Tag31054 - Savage Worlds - Sundered Skies - Within The Skies
Tag31054 - Savage Worlds - Sundered Skies - Within The Skies
Tag31054 - Savage Worlds - Sundered Skies - Within The Skies
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If the heroes return to the Sky Harvest and report what
they have seen, panic erupts among the crew. Righael
demands that they leave this sacred place or face the
Lifemothers wrath for entering her home uninvited.
Haldin however, begs the heroes to lead an expedition
into the caves and bring back his brother, dead or alive.
Under no circumstances will Righael, Haldin, or any of
the crew accompany the heroes on this quest.
Both Garieth and Righael are wrong: This is not the
Lifemothers home (she takes good care of her privacy), but an ancient island that is home to a devolved
race of amphibian beings. Long ago this race forged
a great civilization under a large lake in Heartland.
Most of them perished during the Sundering, but by
chance a small fragment of land ended under the
Runoff Falls, then recently created by the gods to
save the denizens of the Skies, enabling a few hundred amphibians to survive. In the millennia since,
what vestiges of civilization were lost and the amphibians have regressed into a primitive state.
The amphibians still venerate the water gods
though, and unlikely as it might seem, the Lifemother has answered their prayers. As explained in the
Sundered Skies Companion, the gods are slowly
succumbing to creeping madness causing them to
sunder into two opposing beings, and the sundered
Lifemother is a deity of disease, and decay.
The cave entrance is swathed in green moss and dotted with several 1-foot-wide white mushrooms. Both the
moss and the mushrooms have special properties. Like a
sponge, the moss quickly absorbs all water around it and
if shoved deep into a drowned heros throat it can negate
the 4 penalty to the Healing roll to resuscitate him. The
mushrooms are buoyant, but bulky. Only one mushroom
can be carried under each arm, but together they grant a
+2 bonus to Swimming rolls.
Beyond the entrance cave lies an irregular system of
water-made tunnels and caves many of which are half submerged in water (count as Difficult Ground). In places
can be found the broken remains of old walls and ruins
that show that part of the cave system was once part of an
ancient city.
The constant dull roar of the Runoff Falls is not the only
reminder of the damp nature of the caves. Small holes
in the walls, floor, and ceiling frequently shower water
into the tunnels, and worse, the islands slight wobbling
and rotation causes water from the Falls to accumulate
in depressions and dips across the island until it spills,
often causing sudden waves and flash floods in the caves.
The heroes will be constantly aware of the small rivulets
of water that course down the tunnel walls, and of the
frequent small waves and eddies in the frequent pools of
water. Every so often a large wave forms, one that might
endanger the player characters. Fortunately, the heroes
usually get to hear the wave or flash flood a few rounds
before it arrives.
Most of the water drains from the corridor.
Bones and junk can be seen lying on the cave
floor. With a successful Notice roll the heroes
find Junk-level salvage on the floor; with a
raise they find a weapon or object that obviously belonged to Garieth or his expedition
crew. After 1d4 rounds a wave rushes back into
the corridor and restores the water level.
Diamond A large wave rushes from one end of the corridor/room forcing each hero to make a Swimming roll. If anyone fails, he gains a Fatigue
A huge wave rushes from one end of the corridor/room filling it completely for 1d4+3
rounds. A hero can hold his breath for 5 times
his Vigor in seconds (one round equals six
seconds). For every round spent underwater
without any breath left, a hero must make a
Swimming roll or suffer a level of Fatigue.
A strong underwater current pulls the heroes
towards a sinkhole in the floor that spills
its water directly into the Runoff Falls. Each
hero much must make a Swimming roll or be
pulled by the current into the sinkhole. If this
happens, use the rules for falling overboard
(Sundered Skies page 53).
Further into the cave, the heroes hear a dull roar and
feel strong water currents pull at their feet. A powerful
stream feeds into the passageway, turning it into a swirling river that culminates in a 30-deep waterfall. Any hero
who approaches within 20 of the waterfall make a Swimming roll or be swept away by the current and carried
over the waterfall. Any hero who is not swept away can
attempt to grab a colleague who is being swept away, this
requiring an Agility roll at a 2 penalty. See the Falling
into Water rules in Savage Worlds to handle falling damage, and how to avoid it.
A series of handholds are carved into the rock parallel to the waterfall and these can be used to climb up or
down the 30 into pool at the foot of the waterfall. The
carved handholds offset the difficulty caused by the slipperiness of the cliff. Climbing checks may be attempted
at no penalty.
d10 x10
d10 x100
d10 x10
d10 x100
The heroes find themselves on the shores of an underground lake that fills the inside of a large, high-vaulted
cavern. The lake is fed by rivulets of water that run down
the walls and ceiling of the cave.
