OBARAIRETE Odu of Year 16 17 Ingles
OBARAIRETE Odu of Year 16 17 Ingles
OBARAIRETE Odu of Year 16 17 Ingles
There is fortune for immigrants this year. People who are planning to travel
from one place to the other for work or businesses will prosper. The Ifa/Orisa
priests who travel to another city/country to do their work need to make ebo to
profit over their spiritual job. Ifa has advised inhabitants of each place to trust
the outsiders/foreigners who come to their place. This is because, all that the
strangers do for the inhabitants will be effective. Ebo to make by anybody who
intends to travel includes 16 pigeons, honey, gin, kola nuts, palm oil and
money. A goat will also be sacrificed to Ifa. On this, Ifa says:
Ibinni nile aje
Irada nile omokun
Ibi o gbe sunwon la n boyinde
A difa fun Orunmila
Baba n sawo rode Eto Gege
Alade, o de rere! Obararete, abisawo jingbinni
Still about the travelers, Ifa says they will be successful wherever they go. Also,
they will return safely. Ogun should be appeased before embarking on the
journey for a safe return which Ifa has promised. The items to sacrifice are a
dog, 3 cocks, palm oil, kola nuts, gin, pap and money. Ogun will be appeased
with the dog. On this, Ifa says:
Afebo riru boju iku
Afetutu barun mole
For those who are longing for wives, Ifa says they should be generous. Those
who are generous to people will find good wives while those who are stingy
may find it difficult to find good wives, if not find wives at all. Also, single men
should always have food at home. Besides home, they should always give food
to those who visit them in their places of work. Ebo to be made by anybody
who is longing for a wife includes 4 pigeons, honey, eggs, gin, kola nuts and
money. On this, Ifa says:
Yangi abori kugu
A difa fun Olobara
To n lo ree dako si eba ona
Ebo ni won ni o se
O gbebo nibe o rubo
It is forbidden for any woman who is longing for a child to adorn her buttocks
with beads. Ifa says the beads will prevent her from getting pregnant. Any
woman in this situation should sacrifice 4 rats, 4 fish, 4 hens and money. After
the ebo, if she has beads on her waist, she will remove it and put it on Esu. On
this, Ifa says:
Pankere teere awo inu igbo
Eesun wowo awo egi
A difa fun Olasunmisokun
To n moju ekun sogbere omo
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O ko bee ni ko ru
Opolopo ileke ni ko je ki Olasunmisokun o bimo
Still on the issue of child bearing, the barren need to make ebo with 4 fish, 4
rats, 4 hens and a goat. The goat will be sacrificed to Ifa. Any woman who is
longing for a child should always stay or live in a cool place. She should not
expose herself to heat or hot weather too much. This is because heat or hot
weather can lead to miscarriage. On this, Ifa says:
Eda omo odo ni foju joke
Adifa fun Esin-in
Ti n re isale abata
Ti n lo ree kanrile omo ni bibi
Eropo tofa
E bani ni wowo omo
Ifa warns married women against adultery. There is danger in involving in extra
marital affair because, when the secret is exposed, this may lead to the woman
being put out of the marital home. Also, married women should be careful not
to play too much with men in a place where they fetch, sell or buy water. This is
because; their husband may take it to be something that it is not. On the other
hand, men should also cease from playing too much with married women. On
this, Ifa says:
Benu ni won pe oka
Benu n laa pe ere
A difa fun Aasemoga mogamoga
Ti saya Agbonmireguin
Aase mogamoga oo seni
Aase mogamoga oo seniyan
Aase mogamoga! Emi lo wodo wa doko se?
Obarairete warns married women to be humble and submissive to the husband.
If they are not, this may lead to divorce. Also, there might be regret after such
divorce and this may lead such woman to living in abject poverty for long.
