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ANED- oF PINAL YEAR MB.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRILIMAY 1999 Part MEDIGINE—Paper Ih Maximum : 100 Mask ‘tine; Tee Hours Section A 1 este be stile fxs and masaenent of este SEAS (5 mais) 22 Waite short notes om (a) Cardioeective pbocker ' (0) Newer insu +5100) Section B 2 Do rnin dei a8 errenment of «young an admed wich massive cs mark) 4. Short ntes 02 (9) Diabetic Ketoidosis (Stas enepr. +5" Wma) Section © sen nil earn abd management Act -reticla ONS 5, Disease he common ‘as marke) (a) Neurcyeticereosis, life threatening Asthma, (64 5= 10 mak) Bectloa D a Deere the inal features, dngnois and treatment of Leptin (05 mers) 8. Sot ortes on (4) Beythemne ml fora (©) Polmoadxy send round +5=10marks) 3 | : a a a 7” CP PP Pr re PE Pp ee ee ~~ = > = MAED~ 02 G 882 Reg, No. Nane. FINAL M.BB.S, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2000 Pact I (MEDICINE —Pager 11 ‘ioe Taree Hore ‘Maxima: 100 Mates Seetion A Dion he management of uncmpleted meena infin. ray otine the rcnt (05 ma) 2, Write short notes on © (@) Losartan Amiodarone, (+5 10 marks) Section B ‘8. Devcib the linia festores, diagnosis and management of hyperthyroidism, (15 marks) 4. Write shore sotes a9 (a) Diagnosis snd management of Addison's deus, ©) Careiaoid syndrome (6+5=10 marks) Section © 5, A 24 year ad young marred female ie having PUO for last 9 weeks Discus its daguoss and (5 marke) 6. Waite shore note on (2) Treatment of snake bite (©) Cerebral Maas, +52 10 marks) Section D 7. Discuss the cinta entre, diagnosis and managesent of Bronchogpie Carcinome (5 mart) 8. Write short notes on (9) Multidrug resistant tuberouloie. (2) Tropical pulaonary Eosinophil, 5F5= 1D) MED -03 2 foes VEL Write briefy on 1 What is Erythema naosum ? 2 Whats Extended spectrum Poiciin 3 What i Bends disberrisum ? 44 What is Rheumatoid factor 5 What ie Sti disease? What i Caplan’ syndrome ? 11 What is Arths reaction? 18 Write about clinica significance of 1g immunogabin 9 What is Hypokalomia and mention tis causes ? 10. Management of Community ecqiered pneumonia (00% 1=10 mars ‘VU, Wiite short notes on 1 Paracetamol overdosage Chanerod Round worm infection, Dengve fever. Reactive ets xs FINAL MBBS, (PART I) DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2002 (GENERAL MEDICINE Paper 1 ‘Tmo : Two Houre and a Half ‘Answer Sections A and B in separate answer books ‘Drow diagrams wherever neciory Maximum + «7 Mark POE Bed [ES I E ML Draw and abel 2, 1 Ove ofbook worm. bees 2 Different stages of malarial paral a the peripheral smear, IV, Write briefly én 1 Menton the cause an clinical feature of Erysipals, 2 eet arts) 2 3. Indications fr mammography. 5 (xt~5marks) Y. Write short notes on a tevin FE Clinical features and treatment of Pellagra. ie é 2 a ‘4 What aro the eye changs in Vitamin A deficiency? 5 Down's syndrome, (6x26 10 marks) $ Section B ‘V1. Read this paragriph'and answer the fellowing questions :— ‘440 year old man presented with high grade fever with altered conscinness. Clinically he nd iterus and sild hepatomegaly 41 What are your diferetil diagnosis? 2 How wil you iaestigate? How will you manage a case of acute fulminant hepatitis ? QU Pe oP re vada +8440 10marks) a ‘Tarn over PEEP al wr 6s 3. Good paseurs syndrom” 4. ARDS / ‘ FS. Avil ibeilation on 10 marks) Section B Read the paragraph and answer the following questions:- |A35 year old male whois a smoker presented with loss of consciousness and eakines of right side of body (4) What is your diagnosis? (©) What are the predisposing factors in this age group? (6) What are the investigations fr confirming the diagnosis? (@ What isthe teatment? (©) What are the measures that can be taken to prevent occurence of such a condition? (5x2 = 10 marks) YI. Write briefly on |. What is Dawn phenomenon? 2. Whats Kussmauls sign? 3, What is Dresser’ syndrome? 40h is subacute combined degeneration of the cont? 5. Alaheimers 6 Whatis Alport syndcome?. 7. Management of Haemophilia A. ‘8.What is carcinoid syndrome? 9. Treatment of gastro oesophageal reflux disease. 10, Cardiac tamponade, oxi 10 marks) VIILWiite short notes on |. Management of rsd 2pIc 3, Wilsons disease raial tension 4 Management of dyentery 5. Poul lp. / (5x2 10 marks) oe 6h MED - 06 a OpLiver | eniculate body i conned with: Vision @) Smell Heacing (Dy Taste valve of FEVI in adult males 3 80% (895%) co (50% (20x = 10 marks) ONAL MBBS DEGREE EXAMINATION. AUGUST 2002 Par I Paper IlGENERAL MEDICINE : (ow Sch) KZ ie Hous fou: 60 Matis -MCQs shouldbe answered frst inthe response shet provided, Section A tile Choice question. Single response type-20 (separate sheet tached) (oxi = 10 marks) uch the following Single response type (separate sheet attached) (6x marks) and label LP, 2. Gomeruius SW been on: |. Transient ischaemic attack. 2.Cyanosis 4. Heliobectr pylori 4. Hyperpleism +, Adtonal disease (xt =2:maris) marks) te short notes on 1. Sleep apnoea syndrome, 2. Tarombocytopenia al features Of mil stenosis (2x5 = 10 marks) 8 SSIONAL MLB.B.S DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2002 Part eZ Paper = GENERAL MEDICINE Za (hiew Scene) MED- 08 Maximum: 60 Marks PMCs should be answered frst in the response sheet provided. Section A questions. Single response type-20 (separate shet attached) 20x12 fllowing Single rexponse ype-6 (separate shet stched) 0 marks) (6x12 =3 marks) an Labo: Bi. What is Steven Johnson syndrome? : 2 Wonis FSH? 3, Toa puesta ation HA Sconeatv spondslartropthis. 