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Have very high standards for performance, which they apply to themselves

Value knowledge and competence above all else

Usually brilliant and ingenius INTPs also liked Social jobs the least of all typ
es. INTPs are just not people people
INTP leaders are most valuable in times where a group is crossing into a new fro
ntier; where there is continual upheaval and chaos that requires creative adapta
tion; where there is a complex system that must be managed efficiently; where ci
vil liberties are at stake; and where organizational change is required.
Singurul lucru care i trage n jos pe INTP-i este teama lor agitata ?i omniprezenta
de e?ec.
INTPs bring to the table is the ability to remain calm under pressure
Finally, despite being 99.999% sure of his conclusions, he kept in mind that .00
1% of doubt and said probably instead of yes.
INTPs tend to be democratic leaders, encouraging discussion and speaking with a
team-oriented "we."
Persoanele care au tipul de personalitate INTP nu sunt interesa?i n activita?i pr
actice, de zi cu zi, dar atunci cnd ntlnesc un mediu n care geniul lor creativ poate
fi exprimat, INTP-ii vor dedica timp ?i energie nemasurate pentru a dezvolta o
solu?ie eficienta ?i impar?iala.
The INTP has excellent long-range vision and can see things that others don t and
come up with solutions that are genuinely innovative.
When strategy components are involved in leadership, the INTP is the best kind o
f personality that can be placed into that kind of position.
INTPs dovedesc adesea inova?ii remarcabile
The INTP learns from experience, so the best way for the INTP to grow as a perso
n is to open him or herself to new experiences.
Realize your gift at mastering logical problems and situations, and give yoursel
f plenty of opportunities to exercise your abilities
INTP is superb at plate spinning, multi-tasking and remaining calm when the goin
g gets tough
INTPs are also the most likely to find learning environments to be highly stress
Under stress, they may show intense emotions that seem disproportionate to the s
His greatest asset is his ability to take this big, big dream and make other peo
ple believe it's true.
Ei vor arata aceasta evolu?ie prin agerimea lor de n?elegere, n a profita de noi c
The INTP's feeling of success depends upon their opportunities to exercise their
active mind, their opportunities to seek and find Truth, and the condition of t
heir relationships and extraverted life.

Seek first to understand, then to judge.

The act or process of using logic is rewarding to the INTP.
INTPs have extremely high standards of competence, they like things done correct
Difficult challenges and devising new ways of doing things stimulate the INTP an
d they will work tirelessly in such an environment to get things done and they w
ill require very little in the way of motivation or stroking.
Being micromanaged or having set tasks and deadlines would not work for the INTP
, as they need the freedom to think deeply and then to work in sporadic short bu
rsts of energy.
They need challenge and the opportunity to bring their brains to bear on complex
problems rather than ploughing through detail or the obvious. Environments whic
h set great store by everyone doing what they are told and management by rote wo
uld not suit the INTP.
they can contemplate and work on more complex issues at which they will excel at
finding the easiest route through complexity
They focus on things that interest them most putting off completing tasks until
the last minute as the routine bores them.
INTPs may struggle with small talk or indeed any talk that does not stimulate th
eir interest.
they can analyse and distil even the most complex problems and cut to the core o
f what needs to be done
quick and dirty

explanation is not easy for the INTP

INTPs also do not like structures or and prefer to work in their own way at thei
r own pace which is sporadic
They will not be motivated by someone saying, 'please,' or by emotional pleading
Rational argument, logic and intellectual theory are the routes to the heart of th
e INTP who will have no problem taking the hard decision, as long as it is the '
right' decision, one based on logic and evidence.
The simple, the obvious bores them and anything they see as trivial or unimporta
nt will be pushed away.
Blunt and to the point, the INTP will rarely let emotions get in the way and wil
l use logic and data to make their point. Those who are more emotional may find
them at such times a little cold and harsh.
As they are more deep and private the INTP will happily debate, using all their
intellectual and logical abilities, before withdrawing back to their own world,
not hard feelings, no feelings at all, it was a chat.
the INTP will come to the fore at analysing problems and evaluating ideas using
their superb judgement and serious, unemotional nature to ensure the team makes
balanced decisions.

Imagina?i-va un mecanism al unui ceas imens ?i complicat, ce ia n considerare fie

care fapt ?i idee posibile, procesndu-le cu o doza semnificativa de ra?ionament c
reativ ?i ob?innd cele mai logice rezultate posibile
n acest mod func?ioneaza min?
ile INTP-ilor, iar acest tip are foarte pu?ina toleran?a pentru o cheie franceza
emo?ionala ce le bruiaza ma?inariile.
INTPs live in the world of theoretical possibilities. They see everything in ter
ms of how it could be improved, or what it could be turned into.
examine the logic of his own arguments in real time while speaking them out
may seem brash and tactless, but for themselves it is part of their way of getti
ng closer to the truth
He is therefore happy to be seen as somewhat eccentric, innovative and perceptiv
his goals are invariably highly individualistic
He must become the composer, the solo performer, the genius scientist who makes
the unique discovery
With an INTP it is either all or nothing
Do not feel threatened by criticism or conflict
Humour is another aspect which marks out the INTP. He can readily dream up jokes
about almost any situation.
The preference for intuitive perception means that INTPs dislike having their li
ves planned
a planned schedule inhibits and robs the INTP of freedom
INTPs preference for intuitive perception (rather than action) with respect to p
eople results in them resembling a chameleon. A jolly person will quickly bring
the INTP out of his shell, as much as that is possible, while a serious person w
ill find a serious INTP looking back at him. The chameleon behaviour can be part
icularly strong when discussing something.
it may be to avoid early conflict before the situation has been fully assessed.
Introductory greetings such as "how are you?" may just be given and received wit
h nonchalant disinterest.
They are skeptical and need solid facts to be convinced,
One-to-one conversation is preferred in almost every situation
An INTPs ideal is to provide all the ideas for a project and have a charismatic
leader, who agrees with him, carry them out
For this reason, INTPs are fascinated by computer technology as well as the Inte
rnet which gives him a voice that he would not otherwise have.
Ultimately, INTPs tend to trust machines more than they trust people and may fee
l particularly at home in the realm of cybernetics.
INTPs take such science fiction series extremely seriously, showing the great re
lative importance attached to the world of ideas

General role models for INTPs are individualistic, creative and perhaps enigmati
c people. Innovative free-thinkers who follow their own new paths are usually gr
eatly respected.
Famous historical figures who attract the INTP's greatest respect are scientists
, composers, inventors and, in society, revolutionary leaders and noble visionar
ies who bring about major change.
The INTP always tries to get a feel for the big picture, using his Ne, and habit
ually ignores all detail.
INTPs are always so mentally active that they continually delve into new interes
The interests of an INTP would be enough to occupy him for several lifetimes if
that were possible.
INTPs tend to resist being forced to make quick decisions
INTPs detest irrational emotion above all things.
INTPs never like doing something until they know they can do it.
His typical response to helplessness is to hate the world which has produced it.
INTPs make very poor leaders, for they depend too much on the attitudes of other
On the other hand, they can make very good assistants to leaders, provided they
and the leader are of one mind, for their perceptive analysis can give the leade
rship useful insights which they may overlook, being too busy with leading.

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