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Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 4, October-December 2014, pp.


Diagnosis and operatory treatment of the patients with failed back

surgery caused by herniated disk relapse
Bodiu A
Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Correspondence to: Aurel Bodiu, MD
Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
2 Korolenko Street, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Phone: +37379668800, E-mail: [email protected]
Received: June 29th, 2014 Accepted: October 27th, 2014

The object of study: Analysis of surgical treatment results in patients with recurrent lumbar disc herniation by transforaminal lumbar
interbody fusion (TLIF) and repeated laminotomy and discectomy for the improvement of pain and disability.
Material and methods: Data analysis was performed on a complex diagnosis and treatment of 56 patients with recurrent lumbar
disc herniation who had previously underwent 1-3 lumbar disc surgeries.
An MRI investigation with paramagnetic contrast agent (gadolinium) was used for the diagnosis and differentiation of epidural
fibrosis, and a dynamic lateral X-ray investigation was carried out for the identification of segmental instability.
The evolution period after the previous surgery was between 1 and 3 years after the index surgery.
Pain expression degree and dynamics were assessed with the pain visual analog scale (VAS) in early and late postoperative
periods. Postoperative success was assessed by using a modified MacNab scale. The follow-up recording period after the last
operation was of at least 1 year, ranging from 1 to 4 years.
Results: The surgical treatment was effective in most cases, recording a reduction in pain expression level from 7.2 - 7.7 points on
the VAS scale to 1.7 - 2.1 in the early period and 2.2 2.6 in the late period (1 year).
Repeated surgery was effective in 21 of 30 (70%) cases who underwent decompression surgery without fusion and in 20 of 26
(76.9%) cases who underwent repeated surgery with transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF). Overall, postoperative success
was assessed by using a modified MacNab scale.
Conclusion: Repeated surgery is a viable option for patients who have clinical manifestations of recurrent disc herniation.
Investigation with contrast agent by MRI allows differentiating disk herniation recurrences from epidural fibrosis.
Supplementing repeated discectomies and decompression with intervertebral transforaminal fusion provide superior clinical
outcomes, especially in patients with clinical and radiological signs of lumbar segment instability.
Keywords: failed back surgery syndrome, repeated discectomy, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF), recurrent
lumbar disc herniation, repeated laminotomy

The unsuccessful surgeries rate in the back

surgery treatment is between 10 and 33% [35,7,1113].
Together with the raise in the number of surgeries, the
number of patients who need repeated surgeries has also
raised. This has led to the appearance of the notion of
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS), which is at
present considered more a special disease than a
postoperatory complication [36,12].
The largest group of patients with FBSS is
represented by the ones who underwent surgery due to
herniated lumbar disc by a posterior approach. There are
many causes for the appearance of repeated
neurovascular compression, and, among them, the
following can be mentioned: epidural fibrosis, segmental
instability, segmental stenosis and disc recurrences. Most
often a combination of these causes can be noticed
[1,2,46,14,15]. The reasons most frequently met for a

repeated surgery are the following: level error, ipsilateral

decompression, secondary stenosis through peridural
fibrosis, instability of the operated segment
The most frequent manifestation of a disc
recurrence is pain, which can be similar to the one that
served as a reason for the first surgery, and then, an
ipsilateral disc recurrence could be suspected at the same
level or could have a different dermatomal distribution, in
which case, a disc hernia at another level could be
suspected. The differential diagnosis of a recurrent disc
hernia is often difficult to establish because the disc
recurrence can be associated with neurological
manifestations specific to other pathological conditions:
lumbar stenosis, segmental instability, peridural fibrosis. A
relative clinic clue of the existence of a segmental

Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 4, October-December 2014

instability is the improvement of the lumbar pains when

the patient wears a lumbar belt. The most informative
diagnostic methods of the disc recurrences, accompanied
or not by segmental instability, are represented by MRI,
MRI with contrast agent, MRI-myelography, CT-RSG,
lateral dynamic X-ray [1,8].
The approach of the surgical treatment is
dictated by the data complex, which includes the
anamnesis, clinical picture and clinical-imagistic
correlation. A special attention must be given to the
patients who present expressed lumbar pains. In this
case, the patient must be evaluated in order to establish a
segmental instability and the surgical treatment will
include the fusion of the operated segment.
The aim of the study was the analysis of the
results of the surgical treatment of the patients with
recurrent disc hernias with the application of a
transforaminal intervertebral fusion and repeated
laminotomy with the purpose of pain and disability

