous.

OCC (+32"F) to +150"C (+302°F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE: All specifications given here are only valid with the appropriate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is.ill! icing on the sensor.

Operating Temperature TF16-HT: -20°C (-4°F) 10 +240°C (+464"F) continuous.

-20"C (-4"F) to +260"C (+SOO"F) periodic (max. 15 min. per day).

NOTE; All specifications given here are only valid with the appropTiate sensor body material and gaskets. Ensure there is.ill! icIng on the sensor.

-20"C (-4"F) to +70"C (+158"F) during transport.

DoC (+32°F) to +40°C (+104"F) during operation.

NOTE: HIgher or lower ambient temperatures may require a restriction of the above operating temperatures.

Standard, avoids condensation on optics.

Hybrid incandescent tungsten lamp: 5.0 V DC, 775 mA; 25,000 to 45,000 hours life (3 to 5 years).

VI8/NI R: 400 to 1100 nm.

Line Size:

Process Connections:

'O'-ring Gaskets:

Optical Windows:

Optical Path Length:

Operating Pressure:

Operating Temperature TF16:

Ambient Temperature:


Light Source:



Nine silicon photo diodes for measurement and reference channels. hermetically sealed.

Factory calibration in PPM (DE), FTU, ESC.

Any measuring range between 0 - 500 ppm (DE), 0- 200 FTU, 0 - 50 EBC. < ± 1% of respective measuring range.

< ± 1 % of respective measuring range.

specific to application.

316 Ti (1.4571} Stainless Steel lamp and Detector Enclosures (NEMA 4Xi IP65), fixed optical bench.

Special, ultra-shielded Signal cables, with optional Rigid S8 Cable Connectors. 5, 10, 20, 35, 50 m (16. 33, 66, 115, 164 ft.) standard; 250 m (800 ft.) maximum.

• TF16-HT High-temperature sensor.

• TF16-EX- Ex::prootsen.s.Qr",_ .

• TF1S-HT-EX Ex-proof and Hiqh-ternperatureserisor,

NOTE: Ex·Proof Sensor Configurations (FM, PTa) for a/l hazardous area classifications. Lamp Enclosures are FM Class I, Div. 1, Groups A - D; Class II, Div. 1 &.Div e , 2,.GrQI!p.!! E - G, and PTe CENELEC EEx ia IIc T6. An detectors are wired intrinsically safewrltr-fWo"integiafshuntbarriers;-

• Validation J Calibration Accessories (Validation adapter, NIST traceable validation standards, external calibration ceil).

• Stainless Steel Plug Protectors.


Measuring Range:






Cable Length:


For installions in hazardous areas, please refer to:

"Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 3 - Ex-proof'

All deviations from this manual are documented there !ll

C4l)OO IrlSllIJclion Manual Pan 1 • Hardware •• 2.1

apte~ Danulat, Inc .• www.ople!<.com • USA


Page 21

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

3 Installation Control 4000 (Converter)

3.1 Control 4000 - Converter Front Panel Controls

\ \



1 \


\ \



\ \









/ -r-------------------






.~~ /




C.!DOO lnstn.cbon Fan 1 - Hard\,·,are - =2.'





I \










Descripti on:

1 LED (red-flashing), lamp failure / system failure indicator.

2 LED (red), alarm indicator 3 (not active with use of status feedback).

3 LED (red), alarm indicator 2 (not active with use of status feedback).

4 LED (red), alarm indicator 1 (not active with use of status feedback).

5 LED (green), Power On indicator.

6 Keyboard [IJ ~ [!] @] ~ [§J moo ~ @] CJ~·

7 Connector RS232 (Conlrol-Connect-Cable).

8 [ENTER[ (Confirmation of entries).

9 Cursor (to navigate in menu) GJ El E1 [IJ.

10 ICLEARI (Cancel entries I return to previous menu).

11 Graphic Display.

?ag:! 22

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

3 Installation Control 4000 (Converter)

3.2 Control 4000 - Converter Back Panel Controls


/ /

\ \

/ I

\ \ I

\ \ I

/ I

/ I

/ I


[.A.J / [B: I

11_ './~. '.' 5 elf--- ftJ·~.( 5

I :"1 ti ' ,~. I


~r~u ';' ~PG: j

t.hdI '- i\--- . .J ....




f I



1 Detector Input A.

2 Detector Input B (only for converter models C4322 and C4422).

3 mA Inputs 1 and 2, 4 - 20 mAo

4 mA Output 1, mA Output 2, 0/4 - 20 mAo

5 mA Output 3, mA Output 4,0/4 - 20 mA (only for converter models C4222, C4322, and C4422).

6 Lamp Output E.

7 Lamp Output F (only for converter models C4222, C4322, and C4422).

8 Relay Output 1, 2, 3 for Alarm or Status Feedback, System Relay (active).

9 Remote-IN: Remote Product 1 Range Switching, Remote Zero, and Remote Hold.

10 Fuse I 115/230 V AC T 1,6 A (Option 24 V AC/DC: T 3,15 A).

11 Fuse II 115/230 V AC T 1,6 A (Option 24 V AC/OC: T 3,15 A).

12 Power supply (fixed).

13 Voltage selector (factory setting: 230 V AC), not with 24 V AC/OC version.

14 PAiPE (only necessary with Ex-proof and extreme RFI requirements).

15 Main power switch ON/OFF.

16 Detector Input D (only for converter model C4422).'

17 Detector Input C (only for converter models C4221 , C4222, C4322, and C4422).

C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 - Hardware - #2.1

optsk Oanulal, Inc .• www.opte~_com • USA

Page 23


CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

3 Installation Control 4000 (Converter)

3.3 Control 4000 - Converter Dimensions

Paga 24








0) 0'

"t'l Lri'1'

L-J' L-J

£1' d

£ £'

.... '<t!

ru' all

ru nn .......-I i """"'"' ~



!-,r:::-T'--'-' ____;,=~-_Jj





__ ____::1-=..9 §" 2MM C 7 L W_=.J __ 2131"11"1 [8,39'J



c~cr_y;c :'.j~L'T'l le1 [oj

'~r:1l ; ~~ r:~ ~

~(~]. £l~M'

l_-.--- _----'1._.,9_...,6'L,4..!..!.I"1.!!.M_,____,C,_,_7_L,],_,3",_·_._],


---- ,_,---'

opte~ Danulat, Inc .• • USA

C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 - Hardware - #2,1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

3 Installation Control 4000 (Converter)

3.4 Control 4000 - Converter Front Panel Mounting (NEMA 4X IIP65, optional)


d,," ./

Page 25

CD =




A 2 x Fixing plates, B Frame.

C Gasket 3 mm (material: EPDM),

D Front Panel (Cut-out: 198 mm f 112,5 mm). E 2 x Screws.

Slide Gasket (C) over converter until it is secure against the converter face bezel. Insert the converter into the front panel (O) cut-out Slide stabilizer frame (8) over converter until it rests against the back of the front panel (0). Attach the two mounting brackets (A) on the sides of the converter. Adjust the mounting screws (E) until the converter is securely positioned in front panel (0), Proper positioning and alignment ensure a NEMA 4X (IPB5) rating.

C4(JOO lnstmcnon Manual Part 1 ' Hardware, #2.1

optek Danulat, Inc .• • USA

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

3 Installation Control 4000 (Converter)

3.5 Plastic Converter Enclosure 819-42 (NEMA 4X IIPSS, optional)

Front View:

~ ', ~ t, J :l: • .r' ~5: r .,. ~



Side View:


In <D <'J


~ 81 mm [3.19·1 287 mm r11.3'1



Plastic Wall Mount Enclosure

Part Number:




4000-0214-00 (S1x-42)

ASS Plastic (Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene Copolymers) NEMA 4X (IP65)

3.0 kg (6.6 lbs.) empty.

7.1 kg (i5.6Ibs.) with converter. 8 x PG9, 4x PG13.5.

PN 4000-0701-00.

Cable Entries:

Converter Plate:

Fag€' 25

optak ncmnat. Inc .• ~ww octck.coro • USA

C4000 tnstructrc-: MarlJa~ Part 1 - Hard ..... are • ::t2_ 1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

3 Installation Control 4000 (Converter)

3,6 304 SS (1 .4301) Converter Enclosure 519-42 (NEMA 4X IIP65, optional)

Front View:

: ~mmI13~ ,

: ,....._. __ 340mm 113.39'1 ,

; ~_ ~~1g.1g~1 , :. "6.4 mm [0.251


Bottom View:

.~ __ ~.125°

_________ ~- I

r: M
a> ~.
-e '" =..
b: £~ E
E E : E
E E ec
0 on '"
;!: M
'" 1250

.~ ~ ~ P;~-=- ,+,_

I :U' ._/U 1B:'I:'1°~ ~'OOv'-'OO

_._ 353 mm 113.9'1 --='"==--.1


Stainless Steel Wall Mount Enclosure

Part Number.


4000-0213-00 (81 x-42)

1 A301 ! SS 304, Lexan window

8.5" x 5"



NEMA 4X ([P65)

8.5 kg (18.7 Ibs.) empty.

12.6 kg (27.7 Ibs.) with converter. 8 x PG9, 4x PG13.5.

PN 4000-0705-01.

Cable Entries:

Converter Plate:

C4000 Instruction Maoual Part 1 • !-iardware • <Z.1

cptsk Danulal. 10c •• wNW.ople~com • USA




Page 27

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation In-line Sensors

4.1 Sensor AF16-N / AF16-F - Exploded View

I; ,

, ,I

I :~,[J1CJ I:~IDI ti ~ 'O'~:IDID'Ddm: I

14 13 16 11 10 9 15 7 6 5 4 3 T Ii 1 11 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

I:: I I : I

- - -- _y - --Sensor Body

Light source

Exte rnal 'o'-Ring Gasket

External 'O'-Ring Gasket


1 2 3 4 5

Measuring cell (also termed "sensor body" or "flow cell").

Internal 'O'-ring gasket ~21.95 x 1.78 mm), EPDM-FDA (optional NBR, Silicone, Vlton", Kalrez®). Optical windows, Pyrex (optional Sapphire).

'D'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), EPDM-FDA (optional NBR, Silicone, Vlton", Kalrsz'"). Window ring M24 x 1.5 AP, 316 Ti (1.4571). Contains M5 connector and screw M5 x 6 (DIN 84) with 'O'-ring gasket (4 xi mm), Viton", for Air Purge connection.

4 Screws M4 x 10 (DIN 912) with washers (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571). External 'D'-ring gasket (25.12 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.*}

Detector adapter AF16, 316 Ti (1.4571).

'D'-ring gasket (31.47 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.