5. Metacmoglobinemia mark) 1. stra itestinal amoebiasis 2. Anoresia nervosa 3. Inererons 4. Theophyline intoxication CChemoprophylaxix in typhoid (5x2 10 marks) Ea this paragraph and answer the following questions fs2 year old diabetic presents with ewer, peutic pain an What is your diagnosis? = uty colured spun, ¥ What are the common aetiological agenis? Wis re the clinical features? (2 Wha is management? g)What are the other common infective disease in diabetics? __—(5x2=10 marks) MMED- OF precy ‘yun write briefly 9 a Whats Thyroid vse? Ar wat ia Statss Brien ? +) What is Megaloblastc ances? é Mie von Wiebranesasete 772, 9 1K i 4 Matera apieanyeid Oe ag 4 6 aoa ston and wantin tn comnen k © tare features of type Heepiaton AST * f -. vn eri teen i A “What is Cogs sypareme "at: K Pape ee “yuh Write short notes 00 1 Balls pax | Addison's dense, — * inal features of aarti regeraitaih A. Urinary tract inetion ¢ 5 Pnesmoconost rs geese cae 7 ge Seen 2 = 10 mer PUP inion Vania UF! PED IIS III I TEE ; cs % F 4354-B CENERAL MEDICINE iM (New Sehame) eames, sy rnmes i wa aie a VY Anouer Scions, ne ' Draw: ee coke ML Draw and label (a) Blood picture in Megaloblastic anaemia. ~ (&) Normal lung volume loop, 1V. Write beefy on: + 1 Chileal signs of upper mater neuro gsion. 22 Causes of portal hypertension ae Ts Definition of ehrone bronchitis; 4 pears ene —a 9 EE eS NS VW she! Si on A Grav’ disease. i 2 Poststreptosacel lomerslonephiis, ~ 5 Assessment of severity of tronenial athine 4LCauees and linia! features of Myocarditis: 5 Causes of Haematemess. (6+2= 10a) Section B joer the following questions VI Read this paragraph and an ity department with severe abdominal pain, 196 year old lesholc presented in the casu sausea, vomiting and hypotension. 1 Whats the diferentialdiagnesis How will you investigate? ow will you manage a case of pancreatitis? Menton the enutes of pancreatitis, arae8s Turn over SED = 1 2 6 «as. ‘VIL Write Briel on 1 Multicrzan dysfunction 12 Nail ax «marker of diseoe 8 Secondary syphilis 4 Molecular mimiry {5 Call modiated immunity { Muliple drug resistant tubereulosis 7 Xeinked soesiv tnt 8 Obesity 9 Hyperkalemia 10, Geno thorapy. i: 1omarks) ‘IIL, Write short notes on 1 Oda poisoning Nearcystioreosis Dengu fever. National Leprosy Control Program. Weis disease (x2= 10 marks) MED 12 ~ Te 1 4655-B ages: 2) Rf None Narn FINAL M.B.BS. DEGREE (Part 11) EXAMINATION, MARCH 2003, (GPNERAL MEDICINE-—Poper 1 ‘Time "Two Hours nd « Half ‘Masimam 47 Mark “Anscer Sections A.II and B i separate answer books. Drew labeled diagrams wheroor neces Seotion All 1M Draw and label 1 Hepatitis B viru. 2 Life le of plasmotiom fleparum. (241-2muns) IV. Weite short anewers on 1 Aeanthosi nigricans 2 Pane attack Pulmonary nodule fa X-ray chet. 4 Newer entdepretsion drags 5 Lichen planus 151-5 marks) 2 Tere nei crs 2 Tal prt en ‘aa © Dow Stone = 10 marke) Section VL. Rend th felowing and answer the questions ‘A 25ear od male i amit with fever of § weeks duration physical examination showed ‘mild epateplenomegal: 1 What are the dierent dingnosis? 2 What are the investigations tobe dane ? 3 How will you manage a cage of uncomplicated falciparum veux infection * 4 Tow will you manage a ease of enteric fever” B+2+2+8=10 marks) ‘Turn over ay on ‘Gases of Norioeytie Normech a) Budi Chinn syndrome G Chayue Stokes breathing. alse tet amsay Hunt syndrome Late Fy Prion Pomp Inhibitors. $F Ynaytc Usaemic syndeome, homie Anger. (Causes ef Atria Pieilation. Secondary polverbaeris te stat aotes on 1 lineal signs of Aor Reguratation fasts the urine 3. Arum ‘Tesion Poewssthorsx 16008 (0943-2028) x2= 1005) PUP PAP PS Pe UPUREA Pd PRE NENUITNO ND ser UEN DN ery tS fF xa Section B Vi Read this piragraph and anewar the questions aN A Byear old female prosents with short duration of giddiness, trednes, ey fai F 372-B (Pages 2) Reg. No. Namen ommns FINAL YEAR M.B.B.S, DEGREE EXAMINATION, SEPTEMBER 2003 GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper II (ow Schome) Time : Two Houre and a Half Maximum: 47 ‘Answer Section All and SetonB in separate ennuertooks ‘rau dlagrna herer messes Section Ait 1 Drow and inet 1 Bod picture of acute med leap, 2 Normal ple venus ple with ype @xiee TV Write briefly 00 1 Otic signe of peripheral nerve lesion, > 2 Causes of Obstructive Jaundie. 3 Definition of Bronchial Asthma. 4 Faatures of cardiogenic shock, 5 Colo go Ox YWite shore notes on 2 Clinial features of infective endocarditis 3. Types of pneumethorax, 9 Aéeison's aisone, 5 Goodpasture's syndrom tnd spontaneous bleeding along with bone pains. On exiination, se has long tender LL seere ansemia and ecchymetic skin lesions 2} Waat is your likely diagnosis ? 2 What investigations would you do to arsve atthe diagnosis ? ened - 15 , 2 Fon VIL Write brie on [Neurolepic malignant syndrome, houmatid nodule Ipratropium bromide ANCA, Mention causes of byperkseasi, ‘ype I repiratory fare, Mention extra articular features of Rheumatoid Artis, Paouto gout. a ‘Complications of mumps. 10 Prion disease. (a0%1=10 marks) ‘VIL Write short notes on: 1 Oxygen therapy. 22 Management of chronic persistant asthma. 