En 428 User 2
En 428 User 2
En 428 User 2
User’s Manual
Vol. 2
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December 4, 2006 3
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 2
Revision history
Chapters or
Date of
revision Description of revision or reason for change
Dec. 2005 V 1.0 release
Dec. 2006 V 2.0 release
4 December 4, 2006
Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
4 SPS format
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Field system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
SHELL processing support format for land 3D surveys . . . . . . . . .53
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Data record specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Data record sorting order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Format for land survey data on 9-track tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Format for land survey data on floppy disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Header record specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Instrument code (I) tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Receiver code (Rx) tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Source code (Sx) tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Quality Control check records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Point record specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Relation record specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Header record description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Seismic instrument header records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Seismic receiver header records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
The documentation coming with the 428XL system consists of the
following manuals:
• Installation Manual (0311428): provides an introduction to the
428XL system, installation information, a few instructions for the
operator to get started, and reference information that will help you
select a 428XL configuration tailored to your needs.
• User’s Manual Volume 1 (0311430): describes the parameters
displayed on the system’s Graphic User Interface and how to use each
• User’s Manual Volume 2 (0311431): this manual, containing
information on logged data and on interfaces (description of Input/
Output formats, including the SEGD format).
• User’s Manual Volume 3 (0311432): contains reference information
(filter charts, theory of tests, technical data, release notes,
• Technical Manual (0311429): contains maintenance and repair
information, including operating instructions for using the system’s
With a PC computer equipped with a PDF file reader (Adobe Acrobat
Reader) you can view this manual direct from the 428XL CDROM’s
DOC directory.
December 4, 2006 9
428XL User’s Manual Vol. 1
10 December 4, 2006
1.0 Initial release
The abbreviation in the “fmt” column gives the format of the value:
· bcd BCD
· bin unsigned binary
· ±bin 2’s complement signed binary
· asc ASCII
· flt IEEE single-precision
· dbl IEEE double-precision format
Other abbreviations:
IBG = Inter Block Gap
EOF = End Of File
BOT = Beginning-of-Tape sticker
EOT = End-Of-Tape sticker
Value Fmt Description Notes
1-2 XXXX bcd Four-digit File number (0-9999) If file nb > 9999, set to FFFF
and Extended File Nb is used.
3-4 8058 bcd Format code
(32 IEEE demultiplexed)
5 -10 X General constants 5 for 428XL
11 XX bcd Last two digits of Year (0-99)
12H 2 bcd Number of additional blocks in
general header
12L-13 XXX bcd Julian day, 3 digits (1-366)
14 XX bcd Hour of day (0-23)
15 XX bcd Minute of hour (0-59)
16 XX bcd Second of minute (0-59)
17 13 bcd Manufacturer’s code
18-19 0 bcd Manufacturer’s serial number
20-22 XXXXXX Bytes per scan 000000 non blocked record
100000 blocked record
Value Fmt Description Notes
23 XX bcd Base scan interval:
4 = 0.25 ms
8 = .5 ms
10 = 1 ms
20 = 2 ms
40 = 4 ms
24H 0 Polarity (untested)
24L-25 0 Not used
26H X bcd Record type:
8 = normal
2 = test record
26L-27 FFF Record length (extended record
length used)
28 01 bcd Scan type per record
29 XX bcd Number of channel sets per 16 for land operations.
30 00 Number of sample skew 32 byte
31 32 bcd Extended header length
32 XX bcd External header length The External Header is used
to record additional user-
supplied information in the
header. The two digits (0-99)
in this field specify the
number of 32-byte fields in
the External Header. If more
than 99 External Header
blocks are used, then this field
is set to FF and General
Header block #2 (bytes 8-9)
indicates the number of
External Header blocks.
Value Fmt Description Notes
1-3 XXXXXX Expanded file number
4-8 XXXXX.XX bin Source Line Number Defaults to GUI setup,
(0-99999.99) or updated by navigation
shooting or navigation system.
9-13 XXXXX.XX bin Source Point Number Defaults to GUI setup,
(0-99999.99) or updated by navigation
shooting or navigation system.
14 XX bin Source Point Index (1-9)
15 0 Phase Control (not recorded)
16 0 Vibrator Type (not recorded)
17-18 0 Phase angle (not recorded)
19 3 bin General Header Block
20 XX bin Source Set Number Defaults to GUI setup,
or updated by navigation
shooting or navigation system.
21 - 32 0 Not used
DSU-428 AF6D
Value Fmt Description Notes
13-14 XXXX bcd Alias filter frequency at - 3dB point
0.25 0.5 1 2 4
FDU 1600 800 400 200 100
DSU 1600 800 400 200 100
Extended Header
Byte No. Value Fmt Description Notes
1-4 XXXX bin Acquisition length 1000 to 128000 ms
5-8 XXXX bin Sample rate 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 µs
9-12 XXXX bin Total number of traces 1 to 100000
13-16 XXXX bin Number of Auxes 1 to 100000
17-20 XXXX bin Number of Seis traces 1 to 100000
21-24 XXXX bin Number of dead Seis traces 1 to 100000
25-28 XXXX bin Number of live Seis traces 1 to 100000
29-32 XXXX bin Type of source 0 = no source
1 = Impulsive
2 = Vibro
33-36 XXXX bin Number of samples in trace 1 to 128000
37-40 XXXX bin Shot number 1 to 9999
41-44 XXXX flt TB window 0 to 64 seconds
45-48 XXXX bin Test record type 0 Normal record.