Optical housing (OP06), 316 Ti (1.4571).

'D'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.

Detector module AF16.

4 screws M3 x 6 (DIN 7985), 316 Ti (1.4571). 'D'-ring gasket (10.1 x 1.6 mm), Viton®.

Lamp adapter AF16, 316 Ti (1.4571) with optic module AF16. Optional with NIST traceable validation filter adapter.

Lamp module AF16.

NOTE: In order to protect the lamp and detector from environmental conditions it is essential to instatl the two external Viton 'O'-rings (7), which come with the instrument.

6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15



Changes for sensor AF16-HT:

8 Detector adapter AF16-HT, PEEK.

12 Detector module AF16-HT.

13 4 Screws M3 x 12 (DIN 7985) with washer (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571).

15 Lamp adapter AF16-HT, PEEK, with optic module AF16-HT.

NOTE: AF16-HT must be equipped with Stainless Steel Plug Protector (refer to paragraph 7.1).

Page 22

op'ek Oanulal. lnc ... .. USA

C40'JO .nstruction Manua: Par11 . Hardware - i1:2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation In-line Sensors

4.2 Sensor AF26 - Exploded View


I: :

I : 11

Page 29

I: :1

+E~tn----I~+---------1-~-:~+8l- ~----~ +t}l-9a~t~~-'I-

7 6 5 4 3 2 l: 1 : I 2 3 4 5 6 7

I: I I: : I


9 1011 12






Sensor Body

Light source


'0' -Ri ng Gasket

External 'o'-Ring Gasket


1 2 3 4 5

Measuring cell (also termed "sensor body" or "flow ceil").

Internal 'G'-ring gasket ~21.95 x 1,78 rnm), EPDM-FDA (optional NBR, Silicone, Viton®, Kalrez~. Optical windows, Pyrex (optional Sapphire).

'O'-ring gasket (21 ,95 x 1.78 rnrn), EPDM-FDA (optional NBR, Silicone, Viton®, Kalrez"). Window ring M24 x 1.5 AP, 316 Ti (1.4571), Contains MS connector and screw M5 x 6 (DIN 84) with 'O'-ring gasket (4 x 1 mm), Viton", for Air Purge connection.

4 Screws M4 x 10 (DIN 912) with washers (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571). External 'O'-ring gasket (25.12 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.*l

Detector module AF26, 316 Ti (1.4571), Contains M5 connector and screw M5 x 6 (DIN 84) with 'O'-ring gasket (4 x 1 mm), Viton®, for Air Purge connection.

'G'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), Vlton".

Detector plug, 9-pole.

4 screws M3 x 6 (DIN 7985), 316 Ti (1.4571). 'O'-ring gasket (10.1 x 1.6 mm), Viton®.

Lamp adapter AF26, 316 Ti (1.4571) with optic module AF26. Optional with NIST traceable validation filter adapter.

'D'-ring gasket (31.47 x 1.78 rnrn), Viton®. Optical housing (DP06), 316 Ti (1.4571). Lamp module AF26.

NOT""E:'iiioideito protect thifJamp and detector from environmental conditions it isessentialto instafl the two external Viton 'D'-rings (7). which come with the instrument.

6 7 a

9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16

Changes for sensor AF26-HT:

B Detector module AF26-HT.

6 4 Screws M3 x 12 (DIN 7985) with washers (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571).

15 Lamp adapter AF26·HT, PEEK, with optic module AF26-HT.

NOTE: AF26-HT must be equipped with Stainless Steef Plug Protector (refer to paragraph 7.1).

C4000 Instruction Manual Pan 1 ' Hardware' #2.1

optek Danulal, Inc. • www.ople:<.com • USA

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation ln-llne Sensors

4.3 Sensor AF45 - Exploded View


: ,

+~fB-=E-I-:-I-ffH- Bft-11~:+B~----lj BEj:l3;4

2313229 21 24 20 19 18172416615432! 1: 23456789 101112 1314

I I l

,------ ------------/1

Light Source ~


y Sensor Body



'0' -Ri ng Gasket

External 'a'-Ring Gasket

1 2 3 4 5

Measuring cell (also termed "sensor body" or "flow ceil").

Internal'O'-ring gasket (21.9S x 1.78 mrn), EPDM-FDA (optional NBR, Viton®, Kalrez~.

Optical windows, Sapphire. NOTE: PyreJt is no appropriate window material for UVapplications. 'O'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), EPDM-FDA (optional NER, Silicone, Viton®, Kalrez~. Window ring M24 x 1.5 AP. 316 Ti (1.4571). Contains M5 connector and screw M5 x 6 (DIN 84) with 'G'-ring gasket (4 xi mm), Viton®, for Air Purge connection.

4 Screws M4 x 10 (DIN 912) with washers (DIN 7980),316 Ti (1.4571). External 'O'-ring gasket (25.12 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.*}

Detector adapter AF45, 316 Ti (1.4571).

'G'-ring gasket (31.47 x 1.78 mm), Vlton",

Optical housing (OP06), 316 Ti (1.4571).

'O'-ring gasket (21.9S x 1.78 mm), Viton®.

Detector module AF4S.

4 screws M3 x 6 (DIN 7985), 316 Ti (1.4571). 'O'-ring gasket {1 0.1 x 1.6 mm}, Viton®.

Window ring MS8 x 1.5 AP, 316 Ti (1.4571). External 'O'-ring gasket (50.52 x 1.78 mm), Viton®_.J

Lamp holder AF45 with reference detector and reference filter. Fixing screw M4 x 10 (DIN 912) for lamp module.

Lamp module AF45.

Optical housing (GP02 / 90 mm), 316 Ti (1.4571).

Lamp power supply AF45. Contains M5 connector and screw M5 x 6 (DIN 84) with 'O'-ring gasket (4 x 1 mm), Viton®, for Air Purge connection.

Lamp plug, 16-pole.

'O'-ring gasket (18.77 x 1.78 mm), Vlton",

External 'O'-ring gasket (50.52 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.

NOTE: In order to protect the lamp and detector from environmental conditions it is essential to lnstelt the two external Viton 'O'-rings (7) and (16), which come with the instrument.

6 7 B 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24


Changes for Sensor AF45-HT:

8 Detector adapter AF45-HT. PEEK.

12 Detector module AF45-HT.

13 4 Screws M3 x 12 (DIN 7985) with washers (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571).

17 Lamp holder AF45-HT (part 01 lamp assembly AF45-HT).

20 Optical housing (OP02-HT 190 mm) (part of lamp assembly AF45-HT).

22 Lamp power supply AF45-HT (part of lamp assembly AF45-HT).

NOTE: AF45-HT must be equipped with Stainless Steel Plug Protector (refer to paragraph 7.1).

Silicone and pyrex® are no appropriate gasket and window materials for UV sensor AF4S (AF4S-HT)!

optek Danuiat. lr c t I"NIW_opleo;,corn ,. LSA

:::4000 Instruction f...~anLJal =art 1 - r-are ..... 'are . ;:;-2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation In-line Sensors

4.4 Sensor AF46 - Exploded View

~ I I I \ 1

1:~ILJ~OI:~IDI~ ~I(]I~:!~:>

2211 2120 19 23 18 17 1615 2314513 4 32 1: 1 11 2 34 5 6 7 8

'" <»: _.I I. L'l' y' '

Light Source t Sensor Body

9 101112



'0' -Ri ng Gasket

Detector Assembly External

'a'-Ring Gasket


1 Measuring cell (also termed "sensor body" or "flow ceil").

2 Internal 'O'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), EPDM-FDA (optional NBR, Viton", Kalrez®).

3 Optical windows, Sapphire. NOTE: PyreJf' is no appropriate window material for UVapplications.

4 'O'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), EPDM-FDA (optional NBR, Silicone, Viton®, Kairsz").

5 Window ring M24 x 1.5 AP, 316 Ti (1.4571). Contains M5connector and screw M5 x 6 (DIN 84)

with 'O'-ring gasket (4 xi mm), Viton®, for Air Purge connection.

6 4 Screws M4 x 10 (DIN 912) with washers (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571).

7 External 'O'-ring gasket (25.12 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.~l

8 Detector module AF46.

9 'O'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.

10 Detector plug, 9-pole.

11 4 screws M3 x 6 (DIN 7985), 316 Ti (1.4571).

12 'O'-ring gasket (10.1 x 1.6 mm), Viton®.

13 Window ring M58 x 1.5, 316 Ti (1.4571).

14 Extemal'O'-ring gasket (50.52 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.~i

15 Lamp holder AF46 with two (2) reference detectors and two (2) reference filters.

16 Fixing screw M4 x 10 (DIN 912) for lamp module.

17 Lamp module AF46.

18 Optical housing (OP02 / 90 mm), 316 Ti (1.4571).

19 Lamp power supply AF46. Contains M5 connector and screw M5 x 6 (DIN 84) with 'O'-ring gasket

(4 x 1 mm), Viton®, for Air Purge connection.

20 'O'cringgasket'(BL47 x 1·, Viton(!l>.

21 Lamp plug, 16-pole.

22 'G'-ring gasket (18.77 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.

23 'O~-ri!1gg~f:)k_~t(!?O.52 x 1.78 mm), Viton® .

• i NOTE: In order to pr~tect the lamp and cliiteC:tor from environmental conditionsit is essential to instaJJ the two external Viton 'O'-rings (7) and (14), which come with the instrument.

Changes for Sensor AF46-HT:

8 Detector module AF46-HT, PEEK.

11 4 Screws M3 x 12 (DIN 7985) with washers (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571).

15 Lamp holder AF46-HT (part of lamp assembly AF46-HT).

1 B Optical housing (OP02-HT 190 mm) (part of lamp assembly AF46-HT).

19 Lamp power supply AF46-HT (part of lamp assembly AF46-HT).

!!QIE: AF46-HT must be equipped with Stainless Steel Plug Protector (refer to paragraph 7.1).

Silicone and pyrex0 are no appropriate gasket and window materials for UV sensor AF45 (AF45-Hn!

C4000 lnsnuction Io.lanual Part 1 - Hardware· #2.1

ootek Danutat, lnc.« www.optei<.com • USA

Page 31

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation In-line Sensors

4.5 Sensor TF16 - Exploded View

I 1 1 1 1 1 J

11 :1

+~~tc=1J+ __ ---n--l-' ~~-I-8-t- ~nn~ -l-8fJ-~+·~~--l-

c- ~1 r c--WU .~ I'-< lJj -0 ~-o

12 11 18 9 17 16 15 14 6 13 4 3 2 11 1 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112

u: 1

1 ~etector


I : I I



Light Source

y sensor Body

External 'o'-Ring Gasket

External 'C'-Ring Gasket


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13

Measuring cell (also termed "sensor body" or "flow ceil").

