Social Media Marketing Proposal
Social Media Marketing Proposal
Social Media Marketing Proposal
To create a branded online presence through the use of social media that will
allow NSVRC to:
Connect to a wider audience
Spread its message and agenda
Monitor online reputation and trends
Increase the availability and usage of online research materials
NSVRC already has an award-winning website with several RSS feeds. Together
they receive over a million hits each year. These elements will provide a strong
foundation for a social media campaign.
Despite its past success, the NSVRC website lacks approachability and
interactivity. Users who visit the site in search of information lack an easy way to
share their findings and dialog with others. They are encouraged to contact
NSVRC for more information, but do not know whom they are contacting or
when to expect a response. This anonymity is outdated and breeds mistrust,
especially in younger generations of internet users.
Because the issue of sexual violence is so sensitive, approachability and trust are
crucial to the NSVRC brand. A social media campaign with a strong human
presence will make NSVRC more approachable to the public by not only
removing anonymity, but also encouraging users to dialog and share their For demonstration purposes only. All rights reserved.
findings with others. It will make resources more accessible by distributing them in
a wider variety of venues and formats. Finally, it will provide an easy way to forge
alliances with other organizations.
Social media encompasses countless websites and platforms. NSVRC will be best
served by participating in the top three platforms: Facebook, YouTube and
Twitter: This microblogging platform allows users to make short, 140character posts, which are then displayed in a feed along with the posts
of other users to whom theyve subscribed. Here NSVRC can post factual
information, announce events and recent blog posts and interact with the
Twitter community. By monitoring relevant keywords and phrases, NSVRC
can also join conversations and suggest resources when appropriate.
NSVRC already has a wealth of resources that can easily be repurposed for use
on social media sites. Employees and volunteers will also be encouraged to take
candid photos and video of related events for online use.
If possible, NSVRC can designate two or three people to serve as online
spokespeople. These spokespeople will then create short videos and blog
posts reporting on recent news and research. Once edited for content and style,
this content will be distributed through the NSVRC blog and various social media
sites in a timely manner.
By repurposing existing documents and interlinking content between its various
social media accounts, NSVRC will be able to greatly broaden the impact of its
resources and generate the best possible exposure for minimal effort.
Content such as blog and Twitter posts can be approved ahead of time. Spokespeople
should, however, have the freedom to post short online comments, answer e-mails and
make referrals as they deem appropriate. (This may require creation of an ethics book
or some other document to guide individual responses.)
Ideally, each spokespersons voice will evolve over time so that readers become
familiar with his or her personality. One spokesperson may be outgoing and passionate
about prevention, for example, while another is more formal and academically
This will improve accessibility to NSVRC resources by helping visitors relate to the
spokespeople and feel comfortable contacting them for more information. More
importantly, it will brand NSVRC as the leading source of resources on sexual violence
and its prevention.
1. Group all NSVRC blogs into one, with current topics organized into separate
2. Create headshots and small profile pages for each spokesperson that describe
the nature of his or her involvement with NSVRC and several personal details, so
readers can identify with NSVRC and feel comfortable initiating dialog.
3. Make each spokesperson responsible for one to two blog posts a week (200 to
500 words each) that fall under one of the categories above (News,
Opportunities, Events and Resources), or:
Repurpose older content
Respond to issues in the news
Cover and comment on events
4. Each spokesperson will then approve and monitor the comments on his or her
blog posts, answering questions and initiating dialog among blog readers.
1. Designate one online spokesperson to write and schedule approximately three
posts (tweets) throughout each business day:
One tweet announcing an upcoming event
One tweet announcing new online content (blog posts, other resources)
One tweet announcing a statistic or fact about sexual violence
These tweets can be written and approved up to a month ahead of time if
2. This person will also monitor appropriate organizations and keywords, retweet
relevant content and respond to other Twitter users when appropriate.
1. Create a NSVRC Group page. List chosen spokespeople under Officers or
Admin section. (Personal pages can be set to private if desired.)
2. Designate one spokesperson to monitor wall comments and discussion board,
responding to or deleting comments when appropriate.
3. Link the blog RSS feed to Facebook so that blog posts appear on the NSVRC
Facebook page.
4. Update the calendar of events within Facebook. Consider using this as the
universal NSVRC online calendar to avoid confusion and multiple information
5. Upload photos, video clips and other media to the NSVRC group page as they
become available.
1. Whenever possible, have one person from NSVRC or Triple Strength film portions
of events relating to NSVRC and its mission using a Flip HD camcorder. (This will For demonstration purposes only. All rights reserved.
require a short lesson on how to use the Flip and what footage to capture.)
These clips can then be edited together with appropriate captions and/or
voice narration to provide a video overview.
2. Post edited videos on the NSVRC blog, YouTube channel and Facebook Group
page. Designate one spokesperson to approve and respond to comments left
by viewers.
3. Create videos to complement and reinforce the messages of NSVRCs textbased resources. These videos can exist in a series or on their own. NSVRC also
has the option to create interactive, Flash-based quizzes within the videos to
help viewers test their knowledge of subject matter.
4. Encourage others to embed the videos on their own web pages. Because
each video will be branded with NSVRCs logo, web address and contact
information, this will help brand NSVRC as an information leader. It will also help
spread its message to a broader audience.
News of Jaycee Dugards rescue stunned people across the nation this week: the 28year-old woman was found living in a makeshift tent in the backyard of Phillip Garrido
after being kidnapped and held captive for 18 years ago. The story, though disturbing,
provides a good reminder to educate children about the dangers of sexual predators.
In a 2006 study that examined 403 failed kidnappings, six of every 10 victims escaped
by fighting back. Ten percent of these victims were saved when another adult
intervened. (Source)
Adults can help keep children safe by teaching them to trust their instincts, and do
everything they can to escape a dangerous situation. Playing role-playing games can
help children prepare for these situations by presenting them with a broad range of
scenarios. Its helpful to emphasize that not all kidnappers seem scary they may look
and act perfectly normal.
Another good idea is to set rules with children about whose house they can visit, whose
car they can ride in, and where they can go in the neighborhood. Children should
never approach a car, no matter what the person inside says.
It may take some thought to teach children these messages without instilling
unnecesssary fear, but the importance of this education cant be underrated. For more
information, check out the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children or view
NSVRCs collection of resources on child sexual assault.