Script Kiddie Cookbook
Script Kiddie Cookbook
Script Kiddie Cookbook
Computer Security
for Everyday Users
Copyright 2005
Matthew J. Basham
The Script Kiddie Cookbook: Computer Security for Everyday Users
Matthew J. Basham
Copyright ©2005
Published by:
Lulu Press (
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher
or the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Any reproductions
for learning purposes should be reported to authors for accounting purposes
([email protected])
Table of Contents of the Script Kiddie Cookbook available at
Chapter 9:
Downloading stuff from the web
• Introduction
• What about when I need to download things for work?
• Geek Stuff: Virus basics
• Summary
• Exercises
One of the biggest problems with letting people use the web is the apparent isolation
of each user. Just because you are relatively alone while you are using the Internet
does not mean you are not being watched. Many times people forget their computer
is part of a bigger mesh of computers. At any given point monitoring can and usually
is taking place. EVERYTHING in a school network passes through multiple
monitoring devices. Are you using an instant messenger (AOL©, MSN©, Yahoo!©,
ICQ©, et. al)? Everything can be recorded with monitoring devices. I know it all
sounds Orwellian, but in today’s litigious society schools need to monitor everything
very carefully. What most schools are not doing is following up on those huge logs
and policing the activities of its users…at least not yet.
Several years ago there was a couple of websites that were being touted as being very
funny. The first one is called the “frog in the blender” or the “fish bowl blender” of
the same vein. In short you could push a button that blended the fish or frog into a
frothy little puree. Why? Some people thought it was a lot of fun. The other site was
called the “Hamster Dance” website.
All that site contained was a mesmerizing little flock of hamsters doing a simple
little dance with this catchy little tune that you could not get out of your head for days
upon end. This website, like the frog in the blender, also spawned bunches of other
sites like the “cow dance,” “fish dance,” and others.1
You would not believe how many people have seen many of these sites. Why am I
bringing them up here? I am bringing them up because the “frog in the blender” and
“fish bowl blender” websites were made for purely malicious activities. The
everyday user has no idea, which site is innocent and which is not innocent.
Depending upon which sites you may have visited one iteration of the “frog in the
blender” was set up by hackers to become a Trojan horse. In everyday terms, by you
merely pushing the button to make the frog or fish shake you had inadvertently turned
your computer into a computer that the hacker could control at any time. Oh I know,
your school has firewalls and other safety measures. But the problem is: SECURITY
IS ONLY AS GOOD AS IT’S WEAKEST LINK. By you activating this blender you
have created a hole, from the inside of the network to the outside of the network, for
the hacker to use…they basically have by-passed all of your security. We call them
Trojan’s in reference to the Trojan Horse in Greek History…“Beware Greeks bearing
The other incarnation of these blenders (hackers are big-time copy-cats) starts the
same way: you press the blend button. Only this time you have unknowingly
downloaded a virus on to your computer. When you have this virus it will sit in
hiding until May 28th and then become “active” and erase everything on your hard
drive. How do you know it is there? You can search for these files: blender.exe or
Frog picture retrieved May 16, 2003 from
fish.exe.2 Even the cutest little sites can be dangerous to your files and the school
network in general.
A good overall rule is to never download anything or “execute” or “play any
games” with your work computer. If you want to download a game, or to visit a
funny site then do it at home. It is not worth losing your job over something like
this…it may seem trivial to you but when just visiting one cute little site you usually
cannot help but send it to your friends. And then they “activate” it and send it to their
friends. Next thing you know an epidemic is on hand. Who looked at it first? We
can find out from our logs and pinpoint them. Again, do this stuff at home because it
does not belong at work.
Figure 1—IE page for frog picture download.
Figure 2—Right click on the frog and select “Save Picture As.”
Figure 3—Saving the picture in a folder on my computer.
I saved the picture in a folder called “downloads” in the “my pictures” folder as
shown in figure 3 above. Next we need to start the virus scanner. St. Petersburg
College has chosen Mcaffee’s Virus Scanner and the tool of choice. To start the
process use the “start” button on your taskbar (usually the lower left-hand side of the
screen), find the “Network Associates” link, then “Virus Scan” (see figure 4).
Figure 5—Mcaffee Virus Scan “On demand” console.
Once the pop-up “on-demand” window comes up then use the “browse” button to
navigate to your folder with the frog picture in it. Usually you should be able to just
select “my documents” then “my pictures” and you are there. I also added a
“downloads” folder as shown in figure 6 below.
Next look at figure 6 on the options on the lower left-hand side of this window. You
can select “default files,” “all files,” or “user specified files.” Since I am only putting
things in here that I download (and is thus a very small number) then I will switch it
to “all files” as shown in figure 7 on the next page. Then you just need to click on the
“scan now” button on the upper right hand corner and Mcaffee will scan everything in
that folder. When Mcaffee is finished you will see a window like in figure 8 on the
next page.
Figure 7—Switching the scan to “all files.”
Figure 8—Results of scanning the folder where the frog picture was placed.
Ok. So you are out of the woods. There appears to be no problem with viruses, at
this time, for the frog picture. In figure 9 I am showing you a screen shot of what
happens when you have viruses of some sort on your computer. Should I be worried?
Only if I did not know what I was doing. Being a computer guy I know those
“infected” files are actually programs for testing network security and that they show
up as “Trojans” because that is the very nature of the program.
Figure 9—Output from scanner showing “infected” files.
Furthermore, during the scan if you have an infected file the scanning will stop and
ask you if you wish to delete the file. In most cases I would say “most definitely” to
delete the file. Being an inquisitive computer guy I usually save the file off on
diskette first, then re-scan a couple of times to make certain the file is gone. I have a
couple of diskette storage bins full of viruses that I use in classes where I teach
students how to remove them. There are even sites that sell CD-roms with thousands
of viruses on them.3 Usually teenagers are out there buying these things and bringing
them in to school on floppy disks or CD’s and they will sometimes have viruses right
on the same one they turn their assignments into you with. To keep it simple I would
always ask for paper copies of assignments.
As our classrooms move to being more technologically savvy we will have to
ever more vigilant about our use of virus scanners. At some schools, like the
University of Florida, students come into the classroom, hook their laptop into an
Ethernet jack in the seat, download their homework assignments and then upload
their next assignments right onto their laptop. There has been considerable debate
about implementing this style of classroom in community college settings. On one
hand, having students purchase laptops would save considerable resources for other
projects. Since budgets are being hacked and slashed at an alarming rate this would
seem like a good idea. On the other hand, by putting the burden of purchasing
computers on the students in a community college setting we may be inadvertently
segregating our educational facilities into the people who can afford laptops and those
See, for example,
who cannot. Those who cannot would not be able to attend. Alas the debate will
rage on for quite some time I am sure.
Viruses in a Nutshell
Computer viruses were started back in the mid-1960s as an attempt at creating
artificial intelligence. The early writers wanted to create a computer program that
could learn from its mistakes and become better. Biological viruses work in the same
fashion, they replicate and usually become stronger with every iteration. We have yet
to create a program capable of “thinking” for itself but with every new generation of
super-computer we are coming closer to the day this will happen.
There are many good anti-virus packages out there like Norton, F-Prot, PC-Cillin, Dr.
Solomon, and others but I happen to like Norton for home use and Mcaffee on a
corporate-style network. Basically all virus scanners work the same way: they use a
“test” pattern4 to compare against files. There is a rumor that virus companies are
responsible for creating and releasing many viruses onto the network. How else can
they have “fixes” (also known as patches) for them within hours after the new strain
of virus is first discovered?