8 HAART, 4 ee vulgaris, 5 Complication of typhoid fever (2=10marks) PPPP Perr ~REPPEECCCP Merrrerrrrn Pr MED =e ceptayos 64361 FINAL YEAR M.BBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2004 Part tt [MEDICINE-—Psper 1h : (01d Scheme) ‘Time: Three Hours - Ansar all queens Maxsmam: 100 Marks Section A 1. Deseo the log term complications of ales melis and brief oun ther manageeat (as ark 1. Short notes 00 (a) hronie cantina (©) Kayser Meisher rng 45+ 10 mas) Section B 1, Deere the atnlogy clini features and management of acne (snipe) hepatic fre. (25 marks) 1, Short notes on: (a) Vito. 2) Digital abbing 48-10 mae) Section © 1. Discos the ntnocalfoctrs, complications and management of besity, (18 sachs) VL Short notes 0 (a), Uitable bowel syndrome (@)_Analgeienophropatty. (6 +8=10 mares) Sestion D iL. isoos the pathosessis, lnc features asd management of este pelonepbritis 1S mack IL Short zotes on a) Papehaturapy med = 2 ‘7 a Gama caus of seronegative arthritis wit ocular maiftatins neude a except (A) nlammatory bowel disease, (B).Pooiatic arthritis (©) Bebeets syndrome (0) Rheumatid arthritis cause of ray fever is A) Peoudomanas serginoss. _(B)_ Bartonella bciliforis, (©) Breall. (D) CHlamydia Which of che allowing i Prue regarding sep hoe (A) Barliest change is peripheral yasoenstrction. (Lov canine output replaced by high carte output Inte, (©) Serum pH fille. (©) Pulmonary toxin appear ea. Which ofthe felling not true in Bron Asthma >= (4) Can present as ood (8) Whecting can be absent, 0) Airway obstruction is dve to lrg srway tooth muscle cotractin, (D) ts asociated with oss! pol. Select she wrong statement regarding Bronchictasis Ta) Can be aancited with Alphe.t ntti define (@) Benin abacens i complication, (©) Can occur in eG defines: (D) Usually lorie to engl abe A he fllowing ar true regerding malnution except -— (A) Soall intestine ie atrophied. (8) Pancrns i atrophied (©) Decrease! intvtnal meiity. (D) Stomach produce more eid ‘Depressi inthe oleny ix chracerse by al except (A) Prognosis it wor 1B) Requte lamer doses of antidepres () rviteiiy is « emma symptom. |). Cognitive impairment i eammon. itch ofthe flowing isnot Snhertd autsost! dominant ay ? ‘A) Neurofibeomatsis. (@) etosis vulgaris. 1) Pherst ketonuria, (0) Pause Seghers ayntroms ‘causes of praritis nude el except A) toon defiones = 1B), Gareinome pancrets Hyer th FINAL MLB.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2004 Part I GENERAL MBDICINE—Paper 1 New Schese ‘Time 30 Minutes Maxam 18 Marke Note—(0) Do not write anything on the question paper (2) Write your register number inthe ansersheet provided (8) Select one most opersriate response and encircle the corresponding ashabetegsinet tach question number in the anawershet provided. Section AL 1L. Multiple Choe Questions: a 1 Diagnose of rocent active Hepetiis B can be made by demonstrating (A) His Ag. (@) IgM Ant HBeAg (©) 196 Anti Be As. ) HBeAg 2 Granuloms i sea in all except (A) Mycoplasma poeuonis, ® (©) Leprosy o Preformed txin i ound in all except (A) Botolism. ) Staphylosoceus aureus. (©) Vibro cholra. (©) Bacidus cereus 4. tonto i gen wth © (A) ‘Tricine spiralis (8) Ancylotoms dundenale, (©) Round worm, () aterobius vermicularia = 5 Throphyline tax is incensed by (A) Spar fosacta, @) Bothromyein (©) Aosiciin, ©) Cephalexin, 6. Northern blot tat is used for (A) RNA anal (B) DNA analysis (0) Analysis of protaias @) Rnzyme analysis 17 -Atboy with mental retardation bas eataract ely diagnosis i (4) Toxoplasmosis. ©) IV fection, (©) Galactose (©) Hsemochromatanie ‘Turn over MED 17 VIL, Write briefly on What is RIND ? ‘What are the features of Type Il respiratory filure? What are the compliations of Bronchictass ? What are the features of Hypoplyemia’ ‘Mention the features of Auto Immune Hemulytic Aneemia ‘What is Inappropriate ADH syndrome ? What is Metabolic Syndrome X ? “What is Thrombotic Taromboeytopene Purpura ? Classify oral Ants Diabetic drugs ‘What is Atrial Flutter and mention the enuses ? ‘VILL. Write short notes on : Graver’ disease, ‘Trigeminal Neu Clinical features of Mitral Regurgitation Asymptamate bacteriuria (Coal miners long. GuTe6a (001 = 10 marks) Gx2=10mars) TUTTI TEFEFT EPP RPO Pid dt fon MED, 20. F 6109-8, (Pages: 2) Reg. No Jo Nane— FINAL MBBS. (PART Il) DEGREE EXAMINATION, OCTOBER 2004 GENERAL MEDICINE—Poper I! (Mow Schoms) ‘hme "Two Hous and a Half ‘Mosiimum 47 Marks “Answer Sections All and B in separate annwenboots ‘Drow dlagrams wherever netsary. Section All 1 Draw and abel: 1 Noval BC : 2. Vial patie. cext-tman TW. Wate strates oa: YE ati Sean 2 Gat hrminen 4: Sora epsne to Hepat Bis infin. 4 Sein tt. 5 Management of Gian Barve’ ayes. Gx2-10986) VW ton 1 ik tor for tak 2 Mico suri. 2 Migatnas seria (str headache) & Trxtmont f byes. 5: Rana tary tenes Gutsbman) Section B VL oad the paragraph and answer te fllrng austin ‘ho year lépntoman i bought a easaly wih 38 epercnced previously by palont. There was nausea and fused BP 240190, pul O4 mt Nuchalrgiity present, \den beadashe of a severity bever ‘worting on examinetin he Was 1 What is your diagnosis 7 2 How will you manage this patient in the emergency room? List the jvestigaton and plan the further management 44 What are the complieatons thet ean oreur? 19 ea 68-10 mars MED - 2 F a 520.4 18 Ostoporsi i asoined with all except (A) Hypertnyraiiom, (8) Hypeparatiyroidim, (©) Premature menopause (D) Heparin 19. Rhewratod factor may be positive in all except (a) SLE, (B) Rheumatoid arthritis (©) Ostecarhris (D) Saver croni ati 20 Signs of Respiratory dite include (A) Prominent alae masse. B) Tachypacea, (©) In drawing of intercostals. (D)_Allof he above (204-10 marks) MED - 22, F 6108-8 (Pages: 2) FINAL M.B.BS. (PART I) DEGREE EXAMINATION, OCTOBER 2004 GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper 1 (New Scheme) ‘Time: wo Hours and a Half ‘Maximum :47 Marks “Anse Sections Aland B in smparate ansuerbooks, ‘Draw diagrams wheres neces Section A 1, Draw sod label a 1 Ora ef hookworm, 2 Structure of normal skin, @x1=2 maria) 1% Wit bity on 1 Triplet repeat mutations 2 Scabies treatment 8 Mering dipping 4 Parse causes of acatediarthoca 5 Hlszards of Xray exposure x15 mans) Write shore notes on 4 Carbamate insecticide poisoning. 