Furthermore, it may be difficult to get any good husband after the divorce. On
the other hand, Ifa has promised any woman who is humble and submissive
happiness and profits. On this, Ifa says:
Orunmila ni bojumo ba ti mo
Keni o maa ki oko eni
Obirin ti oo ba bosi ku
Bo ba ti ji
Wiworoko ni maa woroko oju soko
Obirin ti oo ba boro ku
Bo ba ti ji
Owo pete owo pete ni maa n te soko
A difa fun Birawo aya Orunmila
Eyi to ko Ifa sile to loun o fefa mo
Lilo lo n lo
O ko nii ku
O ko nii run
Sugbon o ko nii ribi ire fidi ka
O ko si nii ribi kan a a gbe
Aya fi bo o ba pada to o fefa
This year, there will be a lot of wars against many countries. The army of each
country will surely overpower the rebels. Ebo should be made to ensure the
victory. The items to sacrifice are 3 he-goats, 3 cocks, palm oil, gin, pap and
money. On this, Ifa says:
Ela pinpin
A difa fun enlojo eso
Won n rogun Ojonlo
Ebo lawo ni won o se
Won rubo
Ebo da
Nje awa yun o
Awa bo
A ti segun Ojonlo
Ela pin-in
Cast Ifa for 162 warlords
They were going to the war of Ojonlo
They were advised to make ebo
They made the recommended ebo
Their ebo was accepted
For long life and sickness, ebo needs to be made with 3 cocks, 3 big rats, ones
used cloth, palm oil, a club and money. On this, Ifa says:
Obara reterete
A difa fun Oka, omo elewu pabo
Won ni ko fi ewu re rubo nitori iku
O fi eti otun gbebo
O fi tosi da nu
Igba aitebo
Igba aiteru
E ko rifa awo ki bo ti n se
Obara reterete
Cast Ifa for Oka, one with deadly cloth
He was advised to sacrifice its cloth against death
He heard the recommended ebo with its right ear
It threw away the advice through the left ear
Failure to make ebo
Refusal to make rituals
Dont you see the manifestation of the Ifa recited by the priest
For safety, business people who travel every day to their place of work or
shops, there is a need to sacrifice a he-goat, palm oil, a calabash, a clay plate,
a big rat and money. On this, Ifa says:
Paafaa teere
A difa fun Ologbo
Ti n rebi atokedoke
Ebo lawo ni ko se
O rubo ebo re da
Kin lo yo Ologbo ninu ibi?
Igba epo atawo eje
Lo yo Ologbo ninu ibi
Pafaa teere
Cast Ifa for Ologbo, the cat
When travelling around
He was advised to make ebo
He complied and his ebo is accepted
What has rescued Ologbo, the cat, from evil?
A calabash of palm oil and a plate of blood
Are the things which rescued Ologbo, the cat from evil
This odu seriously warns against divorce. It warns especially the wives of
Ifa/Orisa priests not to consider divorce this year. On this, Ifa reiterates:
Yangi abori kugu
A difa fun Barawe
Ti saya Orunmila
Eyi to n sagidi osi soko re
Sanponna should be appeased so that there will be no disease. Also, anybody
that is travelling should be careful of what he eats or drinks. The hygiene of the
place one travels to should also be taken into consideration. The ebo to make
here include banana, palm oil, snails, shea butter, paps, boiled corn, pop corn
and money. On this, Ifa says:
Obara oo rote
Mo rote n o sa
Mo maro lowo mi otun
Mo mu aaja lowo mi osi
Mo papo o ro janganjangan
Eru o bodo
Eni ti yoo wodo lominu n ko
A difa fun Orunmila
Baba n sawo rode Igodo
A difa fun Esu Odara
To n sawo rode Ajahunnagi
Won ni won o rubo
This year, Opele should be used often when making ebo especially for the sick.
Ifa has confirmed the effectiveness of making ebo with Opele throughout this
year. This does not mean we should not use Ikin and Ifa tray to divine or make
ebo. But whenever ebo is to be done for a sick person, Opele is advisable. Also,
those who are sick should sacrifice a he-goat, a big rat, palm oil, pap and
money. On this, Ifa says:
Iroke o ku mofe
Irukere odo yere
Patako o ku ijokoo laafin oba
Ota inu omi ni o dekun gbedegbede ni ririn
A difa Opele
To n sawo rele Onitagi
Opele awo ile Onitagi
A difa fun Onitagi to n sogboogbo arun
Ti n nara kaka alailedide
Opele ti o niye
A si gbonra sebo
A si fese mejeeji te e
For long life, we need to make sacrifice with 3 cocks, a chick, palm oil, pap and
money. After making the ebo, we will leave the chick in a place where hawk will
carry it. On this, Ifa says:
Ajikoro dide
Okunrun eko o tepa
A difa fun Orunmila
Nijo irere n ge gbogbo ori Irunmole kaye
Asa lo gbawo ladiye lo
Gbogbo ajogun ibi
E rokeere fefe e lo ree se si si
Okere fefe ibi fo
To wake up healthy
A sick earth worm employs walking stick to be able to walk
Ifa revelation to Orunmila
When Irere, death was beheading all Irunmole
It is hawk that has carried away priests fowl
All evil forces
Go to a very far place to fight
Evil forces have flew afar
Ifa has assured all his followers of victory. We need to make ebo with a he-goat,
3 cocks, palm oil, 3 big rats, pap and money. On this, Ifa says:
Agbo gboro ija ko motakomotako
A difa fun Okanrairai
Still on victory over enemies, Ifa has assured his followers that no enemy will
have power over them. Ebo should be made with 2 hens, 2 guinea fowls, 2
pigeons, kola nuts, honey and money. After the ebo, Osun, Oba, Olokun, Olosa
and Yemoja will be appeased. On this, Ifa says:
Obara reterete awo Omi
A difa fun Omi
lojo ti Omi n be larin ota
Ebo ni won ni o se
O gbebo o rubo
E baa bu u siwa
Ki e bu u seyin
A ki i ri ipa ogbe ana lara omi
This year, we should make sure we greet our Ifa/Orisa every morning. And
when we are doing this, we need to put our head down to touch the ground. In
essence, those who are fond using the hand to touch the ground then touch the
head should cease. Therefore, we should always kneel down and use our heads
to touch the ground. On this, Ifa says:
Abere ni fi toju timu sise
A difa fun Foribale
Ti somo bibi inu Agbonniregun
Awa fori bale loni awa o ku mo
ObaraIrete! Ori a gbo ke
Anyone rearing animals or keeping live stock should sacrifice one of each of the
animals in his possession. Besides the animal(s), he will add a big rat, palm oil,
gin and money to the items of ebo. It is advisable to do this to prevent death.
