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Proposed Electrical Project

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Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Engineering

Western Visayas College of Science and Technology

Burgos St., La Paz, Iloilo City


In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course EE 25
(Feasibility Study)



March 2005
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering, this project study entitled “Proposed Electrical Design and
Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building” was prepared and
presented by Johriel T. Para-on, Aldin Alinday, and Hope Madera, who are
hereby recommended for oral examination.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a Grade of ___________.


Dean College of Engineering & Architecture


Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.


Instructor, Proposed Project Study



Dean College of Engineering & Architecture


The proponents wishes to express sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those
were involved in the successful completion of the project study for without them
this project was not made possible. Their sincerest thanks to the following.

First and foremost, The ALMIGHTY GOD for giving us strength, good health and
all the graces and blessings in our life.

To our Parents, Brothers, and Sisters for their untiring and invaluable support
and guidance throughout the making of this project.

To ENGR. RICHARD DE LEON, our instructor in project study for his support
and encouragement in technical writing.

ENGR. ERWIN TIPAWAN, our project adviser, who despite hectic schedule, still
found time to read our drafts, gave suggestions and made corrections.

To ENGR. JOVITO D. HABARADAS, JR our instructor in Electrical System

Design for giving us advice and more knowledge in making an electrical design
and estimates for high rise buildings.

Also to the Western Lamp for allowing us to canvass the electrical materials.

And to many others unnamed and countless personalities who in one way or
another provided varying levels of motivation, contributed their ideas, provided us
with needed materials and references, gave moral support, and guidance; our
sincerest thanks.




The primary objective of this proposed project is to determine the viability
of The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of
Engineering Building.

The result of this proposed project, therefore reveals the viability on the
following aspects.

Market Aspects. The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for

WVCST, College of Engineering Building has no target market in terms of money
because it is intended for better education of students in WVCST, Electrical
Engineering Department. But this Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building shows how effective are the students of
Electrical Engineering Department in making such electrical design and

Technical Aspects. The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for

WVCST, College of Engineering Building is based on the following
considerations: a.) The architect of the proposed project has given us to do a
responsibility in doing a Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of
Engineering Building, it includes electrical design and layout and electrical
estimates. b) The idea of Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of
Engineering Building is badly needed by the Proposed WVCST, College of
Engineering Building to have elegance structure of the building. c.) The WVCST
Administration is willing to provide an adequate amount and materials necessary
for the operation of the Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of
Engineering Building. d.) It is important and necessary to have its own building
for the students of Engineering Department to their studies and improve their

Management Aspect. The management aspect of this study reveals that

The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of
Engineering Building will be managed by the WVCST Administration includes the
President, Dean and Department Heads of the College of Engineering and
faculty members. The Professional Electrical Engineer who shall approve or seal
the electrical design made by the proponents, and the Electrical Engineer shall
supervise the proponents.

Financial Aspect. The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for

WVCST, College of Engineering Building will be finance by the WVCST
Administration and thru the help of the national and local official of country.
Socio-Economic Aspect. This aspect reveals the socio-economic contributions
of The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of
Engineering Building. These includes:

1. It will uplift the morale of the people inside the campus especially the
Electrical Engineering Department because their students made a very
good design for The Proposed WVCST, College of Engineering
2. It will encourage the students to study better in WVCST College of
3. Many students will enroll and study Electrical Engineering in the
College of Engineering.
4. It adds employment in teaching, labor, and office works.
5. The WVCST, College of Engineering will be known as the center of
engineering school in Western Visayas because of the quality standard
of education here.

age No.
Title Page . . . . . . . i
Approval Sheet . . . . . . . ii
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . iii
Abstract. . . . . . . iv
Table of Contents . . . . . . . v
List of Tables . . . . . . vi
List of Figures . . . . . . . vii
Glossary . . . . . . . viii
List of Appendices . . . . . . . ix



Category 2
Proponents 3
Coverage 3
Funding Requirements
Contact Person


The Problem to be Addressed

Project Rationale/Justification


Assessment of the Market Prospect

Marketing Plan
Demand Analysis
Market Study


Electrical Plans And Specifications

Scope of Work
Who Are Allowed To Enter Into Contract
Description Of The Area
Description Of The Project Technology
Design Circuits Calculations
Assessment Of Technical Feasibility


Estimated Cost of Materials

Breakdown of Financial Cost


Organizational Chart
Analysis of the Organizational Structure and Management
Function of the Personnel
Gannt Chart
Performance Evaluation and Review Technique


Socio Economic Impact



Findings and Summary





Table D e s c r I p t I o n Page

1 Standard Ampere Rating For

Fuses and Circuit Breaker

2 Allowable Ampacities of Insulation

Copper Conductors Not More Than Three
Wires in Raceway

3 Maximum Number of Conductor in

Trade Sizes of Conduit Tubing

4 Allowable Ampacities of Insulated

Conductors Rated 0-2000 Volts 600- 900C

5 Maximum Number of Wires in a Conduit

6 Gantt Chart

7 Estimated Cost of Materials in Panel Board 1A

8 Estimated Cost of Materials in Panel Board 1A
9 Estimated Cost of Materials in Panel Board 2B
10 Estimated Cost of Materials in Panel Board 3A
11 Estimated Cost of Materials in Panel Board 3B
12 Estimated Cost of Materials in Panel Board 3C
13 Estimated Cost of Materials in Panel Board 3
14 Estimated Cost of Materials in Panel Board 4A
15 Estimated Cost of Materials in Main Circuit Breaker