2 Genital herpes simplex. 3 Dengue 4 cate goat 5 Dissociative (conversion) disorder Section B ‘VI. Read this paragraph and answer the felling questions ‘827 year a lady on 4th day of delivery doveloped sudden breathlessness and right ied chest ain with heemoptyis. 1 What is your dignosis? 2 Mention the clinical sign that you wil look for 3 Mention the investigation and abnormal findings 44 ow wil you manage the ease? (1484363610 mans) oe C 36234 MICROBIOLOGY—Paper II 1H, Mateh the following = 4 A B A 1 Rhizopos (a) With disease. 2 Neweatle's disease ()_ Aseptic meningitis: 8. Behe vias Co) Zygoryeetes 4 Paro virus Byy (@) Paramyxovires B 1, Plasmadium vivex (a) Rabies 2. Cryptosporidium ()_ Blood transfusion 5. Hepasits C virus {e) Coceidial parasite 4 BPL (a). Mosquito bite (gx = 4marks) MED 24. 67 (Pages:242+ Name. Reg. Now HIRD PROFESSIONAL M.B.BS. (PART II) DEGREE EXAMINATION DECEMBER 2004 (GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper I (lew Scheme) ‘Thove Hours ‘Maximum : 60 Marks Question I should be answered frst inthe response sheet provided. “Answer Sections A and B in separate answer books ‘Droio diagrams wherever necestary. ‘Answer all questions. Section A. Maltiple Choice Questions. Single response type-20 (Separate sheet attached). (20> % = 10 marks) ‘Match the follwing. Single response type-6. (Separate sheet attached), (6x1 =8 marks) Draw and label 1 Entamoeba Hystolitica-Vegetative and Cystic Forms. 2 Pathway forthe Papillary Reflex “@e1=2 mars) Write brietly on 1 Broad Spectrum Antihelminthics, 2 Hydatid Cysts 8 Gouty Toph 4 “Malignant Hyperpyrexi’ 5 Human Insulin, (x16 marks) }. Write short notes on 1 amor Neorosis Factor Alpha Antagonists, Anxiety tate Pooriatic Arthropathy. Prevention of Japanese Encephalitis Intravenous Drug Abuse (<2= 10 marks) ‘Turn over | FINAL M.BBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2005, Part Il SURGERY—Paper! (OlaSeheme) ‘Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer Seetions A and B in separate answer books Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Section A 1 Discuss the flowing — (@) Acute pancreatitis, ) Acute cholecystitis (©) Acute appendicitis (2x 6= 18 marks) 2, Write briefly on the following — (a) Congenital megacolon 0) Carcinoma thyroid (6) Radilucept stapes. () Congenital cysts (44 16 marks) 3. Write short notes on the following — (@) Femoral hrni (Testicular tortion, (2 Carcinoma kidney. @ Haemangioma (4x42 16 marke) Section B 1. (@) What are the surpical causes of vomiting ? (©) How wil you investgata «cas of vomiting ? (© Discus the treatment of one common surgical eause of vomiting (06748= 18 marke 2. Write answers for the following (a) What isthe differentia! diagnosis of epigastric mass? (0) What are the investigations of surgical jaundice ? (© How will you manage a patient with benigh prostatic hypertrphy ? (@) What ace the congenital anomalies ofthe intestines? | (44 = 16 marks 8. Write short notes on the following — | (@) Uleor, 0) Swelling | (©) Blood transfusion (@) Sinladeniti. (4x4 16 marke) Reg. No.. FINAL MBBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2005 Part IT Paper II GENERAL MEDICINE ‘Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Ansicer all questions ‘Sections A and B tobe answered in separate answer backs Section A 1. Discuss tie clinical features, precipitating factors, diagnosis and management of diabetic ketoacdosi, Gr5e5+ = 20 marks) IL Wiite briny on the following -— (@) Status asthmations, ©) Antiopileptic drugs (©) Hyporurcemia @ Choroguine resistant falsiparuim malaria, (©) Gastro aerophageal reflux disease, (©) Blood transfusion reactions - (6 5=a0 marke) Section B 1. What is meant by febrile seizures ? What ar the elinial types Disceas the important difetentil Aiagnosis. How do you investigate ? What isthe management ? @+24644+3+3=20marks) IL. Write short notes on (@) Mid-arm circumference ®) Meconium. (© Jones exter, (@) Clinica features of Thalassemia, (@) Food value of egg (© Measles Vaceine (6x 5=50 marks) MED - 27 2 cour» | 9. Haemopoesis by spleen ia seen till, (8) th mont 10 (8) sh week tt 10, ‘Transmural inflammation, tictures and cobblestone granulomas ate characteristic of (A) Ulcerative colitis (B) Croha’s disease, (©) Tuberculous weer. ) Amocbic typhi | 20457 i Paper I-GENERAL SURGERY iwcwwpwe GIT AND ORTHOPAEDICS TL Match the following — 1 Auerbach (A) Mucoss. | Schataki ®) Achalasa 3 Barret (© Peychological 4 Globus. D) User. (4 4 =2 mars) ax ae Name Reg. Now. FINAL MBBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2005, Part I GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper I ‘Taree Hours Maximum : 100 Marks ‘Section A and B to be answered in separate answer books Section A Describe the aetiopathogeness, clinical features and management of Intctive Badocanitis. (8+ 5+ 8= 18 marks) TH, Write shore nots on any four ofthe following — (@) Malignant pustle 2 () Helio bacter pylori (© Urinary tract infection (@) Extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid disease (©) Anxiety disorder. (4x42 16 marks) LL, Write short notes on any four of the fllowing :— (@) Prevention and management of venous thromboembolism, ® SIADH, (© Paraneoplastic syndromes, i hopatisancophalopathy G@ Manageme (@) Vitamin D deficiency. Section B I. Diseuss the metabolism, clinical manifestations, investigations aad management of organophosphorus poisooing (@+545+5=18 marks) 1, Write short notes op the following — (@) Casts in urine () Respiratory fallore-types ard aetiology {e) Toxic hock ayndsome, (@ Addisons disease. 