While you may be shopping for virus protection packages you may encounter
claims of “will detect 97%” of all viruses or “will detect 98% of all viruses.” If, like
me, you are a mathematically minded person you will probably be tempted to buy
several hoping to raise that detection up to almost 100%. I can urge you now to only
use ONE anti-virus package. The test pattern in one virus checker will cause a “false
positive” reading when another virus checker is running. In short, you will be
chasing many “ghost” viruses that do not exist and may even end up causing damage
to your system.
In this chapter you learned downloading things from the Internet onto your work
computer can cause you to inadvertently put viruses on your computer if not done
properly. It can even cause you to lose your job in some circumstances. The bottom
line is to only download things on the Internet for work-related purposes only and to
virus scan them thoroughly using the latest version of scanning software. You cannot
avoid viruses but you can severely reduce the chances of being infected by one.
Since most user policies are written to put the burden on the user you need to know
this stuff (it’s a technical term).
Exercise 1
1. Go out to the web and find some pictures or icons to use in creating a
powerpoint presentation for your class.
2. Save the pictures to a folder on your hard drive.
3. Virus scan the folder and all of its contents.
Exercise 2
1. Ok, now let’s have you try to run a virus scan on a diskette. Your instructor
should be giving you a diskette for you to use.
Commonly called the “EICAR” test pattern.
2. If your diskette has a virus on it then what procedures would you take to remove
the virus?
Exercise 3
1. From time to time you should check on the version of virus scanner your
computer is using. More importantly you should check that the latest virus
update files have been applied. Remember its your computer and your
responsibility to check this…you will need to notify the help desk for any
updates if needed.
2. What are your procedures for putting in a work order for your computer?
Chapter 14
Having fun on the Internet…or not
• Introduction
• History files
• Favorites
• Daemons
• Geek stuff: Cookies basics
• Summary
There are times when you might be out on the Internet looking for something for
work and you might start to stray. Maybe it is a pop-up ad that gets your attention or
maybe you accidentally went to the wrong site…in either case there are several things
that happen on your computer and the network that “record” where you have been. In
this chapter we will look at how this information is recorded on your computer and
how it is removed. How it is recorded and removed on the network is out of your
control so, again, the best thing to do is keep your surfing habits to work-related sites
only (even if you are on a break).
History files
Just like Hansel and Grettle did in the Hans Christian Anderson story when you
go out on the Internet you leave a little trail behind you of everyplace you go. To the
lay person you can easily clear out your “trail” by clearing your history files. The
history file was created to actually save you time when traveling over the Internet.
Have you ever wanted to return to a website by starting to type it in only to have your
computer finish the address for you? This happens because the computer matched
what you typing to the addresses stored in your history file.
By clearing out your history file you can already see plusses and minuses. A plus:
no one can usually come behind you and see what sites you have visited. A minus:
you will have to re-type every website again. Let’s go see what dirty little sites that I
have been to on my computer. Since I have been using Internet Explorer (IE) lately,
as most people seem to do we’ll use IE. First let’s open up IE and then click on the
little down arrow to “see” some of the past sites visited (see figure 15-1).
So it’s a bit nice to see all of those sites sometimes, especially if you visit them
often (for work, of course). But that is why we have a “favorites” folder to hold that
information. Let’s actually clear out your history file. At the toolbars in IE click on
the “Tools” pull down menu and select “Internet Options.” You should see a pop-up
window similar to figure 15-2.
Figure 15-1—Looking at your history file.
Next, look down near the lower right-hand corner in the “History” box. Y will see a
button named “Clear history.” Another pop-up window will ask you if you really
want to clear your history files (which you do) so click “yes.” Next click on the “ok”
button on the Internet Options window to make it close out. Now let’s look at our
“history” again (see figure 15-3).
Figure 15-3—Cleared history file.
It does not take very long to do but you also have to remember the next time you visit
a site you are generating more entries in your history file. How do you think you
could set your computer to never keep anything in your history file? This way you
will not have to keep clearing all those sites every now and then? You just pulled up
that Internet Options window a second ago and cleared the history file (figure 15-2).
If you look to the left of that clear history button you will see an option for keeping
those files in your history file. By default it is set to keep them for 20 days. If you
set that to keep them for 0 days you will not see anything ever appear in there.
You may be diligent in removing those history files or have even set it to not
contain any at all but there are other ways to find information on your computer. One
easy tell-tale place is within your “favorites” list. Here you may have “bookmarked”
an Internet site for easy return. This one is really easy to see. In IE just click on the
“favorites” pull down menu (see figure 15-4). As we have said all through this
manual it is easy when you know how.
Figure 15-4—Looking at the “favorites” pull down menu.
So another good tip is: if you do not want anyone to see where you have been on the
computer do not keep history and do not book mark a site. Of course you still have to
remember if you computer is on a network at school your websites visited are also
recorded at possible several high power computers.
Privacy tab in Internet Options settings (accept or deny cookies).
The Internet is a wonderful place. There are millions of different sites for you to
visit and even more new ones being added everyday. The websites you visit usually do
not have any real way of keeping track of all of the specifics of each visitor to their site
and what they did while they were there. This would require an enormous amount of
resources for every single website. Instead website programmers use something called a
“cookie” to keep track of your access. Instead of putting it on their website, they keep it
on your workstation. When you visit the site again the website accesses that cookie from
your computer and can even use that information to “greet you by name” upon the second
visit to their website.
The term “cookie,” as it relates to computer technology, is not that new. In fact
the term “cookie” is a descendent of the UNIX operating system (written in 1969)
function called “magic cookie.” Magic cookies, in UNIX, are used for transferring small
“tokens” of information between two computers. In fact, Macintosh computers do not
use the name “cookies” but sticks with the UNIX name “MagicCookies.” It performs
very much the same function as Windows-based cookies.
Like we said, a cookie is a text file full of information about you, the pages you
visited, any usernames and passwords (usually encrypted), and information about
anything you have downloaded from their site. As with everything else we have rules
that apply to cookies to which website programmers try to adhere:
1. Usually there is one cookie (or more) “set” per website that you visit.
2. Cookies are to be no more than 4 kilobytes in size.
3. No more than 20 cookies per website, server, or domain, SHOULD be set
on your workstation.
4. No more than 300 cookies should exist on your computer at any time. If
this limit is exceeded then the newer cookies should be written over the
oldest cookies.
Let’s open one up! What? Don’t have any? Let’s make some! Open Internet Explorer
and go to You should see a cookie appear with the Disney name in
there somewhere (in your cookie folder) along with several other cookies (we’ll get to
those in a moment). Then open it up. You should see a line like this:
An interesting thing is to copy that line from word pad (it will open in word pad by
default) and then copy it to Windows 2000…that one line of text breaks into several lines
with line breaks (a.k.a “carriage returns”). Hmmm…looks like another opportunity for
reverse engineering with a decompiler. (Before you try it on my data I changed it…nice
try). Sometimes the cookies will even include usernames, passwords, machine ID
numbers, IP addresses, ISP from which the request originated, etc. In short, they are
some mighty powerful little things.
Let’s try this again for Netscape Navigator on a Windows 95/98/2000 machine:
1. Open up Windows Explorer.
2. Navigate to “C:\” drive.
3. Then “Program Files.”
4. Then “Netscape.”
5. Then open the “users” folder.
6. If you do not have one for your id then open the “default” folder
7. You should find a file called “cookie.txt.” Here all cookie information
is kept in one file.
What’s that? You see cookies from sites in there like,,,,, and other websites even though you
know you have never been there? That is one of the growing legal issues surrounding the
use of cookies. It generally falls under the “privacy” category in law because most of this
is taking place without your knowledge. Basically your information stored in your
cookies is being “harvested” and sent to central database clearinghouses and then resold
to direct marketing companies when you visit some websites. These things are
“transparent” to you, as the user, whether you like it or not. Wait until we get to the lab
on SPAM! Ever wonder how that junk mail shows up in your email box even though
your company has a (seemingly) strict anti-spam policy? Yup…these transparent cookies
are the culprits.