Figure D e s c r I p t I o n Page No

1 Figure 1: Vicinity Map

2 Various Convenience Outlet

3 Various Types of Outlets Boxes

4 Branch Circuit Switches

5 Protection: Branch Circuit

6 Molded Case Circuit Breaker

7 Panel Board

8 Organizational Chart

9 Total Estimated Cost of Project

10 Design Circuits Calculations




The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of

Engineering Building falls under the category of public service, because this is a
government project intended to upgrade the quality standard of education in
WVCST especially the College of Engineering. This project will provide electrical
design and estimates, for the Proposed WVCST, College of Engineering Building.


The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of

Engineering Building is a government project. There is no a target market for the
Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building in terms
of money because this is a government project intended for the better education
of the student in WVCST especially the College of Engineering. But this
Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering
building shows how effective are the students of Electrical Engineering
Department in making such electrical design and estimates.


1. Johriel T. Para-on
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Janiuay, Iloilo

2. Aldin Alinday
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
La Paz, Iloilo City

3. Hope Madera
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
La Paz, Iloilo City


The Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering

Building will provide the following; electrical designs and layout, estimates of
material to be used. Distribution information on all power consuming equipment;
lighting details and device branch wiring development will be substantially
develop. All electrical equipment schedules will be substantially develops.

The duration of the implementation of this proposed project would last not
less than thirty (30) working days and not more than sixty (60) working days
depending upon the construction of the Proposed Electrical Engineering building
Operations of this proposed project will be operated and manage by duly
qualified electrical practitioners.


The total initial funding requirements of The Proposed Electrical Design for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building will be five percent of forty million pesos
(P 40,000,000.00) the total amount of the Proposed WVCST, College of
Engineering Building or two million two hundred thousand pesos
(P1,893,492.695) only. This includes the expenses for electrical materials needed
labor cost includes, salary of the workers and engineers operating this project
contractor profit, taxes, and contingencies. This broken down as follows:


5% CONTINGENCIES…………………………………..... P 58, 904.35
LABOR COST (35%)……………………………...……… P 423, 946.97
PROFIT (10%)………………………………………..…….P 123, 699.135
TAXES (8%)………………………………………….…….P 108, 855.24


The following person has knowledge about “The Proposed Electrical

Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building” and can be contact.

1. Johriel T. Para-on
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
La Paz, Iloilo City

2. Aldin Alinday
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
La Paz, Iloilo City
3. Hope Madera
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
La Paz, Iloilo City.
4. Arch. Rex De Los Reyes
Faculty, Architecture Engineering Department
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
La Paz, Iloilo City

5. Mr. Renato O. Abucion

Chairman, Electrical Section
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
La Paz, Iloilo City
6. Engr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr.
Head, Electrical Engineering Department
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
La Paz, Iloilo City

7. Engr. Godelyn G. Hisole

Dean, College Engineering Department
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
La Paz, Iloilo City

8. Dr. Renato V. Alba

College President
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology


We are just given a privileged to be part of this project to make an

Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building it includes
electrical designs and layout, and electrical estimates.

We can say that this proposed project is acceptable in terms of technical,

financial, economic, operational aspects and socio-economic especially to the
students and to all the people of WVCST benefited this project. The electrical
designs are based on Philippine Electrical Code (PEC 1&2) and the materials to
be used are high quality standard materials, affordable and bought from the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) registered suppliers.

The Professional Electrical Engineer duly approves this Proposed

Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building.



Western Visayas College of Science and Technology is on process of

development. On February 2005 we are celebrating its 100th year as a center of
technological school in Western Visayas.
The College of Engineering in Western Visayas College of Science and
Technology, La Paz, Iloilo City was established last nine years ago. Increase
of students enrolled every year greatly affects the performance of learning in
the college of engineering. We have inadequate lightings in the classroom,
insufficient supply of power that destruct during class hour. Also the electrical
design and outlets are unorganized that keeps the students in danger all the
time. Sometime we are looking an available room to use for temporary as a
classroom to satisfy the convenience in learning of the students.
Thus the proponents are willing to make a Proposed Electrical Design for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building it includes electrical design and layout,
and electrical estimates.


Western Visayas College of Science and Technology, College of

Engineering, La Paz, Iloilo City is considered as one of the top performing school
in the Philippines base from the recent licensure board exam. The WVCST,
College of Engineering receives an applause where the pioneer batch of the
Electrical Engineering Department 100% percent were passed the Master
Electrician Board Exam and 88% percent of them listed in the white list as the
latest electrical engineers of the Philippines.

The proponents are willing to share an effort to proposed electrical design

it includes electrical designs and layout, and electrical estimates for the Proposed
WVCST, College of Engineering Building. The college will have a high quality
standard of electrical design. It will assure the safety of the students, faculties
and other personnel working in the building. It will comfort the students and
faculties working here. It will increase the morale of the faculty members,
employees especially the students studying here. It will increase the quality
standard of education in the College of Engineering, which can produce better
graduates. Because of modernized building facilities especially in terms of
electrical equipment and high quality standards of materials to be used.
It’s a great honor to be involved in the WVCST College of Engineering
community as a member of the Electrical Engineering Department who proposed
the Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building
which become a center of technical and engineering school in Western Visayas
in the following years.




The Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering

Building will be benefited by the students, faculty members and the people of
Western Visayas College of Science and Technology La Paz Iloilo City. The
Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering
Building has no target market in terms of money because it is intended for better
education of students in WVCST, Electrical Engineering Department. But this
Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering
Building shows how effective are the students of Electrical Engineering
Department in making such electrical design and estimates.


For the high quality standard and modernized materials to be used in The
Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering
Building the proponents will provide a material needed for normal power
distribution system, emergency power system, lightings, lighting control, electrical
outlets, emergency cutoff switch, emergency fire alarm, communication system
and other facilities and materials needed for quality standard electrical design for
the electrical installations of the said proposed project.

On this part of marketing plan the proponents will apply their knowledge
and determination in making an electrical design necessary to have an effective
quality standard of electrical design for The Proposed Electrical Design for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building. These shows how talented and
knowledgeable are the students of WVCST, College of Engineering, Electrical
Engineering Department and through the never ending support, teaching and
guidance of its faculty members.

Making this design and estimates it will market the electrical engineering
graduates of WVCST, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department
not only within the school but it makes them proud outside of the campus in the
years to come.

Nowadays we are on the modern world, we are using high technological

equipment and materials in our lives, and the demand is so high to balance
the world we live in. Like in our Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building it needs for us to demand good
quality standards of electrical design and materials to be used.

Increase of students enrolled every year greatly affects the performance of

learning in the college of engineering. We have inadequate lightings in the
classroom, insufficient supply of power that destruct during class hour. Also
the electrical design and outlets are unorganized that keeps the students in
danger all the time. Sometime we are looking an available room to use for
temporary as a classroom to satisfy the convenience in learning of the

The demand for the proposed project is so high it’s hard to compete to
develop an electrical building design without following the modern design

Base in our study and analysis we found out that the Proposed Electrical
Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building could not be
marketed. The special purpose of this project is intended for better education of
students in WVCST. But this Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building shows how effective are the students of
Electrical Engineering Department in making such electrical design and

Maybe someday because of good quality of the building facilities and

electrical design and materials used it can be marketed in terms of holding a
conference in multi-media room, one of the best multi-media room in the region
no other public school have this. It can also marketed in terms of considering as
a tourist attraction of the school because of a very good design of the building.


The Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering

Building is based on the following considerations:

a.) The architect of the proposed project has given us to do a

responsibility in doing a Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of
Engineering Building, it includes estimates and installation, a greatest chance to
be involved in this project.

b) The idea of Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of

Engineering Building is badly needed by the Proposed WVCST, College of
Engineering Building to have elegance structure of the building.

c.) The WVCST Administration is willing to provide an adequate amount

and materials necessary for the operation of the Proposed Electrical Design for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building.

d.) It is important and necessary to have its own building for the students
of Engineering Department to their studies and improve their learning because
the WVCST, College of Engineering has an inadequate lighting in the class-room,
insufficient supply of power that destruct during class hour. Also the electrical
design and outlets are unorganized that keeps the students in danger all the


1. All electrical works and installation shall comply with the provisions of the
latest edition of the Philippine Electrical Code with the rules and
regulations of the National and Local authorities concerned in the
enforcement of electrical laws and regulations of the utility companies

2. The nature of electrical service including number of phases, number of

wires, voltage and frequency are 13.2kV , 60 Hz three phase.

3. Types of Wiring:

a. The National Electrical Code on Service Entrance provides that:

Service entrance shall have sufficient ampacity to carry the
building load. They shall have adequate mechanical strength and
shall not be smaller than 8.0mm2 or 3.2 mm diameter except for
installation to supply limited load of a single branch circuit such as
small poly-phase power, controlled water heaters and the like and
they shall not be smaller than 3.5mm2 or 2.0mm diameter copper
or equivalent.

4. Use Contactors overload relays and circuit breakers of their rating

5. Mounting height of the following should not be less than as follows:
• Panel Board - 1.6 meters above floor line.
• All Switches - 1.2 meters above finish floor line.
• Convenience Outlet – 0.3 meters above the finish floor

6. Minimum wire and conduit size shall be 2mm2 type TW copper wire and
13mm PVC trade size, respectively unless otherwise specified.

7. Pull boxes of appropriate size shall be provided, even if not indicated in

drawings to accommodate the number of splices of wires.

8. All fluorescent lamps shall be provided with polyester-filled pre-heat,

thermally protected, high power ballasts.

9. All materials to be used shall be new and approved type appropriate for
both location and intended use. All wires and cables to be used shall be
stranded cords unless specified and manufactured by any approved
brand and provide adequate and effective grounding system.

10. Light control switches shall be rated 10A, 300 watts and shall not carry a
load grater than 50A.

11. Duplex receptacles shall be rated 10A, 250 volts, rounded slots for 230
volts for parallel slots for 110 volts, and special outlets shall be rated
15amp or 260 volts as required.

12. The contractor shall verify and orient the actual location of concrete
terminal pole for connection to the power supply and telephone service.