Material and Methods

performed and the results of the surgical treatment of a lot
of 56 patients diagnosed with ipsilateral recurrent disc
hernias has been analyzed. The main surgical
interventions have been made in many medical centers in
the country.
In the primary surgery, the interlaminar approach
has been applied in 31 patients (55,4%), in 16 patients
(28,6%) hemilaminectomy, an in 9 (16,1% laminectomy.
The patients were exposed to a thorough
neurologic examination to appreciate the dynamics of the
neurological signs compared to the main surgery. The
basic neuroimagistic examination method was the
contrast MRI, which has allowed the differentiation
between the scar and the peridural fibrosis and a true disc
recurrence. MRI myelography was done in 50 patients
The use of a contrast agent has significantly
modified the algorithm and the treatment tactic of the
patients with postoperative failures. Due to this
investigation, it has become possible to identify and
exclude the necessity of repeated surgery of patients with
peridural fibrosis, who traditionally manifest the weakest
results. In the same time, some studies showed that the
postoperative success in ipsilateral recurrences at the
same level, which were confirmed by contrast MRI, tend
to get closer to the postoperative success of primary
The process of forming of a peridural scar lasts
for 3-4 months and the final organization takes place 6
months after the surgery. The internal organization of the
intervertebral disc and the healing of the fibrous ring take
place in the same period of time. The mature scar tissue

is very well vascularized by a fine capillary network. The

administration of the contrast agent leads to an increase
of its concentration in the scar and the presence of a
better signal in T1w. The MRI scanning was realized 15
minutes after the administration of Magnevist contrast
agent in a concentration of 0,3mmols/kg through the
administration of 7,5ml of contrast agent intravenously.
The 15 minutes time interval after the administration of
contrast agent in the scar is maximum, and, in the
pulposus nucleus, it is practically absent. In this case, the
recurrent disc hernia is manifested as a hypointensity
area surrounded by a capsule which captures the
contrast agent.
In turn, the pulposus nucleus starts to contrast to
the 30th minute after the administration of Magnevist
contrast agent. The presence of some areas surrounded
by hypersignal zones is characteristic for the recurrent
disc fragments or the residual disc fragments of scar
tissue. The repeated surgery was realized at an interval of
at least a year after the previous surgery, with a time
interval of 1 to 3 years. The patients who presented
clinical and radiological signs of segmentary instability
associated with foot pain have been obligatorily evaluated
to determine the radiological instability. Moreover, all the
patients with expressed lumbar pains, accompanied by
foot pains have been subjected to lateral dynamic MRI.
This way, 30 patients with recurrent disc hernias without
segmentary instability symptoms, and 26 patients with
segmentary instability, have been identified.
The surgical technique was modified according
to the changes that took place in the spinal canal after a
discectomy surgery. When the decompression without
fusion was planned, the surgery was done by skin incision
on the line of the old scar with a blunt muscle detachment
to the lamina. In case the lamina lacked, the incision and
the muscle detachment have been easily extended
superiorly to the base of the superior lamina. Usually, the
repeated approaches are accompanied by more extended
bone resections, which are conditioned by the necessity
of identifying a segment without a scar and saved
anatomical reports. The identification of lamina backlogs
was done at the base of the spinous apophysis, closer to
the medium line. An initial delimitation of the edge of the
lamina and of the subjacent dural sac was done by
dissector and Kerrison 1 bone punch. The dissection and
discectomy stages were totally realized with the
microscope. After the identification of the lamina edge, a
lateral-superior resection of the obliquely oriented lamina
was realized, through this obtaining a better exposure of
the disc space and a larger mobility space for the
execution of the maneuver. This moment is very important
especially in cases of repeated surgeries due to the
reduced mobility caused by the existent peridural fibrosis.
The lateral-superior extension of laminotomy, associated
with additional foraminotomy, allowed the obtaining of an


