Figure 1
BUD versus S&P500
What makes BUDs stock market performance particularly remarkable is the fact
that there has been no real growth in the companys product market: from 1990 to 2000,
the domestic demand for beer has been essentially flat. Furthermore, as of 1996, only
about 5% of BUDs volume beer sales were outside the U.S. (5.1 million barrels foreign
This paper was written while Shockley was Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance at the Olin School of
Business, Washington University in St. Louis; it is based on a term paper submitted by Patrick Hatcher,
Ryan Olsta and Monika Paranjape (all Olin MBA 2001).
Source: Center for Research in Securities Pricing, University of Chicago.
out of 96 million barrels worldwide). Yet 1996 marked the beginning of a period of
substantial value creation for the company. Between 1996 and 1998, BUDs invested
capital grew by about $1.9 billion, while its enterprise value grew by around $13.4
How did BUD create $11.5 billion in market value added over only three years?
Using data from Stern Stewart & Co.s annual publications, we estimated the value of
BUDs assets in place (the capitalized present value of its current EVA) and the value
of its growth options between 1996 and 1998. Our estimates are shown in the table
under Figure 2. 2
Figure 2
Anheuser-Busch Enterprise Value
Millions of $US
Growth Options
Growth Options
Option %
Over the period, the value of BUDs assets-in-place grew only slightly in excess
of invested capital an observation that reflects the low growth in BUDs existing
market. The real value creation is found in the companys generation of nearly $10
The data for these calculations come from Stern Stewart & Co., which estimates the firms yearly EVA,
MVA, WACC and invested capital. The assets-in-place value is capital invested plus the present value of
EVAs taken in perpetuity (using the WACC as the discount rate), and the growth options value is MVA
minus PV of EVA. Enterprise value is capital invested plus MVA.
billion worth of growth options. What are these growth options, and how did the
company create them so quickly?
major European brewing concerns were establishing joint ventures with some of the same
South American companies.
Why would BUD want to buy small equity stakes in markets where the risks
were very high and the payoffs uncertain? We view the equity purchase/JV strategy as a
technique for creating real options on larger scale investment in these foreign countries,
and we believe that a substantial portion of the $11 billion growth option value achieved
by BUD can be explained by their creation of these options.
committing huge sums of capital. In other words, the equity/JV investments have given
BUDs management the ability to refine their understanding of these markets and the
flexibility to condition their investment strategy on what is learned.
Take, for example, BUDs $4 million investment in return for a 4.4% stake of
CCU in Argentina in 1996. For a very small sum of money, BUD has been allowed to
test the waters and see whether or not the Chilean/Argentine market is worth a multibillion dollar capital investment. As we will show below, the ex-ante NPV of a
brewing/distribution facility in Argentina and Chile was probably negative in 1995.
Nevertheless, the equity/JV investment may have created value many times its cost, due
to the flexibility that it produced.
Figure 3
Purchase 4%
of CCU for
$4mm and
establish JV.
Spend $2.5 billion to
buy/develop business.
Do nothing.
Value of Best
Investment Decision
Figure 4
2002 Value of "Learning" Strategy
This is, of course, the payoff diagram of a call option. In this sense, BUDs learning
strategy can be viewed as a call option on a fully-developed brewing/distribution business
in the Argentina/Chile market, with a strike price equal to the required capital investment.
By investing in CCU, BUD can learn the 2002 value of the business before making the
investment decision. Thanks to the 1995 investments, BUD now has the right, but not the
obligation, to invest several billion dollars in Argentina and Chile in 2002.
So we can estimate the value of BUDs new Argentina/Chile strategy by
valuing the option that the CCU JV has created. As we will show below, the value of the
strategy is substantially greater than the $4 million cost of the equity stake in CCU even
under very conservative assumptions.
(admittedly) uninformed estimates. Our point is not to place a specific value on BUDs
investment in CCU, but rather provide a framework that explains some of the recent
value creation in the company and gives the reader a general outline of how one
approaches these types of valuation problems.
The first step in working through any real option valuation is determining what
the underlying asset actually is, and then determining the value of that asset if we were to
commit to the investment immediately. The underlying asset is always what you get if
you exercise the option. Here, exercising the option is the act of building out complete
and full-blown brewing and distribution capacity in Argentina. So the underlying asset is
a fully-built brewing and distribution business in Argentina.
We will need to make some assumptions about the timing of the future investment
decision and about the future cost of building out a full-blown brewing and distribution
operation. The JV agreement allows BUD to increase its investment in CCU to 20% by
the end of 2002. We view this as a clue provided by BUDs management about the
expected amount of time required to learn about the Argentine market, and hence we set
the exercise date on the real option at 2002 (or seven years out).
This implies that the underlying asset is a fully-built brewing and distribution
business in 2002.