13. For each spare circuit in parallel board, provided empty 3/4‫ ״‬riser
terminating in a 2 1/8 ‫ ״‬deep by 4‫ ״‬octagonal box above ceiling.

14. Electrical installation shall be under the direct supervision of a duly

licensed Electrical Engineer, or a Registered Master Electrician.
15. No revision in the design shall be done without the prior knowledge and
approval of the designer and the owner, any such revision done without
approval shall cause responsibility of the designer to cease as a whole.


Project Programming: Identifying, investigating, and documenting the

needs of the WVCST, College of Engineering Building through meetings with the
proponents, architects and professionals of other disciplines engage in the same

Site Selection: The site of the Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST,
College of Engineering Building is in the extension campus of the WVCST. The
availability of electrical power, facilities, materials, labor and transportation has
no problem.

Financing Studies: Base on the financing studies the Proposed Electrical

Design for WVCST; College of Engineering Building is capable of developing
modern electrical facilities. The amount of the Proposed Electrical Design for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building is eight percent (5%) percent of forty
million pesos (P 40,000,000.00) the total amount of the Proposed WVCST,
College Engineering Building or three million two hundred thousand pesos (P
2,204,736.00) only.

Preparation of Electrical Plans: Preparing the project plans in

accordance with the applicable provisions of the latest edition of the Philippine
Electrical Code, parts 1 and 2 and the National Building Code, including written
specifications (if separately written specifications are necessary in addition to
those already shown on the plans).

Cost Estimate: Preparing cost estimate, which includes the expenses for
electrical materials needed and the salary of the workers and engineers
operating this project.

Contract Documents: Assisting in the preparations of bid forms and

evaluation of the proposals submitted including a review of the documents prior
to the final award.


This stage includes series of meetings among the proponents, architect

and other contact persons with respect to the considerations in implementing a
Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building.

Licensing involves processing of documents in respective government

agencies. This will include the registration in the DPWH, office of City Engineers,
Fire Department, and City Mayors Office to operate.

Electrical Permit Needed Before Work is Started. Before starting any

installation work, alteration, repair or extension on any electrical system, the
owners, lessors, operators, occupants, or electrical practitioners shall obtain
Electrical Permit for building, trailer, mobile homes, or other premises from the
Office of the Local Building Official, and for watercrafts from the Maritime Industry
Authority (Marina).


a. The application, upon receipt, shall be checked immediately by

the local building officials or his representatives for compliance
with the requirements. If complying, the Electrical Permits shall
be issued upon requirements the corresponding electrical fees.
b. If project is extensive and required more time for checking and
for computation of fees, the issuance of the Electrical Permit
need not be issued immediately. The delay shall not be longer
than five working days after which time application together with
the accompanying plans shall be considered as complying with
requirement and the electrical permit shall be issued
immediately thereafter.


A copy of the Electrical Permit (DPWH Form No. 96-002-E or as

amended) shall be posted at a conspicuous location of the job site and shall not
be removed until final inspection and approval of the work shall have been made.


(a) "Persons" include an individual, firm, partnership, corporation,

association or other organization, or any combination of any thereof.
(b) "Contractor" is deemed synonymous with the term "builder" and,
hence, any person who undertakes or offers to undertake or purports to
have the capacity to undertake or submits a bid to, or does himself or by
or through others, construct, alter, repair, add to, subtract from, improve,
move, wreck or demolish any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation
or other structure, project, development or improvement, or to do any part
thereof, including the erection of scaffolding or other structures or works in
connection therewith. The term contractor includes subcontractor and
specialty contractor.
(c) A "general engineering contractor" is a person whose principal
contracting business is in connection with fixed works requiring
specialized engineering knowledge and skill, including the following
divisions or subjects: irrigation, drainage, water power, water supply, flood
control, inland waterways, harbors, docks and wharves, shipyards and
ports, dams, hydroelectric projects, levees, river control and reclamation
works, railroads, highways, streets and roads, tunnels, airports and
airways, waste reduction plants, bridges, overpasses, underpasses and
other similar works, pipelines and other system for the transmission of
petroleum and other liquid or gaseous substances, land leveling and earth
moving projects, excavating, grading, trenching, paving and surfacing
(d) A "general building contractor" is a person whose principal
contracting business is in connection with any structure built, being built,
or to be built, for the support, shelter and enclosure of persons, animals,
chattels or movable property of any kind, requiring in its construction the
use of more than two unrelated building trades or crafts, or to do or
superintend the whole or any part thereof. Such structure includes sewers
and sewerage disposal plants and systems, parks, playgrounds and other
recreational works, refineries, chemical plants, and similar industrial plants
requiring specialized engineering knowledge and skill, powerhouse, power
plants and other utility plants and installations mines and metallurgical
plants, cement and concrete works in connection with the
abovementioned fixed works.
A person who merely furnishes materials or supplies under section eleven
without fabricating them into, or consuming them in the performance of the
work of the general building contractor does not necessarily fall within this
(e) A "specialty contractor" is a person whose operations pertain to the
performance of construction work requiring special skill and whose principal
contracting business involves the use of specialized building trades or crafts.
Note: Data presented were taken from the;
REPUBLIC ACT No. 4566: An Act Creating The Philippine Licensing Board For
Contractors, Prescribing Its Powers, Duties And Functions, Providing Funds Therefor,
And For Other Purposes. ARTICLE II; Application of the Act Section 9, see attachment.