Approximately 10 away from the shore stands a small
8 diameter island upon which the heroes can see several
prone figures. If the heroes swim out to the islandthe
only way to reach the islandthey discover the figures to
be that of seven human sailors. Five of them are dead, but
two are still alive, though tortured and emaciated. One
will identify himself as Garieth and tell the heroes that
the demon tribe is on an island further into the cavern
where it is performing some kind of ritual.
Before the heroes have a chance to decide what to do,
a strange cry echoes through the cave and the sound dozens of approaching splashes can heard from deeper into
the cavern. The amphibians have spotted the heroes and
are swimming towards the island! Led by their clan chief,
they start in the water 10 from the island.
If the fight goes against the party and the heroes decide to withdraw back across the lake, half the remaining
amphibians plus the chief chase them while the rest stay
back to protect their home Use a variation of the chase
rules, with ten markers representing the cave route back
to the Glimmer Simmer. Use Agility as the movement
trait, giving a +1 bonus to the amphibians for their familiarity with the wet conditions within the cave. On markers
3 (Crab Pen) and 8 (Guard Room) both parties will
need to roll Swimming instead of Agility since those two
rooms are flooded. As natural swimmers, the amphibians
bonus goes up from +1 to +2. Note that dragging Garieth
and his companion is likely to incur a swimming penalty.
If the heroes pass the tenth marker they are out of danger,
as the amphibians will not pursue them in the outside.
Amphibians (5 per hero, minimum 20): See page 20.
Amphibian Clan Chief: See page 20.
Garieth: Use Sky Sailor stats from page 20 with 1
wound and 2 fatigue levels.
Garieths crew (1): Use Sky Sailor stats from page 20
with 2 fatigue levels.
Once the heroes are aboard the Sky Harvest, Haldin
orders his crew to get the barge under way. However, as
soon as the ship starts to move, it is shaken from stem
to stern by hundreds of tiny hits! One of the crew will
race onto the deck and report to the captain that water is
seeping into the ship as well.
The cause is easy to discern. Swarms of the small
crab-like creatures have covered the hull of the ship,
As the barge leaves the Falls and the hatches are
reopened, one of the heroes should spot a blurry island
inside the cascading water. A frail old cloaked is woman
standing on it, impervious to the water, smiling at the
hero. After a few seconds the island disappears from sight
and the hero is left wondering if what he saw was really
the Lifemothers island after all.
Whatever happens, the amphibians island is doomed.
The constant water erosion that has carved the caves is
weakening its structure and within a few decades the
likelihood is that the island will break apart and fall into
the Void.
Where: Gateway
When: When the heroes have reached the rank of
Every person is a song, and every song has an end.
So say The Requiem, the heretic cult of bardic assassins
who believe that they possess both the authority and the
duty to decide when every song should end. Seemingly at
random, The Requiem decides who lives and who dies;
no obvious distinction is ever made on the basis of race,
wealth, or birthplace. Once a target has been determined,
When the heroes arrive at Gateway they find the town
in an uproar. Four days ago the town woke up to discover that about a dozen of its most respected citizens
had disappeared from their homes along with their immediate families. The missing individuals were respected
pillars of the communitysuccessful merchants, local
neighborhood leaders, guild masters with a reputation
for honesty, even well meaning religious figures. None of
them though, were powerful or wealthy enough to have
employed or needed the protection of either soldiers or
The limited signs of a struggle at some of the victims
homes suggest that in each case a carefully planned and
executed kidnapping took place. The local authorities
have no leads on the disappearances and no idea as to
motives if they were indeed kidnappings. So far no ransom has been requested.
By this point in the campaign the heroes achievements have probably gained them some degree of fame
and recognition. Musecraft selects them precisely because
of this. The GM should arrange to have the heroes receive
a sealed letter, rather grandiosely addressed to The
bravest, noblest, and most self-sacrificing heroes in the
Skies. Inside, the heroes find a message written in crude
handwriting. Give Handout 1 to the players.
If the heroes have dealt with The Requiem before, allow any hero to make a Common Knowledge roll. With
a success, the hero recognizes some of the musical references as those belonging to the heretical Songpriests of
The Requiem. However, mass kidnappings and warning
letters are not usual Requiem methods.
Musecrafts symphony is a complex, symbolic work.
If the GM wants to set the right tone and message for
each scene, it might be useful if he understands the
hidden meanings behind the symphony.
