Performance Appraisal PDF
Performance Appraisal PDF
Performance Appraisal PDF
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction of Ministry of Health ............................................................................................................ 2
Organization Structure .............................................................................................................................. 3
Analysis of Performance Appraisal System of Ministry of Health ............................................................... 3
Definition .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Performance Appraisal system of Ministry of Health............................................................................... 4
Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Challenges ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Evaluation of the Performance Appraisal system with relevant Performance Appraisal Model .................. 7
Michael and Yost (2000) performance appraisal model ........................................................................... 7
Craig et al (1986) performance appraisal process model .......................................................................... 7
Establishing Standards and Measures ................................................................................................... 8
Communicate Job Expectations ............................................................................................................ 8
Performance Planning ........................................................................................................................... 8
Monitoring Performance ....................................................................................................................... 8
Appraising ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Feedback ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Decision Making ................................................................................................................................... 9
Development Plan ................................................................................................................................. 9
Recommendations ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Giving opportunity to Self-evaluate........................................................................................................ 10
Engaging Employees in two-way communication.................................................................................. 10
Avoiding Biased Appraising ................................................................................................................... 10
Training the Appraiser ............................................................................................................................ 11
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 12
References ................................................................................................................................................... 13
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Executive Summary
This report is a part of the assignment under the module Performance Appraisal.
This assignment is based on an evaluation carried on an organization in order to identify
their current performance appraisal mechanism used to evaluate its employees work
performance. This assignment mainly consists an introduction of the selected organization
followed by their performance appraisal system and a depth analysis of their performance
appraisal system with respect to the relevant performance appraisal model. Furthermore, based
on the evaluation carried out, suggestions and recommendation will be provided to improve their
current appraisal system and a brief conclusion of whole essay is followed to end the assignment.
Introduction of Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health (MOH) is a government organization established in order for the
health, well-being and social protection of the people of the Republic of Maldives. Its mission is
to provide accessible and quality healthcare services and drug rehabilitation services and to
strengthen the mechanisms for protecting the rights of the children, women, and persons with
disabilities of the Maldives. Ministry of Healths vision is to make the Maldives a good model
society of socially protected and healthy individuals who are aware, who value their family ties
and live a healthy satisfying lives (Ministry of Health, 2016).
Ministry of Health is one of the largest government bodies that includes more than 8000
employees of both local and foreign. Ministry of Health consists of various departments and 186
Government health facilities across the country. Departments include; Health Protection Agency
and Maldives Food and Drug Authority. Health facilities includes Regional hospitals, Atoll
hospitals and Health centres.
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Organization Structure
Performance Appraisal, in short PA, is one of the most extensively researched areas in
the Human Resource Management literature. Performance appraisal is directly and indirectly
linked with the employees promotions, payment, development, career progress, etc. due this
very reason, PA is one of the most key element of HRM and is one of the most vital
responsibilities for Human Resources Division of any organization.
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As it is extensively researched, there are various authors define PA in several ways. Some
of the definitions are as follows;
William B. Weather and Keith Davis said: Performance appraisal is the
process by which organization evaluate individual job performance. (Rasel,
Bellows said: Performance appraisal is defined as a systematic periodic
evaluation of the worth of an individual of an organization, usually mad by a
superior or someone in position to observe his performance. (Rasel, 2015)
According to (The Happy Manager, n.d.) A process of mini reviews
culminating in a one-to-one conversation between managers and their reports.
These are used to develop a shared understanding of the individuals performance.
Section 1: Information of the candidate (this includes the information of the supervisor as
well). Furthermore, job tasks and targets are also identified in this section.
Section 2: this section is filled in the mid-year. This section is mainly about the progress of
the employee and the need for improvements are discussed at this section.
Section 3,4,5,6 and 7 calculates the KPIs of the candidate.
Section 3: this area is about how the candidate has carried out the tasked works in the
evaluation period.
Section 4: this is about the knowledge and ability of the candidate in carrying out the
assigned tasks.
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Section 5: this section highlights the leadership qualities and other qualities which are
necessary for the candidate.
Section 6: candidates behavior and manners in the workplace is highlighted in this section
Section 8: this section calculates the marks of the candidate overall or in other words the
marks gained for key performance indicators are calculated in this section.
Section 9: this section highlights the need for necessary trainings and skills for the candidate
Section 10: this is the final section of the PA form. This section is further categorized into
two more areas.
Comments from both the candidate and the supervisor comments on their
views about how the works are being carried out by the candidate in the given
Like any other government organization, Ministry of Health also evaluates the
performance of its staff once a year. Or it can be said as an annual process. According to the HR
of the MOH, performance of the staffs of MOH are evaluated from the 1st February to the 31
January of the coming year.
At the beginning of the February, PA form is filled by each employee in the presence of
their supervisors. This is mainly to identify their targets and what is expected from them for the
year. Five main works from the employees Job Description (JD) is identified and targets are
written for the given work. This is basically the first section of the PA form. After filling this
section, PA form is filed by the supervisor.