The Western Visayas College of Science and Technology extension

campus is located in front Western Visayas College Science Technology main
campus in Burgos Street, La Paz, Iloilo City. This is a technological institution
having an area of 1.3 hectares and the extension campus has a land area of
almost one hectare.

The college is known in excellent trade technical and engineering

education in Western Visayas. The Engineering Department nowadays is
considered as one of the top performing school in the Philippines. Thus, the
Board of Trustees, President, Department Head, and faculties proposed to put up
a College of Engineering Building where we accept the responsibility to propose
the Electrical Design of the said project.


They will be put up inside the extension campus of Western Visayas

College Science Technology, Burgos Street, La Paz, Iloilo City.

To Jaro

Site of “The Proposed

College of Engineering


To La Paz Market

Figure 1: Vicinity Map


The supply of electricity is sufficient for the Western Visayas College of

Science and Technology extension campus. It is supplied by Panay Electric
Company (PECO) and generated by Panay Power Corporation (PPC).


The electrical equipment and materials of the Proposed Electrical Design

for WVCST, College of Engineering Building conforms to the standards as
prescribe by the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC 1&2) and approved by
professional electrical engineer. The electrical equipment and materials will be
modern and high quality standards.



Electrical Design provides a powerful set of integrated tools for electrical

engineering. Electrical schematics are easily designed and maintained along with
specifications for electrical equipment such as switchgears, motors, transformers
and power cables. Electrical Design supports a range of international and
national standards, and is easily adapted to organizational and project needs.
Data and documents are shared between Instrumentation Design, Process
Design and Plant Layout & Piping Design, enabling teamwork and reuse of

Electrical Design provides powerful and efficient tools for:

• Creating electrical schematics, connection diagrams and cabinet layout

• Documenting electrical demands
• Dimensioning switchgears and control systems

The tools are fully integrated and information is stored in a single location,
which means that information only has to be created once. Equipment is
designed to meet the electrical design goals and is registered in the engineering

Electrical design is the act of conceptualizing, planning and projecting a

scheme, system and facility using the arts and science of electrical principles
along with social, economic, financial and technical consideration. The design is
made prior to the contract agreed by the by the costumer and the firm. This will
include electrical wiring design for residential commercial and industrial

In accordance with section 31 (a) of Republic Act No. 7920, only

Professional Electrical Engineers are authorized to render design services. The
electrical design that the proponents are proposing shall be managed by persons
who are professionally capable for the job or functions.


The Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering

Building is located in Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
extension campus. As shown below…

The Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering

Building, Burgos St., La Paz, Iloilo City is known as one of the top performing
school in terms of engineering studies. The college will have a good and modern
electrical design based on Philippine Electrical Code (PEC 1&2) and approved by
professional electrical engineer. It will assure the safety of the students, faculties
and other personnel working on the building. It will comfort the students and
faculties working here. It will increase the morale of faculties, employees
especially the students studying here. It will increase the quality standard of
education in the College of Engineering that can produce better graduates.
Because of modernized building facilities especially in terms of electrical
equipment and high quality standards of materials we used.

A basic amenity like electric power supply is sufficient since Panay Electric
Company (PECO) and generated by Panay Power Corporation (PPC) supplies

The Proposed WVCST, College of Engineering Building is a three-storey

building capable of holding a conference at the multi-media room because of
sufficient supply of power to its modern facilities done by competent personnel
for the guarantee and satisfaction of the people using this engineering building.
Also the electrical design of the proposed project is using the art and science of
electrical principles along with social economic, financial, and technical

Based on the technical aspects the Proposed Electrical Design for

WVCST, College of Engineering Building will be able to render reliable
satisfaction with the best and diligent supervision of the Professional Electrical
Engineer, or Registered Electrical Engineer, and Registered Master Electrician
during construction, and installation of the project.


The main financial supporter of “The Proposed Electrical Design and

Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building’ are the WVCST
Administration and a help of the national and local official of country. The
estimated amount of this project is eight percent (4.73%) of forty million pesos
(P40, 000,000.00), the total amount of the Proposed WVCST, College of
Engineering Building or three million two hundred thousand pesos (P
1,893,492.695) only.

The following are the breakdown of the five percent (5%) of the total
amount of the Proposed WVCST, College of Engineering Building:


PANEL 1A…………………………………………………. P 86, 018.00

PANEL 1B…………………………………………………. P 208, 264.00
PANEL 2A ………………………………………………… P 215, 475.00
PANEL 3A…………………………………………………..P 36, 890.00
PANEL 3B…………………………………………………. P 59, 730.00
PANEL 3C…………………………………………………..P 80, 070.00
PANEL 3 ……………………………...…………………… P 85, 420.00
PANEL 4A……………………………………………….… P 122, 458.00
MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER………….…………….…..….P 22, 762.50
TOTAL……………………………………………………...P 917, 087.00
KILOWAT HOUR METER………………………...P 5, 000.00
CIRCUIT BREAKER 450AT, 230V, 3P……..…….P 21, 000.00
CIRCUIT BREAKER 600AT, 230V, 3P……...…...P 35, 000.00


5% CONTINGENCIES…………………………………..... P 58, 904.35
LABOR COST (35%)……………………………...……… P 423, 946.97
PROFIT (10%)………………………………………..…….P 123, 699.135
TAXES (8%)………………………………………….…….P 108, 855.24



Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building

The proponents have organizational chart which guide us in doing our

Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building. The
administration of the College in which on the top position plays a very vital role,
he will be the one to approve the electrical design signed by the professional
electrical engineer, which was made by the proponents. The registered electrical
engineer will supervise and check the electrical design and estimates made by
the proponents. Every personnel on this organization have their own duty and
obligation during the construction and installation of the project.