1 Field noise.
2 Field impulse.
3 Field crosstalk.
4 Instrument noise.
5 Instrument distortion.
6 Instrument gain/phase
7 Instrument crosstalk
8 Instrument common mode
9 Synthetic.
10 Similarity (CM408 only).
11 Instrument pulse.
12 Field distortion.
13 Instrument gravity.
14 Field leakage
15 Field resistance
49-52 XXXX bin Swath first line 1 to 99999
53-56 XXXX bin Swath first number 1 to 99999
57-60 XXXX bin Spread number 1 to 32
External Header
Value Fmt Description Notes
1-n XXXX asc Concatenation of: n = External Header Size
- Info from shooting or parameter from GUI
navigation system, (Configuration window).
- User info from Config
environment setup,
- Source comment from
operation window.
N = ⎛ ------------------------------------------------------- + 1⎞ × 4
acquisition length (ms)
⎝ sample rate (ms) ⎠
Trace header
13-16 XXXX flt Cut off low limit For hydrophones only
17-20 XXXX flt Cut off high limits
21-24 XXXX flt Cut off value Hz
0x42 LSI
0xE0 FDU2S
10-12 XXXXXX bin FDU or DSU assembly serial
13 X bin Location in FDU or DSU
14-16 0 Spare
Value Fmt Description Notes
21-24 XXXX flt Sensor sensitivity - FDU channels: FFFF FFFF.
- DSU3-428 channels:
453 mV/m/s²
- DSU-408 channels: mV/m/s²
. High Full Scale: 408
. Low Full Scale: 204
25-32 0 Not used (0)
0x16 LRU
0x17 LAUR428
0x30 LAUX428
0x31 LCI428
2-4 XXXXXX bin Control unit serial number
DSU3-428 DSU-408
1 5 m/s² 4 m/s² High Full Scale
2 1 m/s² Low Full Scale
Channel filter
1 0.8FN Minimum Phase
2 0.8FN Linear phase
7 X bin Channel data error: overscaling
8 X bin Channel edited status
1 dead
2 acquisition/retrieve error
3 noise edition
Trace data
Value Description
1 S, C7 thru C 1
2 C0, Q-1 thru Q-7 Sample value represented in 32 bit floating point IEEE
3 Q-8 thru Q-15 demultiplexed format
4 Q-16 thru Q-23
S C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 1
C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 2
First sample
Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15 3
Q-16 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20 Q-21 Q-22 Q-23 4
S C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 5
C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 6
Second sample
Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15 7
Q-16 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20 Q-21 Q-22 Q-23 8
S C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1
C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7
Last sample
Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15
Q-16 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20 Q-21 Q-22 Q-23 Last byte
Note The uphole trace delivered by the Opseis 812 blaster contains
fewer samples than seismic traces do.
The samples of the uphole trace are padded with zeroes in order
to have the same number of samples as on other traces.
S C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1
C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Q-7
Single precision value
Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12 Q-13 Q-14 Q-15
Q-16 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20 Q-21 Q-22 Q-23
S C10 C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4
C3 C2 C1 C0 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4
Q-5 Q-6 Q-7 Q-8 Q-9 Q-10 Q-11 Q-12
Q-13 Q-14 Q-15 Q-16 Q-17 Q-18 Q-19 Q-20
Double precision value
Q-21 Q-22 Q-23 Q-24 Q-25 Q-26 Q-27 Q-28
Q-29 Q-30 Q-31 Q-32 Q-33 Q-34 Q-35 Q-36
Q-37 Q-38 Q-39 Q-40 Q-41 Q-42 Q-43 Q-44
Q-45 Q-46 Q-47 Q-48 Q-49 Q-50 Q-51 Q-52
• Single precision
31 30 23 22 0
s e f
s C7 C0 Q-1 Q-23
• Double precision
63 62 52 51 0
s e f
s C11 C0 Q-1 Q-52
Fdu_Instr_Test_Limit : [
# ================
The suffix of the file name depends on the Sample Rate (.4ms .2ms .1ms
.0.5ms .0.25ms).
For other sample rates, the file structure is the same but limit values may
be different, in compliance with 428XL Specifications.
For other sample rates, only the suffix of the file name is different (.4ms
.2ms .1ms .0.5ms .0.25ms).
Using the 428XL synthetic signal file feature, you can generate Seismic
and Aux data acquired from a file in place of receivers.
The synthetic signal file feature allows the data on the Seismic traces to
be different from the data on the Auxes.
The synthetic signal file feature also allows the data to be different on
each acquisition within a VP.
File Name
The file containing the description of the synthetic signal should be
placed in the directory on the server computer:
with the following Permissions: Read, Write and Execute for Owner,
Group and World.
To use the file, open the Line client window. See The Synthetic setup
(page 179) in 428XL User’s Manual Vol. 3.
Figure 3-1
Auxes and Seis traces identical, all acquisitions
* full scale 50 Hz sine wave on all traces at 1 ms
0 2592222 4930699 6786525 7978039
5 8388607 7978039 6786525 4930699 2592222
10 0 -2592222 -4930699 -6786525 -7978039
15 -8388607 -7978039 -6786525 -4930699 -2592222
4 SPS format
The copyright of this document is vested in Shell Internationale
Petroleum Maatschappij B. V., The Hague, The Netherlands. All rights
reserved. Neither the whole or any part of this document may be
reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or
by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or
otherwise) without the prior consent of the copyright owner.
Field system
The field crews must have an acquisition management system to
generate the SPS format during the survey. Errors will be reduced both
during recording and during the generation of the SPS format if
automated procedures are introduced at survey set-up and during daily
recording. Figure 4-1 shows the main elements of such a system. The
Field Database, Topographical computations and 3D recording
management are the minimum elements required to support the
generation of the SPS format.
3D survey 3D recording
planning management
Field static PC/WORKSTATION Topographical
computations computations
Figure 4-2 shows the preferred method of data exchange between the
system and the seismic recording instrument.
