Glandorf Sidney AAA Award

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> Club News

AAAShelby the Year lithograph for all travel agents
and auto travel counselors.
County... AAA Club of the Year program
is an exciting way for us to recognize
those AAA clubs throughout the coun-
! try that have implemented successful
salesand marketing initiatives in support
n D e c . 17, 2009, A A A S hel by of the Disney Destinations,"saidEd Fou-
County was notified that we were ch6, CTC, senior vice president Travel
a recipient of the 2009 Ciub of Industry Sales,Disney Destinations.
the Year Award from Disney Parksand A A A S hel by C ounty sel i s Disney
Resorts.AAA Shelby County had previ- travel products with confidence,know-
ously receivedthe award in 2007. Once ing every package,cruise and ticket we
again, the club is being sell representsa commit-

th e th re e c l u b si zecate- product offers. O ur

goriesbasedon highest percent increase members enjoy valuable and exclusive
in total revenuefor Disney Cruise Line, member-only benefits.
Adventures by Disney vacationssales,' The AAA Club of the Year award is
and AAA Vacations salesfor the Wal1 a great recognitionof the support AAA
with all the special Disney World and DisneylandResorts. ShelbyCounty givesto the AAA Disney
benefits you could wish for. The 2009 AAA Ciub of the Year Alliance.As a result,we were pleasedto
overall winners receive a specialtrophy, acceptthe award on behalf of our entire
Only Disney vacations offer the magic
a special Disney event for all travel and club, and to be recognizedas a leader in
and memories that dreams are made of.
auto counselorstaff, and a 2009 Club of our industrv. GP
And only Walt DknE) WorlP Resort
packages offered by AAA Vacations@
offer such special benefits and great
values. So call or stop by your
AAA/CAA Travel Office today.

AAA Shelby County

)2O tIlapakoneta Ave.
Sidney, OH 45365
(937) 492-3167

u Vacations'



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