Figure 7: Organizational Chart

Every organization whether private or public enterprise has operational
function. The efficiency and effectiveness of this process play a central role in
determining whether the business achieve its overall objectives and strategies.

The Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering

Building is based on the requirements and goal of the government especially the
WVCST, College of Engineering to achieve the modern structural building with
high quality standard and modern electrical design constructed and installed on

Its personnel competency is based on the standards as prescribe by the

RA 7920 or known as Electrical Engineering Law.


Administration, WVCST:

Establishes the electrical design approved by the professional electrical

engineer. Shall have the overall control of the proposed project and shall
exercise general supervision. Shall preside and approve all works contracts and
meetings of the organization.

College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department:

Before the WVCST Administration approves the Electrical design it will

check first by the College of Engineering and the Electrical Engineering

Professional Electrical Engineer

The professional electrical engineer shall approve or seal the electrical

design made by the proponents. Once in a while supervise the project together
with the electrical engineer. He will be the one to set a meeting with the
Administration to talk about the project what things are needed on the project
during the construction and installation.

Registered Electrical Engineer

A registered electrical engineer's field of practice includes charge or
supervision of operation and maintenance. He will be the one to assist the
proponents about the electrical design. He is also the one to supervise daily to
the electrician during the installation of the project.

Render the drawings of the Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building.

The personnel of the Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of

Engineering Building will have the following schedule of activities for the
compliance of not less than thirty (30) working days of establishing a project.
During weekdays it will operate from Monday to Friday with five days per week

The office hours of the Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building starts from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM with
noon break at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.

After all of the requirements are finished and approved by the authority the
installation of The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST,
College of Engineering Building will be immediately started.


As shown in table 1 is implementation of The Proposed Electrical Design

and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building that will last not less
than sixty (30) working days. It includes the following activities in order to start
the operation.

N O. O F W E E K S
A CT I V I T I E S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Series of meetings to
the Administration,
Engineers, Architects
& other Professionals
Preparation of
Electrical Plans
Canvass of Materials
for Estimates
Processing of
for Approval
Implementation of the

Table 1: Gantt Chart


Implementation of the activities for The Proposed Electrical Design for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building will start in a series of meetings with the
proponents, administration, architects and professionals of other disciplines
engage in the same project by identifying, investigating, and documenting the
needs of the WVCST, College of Engineering Building. The preparation of the
electrical plans will come out after the contract of work agreed by the
administration to implement the project. It will last for fifteen (15) working days.
This will follow by processing of documents; it includes licensing and obtaining
permit to operate at respective government agencies.

After everything are finished acquisition of materials will immediately

implemented so that electrical installation to the WVCST, College of Engineering
Building will be started. Acquisition of materials will be done one week before the
WVCST, College of Engineering Building will be started until electrical installation
materials are completed. Electrical installation will last for not less than thirty (30)
working days. Also final checking and testing of electrical installation will be done
five days before final electrical installation is finished




The Western Visayas College of Engineering is known in excellent trade

technical and engineering education in Western Visayas. The Engineering
Department nowadays is considered as one of the top performing school in the
Philippines. Thus, the Board of Trustees, President, Department Head, and
faculty members, proposed to put up a College of Engineering Building where we
accept the responsibility to propose the Electrical Design of the said project.

Once this project is established the great impact in the community will
greatly affects the performance and standards of education in WVCST, College
of Engineering. Engineering is one of the major needs in the development of the
community and even the whole nation around the world. Many students will be
able to study engineering in WVCST because of newly equip facilities in terms of
electrical design and installation. It provides comforts for the students who study
in this college. It will uplift the morale of the people inside the campus will greatly
increase because of the good quality standard of education in WVCST. Also it
shows that the WVCST is on the process of developments. Also many people will
benefit this project because it adds employment in teaching, labor, and office
In the rapid development of the community electrical engineering serves
as one of the primary factors. Nowadays a reliable and efficient design and
estimates for installations of proposed projects is very important. It is mandated
in the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) for safeguarding life and property. Indeed
proposed project aims to contribute for economic progress.

Base from the recent licensure board exam the WVCST, College of
Engineering receives an applause where the pioneer batch of the Electrical
Engineering Department 100% percent was passed the Master Electrician Board
Exam and 88% percent of them listed in the white list as the latest electrical
engineers of the Philippines.

It’s a great honor to be involved in the WVCST College of Engineering

community as a member of the Electrical Engineering Department who proposed
the Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building
which become a center of technical and engineering school in Western Visayas
in the following years.