Preparation Standard Logging
Observer report
Exchange Format
Recording Time
SPS Tape Number
Rec Number Seismic
Data Disk Data Tape
Actual Spread
The key information required to relate the seismic records and the
corresponding positioning and geophysical support data is written in the
seismic headers and in SPS.
In general, a disc may contain one or more files depending on the type
of survey. Each file shall start with a number of ‘Header Records’
followed by ‘Data Records’.
Header record type H0 to H20 are mandatory for all surveys even if a
“N/A” entry is required (”N/A” is not allowed for H18). Header records
of types H21 to H25 are mandatory as far as they are applicable to the
projection used.
Requirements for projection definition include the following header
Transverse Mercator : H220, H231, H232, H241, H242
UTM : H19, H220.
Stereographic : H231, H232, H241, H242.
Oblique Mercator : H231, H232, H241, H242, H259 and H256
or H257 or H258.
Lambert Conical : H210, H220, H231, H232, H241, H242.
Header record type H26 is a free format statement for any other relevant
Formats of parameter data fields for each of the header record types
shall be:
Parameter description
Pos: 5-32
Pos Format
Parameter description
Pos: 5-32
Pos Format
Parameter description
Parameter 4
Pos: 5-32
Pos Format
Parameter description
Pos: 5-32
Pos Format
For ‘PM’ and ‘KL’ use H26 records (free format description)
Parameter description
Pos: 5-32
Pos Format
Parameter description
Pos: 5-32
Pos Format
Parameter description
Pos: 5-32
Pos Format
Parameter description
Pos: 5-32
Pos Format
Note See Sercel SPS format with over 10000 traces (page 92).
dB per octave.
Example: 177HZ,-6DB,72 DB/OCT;
H406 Filter_notch Hz,-3db points: The centre frequency of the filter
setting of the recording instrument or field boxes specified in
hertz and the frequency values at the -3dB points.
Example: 1,NONE;or 1,50,45,55;
H407 Filter_low Hz,dB pnt,slope: The low-cut filter setting of the
recording instrument or field boxes specified in hertz, the dB
level at the frequency value and the filter slope in dB per octave.
Examples: 1,NONE;or 1,8HZ,-3DB,18 DB/OCT;
H408 Time delay,FTB-SOD app Y/N: The value of any time delay
and if the delay between field time break and start of data has
been applied to the seismic data recorded on tape.
Example: 1,0 Msec,not applied;
H409 Multi component recording: Describes the components being
recorded and their recording order on consecutive channels,
allowed values are ‘X’,’Y’,’Z’.
Examples: 1,Z; or 1,Z,X,Y;
H410 Aux. channel 1 contents: Describes the contents of an auxiliary
Examples: 1,FTB; or 1,NONE;
H411 Aux. channel 2 contents
H412 Aux. channel 3 contents
H413 Aux. channel 4 contents
H414 Spare
H419 Spare
14 Day of year: The julian day. For shotpoints the value should be
the day of recording, and for receivers the day of recording of the
first shotpoint into that receiver. When the survey continues into
the next year, the day should keep increasing and not be reset to
zero (1st January would then be 366 or367).
15 Time hhmmss: The time taken from the clock of the master
seismic recording instrument. For shotpoints the value should be
the time of recording, and for receivers the time of recording of 4
the first shotpoint into that receiver.
a b c
Surface Source/Recv. Source/Recv. in water Buried Source/Recv.
Datum [8]
Water surface
Topo Surface
[7] = [10] = 0 at time of
recording [10] = 0
a b c (Water surface
Bottom Reference Buried Source/Recv. Source/Recv. in water above Datum)
[10] (Water surface
below Datum)
[10] [7]
Datum [8]
H607Spare ;
H608Spare ;
H609Spare ;
H610Type,model,polarity R2,R,TEST,SEG;
H611Damp coeff,natural freq. R2, 2.00, 10.00Hz;
H612Nunits,len(X),width(Y) R2, 9, 9.00M, 0.00M;
H613Unit spacing X,Y R2, 1.00M, 0.00M;
H614Spare ;
H615Spare ;
H616Spare ;
H617Spare ;
H618Spare ;
H619Spare ;
H26 PM,definition of used codes
H26 PG; geodetic point SA: satellite pt. IN: inertial point NG: levelling
H26 SU: surveyed unit UH: up hole WZ: WZ base FO: old drilling
H26 NO: grid nodes PC: marked point BA: bench marks BM: permanent mark
H26 PM: permanent mark xx: others
H700Type,model,polarity V1,Vibroseis,M22,SEG;
H701Size,vert. stk fold V1, 550.00kN, 0Sweep/Vp;
H702Nunits,len(X),width(Y) V1, 4Vibs, 12.50M, 0.00M;
H703Unit spacing X,Y V1, 12.50M, 0.00M;
H704Control type V1,GROUND;
H705Correlator,noise supp V1,XXXXXXX,No noise suppressed;
