MB0032 Operations Research Assignments
MB0032 Operations Research Assignments
MB0032 Operations Research Assignments
1. Describe in details the OR approach of problem solving. What are the limitations of
the Operations Research?
The solution thus obtained is known as optimal decision. The main features of OR
•It is System oriented: OR studies the problem from over all points of view of organizations
or situations since optimum result of one part of the system may not be optimum for some
other part.
•It imbibes Inter – disciplinary team approach. Since no single individual can have a
thorough knowledge of all fast developing scientific know-how, personalities from different
scientific and managerial cadre form a team to solve the problem.
•It makes use of Scientific methods to solve problems.
•OR increases the effectiveness of a management Decision making ability.
•It makes use of computer to solve large and complex problems.
•It gives Quantitative solution.
•It considers the human factors also.
The first and the most important requirement is that the root problem should be identified
and understood. The problem should be identified properly, this indicates three major
(1) A description of the goal or the objective of the study,
(2) An identification of the decision alternative to the system, and
(3) A recognition of the limitations, restrictions and requirements of the system.
Limitations of OR
The limitations are more related to the problems of model building, time and money factors.
•Magnitude of computation: Modern problem involve large number of variables and hence to
find interrelationship, among makes it difficult.
•Non – quantitative factors and Human emotional factor cannot be taken into account.
•There is a wide gap between the managers and the operation researches.
•Time and Money factors when the basic data is subjected to frequent changes then
incorporation of them into OR models are a costly affair.
•Implementation of decisions involves human relations and behaviour
2. What are the characteristics of the standard form of L.P.P.? What is the standard form
of L.P.P.? State the fundamental theorem of L.P.P.
1.All constraints are equations except for the non-negativity condition which remain
inequalities (≥, 0) only.
2.The right-hand side element of each constraint equation is non-negative.
3.All variables are non-negative.
4.The objective function is of the maximization or minimization type. The inequality
constraints can be changed to equations by adding or subtracting the left-hand side of each
such constraint by a non-negative variable. The non-negative variable that has to be added
to a constraint inequality of the form to change it to an equation is called a
slack variable. The non-negative variable that has to be subtracted from a constraint
inequality of the form to change it to an equation is called a surplus variable. The right hand
side of a constraint equation can be made positive by multiplying both sides of the resulting
equation by (-1) wherever necessary. The remaining characteristics are achieved by using
the elementary transformations introduced with the canonical form.
Two Phase Method
The drawback of the penalty cost method is the possible computational error that could result
from assigning a very large value to the constant M. To overcome this difficulty, a new method
is considered, where the use of M is eliminated by solving the problem in two phases. They are
Phase I:
Formulate the new problem by eliminating the original objective function by the sum of the
artificial variables for a minimization problem and the negative of the sum of the artificial
variables for a maximization problem. The resulting objective function is optimized by the
simplex method with the constraints of the original problem. If the problem has a feasible
solution, the optimal value of the new objective function is zero (which indicates that all artificial
variables are zero). Then we proceed to phase II. Otherwise, if the optimal value of the new
objective function is non zero, the problem has no solution and the method terminates.
Phase II :
Use the optimum solution of the phase I as the starting solution of the original problem. Then
the objective function is taken without the artificial variables and is solved by simplex method.
Use the two phase method toMaximize z = 3x1 – x2
Phase I is complete, since there are no negative elements in the last row. The Optimal
solution of the new objective is Z* = 0.
Phase II:
Consider the original objective function,Maximize z = 3x1 – x2 + 0S1 + 0S2 + 0S3
Subject to x1 + x2/2 – S1/2=1 5/2 x2 + S1/2 + S2=1 x2 + S3 = 4x1, x2, S1, S2, S3 ≥ 0 with
the initial solution x1 = 1, S2 = 1, S3 = 4, the corresponding simplex table is
Condition (1)The condition (1) is guaranteed by creating either a fictitious destination with a
demand equal to the surplus if total demand is less than the total supply or a (dummy)
source with a supply equal to the shortage if total demand exceeds total supply. The cost of
transportation from the fictitious destination to all sources and from all destinations to the
fictitious sources are assumed to be zero so that total cost of transportation will remain the
Formulation of Transportation Problem
The standard mathematical model for the transportation problem is as follows.Let xij
The first approximation to (2) is always integral and therefore always a feasible solution.
Rather than determining a first approximation by a direct application of the simplex method it
is more efficient to work with the table given below called the transportation table. The
transportation algorithm is the simplex method specialized to the format of table it involves:
i. finding an integral basic feasible solution ii. testing the solution for optimality iii. improving
the solution, when it is not optimal iv. repeating steps (ii) and (iii) until the optimal solution is
obtained. The solution to T.P is obtained in two stages. In the first stage we find Basic
feasible solution by any one of the following methods a) North-west corner rule b) Matrix
Minima Method or least cost method c) Vogel’s approximation method. In the second stage
we test the B.Fs for its optimality either by MODI method or by stepping stone method.
5. Describe the North-West Corner rule for finding the initial basic feasible solution in the
transportation problem.