BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #5
Lab 3
Music: How its Made
Wednesday, May 11th, 2016
Bree Sharrai
Lead Teacher: Rebecca Flory
Children and Learning/Development Goals:
1. Tradlee has a goal to use words when speaking to his teachers and peers.
-Tradlee will be able to apply this goal while playing with the blocks and dinosaurs
and interacting with his peers. He will also be able to answer questions at the art
table, math center, and science center.
2. Jayda has a goal to improve her knowledge of letter recognition.
-Jayda will be able to practice letter recognition while playing outside and tracing the
letters with rocks.
3. Zoe has a goal to be social while playing with her peers.
-Zoe will be able to socialize with her peers in the classroom in multiple areas, but
specifically in dramatic play, blocks, and outside.
4. Naomi has a goal to speak more clearly when speaking to her teachers and peers.
-Naomi will be able to apply this goal in dramatic play while playing with her peers.
She will also be able to answer questions at the art table, math center, and science
5. Kyler has a goal to improve his knowledge of letter recognition.
-Kyler will be able to practice letter recognition while playing outside and tracing the
letters with rocks.

Preassessment and Findings:

By looking at some of the childrens information sheets, it was evident that they were
interested in music and dancing. Since we just met the children, we wanted to pick a
topic that would interest them and it seemed as if music would be a good way to do
Avery was really interested in the piano on the first day of lab and other children
surrounded her as she was playing.

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Sound is made when vibrations travel through the air and reach your ear.
2. Music can be made with many different objects such as tin cans, beans and rice, and by
tapping with our bodies.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Fast and Slow
2. Loud and Quiet

BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #5
Lab 3
Music: How its Made
Wednesday, May 11th, 2016
Bree Sharrai
Lead Teacher: Rebecca Flory
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Sound is made when vibrations travel through the air and reach your ear.
2. Music can be made with many different objects such as tin cans, beans and rice, and
by tapping with our bodies.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Fast and Slow
2. Loud and Quiet
________Bree___________ Self-Selected

____Hanna___________ Floater/Runner/Snack

_______Rebecca____________ Small/Focus Groups _________Tayla________ Booth/ Photographer

______Hanna_____________ Outdoor play

__Rebecca__________ Greeter/Walkie (Lead

_________Ari_______ Snack

______Tayla_________ Data Collector

Special instructions for the day: N/A


Literacy Activities/ Books: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? By Bill Martin Jr (V2)
Song and Dance Man by Karen Ackerman (W15)
Too Much Noise by Ann McGovern (R31)
Whistle For Willie by Ezra Jack Keats (K3)
Pots and Pans by Patricia Hubbell (H13)
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr and John Archambault (M10)
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (T2)
Literact Activity: Literacy will be included in the outdoor activity Practice with the Alphabet.
Activity Name

Description/Activity Objective

Materials, Special Set-up

*Creative Art:
Jingle Bell Painting
(4) @

Activity Description: At the art table, there

will be pieces of paper for the students to paint
on. There will be four different colors of paint
and paintbrushes. Attached to the end of the
paintbrushes are bells that will make noise
when the children paint with them. Each
paintbrush will have a different amount of bells
on them so they make different sounds.
Child Objective: Students will be able to
practice their fine motor skills as they grasp
the paintbrushes. Students will be able to
strengthen their hearing skills when hearing
the differences between the sounds of bells.

White Paper (Workroom), 4

colors of Paint (RR1), 6
Large Paintbrushes (RR1
33), 4 Bowls with outlined
foil (Kitchen), bells (RR1 28)

Muffin Tin
Geoboard (4)@

Math: Color
Sorting Coasters

*Science: Wire
Hanger Vibrations
(2) @

*Sensory Table:
Bottle Shakers (4)