But, in order to place a value on the real option, we need to know the
value of the underlying asset as of 1995 the date that the option is initiated. To do this,
one simply asks the following question: if BUD were to have committed, in 1995, to
exerce the option in 2002, what would have been the present value of the business?
What this calls for is a static discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, which we
present below. To avoid complications involving nominal cash flows in Argentine
Pesos, weve decided to perform the analysis in nominal U.S. Dollar terms. The first step
was to calculate the PV of operating cash flows expected to be generated by the new
enterprise in 2002, using only the information known in 1995. The second step was to
discount this 2002 value back to 1995 using the appropriate cost of capital.4
If investment were made in 2002, we assumed that the initial facilities would
take one year to build, and distribution of the product would begin at that time.
Production would grow quickly through 2005 as more facilities would be added. The
complete strategy would take until 2013 to complete, and we estimated the 2002 nominal
present value of the entire fixed capital commitment would be $2.5 billion. Working
capital requirements were estimated to be 6% of sales, based on BUDs existing US
1995 beer sales in Argentina totaled 10,151 thousand barrels (BUDs standard
unit of measurement). Volume demand for beer was expected to grow at a 2.4% rate per
year indefinitely. The 1995 price of BUDs Argentine product was estimated to be
$135.37 per barrel, which is based on actual 1995 prices for CCU products with a 15%
premium added -- and this price was estimated to rise at 3% per year.5
Given what BUD knew in 1995, a new brewing operation would sell an estimated
400,000 barrels in Argentina in 2003. Sales were estimated to follow a three-stage
growth model, with increases of 116% per year in 2004 and 2005, then 15% per year
through 2013, and at the market growth rate of 2.4% per year thereafter.
It is very important to perform the analysis only using the information that BUD had as of 1995. These
should be unconditional estimates: that is, they must simply describe the situation in which BUD would
expect to find itself if it immediately commits to the 2002 investment. They should not be success path
estimates, or estimates of the value of the business conditional upon the actual exercise of the option.
We assumed that BUD would price its product as a premium brand. According to industry reports, BUD
is breaking with its American marketing strategy as the beer of neighborhood taverns and aiming to
become the beer of sushi bars and nouvelle cuisine restaurants in South America. Wall Street Journal,
2/20/1997, page B1.
Making these assumptions (and others listed in Table 1), we came up with a
static valuation of the 2002 decision shown in Table 2.
Table 1
Demand Assumptions
1995 Domestic Demand
Demand Growth Rate
BUD 2003 Volume (000 bbl)
BUD Growth % 2003 - 2005
BUD Growth % 2006 - 2013
Perpetual Growth Post 2013
Price per Barrel (real 1995 $)
Price Inflation Rate
% of Sales Op. Assumptions
Gost of Goods Sold
General and Administrative
Working Capital Requirement
Investment Assumptions
2002 Cost of Asset
Depreciation Life of Asset
Other Assumptions
Tax Rate
Table 2
$68,593 $152,606 $339,518 $402,158 $476,357 $564,245 $668,348 $791,658 $937,719 $1,110,728 $1,315,657
70,199 156,178 184,993 219,124 259,552 307,440 364,163 431,351
85,744 101,564 120,303 142,498 168,789
100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
71,488 103,128 140,605 184,997 237,579
87,175 114,698 147,299
100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
72,062 113,780 127,762 144,323 163,939 187,175 214,698 247,299
2002 NPV
1995 NPV
The interpretation of Table 2 is this: given what BUD knew in 1995, the Argentina/Chile
project would not be value-creating in 2002 (in fact, it would destroy about $3.5 million
in 2002 value, or $1.8 million in 1995 value). This is why the option is important: the
small investment in CCU gives BUD the ability to observe the demand for BUD products
before committing the billions of dollars of capital for brewing, packaging and
distribution facilities.
The importance of this analysis is that it gives us the 1995 value of the
underlying asset. The underlying, as noted earlier, is what you have if you exercise the
option, and (in this case) that is a fully-operating brewing facility. So in a real options
sense, the value of the underlying is the present value of the free cash flows from
operations. And we would offer one caveat here When calculating the value of the
underlying, do not subtract the investment cash flows those are accounted for in the
strike price, and are paid only if the growth option is exercised. The 2002 expected value
of the underlying is $2.497 billion; and when we discount that value back 7 years at
9.9%, the 1995 value of the underlying is $1.289 billion.
Weve settled on two parameters of the option analysis so far: the starting value
of the underlying asset ($1.289 billion) and the time-to-exercise of the option (7 years).
The final items to estimate are the strike price on the option, the risk-free rate of return,
and the volatility of the underlying asset. The strike price on the option, which will be
incurred in 2002, is the capital commitment required in 2002 to build a entire facility. So
this is the 2002 nominal $ value of the investing cash flows, or $2.5 billion (as mentioned
earlier). Since we are working in US$ nominals, we assume a US$ risk-free rate of return
of 7%.