This chapter presents proponents findings, conclusions and

recommendations with respect to market, technical, management or operational,
financial, and socio-economic aspects of this study.


“The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of

Engineering Building” will be managed by the WVCST Administration includes
the President, Dean and Department Heads of the College of Engineering and
faculty members. The Professional Electrical Engineer who shall approve or seal
the electrical design made by the proponents, and the Electrical Engineer shall
supervise the proponents.

Base on the study of “The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for
WVCST, College of Engineering Building” it can’t be marketed in terms of money.
Because electrical design and estimates are the application of learning studies of
the electrical engineering students of WVCST in making such design for “The
Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering
Building”. If ever this design is approved by the Administrations it shows how
effective are the students of WVCST particularly the Electrical Engineering
Department in making a design and estimates for small and high rise building. I
can say that “The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College
of Engineering Building” has no target market. This proposed project only shows
how effective and competent are the students of WVCST, College of Engineering
in doing an electrical design and estimates. This is because of quality standards
of education and dedication by the head and faculty members of the College of
Engineering. It could not be marketed in terms of money but it can be profited by
the students who study electrical engineering on this college.

“The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of

Engineering Building” base from the Philippine Electrical Code 1 & 2 which is
applied by the proponents to make this electrical design and estimates possible.
The basic curriculum of the Electrical Engineering helps a lot especially the
Electrical Design subjects which give us more knowledge and ability to overcome
some constraints in making an electrical design for the college of engineering

“The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of

Engineering Building” will be managed by the WVCST Administration includes
the President, Dean and Department Heads of the College of Engineering and
faculty members. The Professional Electrical Engineer who shall approve or seal
the electrical design made by the proponents, and the Electrical Engineer shall
supervise the proponents.

Base from the recent licensure board exam the WVCST, College of
Engineering receives applause where the pioneer batch of the Electrical
Engineering Department 100% percent was passed the Master Electrician Board
Exam and 88% percent of them listed in the white list as the latest electrical
engineers of the Philippines.

It’s a great honor to be involved in the WVCST College of Engineering

community as a member of the Electrical Engineering Department who proposed
the Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building
which become a center of technical and engineering school in Western Visayas
in the following years.

The main financial supporter of “The Proposed Electrical Design and

Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building’ are the WVCST
Administration and a little help of the national and local government office.

Market Aspects

Therefore we can say that “The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates
for WVCST, College of Engineering Building” has no target market. This
proposed project only shows how effective and competent are the students of
WVCST, College of Engineering in doing an electrical design and estimates. This
is because of quality standards of education and dedication by the head and
faculty members of the College of Engineering. It could not be marketed in terms
of money but it can be profited by the students who study electrical engineering
on this college.

Technical Aspects

Technically, the proponents concluded that the technical aspects of “The

Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering
Building” base from the Philippine Electrical Code 1 & 2 which is applied by the
proponents to make this electrical design and estimates possible. The basic
curriculum of the Electrical Engineering helps a lot especially the Electrical
Design subjects which give us more knowledge and ability to overcome some
constraints in making an electrical design for the college of engineering building.

Operational/Management Aspect

“The Proposed Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of

Engineering Building” will be managed by the WVCST Administration includes
the President, Dean and Department Heads of the College of Engineering and
faculty members. The Professional Electrical Engineer who shall approve or seal
the electrical design made by the proponents, and the Electrical Engineer shall
supervise the proponents.
Financial Aspect

The main financial supporter of “The Proposed Electrical Design and

Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building’ are the WVCST
Administration and a help of the national and local official of country.

Socio-Economic Aspect

Base from the recent licensure board exam the WVCST, College of
Engineering receives applause where the pioneer batch of the Electrical
Engineering Department 100% percent was passed the Master Electrician Board
Exam and 88% percent of them listed in the white list as the latest electrical
engineers of the Philippines.

It’s a great honor to be involved in the WVCST College of Engineering

community as a member of the Electrical Engineering Department who proposed
the Electrical Design and Estimates for WVCST, College of Engineering Building
which become a center of technical and engineering school in Western Visayas
in the following years.

Therefore, it will uplift the morale of the people inside the campus
especially the Electrical Engineering Department because their students made a
very good design for The Proposed WVCST, College of Engineering Building. It
will encourage the students to study better in WVCST College of Engineering.
Many students will enroll and study Electrical Engineering in the College of
Engineering. It adds employment in teaching, labor, and office works.


The Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering

Building will be implemented based after the proposed electrical plan is approved
by the duly licensed professional electrical engineer, all of the materials
necessary for the electrical installations are complete, the number of qualified
electrician is sufficient to work for to obtain not less than thirty (30) working days,
and the building is ready for electrical installation.

Technical aspects of this Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College

of Engineering Building will be prepared prior to the provisions that are given in
the Philippine Contractors Law and RA 7920 or the New Electrical Engineering
Law. A labor aspect of the Proposed Electrical Design for WVCST, College of
Engineering Building is done after sufficient documents have been prepared prior
to the Department of Labor and Employment Standards (DLES). The Proposed
Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building will be made in
accordance to planning considerations of the building layout.

Acquisition of the equipments will be made during the construction of the

WVCST, College of Engineering Building, but transactions with regards to the
purchase of the equipment should be done earlier.