Internal 'O'-ring gasket ~21.95 x 1.78 mm), EPDM-FDA (optional N BR, Silicone, Viton®, Kalrez~. Optical windows, Pyrex (optional Sapphire).

'G'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), EPDM-FDA (optional NBR, Silicone, Viton®, Kalrez~. Window ring M58 x 1.S AP, 316 Ti (1.4571).

4 Screws M4 x 10 (DIN 912) with washers (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571). External 'O'-ring gasket (SO.S2 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.~)

Detector module TF16, 316 Ti (1.4571).

'O'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.

Detector plug, 9-pole.

4 screws M3 x 6 (DIN 7985), 316 Ti (1.4571). 'G'-ring gasket (10.1 x 1.6 mm), Vlton".

Window ring M24 x 1.S AP, 316 Ti (1.4571). Contains M5 connector and screw M5 x 6 (DIN 84) with 'O'-ring gasket (4 x 1 mm), Viton®, for Air Purge connection.

External 'G'-ring gasket (25.12 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.*}

Lamp adapter TF16, 316 Ti (1.4571) with optic module TF16. 'O'-ring gasket (31.47 x 1.78 mm), Viton®.

Optical housing (OPG6), 316 n (1.4571).

Lamp module TF16.

NOTE: In order to protect the lamp and detector from environmental conditions it is essential to instalf the two external Viton '0 '-rings (7) and (14), which come with the instrument.

14 15 16 17 18


Changes for Sensor TF16-HT:

8 Detector module TF16·HT.

11 4 screws M3 x 12 (DIN 7985) with washer (DIN 7980), 316 n (1.4571).

15 Lamp adapter TF16-HT, PEEK, with optic module TF16-HT.

NOTE: TF16-HT must be equipped with Stainless Steel Plug Protector (refer to paragraph 7.1).

C40:)O lnsfructian Manual Part 1 . Hardware - ,,2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation In-line Sensors
4.6 Standard Measuring Cells - Material and Design
The following table lists optek's standard stainless steel sensor bodies including part numbers and line size.
OPL AlA represents the oplical path length (OPl) in millimeters for an A-A window combination. By using
various window types with different face-ta-face dimensions, such as type "A", type "B" or type "G" windows,
"OPL A-A" can be reduced by up to 20 mm (please refer to paragragh 4.8). Specific information on any
other measuring ceil can be provided on request.
Process Connection Material Design Line Size OPLAIA lmm] Part Number
NPT-Thread (female) (ASA B 2.. 1,1960) 316 Ti /1.'1571 welded 1/2" 20 0100-1945-03
NPT-Thread (female) (ASA B 2.1,1960) 316 Ti /1.4571 welded 1" 20 0100-0104-03
N PT -Thread (female) (ASA B 2.1 , 1960) 316 Ti /1.4571 welded 1" 40 0100-1104-03
Pipe-I hread (female) [DIN ISO 228/1) 316 Ti i 1.4571 welded 1" 20 0100-0103-03
Pipe-Thread (female) (DIN ISO 22B/1) 316 Ti 11.4571 weide:! 1" 40 0100-1103-03
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974, 7.1) 316 Ti {1_4571 welded 1" 20 0100-0102-03
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974. 7.1) 316 Ti 11.4571 welded 1" 40 0100-1102-03
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974,7.1) 316 Ti 11.4571 welded 1 '/:," 30 0100-0302-03
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974,7.1) 316Ti/1.4571 welded IV," 40 0100-1302-03
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974, 7.1) 316 Ti /1.4571 welded 2" 40 0100-0402-03
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) 316 Ti 1 1 _4571 welded ON 25 20 0100-0101-03
Sanitary Thread SC (01 N 11851) 316 Ti 11.4571 welded ON 25 40 0100-1101-03
Sanitary Th read SC (01 N 11 851) 316Til1,4571 welded ON 40 30 0100-0301-03
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) 316 Ti 1 1.4571 welded ON 40 40 0100-1301-03
SanilaryThread SC (DIN 11851) 316 Ti 11.4571 welded ON 50 40 0100-0401-03
SanllaryThread SC (DIN 11851) 316 Til 1,4571 welded ON 65 50 0100-0501-03
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) 316 Ti 11.4571 welded ON 80 50 0100-0601 -03
SanilaryThread SC (DIN 11851) 316 Ti 11,4571 welded ON 100 60 0100-0701-03
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16_5 150 Ibs RF) 316 Ti {1.4571 welded 1" 20 0100-0106-03
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5 150 lbs RF) 316 rt 11.4571 welded 1" 40 0100-1106-03
ASA-Flange (AS A B 16.5 150 lbs RF) 316 Ti / 1,4571 welded lV," 30 0100-0306-03
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5150 Ibs RF) 316Ti 11.4571 welded 1 v, " 40 0100-1306-03
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5 150 Ibs RF) 316Ti/l,4571 welded 2" 40 0100-0406-03
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5 150 Ibs RF) 316 Ti 11.4571 welded 3" 50 0100-0606-03
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5 150 Ibs RF) 31 6 Ti 11 ,4571 welded 4" 60 0100-0706-03
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) 316 Ti 1 1 .4571 welded ON 25 20 0100-0115-03
OIN-Flange (OIN 2633) 316Ti 11,4571 welded ON 25 40 0100-1115-03
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) 316Ti/1.4571 welded ON 40 30 0100-0315-03
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) 316 Ti 1 1,4571 welded ON 40 40 0100-1315-03
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) 316 Ti 1 1.4571 welded ON 50 40 0100-0415-03
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) 316Ti/1.4571 welded ON 65 50 01 00-0515-03
-i5iN'~Flange- (0 IN"2633) 316-Tl/-lo457-1 .. welded .. QN!l(l. 50 0100-0615-03
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) 316 TI 11,4571 welded ON 100 60 0100'071 5-03
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 L 11.4435 BioTech y,," 1 0100-1999-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 L 11.4435 BioTech yi" 5 0100-1998-08
tifCiam'p-(L14 AM 7) 316 L /1.4435 BioTech v,' 1 0100-2915-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 315 L/ 1.4435 BioTech V:t" 10 0100-1989-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 L! 1.4435 BioTech 3/.. 11 0100-1997-08
TriClamp (L 14AM7) 316 Lll.4435 BioTech 'A' 15 01 00-1995-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 Lll_4435 BioTech I" 20 0100-2911-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 L 11_4435 BioTech 1" 21 0100-2912-08
TriClamp (L 14AM 7) 316 L/ 1.4435 BioTech 1" 40 0100-2918-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 Lll.4435 BioTech 1'12' 20 0100-2917-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 LJ 1.4435 BioTech lV,' 21 01 00-1902-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 Lll.4435 BioTech 11k' 40 010[)'1946-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 L/ 1,4435 BioTech 2" 20 0100-291 &-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 316 L/l.4435 BioTech 2" 21 0100-1948-08
TriClamp (L 14 AM i)_ 316 Ll1,4435 BioTech 2" 40 0100-2914·08

C40ao lnsnucuon Manual Part 1 - Hardware - #2.1 optek Danulat, Inc. II W' • USA Page 33 CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation In-line Sensors
4.7 Standard Measuring Cells - Mounting Dimensions and Weights
4.7.1 Converter Control 4000 - Weights and Dimensions (in kilograms and pounds).
Converter I Converter Enclosure 115/230 V AC 24 V AC/DC Dimensions
C4000 without Enclosure 4.1 kg 9.1Ibs. 3.0 kg 6.6Ibs. (refer to paragragh 3.3)
C4000 with 819-42 Enclosure 6.8 kg 15.0Ibs. 5.7 kg 12.6Ibs. (refer to paragragh 3.5)
C4000 with 819-42 Enclosure 12.1 kg 26.7Ibs. 11.0 kg 24.3Ibs. (refer to paragragh 3.6)
4.7.2 Oonverter=Lamplnterco n nectionCables .... Weights-poer CaDle Le-ngth.
Cable Diameter [mm2] Weight [in kg 110 m] Weight [in Ibs./1 0 ft.]
1.5 mm2 0,9kg/10m 0.6 Ibs. 110ft.
2.5 mm2 1,2kg/10m 0.8 Ibs. 110 1t.
4.0 mm2 1,5 kg 110 m 1.0 Ibs./10 ft.
4.7.3 Converter-Detector Interconnection Cables - Weights per Cable Length.
Detector Type Weight [in kg 110 m] Weight [in Ibs./10 ft.]
AF16 0.6 kg} 10 m 0.4 Ibs. 110ft.
AF26 1.2 kg /10 m 0.8 Ibs. / 10ft.
AF45 1.2 kg /10 m 0.8 Ibs./10 ft.
AF46 2.4 kg 110 m 1.6Ibs. /10 fl.
TF16 1.2 kg / 10 m 0.8 Ibs. 110ft.
4.7.4 optek Standard Sensors - Weights and Dimensions.
,-r-----._ -1