The final piece of the puzzle is the volatility of the underlying. From the
perspective of financial options, the volatility represents the magnitude and probability of
changes in the true value of the underlying over a period of time. That is, we know the
current value of the stock, but we dont know its future value. As time goes by, we watch
the value of the stock as it evolves and approaches its expiration date value. What is
unknown a priori is the exercise-date value of the stock, and our expectation about this
value is modeled as a process that converges smoothly on its final value as timepasses.
In stock options, the volatility estimate hence represents a probability distribution of how
our knowledge of the terminal value of the stock can change from the beginning date until
the exercise date.
The interpretation changes only slightly when dealing with real options. In the
real options perspective, we dont know the true current (1995) value of the underlying
(a fully-built brewing and distribution facility); all we have is a noisy estimate ($1.289
billion). But as time goes by, we will learn progressively more about the true 2002 value
of the asset, and our understanding of its value will converge to a point estimate as time
approaches the exercise date (2002). Thus, in the real options perspective, the volatility
parameter is a description of how much we dont know, or how wrong our initial estimate
could be.6
This is exactly why real options are valuable they allow us to learn and so
Since the BUD project can be viewed as a simple European Call, (i.e., having a
single exercise date), we can use the well-known Black-Scholes (1973) formula for the
price of an option.7 The Black-Scholes model for the value of a call option is
C = S N (d1 ) Xe rT N (d 2 ) , where
ln S + r + .5 2 T
d1 =
ln S + r .5 2 T
d2 =
and N () is the cumulative unit normal density. S is the starting value of the underlying,
( ) (
( ) (
X is the strike price, r is the annual risk-free rate of return, is the return volatility of
the underlying, and T is the number of years until expiration of the option.
Substituting the parameters assumed above and using Microsoft Excels
=normsdist( ) function to evaluate N () , we find that the value of the option on the
Argentina strategy is about $390 million, even though the static NPV of the strategy is
negative. In other words, the small $4.4 million investment in CCU has created a
business strategy with a 1995 value of around $390 million. The reason that this is so
valuable in comparison with the static analysis is that BUD will invest the $2.5 billion
after observing the true value of the enterprise.
The authors do not recommend that practitioners use the Black-Scholes model. The Black-Scholes model
gives a very precise answer to a very precise question (the value of a European Call), but does not provide
the flexibility to address valuations where there are multiple options, sequential options, or timing
decisions. Our preference is for the binomial model (as developed in most option pricing texts), as we find
that very few real-world real options are simple European Calls. We use the Black-Scholes here to
streamline the presentation.
This helps to explain a couple of things. First of all, a part of the growth option
value that has been created by BUD arose simply because BUD management has been
able to create real options that are worth more than they cost (here, the cost of creating
the real option was only $4.4 million). Furthermore, as BUD learns more about the
potential value of the Argentina/Chile business, the option value can change quite
rapidly. Suppose, for example, that during the first two years of the JV, BUD learns that
the 2003 estimated volume sales is 500 thousand barrels (rather than the 400 thousand
barrels assumed in the original analysis). At that point, there would be five years
remaining to exercise the option, and (holding all other assumptions fixed) the value of
the underlying would be about $1.9 billion and the value of the option would jump to
$632 million!
Before we move on, we would like to make one further point. A very common
misconception among practitioners (and more than a few academics) is that a strategic
option such as the one discussed above cannot be valued by standard option-pricing
techniques because the underlying is an untraded asset, and hence a hedge portfolio
cannot be formed. This objection is completely mistaken. The only economic
assumptions necessary for legitimate application of option pricing techniques to nontraded assets are 1) that the financial market is arbitrage-free and complete, and 2) that
the new corporate investment is not large enough to change aggregate consumption in a
material way. These are the same assumptions that are required for value-maximization
to be the appropriate goal of the firm and for the NPV rule to be the proper investment
criterion. In other words, the assumptions necessary for real options valuation are
already being made in standard corporate capital budgeting practice.8
Volatility Estimate
For a more thorough review of this topic, see R. Shockley, The Economic Foundations of Capital
Budgeting, the NPV Rule, and the Real Options Model, Indiana University working paper, 2001.
Notice that at very low volatility estimates, the option has no value. This can be best
understood by recalling the notion of volatility in the real options context: volatility
represents how wrong our current estimates could possibly be. If the volatility estimate is
low, it means we have a great deal of confidence in our estimate of the value of the
strategy hence there is very little to be gained by learning. We have already determined
that the project has negative NPV if viewed completely statically and this means that if
we learn nothing new between 1995 and 2002, we wont invest. But as volatility
increases, the strategy appears more valuable. The more uncertain the world, the more
we gain from learning before investing. Volatility captures that uncertainty, and the
option price reflects the potential value of learning.