Musecrafts symphony has two different, intertwined,
themes. The first theme deals with what Musecraft
believes to be the unhealthy and hypocritical relationship between the common people and the
heroes they look up to. With this theme Musecraft
strives to show that heroes, far from being noble
and self-sacrificing, can become as evil as anybody
else and that the people they help and in turn look
up to, can turn on them in an instant.
The second theme strives to show that societies are
symphonies. Musecraft assigns a musical role each to
the heroes, to the common people, and to The Requiem; and then lets the resulting relationships prove
that Festivals power applies to entire societies and
not just to individuals. This, by extension, proves that
societies fall within The Requiems area of influence.
In this theme the heroes represent the Melody, always
on the foreground, the most recognizable part of the
work. The kidnapped victims are the Harmony, and
represent the background, a part that both influences
and is influenced by whatever the Melody does. Both
the Harmony and the Melody work within the restrictions placed by the Rhythm, which represents the
structure Festival applies to the Skies.
In the First Movement, Melody follows Harmony, a
victim (the Harmony) is placed at risk and the heroes (the Melody) are compelled to save him. Musecraft wants to show that the heroes are compelled
by tradition to help the helpless, which gives them a
false feeling of righteousness.
In the Second Movement, Harmony follows Melody, it
is the heroes that have the power to decide who lives
and who dies; the victims can only wait and hope that
they are chosen. Just by the act of choosing, the heroes
are in a way, indirectly responsible for letting victims
die. Musecraft wants to show that the slippery slope
towards evil begins here, even in the best of us.
In the Third Movement, Rhythm follows Chaos,
Musecrafts blade-wielding device sets the Rhythm,
and the heroes must move within its rules. Musecraft wants to show that the heroes are just like the
people they are trying to save: victims, dancing to
someone elses beat and powerless to change it.
Finally, in the Fourth Movement, Perfection follows Dissonance, Musecraft brings things to a head. Now the
heroes turn on the people that they are supposed to
protect, proving how false and unhealthy their relationship really is. In Musecrafts view, this shows that Gateway society does not deserve to exist. Simultaneously,
this ending proves that the structure of music governs
the relationship between many individuals, opening the
door for The Requiem to act against entire societies.
heroes. Unless the heroes shout for them to stop and
go to their aid, the likelihood is that one or more of the
victims will tagger into the path of one of the rotating
Any character who wants to move or run must make
a free Agility roll at the start of his turn. Bennies can be
spent on this roll as usual, and characters with the Acrobat edge or the Blind hindrance must add or subtract the
appropriate modifiers. The result indicates how well the
If the heroes somehow managed to save most prisoners without directly killing any of them, their standing and
fame with the Gateway community improves noticeably.
Any surviving prisoners profusely thank the heroes, and
offer their help with anything that the heroes might need
in the future.
On the other hand, if the heroes behaved in a less
than heroic fashion they may have to face an angry and
disillusioned community. The ambiguity involved in explaining to angry relatives or officials why and how they
were forced to behave the way that they did can be a great
opportunity for good roleplaying. The GM might want to
make sure that one of The Requiem enemies survives the
last fight so that he canprobably under interrogationexplain the plot and the heroes role in it.
If Musecraft is still alive, he will continue on the
path towards mass murder (if his symphony was a success), or looking for a way to repeat his experiment (if
not). He also has a score to settle with the heroes if they
managed to upset his plan.
Even if Musecraft is dead, if his goals with the
Symphony were met, several factions within The Requiem will know. It would not be surprising if the next few
months saw an increase in reports of bizarre mass murders; the heroes might even unknowingly be involved in
some of these, as revenge for attempt to stop Musecraft
and his followers.
Where: The void
When: When the heroes have a ship and have reached
the rank of Heroic.
The heroes spot a derelict cloudskiff floating aimlessly
in the distance. When they go aboard, the only person
that they find is a lone sky sailor. Weak and dying from
the deep gashes and wounds in his body, the sailor gasps
these words to the heroes before dying:
He attacked our ship Scar Grhuell killed
most of us took a few of us to his hideout Depraved, they tortured us for fun! ...Escaped on one
of his ships Been drifting for weeks A Madness
Hulk There are others trapped Darkhome
With a Common Knowledge (+2) roll a hero has heard
of Scar Ghruell, a notorious pirate feared for his cruelty
and viciousness. Ghruell is known for attacking without
warning from deep in the void; rumors say that he orchestrates his attacks from a secret base, a hideout where
he keeps his stolen treasures.