H706Sweep type,length V1,Linear, 25.00Seconds;
H707Sweep freq start,end V1, 5Hz, 60Hz;
H708Taper,length start,end V1,Cosine, 250Sec, 250Sec;
H709Spare ;
H710Spare ;
H990R,S,X file quality control 24apr91,1740, Party manager;
H991Coord. status final/prov Final ,24Apr91,1740, Party manager;
H26 5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
H26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
R1228.339 SU 1PM 332399.8 2527821.8 112.1 48
R5606.146 MP 1PM 328864.7 2528784.3 109.0 48
RN061 SA 1PM 331243.8 2527242.3 111.9 38
RN061.014 SA 1PM 331559.4 2529156.0 113.1 38
RN061.044 SA 1PM 331243.8 2527242.3 111.9 38
RN061.046 SA 1PM 331869.6 2529868.8 114.8 38
RN061.055 SA 1PM 325624.8 2529843.3 107.3 38
RN061.057 SA 1PM 329870.5 2527395.5 110.9 38
RN061.064 SA 1PM 328009.0 2526786.0 109.1 38
RN061.132 SA 1PM 328834.3 2526103.3 106.0 39
RN061.133 SA 1PM 327808.0 2525931.5 105.3 39
RN061.144 SA 1PM 326671.4 2529636.0 107.6 39
RN061.145 SA 1PM 327841.4 2529466.0 111.0 39
RN061.146 SA 1PM 326231.5 2525979.5 105.7 39
RN061.154 SA 1PM 332360.3 2529986.0 115.3 39
RN061.156 SA 1PM 332117.1 2529566.3 113.5 39
RN061.157 SA 1PM 331827.7 2529046.0 113.6 39
RN061.158 SA 1PM 331351.5 2528459.0 111.8 39
RN061.159 SA 1PM 331089.0 2528131.0 112.0 39
RN061.168 SA 1PM 329568.2 2529906.3 110.8 39
RN061.176 SA 1PM 325406.3 2527045.5 105.6 39
RN061.177 SA 1PM 326660.8 2528523.5 108.0 39
RT030.039 SA 1PM 332000.8 2525398.5 111.3 39
RT030.040 SA 1PM 330592.7 2526285.8 109.3 39
RT030.041 SA 1PM 331225.8 2527275.0 111.9 39
RT047.001 SA 1PM 328949.9 2527403.5 109.1 39
RT138.001 SU 1PM 332493.7 2526608.0 111.7 44
R91LW1124 2251G1 0.0 10 326260.1 2529068.5 106.8113071245
R91LW1124 2261G1 0.0 10 326300.5 2529039.3 106.8113071245
R91LW1124 2271G1 0.0 10 326341.0 2529009.8 106.9113071245
R91LW1124 2281G1 0.0 10 326381.4 2528980.5 106.9113071245
R91LW1124 2291G1 0.0 10 326421.9 2528951.0 107.0113071245
R91LW1124 2301G1 0.0 10 326462.3 2528921.8 107.0113071245
R91LW1124 2311G1 0.0 10 326502.8 2528892.3 107.1113071245
S file
H00 SPS format version num. SPS001,08OCT1990 (SHELL EP 90-2935);
H01 Description of survey area AREA X, XXX;
H02 Date of survey start : xx.xx.xx - end : xx.xx.xx;
H021Post-plot date of issue xx/ x/xx;
H022Tape/disk identifier AREAC.SPS;
H03 Client XXXXXX;
H04 Geophysical contractor CONTRACTOR A;
H05 Positioning contractor CONTRACTOR A;
H06 Pos. proc. contractor CONTRACTOR A;
H07 Field computer system(s) None,XXXXX, Manual entry;
H08 Coordinate location Center of source and of receiver pattern;
H09 Offset from coord. location
H10 Clock time w.r.t GMT
H11 Spare
H12 Geodetic datum,-spheroid Unknown CLARKE 1880 6378249.145 293.4649960
H13 Spare
H14 Geodetic datum parameters
H15 Spare
H16 Spare
H17 Vertical datum description MSL - mean sea level ;
H18 Projection type UTM;
H19 Projection zone
H20 Description of grid units METRES
H201Factor to meters 1.00000000
H210Lat. of standard parallel(s)
H220Long. of central meridian 570000.000E
H231Grid origin 0.000N 570000.000E
H232Grid coord. at origin 500000.00E 0.00N
H241Scale factor 0.9995999932
H242Lat., long. scale factor 0.000N 570000.000E
H256Lat., long. initial line
H257Circular bearing of H256
H258Quadrant bearing of H256
H259Angle from skew
H26 Undefined value is replaced by --- ;
H30 Project code and description PROJ 1,AREA X,XXX;
H31 Line number format Line number(1:16);
H400Type,ModelPolarity 1,XXXXX, 007;
H401Crew name,Comment 1,CONA_2503205;
H402Sample int.,Record len. 1, 4.00Msec, 4.00Sec;
H403Number of channels 1, 72;
H404Tape type,format, density 1,9 Tracks,DMX SEG D,6250;
H405Filter_alias Hz,dB pnt,slope 1, 89.0Hz, 0.1Db, 70.0Db/Oct;
H406Filter_notch Hz,-3Db points 1,None;
H407Filter_low Hz,dB pnt,slope 1, 0.0Hz, 0.1Db, 0.0Db/Oct;
H408Time delay FTB-SOD app Y/N 1,0 Msec , Not applied;
H409Multi component recording 1,Z;
H410Aux. channel 1 contents 1,None;
H411Aux. channel 2 contents 1,None;
H412Aux. channel 3 contents 1,None;
H413Aux. channel 4 contents 1,None;
H414Spare ;
H415Spare ;
H416Spare ;
H417Spare ;
H418Spare ;
H419Spare ;
H600Type,model,polarity G1,G_LAND,SMU10,SEG;
H601Damp coeff,natural freq. G1, 1.00, 12.00Hz;
H602Nunits,len(X),width(Y) G1, 18, 10.00M, 1.00M;
H603Unit spacing X,Y G1, 1.00M, 1.00M;
H604Spare ;
H605Spare ;
H606Spare ;
H607Spare ;
H608Spare ;
H609Spare ;
H610Type,model,polarity R2,R,TEST,SEG;
H611Damp coeff,natural freq. R2, 2.00, 10.00Hz;
X file