I mo_ "''''';'' ,,11 """" ~ ~ A
I ~~ Lamp
I , , , 1
I , '-~ ~ ----r r ! l
I I -------------~-------------------~------
I , I
~200 mm~: C B ,-+-200 mm~
Index Description Unit Sensor Types
A Face-to·face dimension (rnountinq height) sensor body mm AF16,AF26,AF45,AF46, TF16
81 Mounting length detector side mm AF16, AF45
82 Mounting length detector side mm AF26.AF46, TF16
C1 Mounting length [amp side mm AF16, AF26, TF16
C2 MountinQ length [amp side mm AF45, AF46
D1 Wei~ht without cables (sensor body, [amp and detector) kg AF16, AF26. TF16
D2 Weiqht without cables_Csensor bodv, lamp and detector) ka AF45 AF46
Pa~e 3.! optsk Danvlat. .nc. • www.optsk.ccm f USA C4COJ Instruction Manual ~an 1 - Hatowa re - l'i"2. 1 CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

optek Standard Sensors - Weights and Dlrnenslons. (continued)
Process Connection Une Size OPLAJA Part Number A 81 82 Cl C2 01 02
NPT-Thread (female) (ASA B 2.1,1960) h' 20 0100-1945-03 95 140 150 185 240 3.6 4.6
NPT-Thread (female) (ASA B 2.1,1960) 1" 20 0100-0104-03 95 140 150 185 240 3.6 4.6
NPT -Thread (female) (ASA B 2.1, 1960) 1" 40 0100-1104-03 95 150 160 195 250 3.5 4.5
Pipe-Thread (female) (DIN ISO 228Jl) 1" 20 0100-0103-03 95 140 150 185 240 3.6 4.6
Pipe-Thread (female) (DIN ISO 228Jl) 1" 40 0100-1103-03 95 150 160 195 250 3.5 4.5
I riClamp (ISO 2852-1974, 7.1) 1" 20 0100-0102-03 95 140 150 185 240 3.6 4.6
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974, 7.1) 1" 40 0100-1102-03 95 t50 160 195 250 3.5 4.5
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974, 7.1) l'h' 30 0100-0302-03 t06 145 155 190 245 3.5 4.5
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974, 7.1) 1'h' 40 0100-1302-03 106 150 160 195 250 3.4 4.4
TriClamp (ISO 2852-1974,7.1) 2" 40 0100-0402-03 90 150 160 195 250 4.1 5.1
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) ON 25 20 0100-0101-03 106 140 150 185 240 3.6 4.6
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) DN 25 40 0100-1101-03 106 150 160 195 250 3.5 4.5
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) ON 40 30 0100-0301-03 106 145 155 190 245 3.7 4.7
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) DN 40 40 0100-1301-03 106 150 160 195 250 3.7 4.7
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) DN 50 40 0100-0401-03 125 150 160 195 250 4.5 5.5
SanilaryThread SC (DIN 11851) DN 65 50 0100-0501-03 120 155 165 200 255 4.8 5.8
Sanitary Thread SC (DIN 11851) DN 80 50 0100-0601-03 225 155 165 200 255 5.1 6.1
Sanaary Thread SC (DIN 11851) ON 100 60 0100-0701-03 295 160 170 205 260 5.7 6.7
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5150 Ibs RF) 1" 20 0100-0106-03 150 140 150 185 240 5.1 6.1
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5 150 Ibs RF) 1" 40 0100-1106-03 150 150 160 195 250 5.0 6.0
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5 150 Ibs RF) l'h' 30 0100-0306-03 150 145 155 190 245 6.3 7.3
ASA-Flange (ASA 816.5150 Ibs RF) l'h' 40 0100-1306-03 150 150 160 195 250 6.2 7.2
ASA-Flange (ASA 816.5150 Ibs RF) 2" 40 0100-0406-03 150 150 160 195 250 8.5 9.5
ASA-Flange (ASA 816.5150 Ibs RF) 3" 50 0100-0606-03 225 155 165 200 255 12.6 13.6
ASA-Flange (ASA B 16.5 150 Ibs RF) 4" 60 0100-0706-03 285 160 170 205 260 15.9 16.9
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) ON 25 20 0100-0115-03 150 140 150 185 240 5.6 6.6
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) ON 25 40 0100-1115-03 150 150 160 195 250 5.5 6.5
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) ON 40 30 01 00-0315-03 150 145 155 190 245 6.9 7.9
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) ON 40 40 0100-1315-03 150 150 160 195 250 6.8 7.8
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) DN 50 40 0100-0415-03 150 150 160 195 250 8.9 9.9
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) ON 65 50 01 00-0515-03 150 155 165 200 255 10.0 11.0
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) ON 80 50 0100-0615-03 215 155 165 200 255 10.5 11.5
DIN-Flange (DIN 2633) ON 100 60 0100-0715-03 270 160 170 205 260 12.8 13.8
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) "!4" 1 0100-1999-08 96 130 140 175 230 3.3 4.3
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 14'" 5 0100-1998-08 96 132 142 177 232 3.3 4.3
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 'h" 1 0100-2915-08 96 130 140 175 230 3.5 4.5
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) Y2a 10 0100-1989-08 96 135 145 180 235 3.6 4.6
TriClamp (l 14 AM 7) %" 11 0100-1997-08 96 135 145 180 235 3.9 4.9
TriClamp (l14 AM 7) %' 15 0100-1995-08 96 137 147 182 237 3.9 4.9
TriClamp (l14 AM 7) 1" 20 0100-2911-08 96 140 150 185 240 4.3 5.3
TriClamp (l14 AM 7) 1" 21 0100-2912-08 96 140 150 185 240 4.3 5.3
TriClamp (l14 AM 7) 1" 40 0100-2918-08 96 150 160 195 250 5.1 6.1
.. TriGlamp (L14AM7) lh·· 20 0100-2917-08- -106·· ·140 150- 185·· .240 ... 4.1 5.1
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) lV. 21 0100-1902-08 106 140 150 185 240 4.1 5.1
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) lV' 40 0100-1946-08 106 150 160 195 250 4.9 5.9
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 2" 20 0100-2916-08 112 140 150 185 240 3.6 4.5
. TriClamp.(U4AM 7l 2" 21 oJ Q()_-1.~4§:()~ 112 149 159 1~~ 240 3.6 4.6
TriClamp (L 14 AM 7) 2" 40 0100-2914-08 112 150 160 195 250 4.6 5.5
C40()O msnucuon Manual Part 1 - Hardwars - #2.1 optek Danutat, Inc .• • USA Page 35 CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation ln-llne Sensors

4.8 Standard Measuring Cells - Optical Path Lengths I Window Replacement

Incident Light Beam ~

Q Remaining Light


Due to optek's modular sensor concept, it is easy to adapt different optical path lengths (OPL) by changing the type of windows used. To replace or change the windows and internal 'C'-ring gaskets (refer to items 2 in the exploded view drawings of paragraphs 4.1 through 4.5), make sure the pipe is empty and pressure is released.

• Loosen the plastic cable connectors (Plastic quick-connects) by hand. Or, if interconnection cables with stainless steel fixed-ends (Plug protectors) are mounted, use Phillips screw driver to loosen the 4 M3 x 6 screws retaining the lamp and detector modules. Please refer to items 13 in the exploded view drawings for sensors AF16 and AF45 (paragraphs 4.1 and 4.3), and items 11 for sensors AF26, AF46 and TF16 (paragraphs 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5).

• Unscrew light source and detector assembly trom the measuring cell by counter-clockwise turns (by hand).

• Remove the 4 M4 x 10 head screws (items 6 in paragraphs 4_1 through 4.5) from each window ring using an Allen wrench (SW3) and remove the rings. Make sure the screws are loosened evenly and alternately around the window ring.

o Replace the window(s) (items 3 in paragraphs 4.1 through 4.5).

• Re·assemble the sensor in the reverse order and make sure that the 'O"ring gaskets (items 2 and 4 in the exploded view drawings, paragraphs 4.1 through 4.5) are precisely positioned in the gasket groove to prevent cracking the windows.

• Fasten the 4 M4 x 10 head screws crosswise (items 6 in paragraphs 4.1 through 4.5) using an Allen wrench (SW3)_

• Before the light source and detector assembly are screwed onto the measuring cell again, make sure that the external gaskets have been installed! These gaskets seal the detector arms to the measuring cell!

The optical path lengths given in the above tables (paragraphs 4_6 and 4.7) refer to a combination of two type "A" windows. To adapt specific optical path lengths (OPL), refer to the following table:

Window Combination OPL (AlA) = X Example: OPL (AlA) = 20 mm
A·A X- O_Omm 20.0mm
A·B X - 5_0mm 15_0mm
A·C X· 10_0 mm 10_0mm
B-B X ·10_0 mm 10.0 mm
B-C X ·15.0 mm S.Omm
C-C X· 20_0 mm not possible
K-K X· 17_5 mm 2.Smm NOTE: Sensor TF16 always requires type "A" windows on the detector side and a minimum optical path length of 40 mm. In some cases, larger path lengths may be useful to expand the measuring range but may, on the other hand, lead to non-linear cetibretion curves.

optek Danuta; Inc. t VI'oVW .ootec.corn .. USA

Osooo lnstructron Manual Pa11 ~ Hard .... are . :i2_ 1

?age- 36

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation In-line Sensors

4.9 Standard Measuring Cells - Air Purge

Measuring cell

If the temperature of the process stream is low and reaches or falls below the dew point of the air within the optical housings, moisture will condensate on the outside window surfaces which may affect the measurement. For this reason, all window rings are equipped with standard Air Purge connectors.

During start-up, slightly unscrew the MO optical housings of the light source and detector assembly to allow dry air (oil and particle-free!) to flow through the sensor for approximately 10 minutes at a differential pressure of up to 1 bar (15 psig). Next, tighten the optical arms but let the Air Purge connected to ensure a small steady differential pressure 01 0.1 bar (1 to 2 psig). This minimizes the air consumption.

Air Purge N: (Standard) • Sensor AF16:

Please use connections 3 (detector side) and 4 (lamp side). Connections 1 and 2 are not available with this model.

Please use connections 2 (detector side) and 4 (lamp side). Connection 1 is not available with this model.

Please use connections 3 (detector side) and 1 (lamp side). Connection 4 IS . noLaY1:\jlabltt '!Y_l«J_ t_hls_!11 ode I.

Please use connections 3 (detector side) and 1 (lamp side). Connection 4 is not available with this model.

Please useconnections ?(detec:tor side) and 4 (lamp side). Connections 1 and

3 are not available with this model. -.

• Sensor AF26:

• Sensor AF45:

• Sensor AF46:

• Sensor TF16:

Air Purge V: Some special optical housings, such as Varivent®-valve housings, require connections 1 and 2 to be used since connections 3 and 4 are internally sealed and not accessible. Sensors without standard connections 1 and 2 can be retrofitted. - Upon delivery the Air Purge ports are sealed with a 4 x 1 mm 'O'-ring gasket and M5 x 6 (DIN 84) screw. For an Air Purge installation at those connections, the two 4 mm ID srew fittings which come with the instrument

C4000 lnstrucnon Manoal Part 1 _ Hardware _ #2.1

optak Danutat, Inc: .• W'W' • USA

Page 37

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

4 Installation In-line Sensors

4.10 Standard Measuring Cells - Sensor Installation

1. Preferred.

Vertical upward flow, horizontal alignment of optical arms.

2. Acceptable.

Horizontal flow, horizontal alignment of optical arms.

3. Avoid.

Horizontal flow, vertical alignment of optical arms.

The measuring cell is equipped with a process line connection like flanges, NPT or other connections, and can be installed either directly in the main process line or in a by-pass. In doing this, care must be exercised to ensure that the lamp and the detector are always horizontally aligned (as shown in Figs. 1 and 2) to avoid sediment accumulation on the sensing windows (window fouling) and allow heat to dissipate from the lamp and detector. During operation, ensure that the measuring cell is always completely filled with the process solution to be analyzed. A partialy filled measuring cell or major gas bubbles will result in false readings due to a lowered absolute concentration between the two optical windows. - For the dimensions and weights of the measuring cells, please refer to paragraph 4.7.