On this Ifa says:
Popondo ni so bi adaasa bi adaasa
Amoniloju ara won ni won n se
A difa fun Olohunku
Won ni o sebo saiku ara re
Igba aisebo
Igba aiteru
A je eran yii dun Olohunku
A jeyi dun Olohunku
To fortify ourselves against the enemies, we need to sacrifice 3 cocks, 3 big
rats, palm oil, yam, corn and beans. When we do the ebo, an akose will be
made with soap for the person to bathe. On this, Ifa says:
Okuta la kooro la ma seje
A difa fun Ota-ko-raya-mi-mu, omo Olofin
Lojo to n be laarin ota
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Isu nawo nawo ko le fi mu oloko
Aya mi a pogaara
A sun siwaju kooroko
Agbado nawo nawo ko le fi mu oloko
Aya mi a pogaara
A sun siwaju kooroko
Awuje nawo nawo ko le fi mu oloko
Aya mi a pogaara
A sun siwaju kooroko
This odu says there is conspiracy and wars in the world. Ifa says people are
waging war against the authority in the world. This can be the authority in the
respective countries. The leader will surely achieve his mission. It is
recommended that the leader of each community, state, country or
organization should make ebo with a ram, 7 big rats, 7 pigeons, palm oil, pap
and money. Each king in Yoruba land should also make this ebo. And the kings
should never turn against Yoruba tradition and Ifa/Orisa. Any king who turns
against the Orisa, Oduduwa will surely deal with him. On this, Ifa says:
Ayun mi ree, ire ni ki o je
Abo mi ree, ire ni ki o je
Atayun atabo
Mo de mo ba tijotayo nile
A difa fun Oduduwa Atewonro
Yoo ko gbogbo Irunmole wa sode aye
Awa yun o
Awa bo
Omo Olobara kii ku sote
Ifa has assured the world that the war from the rebels will surely be
suppressed. The leaders need to make ebo. Also, the practitioners of Ifa/Orisa
religion are assured of the war against them here and there in the world. The
items to sacrifice here are a he-goat, 3 cocks, 3 big rats, pap, palm oil and
money. On this, Ifa says:
A bi loro
A pon loro
O burinburin loroloro
A difa fun Orunmila
Ifa n lo ibi atokedoke
Won logun n be lapa otun
Won lote n be lapa osi
Won ni osiiri n be laarin ona kooropongba
Ifa ni ogun apa otun, otun ni ki o gbe
Ifa ni ogun apa osi, osi ni ki o wa
Osiiri to wa laarin, yoo maa ya fomo awo
A oo la won ja
A oo la won bo
Omo isoro kii ku soro
Omo Olobara kii ku si ote
This year, Ifa warns those who are chasing another mans wife. Ifa says anyone
who is found in such act will be punished. Those who are suspecting their
spouse should make ebo with 3 cocks, 3 big rats, a rope, gin, kola nuts, pap,
palm oil and money. On this, Ifa says:
O n bere labe buka
O n ba kubekube
A difa fun Olobara to n lo ji obirin Irete do
Awo mu e loni o, Awo mu e
Olobara to n ji Obirin Irete do
Awo mu e loni o, Awo mu e
Ifa says people whose children are dying prematurely should initiate them into
Ifa. The age of the child does not matter here. On this, Ifa says:
Gbara odede ni mo ti te
Ori awo gbo kekeke
A difa fun Orunmila
Baba oo te omo ojo keedogbon nifa
Ta ni n be leyin to n sebo
Obarairete! Orunmila lo n be leyin to n sebo
Black cloth
Not to carry another persons child at the back
Any woman who is longing for child should not look at the mirror
Any woman who is longing for child should not use beads
Do not commit adultery
Do not divorce
Married individuals should not flirt