4% 4-= 16 marks) Write short notes onthe following — (@) Diagnosis and management of leptospirosis. (8) Initable bowel eyndrome. (@) Acute confusionl state. (@) Management of thyrotoxiosin. (442 10 marke) a med - 24 “#3426 Pages :2 + \ FINAL MBBS. (PART Il) DEGREE EXAMINATION, OCTOBER 2005, (OENERAL MEDICINE —Paper 1 ‘ime 0 Minutes Maximom +18 Marks [Note (1) Do not write anything on the question poper (2) Wate your register number inthe ansieraheet provided (9) See one most appropriate response and encircle the caresponding alphabet guint each question number inthe ane shee proved Section AI 1 Matiple Choice Questions + 1 Kopi pats are seen in: a (A) Chicken pox 8) ‘Typhoid over (C) Measles, () Hlonoch-Scholein purpra 2 Most specif tet for SLE ie 4A) 8m Antibody. ) JoAntibods (©) Anti d-s-DNA. (©) Lupus anticoagulant. 13 Hepatotoiciy is oon with (A) Bhambutol (B) Pyrasinamide (©) Streptomycin D) Ciprofenacn, 4 Subacute combined degeneration is due wo defcony of: (A) Cyanocbelamin, @) Pyridosine. (©) Thiamine ©) Ribofavins 5 Abnormality f Nail in Porn (A) Clubbing (@) Pittng (© Kailenyehia, (D) Levconychin. {6 Which of the following drug is use in Cobra snakebite? (A) Newtigmine 8) Neomyein, (C) Praldoxime () Phumazeni. TA Protane inhibitor used in HIV is (A) Didaposin. ©) Lamivedine (©) Didevdine. ©) tndinasie 8 Pasivepatheray testis seen in A) Shgren's syndrome sue, (©) Baheats dncace, ©) Sderodeems. 9) A parasite infection causing hsematria is (A) Biharcass (B) ‘Trypanoromiass (© Letchmninis @) mooie Tara over med 30 To F 3426-4 (Pages :2) ‘eg. No. Name. FINAL MBBS. (PART Il) DEGREE EXAMINATION, OCTOBER 2005, GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper I ‘Time Two Hours anda Halt Maximum 47 Mares Anscer Sections A-Il and B in separate answer books, ‘Draw diagrams wherever neessry Section AIL TL, eww and abel 1 Ova of Hook Warm, 2 Blood pete showing Faleipa (2a 1=2marks) IV. Write briety on a BML 2. Autosomal Recestve disorders, 8. Kersakolts Paychoss 4 Wial tet 5 Kosbner phenomenon Sx 1=Smarts) V,. Write short notes on 11 Cutansous tuberelai 2 Drug therapy of Typhoid Fever {8 Anapylate shock. 4 Gouty Arthritis 5 Ritampicin, (6x2= 10 marks) Sestion ‘VL. Read the paragraph and answer the questions ‘20 year old boy is admitted in seomatae tate He has pinpaint pups and has muscle ‘witchingr Gare atpiration revealed smal of Kerooene. (a) What is the likely substance onsumed by him (8) Menton the Iaborstory ivestgation (Pager :2+3+1=6) Namen 7 PROFESSIONAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2006 Part IL GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper It (Sew Scheme) Maximum: 60 Marks “Ansucer Sections A and B in separate answer-books. rave diagrams wherever necessary Question I should be answered first in the response sheet provided ition A Choice Questions Response Type ~ 20 (Separate sheet attached) FE (20% ¥ = 10 marks) ich the following. ~ 6 Separate sheet attache). enw and label 1 Adiagrammatic representation ofa Typical Peripheral Blood Smo Myoloid Leukemia. 2 AHiydatid Cyst 2x 122 marks) Write briefly on : 1 Control of spread of Cholora in the community Management of Acute Pulmonary Oedera, Complications of Lobar Pneumonia. Diagnosis of Typhus Fever. Charcot Joint. 2 3 4 5 marks) V. Write short notes on 1 Rheumatoid Factor. 2 Phobia, 5. Peoriatic Arthropathy 4 Spread of Japanese Encephalitis, 5. Prophylaxis Against Hepatitis B. 10 marks) ‘Turn over te mep - 32 A D 27385, 8 What are the other types of immunological injuries to glomerulus ? 4 Outline the investigations 5 Outline the management (141424345 «10 mapksy VIL. Write briefly on 1 Peripheral signs of arti rogiitation 2 Chest X-ray ndings in Lt + Rt shunt like ASDIVSD. 3. Management of hypotension. 4 Polyeytic disease of kidney. 5. Paraproteinemias 6 ‘Treatment ofchronie myeloid leukemia, 7 Burkit’s lymphoma 8 Serum alkaline phosphatase 9. Hypersplenism. 10 Transient ischaemic attack (101= 10 marks) VIL Write short notes on 1 Status epilepticus 2 Pulmonary sedema, 3 Hepatic encephalopathy. 4 Aplastic anemia, 5 Migraine (8220 19markn - | ) 27385 | GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper 11 | 1 Match the lowing — 1 EEG. (2) Pancreateditinry dicisen 2 Foe, (2) Muscle disorders, 2 Eve, (© Seizure cisrders | 4 BsER (@) Candie tisases | 5 EPS@Blctrophyilel ties) (e) Intestinal ese 5 ERCP (0) Toasters brainstem Fanci. () Ocsophageal motility diseases (4) Conduction abaoemalities, ee ae Reg. Ne SROFESSIONAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2006 (GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper It ree Hours [Naximurm 60 Marks “Answer Sections A and B in separate anawer books. ‘Draw diagrams wherever necessary Section A fultiple Choice Questions. (20% = 10 marks) Single response type-20 (separate sheet attached), Match the following. (6x43 marks) F Single response type saw and label 1 BCG changes of seute myocardial infarction, 2. Schematic diagram of spinothalamic tract and label different levels 46 (separate sheet attached) (@x1-2marks) Write briefly on 1 Causes of upper, GT bleeding, Causes of normocytic normochromie anemia, Somatostatin. Laboratory diagnosis of Rheumatic fever. [MRL of brain. (x1 5:marks) ‘Write short notes on 2D Bebo. Simple partial seizure. Subarachnoid haemorrhage. Paychogenie polydipsa {Lacunarinfaret («2-10 marks) Section B 1 of limbs pofines of fae and decreased VL. A 18yoars ol female is admitted with ho swelling ‘utpat with normal blood pressure 1 What isthe provisional diagnosis? 