Searching the sailors body the heroes find a handful
of earth. If the heroes use the earth with their waysphere,
they will be directed on a three-week voyage to a large
island, previously unknown and far from the shipping
lanes. The islands surface is bleak and barren, and its
only interesting feature is a huge cave entrance on one
side, an entrance so large that a ship might easily be able
to sail into the cavern could Ghruells hideout be inside the island?
The heroes can sail their ship through the cave
entrance with ease as it is easily large enough for a
behemoth to enter. However, as they enter the cave
the heroes vessel will be buffeted by wind currents
strong enough to push into the wall. Have the captain
make a Boating roll with a +2 bonus; on a failure, the
ship hits the cavern wall and suffers 2d6 damage.
The cavern would be in entire darkness were it
not for the slight illumation provided by a few thin
rays of glowlight coming through holes in the ceiling
and walls. The glowrays bounce off large stalactite
and stalagmite-like rock formations in unpredictable
directions casting further light into the cavern. By
this light the heroes will be able to see that the floor
and walls are covered in strange moss-like whitish
vegetation. The floor of the cavern is dotted with the
remains of previous ships that have visited this place
in years past, while the occasional fast shadow, as if from
some small predator, darts between the stalagmites.
The cavern is not a place of silence. Besides the sound
of the wind, quiet growls, followed by a scream, rise
sporadically from the surface, as if of animals fighting.
Every few minutes a low rumble comes from the caverns
As the entrance to the cave recedes, the heroes are
plunged into semi-darkness (treat as Dim Light). Soon after the heroes enter the cave they notice strange sporadic
rumbles and tremors coming from far within the island,
which cause rains of dust and small rocks. This is actually caused by the Earthbanes brought by Praol, who are
slowly destroying Darkhome, just with their presence.
As the heroes continue their exploration the rumbles
and tremors increase, both in frequency and intensity.
By the final stages of the exploration, the tremors are so
strong that they cause large rocks to fall from the ceiling.
Have the captain make a Boating roll (+2) every once in
a while; with a failure the ship receives 2d6 damage from
the falling rocks
Stalwart heroes who want to explore Darkhome
by foot instead of using a ship should discover that
it is not practical to do so. The stalagmites form a
maze, making the heroes trip a very slow one and
the constant back-tracking can turn the trip inside
the caveswhich takes a few days by boatinto a voyage that could last weeks. Every few hours the GM
should check for encounters using the following
1d20 Encounter
No Encounter
A field of strange white cactus-like plants.
Halve walking speed for a few hours. Roll
Agility to avoid touching needles, otherwise
roll Vigor (2) or suffer a level of Fatigue.
8-10 1d4 swarms of Dark Critters (see page 22).
11-13 2d4 Void Bats (see page 22)
14-16 2d4 Blinded (see page 22)
17-18 1d4 Ragers (see Page 23)
Tremor. All heroes roll Agility or suffer 2d6
damage from falling rocks.
Sky Sloop with 2d6 pirates (see Page 23)
It should become obvious to the heroes that
Darkhome is not meant to be explored by foot.
these Boating rolls fails the ship will crash against a wall
or the behemoth skeleton, inflicting 2d6 damage to its
hull and sails. The danger of the ship crashing like this
continues until the combat is over.
Void Bats (2 per hero): See page 22.
Dark Glimmerwing Swarms (3): See page 22.
2d6 collision damage as it collides with the wall as it enters the canyon.
As soon as the heroes ship is completely within the
gorge the pirates spring their trap. Several cannons cunningly hidden in holes carved inside the rocky walls open
fire at the ship. There are twelve cannons in total, six on
each side, equally spaced along the length of the canyon.
This means that because the canyon is much longer than
the heroes ship, only half of the cannons can fire at it.
Switch the action to the tabletop, using the Surprise
rules from Savage Worlds to handle the attack and any
possible hero responses. While in the canyon, any time
that the ship goes Out of Control the captain must make
a Boating roll or the ship crash into the canyon walls,
taking 2d6 collision damage as a result.
The canyon is roughly 6 wide and 40 long, and the
shelves on each side are 1 wide. Evenly spaced on the
gorge wall next to each shelf are six 3-long, 1-wide
holes in the rock, each one containing a cannon and two
The enemy cannons and gunners get Medium Cover
against cannon attacks from the heroes ship because of
the rocky wall. Ranged attacks against the gunners also
receive this penalty, as the gunners use the cannons themselves as cover.
Heroes can jump off the ship and onto the shelves;
anyone who falls overboard as part of an attack can also
attempt to grab onto a shelf with a successful Agility roll.