Intentional Teaching: Teachers will ask the

children what kind of sounds they hear. They
will ask questions about the pitch of the
Activity Description: There will be muffin
tins and rubber bands set out at the
manipulative table. The muffin tins when
flipped over will act as geoboards and the
children will put the rubber bands on the
muffin tins.
Child Objective: The children will practice
their fine motor skills when pinching the rubber
bands and wrapping them around the muffin
Intentional Teaching: Teachers should
prompt and model how to use the geoboards.
Activity Description: The color coasters and
the color pieces will be set out at the math
table. The children will sort the pieces onto the
coasters by the colors.
Child Objective: Students will be able to
practice their cognitive skills by matching the
colors of the pieces to the coasters.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will ask the
children what colors they are using to see if
they are knowledgeable about the
identification of colors.
Activity Description: Provided at the science
area will be a wire hanger and string
contraption. The string will be tied to the hook
of the hanger with enough slack for the
children to wrap their fingers around the string
and hold it up to their ears. When the string is
held up to their ears, the children will bang the
hanger up against a chair. By doing this, the
vibrations from the hit up against the chair will
travel up the string to their ears.
Child Objective: Children will practice their
cognitive skills by identifying the sounds and
vibrations that the hanger contraption is
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will ask the
children questions about the sounds that they
are hearing when they bang the hanger up
against the chair. They could ask about
banging the hanger on different surfaces, such
as the table or the wall. See if the hanger has
the same effect.
Activity Description: There will be bottle
shakers in the sensory table. In the shakers
there will be different materials that will make
different sounds when they shake them.
Child Objective: Children will practice their
cognitive skills by listening to the sounds that
the bottle shakers make.

2 Muffin Tins (Kitchen),

Rubber Bands

Color Coasters (RR2


Wire Hangers (RR2

Beautiful Junk Shelf 3),
String (RR1), A chair (the

Bottle Shakers (RR2


Blocks: Dinosaur
Takeover (4)

*Dramatic Play:
Concert Time (4)

Intentional Teaching: The teachers can ask

the students about different sounds that they
are hearing when they shake the different
Activity Description: In the block area, there
will be blocks set up as towers. The toy
dinosaurs will be on top of and next to the
block towers.
Child Objective: Children will practice social
skills by playing at the blocks with their friends
and using their imagination.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can play
along with the children and talk with them
using their imagination.
Activity Description: In the dramatic play
area, there will be a sheet pinned up on the
wall with a sign that says Lab 3s Music
Concert. There will be a stage set up with the
hollow blocks that allows the children to
perform on the stage! Placed around the area
will be different instruments that the children
can use in order to perform for their
classmates. There will be chairs set up for the
children to sit and watch their classmates
Child Objective: Students will be able to
practice their social skills by playing
dramatically with their friends in the
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can be an
encouragement to the children as they are
playing in the concert.

Blocks (in the classroom),

Dinosaurs (RR2 Blocks1&2)

Sheet (IWP), Sign (IWP),

Instruments (RR2 Cabinets),
Chairs (Classroom), Hollow
Blocks (Classroom)

Creative Art:
Collage Art (4)
2nd: Dinosaur
Counting (3)

Description: There will be different colors of

construction paper and different materials from
the art cart set up on the art table for the
children to make art collages.
Description: The children will practice their
counting with the dinosaurs that are placed out
for them.

Construction Paper (RR2),

Materials from Art Cart
Dinosaur Counters (RR2

9:00-9:50 a.m.
I dont have a snack list


9:10-9:50 a.m.

Location: North or South

*Gross Motor:
Bubble Wrap

Description: On the sidewalk outside, there

will be hopscotch set up with bubble wrap.
Each individual hopscotch square will be cut
out of bubble wrap and will have numbers on
them made out of masking tape. The children
will be able to hop on these and practice their

Bubble Wrap (RR2 Beautiful

Junk Shelf 2) Colored
Masking Tape (RR1 45)

2nd: Practice with

the Alphabet

3rd: Waffle Blocks

numbers in the process.

Objective: Students will be able to practice
their gross motor skills by hopping across the
bubble wrap squares. The students will be able
to practice their cognitive skills by recognizing
the numbers that they are stepping on.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can instruct
the students to go a certain amount of
Description: On the sidewalk there will be
letters of the alphabet written with chalk, in no
particular order. Next to the letters, there will
be a bucket filled with rocks/pebbles. The
children will be able to trace the letters with
the rocks/pebbles to practice their alphabet.
The chalk will also be left out so the children
can trace and draw with that as well.
Objective: Students will be able to practice
their cognitive skills by recognizing and
identifying the letters of the alphabet.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can ask the
students to find a certain letter of the alphabet
to see if they can correctly identify the letters.
Description: There will be waffle blocks set
out for the children to play with and build
structures with.
Objective: Children will be able to practice
their motor skills by building structures by
using their large muscles.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can
encourage the children to build with the waffle
blocks and ask them about what they are