2 What is the immunological injury? sane ees 14 ened - 34 2 F snap” All are tne regarding Bronchial Asthma except (A) Obstructive pulm disease. (B)- Hyperactivity af airways (©) Chronic inflammatory endition, (D) Autaimmune disease 8 All are feature of ellapse except (A) ‘Trachea deviatad to same side (8) Dal note aod poraeson (©) roping of shoulder on same side (D) Decreased movement. 9 Non-mtasttie manifestations of Ca. Broncos inchde all except (A) Hyper ealeenis, = (B) Hyper pigmentation. (©) Dermatomyositis () Cy. radiculopathy. 10 “Walking Paeumonia® (A). Myopia, ) Chania (©) 6. Preumocncus. (D) Paeumoeyeis 1 Noodle usd for pleural Biopsy (A) Vine Silverman (8) Abram. (©) Meng (D) Koch 12 Plural Bai amylase i high in (A) Cardige failure, (8) Paneratiie (©) Tubereulai (D)_ Nophrtie syndrome, 18, Vitamin D resistant Ricket inert at (A) Autosomal recessive (B) Ant dominent (©) Trinuceate repeat @) Xiinked 14, Mla en in ll onditions except 2 (A) Organophosphorus () Amphetamine (©) Datiturate (©) Orgaooeartamaes 18 Multiple Cranial Nerve pass can operas a complication of: (A) irk mening (8) Vira encephalitis (©) Tuberelous Meningitis (D) Paeumacoceal mening 16 Allare true in leptospiocs except (&) daundie (@)_Subconjunetival hemarhage (©) Indias one. (D) Renal failare 37 Clinical manifestation of SLE include all except (A) Prolonged tere (8) Homolytic anemia (©) dant pain (D) High BSR, MED ~ 35 74 8229-4 romat, enoessional N2.DS, ABT 1 DEGHEE LFS ONAN eCEMBEN 20 ea EDIE | Chee Shee en se ote--(1) Do not were engeing on te auesion PP 1 cymes the ona! on et ome mes appropriate rman ad 7 corresponding siphabet agoinst See ome oe number in the ance shet provided Section AY 1. Mutiple Choice Questions 1 Pleral uid LDL is high all exceont (a) Matigoanes () Raptare Beopharus (0) AG. Pancreas () Carder 4g prmumszinls in ny car min pases ve wo (ay Staph. aureus (Hetil (c) Legionelin (D)_ Paevnieystis cain 1b skin re appears on he Sst ay of fer a) Masten. (@) Chickenpox. (©) Baar fever (D) Searle tee 4 ronal yyeoss is dt the aes of amit By ® Be © Be @ By 65 Stomach wash is cotraindieated it (A), Diazepam overdose {@)_Orgunnphosphorous poisoning (c) Lactic acid piconins. (D) Paraetam poisoning {5 Complications of mumps incude all ex0ePt (a) Hepatitis (B) Onis () Meningitis (0). Bacophalitis ‘turn over men -36 2 Gano VIL ne bit on 1 Obeeivecompusive neursis © Onset of mening n HIV 3, Wolkingporamsnit 4 ¥linkd iakertane. (© Veto enter pinning BD Hyporalam. ® Women &Tenineris 2 Sjor sndrome 10 ASO tie (10% 1= 10 marks) VEIL Writ bifly on 1 Bmphysems. Clinical features complications, diagnosis end management of Tsberculous Meningie (*2=10marks) Yellecs cleanoley pers Cae oes Rg CARMA Fos, Ties hn loiycotite th te og al nen bola Ra im Stomach law a FThag aha p ine Din! oat waren He _Spoptone ap Tbe > Ne melee tsetnte soln PAL Ese 7 57 centre Fog hep Fa Ret cele DE hypurkalemnen 5 Glucose + Mein, Electing Thay statin F 6395 (Pages:2) ep -32 FINAL PROFESSIONAL MBBS. (PART I) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2007 GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper Il ‘wo Hour and Thirty minutes Masini = 47 Marke Answer Sections 4-1 and B in separate answer-books. ‘Draw diagrams wherever necessary. ‘Section Ad Draw and label 1 Conducting system ofthe heart 2 Croce sooton of apinal cond at cervical Tevel. @x1=2meks) Wii brie on: 1 Unstable angina, 2 Cardiac tamponade, 8 Aipha-1 Antiteypsin deficiency. 4 Baton-Lambert syndrome 15 Miteal flv protapee. (5x1=5 marks) Write short notes on 1 Atrial Pbition. 2 Botts pte. 8 Renal osteodystrophy. 4 Causes of chronie Aortic Reguritation, 5 Proton Pump Inhibitor . (6x 2= 10 marks) Section B | Mead the paragraph and answer the lowing questions ‘A 60 your old man who isa diabetic on oral kyporlyeemic agent ie brought in comatose ‘ate lo eamualty. He has cellulitis foc. On examination be i dehydrated tachypnovic and BP ‘oh 1 What is your likely diagnosis? A Mention the investigation, 1 Mention the ditfrentia! diagnosis, ‘Tarn over ened ~ 38 vu. vu, 2 Wie briefly on 1. Obesssve compulsive Neurosis, ~ (*1) 2 Uses of ACE Inhibitors 4 Troatoment of Hepatic Amocbiasis. “051) 44 Hypo ealeemia, (214 5 Suis disease. 6 Digoxin toxicity oe 7 Neuropathic joint. qa) x8 8° 8 Lead poisoning. ¢ 3081 $4 9 Types of Drowning (6? 20 Wernick’ encephlpatyaf!™ Write short notes on fa 1 Steven-Johneon syndrom. (%**" 2 Treatment of Vier sqake bite, 3 Leprae Reaction. 