And when reached to mid-year, performance of the staff is reviewed by the employer or
the supervisor. During this procedure, employee and the supervisor discusses about the major
changes, improvements, need for improvements, and further changes required by the employee
in doing the work. This is the second section of the PA form. In this section, comments from the
supervisor is written in the form and both the employee and supervisor signs the form.
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And finally, at the end of the year or in case of MOH, during the January 31, the final
evaluation of the employee is carried out. During this period, overall changes of the employee is
identified. How well the employee carried out the tasks in reaching the target are identified and
marks are given as per the performance of the employee. This marks represents the performance
of the employee. During this stage, both the employee and supervisor sits separately and
discusses about the performance of the employee. And the main challenges faced are also
discussed. Employee is also given the opportunity to explain him/ herself. Required training in
order to gain further knowledge are being identified in this stage.
After filling the form, the PA forms are submitted to the HR division of the MOH.
Therefore, Performance appraisal used in MOH can be said to be a mixture of both
Numerical-Rating Scale and Objective Based appraisal system. This is because, based on the
objectives or the targets identified for a given period, employees are assessed in a numerical
When interviewed to some of the staffs regarding the challenges which they face in
filling up the PA forms, the following challenges are being mentioned.
Lack of proper feedback from the supervisor as well as the employees. Some of the staffs
mentioned the PA, as a one-way communication process, where there is no
communication between the employee and the supervisor.
Due to the minimum staffs and the work overload, some of the employees are being
tasked with the works which are not mentioned in their PA forms or JDs and they are
being evaluated on those works.
Sometimes, the supervisor appraises the employee based on the recent activities and not
for the whole year. This is also called Appraiser Biased.
Lack of employee support. Some of the employees consider it as a way of talking about
their weaknesses and bad things they have done in their workplace rather than the good
things they have done.
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Performance Planning,
Monitoring Performance,
Looking into the current performance appraisal system and its elements of the Ministry of
Health, it is mostly related to the Craig et al (1986) performance appraisal process model. This is
because, the type of Performance appraisal system used in Ministry of Health is a mixture of
Numerical and Objective based. Craig et al (1986) Performance Appraisal model is also basically
an objective based model. Lets have a look at each element of the Craig et al (1986)
Performance Appraisal model with respect to the Ministry of Healths Performance Appraisal
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This is the final appraising in case of the Ministry of Health. The very appraising at the
end of the appraisal period. Employees performance is measured based on the tasks and
progress, improvements required and how well the tasks are carried, etc. A numerical rating
scale is used in this process. Employees are awarded marks out of a 100%.
This is one of the essential part of any performance appraisal system. Both the employer
and employee communicate each other separately, each of the given a chance to justify
themselves as per their point of view. Lack of proper feedback or biased feedback would lead to
various consequences for both the organization and the staff.
Decision Making
Decision making is basically taking proper actions or decisions based on the feedback
and performance of the employee. These could be rewards or punishments.
In the government, the civil servants are awarded with compensation or rewards if they
reach a specific marks. For example, those who are awarded with 95% and above are awarded
with their full basic salary as a reward. And those who get between 85% to 95% marks are
awarded with 50% of their basic salary as a reward. Furthermore, these marks plays a vital role
in employee promotions as well.
Development Plan
At the very final part of the PA form of Ministry of Health, there is a section mentioned
trainings and skills. This section highlights the required trainings and knowledge in carrying out
the tasks.
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Based on the evaluation of the current Performance Appraisal system of Ministry of
Health, there are few things that can be recommended for the organization inorder to strengthen
the current Appraisal system.
for a specific period of time, say one year. And not only for the recent two or three weeks or not
as per a dispute occurred between the supervisor and the employee in the past week. This will
lead to various threats for the employees improvements and promotions.
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Performance appraisal is one of the most important element in any organization.
Performance Appraisal decided on the future of the employee as well as the organizations
Ministry of Health uses a mixture of both the Numerical-Rating Scale and Objective
Based appraisal system. Meaning that a numerical value is given to the employees performance
based on their targets or the objectives that are assigned for them to achieve in the appraisal
period. The appraisal system used in Ministry of Health is common to the Craig et al (1986)
performance appraisal process model.
Evaluation of the performance appraisal system of the Ministry of Health shows that with
some recommendations in their current evaluation system can be improved. These
recommendations include, giving the employees to self-evaluate themselves, avoiding biased
appraising, engaging and proper communication between both the employee and employer and
training the appraiser and tasking the most suitable employer to appraise the employee.
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Civil Service Commission. (n.d.). History. Retrieved from
Josh. (2012). 5 Ways to Improve Performance Management. Retrieved from Course Park:
Ministry of Health. (2016). Retrieved from Ministry of Health:
Rasel. (2015, April 16). Definition of Performance Appraisal. Retrieved from Bank of Info:
Samad, D. S. (2013). BBNP4103 Performance Appraisal. Open University Malaysia.
The Happy Manager. (n.d.). Definition of Performance Appraisal. Retrieved from The Happy
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