Ideally, the sensor should be located upstream of pressure regulators, that is, on the discharge (highpressure) side of pumps to avoid the possibility of gas or air bubble break-out in liquid process streams.

Again, ensure that the extemal window 'O'-ring seals have been installed properly (refer to the exploded view drawings in paragraphs 4.1 through 4.5) since those will seal the lamp and detector to the measuring cell to avoid dust and moisture from penetrating the sensor, leading 10 a shorter life span of the lamp module. NOTE: The measuring cell itself is a sealed unit, there is no danger of leakage by removing the lamp or detector from the measuring cell while the process is running.

optek Danu!.al. inc, ...... w «. cOlek com. USA

C4')OC Inst-uctlGn Manual Pan 1 - Hardware· "'2. i

~ag:. 38

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

5 Field Wiring Schematic

5.1 Power Supply


Prior to connecting power make sure that the power supplied is in accordance with the voltage stated on the back panel and that the power selector is in the right position.

Selector 115/230 V AC

Power Supply


Power ON I OFF


Electrical connections only through authorized, experienced personel.

STANDARD: 115/230 V AC Power Supply

Power Supply (fixed): 115/230 V AC, selectable (93.5 - 132/ 187 - 264 V AC, 47 - 64 Hz).

Fuses! 2 X T 1$A{S>C20mm).

Selector: 115 V AC or 230 V AC.

PA: PA/PE (only necessary with Ex-proof and extreme RFI requirements) M6 x 10 .

. power ccnsurnptlcn: < 50 VA.

Power switch OFF prior to installation.

OPTIONAL: 24 V AC I DC Power Supply

Power Supply (fixed): 24 V AC I DC (AC: 20.4 - 26.4 V AC, 47 - 64 Hz).

(DC: 20.4 - 28.8 V DC). 2 x T 3.15 A (5 x 20 mm).

not applicable.

Power consumption: < 50 VA.



G400fj Instruction Manual Part 1 - Harowara- #2.1

opt •• Danulat. Inc .• • USA

Pags 39

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

5 Field Wiring Schematic

5.2 Sensors AF16, AF26, AF45, AF46, TF16

Detector Input A

Detector Input 8

Detector Input C

Detector Input D

Lamp Output E





=-,.'~ ~': ~


Lamp Output F

The system consists of the converter of the Control 4000 Series and one or two sensors (such as sensor AF16, AF26, AF45, AF46, or TF16) which are interconnected with special, ultra-shielded signal cables. As different plugs are being used, it is impossible to cross-connect the detector-converter and lamp-converter interconnection cables:

AF16, AF26, TF16 AF45, AF46

(9-pole on the detector side, 4-pole on the lamp side) (9-pole on the detector side, ts-pols on the lamp side)

Electrical connections only through authorized, experienced personel.

Power switch OFF prior to installation.

It is essential to adjust the lamp voltage according to the cable length (please refer to paragraph 6.2).

Since converter and sensor(s) are 1actory-precalibrated as one complete system, make sure those parts are accordingly wired up (please see serial number labels):

(This (Ierd wiring description should a/ways be observed, even if (other) cross-connections may also be possible).

OD1e~ Oanutat Inc_. www.optsk.corn • USA

C40ao lnsfruction Manual :::art 1 - Hard.',are - ~2, 1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

Terminal Connections. Use the following table to interconnect the converter Control 4000 and sensor(s):

Configurations: C4101 C4121 C4221 C4222 C4322 C4422
Detector Input 1 1 2 I 2 3 4
Lamp Output 1 1 1 2 2 2
I -- -----
Sensors: Detector Lamp Maximum
Terminal(s) Cable Length(s) I
1 Sensor AF16 A A A A A A E 250 m 1 820 It.
1 Sensor AF26 A/C I A/C Ale A/C E 250 m J 820 It.
1 Sensor AF45 A/C I Ale Ale A/C E 100 m 1328 It. ,
1 Sensor AF46 (1) A/C E 100 m 1328 It.
AF46 (2) BID
1 Sensor TF16 Ale I Ale Ale A/C E 250 m 1 820 It.
2 Sensors AF16 I A A A E 250 m 1820 It.
AF16 C C C F
2 Sensors AF26 I I AIC Ale E 250 m ! 820 It.
AF16 a a F
2 Sensors AF45 I Ale A/C I E 1 00 m I 328 It.
AF16 a B F
2 Sensors TF16 I Ale A/C E 250 m ! 820 It.
AF16 a B F
2 Sensors AF26 I A/C E 250 m ! 820 It.
2 Sensors AF45 I A/C E 100 m 1328 It.
(no EX) AF26 BID F 250 m I 820 ft.
2 Sensors AF26 I A/C E 250 m 1 820 ft.
TF16 aID F
2 Sensors AF45 I A/C E 100 m 1328 It. I
AF45 8/D F
2 Sensors TF16 A/C E 250 m 1 820 It. I
(no EX) AF45 aiD F 100 m 1 328 ft. I
2 Sensors TF16 A/C E 250 m 1820 It. I
TF16 8/D F AF26, TF16:

Detector-Converter Cable (Measurement Channel)

1 = white (A 1) 2 = brown (A2) S = black (AS}

Detector-Converter Cable (Measurement Channel)

1 = white (Ai) 2 = brown (A2) S = black (AS)

Detector-Converter Cable (Reference Channel)

.3 =.white.{C3).. _ 4.=_brown_(C4). ..S.=._grey (C5)

Detector-Converter Cable (Measurement Channef)

1 = white (Al) 2 = brown (A2) S = black (A5}

Detector-Converter-Cable (Reference-Channel)

3 = white (B3) 4 = brown (B4) S = black (85)

Detector-Converter Cabfe (Measurement Channe' 1)

1 = white (At) 2 = brown (A2) S = black (AS)

Detector-Converter Cable (Reference Channel 1)

3 = white (C3) 4 = brown (C4) S = black (C5)

Detector-Converter Cable (Measurement Channel 2)

1 = white (83) 2 = brown (B4) S = grey (B5)

Detector-Converter Cable (Reference Channel 2)

3 = white (03) 4 = brown (04) S = grey (D5)

Lemp-Converter Cable 6 = white or blue (6)


All sensors:

7 = brown (7)

C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 - Hardware - #2.1

opleK Danula1. Inc .• • USA

Page 41

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

5 Field Wiring Schematic

5.3 rnA Inputs





-'~F' ,Icr··

:E:_J :2~~ '.

mA Inputs

Electrical connections only through authorized, experienced personel.

Power switch OFF prior to installation.

With the exception of converter C41 01, all other Control 4000's are equipped with two electrical analog mA inputs to accept other external signal inputs, such as temperature, pressure, pH, flow, conductivity, and others, to provide compensation or advanced control functions. All 4-20 mA input signals will be converted into a to 100% full scale.

TERMINAL: mA Input J: rnA Input II:

21 (+)! 22 (-). 23 (+)! 24 (-).



Current (max.):





4 - 20 rnA (NAMUR). 30 rnA.

200 Ohm.

galvanic isolation with DC-De-Converter, 500 V DC min .. better than 0.5 %.

better than 0.05 'Yo.

optek OanJlal. Inc. e USA

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

5 Field Wiring Schematic

5.4 Remote IN (Remote Ranging, Zero, Hold)



With the exception of the converter C4101, all other Control 4000's are equipped with remote control functions (remote zero, hold and ranging) which may be executed from the plant PLC/DCS control system using a simple 24 V control wiring (19-29 V DC sourcing with the return regulated by the C4000 to 6 mA) to terminals R1 _ R8 of the "REMOTE IN" connector on the converter back panel. Please observe that every remote function will only be executed if the 24 V DC signal sent is confirmed (with R8 = VALID):

R1, R2, R3: REMOTE RANGING: changes Products 1 _ 8.

R4, R5: not in use





-~~~-= =~;h:·. _ !~"-~ l)

T (---;-f "' _ i " ~ ""

=;j ~c

zeroes all Detector Inputs A through D . (@ez§_qEj_nQ(1nf!f!f!ff!_S!l!! __ 4~?qf!!_Ii_()f!tputs and Re!ay Outputs. Confirmation for terminals Rl _ R7.

Return line for terminals R1 _ RB (regulated by C4000 to 6 rnA)

... _ ·--·Terminal: ···-Rl. -R2._. __ .RL __ .R4 __ _R5__ _R6 _ _ RL _RB __
Produci Change to 'Product t' low low low 10'0'1 low HtGH
Product Change to 'Product 2' low low HIGH low low HIGH
Product Change to 'Product 3' low HIGH low low low HIGH
Product Change to 'Product 4' low HIGH HIGH low low HIGH
Product Change to 'Product 5' HIGH low low low low HIGH
Produci Change to 'Product 6' HIGH low HIGH low low HIGH
Product Change to 'Product 7' HIGH HIGH low low low HIGH
Product Change to 'Product S' HIGH HIGH HIGH low low HIGH
System Zero (Detector Inputs A, B, C, DJ curll3nJ product HIGH low HIGH
HOLD (freeze outputs) curll3nJ product low HIGH HiGH
HOLD (unfreeze outputs) current product low low HIGH
C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 - Hardware - #2_1 optek Danutat, Inc. , www.optek_com • US .... Page 43 ]1 c : ... -'. :', ~ ..:::..:....:.




Remote IN

Electrical connections only through authorized, experienced personal,

Power switch OFF prior to installation,

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

5 Field Wiring Schematic

5.5 Relay Outputs




-':-::--',,:",': r.,;_·



~c';:l' ~~~ ~~'

Relay Output

Electrical connections only through authorized, experienced personel.

Power switch OFF prior to installation.

All Control 4000 converters are equipped with 4 relay contacts, 3 of which are software-configurable to be:



TERMINAL Relay Output 1:

Relay Output 2:

Relay Output 3:

Relay Output 4:

10/11. 12 1 13. 141 15.

16/17/18 (active).




;lage ~4

o - 50 V AC, 0 -70 V DC. D -2 A.

ootek Danulat, In:: .• www.ontek.corr ~ USA

C400) mstrucucn ~,~anui31 Pan ~ - Hardware - ~2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

Relay Outputs 1. 2. and 3 as ALARM INDICATOR:

The SPDT alarm relay outputs "OUT 1" (10/11), "OUT 2" (12/13) and "OUT 3" (14/15) are determined by

• Alarm set point

• Initiation delay (0 - 999 seconds)

• Alarm type (high I low)

and can be configured independently from one another and independently for each of the 8 different product settings. Please refer to the "Instruction Manual Control 4000, Part 2 - Software", paragraph 5.5.

