Understanding Optical Properties For Epoxy Apps

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Understanding Optical Properties

for Epoxy Applications

What > Optical

Properties of Epoxy

Why > Index of

Refraction & Spectral

Transmission play a
critical role in
optoelectronic applications
involving epoxies

Optical or unfilled epoxy adhesives are commonly used for adhering various substrates,
encapsulating components and providing protective coatings in several optical
applications. They are found in optoelectronic devices for telecommunications, avionics,
satellites as well as scientific and medical instrumentation. Epoxy adhesives can provide
optical transparency and opacity. Optical epoxies provide structural integrity, while
resisting many types of environmental tests including: sterilization, elevated temperature
and humidity.

Two of the most important parameters to be considered in selecting an

optical epoxy are refractive index (Nd) and spectral transmission.

Index of Refraction (Nd)

Index of Refraction (sometimes referred to as Refractive Index) is
the measurement of the speed of light within a certain substance.
The value itself is expressed as the ratio of the speed of light in a
vacuum relative to the speed of light in the specific medium.
A common example of refractive index is a straw in a half-filled
glass of water. The straw appears to be bent or crooked,
due to the differing indicies of refraction of air versus water.
NOTE: Most epoxies have a refractive index ranging from 1.50 to 1.57.

Spectral Transmission
Spectral Transmission (%T) is an important property when selecting epoxy adhesives for
two reasons. First, in electro-optical circuits, light signals may be required to pass through
the epoxy glue joint interface. Secondly, spectral transmission of a substrate needs to be
fully understood in order to select the best UV curing epoxy adhesive. Not only does it
determine process methods and capabilities prior to curing, but also spectral transmission
generally will not be realized <400nm, after cure.
In order to select the best optical grade adhesive, users need to specify the %T
versus wavelength targets. As an example, it is common for a given epoxy to have a
characteristic of being infrared transparent, but visible light opaque. It is important to
remember that epoxies will not provide significant optical transmission <400nm, since
these are the absorption bands needed to cross-link the epoxy.

The Electro Magnetic Spectrum

Measurement of Optical Properties by Epoxy Technology

Index of Refraction
Index of refraction is measured using a refractometer, capable of room temperature measurements of liquid samples, at a
fixed wavelength only called the Sodium D line, or 589.3nm. As a general rule, Nd values increase by 0.03 upon curing.
For example, a data sheet listed value at 1.56 (wet) becomes 1.59 in its cured state, at 589nm. If the application of the
optical epoxy is for fiber optic telecomm, using NIR wavelengths of 1330nm or 1550nm, the Nd value will decrease with
increased wavelength, in a manner shown in the curve below.
Refractive Index vs Temperature for EPO-TEK OG142-87

Refractive Index vs Wavelength for EPO-TEK 301-2FL

Tip: As with increasing wavelength, an increase in

temperature will cause a decrease in Nd value.

Tip: As a general trend, Nd decreases with an increase

in wavelength.

Spectral Transmission
Spectral transmission values are determined using a UV-VIS Spectrophotometer that measures transmission intensity as a
function of the light source wavelength. The epoxy adhesive is applied as a coating onto a glass slide and cured according to
the data sheet. Specimen thickness is generally determined by the products overall viscosity, surface tension and wetting
forces and is recorded on the resulting %T spectrum curve. The cured product is then subjected to a light source (laser)
over 300nm 2500nm, providing a curve that shows how much the material absorbs or transmits the light at distinct
wavelengths. A reference sample of glass is also measured in order to subtract out the baseline curve resulting from the
glass slide.
Spectral Transmission Curve for EPO-TEK 301-2







Wavelength (nm)

Index of refraction and spectral transmission play a critical role in the increasing demands of
optoelectronic or photonic applications of today and the future.
For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:
[email protected] or www.epotek.com
DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. 14 Fortune Drive Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 [email protected]
Epoxy Technology Inc. 2012

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