Only hosts within the specified domain can set a cookie for a
domain and domains must have at least two (2) or three (3) periods
in them to prevent domains of the form: ".com", ".edu", and
"". Any domain that fails within one of the seven special top
level domains listed below only require two periods. Any other
domains are: "COM", "EDU", "NET", "ORG", "GOV", "MIL", and "INT".
The default value of domain is the host name of the server which
If a cookie is marked secure, it will only be transmitted if the
communications channel with the host is a secure one. Currently
this means that secure cookies will only be sent to HTTPS (HTTP
over SSL) servers.
If secure is not specified, a cookie is considered safe to be sent
Remember: this is the code for transmission…not source code of cookies. Don’t get
them confused. We’ll look at the transmission code in the next section. Before we move
on to protocol inspectors let’s look at HTML source code a bit.
Ok. You can even compare it with the source programming code if you want. The
easiest way is to view the source code of a website that places cookies on your computer.
Then copy and paste the source code into a blank Front Page document. Now you can
“reverse engineer” html code live (without any legal repercussions). Be sure to copy the
source code, then disconnect from the web before editing the code. Never try to “upload”
your source code to anything connected to the Internet. Talk about being in deep-
kimchee. Front Page even changes the colors of some of the words to show which ones
are tags, attributes, comments and scripts, etc. Ok. So now let’s look at a sample script
for placing cookies onto your computer. Here is one I found on the AOL website
(emphasis added):
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"
SRC=""></SCRIPT><script language =
function rdc(rUrl) {
location.href='' + rUrl;
function popWin(url){
var popWin=
function doSubmit() {
document.cookie = "cookietest=yes; path=/;";
var testCookie = document.cookie;
if (testCookie.indexOf("cookietest=yes") == -1) {
alert('Please turn your cookies on.');
} else {
var sn = document.loginform.screenname.value;
var isEmail = sn.indexOf('@');
if (isEmail > -1) {
makeSN= sn.substring(0,isEmail);
Source: 14 June 2002.
I got that code by opening up the AOL web page and then looking at the source code
(view> source). Then I copied it into Front Page, disconnected from the web, and pasted
it into a new Front Page web (use the HTML tab). This is one easy way to determine if a
website is placing cookies on your computer. The only problem is, though, once you
open up the page the cookies are already downloaded to your computer (unless you
disable them). From this example we can see AOL is placing cookies on our computer.
Heck they even have a test to see if we have cookies enabled, then they ask us to turn
them on!
Want to learn more about the programming side of cookies? Here is a great link
on how to do that! (If it doesn’t work or changes then start with
Assignment #1:
1. What programming language is being used for the AOL code? Be as specific
as possible.
2. Can you reverse engineer the code above to determine exactly what is being
done line-by-line? Use Front Page to test your hypotheses.
3. Find 5 websites not mentioned within this lab and reverse engineer their code
to determine the programming syntax for placing cookies.
al.), certain E-commerce sites (U.S. Plastic,, et. al.), and educational
sites (, certain links at the University of Michigan,, et. al.) then you can
still disable them and install a program like the “anonymizer” (
Before we start disabling our cookies let’s go out and delete our cookies/cookie
entries. Once we are finished then double-check they are still enabled by going to If you received cookies, then great! Delete the entries/the cookies and
follow these instructions to disable cookies from being received on your computer:
Disabling the cookies in Netscape Navigator:
1. Open the browser.
2. Select edit>preferences.
3. Then click on the “advanced” button.
4. Click on the “disabled” radio button. It should look like this:
Now let’s verify they are not working by going out to again. Check your
cookies file/folder and there should be no entries/new cookies there. Bingo! That’s what
we wanted.
Chapter 17:
How to stop those frigging pop-up ads
Ok so in this chapter let me take some time to talk about something that can really
tick some people off: pop-up ads. Just when people were learning about filtering and
stopping access to some sites someone smarter came up with a way to get their ads for
enlarging your penis or maximizing your profits through in such a way that had people
baffled for a while.
The bottom line to any event is that it involves some aspect of programming. We
saw it back in the chapter on passwords and how things are stored in the user.dat file; we
saw it in the port scanning chapter; we saw it in the section on cookies. Geeze, does it
ever end? Apparently not.
What a pop-up ad does is just what it sounds like: it pops-up when you open an
Internet window. The real annoyance is that it usually doesn’t open just one window,
you usually get many windows opening usually when you try to close your other
Some people used their knowledge of DOS to run a list of active network
connections to identify from “where” the IP addresses of these ads were coming. No
good, because the addresses were spoofed (fake). Still others tried to “up” the security
levels of their Internet Explorer window and all this did was make it difficult to do
anything on the Internet.
By now, if you have gone through this book a bit at a time, you will have realized
things on the Internet are not what it seems and there are usually work arounds for
So, lets show you how to make a system restore point. First using your start button pull
up the help menu:
Then, you can see under the “Pick a task” section the third selection “undo changes to
your computer with system restore.”
Then on the next screen you can give your “new” restoration point a name:
Then, later you can select your restore point later. I would recommend loading all of
your stuff on your new computer, creating a restore point and then going and playing on
the Internet. Basically what you are doing is creating a new copy of your registry that has
all of your modifications on it. If you start running into pop-up ads then all you have to
do is restore your registry and the pop-up ads will disappear. That, is the easiest way to
stop pop-up ads.
Let’s take a second and talk about the “alternatives.” Many people like to
recommend using Adaware, Spybot, or some other program for removing pop-up ads.
All those programs are nothing more than utilities that modify your registry. If you know
a bit about computers then you know that any time you modify your registry you run the
risk of things not working. I was playing around with them for this chapter and Adaware
actually stopped the pop-up ads but also removed all of my drivers for my CD-rom and
DVD burners. So, I had to restore my registry again to get my drivers back. Once again,
this seems to be the easiest way to fix the problem.
Ok, now let’s dig a bit into those registry settings to see exactly which ones are
changed. Unless you know what you are doing you should never get into the registry,
even to look. Murphy’s Law really applies to the registry: what can go wrong usually
If you have never gone into the registry the easiest way is to use the start button
on the taskbar and select run the “regedit.”
What we have here in the left panel is sort of the “folder” that the “setting” is contained
within (the right panel). ON the right side you can add a value, its type, and set the data.
Please keep in mind that each pop-up ad program is unique and may be in one or several
places. What I am about to give you is an example of on style of pop-up ads when
someone uses Internet Explorer AND this pop up ad program tailors the ads towards the
URL’s used in IE to increase the likelihood of purchase through communication with an
off-site server. This program is called “Apropos/media5” which can be installed by a
program called “wildmedia.” This one, unlike others, can be seen in the add/remove
programs window. It will be called something like “AM Server,” “SysAL,” or “CtxPls.”
That should take care of removing it but I want to give you the registry stuff. First, after
opening the registry navigate to the following folder:
There also are some variants for this particular pop up ad generator but you can go to the
website to find out more instructions. These pop up ads are nothing more than programs
that are installed on your computer. It’s just up to you to make sure they are cleaned off
properly. I prefer the system restore option for best results.
One last point about the registry: I tried to make my registry read-only and it
creates many problems. I thought if no one could write into my registry then it would be
an easy way to stop pop-up ads for everyone. The only problem is the registry is a work-
place for the operating system and it really needs to be accessible. Oh, and before you try
it I also tried changing the directory to a “hidden” directory and it didn’t work either.
