Lugol's Recipe
Lugol's Recipe
Lugol's Recipe
Lugol's solution is commonly used for short-term (e.g. a few months, but
possibly a year or more) storage of cyanobacteria. Dissolve one gram of iodine
crystals and two grams of potassium iodide in 300 ml of water. Use three drops of
this solution in a 100 ml sample (it should look like very weak tea).
Hazards: Harmful if swallowed. May cause irritation. Avoid breathing vapors, or dusts. Use with
adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothes. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Keep container closed. Conditions aggravated/target organs: Persons with pre-existing skin, eye,
thyroid, and respiratory disorders, as well as persons with iodine allergies, will be more susceptible.
May cause skin and eye irritation. Conditions aggravated: Thyroid disorders,