3 4 Manis depresivepaychosia: © 4) 5. Becero-convulive therapy. Gssae (10% 1= 10 mars) Meo - 39, G 5525-B (Pages: 2) Rog. Bo. a Nameoulhtss FINAL M.B.BS, (PART Il) DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2007 GENERAL MBDICINE—Paper I ‘Time Two Hours and a Halt ‘Mamma: 47 Marke Ansuer Sttions Il and B in separate ansuer-books ‘Drow diogrome wherever neessry Section All IL, Draw and label 1 Plasma cll 2 Ova of whip worm Qe 2 marks) IV. Waite briety on 1 Turner’ syndrome 2 Haaser oti. us) 4 Pollagra. Uy 4 Reiter’ syndrome, (100 5. Stokes Adam Atak, (on1=9marts) V. Wie sort ots on 1 Renal Replacement Therapy 12 Hyperplenism, + 2 Seo Negative sponse Arthropathy, 4 Treatent of Typo ever. 7) 5 Investigation in Herytic Anaomin, (62> 10 marks) Section B ‘VL. Road the paragraph and answer the questions [A125 sea old by i admitted ith fever, headache, vomiting and sere senorum of 2 days dation. On examination be has placa sot n te body and mck iy. 1 What is your aly dingnons? 2 2 How wil you invite? 9) Disc the treaties. o 4. Mention to compliston 3 Mention the prophylactic measures, (142434242210 marks) ‘Tarn over Med - 40 VIL, Weite brief on 1 2 5 ® 0 (One and a half syoisome ‘Teste of ALL. Management of ARF. Bie sigs in hyperthyroidism. ‘Treatment of Peripheral neuropathy. Dilated cardiomyopathy. s 2 Hepatitis. aera er rae Diagnosis of Cushing eymdrome. ‘Mieoabuminori. (00*1= 10 marks) IIL, Short noes on: a 2 aan Bare edn Cina eter den of Sebo bora. P 2+ 10mea9 med 4 G 8618 eages:2) Reg. No wash) mH, Na FINAL M.B.BS. (PART Il) DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2008 GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper I ‘two Hours and Thirty Minutes . Maxim: 47 Marke “Anauer Section Il and B in separate anster-ooks ‘Drow diagrams wherever necessary. ‘Section A Draw an label 1 Peighora bol oman in meqalb 2 Internal cape. 4 (ox1=2 marks ot icrianeni. 8 2 Cutty pmpente 9442 @) sito ores. T Cine enrescf Dit bts 12° 5 Renan. ugh Wie short notes on 1 ‘Ialated Sytai Hypertonson. 2 Management of hepatic encephalopathy. 9 Antilatslet drags 3 54 Traneverse melt. 5. Bisenmenger syndrome, (52-10 ma) Section B ‘At year ld male who gives history of den onset of eevee Chest pa. Examination reveals fear te 16ainute BP 60 mam esti Mee 1 What it your most probable diagnosis? mark) 2 Risk factors, precipitating eases and complistios @ marks) 4 Dilorntal diagnosis (2 masks) 44 Investigations. @ marks) 5 Management. marke) ‘Tuen over med - 42 lo 2 ce Section B. VL. Road the peragraph and answer the following questions — ‘A.20 year old male is admitted with headache, giddines, vomiting of 2 days duration. Hi Dressure was 180/110 of Hg. 11 What isthe provisional dignosis ? 2 What are the common causes of Secondary hypertension ? 3 Outline the investigation. 4 Outline the management. aeaese. VL Write brief on: 1 Second sound, 2 Ceput medusa, 3. Portoceval shunt. 4 Polymyostis. . 5 Metabolic causes of peripheral neuropathy. 6 Lupus nephritis. 1 Non-modiieble risk factor for THD. 8 Unstable angin 9 Troponin, 10. Retroperitoneal fibrosis, VIL, Write short notes on 1 VSD. 2. Madical canon of acute shdomen, 8. Acute tubular necrosis. 4 Tak 5 False localising signs in CNS diseases. Part I GENERAL MEDICINE—Peper II Maxissum : 60 Marks “Anawer Sections A and Bin separate answer books ‘Drase diagrame wherever necessary. Section A Choice Questions. (20% = 10 marks) response type-20(eeparate sheet attached) ich the following. (@*%=9 marks) le eepone type-6 (separate sheet attached). : Es 1 Aswcutogram in Mitral regurgitation. x 1=2 marks) ely on © Drugs used in hypertensive emergencies. 8 Thrombolytic therapy. “4 Subdural haematome "5: Sulttalazine, (6x 1=5 marks) 2 Conetritve pericarditis | 8. Enderine causes of hypertension. 4 CSP in Meningtin. 5 Management of Myasthenia, ——— * men - +4 wa 2 ‘What isthe provisional diagnosis” ‘What are the common causative agents ? [Name the investigations ‘What are the complications” Outline the management. VIL. Write briefly on [Neurological complications of snake bite, ets of aleobol on heart Heat exheustion. [Name anti-etoviral drugs Septic arthritis ‘Status asthamaticus, Genetic counseling. Collmedited immunity, Radiological changes in pulmonary tuberculosis. Protein-energy malnutrition. VILL, Write short notes on Criteria for rheumatoid arthritis. ‘Management of Tape-worm infection. Dapsone poisoning. [Niacin deficioney. ‘Antidepressant drugs, ca (1424262432 10mai (10x 1=10 mae (6x2=10 mar B 47804 eo} : ee wea Pages :2 +8 +1 = 8) Name. eg. Now E i | sump rRoPBSSIONAL 35:35, DEGREE EXAMINATION, JULY 208 | Parti (GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper 1 Foe Tie Hours Maxima 59 Marks | Section A 1, Muiple Coie Questions. | singe Response Type-20eparate sheet taco owners) | mst tori | sige Respise Type eearat sheet attached). (x «3 masks) | 1 Draw and label 2 Structure of chromosome. Lif eyele of plasmodim vivax (21-2 marks) Wnt briety on . “Hepatitis A Immunisation Management of pulmonary eosinophilia ‘Management of paracetamol poisoning, Diagnosis of Malaria, ‘Complements (61-5 marks) Wirite short nots on "Tines versicolor. Catatonia Polyinerase chain reaction (PCR). Amoebi liver abscess. Adult immunisation schedule. Section B ead the paragraph and answer the following questions 1.35 year old mele, smoker, allie admitted with hvo fever, chills, chest pain productive Cough with rusty sputum of 3 days duration. men - 46 a) e018 D) 52916 arks) ek) GENERAL MEDICINE—Paper I, MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Note-—(1) Do not write anything on the question paper. (@) Write your register number on the answer oheet provided. (@) Select one most appropriate response and encircle the crresponling alphabet against ‘each question inthe answer sheet provided. Which ofthe fllowing vaculitis i ikely to present with blindness? (8) Giant cll