Let’s think this thing through a bit…hackers hate Microsoft. Microsoft is used on
the majority of computers. Hackers write programs to take advantage of exploits in
Microsoft. The answer is seemingly simple: ditch using Microsoft. Ok, so most people
will not want to do that, so what you can do instead is ditch Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Most pop-up ads are written to be used and enabled through Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Instead we can download and use another browser. I would say use Netscape Navigator
but that is too popular too. Same problems, different channel. Instead I like to use the
Mozilla FoxFire browser on the computer for my wife. It is very similar in appearance
and usage to IE. Heck, she really doesn’t know the difference.
Interestingly enough when I picked up the paper this morning it contained an
article about one of the primary developers of Mozilla. You just got to try it. See? It
even looks like IE but without any of the problems. Plus, it is open source so that is good
If you select tools>options you will see some of the options available to you in Mozilla:
Chapter 15:
E-mail and SPAM
• Introduction
• E-mail etiquette
• Acceptable use of e-mail at work
• What to do with SPAM once you receive it
• What about using my home e-mail account on the school network?
• Geek stuff: SPAM basics
• Summary
I would bet you would be very hard pressed to find someone in a school, who deals
directly with students, that does not use e-mail in some fashion. Oh sure some of the
facilities people may not, but we are still dealing with a very small number. Even still
proper use of e-mail has never really been taught. Just like you may have been instructed
on how to answer the phone, how to transfer phone calls, or how to use voice mail you
need to learn how to use e-mail. The case I am trying to make is that most people have
never been instructed on e-mail etiquette and proper use in the work place. In this
chapter we will be discussing e-mail etiquette, using e-mail at home and work, and finish
with some geek stuff on e-mail (Spam).
E-mail etiquette
As a youngster you were taught many etiquette basics like closing your mouth
when you chew, not to slurp your soup, and keeping your elbows off the table. Similarly
we will now look at some e-mail etiquette. Your typically etiquette basics apply when
you are writing e-mail. The one I find most people not following is TO NEVER USE
YOU ARE SHOUTING AT THE RECIPIENT. Ok, so there may be some times when
you need to use capitalization but that is ok when it used sparingly.
When writing an e-mail you should try to keep everything in a business like
fashion. Try not to abbreviate or be too informal. Just remember at some point someone
may be printing any e-mail you write out for a file someplace. As always when you are
writing an e-mail to your boss or higher up remember to keep your e-mails short,
professional, and to the point.
Let’s look at a couple of examples:
Bad email
Good email (rewritten)
Your presence is requested for a case overview meeting after work tonight. Please
Mr. Lovelace
In the health industry they have adopted some legislation regarding privacy of
medical records, including proper use of e-mail. I think all educators and not just the
ones in the medical fields should follow some of these policies. For example, one of the
provisions in Hippa (the Health Insurance Privacy Portability Act) tells us that we are not
to send out e-mails to a bulk list. This is because any one of the recipients could then
have a “target” mailing list ready to go. Therefore they have to send out e-mail’s one at a
time. There are software companies who are making programs that will still let you send
out e-mail in bulk while still concealing the entire mailing list that we will probably see
really soon.
Computer hackers commonly use network tools that allow them to capture e-mail
packets as they travel across the Internet. With a massive carbon copy list (CC:) attached
they can get a large amount of information in a short time. Hippa helps make this more
difficult. Once the hackers have this information they usually re-sell the information to
companies who, in turn, send you unsolicited e-mail or SPAM. We will look at SPAM in
our geek stuff section later in this chapter.
If, by chance you do happen to get some advertisements or SPAM then you
should NEVER click on the link “remove your name from the list.” Many times these
bulk mailers are used to send out e-mails and by clicking to remove your name from the
list only validates that a live address exists. This will only bring you more advertising
and SPAM. In fact, some companies have written software to probe websites and gather
e-mail addresses. Think about our website…we have a directory of all employees and
their e-mail addresses. It wouldn’t take much to get all that information and start sending
bunches of advertisements or SPAM.
What is SPAM?
Ok, so there exist many different pseudo-definitions of spam. Yet, in my opinion
no one really has the balls to come right out and define spam succinctly. They all seem
to be worried about how their definition may interfere with their business or future
business dealings. So, with out further ado, let’s take a bit of time to look at spam a bit.
Networking geek types have thought about spam-like problems since before they
even became problematic. In fact, RFC1234 discussed the problems of mass solicitations
using electronic communications and how they may be able to prevent them from
becoming problems.
Later, as the Internet started to become more prevalent and commercialized an
attempt was made to “regulate” (if you will) electronic mail. First, the government
thought about perhaps placing a tax on electronic transmissions, much like a stamp is
required for a letter. The reason was simple: the government thought they were going to
lose a bunch of money from people not sending letters anymore and, thus, the post office
system would be shut down. However, quite the opposite occurred. In fact, the business
of the post office grew from the amounts of people buying stuff on the Internet and
shipping it through the post office.
The next big “push” was to create second level domain names (SLD’s). The
primary domain names were the *.com (for commercial enterprises), *.net (for
networking companies), *.org (for not-for-profits), *.gov (for governments), *.mil (for
military), and *.edu (for schools). We quickly saw us running out of room in the primary
domain names and wanted to give the world more flexibility. Therefore, some second
level domain names like *.biz (for businesses), *.adv (for advertisers), *.porn (for adult-
oriented pornography), *.rec (for recreational sites), *.mus (for museums, *.arts (for arts)
and others. The logic was simple: to re-organize the naming system to make it more easy
to find things and to make it more efficient for network administrators to manage. One
such problem they hoped to solve was to give network administrators manageable tools
for filtering, especially emails on the border of the network. For example, early “spam”
could be controlled by placing a simple filter to stop all electronic communications with
*.adv or *.porn. A couple of easy steps and the problem is solved, right? Wrong. You
see the advertisers and pornographers argued that they are businesses too and, thus,
eligible for *.com status. Whammo, great idea…poor execution. Somebody needed the
nuts to make a naming system that was mutually exclusive and exhaustive and I think it is
too late to do it now.
With this background in mind spam has become a major headache for users and
network administrators with no logical conclusion in sight. Oh sure, we have seen states
enact anti-spam laws and even the government coming out with a “canned-spam” act that
will probably accomplish very little. Where I think the problem lies is with forming a
concrete definition of spam and forming legislation and partnerships between industry,
citizens, and the government. No one has defined spam and electronic communications,
they just loosely talk about it and then build legislation and arguments on shaky
foundations. In my opinion I think electronic communications should be separated into
two categories:
I really think this is THE definition we have been needing. During the course of this
chapter you will learn more about spam and what I mean by falsified information. I will
talk more about this definition in the conclusion of this chapter.
designated “break” time. I would highly suggest, given the proclivities and innuendos in
variations of the laws, that you do not use your private email account at any time while at
In some instances the courts have ruled in favor of the employer being able to
read your email, since it travels over the employer-owned network. In other cases the
courts have ruled in favor of the employee, for invasion of privacy reasons, when an
instance occurs. Most of these rulings hinge upon the acceptable use policy, the training
mechanisms, and the interpretations of the laws in place. Since you are in a training
course about acceptable use of network resources I would say reasonable effort has been
made towards letting you know not to use your private email account on the employer
network. If you do use the private email account over the employer network then you are
accepting the fact the employer has the right to monitor all transmissions on their
network. Does this make you mad? Well there is one simple thing you can do to prevent
it: Don’t use your private email account at work!
What is SPAM?