Journal of
o Medicine and
d Life Vol. 7, Issu
ue 4, October-D
December 2014

adequate exxposure of reccurrent hernia, the nervouss root

and the disc space, withoout compromissing the stability of
the zygapophysial joint. A special attenntion was giveen to
the lateral extension
of the resectionn in order noot to
overcome 500% of the widthh of inferior joint apophysis..
Trannsforaminal lumbar inteervertebral fuusion
(TLIF) was applied in a lot of 26
2 patients. The
w done bothh on the line of
o the
transforaminaal approach was
old scar andd through paraamedian incissions togetherr with
an approachh through Willtse space. The
T transforam
approach haas a series of
o advantagess, which are very
important especially
inn repeated surgeries. The
transmusculaar access offfers an operaative way, without
scars and rissk of lesion of the dura, the angle of acccess
towards the vertebral peddicle being of approximately 15
degrees, whiich is comfortable to place the transpediicular
screws at levvel L3-S1. In case
the presence of a massive
peridural scaar is noticed, the transforam
minal approachh can
be realized by starting with the external part off the
allows the precoccious
zygapophysiaal joint. This
identification of the nervouus root and itss protection during
the bone reseection, with thhe purpose of decompressioon. In
order to obtaain a better exxposure of the disc space and to
avoid traction, the bone resection
wass completely done
from one peddicle to the othher, with the complete
of the neural foramen. An inferior resecction of the sacrum
was needed at level L5-S11 in order to have
a comforrtable
access anglee to disc L5-S11.
Disccectomy wass done only after a com
decompression and the suufficient mobilization of the root,
with the purrpose of avooiding an avuulsion of the root
caught in thee scar. The inntervertebral fuusion was reaalized
with a banaana-shape caage in the PE
EEK, placed inn the
1/3 anterior side
s of the inttervertebral space. The cage in
the PEEK, buut also the inteervertebral sppace was filledd with
EquivaBone osteoinductivve material to stimulate the
Medtronic, US
SA) transpediicular
fusion. Leggacy 5.5 (M
stabilization system with screws and rods
was useed for
fusion. The ipsilateral TLIIF imagistic reesults in a paatient
with disc reecurrence wiith segmentaary instability are
presented in Fig. 1.

The patieents have beeen repeatedlyy examined att

3, 6 and 12 monnths postoperratively, then only once a
yearr. The dynaamic of the painful synndrome wass
undeerlined by ussing the visuaal analogue scale
of painn
(Fig. 2). An indeependent exaaminer analyzzed the finall
posttoperatory success at 1-33 years after the surgery,,
accoording to MacNab scale (Taable 1) [18]. The
T functionall
disability was highhlighted by thee Oswestry Disability Indexx
(ODI) scale ver. 2.1.
2 (Table 2) [[16,17].

Fig. 2 The
T visual-analoogue scale of paain
Table 1. Modifieed MacNab scale of higghlighting thee
postooperative resultts
Without impoortant pains. Without
activities resstrictions. Goingg back to the
previous thinng or the previoous activity


Occasional nnon-radicular paains that can

be controlledd by anti-inflammatory
remedies. Thhe patient is appt for work, but
with certain m
modifications inn the working


A functional modest improvvement; the

patient is inaapt for work, thee presence of
the handicapp or the impossibility to enjoy
the recreatioon activities duee to severe
intermittent ppains.


Objective siggns of radicularr implication.

Without an aamelioration or an
a insufficient
amelioration to improve thee working
activities or tthe activities reggarding the
social life. Neecessity of an evaluation
and repeatedd surgical treatm

Table 2. The interprretation of the sccore obtained as a result of thee

evaluuation, accordiing to Oswesstry social and professionall
disabbility scale

Fig. 1 Recurrrent disc herniaa of L5-S1, on the

t right side
a. imagistic aspect (contraast MRI); b. postoperative MR
unilateral TLLIF with a cagee in PEEK; c. postoperative CT,
axial aspect



% - 20%

The patientss can cope with all the usual

daily activitiees. No special treatment is
needed, onlyy limitations impposed at
lifting weightts and in doing exercises.

% - 40%

The patientss have serious problems

walking, sitting or in maintaaining a
vertical posittion for a longer period of
time. The caapacity of travelling or having
a social life is possible but with
significant diifficulties. Somee patients are
not able to w
work (according to the

Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 4, October-December 2014

specific of the working activities).

Personal care, sexual life and sleep are
not severely affected, which allows the
maintenance of the satisfactory stage
through non-operatory treatments.
41% - 60%

The pain persistence represents the

main problem in this group of patients
and, this pain affects even the daily
basic activities. A thorough evaluation
for the decision regarding the further
treatment graphic is needed.