NOTE: Despite the configured time delay of the relay outputs (between 0 and 999 seconds), the three alarm LED's on the converter front panel (see paragraph 3.1) always indicate an alarm immediately (LED lag time: < 0.5 seconds), and do not indicate the relay contact status.

Relay Outputs 1,2. and 3 as STATUS FEEDBACK:

The following status feedback indications are available ("NORMALLY OPEN" must be chosen):

Relay 1: closed "Product 1" is active

open "Product 2 - 8" is active

Relay 2:

closed open

closed open

No function (for future purposes) No function (for future purposes)

Measurement is okay

No measurement possible at the moment since:

• Product Change (1-2 sec.) is being performed."

• Product Definition is being chanqed."

• System Setting is being chanqec."

• Service is being performed, such as zero adjustment.

.) Please refer to the "Instruction Manual Conlro14000, Part 2 - Software", chapters 4 through 6.

Relay 3:

NOTE: In the STATUS FEEDBACK mode, any configured time delay of the alarm set points is ignored, and the relay contacts will open or close as specified here. However, the LED's on the converter front panel will still indicate an alarm (if alarm setpoints had been defined before), regardless of the ALARM INDICATION or STATUS FEEDBACK mode of the relay contacts.

Relay Output 4 as SYSTEM RELAY:

The relay'oiifpLif"OUt 4" (H:i711i18) Mas been designed to Tndicale a system f8.iiuie according to:

Relay 4: open System failure (such as a defective lamp, no power).

closed Measurement is okay.

C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 - Hardware· .2. I

optek Danul.l. Inc •• www.optak.corn • USA

Pago 45

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

5.6 rnA Outputs

5 Field Wiring Schematic

TERMINAL: rnA Output 1: rnA Output 2: rnA Output 3: rnA Output 4:







.1-2:'::' T:~


=;~ ~~

~ I :ol!:: -,' _; l: --'

-- ~~;


rnA Outputs 1, 2 rnA Outputs 3, 4

Electrical connections only through authorized, experienced personel.

Power switch OFF prior to installation.

2 mA-outputs (OUT 1, 2)

4 mA-outputs (OUT 1,2 and OUT 3,4)

4 - 20 mA (NAMUR), software-configurable to 0 - 20 mA (max. 23.5 mA). 0- 600 Ohm.

galvanic isolation with DC-DC-converter, 500 V DC min. better than 0.5 %.

better than 0.05 %.

optek Danulat. Inc. e USA

:::4000 JI151['.J;:;lion Mar,l.Ial Part' - ttartfware . :t2.'

Depending on the converter configuration, the Control 4000 features two or four analog rnA outputs which may be set either to 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA:

C4101, C4121, C4221 C4222,C4322,C4422

40 (+) / 41 (-) 42 (+) / 43 (-) 44 (+) /45 (-) 46 (+) / 47 (-)

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6 Start-up I Maintenance
6.1 Start-up
1. Read the instruction manual before installation.
2. If something is not clear, check before installation
and/or contact optek representative at (800) 371-4288 or
(262) 335-4288.

Procedure Initial Start-up Start-up
(referring to paragraphs in this instruction manual) Start-up after Shut-down after Lamp
Read instruction manual XXX XXX XXX
Check equipment to be complete as ordered XXX
Inspect parts for damage XXX
Install measuring cell (4.1 to 4.10) I XXX
Check piping and connections for leakage XXX
Check windows for cleanliness I XXX XXX
Install converter (3.1 to 3.6) , XXX
Install cables (5.1 to 5.6) , XXX
Connect cables (5.1 to 5.6) XXX
Connect power (5.1) XXX
Power up converter (3.2) XXX XXX XXX
Allow 15 min. to warm-up XXX XXX XXX
Adjust lamp voltage f cable length (6.2) I XXX
Adjust system zero (SOFT\'V ARE - Part 2) XXX (XXX) XXX
Adjust system settings (SOFTWARE - Part 2) , XXX
.. . Adjustproduct'definition-(SO FTWARE~· Part 2) XXX- -- _.
Document installation (7.3) XXX (XXX) XXX
Check readings for correctness XXX XXX XXX
. Allow measurem ent fo r control' purpose XXX XXX ··xxx

For installations in hazardous areas, please refer to:
I .11 Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 3 - Ex-proof"
All deviations from this manual are documented there !l!
C4000 lnstrucuon Manual Part 1 - Hardware - 02.1 optek Danu!at. Inc .• • USA Page 47 CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6 Start-up / Maintenance

6.2 Lamp Voltage f Sensor Cable Lengths

An adjustment of the lamp voltage according to the cable lamp is required to compensate for lamp voltage drop within the cable. If the lamp voltage is too low, the lamp may be switched off. If the lamp voltage is too high, the life time of the lamp module may be reduced considerably.


1. Usually the lamp voltage is factory preset and requires no field adjustment.

2. In case the cable length was not specified at the lime the instrull1ent was shipped, the lamp voltage is always factory set tothe shortestcableleooth possible (5 m 116 ft.).

3. Make sure the lamp module has been connected with the converter properly and powered 10r at least three minutes since the instrument needs to adjust the voltage depending on the load at lamp terminals 6 and 7.

4. The lamp will be turned off with lamp voltages lower than 4.5 Volt DC.

S. To prevent the system from overheating, the Control 4000 is restricted to a maximum lamp voltage of 8.5 V DC.

6. To accommodate long cable lengths (> 150 m for VIS/NI R sensors AF16, AF26, TF16, and> 50 m for all UV sensors AF45, AF46), cables with 2.5 mm2 diameter are used which require different lamp voltage settings. - Please refer to the table below.

7. All lamp voltages given in the table below are only correct for the original cable sets.

a. If the original cable sets are shortened, temporarily set the lamp voltage to 4.80 V (sensors AF16, AF26, TF16) or 7.00 V (sensors AF45, AF46) before the lamp is plugged in. Then, adjust the proper lamp voltage.

To adjust the lamp voltage, select "System Setup" from the Main Menu followed by "Lamp Voltage". Use numeric keys on the converter front panel to type in the lamp voltage according to below table. Push IENTERI button and "save". Return to Main Menu with ICLEARJ. For further information, please refer to the "Instruction Manual Control400Q, Part 2 - Software", paragraph 3.4.

optek Danulat. lnc. • www.optet . corn • USA

C4000 l-struction Ma'1ual Part 1 - -iardware - .l:2,1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

Lamp Voltages for Sensors AF16, AF26, TF16 and AF45, AF46 as a function of cable length:

Lamp Voltage(s) [V DC)
Cable Length(s) Sensors: AF16, AF26, TF16 Sensors: AF45, AF46
[m1 I [ft.] 1.5mm 2 2.5 mm2 1.5 mrn" 2.5mm 2
0 0 4.80 7.00
5 16 4.90 7.11
10 33 4.99 7.22
15 49 5.09 7.33
20 66 5.18 7.44
25 82 5.28 7.55
30 98 5.38 7.66
35 115 5.47 7.77
40 131 5.57 7.88
45 148 5.66 7.99
50 164 5.76 8.10
60 197 5.95 7.74
70 230 6.14 7.87
80 262 6.34 7.99
90 295 6.53 8.11
100 I 328 6.72 8.24
110 361 6.91
120 394 7.10
130 427 7.30
140 459 7.49
150 492 7.68
160 525 6.53
170 558 6.64
180 591 6.74
190 623 6.85
200 656 6.96
210 689 7.07
-----,_ ..... _.- 7.18
220 722
230 755 7.28
240 787 7.38
250' 820' , 7.50
Lamp Voltage [V DC]: 4.80 + 0.0192/ m 4.80 + 0.0108 / m 7.00 + 0.022 / m 7.00 + 0.0124 f m
Resistance [Ohm]: 12.8 Ohm/l000 rn : 7.2 Ohm /1000 m 12.8 Ohm /1000 m 7.2 Ohm /1000 m C41l00 instruction Manual Part 1 • Hardware- .2.1

optek Danuiat, tnc •• www.optek.ccm • USA

Page 49

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6 Start-up I Maintenance

6.3 Trouble Shooting

In the case of a system failure, follow the steps detailed below:

6.3.1 Connection Failure:

Check electrical connections of the lamp cable (4-pole plugs for sensors AF16, AF26, TF16 and 14- pole plugs for sensors AF45, AF46) and detector cable (9-pole plug) to the converter terminals. Since different plugs are being used, it is impossible to cross-connect these cable plugs. Please check wiring according to paragraph 5.2.


6.3.2 Cable Failure:

Check integrity of the lamp and detector cables. Never repair a broken cable or quick connector. Always replace broken cables with new optek factory cable to ensure best results.

Lamp Cable Terminal Wire Color Connector
AF16, AF26, TF16 6 white or blue Lamp POLE 1
7 brown Lamp POLE 4
AF45,AF46 6 white or blue Lamp POLE 12
7 brown LamQ_POLE 13 Detector Cable II


Wire Color


A1 white Detector POLE 2 (measurement)
AF16 A2 brown Detector POLE 4 (measurement)
AS black Detector POLE 7 (inner shield)
Ai white Deteclor POLE 2 (measurement)
AF26, TF16 A2 brown Detector POLE 4 (measurement)
AS black Detector POLE 7 (inner shield)
r--- ---- ... - _._"._- I- _ .. __ .. __ -_. " __ . __ - .. _- ~._----._-._-._-._ ... _- -
C3 white Detector POLE 3 (reference)
AF26, TF16 C4 brown Detector POLE 6 (reference)
CS grey Detector POLE 8 [inner shield)
Ai white Detector POLE 2 (measurement)
AF45 A2 brown Detector POLE 4 (measurement)
AS black Detector POLE 7 (inner shield)
83 white Lamp POLE 1 (reference)
AF45 B4 brown Lamp POLE 2 (reference)
B5 black Lamp POLE 6 (inner shield)
A1 white Detector POLE 2 (measurement 1)
AF46 A2 brown Detector POLE 4 (measurement 1)
AS black _ Detector POLE ~Jlner 5_h~efd) __
_--- -_. ---- -_ - _._ ... - .-f--- ... _. _ -- _
B1 white Detector POLE 3 (measurement 2)
AF46 B2 brown Detector POLE 6 (measurement 2)
85 __ _____Q_J"e_y_ _ Detector POLE B (inner sh~~~L
-- .. _- -- _-- - ._- - .. -- ._- --
C3 white Lamp POLE 1 (reference 1 )
AF46 C4 brown Lamp POLE 2 (reference 1)
CS black Lamp POLE 6 (inner shield)
03 white Lamp POLE 3 (reference 2)
AF46 04 brown Lamp POLE 4 (reference 2)
05 grey Lamp POLE 5 (inner shield) Pags 5D

opts,,- Danuat. lnc. t ~"·N'N.OD!ek,CDm • l..S.A

CdOOO lnstructlcn Manual Par. 1 - f-Iardwar-e T ~2. 1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6.3.4 Detector Failure:

The detector fails if the alarm LED's are flashing and zero adjustment is no longer possible. Replace detector modules of sensors AF16 or AF45 with single-beam detector designs according to the exploded view drawings of paragraphs 4.1 or 4.3 (item no. 12). However, all dual-beam detectors of sensors AF26, TF16, AF46 require a complete detector assembly replacement. Please refer to paragraph 6.6 for spare parts.