SPAM has many different definitions depending upon which source you are
using. If you are using Hormel Foods as your source, then SPAM is a pork-related food
product. If you are in the theatre then SPAM is the theme of a broad way play. If you
are a television aficionado then you know about SPAM from the Monty Python skit. As
network administrators, however, SPAM can more accurately defined, in my opinion, as
the reception or transmission of an unwanted or unsolicited electronic message or
messages that use falsified information that prevent filtering or replies. Usually the
return address in a SPAM message is spoofed (faked) or undeliverable which is what
helped create the negative attitude towards SPAM. Like so many other computer-related
innovations SPAM had good intentions that were perverted by malicious users.
The exact origination of SPAM has been the subject of many debates over the
years. Generally most will agree that SPAM, or a closely-related version of SPAM,
really “hit the scene” in on April 12, 1994 when two lawyers hired a programmer to write
a program that would advertise their services on every news group on the Internet. Leave
it to lawyers, huh? From this incidence people quickly started calling unwanted emails or
postings “SPAM.” The lawyers, in turn, were flooded with nasty phone calls, fax’s, and
emails denouncing their soiling of their particular news group. Oh, did I mention they
went through disbarment proceedings too? Notice again how the “roots” of computer
security involve programmers.
One of the reasons SPAM has gotten a bad wrap is that SPAM is predominantly
used in con-artist scams. The SPAMmers go to great extents to make their SPAMs look
legitimate, even using legitimate-sounding return e-mail addresses (which are actually
spoofed (faked)). Oh sure, you have seen them: “Make money fast,” “Get rich quick,”
“Lose 20 pounds in 20 days,” “Earn $3,000 a week by working at home,” and the ever-
popular chain letter “send this to 10 people within 10 minutes or else blah, blah, blah.”
SPAM really does not hurt the average user too much. It does, however, affect
the ISP’s. We can quickly delete two or three SPAM messages from our in-box. But
think about an ISP like AOL with its millions of users. Multiply each user by 2 or 3
SPAMmed messages and you can see that the SPAM can quickly sap the resources of an
Let’s take a few minutes to look at the legal side of SPAM. “Is sending SPAM
illegal?” This question is really churning up the discussion groups in legal circles
because of the shear number of topics to which SPAM is applicable: trespass to chattels
(a legal term related to denial of service), privacy, freedom of speech, jurisdiction,
censorship, and intellectual property. Most defense attorneys use comparisons to other
forms of advertising when attempting to defend what their client did. They talk about
television and broadcast advertising, acceptable use policy loopholes, or even use the
phrase “target marketing” or “telemarketing. For some lawyers it is not about right or
wrong but about winning the case at all costs and they will search for any loophole or
angle that may give them that chance of winning. In general most advertisers agree that
using SPAM is unethical and immoral. But some advertisers still use it.
Cyberpromotions, Inc. seems to be keeping the lawyers busy to no end at Internet Service
Providers like AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, Earthlink and others. I counted over a couple
dozen lawsuits with different ISP’s against Cyberpromotions Inc. alone.
Now, armed with a bit of background knowledge about SPAM, let’s start up some
labs to more fully understand about SPAM and what we can do about it as network
SPAM Rule: Never use a real e-mail address or real names in USEnet groups,
message boards or on websites.
If you will be chatting in these rooms then you should consider setting up a “dummy”
account to use. This way the SPAM will come to that account not to your real account. I
am not saying you should lie on the Internet, but that you have things you can do to
minimize your chances of being exploited on the Internet. Usually ISP’s give you more
than one account or you can create one with the free email services like hotmail, Yahoo,
or Netzero. In earlier labs I taught you to never believe anything until you see it…so let’s
test out our rule by making a dummy account and seeing just how fast our in-box fills up
with SPAM.
Assignment #1:
1. Open an IE or NN browser window.
2. (optional) Go out to a search engine and search for “free email accounts.”
These sites change everyday so you may have to be creative.
3. Navigate to and set up a “dummy account” for yourself.
Make it something catchy if you would like. Now is a good time to think of a
nifty little alias or nickname to use. Imagine being [email protected].
4. Now we probably could wait a few days and we would start seeing some
SPAM come in…but let’s force it a bit.
a. The best way to start the SPAM rolling in is to buy something on-line but
we don’t want to have to go to that extreme. Let’s go out to a message
b. Ok…if you are over 18 you can go to a porn site and then you will receive
more SPAM than you want in your account. Just remember that because
you created a dummy account doesn’t mean you have cookies and settings
in your computer that give your true identity away.
c. Or you can try going to a website and registering for some free stuff…let’s
get something for free and useful while we are at it.
5. In a couple of days (if not sooner) the SPAM should start rolling in.
Next you should see a window appear with all of the details. I copied and pasted the text
into a word document for reverse engineering from a slightly different email:
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from ( []) by air- (v86_r1.13) with ESMTP id MAILINXC24-0620122229; Thu, 20 Jun 2002
12:22:29 -0400
Received: from
( []) by rly- (v86_r1.13) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINXC310-
0620122218; Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:22:18 -0400
Received: by (PowerMTA(TM) v1.5); Thu,
20 Jun 2002 09:19:15 -0700 (envelope-from
<[email protected]>)
Subject: You Can Buy This Life Insurance - As Low As $10 a Month!
From: Insurance For Less<[email protected]>
To: *********
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 09:19:15 -0700
Message-ID: [email protected]
This message, while it may be SPAM, appears to be a legitimate ad. Many times when
you go out to the web and sign up for things you neglect to de-select those little boxes
“send me information” or “keep me informed…” According to the headers above I
would not hesitate to send an email back to this vendor to be removed from their email
Why? Well…just like a detective…we have clues that tip us off about the
message. One of the dead give-aways about an email that comes from “questionable”
sources is the time zone listed in the headers. We are looking for matches with time
zones as they relate to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example, Eastern Standard
Time (EST) is 5 hours less than GMT (denoted as –0500). During daylight savings time
EST becomes EDT (-0400). Fake addresses in SPAM’s are usually slightly different.
You may see something like EST (-0600) or EDT (-0500). Obviously this is
wrong. Let’s look at a good one first (that is a good tip when trying to figure out when
something goes bad….compare the probable bad one with a known good one…):
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from (
[]) by (v86_r1.13) with ESMTP
id MAILINXC24-0620122229; Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:22:29 -0400
Notice how it does not necessarily include time zone information. Same one that I
changed to look like a bad time zone:
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from (
[]) by (v86_r1.13) with ESMTP
id MAILINXC24-0620122229; Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:22:29 EST (-0600)
The “Received: from” field lists who the email comes from, what firewall device you
may have that may have re-directed it to you, and the program used to send the email to
you (from the destination). In the example above this email came from someone who has
an AOL account, through the AOL mail server to my AOL account. The stuff about the
time? That’s next.
Also be sure to check for corroboration with the SMTP time stamp. Any SMTP
program had a message id number that starts with a letter. If your email was sent
between midnight and 12:59 am then the first letter should be an “A.” If it is not then it
is a good bet the email has been spoofed (faked). Here are the rest:
12-12:59 am A 12-12:59 pm M
1-1:59 B 1-1:59 N
2-2:59 C 2-2:59 O
3-3:59 D 3-3:59 P
4-4:59 E 4-4:59 Q
5-5:59 F 5-5:59 R
6-6:59 G 6-6:59 S
7-7:59 H 7-7:59 T
8-8:59 I 8-8:59 U
9-9:59 J 9-9:59 V
10-10:59 K 10-10:59 W
11-11:59 am L 11-11:59 pm X
Another good tip off this is a “good” SPAM is the return address. Many times they are
“spoofed” (faked). You may see just numbers or a name instead of an actual return
address. If you are feeling particularly gutsy you can click on reply, then send, and see if
it is sent or returned as undeliverable.