If one or more heroes manage to leap onto a shelf, some
of the pirates on that side will leave their cannons and
engage in melee.
The floor of the canyon lies 10 below the boat, so any
hero who falls from their ship or from one of the shelves
will suffer 5d6 damage. With a successful Agility roll, a
hero will manage to hold onto something during the fall
and so only receive half damage. Climbing the 10 back to
the shelf requires several Climbing rolls as per the Savage
Worlds rules with a +2 bonus for the number of handholds and rocky outcroppings in the gorge wall. If the
ship is wrecked and falls, it receives 4d6 damage for both
the fall and for bumps against the walls as it descends.
A hidden sky sloop is tethered on the wall behind the
far end of the gorge, next to where the shelf ends. If the
heroes search the sky sloop they find the ship captains
log. A cursory reading reveals that the pirates are as mystified by the rumbles and tremors as everyone else. These
started about two weeks ago, and have been increasing in
intensity. Any pirates who are captured and intimidated
into talking will tell the heroes the same thing.
The tunnel finally ends in a very large cavern, several
miles long and thousands of feet wide and tall, and lit
with a bluish tint by giant crystals that protrude out of
the floor. Another tunnel, similar to the one the heroes
ship came out of, can be seen in the very far distance at
the opposite side of the cavern, its opening fringed by
the crystals.
About a mile from the tunnel entrance a plateau rises
a few hundred feet in the middle of the cavern. A number
of ancient stone ruins, perhaps those of an old city, dot
the surface of plateau and it is next to one of the larger
ruins that the pirates have established a small tent town
as their hideout. On the edge of the plateau, near this tent
town, are anchored two doppelganger ships.
The hideout is home to around 70 pirates, along with
Rhan Scar Ghruell himself and a few sailors that he is
holding prisoner. They are barely alive and when rescued
will tell horrifying stories about their torture at the hands
of the pirates. Two lookouts stationed on the doppelganger ships permanently monitor the two tunnels leading into the cavern, and will spot the heroes ship unless
they take specific measures to avoid being seen.
If the heroes are spotted before they reach the plateau,
the lookouts will raise the alarm. Most pirates, along with
Ghruell, will board the doppelganger ships and try to
intercept the heroes ship before they reach the plateau.
The largest tent in the camp is Ghruells home. Inside
the heroes will find several chests that together contain
the equivalent of one Mother Lode salvage.
Pirates (70): See page 23.
Rhan Scar Ghruell: See page 23
Pirate doppelganger ships (2): Acc/Top Speed: 2/10;
Handling: -1; Toughness 18 (4); Guns: 20; Heavy Armor;
Crew: 12+20
Praol has also been trying to reach the hideout; he has
entered the caves by making a large hole in the island
wall, and is now approaching the central cavern from the
opposite tunnel. He commands two fully-crewed Madness Hulks.
Praol will arrive at an appropriately dramatic mo-
Assuming that the heroes emerged victorious,
they now have Darkhome to themselves. They can explore
the other tunnel, which leads to Praols improvised hole
into Darkhome. They might also want to explore the ruins and the mysterious blue crystals, trying to wrest their
ancient secrets. The scholars at the Athanaeum would be
very interested in exploring the marvels of Darkhome.
The heroesand they truly are heroes noware approached by a courier on behalf of the Sons of Spire.
Johann Kepplerthe Knight Commander of the Sons of
Spire stationed on the blighted isle of Remorserequests
an audience with them. However he does not await them
on Remorse. The courier carries a pouch of earth, which
will direct the heroes to his current location. If asked, the
courier does not know where the earth will direct the
heroesthe delivery job came to him via a third party.
When applied to their ships Waysphere, the earth will
take the heroes to an island that is a base travel time of
7 weeks away from Shadowhaven. If the heroes embark
from an island other than Shadowhaven then add half
the base Traveling time between that island and Shadowhaven to 7 to find the new traveling time to their destina-
Glowmadness, but also becoming susceptible to
the same forces that affect the islands. More than
one Voidomancer has been thrown from the deck
of his ship by the backlash of a botched spell.
But anyway, all of that is just a preamble to explain that we have the resources and the capability
to detect supernatural forces working within the
void. Such a force was detected near the minor isle
of Skywood. We dispatched a team of scholars and
adventurers to investigatethe rock field outside
is what they found. Skywood and the hundreds
who lived there had been destroyed.