H00 SPS format version num. SPS001,08OCT1990 (SHELL EP 90-2935);
H01 Description of survey area AREA X, XXX;
H02 Date of survey start : xx.xx.xx - end : xx.xx.xx;
H021Post-plot date of issue xx/ x/xx;
H022Tape/disk identifier AREAC.SPS;
H03 Client XXXXX;
H04 Geophysical contractor CONTRACTOR A;
H05 Positioning contractor CONTRACTOR A;
H06 Pos. proc. contractor CONTRACTOR A;
H07 Field computer system(s) None,XXXXX, Manual entry;
H08 Coordinate location
H09 Offset from coord. location
H10 Clock time w.r.t GMT
H11 Spare
Center of source and of receiver pattern;
H12 Geodetic datum,-spheroid Unknown CLARKE 1880 6378249.145 293.4649960
H13 Spare
H14 Geodetic datum parameters
H15 Spare
H16 Spare
H17 Vertical datum description MSL - mean sea level ;
H18 Projection type UTM;
H19 Projection zone
H20 Description of grid units METRES
H201Factor to meters 1.00000000
H210Lat. of standard parallel(s)
H220Long. of central meridian 570000.000E
H231Grid origin 0.000N 570000.000E
H232Grid coord. at origin 500000.00E 0.00N
H241Scale factor 0.9995999932
H242Lat., long. scale factor 0.000N 570000.000E
H256Lat., long. initial line
H257Circular bearing of H256
H258Quadrant bearing of H256
H259Angle from skew
H26 Undefined value is replaced by --- ;
H30 Project code and description PROJ 1,AREA X,XXX;
H31 Line number format Line number(1:16);
H400Type,ModelPolarity 1,XXXXX, 007;
H401Crew name,Comment 1,CONA_2503205;
H402Sample int.,Record len. 1, 4.00Msec, 4.00Sec;
H403Number of channels 1, 72;
H404Tape type,format, density 1,9 Tracks,DMX SEG D,6250;
H405Filter_alias Hz,dB pnt,slope 1, 89.0Hz, 0.1Db, 70.0Db/Oct;
H406Filter_notch Hz,-3Db points 1,None;
H407Filter_low Hz,dB pnt,slope 1, 0.0Hz, 0.1Db, 0.0Db/Oct;
H408Time delay FTB-SOD app Y/N 1,0 Msec , Not applied;
H409Multi component recording 1,Z;
H410Aux. channel 1 contents 1,None;
H411Aux. channel 2 contents 1,None;
H412Aux. channel 3 contents 1,None;
H413Aux. channel 4 contents 1,None;
H414Spare ;
H415Spare ;
H416Spare ;
H417Spare ;
H418Spare ;
H419Spare ;
H600Type,model,polarity G1,G_LAND,SMU10,SEG;
H601Damp coeff,natural freq. G1, 1.00, 12.00Hz;
H602Nunits,len(X),width(Y) G1, 18, 10.00M, 1.00M;
H603Unit spacing X,Y G1, 1.00M, 1.00M;
H604Spare ;
H605Spare ;
H606Spare ;
H607Spare ;
H608Spare ;
H609Spare ;
H610Type,model,polarity R2,R,TEST,SEG;
2511 64
2521 65
X101 11191LW1123 2531 1 65191LW1124 225 2891
X101 11191LW1123 2531 66 130191LW1132 225 2891
X101 21191LW1123 2541 1 66191LW1124 225 2901
23 22 21 20
Instrument code = 4
0 1 0 0
1 0 "From Channel" = (0 × 104) + (9901) = 9901 4
"To Channel" = (1 × 104) + (100) = 10100
Instrument code = 5
0 1 0 1
1 1 "From Channel" = (1 × 104) + (101) = 10101
"To Channel" = (1 × 104) + (1000) = 11000
H26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
H26 5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
A1010.0 1015.511 1 70 3 -6152368 81 8 80 603766.1 4680820.3-999.9
1015.511 2 70
1015.511 3 70
1015.511 4 70
3 -6172068 78 10 74 603752.1 4680812.9-999.9
5 -13162574 81 8 81 603738.3 4680805.7-999.9
2 -7151971 82 6 66 603724.3 4680798.3-999.9
A1010.0 1015.511 1 70 3 -6162068 81 9 76 603787.7 4680807.7-999.9
A1010.0 1015.511 2 70 3 -7121867 78 10 89 603773.7 4680800.3-999.9
A1010.0 1015.511 3 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 603759.9 4680793.1-999.9
A1010.0 1015.511 4 70 3 -7132068 80 11 81 603745.9 4680785.7-999.9
A1010.0 1016.511 1 70 3 -5141967 80 12 71 603809.3 4680795.1-999.9
A1010.0 1016.511 2 70 3 -6131666 78 11 76 603795.3 4680787.7-999.9
A1010.0 1016.511 3 70 4 -13182473 82 10 78 603781.5 4680780.5-999.9
A1010.0 1016.511 4 70 3 -9122167 80 10 88 603767.5 4680773.1-999.9
A1010.0 1016.511 1
A1010.0 1016.511 2 70 3 -6141566 78 12 72 603816.9 4680775.1-999.9
A1010.0 1016.511 3 70 5 -12172271 83 12 64 603803.1 4680767.9-999.9
A1010.0 1016.511 4 70 3 -6142067 80 12 74 603789.1 4680760.5-999.9
A1010.0 1017.511 1 70 5 -15297462 78 12 60 603852.5 4680769.9-999.9
A1010.0 1017.511 2 70 3 -6151769 80 9 60 603838.5 4680762.5-999.9
A1010.0 1017.511 3 70 5 -20316968 84 12 61 603824.7 4680755.3-999.9
A1010.0 1017.511 4 70 3 -7151967 80 12 69 603810.7 4680747.9-999.9
Note Items 7 to 18 are left blank if there are no vibrator attributes and
items 16 to 18 are left blank if GPS fails or if there is a bad
Note The Elevation reported is the elevation contained in the
$GPGGA messages from radiopositioning receivers
(referenced to the geoidal model).