You can also check the return address for validity. Make sure it looks like a good
address. Fake ones tend to use bizarre combinations. Look at this one and you can see a
really bizarre address. It does not come from [email protected] but has that
addition of <MAILER-DAEMON28812. Good tip off. We can also see the X-Set
address is weird: edvkdppCvsmf1hgx@5536.
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from acfw2 ([]) by
(Netscape Messaging Server 4.15) with SMTP id
GXWM7T00.0T4 for
<[email protected]>; Tue, 18 Jun 2002 09:45:29 -0400
Received: from ([]) by acfw2; Tue, 18
Jun 2002 09:27:29 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from (unknown [])
by (Postfix) with SMTP id 0697D26494
for <******>; Tue, 18 Jun 2002 09:44:59 -0400
From: "Farmgirl31272" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Real ZOO web site, welcome! ID<edvkdppCvsmf1hgx>
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.53d)
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 17:48:15 +0400
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;
Status: R
X-Status: N
X-Set: edvkdppCvsmf1hgx@5536
Message-Id: [email protected]
Addressing can even be taken to another step…in fact those malicious hackers even
laugh about how “ignorant” we can be about addressing. Look for IP numbers that are
not “useable” IP addresses: network numbers, subnet numbers, reserved numbers,
numbers greater than 254. Here is an example:
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from (
[ by (v86_r1.13) with ESMTP id
MAILINXF23-0618135152; Tue, 18 Jun 2002 13:51:52 -0400
Received: from ( [])
by (v86_r1.13) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINXF34-0618135138; Tue, 18 Jun
2002 13:51:38 2000
Received: by (PowerMTA(TM) v1.5); Tue, 18 Jun 2002 11:53:44
-0700 (envelope-from <[email protected]>)
Subject: Internet Millionaire Guarantees Your Success!
From: Shawn Casey<[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 11:53:44 -0700
Message-ID: [email protected]
Sometimes addressing information is contained within parenthesis. You can find reverse-
DNS information here that can be looked up to determine if the stated originator is really
the originator. Just use that IP address and do a WHOIS lookup. If the address and the
results of the WHOIS seem to match then rest easy because you are getting legitimate ads
sent to you (better than scams).
Assignment #2:
1. What would you determine about this email based upon what you see here?
Message text:
Hello, It's me Kira, I finally got my pictures online, come check
it out.<BR>You should see me i am so hot in these clothes.<BR>No
Credit Card required. Come Try it.<BR>It's worth a try! Click <a
href="">Here</a> To see me in action!
<BR><BR> <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>To
be removed from all future mailings and be unsubscribed from our
list, click <a href="">here</a>. <P>
<P> <P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P> <P>
<P><P><P><P><P><P>< P>9491h
2. Ok. I did not respond and got this one a bit later:
Subj: Hey 4827n
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 8:52:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Ferinos
Bcc: Amaffew
Please note that this discount is non-transferable and all of the users
must be from an .edu address.
Brian Correia
Director, Business Development & Venue Planning
SANS Institute / [email protected]
703-968-0103 (Phone/EST)
703-830-0520 (Fax)
Dear friend,
I am contacting you to front as a co-owner and beneficiary of
funds (US$25,000,000.00) due for an executed contract here in South
africa. I am currently a high ranking government official in the ruling
cabinet of President Thabo Mbeki (South Africa).
This funds are a result of over-invoiced proceeds of a contract I
helped a South African based company secure and is yet to be paid out
by the Reserve Bank of South Africa.
This funds emanated as a result of an over-invoiced contract
which Sentech (Pty)Ltd., a communications company executed with the
Government of South Africa. I am afraid that the government of South
Africa might start to investigate on contracts awarded from 2000 to
date. If they discover this money yet unclaimed with my name linked to
it, the government will confiscate the money and this will definitely
affect my political career in Government.
I want your assistance to front as a co-owner of this company
(SENTECH [PTY] LTD) to facilitate the release of the funds. I will
introduce a very good attorney to assist us with the transfer process
without any hitch but he will not be told my interest in the
transaction as I play a very sensitive role in my government. As the
contract was executed in my present government department, be rest
assured that I will use my position to approve the immediate release of
the entitlement. As soon as the funds is release to your name, you are
expected to move it immediately into your personal bank account in your
country. As soon as you have confirmed receipt of the funds into your
account, I will arrange to meet with you.
If you agree to my proposal, please endeavour to send me an
urgent reply to; [email protected] Due to my sensitive position in the
South African Government, I would not want you to phone or fax me.
The lawyer I will recommend to assist us will be representing our
interest at the Reserve Bank of South Africa and all necessary
quarters. All future correspondence must be made either to the attorney
or myself. I am reposing huge trust on you regardless of your being a
total stranger. Upon your reply, we shall discuss your percentage for
your assistance.
Because of my sensitive position as serving government official,
I will only give you more details of myself when we proceed further and
I am sure of your sincerity.
Thank you.
Dr. Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri
Honesty and transparency, they are my best work tools
Confidentiality Notice: The information in this e-mail is confidential
and may also be the subject of legal privilege. It is intended solely
for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify
me immediately. You are hereby placed on notice that any copying,
publication or any other form of dissemination of this e-mail or its
contents is prohibited.This footnote also confirms that this email
message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer
What a total crock! Sure, it looks legit but one thing you can count on with a good chunk
of SPAM is it will contain spelling errors, grammar errors, etc. Since when does a high
ranking government official not capitalize “africa” anyways? Let’s look at another…
It has come to our attention that your eBay Billing Information records are out of date. That
requires you to update the Billing Information If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of
your online experience and update your billing records, you will not run into any future
problems with eBay's online service. However, failure to update your records will result in
account termination. Please update your records in maximum 24 hours. Once you have
updated your account records, your eBay session will not be interrupted and will continue as
normal. Failure to update will result in cancellation of service, Terms of Service (TOS)
violations or future billing problems.
Please click here to update your billing records.
eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc
Yeah…ok…it looks legitimate enough, except I don’t use E-Bay. There are some other
hints here that this is a SPAM…let’s look in the headers (In Outlook double-click on the
message, then View>Options):
From: eBay <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on
X-Spam-Level: ***
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=3.2 required=20.0
Return-Path: [email protected]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 10 Jan 2005 14:09:12.0364 (UTC)
Where the heck is the E-Bay dot com part? Sure, they may use megawebservers but it
would be highly unlikely E-Bay would not use the correct return path. Let’s “test” our
theory by sending an email to E-Bay and see what the return headers “say.” I navigated
through their help system to find something that would send me an email response…to
here: Then I sent an email
requesting instructions on how to use Ebay…they should send me the link with
instructions or at least send me an email telling me they received the email and I would
be getting an answer soon. Then we can check the headers to see if the return path’s
match. Oh sure, you probably won’t have to go through all of this but it is fun all the
same. If you don’t know who it is, what it is, or if it sounds to “good” to be true then
delete it. This is becoming a classic SPAM email using a technique known as
“Phishing.” The SPAMMERS/Hackers are fishing for your information to steal your
stuff. Never use the personal stuff over the net…enough said? Sure enough in about 5
minutes I got a reply…here is the headers:
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:48:30 -0800
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Thank you for writing to eBay's Support Team
From: eBay Customer Support <[email protected]>
Reply-To: eBay Customer Support <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: KANA Response
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.3 required=20.0 tests=AWL,SUBJ_HAS_UNIQ_ID
autolearn=no version=2.63
Return-Path: [email protected]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 13 Jan 2005 17:52:06.0271 (UTC)
Yup…we have mostly confirmed the first email was not a legitimate email…oh sure
maybe EBAY used a mass mailer to ask everyone for their information but they know
better after all the phishing scams that are out there…Here is another golden oldie to get
you to a site and steal or coax stuff out of you:
Browsing through the CNN website I came across this CNN article which
seems to be about you:[email protected]/
Jennifer Hawkings
Here is an example of an email that was stopped at the firewall as suspected SPAM.