What we are seeing here was not just a landfall
such as hit Bridgeways 300 hundred years ago,
Skywood exploded. Something within it caused the
island to sunder, if you will. Our observations and
calculations lead us to believe that at the center
of the rock field is a larger island, and that upon
this this island will be found the source of this
Johann finishes his lecture and looks expectantly at the
heroes. There is very little material aid that the Sons of
Spire can offer the heroesas far as they are concerned,
the legendary saviors of the elves should be more than
prepared for any eventuality.
Once the rock field has been successfully traveled, the
heroes find themselves in relatively clear skies. Before
them is a large tree covered isle that shows signs of having recently suffered a great deal of damage. The shores
of the isle are splintered and jagged instead of the usual
wind eroded rounded shores that you would expect. Inshore the surface of the island is rent by huge ruptures
and its many trees have been uprooted by the cataclysm.
There is no sign of any surviving islanders.
Going ashore is relatively simple. A hero who succeeds
at a Boating roll might realize that the capture field of the
island is much larger than it should be for its size. Initially
the island is peaceful, and nothing threatens the heroes,
although the ground seems to vibrate with a barely
perceptible power. However once the heroes approach
one of the fissures that allow access to the interior of the
island, all that changes.
The island starts to shake as if suffering a landfall and
fast moving tendrils suddenly emerge from the fissure,
darting towards the trees surrounding the heroes. These
tendrils are just below the surface of the earth and they
can be severed by a quick thinking hero who stated he
was approaching the fissure with a cutting weapon drawn
and makes a successful Agility (-4) roll. Each tendril,
which reaches a tree, animates it as a wood elemental.
Each tendril severed reduces the number of greater wood
elementals by one.
The elementals attempt to surround the heroes and
prevent them from entering the fissure. The wood elementals engage the heroes directly, while the greater
elementals hang back and use their reach attack, only
using their sweep ability once their lesser cousins are no
longer threatened. The elementals are not able to pursue
the heroes beyond ten inches into the fissure.
Greater Wood Elemental (1 per hero +2): See page
Wood Elementals (2 per hero): See page 24.
Run the escape as a chase using the rules given in
Savage Worlds. The collapsing tunnel has an agility of d8,
and the heroes start at medium range3 inchesfrom
the collapse. However the steepness of the ascent means
that they suffer a 1 penalty to their agility rolls. Those
heroes who increase the gap to 10 range increments
escape. Those heroes who are overtaken by the collapse
suffer 2d6 damage per round that the collapse is ahead
of them.
Heroes who emerge from the tunnel have just enough
time to get to their shipand get a safe distance from the
island if necessarybefore the living island smashes its
way free of the island.
Hopefully, the heroes have dealt with the fledgling living island before it can escape and become a threat to
Crab Monsters are offspring of the small crab-like
creatures that cover the island, fed and groomed by the
amphibians into a giant form. The amphibians raise them
as cattle for their meat and use their shells as armor and
claws as weapons.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength
d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Guts d6, Intimidation
d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Swimming d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Low-Light vision: Crab Monsters ignore penalties for
Dim and Dark Lighting.
* Armor +2: Armored shell
* Grapple: A crab monster can grapple a foe with one
or both of its pincersdepending on if one or two
of its frenzied attacks hits. If it uses both, each must
make a successful opposed Strength roll. Escaping
from a double grapple gives the prey a 4 penalty to
his Strength roll to escape.
* Improved Frenzy: Crab monsters can make 2
Fighting attacks with no multi-action penalty.
* Pincers: Str+d4
* Size +1: Crab Monsters measure 6 in length.
Small crab-like creatures cover the pocketed surface
of the island. When they see a large-enough enemy they
instinctively congregate into swarms before attacking.
Crab swarms fill a Medium Burst Template.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d12, Strength
d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Notice d6, Stealth d10
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Bite: The swarm automatically hits, inflicting 2d6
damage to everyone within the Template.
* Split: When the swarm is first wounded, it splits into
two Small Burst Template swarms. The Toughness of
each swarm is lowered by 2 (i.e. to 5). When one of
these smaller swarms takes a wound, it is dispersed
and becomes ineffective.
* Swarm: Parry +2. Because a swarm is composed of
dozens of little crabs, cutting, piercing, and energy
weapons do no real damage. Area-effect weapons
work normally.
Amphibians look like a cross between a toad and a lizard. In Heartland they had a flourishing civilization, but
the Sundering dealt a cruel blow to this race and now
they are little more than primitive animals.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Guts d8, Notice d8,
Stealth d6, Swimming d8, Throwing d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7
Salvage: Junk per 5 amphibians.
Gear: Spear (Str+d6; Parry +1; Reach 1; 2 hands); thrown
rocks (Range: 3/6/12, Damage: Str+d4).
