Sped 277 Udl Lesson Plan Final
Sped 277 Udl Lesson Plan Final
Sped 277 Udl Lesson Plan Final
Materials Needed:
Coin and Dollar manipulatives
Smart Board
Smart Board Resource
Story Bird
iPads for students to play Kahoot
Lesson Objectives:
1. Given images of coins, students will identify coin names and values with at least 80%
2. Given word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, students
will solve them with at least 80% accuracy.
This lesson is aligned to the following Common Core Standard:
Grade 2 Math: Measurement and Data: Work with Time and Money
C.8: Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $
and symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do
you have?
Anticipatory Set & Lesson Sequence:
My lesson will be structured as follows:
1. Introduction - Introduce the topic of the lesson. Knowing how to count money and make
change is a vital skill that all students need to know, so I am going to motivate my students by
using real-world examples and applications.
2. Smartboard Resource - I will be reviewing prior knowledge with the smartboard resource.
The first few slides require students to identify the names and values of different coins, so I will
be able to assess my first learning objective with this activity. Activating this background
knowledge of coin values will allow the students to move on to applying this knowledge in word
3. Storybird I will read and have students volunteer to read a story that I created about a boy
buying ice cream. This will give students a real-world example and give students an idea on how
their knowledge of coins and dollars could be assessed in word problems.
4. Kahoot Students will work with a partner to answer the kahoot word problems.
5. Worksheet Given the final numerical value, students will be challenged on this worksheet to
write word problems of their own to obtain that answer.
UDL Principles and Guidelines:
Multiple Means of Representation:
I will present the content so that it meets the needs of all students. I will be providing
alternatives for auditory information by giving students colored manipulatives of the coins and
dollars to assist any visual and kinesthetic learners in figuring out the different combinations of
money that make a certain value (1.2). The Smartboard resource and the Storybird story will
serve as both visual and auditory ways to assist students (1.3). Having the coin and dollar
values represented in pictures, numbers/symbols, and written in word problems, will serve as
different ways to present the material. Additionally, I will be activating background knowledge
with the Smartboard resource since it will require students to identify the names and values of
different coins before applying that knowledge to word problems (3.1).
Multiple Means of Engagement:
I will engage students by introducing the lesson in a way that highlights its relevancy and value
to their lives. Knowing the values of coins/dollars and being able to combine coins and dollars
to make a certain value when shopping is truly a valuable life skill (7.2). By implementing many
different instructional methods and activities that are all scaffolded so that students are building
upon their knowledge and answering questions of increasing difficulty, I will be varying the
demands and resources to optimize challenge (8.2). By having students work with partners
during the Kahoot activity, I will be fostering collaboration (8.3). Pairing up students will allow
them to learn from each other and reinforce their own knowledge.
Multiple Means of Expression:
By having an interactive Smartboard activity, reading a story on Storybird, playing a Kahoot
game, and having a worksheet where students write their own creative word problems, I am
varying the methods for response (4.1). Since students will have their own money manipulatives
to assist them, will engage in an interactive activity on the Smartboard, and will have access to
iPads for Kahoot, I am optimizing access to tools and technologies (4.2). This also shows how I
am using multiple media for communication (5.1). I scaffolded this lesson so that it begins with
a basic review of the names and values of the various coins, then moves on to having students
answer Kahoot word problems that were increasingly more difficult with a partner, and then
culminated in an activity where students had to individually create their own word problems.
This scaffolded design with various supports for students embedded throughout the lesson
showed how I built fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance (5.3).