Certain words or phrases are assigned “points” and once you pass the pre-set threshold it
is flagged as possible SPAM:
Content preview: DEAR FRIEND: DO YOU WANT SOME EXTRA CASH? This is an
UPDATED and IMPROVED version of a highly successful marketing program
that is making people WEALTHY. It can easily make you many thousands
of $$$ in the next few months. I know you have seen claims like that
before, but do not just dismiss the idea. Give it a chance, and take
the time to carefully read this ENTIRE letter. After you have read it
all, if you still think it is nonsense, throw it away and you will
have lost nothing. But I think you will keep it once you realize its
potential. If you would enjoy honestly making big money from home,
act on this offer today! [...]
Heck from a “hacker” perspective I now know what phrases to avoid to be detected as
SPAM, but we want to be good, right?
• Make a plan of attack for how you would research this email.
• Is it or is it not SPAM?
• Where does it come from?
• How could you stop it from coming?
Remember doing this over the net is a jailable offense…you probably don’t want to
spend 10-20 years showering with convicts.
email server (sometimes called a POP or POP3 server) to the workstation and then
deletes the email from the email server. This is one of the most widely-used email
systems in the world and thus is the most vulnerable to hackers and exploits from
hackers. Later we will discuss pop-up ads in the same vein. Being a client based has
some advantages and disadvantages.
like to have unsolicited advertisements (SPAM or otherwise) sent to them ([email protected]).
There are also anti-SPAM websites. Try searching for some of these.
These are basic instructions for setting up a SPAM filter in your Outlook email. These
filters can be very effective, but you should also be aware that they may occasionally
filter valid email, therefore, it is not recommended that you set the filter to send the email
directly to your “Deleted Items” folder. Instead, you should send it to a separate folder,
where you can scan the contents to make sure there are no valid emails mixed in with the
SPAM, and from there you can delete the messages. Depending on your version of
Outlook, you may already have a “Junk E-mail” folder that can be used for this purpose.
If you do not already have a “Junk E-mail” folder, you can right click on your Mailbox
folder (Mailbox – User Name), and select “New Folder”. You can name this folder
whatever you wish.
Under Step 1 – Select the box next to “with specific words in the message header”
Under Step 2 – Click on the link “specific words”, and in the box that opens up, type X-
Spam-Level: * then click on “Add”, which will move the asterisk(s) to the search list,
surrounded by quote marks. Click “OK”
(NOTE: You can type from 1 to 5 asterisks in this box *****. The more you type,
the higher the chances of getting SPAM in your Inbox. The fewer you type, the
higher the chances of moving valid email to your SPAM mailbox.)
Click “Next”.
Under Step 1 – Select the box next to “move it to the specified folder”
Under Step 2 – Click on the link “specified”, and in the box that opens up, highlight
(select) the folder that you have created for your SPAM Mail, and click “OK”.
Click “Next”. Click “Next” again. Make sure that there is a check mark in the box next
to “Turn on this rule”, and click “Finish”.
Click “Apply” and click “OK”
2. Go out and research the email package “Sendmail.” You should be able to get
many tutorials and operating manuals on it. Hackers are only as good as their
By having those other categories will encourage much cooperation between the
government, legal authorities, and commercial entities. You see, much discussion about
“pink slip” deals has surrounded SPAM. On the one hand, ISP’s loathe SPAM in public
documents, yet on the backside they cut these side deals with the SPAMMERs,
sometimes called “pink slips” or “pink contracts” to allow them use of their band width
for x amount of dollars. It actually makes very good business sense. I say “why not?”
“God bless America.” By defining SPAM in this fashion we have also opened up a
legitimate channel for advertisers that also make it easy for network administrators to
control. Plus, now we have a method for, more or less, taxing commercial solicitations
(at least the legitimate ones) through sales taxes at the ISP’s for the bandwidth. As it
currently exists we all know we can “skirt” sales taxes over the Internet in most respects.
For example, living in Michigan I can buy something over the Internet from a company
in Florida. There are no sales taxes assessed in Florida because the purchase comes from
an out-of-state buyer. I would argue that we need to change this loophole because when I
visit Disney in Orlando I still get charged sales tax on my tickets, food, and souvenirs.
Why one but not the other? Ok, now I am sure to get people screaming at me for “why
am I arguing for more taxes?” Trust me, I don’t like to pay more than I should, however,
we are talking about the context of curbing SPAM by changing a few legislative rules
and procedures. In addition, I do not buy things over the Internet because it allows
tracking of my information. Should there be a “tax” or an “Internet stamp” on emails? I
do not think so because the Internet should be free. It will continue to be how business is
done and business can bear the burden of paying taxes so that citizens do not have to
directly pay them.
Boy…who knew there was so much to learn about SPAM? In this lab you
learned about SPAM in general, how to read those headers, about e-mail harvesting, how
to use a SPAM filter, and some things to do with SPAM once you get them.
Chapter 11
Password Protection
• Introduction
• Creating passwords
• Where to record your password
• Geek stuff: Password cracking basics
• Summary
Many people take password protection for granted yet, at the same time they are very
protective of their car keys and locking their house. There is no difference when
discussing password protection. Imagine a time not so long ago when tests were
stored as hard copies in a locked filing cabinet. If someone broke into the cabinet by
picking the lock or some other method and stole a test, then the teacher would usually
not be negligent. On the other hand, if a test file was left open or the test was left on
a desk in a public area then the teacher would surely have been reprimanded for poor
security. By not protecting your passwords or creating them well enough you are
leaving your tests out on the table. In this chapter we will examine general password
creation guidelines, where to record your passwords, and a quick bit on computer
geek stuff for passwords.
Creating Passwords
All kinds of books go into the mathematics of password creation and involve huge
numbers and how long it will take to “crack” a password of “x” length. It is not my
intention to do that here. Instead, from my experiences with computer security I
wanted to share with you some of my insight.
A couple of years back I was hired by a company in Ybor City as a consultant.
The president had fired his network administrator earlier in the day for whatever
reasons and he gave that person until the end of the day to clear out his desk and go
home. BIG MISTAKE! Not only did the guy go home but he changed the passwords
all over the network equipment and did not inform any one that he did so. So the new
network administrator comes in the next day and cannot access anything on the
network. First of all this is a violation of many laws and secondly it is not very nice.
Fortunately this person was not very smart because using some general psychology
and knowing about passwords in general I was able to “crack” through all but one of
the passwords within an hour. The only one I could not “guess” I used a password
cracker and obtained the password in a couple more hours. As I said earlier there is
always someone smarter and better so it’s not even worth risking jail time over this.
If you ever find your self in a position like that network administrator always give a
copy of all of your passwords to your now former employer and document the receipt
of them for your own protection.
So how did I figure out his passwords? Simple. Most people are very lazy with
their passwords. They tend to use things that are familiar to them when creating
them. They will use their names, middle names, spouses names, children’s names,
their favorite Disney character, their pet’s names, the names associated with their
favorite hobby, the name of their favorite color, nicknames, the names of their parents
(especially mother’s maiden name), characters from their favorite movies or
something very prominent from a theme in their office. For example, this guy had a
lot of Star Trek stuff hanging around so I guessed and hit two of them right off the
bat: captainkirk and enterprise. People also use numbers like anniversaries, birth
days, graduation days, and other ones.
The best passwords use a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters.
I would also recommend the use of a combination of upper and lower case letters
when creating them. How long should they be? You will be told for your specific
network. Most require between 6 and 8 characters minimum. Let’s take a second
and look at some good and bad passwords in table 1.