Chalk (RR1 7),

Rocks/Pebbles (RR2
Sensory40) , Empty Bucket

Waffle Blocks (Gross


9:50-9:55 a.m.
Sing the preschool clean up song with the other teachers.
Its clean up time at preschool, its time for girls and boys to stop what theyre doing and put
away their toys.
9:55-10:10 a.m. or 2:55-3:10 p.m.
Start singing If Youre Happy and You Know It as the children are walking over to gathering time.
If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If youre happy and you know, then your face will surely show it,
If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands.
(Continue with Stomp your feet and shout Hooray!)
Activity Name
1. Sound is
Today we will be learning more about music
made when
and how we hear the sounds that we do! Which
vibrations travel part of our bodies do we use to hear sounds?
through the air
(our ears) Sound is all around us! Sound travels
and reach your
through the air through what we call
vibrations. Boys and girls, lets shake our

2. Music can be
made with many
different objects
such as tin cans,
beans and rice,
and by tapping
with our bodies.

bodies (demonstrate)! First, lets shake our

bodies fast! Now lets shake them slow! That is
kind of what a vibration feels like! So, when a
vibration travels through the air and finally
reaches our ears, thats when we hear sounds
or specifically music!
Demonstrate for the children how we can make
sound using different objects around us.
First: Have the children tap their legs, clap
their hands
Second: Tap the tin cans, shake the bottle
shakers, tap the drums made out of cellophane
The children will get the opportunity to use the
different instruments as well as the support
teachers help pass the instruments around the
We will end gathering time by talking about
how our voices can be used to make sound as
well. Did you know that our voices can be
used as an instrument as well? When we sing,
we are making sound and can make music.


10:10-10:25 a.m.
Group #1
Your Activity
Transition to Small
Focus Groups
Drawing to Music
(Different Tables
around the room)


Group #2

Tin Cans (Beautiful Junk

Shelf 3), Bottle Shakers
(RR2 Cabinets),
drumsticks (RR2 Cabinets),
Rubber Bands

Group #3

Description & Objective

I will tap the children on the head very lightly with
the drumstick and tell them which group they will
be going to and with which teacher.
Activity Description: Read the story to the
children, emphasizing all the different animals that
the children are hearing. After the story is over, the
teacher will play music and the children will draw
as the music is playing. For each snippet of a song
that is played, the child will draw on a new piece of
paper. Each page will be labeled by which type of
music they are drawing to.
Child Objective: Children will be able to improve
their listening skills by listening to the music and
letting it affect their drawings. They will practice
their fine motor skills by using the crayons to draw.
Intentional Teaching: Teachers will prompt the
children to draw as they are playing the music.
They should also ask the children questions about
what they are drawing on their papers.

10:25-10:40 a.m.

Group #4

1) 3 pieces of
paper each,
crayons, Music
2) Polar Bear, Polar
Bear, What Do
You Hear? By
Bill Martin Jr and
Eric Carle
Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little Star
Song and Dance
Man by Karen
Pots and Pans
by Patricia

Transition Itsy Bitsy Spider with hand movements (CD)

Activity Name
Movement Dice

Click, Clack, Moo,

Cows that Type
by Doreen

Children will take turns rolling the dice, then we will perform
the action as a class.
Read the book listed and encourage children to repeat parts
with you that occur throughout the book.

Freeze Dance

Children will dance to the Freeze Dance song with the


Old MacDonald
Had Farm

Do this activity with no more than five children. Pass out the
stick animals, one to each child. Sing the song Old McDonald.
When the childs animal is called, have them make the animal
sound then have others repeat it. If they do not want to, have
a teacher model instead.
We will clap out the syllables to each childs name in the
classroom by saying Hi to them and then clapping out the
syllables in their name.
Sing the song and do the actions to the song Move Fast, Move
Read the Wheels on the Bus with the children.

Clapping out our

Move Fast, Move
The Wheels on the
Bus by Annie


Move fast, move slow
Move fast, move slow
All around the world you can see things go -Fast and slow
Clap, clap, clap your hands as fast as you can
Clap, clap, clap your hands as slow as you can
Tap, tap, tap your knees as fast as you can
Tap, tap, tap your knees as slow as you can
Shake, shake, shake your hips as fast as you can
Shake, shake, shake your hips as slow as you ca
Move fast, move slow
Move fast, move slow
All around the world you can see things go -Fast and slow
Bend, bend, bend your knees as fast as you can
Bend, bend, bend your knees as slow as you can

Dice (RR2
Click, Clack,
Moo, Cows
that Type by
Dance CD
Animal Props

The Wheels
on the Bus
by Annie

Swim, swim, swim as fast as you can

Swim, swim, swim as slow as you can

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