Professional Electrical Engineer, Registered Electrical Engineer, and

Registered Master Electrician shall be in charge of supervision, construction, and
installation. To practice as a contractor he/she shall complies with the
requirements of RA 4566 known as Contractor Licensed Law.


The personnel during construction and installation of the Proposed

Electrical Design for WVCST, College of Engineering Building:

• 1 Professional Electrical Engineer

• 1 Registered Electrical Engineer
• 2 Master Electrician
• 6 Electricians

Electricity -is a form of energy generated by friction, induction or chemical

change, having magnetic, chemical and radiant effect.

Volt or Voltage- is the electrical pressure that causes the electrons to move
through a conductor (wire).

Ampere- is the standard unit used in measuring the strength of an electric


Watt- is the rate or measure of power used or consumed.

Circuit- refers to the wire installation that supply current to light and convenient

Resistance- is the friction or opposition to the flow of current by the wires and
transformers, analogous to plumbing installation, where the flow of water is
subjected to resistance caused by friction between the water and the inside wall
of the pipe, and the various form of turns and fittings.

Direct Current-The DC electricity, flows in one direction.

Alternating Current-The AC electricity constantly reverses its direction of flow.

Series Connection-a single path exist for current flow that is, the elements are
arranged in a series one after the other with no branches.

Parallel Circuit- is the standard arrangement for houses wiring connections

wherein the lights constitute one parallel grouping and the convenience wall
outlets constitute the second parallel grouping.

Transformer- is a simple static device consisting of a magnetic core wherein the

primary and secondary windings are made.

Electric Conductors-are substances or materials used to convey or allow the

flow of electric current.
Wires- are those electrical conductors 8 mm2 (AWG No. 8) and smaller in sizes.

Cables- are those which are larger than the wires.

Stranded Wire- consist of a group of wires twisted to form a metallic string.

Cord- is the term given to insulated stranded wire.

Power Loss-is equal to the components resistance times the current squared.

Conductor Ampacity-is determined by the maximum operating temperature that

is insulation can withstand continuously without heating.

Raceway- are channel or wiring accessories so designed for holding wires,

cables or busbars that are either made of metal, plastic, or any insulating

Conduit Pipe-is the most common electrical raceways used in all types of

Connector-is a metal sleeve usually made of copper that is slipped over and
secured to the butted ends of conductors in making a joint.

Convenience Outlet or Attachment Cap- is a device that by inspection into a

receptacle establishes connection between the conductor of the flexible cord and
the conductors connected permanently to the receptacle.

Wall Outlet-is also called convenience outlet.

Lighting Outlet- is an outlet intended for direct connection to a lamp holder,

lighting fixture, or a pendant cord, terminating in a lamp holder.

Receptacle Outlet- is an outlet where one or more receptacles are installed.

Pull Junction Box-is a box with a blank cover that is inserted in one or more
runs or raceways to facilitate pulling-in the conductors.

Receptacle-are contact device installed at the outlet for the connection of a

single attachment plug.

Electric Circuit- refers to the complete path traversed by an electric current.

Branch Circuit- is defined by the National electrical Code (NEC) as “the circuit
conductors between the final over current protective device and the outlets.”

General Purpose Branch Circuit- supplies outlets for lighting and appliances,
including convenience receptacles.
Appliance Branch Circuit-supplies outlets intended for feeding appliances.
Individual Branch Circuit-is designed to supply a single specific item.
Fuse-an over all current protective device with a circuit opening fusible element
which opens (break) when there is an over current in the circuit.

Circuit Breaker-is an over-current protective device designed to function as a


Trip-refers to cutting-off or disconnection of the current supply.

Panel Board- is simply the box wherein the protective devices are grouped from
which they are fed.

Switchboard and Switchgear- are free standing assemblies of switches, fuses

and circuit breakers that provide switching and feeder protection to a number of
circuits connected to the main source.

Service Entrance- is a portion of the supply conductors which extends from the
street main duct or transformer or the service or switchboard of the building

Overhead Service Entrance-is the common type of service wire installed by

electric power supply companies for industrial, commercial, and residential

Underground Service Entrance-consists of a raceway (conduit) extending from

the building to the property line where it is tapped to the main.

A. Books

Fajardo, Max B. Jr. and Fajardo, Leo R. Electrical Layout And Estimate, Second
Edition, 2000.

Calderon, Jose F. & Gonzales, Expectacion. Methods of Research & Thesis

Writing, 1993.

The Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Incorporated,

Philippine Electrical Code (PEC 1 & 2), 2002.

B. Publications

An Act Providing For A More Responsive And Comprehensive Regulation For

The Practice, Licensing, And Registration Of Electrical Engineers And
Electricians. Ra 7920, New Electrical Engineering Law. February 24, g

An Act Creating The Philippine Licensing Board For Contractors, Prescribing Its
Powers, Duties And Functions, Providing Funds Therefore, And For Other
Purposes, Republic Act No. 4566, June 19,1965.

C. Material References and Unpublished Thesis

Baclay, Yves B., Minerva, Pablo N. Jr. & Siruelo Romel C. Feasibility Study On
Delta-Wye Electrical Engineering Services (Design, Estimate, Installation,
Maintenance in WVCST, La Paz, Iloilo City, March 2004.


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