It’s not rocket science…its creating a password for you to use. Unfortunately many
networks require you to change your password periodically (usually every 30 days).
If that is not enough then they usually require unique passwords every time. So at
some point most people write them down somewhere and that is what we will discuss
in our next section.
The best thing I can suggest if you are going to write them down to make sure no
imprint is being made and to keep them in your purse or wallet. You would be
surprised how many people are keeping them in a manila file folder called
There is a newer technology that is starting to spread which allows you to write
down your password in a secured manner. This file uses very strong coding to
prevent people from being able to read the contents of the file. In this file you will be
keeping track of all of your passwords and will only be required to remember the
password into this file. Whenever a password is required the program is executed and
each password within the file is tried until the “magic” one (the one needed) allows
access to whatever you needed. It still has a lot of problems (like maximum log in
attempts) but the point is: someone is trying to make it easier for you.
In our next section we will talk about how hackers can use software to “crack”
passwords. It is my hope you will see how easy cracking passwords can be and, in
turn, you will take greater care in creating your passwords.
Preface: Why do they do it? Part 2: Having fun on the Instant Messengers
Microsoft is the most popular Internet…or not? I don’t recommend using
operating system in the Trojans are programs or files Instant Messengers (AOL,
world. The “hackers” of the that are executed on your MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, etc)
world for years have known computer…usually without because most of them are
that (1) Microsoft has refused your knowledge. built on the Internet Explorer
to make their programs open engine, allowing the IM
source and (2) that they can Trojans can be: companies (or hackers) to
profit by the security holes in • Games have full access to your
Microsoft, since they refuse • Videos computer and its documents.
to comply with the terms set • Audio Clips In their user policy you may
in the “Hacker Manifesto.” • Photographs see this line:
Thus, hackers are in this for • Advertisements “You waive all rights to
the profit, through referral privacy…” (enough said)
payments from visitors. The key for you is to NOT
use the Internet whenever
possible…let discretion be Part 3: The four food
Part I: Legal Stuff your better guide. Save the groups of the Internet
Maine Public Utilities fun surfing for at home. Java-Applets-Cookies-Spam
Commission v. Verizon
[Docket no. 2002-543] How to use your virus Cookies can be disabled by: scanner: 1. Opening IE
s/2002/2002-543oai.pdf First of all make sure your 2. Click on Tools, Internet
The gist: worms, viruses and technician has your computer Options, Privacy (tab),
other deeds are predictable set up to automatically Advanced, Over-ride
and therefore preventable. download any patches or Automatic Cookie
“updates” automatically. Handling and then
Cobell v. Norton 240 F.3d Also, I would have them set 3. Switching both party’s to
1081 (DC Cir. 2001) 274 F. up your scanner to check files “prompt” for cookies
Supp. 2d 111 (DDC 2003) before downloading or I don’t recommend this…you copying from a disk or thumb will go nuts with all of the
The gist: Courts can step in to drive. prompts at the various
decide security procedures. 1. Click on your Start button, websites.
then Programs, then on
City of Clearwater v. Times Network Associates and Pop-up ads and spyware are
Publishing Co. 27 Fla. L. finally on Virus Scan on- simply avoided by switching
Weekly D1544a. (Fla. 2d demand from IE to using Mozilla
DCA July 3, 2002 2. To check your entire Firefox as a browser (it is
The gist: not everything on computer select “Start.” free and easy to use).
your computer is for the To check only a certain
public to see, but you must folder click on “Add” then
use due diligence and set up “drive or folder” then It works with Peoplesoft,
your computer appropriately. select the location of that Crystal Reports, MS Outlook
folder, then “ok” and then and other programs. If your
See also “Courts make users select “start.” application is video-intensive
liable for security glitches” 3. Hopefully your check will you may encounter slight be clean. Contact CSS if problems.
4/tl_litigation.html needed.
SPYWARE AND POPUPs MS Outlook Email Stuff Quick check for SPAM:
To “clean out” spyware and To request a regular receipt: When viewing the headers,
pop up ads you can use 1. After typing the email, does the “return-path” match
system restore points click on “options”(on the the sender? For example, is
(XP/ME) in 2000 call your standard toolbar). the email from E-Bay being
CSS technician: 2. Click on “request a sent to the return-path
delivery receipt for this address of
Creating a System Restore: message.
1. Click on Start, help, pick a 3. And then “close.”
task, Create a restore point The “recipient” will then Setting up a SPAM filter
2. Then name it (I do this permit/deny a receipt to be Windows 2000
once a month). sent to the sender. 1. Select “tools”
2. Select “rules wizard”
To restore to an earlier point: To request a blind receipt: 3. Select “new”
1. Click on Start, help, pick a 1. After typing the email, 4. Select “check messages
task, Restore my computer click on “options”(on the when they arrive”
to an earlier time standard toolbar). 5. Choose your “options”
2. And the computer will 2. Click on “request a read 6. Select the word or phrase
“fix” itself. Your receipt for this message. 7. Select an action (like move
documents will be saved, 3. And then “close.” it to a folder or delete it)
but your programs will be The “recipient” will send a 8. Add any exceptions
reset to the state they were “read” receipt (without their 9. Give the rule a name
in at the restore point. If knowledge) to the sender. 10. Click on finish.
you installed any new Then you can add more rules
software since then, you Have replies sent to: if you like. I prefer to not do
will have to do it again. Sometimes you want to send this because you never know
out a bulk email for someone when you might “miss” an
else but do not want replies important email.
Part 4: Email Stuff sent to you:
1. Proper “netiquette” dictates 1. After typing the email, Part 5: Passwords
that YOU SHOULD NOT click on “options”(on the It is very important that you
TYPE WITH ALL CAPITAL standard toolbar). select good passwords and do
LETTERS TO AVOID THE 2. Click on “have replies sent not write them down on post-
APPEARANCE OF to” it notes, put them under your
SCREAMING! 3. Select a recipient. keyboard or in notebooks.
2. Try not to use a font that 4. And then “close.” Choose one with a
will be difficult to combination of letters,
read or to put in a lot of “Delayed email” numbers, and symbols that
color or graphics. 1. After typing the email, will be easy to remember.
3. Never be afraid to use the click on “options” (on the Example: “Linda” becomes
phone first, and email standard toolbar. “1in0|400o1” (Linda 0001)
second. “Tone” can be 2. Click on “do not deliver
greatly misconstrued with before” and then select the
email. Also, in a Sunshine date and time. Part 6: Backing up your
Law state think of any 3. And then “close.” data
email as having the It is vital to have your
possibility of winding up in technician set up your
the newspaper. Viewing Email Headers: computer to back up your
4. Very sparingly use BCC. 1. In MS outlook, open the emails to another server or
5. Be careful not to “reply to email show you how to back them
all” and use “reply.” 2. Click on “View” and then up to a CD at least once a
6. You can request receipts 3. “Header and Footer.” month. Test them too!
for emails if needed. They SPAM usually has time zones
can be blind requests or of -0400 and –0600 instead 727-341-3010
regular requests. of -0500 EDT. [email protected]
Staying one step ahead of the
hackers: Computer security
tips for the everyday user
Matthew J. Basham, Ph.D. (a.b.d.)
t ti i i A
Some ground rules
♦ Please turn your cell phones, beepers,
pagers, blackberries to not make any noise
♦ Feel free to go to the restroom whenever
♦ Food and drink are not allowed in the room
♦ Call me “Matt”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Nutrition Internet
Fruits Applets
Breads Cookies
Dairy Java
♦ The key phrase for you is the four food groups can
create “problems for you.”
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
“Due Diligence”
“Problems for you”
t ti i i A