61% - 80%

Lumbar pain, located in the leg highly

affects all the aspects of the life of the
patient. Active invasive measures are

81% - 100%

The patients are bed-ridden or they


Results and Discussions

The accusations and the clinical manifestations
that have led to the repeated addressing to medical care
services are highlighted in Table 3. All the patients had
different expression degrees of pains in the foot. In a lot of
patients, the pain in the foot was accompanied by pains in
the back. Most of the patients experienced differently
expressed neurological disorders, and, 14 patients (25%)
manifested signs of incomplete cauda equina syndrome.
Table 3. Patients clinical manifestations, n (%)
Clinical manifestations
Chronic pains in the foot (accompanied or not
by lumbar pains)
Cauda equina syndrome
Sensitivity disorders
Motor deficit
Neurogenic claudication

56 (100%)
14 (25%)
48 (85,7%)
17 (30,4%)
39 (69,6%)

Contrast MRI represents the main investigation

that allowed the identification of the cause of neurologic
deficit in most of the cases, especially in patients
previously operated. The patients who experienced
important lumbar pains were recommended to undergo
lateral dynamic lumbar MRI.
Beside the recurrent disc hernia, which was
identified in all the cases, in 10 patients (17,9%), the disc
recurrence was accompanied by a high degree of
peridural fibrosis, and, in other 15 patients (26,8%), the
extrusion of the disc fragments took place due to the
presence of a lumbar canal stenosis, which was not
solved by the surgery itself or was recurrent at the
operated level. This way, all the cases presented a
neuronal compression and a disco-radicular conflict,
which represented the target of microsurgery
The clinical and radiological segmentary
instability signs have been detected in 26 patients. All
these patients were subjected to a decompression

treatment followed by a transforaminal intervertebral

fusion. Out of 26 patients, in 20, the TLIF procedure was
followed by bilateral transpedicular stabilization and 6
benefited from a unilateral stabilization due to symptoms
The pain expression degree was highlighted by
using the visual-analogue scale of pain. It was noticed
that the efficiency of pain amelioration in foot and back
easily decreases according to the postoperative examined
period. In addition, at 6 months postoperatively, a medium
expression of 1,7-1,9 points of pain was highlighted
according to the AVD scale, while, at 1 year
postoperatively, the number has risen even more, to 2,22,4 points.
One of the criteria underlined was the sufferance
period after the main surgery. It was noticed that the
patients who underwent surgery in 6-12 months after the
main surgery, showed results superior to the group of
patients who had a sufferance period of 2 years and even
more (80,4% vs. 37,5% according to MacNab scale)
p<0,05. These data were also confirmed in the case of
evaluating the patients by using Oswestry (ODI) functional
disabilities appreciation questionnaire - (73,2% vs. 21,4%)
patients with minimum disabilities at 6-12 months vs. >24
months after the first surgery.
The brief data obtained showed that, generally,
the repeated surgical treatment proves a high degree
success rate in ipsilateral disc recurrences. This efficiency
was greater in the case of the treatment by transforaminal
intervertebral fusion (70% vs. 76,9%), a fact that is
explained through a wider transforaminal approach, a
better decompression possibility, a reduced manipulation
of the neuronal structures and a reduced risk of dura
The main condition that assures the
postoperative success is represented by the removal of all
the neuronal compression factors with the maximal
preservation of integrity of the posterior support elements
of the spine in case of solitary decompression and the
correct technical realization of the transforaminal fusion in
cases of stabilization surgeries. These objectives were
possible in the case of clinical neurological rigorous
postoperative examinations and of contemporary
neuroimagistic examinations. The perfect surgical
technique, the thorough hemostasis and the
decompression adequate to the neuronal structures, can
all assure a clinically satisfying result of the patients who
deal with a failure after a lumbar discectomy.

The surgery repeated due to an initial
postoperative failure needs a rigorous clinical-imagistic
evaluation, which should also include the contrast MRI,
which allows the differentiation between a disc hernia
recurrence and the peridural fibrosis. Superior-lateral
discectomy through laminotomy represents a surgical


Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 4, October-December 2014

measure sufficient for the cases of disc hernia recurrence

without instability signs. The supplementation of radicular
decompression with a transforaminal intervertebral fusion
is argued from a physiopathological point of view in the
cases in which there are clinical or segmentary instability

radio-imagistic signs. According to Oswestry and MacNab

evaluation scales, the best results can be obtained in
cases of surgeries that take place in a time interval of at
most 12 months after the main surgery.




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