Because the valuation depends critically on the volatility assumption, wed like to
spend a few paragraphs discussing an intuitively useful way to think about it. In financial
option pricing, volatility is the annual standard deviation of returns (or changes in value
from the valuation date until the exercise date). The volatility estimate actually describes
a normal distribution of percentage price changes. It is generally easier to think in terms
of values (as opposed to returns), and the assumption of normality of returns implies an
assumption of lognormality of terminal values.
The Black-Scholes model gives us an easy way of mapping from the volatility
estimate into managements subjective view of the world in particular, its broad
assessment of the probabilities that specific future values will or will not be exceeded. If
we know the required rate of return on the underlying asset (which, in our example, is
the 9.9% cost of capital for BUDs Argentina/Chile strategy), we can define a new
d2 | Z =
( Z ) + ( .5 ) T ,
ln S
where Z is some arbitrary 2002 value of the free cash flows on the business and all other
variables are defined as before. By doing this, the quantity N d 2 | Z gives us the
cumulative probability9 that the 2002 value of the business is greater than or equal to Z
under the managers subjective probability assessment. For example, a manager is likely
to want to understand the models built-in assessment of the probability that the option
will be exercised in 2002. To find this, simply set Z equal to the strike price on the
option ($2.5 billion), set equal to the cost of capital on the project (9.9%), and maintain
all of the other inputs. This gives us d2 | Z = .42973 , and N ( .42973) = .333 . The
interpretation: given what was known in 1995, the 35% volatility assumption implies
that there is about a one-in-three chance that the Argentina/Chile investment will be made
in 2002.
This is very useful in helping management gain an intuitive understanding of the
volatility estimate. Management may have some intuition about a reasonable best case
scenario and its likelihood, or even a reasonable lower bound. By working through
what the volatility estimate implies about the likelihoods of these outcomes, management
can focus the volatility estimate through an iterative process.
In the Black-Scholes model, N(d2) gives the probability that the option will be exercised under the riskneutral probability measure. In option pricing methodology, the change of measure is necessary in order
to get around the impossibility of knowing the required rate of return on the option. By substituting the
subjective drift ( -.52 ) for the term (r - .52) in d2, one can state the probability that the option is
actually exercised (i.e. the probability, under the managers subjective measure, that the terminal value of
the underlying exceeds the strike price). This can be repeated for different strike prices Z to get the
cumulative probability that the underlying ends up exceeding Z. Please note that if is the expected
(arithmetic) return on the underlying asset, then ( -.52 ) is the assets expected log (geometric) return. A
discussion of equivalent martingale measure to this effect can be found in S. Neftci, An Introduction to the
Mathematics of Financial Derivatives 2nd edition (New York: Academic Press, 2000) p. 351.
For example, BUD management might believe that the best case scenario might
be a 2003 volume demand of 500,000 barrels at a price of $150/bbl (with the same
growth assumptions), a 40% cost of goods sold and a 15% G&A expense. Together,
these assumptions imply a $4 billion business value in 2002 (before the capital
expenditure). The 35% volatility assumption implies that
Figure 6
35% Volatility of Returns Assumption
This probability is simply one minus the cumulative distribution function. For those
more comfortable with the marginal density, the above figure can be presented to
demonstrate the lognormality of the underlying asset (as shown in Figure 7):10
Figure 7
35% Volatility of Returns Assumption
On request, the authors will be happy to demonstrate how this lognormal distribution of values can be
generated from the estimates of mean return and volatility of returns in a simple Excel spreadsheet.
Figure 8
Volatility and Probability
Volatility = 20%
Volatility = 50%
The market valuation of most firms cannot be explained by the present values of
their current free cash flows. The present value of growth options future opportunities
to invest in positive NPV projects represents a substantial fraction of the value of many
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. created about $11.5 billion in market value
added for investors between 1996 and 1998. Of that amount, only a very small amount is
attributable to increases in the value of their assets in place; nearly $10 billion is
accounted for by the growth options created or expanded by the company during that
period. We show that BUDs small joint venture investments in growing markets are
actually investments in information information that will be used to make better
investment decisions at a later date.
Investments in information are investments that create options, and we show that
BUDs $4.4 million investment in a JV in Argentina and Chile is worth many times that
amount when one recognizes the option value that the investment creates. Further, we
show how management can build an intuitive understanding of the volatility estimate that
so critically drives option valuation. We hope that this simple case study will help
managers in identifying, valuing, and managing their own strategic investments.
TOM ARNOLD is Assistant Professor of Finance at the E. J. Ourso College of Business
Admistration at Louisiana State University.
RICHARD SHOCKLEY is Assistant Professor of Finance and Ford Motor Company
Teaching Fellow of Finance at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.