H26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
H26 5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C8.0 344.01 3 2784415.9 330302.4 0.0 0.0
C8.0 344.02 3 2784415.9 330302.4 0.0 0.0
C8.0 374.01 3 2785782.6 330949.1 0.0 2.5
External Go
LCI-428 FO Source
Figure 6-1
Continuous mode
To decrease the time needed by the 428XL between the moment it
receives the EXTERNAL GO and the moment it is ready to accept the
1. Select “Continuous” in the operating setup (select Options from
the Setup menu and then click on the Operating tab). If
Impulsive mode is needed, then select an “Impulsive Stack”
process type with a single acquisition.
2. Set the delay between VPs to the maximum value.
The 428XL control module operates in continuous mode but the delay
between two consecutive acquisitions is infinite: the EXTERNAL GO 6
aborts the delay and prepares for acquisition.
FO Advance II
Figure 6-2
LCI-428 Shot Pro
Figure 6-3
The RS232 line connected from the Shot Pro controller should be
connected to the serial port available on the BLASTER connector of the
Time Break from the Shot Pro controller should be connected to Time
Break in the Recording System.
You can also use the XDEV2 port of an LAUX-428.
See 428XL Installation Manual (Connectors).
Note "After the Shot" the acquisition is 3 seconds after the time
break. It takes 3 seconds after the shot to get all of the data sent
back and decoded from the radio.
Note The Shot Pro Encoder to 428XL ASCII message will not be
sent until the radio data has been decoded.
Blaster Status Codes
0 = No Fire (Radio Status Received but box did not fire).
1 = Shot Fired and Status received. All OK.
2 = No Status received (Radio Problem).
3 = Status Received but no Uphole analog data (Radio problem).
4 = Decoder Low Battery warning.
5 = Up Hole Geophone resistance not measured or out of tolerance.
6 = Cap resistance not measured or out of tolerance.
7 = Automatic Uphole Time Pick not successful.
CONFIRMED TIME BREAK is the amount of time the current flow
to the blasting cap was greater than 4 amps. The start of current flow is
set up to start at Time Break in the Shot Pro Encoder.
UPHOLE TIME (FIRST PICK) is determined by analysis of the
Uphole Geophone signal. Selected algorithms are used to pick the time
the pulse from the blast is detected Uphole.
Below are examples of messages from a Shot Pro encoder to the
Results Processing
The data from the Shot Pro blaster are used to update the shooter
window in the 428XL OPERATION main window:
• Shot Pro Blaster status
• Uphole Time
• Confirmed TB.
The Shot Pro data are recorded in the User Header, Manufacturer
Header and in SPS files.
If Shot Point position data are available, the Shot point is
geographically displayed in real time in the 428XL POSITIONING
main window.
Shallow Sequencer
Below is the protocol between the Shallow Sequencer and SERCEL's
428XL. The serial data from the Shallow Sequencer to the 428XL is
transported through the serial port available on the BLASTER
connector of the 428XL control module (LCI-428). You can also use the
XDEV2 port of an LAUX-428.
FO Shallow
LCI-428 Sequencer
Figure 6-4
Results Processing
The data from the Shallow Sequencer are recorded to the User Header,
Manufacturer Header and in the SPS Source file.
MACHA blaster
Below is the protocol between a MACHA blaster box and SERCEL's
428XL. The serial data from the MACHA blaster box to the 428XL is
transported through the serial port available on the BLASTER
connector of the 428XL control module (LCI-428).
Figure 6-5
SGD-S blaster
The messages to/from the SGDS controller are transported through the
serial port available on the BLASTER connector of the 428XL control
module (LCI-428).
Figure 6-6
SGD-S protocol
Shot status
After shooting, the Controller transmits the following string to the
recording system:
• If no GPS location is available: 6
*SGD-S SP#.../SL#.../SN#.../SI#.../SEQ#<n>/STA:<s>/CTB:<c>/
Example: [*SGD-S SP#1289/SL#41.2/SN#13.5/SI#2/SEQ#2/
• If the GPS location is available:
*SGD-S SP#.../SL#.../SN#.../SI#.../SEQ#<n>/STA:<s>/CTB:<c>/
Example: [*SGD-S SP#1289/SL#41.2/SN#13.5/SI#2/SEQ#2/
<n> Blaster Number, 1 to 4;
<s> Blaster Status,
0 = No Fire (Radio Status Received but box did not fire)
1 = Shot Fired and Status received. All OK
2 = No Status received (Radio Problem)
3 = Status Received but no Uphole analog data (Radio problem)
Blaster type
Uphole Time
Source Coords.
Exten’d in Posi-
time Break XYZ Header tioning
Id Status Line # Point #
ShotPro (4)
or equivalent
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Default Default Default ♦ ♦ (2)
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Note (1): These fields are displayed in the Operation main window’s
results pane. The Blaster Status is displayed as an indicator light with
the following colour code:
- Blue No message or erroneous message received.
- Green Blaster OK.
- Orange Blaster OK, with a Warning.
- Red Blaster error.
Note (2): If the position of the shot point is received (in a $GPGGA
message) from these shooting systems, it is displayed in the Positioning
main window.
Note (3):
Source XYZ SEGD fields SPS output
SEGD fields are NOT updated because the Generate by decoding the
position does not use the necessary
External Header and using
$GPGGA projection. The position is only copied into the the appropriate projection
External Header
Note (4): With a Shot Pro Encoder used via an LSS (Line Shooting
System), no field is updated because in that case the Encoder does not
return any serial message to the 428XL.
