Nilai Kelas 9 THN 2009-2010
Nilai Kelas 9 THN 2009-2010
Nilai Kelas 9 THN 2009-2010
1 Ade Fitria 30 40 30 62 41 85 70
2 Ade Shabrina Khair 30 40 65 58 48 81 70
3 Aditya Hardiyanto 60 52 40 72 56 90 79
4 Ahmad Nur Cholis 75 42 65 86 67 90 82
5 Ahmad Zainudin 30 48 70 72 55 85 75
6 Aisha Nur Syifa 60 65 100 98 81 95 90
7 Akbar Teguh Wijaya 40 64 25 80 52 85 74
8 Andreas Danar Y 50 56 80 82 67 90 82
9 Annisa Syafitri Noer 85 65 60 72 71 85 80
10 Denisa Julia P 25 88 30 64 52 85 74
11 Derin Ramadhani F 35 76 30 72 53 85 74
12 Devia Octaviani 70 70 40 72 63 90 81
13 Dicky Arvian 70 20 55 80 56 85 75
14 Emir Faizal Rifqi 75 68 90 90 81 95 90
15 Henika Sari 65 36 45 72 55 80 72
16 Hotimah 40 72 20 70 51 85 74
17 Indah Faradilah 30 52 50 74 52 85 74
18 M. Afif. G 70 65 60 72 67 90 82
19 M. Faisal. R 85 80 75 76 79 95 90
20 M. Fauzi Ibrahim 55 55 45 76 58 80 73
21 M. Rizky Karramallah 40 40 45 72 49 80 70
22 Mahardika Hesrizarna 65 70 50 86 68 90 83
23 Megawati 65 75 50 70 65 85 78
24 Nicki Fatima. N 60 93 55 82 73 90 84
25 Noveriyanti Citra D 70 94 70 78 78 90 86
26 Nur Annisa Sekar. A 40 64 20 72 49 80 70
27 Nurul Restu Rosalind 87 95 55 84 80 90 87
28 Okky Nugraha. P 60 50 70 78 65 85 78
29 Pratiwi Oktaviana 50 35 40 78 51 85 74
30 Ria Sulistianingsih 40 40 45 78 51 80 70
31 Rifqi Muchtar. H 45 52 35 68 50 80 70
32 Rillo Ibrahim Rahardjo 70 65 35 64 59 80 73
33 Rizki Harnadi 35 40 45 58 45 80 68
34 Rizki Yurinia Augusta 43 72 35 64 54 85 75
35 Rosinta Fauzi 60 56 30 74 55 85 75
36 Sigit Yudianto 78 85 55 70 72 95 87
37 Susanti 60 80 70 78 72 95 87
38 Syaipul Amsah 33 50 20 70 43 80 68
39 Syifa Nabella Hendra P 50 33 55 80 55 85 75
40 Wulan Tariningsih 35 40 40 66 45 80 68
41 Yunilawati 45 43 40 66 49 80 70
42 Zulfikar 65 20 35 60 45 80 68
Average 54 58 49 74 59 86 77
Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX-1
Ronaldi, S Pd
NIP : 470072608
Nilai Raport Kelas IX-2 SMPN 52
Semester Ganjil / T A 2009-2010
Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX-1
Ronaldi, S Pd
NIP : 470072608
Nilai Raport Kelas IX-3 SMPN 52
Semester Ganjil / T A 2009-2010
Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX-1
Ronaldi, S Pd
NIP : 470072608
ember 2009
Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX-1
Ronaldi, S Pd
NIP : 470072608
Nilai Raport Kelas IX-5 SMPN 52
Semester Ganjil / T A 2009-2010
Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX-1
Ronaldi, S Pd
NIP : 470072608
Nilai Raport Kelas IX-6 SMPN 52
Semester Ganjil / T A 2009-2010
1 Ahmad Nugroho 70 37 35 65 52 85 91 80
2 Alshafira Rizqiya 40 86 37 30 48 81 88 76
3 Andro Sihol Maranggi 30 67 30 20 37 95 87 76
4 Asar Aji Romadhoni 70 53 36 45 51 97 80 77
5 Asri Setyo Mumpuni 75 85 60 90 78 93 95 90
6 Aulia Rabbani 73 52 45 60 58 77 93 80
7 Citra Heryanti 65 86 55 67 68 81 93 84
8 Crishibadia 85 93 87 100 91 97 90 92
9 Cyndi Mutiara P. 35 52 60 45 48 87 87 77
10 Cynthia Gita Nathalia 50 20 30 33 73 82 68
11 Defrizal 60 89 20 10 45 80 85 74
12 Doni Haryanto 30 52 13 40 34 87 85 73
13 Emma Fatimah Alhabsyi 45 33 60 55 48 93 85 78
14 Fara Vania Utami 83 50 67 70 68 95 95 88
15 Fiqih Fauzan 55 68 35 55 53 90 80 76
16 Friska Febriana 30 90 17 30 42 77 87 73
17 Holik Susanto 25 60 10 15 28 93 84 72
18 Idrus 40 20 20 27 95 85 73
19 Intan Lestari 60 58 55 30 51 87 86 77
20 Makbul Mufli H. 45 91 33 35 51 75 89 76
21 Mufidah 60 85 50 70 66 91 94 86
22 Muhammad Ageng H. 65 92 40 35 58 57 90 74
23 Muhammad Dhiya R. 85 94 41 75 74 83 97 88
24 Namira 25 47 20 60 38 63 85 68
25 Nasrudin 40 72 27 20 40 75 86 72
26 Nella Yulianti 45 56 40 47 85 90 78
27 Nina Khairunnisa N. 70 95 90 85 85 93 95 92
28 Novela Ardhana R. 45 48 40 30 41 59 85 67
29 Nuraini Lukitasari 60 88 35 40 56 81 88 78
30 Pinkan Marshella 60 87 40 50 59 77 94 81
31 Puput Pandan Sari 45 87 40 55 57 75 85 75
32 Putri Permata Herman 85 90 63 90 82 96 95 92
33 Rahono Bagus Putro 70 88 60 85 76 92 97 90