6.3.3 Lamp Failure:

The lamp circuit is broken when the lamp current drops under approximately 360 mA which will be indicated by the red-flashing lamp LED on the converter front panel and the lamp failure relay. Check electrical cable connections before replacing the lamp module. For lamp replacement and spare parts, refer to paragraphs 6.5 and 6.6.

6.3.5 Severe Window Fouling:

Severe window fouling (window coating) may affect the measurement. Disassemble the measuring cell according to paragraph 4.8, inspect the window and clean, as necessary. Reassemble the measuring cell. NOTE: Using Sapphire instead of pyrex® windows usually reduces the tendency 01 window fouling due to the much smoother window surface of Sapphire.

6.3.6 Window Corrosion:

Depending on the process conditions, such as elevated pH levels or high particulate concentrations, pyrex® window surfaces may show some abrasive wear or chipping which may cause measurement errors. Discard the pyrex® windows and replace with Sapphire windows.

6.3.7 Condensation:

If the process temperature drops below the dew-point temperature, moisture starts condensating on the outside window surfaces. Install Air Purge nipples which are supplied with the instrument according to paragraph 4.9.

6.3.8 Overranging:

If the measuring signal is out of the measuring range ("overranging") due to process conditions, readjust the measuring range in the II Product Configuration" menu of converter Control 4000 (refer to paragraph 5.3 of the "Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 2 - Software"). Otherwise shorten the opticalpath length (OPL) by "just swapping the windows.

NOTE: As opposed to sensor AF16-N, sensors AF16-F, AF26, AF45 and AF46 may have a reduced dynamic .lTleasllringrang(3 due to optical filters and/or beam-splitters which additionally attentuate the light intensity. Typical measuring range of those sensors: 0 -'6 ·tiJ (AF1'6~N), 0 - 3 CU (AF16-F, AF26, AF45), or 0 - 2 CU (AF46), respectively. To avoid overranging, shorten the optical path length (OPL) by just swapping the windows, or change the measuring wavelength.

Scattered-light sensors TF16 should always constitute a minimum optical path length (OPL) of 40 mm with type "A" window on the detector side. Other window combinations may be useful in some cases to lower the sensitivity. However, an overranging scattered-light sensor TF16 should usually replaced by a NIR absorption-based sensor AF16-N which covers the whole spectrum from PPM to high % concentrations. - Note, sensor TF16 is also capable of performing absorption measurements in the reference channel"C" or "D" (direct beam). Remember, however, this VIS/NIR measurement is not color compensated like sensor AF16-N.

optek Danulat. lnc .• \ ~ USA

Page 51

C4000 Instruct on Manual Part 1 - Harcware- #2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6.3.9 False rnA Output Reading:

If the mA output signal is correct at low readings but by far too low at high readings; the load of the analog loop is most likely higher than 600 Ohms (paragraph 5.6). Small % deviations only require the mA ouput channels to be recalibrated (refer to "Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 2 - Software", paragraph 9.5).

6.3.10 False rnA Input Signals:

Should small % deviations of the mA input signals be established, Simply recalibrate the softwareconfigurable mA input channels. Refer to "Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 2 - Software", paragraph 9.4.

If none of the aforementioned check points corrects the problem, please return: the complete system, including converter and optical arms (lamp and detector), to optek for repair. If possible, leave the measuring cell in the process line.

Page 52

opt-ok Dnnulat, Inc ... ViWw.opte' .. USA

C4000 lnsuuctlon Manual Pan 1 - Harcwara - U2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6 Start-up I Maintenance

6.4 Preventive Maintenance

All parts of optek's process photometric analyzers are purposely designed to operate long-term with virtually no maintenance. Extensive QA/QC procedures during production guarantees the very best quality and reliability of optek's products. - The only maintenance required is a general inspection of the optical surfaces and system components for damage once a year or during a plant shutdown. Window 'O'-rings and lamp modules are the only expendable components. Lamp replacements are required atter approximately 2 to 5 years of continuous operation.

6.4.1 Wetted Parts.

No periodic check required. Inspect wetted parts (optical windows, internal O'-ring gaskets) for leakage only once a year or during a plant shut-down.

6.4.2 Detector Module.

Since detector modules do not show any relevant lonq-terrn aging and are fully functional with varying process conditions, an adjustment and/or replacement of those parts is not necessary.

6.4.3 Lamp Module.

The lamps are designed for a long service cycle. To even increase the lamp life it is operated below its specifications (4.8 V DC instead of 5.0 V DC for the AF16, AF26 and TF16 incandescent tungsten lamps, and 18 mA instead of 20 mA for the AF45 or AF46 UV mercury lamps). As experienced by more than 15,000 current installations worldwide, lamp replacements are required after approximately 3 to 5 years (sensors AF16, AF26, TF16) or 2 to 3 years (sensors AF45, AF46) of continuous operation. Heavy vibrations, high temperatures, or frequent on/off-switching of the analyzer may reduce the lamp age. - Please avoid frequent cold starts of the mercury UV lamps (sensors AF45, AF46).

Depending on the individual importance of the measurement, a preventative replacement of the lamp module after 1 to 2 years of continuous operation is recommended.

6.4.4 Cable Set(s).

Since- optekcables do not show any relevant long-term-aging,if properly installed and handled, cable replacements are not necessary.

Only in very f~w Gases, plasticcable plugs may show some corrosion and/or slight visible swelling due to high humidity or exposure to oil or corrosive chemicals. Therefore-inspect-plastic cable plugs for corrosion or swelling once a year or during a plant shut-down. If necessary, replace plastic quickconnects by stainless steel plugs.

6.4.5 Converter.

All converter parts do not show any relevant aging and are fully functional with varying process conditions. A replacement of those parts is not necessary.

C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 • Han;'II,ue - #2.1

optek panuiat, Inc •• ' • USA

Page 53

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6 Start-up I Maintenance

6.5 Lamp Replacement

6.5.1 VIS/NIR Sensors AF16, AF26, TF16

Refer to paragraph 4.1, 4.2 or 4.5 for the exploded view of the V/SINIR sensors.

1. Disconnect power supply and cables to the sensor.

2. Unscrew the light source from the sensor body by counter-clockwise turns.

3. Loosen and remove the four lamp retaining M3 x 6 screws (items 13 in paragraph 4.1, items 11

in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.5).

4. Replace the lamp module (item 16 in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2, item 18 in paragraph 4.5).

5. Reinsert and tighten the M3 x 6 screws.

6. 8ememberto zero.anozor-recallbrate-tbesensor.

6.5.2 UV Sensors AF4S, AF46

The replacement of the mercury UV lamp modules AF45 or AF46 uses the procedure below.

(A~ (~0 (~?) @.B.2: I (r~ ~YfJ.

~, /( - I \\ I /

\. '.".:rr - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ LI I II J" ~b I /l

\ ~I r=JI L __j :s-= \~ I~; I

\ cJt======== c== I ri! J





1 Connector, lamp side (for 16-pole plug).

2 Lamp power supply including optical housing OP02 J 90 mm. 3 Viton® 'O'·ring gasket (50.52 x 1.78 mm).

4 Stainless steel lamp housing (OP02 J 90 mm). 5 Lamp module AF45 / AF46.

6 Lamp holder AF45 J AF46

A Mounting screws (M4 x 120).

B1 Male connector for lamp module.

B2 Lamp module with female connector.

C1 1 x AF45 or 2 AF46 female connector(s) for reference detector. C2 1 x AF45 or 2 x AF46 male connector(s) for reference detector. o Mounting screw for lamp module (M4 x 10, DIN 912).

E 1 x AF45 or 2 x AF46 reference detector{s).

optek Danutat. Inc. • \ ....... vw.ootck.corn - USA

C400a msrccuon Manual Pan 1 - r-:ardware - =2.1

6 3

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

Page 55

Refer to paragraph 4.3 or 4.4 for the exploded view of the UV sensors, and to the above crosssectional view of the UV light source.

1. Disconnect power supplv. Never view the mercury UV lamp directly without any proper eye


2. Disconnect the cables to the sensor.

3. Unscrew the light source from the sensor body by counter-clockwise turns.

4. Put the light source in an upright position.

5. Loosen the two M4 x 120 mounting screws (A).

6. Be careful to separate the power supply (2) from the lamp holder (6) until the cable connections (81 - 82) and (C1 - e2) appear.

7. Disconnect the internal cable connections (B1 - 82) to the lamp module and (C1 - C2l to the

reference detector.

8. Gently remove the lamp housing (4) from the lamp part (pull upwards).

9. Loosen lamp set screw (D).

10. Remove lamp module (5) from the lamp holder (6).

11. Gently insert the new lamp module (5) into the socket of lamp holder (6) making sure that it

seats completely.

12. Reinsert screw (D), taking care to not over-tighten the screw.

13. Replace the lamp housing (4) onto lamp holder (6).

14. Connect cable connections (81 - 82) and (Cl - C2).

15. Align lamp power supply (2) with lamp holder (6).

16. Reinsert mounting screws (A).

17. Screw the light source onto the measuring cell, clockwise to tighten.

18. Connect all sensor cables again.

19. Power the system again.

20. Remember to zero and/or recalibrate the sensor. Make sure the lamp has burned-in and stabilized (within 24 hours).

NOTE: To replace the reference detector module end/or reference filter in the light source, just loosen the three screws from the reference detector assembly.