· Nb U2: 98
· normal U1: 391
· Number (SEGD) U2: 22
· numeric view, normal U1: 395
· test, TMS428 TM: 89
· type, Process type U1: 203
· type, VE432 U1: 362
Acquisition type tables (SEGD) U2: 21
Action (see Shortcuts)
IM = Installation Manual · window U1: 80
U1 = User’s Manual Vol. 1 ADC
· test, TMS428) TM: 85
U2 = User’s Manual Vol. 2 Add
· button U1: 25
U3 = User’s Manual Vol. 3 · to query U1: 315
· to quick launch, TMS428 TM: 53
TM = Technical Manual Additional
· blocks (SEGD general header) U2: 13
· effects U1: 310
Numerics · 428XL local network IM: 32
3592 cartridge dirve IM: 122 · Client computer IM: 90
3C · FUJI 3x90, changing IM: 112
· polarity, SEGD U3: 211 · FUJI 3x90, displaying IM: 113
· Intranet IM: 53, IM: 54, IM: 59
· LCI card U1: 60
A · LTO, changing IM: 118
Abort · MAC U1: 64
· button, Operation U1: 197 · TMS428 TM: 38
· Plot U1: 426 Adjusting
· TMS428 tests TM: 47 · clock, LCI TM: 15
Absolute Administration
· spread U1: 123 · server U1: 36
· Spread, tests U1: 166 Advance II U2: 106
Acceleration Advanced
· baseplate, monitoring U1: 366 · connection parameters U1: 32
· mass, monitoring U1: 366 · mode, LT428 IM: 191, IM: 202,
Acquisition IM: 204
· Error description (SEGD) U2: 22 · process type U1: 201
· graphic view, normal U1: 392 Again
· index, process type U1: 202 · Plot U1: 425
· Length U3: 222 AGC
· Length (SEGD) U2: 19 · plotter U1: 436
· local U1: 376 Air
· Tn U1: 353 C
Batteries (Show/hide) U1: 93
Battery Cable
· GoBook Q200 IM: 154 · calibration TM: 48
· Limit, LT428 IM: 193 · length, Line IM: 173, IM: 174
· polarity test (TMS428) TM: 84 · Line cable length IM: 173, IM: 174
· threshold LED test TM: 83 · path U1: 99
· voltage limit U1: 93 · replacing, LAUL TM: 111
Beginner U1: 44 · SGD-S Blaster IM: 292
Blade 2000 Calibration
· clock, LCI TM: 15
· Shock-mount parts IM: 44
· FDU U3: 85, TM: 76
Blade 2500
· meter and test cables TM: 48
· Shock-mount parts IM: 43
· distance to, alarm U1: 308
· Advance II U2: 106
· connector, LCI428 IM: 284, IM: 285
· error (SEGD) U2: 30
· controllers U1: 240
· high limit (SEGD) U2: 30
· id (SEGD) U2: 20
· low limit (SEGD) U2: 30
· MACHA U2: 113
· value (SEGD) U2: 30
· SGDS U2: 114
· Shallow Sequencer U2: 111 Capacity
· Shot Pro U2: 107 · Processing U3: 221
· signals IM: 286 Cartridge
· status (SEGD) U2: 20 · insertion U1: 340
· type U1: 63 Cartridge drive
Blasters · Shock-mount parts IM: 110
· interfacing U2: 103 Centre
Blocking · button (mouse) U1: 95
· trace U1: 329 Change
Blocks in General Trailer U2: 15 · button U1: 25
BoomBox U1: 63 Changing
Box · LCI U1: 58
· type, detour U1: 119 · Serial number (TMS428) TM: 95
Break Channel
· Point U1: 215 · data error overscaling (SEGD) U2: 33
Browser · edited status (SEGD) U2: 33
· fibre U1: 60
· settings U1: 34
· filter (SEGD) U2: 33
Buffer U1: 60
· filter response U3: 31
Build · gain control method (SEGD) U2: 17
· feature query U1: 314 · gain scale (SEGD) U2: 32
Button U1: 18 · increment (SPS) U2: 64, U2: 81
Bypass · number (SEGD) U2: 31
· file exports U1: 326 · process (SEGD) U2: 33
Bytes per scan (SEGD) U2: 13 · sample to mV conversion factor (SEGD)
U2: 33
Language Leak
· help U1: 34 · testing TM: 150
Laser Link IM: 271 Leakage
· Installing IM: 274 · error U1: 129
· Specifications IM: 281 · error (SEGD) U2: 30
Last · limit (SEGD) U2: 30
· record, playback U1: 335 · Line port, TMS428 TM: 86
Lat. Long · Sensor test U1: 170
· initial line (SPS) U2: 58, U2: 69 · test U3: 153
· scale factor (SPS) U2: 58, U2: 69 · Test circuitry (LAU) U1: 129
Lat. of standard parallel(s) (SPS) U2: 57, · Test limit U1: 109
U2: 69 · test, Field (TMS428) TM: 72
LAU tests · value (SEGD) U2: 30
· Transmission TM: 88 LED
· XILINX loading TM: 83 · Run, testing (TMS428) TM: 85
LAUL428 Length
· cable replacement TM: 111 · pilot, other vibrator systems U1: 446
· connectors IM: 289 · record (SEGD) U2: 22
· disassembly instructions TM: 112 · record, process type U1: 201
· Power supply IM: 173 · sweep, other vibrator systems U1: 446
· reassembly instructions TM: 113 · time, plotter U1: 442
· spacing IM: 173, IM: 174 · Zeroing (noise) U1: 236
Launch · Zeroing Taper (noise) U1: 235
· quick, TMS428 tests TM: 53 Level
Launcher · auto, vib drive U1: 388
· bar, customizing U1: 43 Licence
· icons U1: 42 · code, entering U1: 61
LAUR · information about U1: 40