34 Ramadana Yustira 55 84 55 65 65 95 95 87
35 Risara Istiqomah 30 25 25 25 26 53 92 66
36 Ryza Setyasa 40 40 13 15 27 49 88 63
37 Satria Nugraha 45 68 25 30 42 55 86 67
38 Sejahtera Geovanni 35 32 10 10 22 73 88 68
39 Vera Fachreza M. 70 87 50 60 67 79 90 81
40 Viona Almash A. 75 78 55 75 71 85 94 86
41 Winda Destya 65 93 55 75 72 79 96 86
42 Yohanes Maryadi 35 90 10 15 38 59 87 68
Average 54 71 40 48 53 81 89 78
Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX-1
Ronaldi, S Pd
NIP : 470072608
No Dictation Verb to Noun :-ment, ion, age Antonym
1 Attract Act Action Afraid Brave
2 Village admire Admiration Beautiful Ugly
3 Feather Amuse Amusement Behind Front
4 Bracelet Announce Announcement Best Worst
5 Vehicle Arrange Arrangement Big Small
6 Happiness Arrive Arrival Broad Narrow
7 Swimming attach Attachment Cheap Expensive
8 Beverage Attend Attendance Clever Stupid
9 Utterly Attract Attraction Close to Distant
10 Quite Carry Carriage Correct Incorrect
11 Mountain Celebrate Celebration Dangerous Safe
12 Vicious Collect Collection Dark Bright
13 Although Confirm Confirmation Dry Wet
14 Journey Congratulate Congratulation Extraordinary Ordinary
15 Congratulate Continue Continuation Favorite Unwanted
16 Recommend Create Creation Foolish Foolish
17 Whether Define Definition Fortunate Unfortunate
18 Approach describe Description Grateful Ungrateful
19 Necessity Disappoint Disappointment Happy Sad
20 Instead Distribute Distribution Hard Soft
21 Fright Enjoy Enjoyment Hungry Full
22 Might Entertain Entertainment Interesting Dull
23 Cudgel Excite Excitement Like Dislike
24 Extraordinary Expect Expectation Love Hate
25 Committee Form Formation Low High
26 Suggest Graduate Graduation Moral Immoral
27 Hunger Imitate Imitation Near Far
28 Unforgettable Inform Information Past Future
29 Scenery Instruct Instruction Plain Colourful
30 Interesting Invite Invitation Prohibit Allow
31 Series Maintain Maintanance Proud Humble
32 Register Perform Performance Remember Forget
33 Provide Prohibit Prohibition Responsible Irresponsible
34 Thirsty Provide Provision Sharp Dull
35 Embarrased Recommend Recommendation Short Long
36 Jewelleries Register Registration Show Hide
37 Southlake Satisfy Satisfaction Soft Rough
38 Tide State Statement Tranquil Crowded
39 Thought Store Storage Vicious Kind
40 Occasion Suggest Suggestion Wide Narrow
Adjective to Noun Present to Past Action Verb
Amazed amazement Approach Laugh
Angry Anger Bother Smile
Attract Attraction Buy Drink
Beautiful Beauty Chat Eat
Confused Confusion Collect Hop
Dangerous Danger Come Sing
Definite Definition Continue Swim
Disappointed Disappointment Cudgel Ride
Embarrased Embarrasment Drink Walk
Excited Excitement Dry Call
Foolish Foolish Eat Look For
Fortunate Fortune Feel Hang
Happy Happiness Find Carry
Hungry Hunger Flee Clean
Interesting Interest Forget Sit
Jealous Jealousy Get Fall
Kind Kindness Give Jump
Moral Morality Have Put
Necessary Necessity Heap Flee
Possible Possibility Hop Dance
Present Presence Jump
Quick Quickness Keep
Relieved Relief Know
Responsible Responsibility Lay
Ridiculous Ridicule Leave
Sad Sadness Lift
Satisfied Satisfaction Love
Thirsty Thirsty Need
Tranquil Tranquility Play
Wide Width Prepare
rresponsible Save
Monday Tuesday Wed
1 M 1 IX-6 1 IX-1
2 G 2 IX-6 2 IX-1
3 M 3 3 IX-6
4 P 4 4 IX-6
5 M 5 IX-3 5
6 G 6 IX-3 6
7 M 7 IX-2 7 IX-3
8 P 8 IX-2 8 IX-3
Thu Friday
1 IX-3 1
2 IX-3 2
3 IX-4 3 IX-4
4 IX-4 4 IX-4
5 IX-2 5 IX-5
6 IX-2 6 IX-5
7 IX-5
8 IX-5
1 Participial Phrase
2 Phrasal Verb
3 Irregular verb
4 Simple Past Tense & Past Continuous Tense
5 Suffix--ment, --ion, --ial
6 Prefix: dis--, im--, un--
7 adjective to noun
8 adjective to verb
9 adjective ing vs adjective-ed
10 adjective versus adverb
11 adverb of manner
12 Future Tense
13 Present Perfect tense
14 noun versus verb
15 Past Continuous Tense
16 Pronoun
17 adjective clause
18 passive voice
19 Wh-Questions
20 Adverbial clause of reason