arteritis, (© Polyarterts nodosa, (©) Wegner’ granulomatosis, Red currant jelly sputum occurs with (A) Klebsiella (B) Tuberculosis, (©) Paevdomonas. ©) Paewmoeoet ‘The antidote fr paracetamol poisoning is: _ (A) Glucagon. (B) Flumazeni (©) Neacety eysteine ©) Atropine. ‘The most feared complication of antisnake venom is (A) Arrhythmis (8) Renal fire (© Anaphylaxis. (D) Hepatic failure. Hypercalcemia in tumours is due to production of (A) Parathormone. @) Calcitonin (©) Parathormone related peotide. (D) Caleitrol Predominant extrapyramidal signs occur in (A) Herp simplex encepahaliis. (8) Yellw fever. (©) West Nie fever, ©) Japanese ence Anorexia nervosa i characterized by all exept (A) Weightloss, () Lack of self contro over easing. (© Distortion ofbody image. ©) Amernorthoea ‘Which ofthe flowing is a risk factor for suicide? (A) Depression. (8) Age below 45 years (©) Females (D) No previous attempts. ‘Turn over ML vil vu stl = med~ 47 2 beanie Section B r Read the folowing paragraph and answer the following questions -— | doyear male patont diagnosed to be HIV positive one year back, new presents with fever and trenthlemnese of days Hie CDA count i 159 cll" What is your provisional diagnosis? What other pulmonary manifestations can occur ? Briefly outline the investigations and treatment for this patient. ‘What are te risk factors for acquiring HIV infection ? ‘What are the stages of HIV infection ? Wit briey on 1 Antinuclear antibody. 2 Paraneoplastic syndrome 3. Lapus nephritis, 44 Organ specific autoimmune diseases.“ 5 Side-effets of radiotherapy. 6 Live attenuated vacines. 7 5 ° Fixed drug eruptions ‘Munchausen's syndrome. Complications of pneumonias 10. Principles of drug therapy in elderly. (00 1= 10 marks) Write short notes on 1 Berber 2 Gout, 8. Delayed hypersensitivity reaction. 4 Allergic bronchopulmonary asperilloss 5 Clinical features of leprosy. (= 2=10 marks) as men - 42 i 2 G80 VIL Write briety on 1 Scorpion Bite. (*") 2 Raynaud's phenomenon 8 Acid ring 4 Patchtest. 06! 5 Brythrederma, 1044) (6 Clinical features of Miliary tube 7 Diagnostic tests of HIV infection. (4 {8 Hypertrophic pulmonary oatoarthropathy. +9 Panicdiorder. (uy) +10 Dilforntating features in liver funcon tests between vial Hepatitis and We 01 ta disease, Womens) Ons VIL. Write short notes on a 1 Stifdivease. 2. Life threatening features of Bronchial Asthma. g** 3. Bipolar disease, gst” 4 Carwbral malaria 5. TrontmentofPeoriais. (6*2=10marks) Rat bite forex Cots!) 2 Speertlons mine 6 atcha cb bt uti > lofeiy yalacers scx vad mewn each ee eee a: CYeEd yep ae soasod fren hits dccnse- — dutermmene l/s eo Fonscrt 2-Smm an yhemnkes paptls eppusay of heyhh Face om tank # UL, less ase ‘rvnnnttend ~ celaladcc + yerny sete s Fg png He pbyetbar is, gplesnaghly #04 Rab hit fever (Haver Rees) She metetyppatey enephend os Fae erent Hehae Mos mena fvones males eects, Weectenh Hence CES, bsci detamstietin® 2aqanirin vm OA ~ Peat cllr /“elcaychre 6 of temetmes denna brea pucspots 6 ee T "9276 (Pages 2) ‘THIRD PROFESSIONAL MB.BS. PART II (FINAL MBBS. PART 1D) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2008 GENERAL MEDICINE—Poper I {ane Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Maxim = 47 Marks Answer Section AI! ond B in soparate onswer boos. ‘Draw diagrams wherever nesesay. Section AL ML Draw snd label 1 HIV virus 2 Hook warm ova, (e122 marks) IV. Write briefly on 7 1 Anaphylasis. 2 Asperiloma, 2 Diaphragmatic paralysis, 4 PUVA therapy [5 Hand ft and mouth disease. (6x1 =5marka) V.. Write short notes on 1 Management of snake bite, 2 Chikungunys, 2 Heatatroke 4 Protease inhibitors 5 Cerebral malaria (6<2-10marks) VI. A 28year old male patient presente with Wo fever, myalgia of 4 days duration and breathlessness, reduced urine output of 1 day duration, O/E jaundice + BP 80/60 maHg. Respiratory systom ~ BML basal eopetation + ae 41 Whats the most probable diagnosis? mark 2 Important linia signs (marks) 'S Hove wil you investigate this case? (2 marks) 4 How wil yu teat this case? (mers) 5. What are the complications ? (marks) mep - 50 _ F 6108-4 FINAL MB.BS. (PART I) DEGREE EXAMINATION, OCTOBER 2004 GBNERAL MEDICINE—Paper 1 (New Scheme) ‘Time: 80 Minutes Masizoum : 18 Marks Note—(1) Do not write anything onthe question poper (@) Wiite your egister number in the ansueyshet provided (@) Stet ome most appropriate rexponse end ene the corespondiagaiphabit aginst 00h question uber inthe annrshet provided Seotion A 1 Multiple Chice Quetons 1 Recurrent respiratory infatons ie a fhature ofall except (4) Tetalgy of Pat. @) Ventricular septal defer. (©) Ataxia Teangicasi. @) Gastroaesophagul refer 2 Respiratory acidosis isa feature of al except (A) Interstitial palenary Sori, (B) Status Asthmatius (©) Salicylate pricaing ©) Opium poisoning. {8 linia! features of pooumothora include all exeept (A) Redueed movements on afte side (@) Hyper eoonintpereusion ete (©) Whispering pectortguy. () Decreased breath sounds 4. All ef the flowing ar indicative of severe asthma — (A) Hyper expe @) Sient cbse. (©) Altered metal statu () Pulsus paradows § mn. Hy. {5 Bag shllealeication tn blar Ip nodes is son characersialy in A) Sis (B) Toberelois. (©) Lymphoma (©) Meigs emdrome 6 Miki the eho sour of: (A) Vitamin ©) Calum (©) Vitamin D. ©) Vitenia 8, 1 Dufloacy of Flic acid can oseur in all except (A) Heomoytie coaamie @) Pheopoin therapy. (©) Pregnancy. ©) D.Latum infestation. ‘Turn over

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