· disassembly instructions TM: 124 · LT428 IM: 185
· reassembly instructions TM: 125 · Plotter U1: 61
LAUX428 Lift
· connectors IM: 290, IM: 291 · up delay U1: 389
· disassembly instructions TM: 118 Limit
· Power supply IM: 173 · instrument test U2: 37
· reassembly instructions TM: 119 Limits (see Test limits)
Layer Line
· rename (Positioning) U1: 286 · check U1: 174
· show/hide (Positioning) U1: 286 · data rate U3: 221
Layout · Generic U1: 125
· LT428 IM: 191 · mapping to a logical line U1: 133
· setup U1: 111 · name U2: 96, U2: 98
LCI · name (SPS) U2: 63, U2: 64, U2: 77,
· address U1: 60 U2: 81, U2: 82
· changing U1: 58 · name, COG U2: 100
· oscillator, adjusting TM: 15 · Nb Inc, LT428 IM: 190
Shortcut Slip
· Line window U1: 97 · time U1: 248
Shortcuts · time, selecting U1: 232
· tests TM: 50 Slip-sweep IM: 38, U1: 248
Shot · enable U1: 221
· automation U1: 222 · mode used (SEGD) U2: 22
· Depth, charge len. (SPS) U2: 62 Snaking U1: 115
· depth, charge len. (SPS) U2: 75 · DSU U1: 141
· Id U1: 215 · FDU U1: 136
· Id, Log shooting setup U1: 417 Software
· increment U1: 227 · e428, licence U1: 61
· Nb U2: 98 · Handheld PC, installing IM: 151
· number (SEGD) U2: 19 · installing, TMS428 TM: 30
· starting U1: 196 · New release TM: 38
ShotPro · patch (client) IM: 97
· install U1: 63 · patch (server) IM: 77
· interfacing U2: 107 · updating U1: 184
Show · version (SEGD) U2: 22
· layer (Positioning) U1: 286 Software, installing
Shutdown · GoBook IM: 155
· server U1: 41 · server IM: 70
Signal · Solaris IM: 63
· return sweep U1: 366 Soil, drill method (SPS) U2: 62, U2: 75
Similarity Solaris installation IM: 63
· test, radio U1: 366 Source
Simultaneous mode U3: 221 · aux nb (SEGD) U2: 22
Single · code (Sx) tables (SPS) U2: 61
· mode, recording specifications U3: 221 · COG file U2: 100
Size · controller, time management U1: 76
· external header U1: 78 · easting (SEGD) U2: 22
· vert. stk fold (SPS) U2: 61 · elevation (SEGD) U2: 22
Size, vert. stk fold (SPS) U2: 74 · Explosive U1: 227
Skew, sample, number of extensions · Line U1: 216
U2: 14 · Line Number (SEGD) U2: 16
· northing (SEGD) U2: 22
· Point Index U1: 192
· channel U1: 131
· Point Index (SEGD) U2: 16
Skipping · Point Number (SEGD) U2: 16
· lines (spread description) U1: 126 · point setup, generating U1: 219
· receiver points U1: 126 · point, setup U1: 215
· receiver points (detour) U1: 135 · Receiver U1: 216
Slave · Set Number (SEGD) U2: 16
· 428XL U2: 104 · type, setup U1: 226
· DPG U1: 344 Spacing
Sleep · crossline (AGC) U1: 438
· LRU U1: 162 · DSU3 IM: 175
Surface Tap
· elevation, reference U1: 276 · test, LT428 IM: 188, IM: 215
· elevation, SPS U2: 63 Tape
Surface elevation · copy U3: 14
· SPS U2: 78 · drive address
Survey 3592 IM: 122
· description U1: 105 FUJI 3x90, changing IM: 112
· setup U1: 104 FUJI 3x90, displaying IM: 113
Swath LTO IM: 118
· backup setup U1: 79 · drive, install U1: 65
· first line (SEGD) U2: 19 · drives, supported IM: 111
· first number (SEGD) U2: 19 · Label U1: 328
· Id U1: 216 · label (SEGD) U2: 22
Sweep · Number U1: 328
· basic signal (Acquisition type) U1: 363 · number of files U1: 328
· freq start, end (SPS) U2: 61 · number, SEGD U2: 22
· frequency start,end (SPS) U2: 75 · setup, Export window U1: 328
· length (SEGD) U2: 22 · type, format, density (SPS) U2: 59,
· length, other vibrator systems U1: 446 U2: 71
· return signal U1: 366 Tape/disk identifier (SPS) U2: 57,
· slip time U1: 248 U2: 66
· slip, enable U1: 221 Taper U1: 346
· type, length (SPS) U2: 61, U2: 75 · length start, end (SPS) U2: 61, U2: 75
Switching TB
· port (TMS428) TM: 90 · window, process type U1: 202
Sync · window, SEGD U2: 19
· high line U1: 364 Tb to T0 time (SEGD) U2: 21
Syntax (see Description) TCXO, LCI board TM: 15
Synthetic Template
· file format U2: 41 · TMS428 tester TM: 40
· file syntax U1: 181 Terminal
· Signal type U1: 181 · Linux IM: 85
System · Solaris IM: 85
· shooting U1: 63 Test
· tools, troubleshooting IM: 85 · Automatic U1: 224
· cable calibration TM: 48
T · customizing (TMS428) TM: 63
· functions U1: 164
T0 · functions, FDU U3: 121
· mode U1: 371 · generator U3: 93
· Repeat Times U1: 370 · Instrument, FDU U3: 126
· setup U1: 370 · limit
Table battery U1: 93
· how to select U1: 27 Continuity U1: 109
· operation U1: 192 Leakage U1: 109