Special Abilities:
* Armor +1: Scaly Skin
* Natural Swimmer: Amphibians are powerful
swimmers and have +2 on all Swimming rolls and
increasing swimming Pace to equal their Swimming
* Low-Light vision: Amphibians ignore penalties for
Dim and Dark Lighting.
Salvage: Goods
Gear: Crab claw club (Str+d4)
Special Abilities:
* Armor +1: Scaly Skin
* Spells (25 Power Points): elemental choke, entangle,
healing, summon water elemental
* Natural Swimmer: Amphibians are powerful
swimmers and have +2 on all Swimming rolls and
increasing swimming Pace to equal their Swimming
* Low-Light vision: Amphibians ignore penalties for
Dim and Dark Lighting.
Drowned spirits are wraiths of those who drown
something almost unheard of in the Skies. The ghost uses
the water that killed it to form a body of sorts. Drowned
spirits are vengeful creatures who attempt to drown their
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d12+2
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Drowning: If a drowned spirit gets a raise on its
Fighting roll, it envelops the head of its victim in its
watery form. The victim starts to drown (see Savage
Worlds). The only way to save the victim is to destroy
the spirittheir forms are too nebulous to be
* Elemental: No additional damage from called shots;
Fearless; Immune to disease and poison.
* Fear -1: Drowned spirits cause Guts checks at 1 when
they let themselves be seen.
* Invulnerability: Drowned spirits are immune to all
non-magical attacks except fire. A torch or lantern
causes them 1d6 damage but is instantly put out if it
* Water Spout: Drowned spirits can project a torrent
of rushing water equal to a Cone Template. This
automatically puts out any normal fires, or 1d6 ship
fires. Creatures within the Cone must make a Strength
roll at a 2 penalty or be Shaken.
Attributes: Agility d6, Fighting d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, Fighting d4, Guts d6,
Notice d4, Stealth d4, Throwing d6
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Edges & Hindrances:
Musecraft is an experienced Requiem assassin and
Songpriest leader. He has extremist ideas (even for The
Requiem) and is not afraid of death so long as he can
prove that his theories are correct.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Boating d8, Climbing d6, Faith d12, Fighting d10,
Guts d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d10,
Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Taunt d10
Charisma: +0
Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Vow
Edges: Acrobat, Arcane Background (Miracles), Marksman, New Spells, Power Points, Songpriest, Strong Willed,
Gear: Leather (+1), rapier (Str+d4, +1 Parry), flute blowpipe (4/8/16, 2d4) Musecraft coats his twelve darts with
an elven venom which will cause the next target to hit by
the dart and be Shaken to make a Vigor at a 2 penalty or
suffer an extra Wound.
Salvage: Junk
Spells: (25 Power Points) bolt, entangle, fear, stun, summon muse, dispel
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, Faith d10, Fighting d6,
Guts d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Charisma: +0
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Vow
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Power Points,
Songpriest, Strong Willed
Muses are spirit servants of the Lord of Festival. Each
Songpriest is bonded with a muse, who acts as a conduit
between the priest and the Songvaults. Some Songpriests
can manifest their muse on the material plane to fight or
perform other tasks. Manifested muses appear as beautiful women.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12+3, Spirit d12,
Strength d4, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Knowledge (legends and lore) d12,
Persuasion d12+1, Shooting d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Immunity (Sonic): A muse is immune to all attacks
with a sonic trapping.
* Sirens Song: A muse can paralyze foes with a song.
Center a Large Burst Template on the muse. All those
within the template must make a Spirit roll opposed
by the muses Persuasion roll. Anyone who fails is
paralyzed for as long as the muse sings. The muse
is unable to move while using this ability, and if the
listener is distracted in any way from the muses
songsuch as being attacked or slappedthe effect
ends. This attack cannot affect non-sentient creatures,
such as certain undead.
* Sonic Blade: A muse can create a sonic blade which
does d4+d8 damage. This blade cannot leave the
muses grasp.
* Sonic Shards: A muse can throw perfectly sharp
notes at its foes. These notes have a range of 12/24/48
and do 2d6 damage.
Bloodfly swarms cover a Medium Burst Template.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12, Strength
d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Notice d8
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Bite: Swarms inflict hundreds of tiny bites every round
to their victims, hitting automatically and causing 2d4
damage to everyone within the template.
* Split: When a swarm takes a Wound, it splits into two
swarms, each the size of a Small Burst Template. The
Toughness of these smaller swarms is lowered by 2
(to 5 each).