C4000 Instru-oHQn Manual Part 1 - Hardwar •• 02.1

optek Dan'Jlal. Inc .• www.opt.k.ccm • USA

___ .L.

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6 Start-up I Maintenance
6.6 Spare Parts
Lamp Module (1 piece) Standard HT EX HT-EX
AF16-N 2100-0202-02 2100-0202-02 2100-0252-02 2100-0252-02
AF16-F 21 00-0202-02 2100-0202-02 2100-0252-02 2100-0252-02
AF26 2100-0204-02 21 00-0204-02 2100-0254-02 2100-0254-02
AF45 2100-1100-00 2100-1100-00 2100-1100-00 ---
AF46 2100-1100-00 2100-11 00-00 2100-1100-00 ---
TF16 2100-0200-02 2100-0200-02 2100-0250-02 2100-0250-02

Detector Module (1 piece) Standard HT EX HT-EX
AF16-N 2500-0107-00 2500-0167 -00 2500-0157 -00 2500-0177-00
AF16-F*/ 2500-0108-00 2500-0168-00 2500-0158-00 2500-0178-00
AF26*' 2500-0206-00 2500-0266-00 2500-0256-00 2500-0276-00
AF45*' 2500-11 06-00 2500-1106-00 2500-1156-00 .--
AF46·' 2500-1306-00 2500·1306-00 2500-1356·00 ---
AF45-Ref. / AF46-Ref:' 2500-1200-00 2500-1200-00 2500-1200-00 ---
TF16 2500-0406·00 2500-0466-00 2500-0456-00 2500-0476-00
.) specify wavelength.
Optic Module (1 piece) standard HT EX HT-EX
AF16·N 2300-0300-00 2300-0360-00 2300-0350-00 2300-0370-00
AF16-F 2300-0300-00 2300-0360-00 2300-0350-00 2300-0370-00
AF26 2300-0302-00 2300-0362-00 2300-0352-00 2300-0372-00
AF45 --- --- --- ---
AF46 --- --- --- ---
TF16 2300-0306-00 2300-0366-00 2300-0356-00 2300-0376-00

Window (1 piece) Type A Type B TypeC Type K
Omm -5mm -10mm -8.75 mm
Pyrex" 0410-0050-01 0410-0051-01 0410-0052-01 041 0-0053-01
SEIQ2_hire 041 0-0050-03 041 0-0051-03 0410-0052-03 0410-0053-03

Gaskets (4 pieces) NBR Silicon Viton® EPDM (FDA) Kalrezi'l> 4079
4.00 x 1.00 0208-4005-02
10.10 x 1.60 0208-4004-02
18.77x1.78 0208-4007-02
21.95 x 1.78 0208-4001-00 0208-4001-01 0208-4001·02 0208-4001-03 0208-4001-04
25.12 x 1.78 0208-4002-02
31.47 x 1.78 0208-4003-02
50.52 x 1.78 0208-4006-02
Page 56 optek Danulat, Inc .• • USA C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 • Hardware - #2.1 CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

cptek Danulat, Inc .• • USA

Page 57

Screws (10 pieces) Stainless
Steel V4A
M 3 x 6 (DIN 79B5) 0101-1001-03
M 3 x 12 (DIN 79B5) with 0101-1002-03
Washer M3 (DIN 7980)
M 4 x 10 (DIN 912) with 0101-1003-03
Washer M 4 (DIN 79BO)
M 5 x 6 (DIN B4) with 0101-1004-03
a-ring 4 xi Fuses (5 pieces) 115 V AC 230 V AC 24 V AC/DC
1.60 A 1.60 A 3.15 A
I Power Supply 0405-5033-00 0405·5033·00 0405-5034-00 bold


recommended Spare Parts for 2 to 3 years continuous operation

C4000 Instruction Manual Part 1 • Hardware • ~2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

7 Appendix

7.1 Option: Stainless Steel Plug Protectors.

( \ ( )

Lamp Side



2 3

4 5


I G!llEItl)-
( ~

Detector Side

I l!lIE!jJj-

1 2 3 2 4 5 6
Description: 1 Stainless steel optical housing, 316 Ti (1.4571).

2 Viton® 'Q'-ring gasket (21.95 x 1.78 mm).

3 Connector for lamp or detector module.

4 Stainless steel plug protector with cable.

S 4 screws M3 x 12 (DIN 7985) with washer (DIN 7980), 316 Ti (1.4571). 6 Lamp or detector cable.

As an option, the cable connections may be furnished with stainless steel plug protectors (SS 316 Tl 11.4571) which are compatible with the standard lamp and detector connectors (3). Stainless steel plug protection are standard for HT (high temperature) and EX (Explosion-proof) sensors.

Page :38

optek Danulat. Jnc. .. W\V'W.o~,t.e-k_CO'Ti" USA

C4000 instrucncn Maru.a' P2r11 . Hardware - =2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

7 Appendix

7.2 Option: Validation! Calibration Accessories

As an option, optek may provide the Sensor Simulator 0002, NIST Traceable Validation/Calibration Filters, or external Calibration Cell Bodies, to validate the converter CONTROL 4000 and in-line sensors or perform zero point adjustments and calibration procedures without any process intrusion.

7.2.1 Converter Validation.

The Dual-Channel Sensor Simulator Model 0002 is a validation and calibration device to check the converter performance and, if necessary, calibrate or adjust the 4-20 mA output channels.

7.2.2 Sensor Validation.

NIST traceable filters are specially designed filters for optek's in-line sensors AF16, AF26, AF45 or AF46 (not suitable for sensor TF16) with filter absorption characteristics equivalent to a selected concentration of the compound to be monitored and at a known temperature and pressure. These optional calibration/validation accessories require very little eHort to use and provides complete confidence in performance and accuracy of the system.

7.2.3 External Calibration Cells.

Exterria.1 callbratlonaccessortes have been designed for all optek sensors including sensor TF16 to introduce liquid analytical solution standards and perform validation or calibration procedures without interrupting the process.

For further information or questions, please contact optek representative at (800) 371-4288.

C4000 lnsfructlon Manual Part 1 • Hardware> #2.1

n tek Darunat, Inc .• W' • USA

Page 59

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

7 Appendix

7.3 Installation Documentation


Installation Location: Measurement No.:
responsible: .. Phone:
Configuration (refer to 2.1): Serial No.:
Sensor 1
Sensor Type: Serial No.:
Process Connection: Une Size:
Material: Gaskets:
Window Material: Optical Path Length (OPL):
Measuring Wavelength: Ex-proof:
Cable Length: Temperature:
Sensor 2
Sensor Type: Serial No.:
Process Connection: Line Size:
Material: Gaskets:
Window Material: Optical Path Length (OPL):
Measuring Wavelength: Ex-proof:
Cable Length: Temperature:
Comments: cptek DanuiaL inc. 4 www.ootek.corn • USA

C40CO Instructon ~.1anl1ai Parr 1 T H3.rdw;He - ;t2_ 1

Page 60

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

8 Certificates

8.1 optek-Danulat GmbH "EC-Declara1ion of Conformi1y"

EC-Declaration of Conformity
We optek-Danulat GmbH
Haedenkampstr. 18
Address 0-45143 Essen
declare under sale responsibility that the products
Description instruments Control 4000 series
Type, Model, Article No. converter: C4101,C4121,C4221,C4222,C4322,C4422
sensors: AF16-N, AF16-F, AF26, AF45, AF46, TF16
EN 61 010-1 1993-04
fulfil the requirements of the standards EN 50081-1 1992-01
EN 50081-2 1993-08
EN 50082-1 1992-01
prEN 50082-1 1994-08
EN 50082-2 1995-03
ENV 50 140 1993-08
ENV 50 141 1993-08
ENV 50 142 1993-08
prEN 61 000-4-2 1995-05
prEN 61 000-4-4 1995-05
prEN 61 000-4-5 1995-03
DIN EN 61 000-4-11 1995-04
and therefore correspond to the regulations of the following EC-Directives:
. . _ . -_ .. _ .. _--.'----_ .. _ ...
EC-Directives: 89/336/EWG
. -_- ,._ ... _---
Place and date of issue: Essen, November 1, 1999
Signature of authorized person: S· !J~~
Stephan Danulat
This declaration corresponds to EN 45 014_ C40GO lnstructlon Manual Par11 - Hardware - #2.1

cptek Danutat. Inc. II "WWW.optek.-com II- USA

Page 61

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

6.3.9 False rnA Ou1put Reading:

If the rnA output signal is correct at low readings but by far too low at high readings, the load of the analog loop is most likely higher than 600 Ohms (paragraph 5.6). Small % deviations only require the mA ouput channels to be recalibrated (refer to "Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 2 - Software", paragraph 9.5).

6.3.10 False rnA Input Signals;

Should small % deviations of the rnA input signals be established, simply recalibrate the softwareconfigurable mA input channels. Reter to "Instruction Manual Control 4000 Part 2 - Software", paragraph 9.4.

If none of the aforementioned check points corre£t~lIJElllrob_lem,please return the complete system,includil1gc(iilverleriind-optTcaJ aims (lamp and detector), to optek for repair. If possible, leave the measuring cell in the process line.

cpler:. Danulat. Inc. • www.optek.ccm I J5A

C.!OOO InstrJ::-lio,l ~Janual Part 1 - Hard.vale - ;::2.1

CONTROL 4000 - Hardware

To: optek-Danulat Inc" USA Fax to: (262) 437 - 3699
N118 W18748 Bunsen Drive Direct Dial: (800) 371 - 4288
Germantown, WI 53022 Phone: (262) 437 - 3600
From: Company:
Name: Phone:
Address: Fax:
City: E-mail:

0 I am interested in opte~ In-Line Process Photometry - please send detailed application and technical
information regarding your:
o Turbidity Monitoring: o Total suspended solids (TSS)
o Filtration control and filter break detection (trace solids control)
o Brine quality control
0 Centrate control of centrifuges
0 Permeate control of membrane separation processes
o Trace oil contamination in water
o Heat exchanger leak detection in condensate
0 Trace water monitoring in refined petroleum
0 other:

o UV Monitoring: o Hydrogen peroxide
0 Waste water/cooling water contaminants (TOC)
0 Trace organics/aromatics in water
0 Sulfur dioxide (S02) and/or sulfurous acid monitoring
0 other.

o VIS (Color) J NIR Monitoring: 0 Yellowness: APHA (Hazen], ASTM, Gardner, Lovibond, Say bolt, .. ,
0 Chlorine dioxide concentration monitoring in aqueous or gaseous process streams
0 Chlorine,or iodine concentration in liquid and gaseous process streams
0 Transition metals: Chromium (III, VI], Copper, Iron (II, III), Nickel, Vanadum.;
0 other:
0 The following colleague may be interested in opteJil' In-Line Process Photometry:
.. N'ame:" Title:
Address or Mail Stop:
Phone: E-mail:

0 We are already using your equipment, model:
0 We are using another manufacturer:
0 Please have an Application Engineer contact me at:

The instruction manual for opte1f® model is:
good 0 0 0 0 0 poor
I suggest the following improvements:

C4000 Instruction Manual PM 1 -Haruwars - ~2.1 optek Danutat, Inc. - WMII.oplekccom • USA Page 63

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