Agri Intiatives in Gujarat
Agri Intiatives in Gujarat
Agri Intiatives in Gujarat
Mandies: There are 194 Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) market
yards and sub-market yards in the state.
Cold Storages:The state has approximately 400 cold storages with a total
capacity of approximately 12.70 Lakh MT
Water Harvesting
Drip Irrigation
Water Shed Development
Animal husbandry
Village Pond, Check Dam, Boribandh dams (sand bag dams)
Guidance by APMC (Agricultural Product Marketing Committee)
Awakening the farmers
Agri Equipment Demonstration
Environmental Awareness
An Agri Factopedia
Leading as Second in Green Revolution Gujarat has achieved Agricultural Growth table at
9.6% and have carved a niche in the field of Agricultural Development in India. As of 2009,
Gujarats agriculture growth rate has been three times more than the national growth rate.
The department is confident to change the lives of farmers with its Agriculture Policies and the
unique Initiative of the Krushi Mahotsav in the State. In 2001, the State was on verge of less
water resources but today, it stand as Worlds biggest water resource Narmada Canal. Where
the dust took to wind storm, there are green fields and where the farmers tilled the land with 1-2
crops, they have sort for 3-4 crops. Continuous hard work of seven years and planned efforts of
the Government have resulted in Green Revolution taking shape in Gujarat.
Gujarat Agro vision 2010 envisages improving the quality of life of the rural population, including
those who are resource poor, by widening their employment opportunities and increasing their
income. 63% of the population of Gujarat lives in rural areas and depends for its livelihood on
agriculture and the rural non-farm sector that is interlinked with agriculture. The Government is
sensitive to the role of Agriculture in Economic development with a vision.
The vision seeks to accelerate demand driven agricultural and agro industrial growth in the new
globalized agricultural environment. The goal for Gujarat agriculture is to become a world-class
producer and supplier in the crops where it enjoys competitive advantage.
The government envisages Agriculture promotion through focused agricultural research, and
application of biotechnology, information technology and ecotechnology. Conservation of soil,
water and biodiversity is the prime concerns to be environmentally sustainable. As a result, a
separate Department for Climate Change is set up as a major challenge to Humanity.
Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation (GAIC), which promotes agricultural activities at the ground
level and fosters the development of agro industries in the state, is a manifest example of the
An Agri Factopedia