* Swarm: Parry +2; the swarm is composed of hundreds
or thousands of creatures, so cutting and piercing
weapons do no real damage. Area effect weapons
work normally, and a character can stomp to inflict his
Strength in damage each round.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, Fighting d4, Guts d4,
Knowledge (Trade) d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6, Throwing
Charisma: +0
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Edges and Hindrances:
These swarms of small deadly vermin usually live off
plants, but every once in a while find something tastier to
eat. They fill a Medium Burst Template.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12, Strength
d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Notice d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Armor +1: Carapace
* Bite: Dark critter swarms inflict dozens of tiny bites
every round to their victims, hitting automatically and
causing 2d4 damage to everyone within the template.
* Poison: Anyone Shaken or wounded by a dark critter
swarm must make a Vigor roll or suffer a level of
Fatigue. This can lead to Death.
* Swarm: Parry +2; cutting and piercing weapons do
no real damage. Area-effect weapons work normally,
and a character can stomp to inflict his damage in
Strength each round.
These skylers are nearly as large as a full-grown human.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Stealth d10
Pace: 2; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Bite: Str+d4
* Flight: Void bats fly at a Pace of 12.
* Voidsense: Void bats are eyeless; however they can
sense things in the void. The effective range of this
ability is miles, but it becomes very focused up to
a distance of 10 around them. It is impossible to
surprise a void bat.
A dark glimmerwing is a predatory skyler swarm
evolved to live in the relative darkness of Darkhome.
Their dark wings and silent flying make them practically
invisible until they are almost upon their prey. Dark glimmerwing swarms cover an area equal to a Large Burst
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength
d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Notice d6, Stealth d12+2
Pace: 0; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Bite: The flock inflicts hundreds of tiny cuts every
round, hitting automatically and causing 2d6 damage
to everyone in the template. Damage is applied to the
least armored location.
* Fly: The skylers have a Flying Pace of 12.
* Swarm: Parry +2; because the flock is composed of
hundreds of creatures, cutting and piercing weapons
do no real damage. Area effect weapons work
Glowmad humans are the most common of their kind.
Their scaly skin is earth-colored and their features bestial. Their eyes have melted, and their sockets shine with
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d8,
Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Guts d8, Notice d10,
Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 9 (2)
Salvage: Junk
Gear: Improvised Weapons (Str+d4, 1 to Attack roll)
Special Abilities:
* Armor +2: Blinded have scaly skin.
* Berserk: These glowmad are in a constant state of
berserk fury. They gain +2 to Damage, Fighting rolls,
and Toughness. They suffer a -2 penalty to Parry. If
they roll a 1 on their Fighting die they hit a random
adjacent target. This can be a fellow blinded, but not
the original target.
Most glowmad goblins, and all glowmad glowborn,
become ragers, tall, bestial humanoids covered in a bristly brown fur with vicious claws. Ragers are constantly in
a berserk state.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10,
Vigor d8
Skills: Climb d6, Fighting d8, Guts d8, Notice d4, Stealth
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Salvage: Junk
Special Abilities:
* Berserk: These glowmad are in a constant state of
berserk fury. They gain +2 to Damage, Fighting and
Strength rolls and suffer a -2 penalty to Parry. If they
roll a 1 on their Fighting die they hit a random adjacent
targetnot the original target.
* Claws: Str+d4
* Hardy: Two Shaken results will not put a Rager
* Size +2: Ragers are over 8 tall.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d8
Charisma: 3
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean
Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes
Gear: Leather (+1), knife (Str+d4), bone cutlass (Str+d6,
degradable), pistol (5/10/20, 2d6+1)
Salvage: Junk for every 3 pirates
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
d12+3, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (4)
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
* Armor +4: Rocky hide
* Bash: Str+d6
* Burrow (10): Earth Elementals can meld into and
out of the ground.
* Elemental: No additional damage from called shots;
fearless; immune to disease and poison.
A Living island is an enormous rogue earth elemental,
which drifts through the void consuming islands it comes
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
d12+3, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8
Pace: 0; Parry: 6; Toughness: 30 (4)
Salvage: Junk
Special Abilities:
* Armor +4: Rocky hide
* Bash: The elemental can form rocky tentacles with
which they have a Reach of 12 and do Str+d10
* Elemental: No additional damage from called shots;
Fearless; Immune to disease and poison.
* Flight: Living islands purposely drift through the void
at a pace of 12 a turn. They cannot run.
The Wilds influence has awakened these dangerous
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 16 (2)
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
The Wilds influence has awakened these dangerous
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10,
Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (1)
Salvage: None
Special Abilities:
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